PROJECT NAME: Arches' @ Boynton Beach
LOCATION: Multiple
I FILE NO.: HTEX 03-001
Exce tion
OWNER: Contract Purchaser (Multiple
Nancy C. Graham-Urban Principles, LLC
PHONE: 561-832-6908
FAX: 561-832-2864
ADDRESS: 319 Clematis S.
West Palm Beach, FL 3340
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February 28,2003
Mr. Mike Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
City Hall, West Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Re: The Arches - Request for Height Exception
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The Applicant, Boynton Ventures 1, LLC, through its designated agent, Nancy C.
Graham, has filed simultaneously with this Request for Height Exception, an Application
for Site Plan Review for a mixed-use high intensity development known as "The Arches
at Boynton Beach" ("The Arches").
The Arches project consists of276 residential condominium units, 56,500 square feet of
retail/restaurant/office and 669 off-street parking spaces (634 spaces in parking garage
and 35 surface parking spaces). The Arches also contains a number of public and private
plaza and courtyard spaces as depicted on the Site Plan.
The MU-H zoning classification allows a height of 150 feet for all buildings/structures
and a height of75 feet for parking structures. In order to provide for a more interesting,
pedestrian oriented urban development and to allow more public open space in the public
plazas, the Applicant has varied the heights of the buildings in Blocks I and II, with the
highest being 149 feet (a 1 O-story building with a ground floor area of 13,014 square feet
representing 8% of the total site area), with one three-street building of 47 feet, a five-
story building of 70 feet, an 8-story building of 100 feet and a seven-story parking garage
of75 feet. Accordingly, the Applicant has attempted not to maximize the various
building heights.
In order to compete with suburban residential and other urban mixed-use developments in
the market on these types of high intensity mixed-use urban projects it is necessary to
provide amenities to the residents such as clubrooms, swimming pool, pool summer
house, pool deck, etc. The most common and cost efficient place to provide most of
these residential amenities is on the top floor of the parking structure. This also prevents
residents from having to look down on the top of a large parking structure by providing a
much more visually attractive top of the parking structure.
319 CLEMATIS STREET, SUITE 512 · WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 · OFFICE 561-832-6908 · FAX 561-832-2864
Mr. Mike Rumpf
February 28, 2003
Page No. Two
The Applicant seeks to construct a 15,246 recreational roof deck on the top floor ofthe
parking garage that will include a swimming pool, pool deck area, pool clubhouse,
restrooms, and electrical and mechanical support systems. While the actual roof deck
and swimming pool would be within the 75' height limit, it is necessary to obtain a height
variance to accommodate the pool clubhouse, restrooms, electrical and mechanical
support systems, required life safety fence for the swimming pool, and a privacy screen
wall around the top of the garage.
Specifically, the Applicant seeks a height exception for the following:
1. A 15-foot enclosure wall for supporting the facilities of the recreational area
atop the garage structure that includes the clubhouse, restrooms and electrical
and mechanical support systems. The total amount of the area needed for the
15- foot enclosure is approximately 22% of the roof deck recreational area.
2. An 8-foot privacy screen wall around the perimeter of the top floor of the
parking garage to provide for the safety and protection of the residents who
will be using the recreational roof deck area so that they are not in danger of
falling off, particularly if there are children using the swimming pool. The
Applicant will provide some landscape along the privacy screen wall areas if
the City desires as a condition of the requested exception.
The Applicant requests the requested height exception be approved based on the
following standards:
1. The height exception will not have an adverse effect on the proposed
land use of MU-H for The Arches project. In fact, failure to obtain the
requested height exception will have an adverse effect if the project
were not able to accommodate the recreational roof deck on the top
floor of the garage for the residential tenants. The roof top amenities
will not be able to be seen from the street or ground level by the
general public. With the exception of the requested 8-foot privacy
screen wall, the other rooftop amenities such as the swimming pool,
clubhouse, mechanical and electrical support systems, and restrooms
will not be visible from the street level at all, and will only be visible
by residential tenants on floors 8 through 10 of the residential
2. The requested height exceptions are necessary in order to provide the
amenities to the residential tenants, provide for the life safety and
protection of the tenants on the recreational roof deck area on the top
floor of the parking garage by the privacy screen wall. It is extremely
Mr. Mike Rumpf
February 28,2003
Page No. Three
difficult and not cost effective to place the swimming pool and
recreational area on top of any of the other buildings. While the
recreational amenity could have been placed in Block I in a large
private courtyard area, to do so would have prevented the Applicant
from providing the large public plaza area which the City wanted to
have within the project.
3. The height exception will not severely reduce the light and air in
adjacent areas. By keeping the other buildings within The Arches
lower than the height allowed in MU-H zoning, the Applicant has
provided much more light and air within the development than would
otherwise exist. This reduction, in turn, provides for more light and air
in areas adjacent to The Arches.
4. The height exception will not be a deterrent to the improvement or
development of adjacent properties in accord with existing regulations.
The adjacent properties are within the redevelopment areas designated
by the Community Redevelopment Agency's Plan and will ultimately
be redeveloped in accordance with the MU-H and MU-L Zoning
Ordinance recently adopted by the City of Boynton Beach.
5. The height exception will not adversely affect property values in
adjacent areas. The development of The Arches in accordance with the
Site Plan Application with the requested height exceptions, will have
an extremely positive and beneficial affect on surrounding property
values by increasing those values and making the properties more
valuable for redevelopment purposes.
6. The height exception will not adversely influence living conditions in
the neighborhood.
7. The approval of the height exception will not constitute a grant of a
special privilege to the Applicant as contrasted with the pubic welfare.
Adjacent property owners will be free to apply for any height
exceptions, if any, as may be necessary for the development of their
property. The public welfare will be benefited by the development of
The Arches and its necessary amenities by virtue of the redevelopment
within the CRA boundaries as envisioned by the City.
The Arches is the first project to file for Site Plan Review under the City's new MU-H
zoning classification, as well as the first mixed-use residential, retail/restaurant/office
project as envisioned under that Ordinance. It is critical to the success of the residential
portion ofthe project that the necessary amenities be developed in order to be
Mr. Mike Rumpf
February 28, 2003
Page No. Four
competitive in the market. Based upon the justifications set forth above, the Applicant
believes that sufficient evidence has been presented to justify the need for the requested
height exceptions set forth herein.
Thank you for your attention to and processing of this request for height exception.