AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 August 2, 2005 July 18,2005 (Noon.) 0 October 5, 2005 September 19,2005 (Noon) ~ August 16, 2005 August 1, 2005 (Noon) 0 October 18,2005 October 3, 2005 (Noon) 0 September 6, 2005 August 15,2005 (Noon) 0 November 1,2005 October 17,2005 (Noon) 0 September 20, 2005 September 6, 2005 (Noon) 0 November 15, 2005 October 31, 2005 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF ~ Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 Pub lie Hearing 0 Legal 0 Bids 0 UnfInished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please plaee this request on the August 16, 2005 City Commission Agenda under Consent Agenda. The Community Redevelopment Agency Board reeommended that the subjeet request be approved on August 9,2005, subjeet to deletion of conditions #69, #71 and #76, and ehanges to conditions #70, #72 and #75 to remove the requirement for an "interactive" fountain (#70), reduee heights of the raised planters to 24" (#72) and omit the requirement for offiee and retail uses along 4th Street (#75). For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-142. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Arches (MSPM 05-008) Bonnie Miskel, Esq., Kim Glas-Castro, AICP, Ruden MeClosky Boynton Ventures I, LLC Southwest comer ofOeean Avenue and Federal Highway Request major site plan modifieation approval for the construction of a large scale mixed- use project consisting of 378 dwelling units and 38,599 square feet of retail on :t4.68 acres in the Mixed Use-High (MU-H) zoning distriet. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature 2l.) ~ Planning and oning Direetor City Attorney I Finance I Human Resourees S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ARCHES @ BB\MSPM 05{)08\Agenda Item Request Arches MSPM 05-008 8-I6-05.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-142 STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission Michael RumPfP-~ Planning and Zoning Director t THRU: DATE: August 4, 2005 PROJECT NAME/NO: The Arches / MSPM 05-008 REQUEST: Major Site Plan Modification PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: Boynton Ventures I, LLC Applicant: Boynton Ventures I, LLC Agent: Ms. Bonnie Miskel and Ms. Kim Glas-Castro with Ruden McClosky Location: Southwest corner of Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway(Exhibit "A") Existing Land Use: Mixed Use (MX) Mixed Use Core (MX-C) Existing Zoning: Central Business District (CSD) Mixed Use High (MU-H) Proposed Land Use: Mixed Use Core (MX-C) Proposed Zoning: Mixed Use High (MU-H) Proposed Uses: Retail: 40,596 square feet Residential: 1 bedroom (240 units) 2 bedroom (138 units) Acreage: 4.688 acres (204,208 square feet) Adjacent Uses: North: Right-of-way for Ocean Avenue and farther north are developed properties zoned Central Business District (CBD); Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 2 South: Right-of-way for Southeast 2nd Avenue and farther south is a developed commercial plaza zoned Community Commercial (C-3); East: Right-of-way for Federal Highway and father east is developed commercial properties zoned CBD; and West: Right-of-way for Southeast 4th Street and still farther west is developed commercial properties zoned CBD. PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION Owners of properties within 400 feet of the subject conditional use were mailed a notice of this request and its respective hearing dates. The applicant certifies that they posted signage and mailed notices in accordance with Ordinance No. 04-007. BACKGROUND Proposal: Boynton Ventures I, LLC assembled many lots within two city blocks in order to develop a large scale mixed use project. The subject property is located within Study Area III of the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan and a portion was previously approved for a rezoning (LUAR 03-003), from Central Business District (CBD) to Mixed-Use High (MU-H). In addition, the property was also approved for a site plan (NWSP 03-002) consisting of three (3) buildings ranging from three (3) stories to 10 stories in height. The previously approved site plan contained 276 dwelling units, 24,296 square feet of retail, 18,169 square feet of office, and 12,699 square feet of restaurant use. It should be noted that a portion of an alley on Block 7 was previously abandoned (ABAN 03-002) to accommodate the aforementioned uses. The project represented the second "mixed-use" type of development within the MU-H zoning district at the time of its approval. Since then, Boynton Ventures I, LLC acquired additional property on Block 7 on the Original Town of Boynton plat. As such, the applicant is now requesting a major site plan modification in order to construct a total of 378 dwelling units and 40,596 square feet of retail, which could include office and restaurant uses. This modification represents an increase in the retail area by 16,300 square feet and an overall increase in the number of dwelling units by 102 units. However, the office and restaurant uses have been eliminated from the plans; although a future conversion between the uses is probable. Regardless, the total "commercial" area has been reduced by 14,568 square feet. Approval of the site plan will be contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request for land use amendment / rezoning (LUAR 05-008). The recently acquired property would require the Mixed Use-Core (MX-C) land use and Mixed Use-High (MU-H) zoning. In order to attain higher residential density and achieve better project cohesiveness, the applicant submitted three (3) separate requests to abandon several adjoining rights-of-way (i.e. sidewalks, alleys, and streets). They are itemized as follows: ABAN 05-005, is for the remaining portion of Southeast 1st Place ( 0.057-acres), ABAN 05-004, would abandon Southeast 1st Avenue (0.308- acres), and ABAN 05-006, would abandon the sidewalks along Southeast 4th Street, Southeast 2nd Avenue, and East Ocean Avenue (0.221-acres). It should be noted Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 3 that these abandonment requests will be reviewed by the Board and City Commission at a later date. However, staff does not support the abandonment of the sidewalks (ABAN 05-006). The reasons for this position are as follows: Abandoning public sidewalks to benefit a property owner is contrary to standard procedure and will set a precedent that will be sought by other property owners / developers desiring increased density. This becomes problematic because abandoning sidewalks to increase project density is contrary to the standard methodology used by city staff and others conducting planning studies on growth projections. To allow the abandonment of sidewalks (en masse) in order to attain increased residential densities will cause complications related to comprehensive planning, long-range traffic analysis, and infrastructure needs / assessment. The land area of the sidewalks to be abandoned would amount to 9,640 square feet (0.221 acres). At 80 dwelling units per acre, this translates to a reduction in 18 dwelling units. The plans would have to be revised to reduce the number of dwelling units from 378 to 360 units (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). ANALYSIS Concurrency: Traffic: Generally, a project's anticipated traffic is generated by two factors, namely the proposed use and its intensity. Intensity is typically measured by the proposed building area (in square feet). This project's traffic study was sent to Palm Beach County Traffic Division for their review and approval. The Traffic Division determined that the proposed mixed-use project is located within the designated Boynton Beach Traffic Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA), and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards (TPS) of Palm Beach County. However, no building permits are to be issued by the city after the build-out date (2010). The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the TPS Ordinance (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). Utilities: The purchase of up to 5 million gallons of potable water per day from Palm Beach County Utilities would supply potable water for this project (projected to a total of 125,000 gallons per day). Local piping and infrastructure improvements may be required for the project, dependent upon the final project configuration and fire- flow demands. These local improvements would be the responsibility of the site developer and would be reviewed at the time of permitting. Sufficient sanitary sewer and wastewater treatment capacity is currently available to seNe the project total of 125,000 gallons per day, subject to the applicant making a firm reseNation of capacity, following approval of the site plan (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). Drainage: Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review. All South Florida Water Management District permits and other drainage related permits must be submitted at time of building permit (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 4 Police/Fire: Police and Fire review is pending and will be presented by staff if available at the time of the City Commission hearing. School: Driveways: The proposed project is located within the School District of Palm Beach County Concurrency Service Area (CSA) #19. The District determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the projected resident children. The proposed development is considered a large-scale mixed-use project that would encompass two (2) full city blocks. The project can be characterized by "urban / infill" development whereby front building setbacks are minimal and off- street parking is relegated to a subordinate role. The plans show that an interior parking garage would provide for the majority of off-street parking spaces, which is intentionally proposed to be located to the "rear" of the project (along Southeast 4th Street). Also, the project is not proposing traditional driveways and surface parking lots like "suburban"-type of projects (where driveways connect to off-street parking located in front of the buildings). Conversely, this project proposes only one surface parking lot. This lot would be cradled between the buildings and virtually unseen from the adjacent rights-of-way. This at-grade parking lot would have two (2) points of ingress / egress and contain only eight (8) parking spaces. The project proposes three (3) driveway openings. The main point of ingress / egress is proposed along Federal Highway. Both the ingress and egress lanes would be 14 feet in width, separated by a seven (7)-foot wide landscaped median. The egress lane would allow for right-turn only traffic movements onto Federal Highway. An alternate point of ingress / egress is proposed along Southeast 4th Street. This opening would be 24 feet in width and would allow for left and right turn (south and north) traffic movements onto Southeast 4th Street. It would connect to the interior parking garage. The third driveway opening would occur along Southeast 2nd Avenue. The egress lane would allow for right (west) and left (east) turn traffic movements onto Southeast 2nd Avenue. Likewise, this opening would directly connect to the interior parking garage as well. The ground floor plan (sheet A-01) indicates that it too, would be 24 feet in width. Parking Facility: Off-street parking for the proposed MU-H zoning district must meet the requirements in Chapter 2, Section 1l.H., of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. The project proposes a mix of residential and retail uses. Normally, one-bedroom apartment units require one and one-half (1112) parking spaces and two and three bedroom apartment units require two (2) parking spaces each. However, the MU-H zoning district has a different parking methodology for residential units. According to the code, one-bedroom units require 1.33 parking spaces and two (2) bedroom units require 1.66 parking spaces. The project proposes 378 units (a mixture of one, two, and three bedrooms), which would require 512 parking spaces. The commercial use (which would allow a mix of retail and restaurant uses) requires one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross (net) leasable floor area. The site plan proposes 40,596 square feet of retail thereby requiring 203 parking spaces. Under this standard methodology for calculating required off-street parking spaces, a grand total of 753 parking spaces would be required. The site plan proposes 777 parking spaces, or an excess of 24 spaces. Regular parking space dimensions would conform to code requirements of Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 5 Landscaping: nine feet by eighteen feet for 90 degree parking. Handicap spaces would be dimensioned 12 feet by 18 feet. As previously mentioned, the applicant is proposing a five (5)-story parking garage that would accommodate up to 769 vehicles, including 16 handicap spaces. The accessible (handicap) spaces would occur on levels One through Three. According to the Ground Floor Plan, a total of 127 parking spaces are proposed on the bottom floor. These spaces would be used for the retail users. Likewise, the Second Floor Plan would provide 162 spaces, of which, 78 spaces are earmarked for retail uses. The remaining 84 spaces proposed on Level Two would be used for residential uses. All subsequent floors are earmarked for apartment parking - the Third Floor Plan would provide 168 spaces, the Fourth Floor Plan would provide 171 spaces, and the Fifth Floor Plan would provide 141 spaces. A surface parking lot located east of the interior parking garage and cradled in between the buildings would provide for up to eight (8) parking spaces. Although the intent is unclear as to the typical user of these spaces, in all likelihood, they would be set aside as convenience parking for the commercial uses. It should be noted that according to the applicant, six (6) parallel parking spaces would remain intact along East Ocean Avenue. In addition, three (3) parallel spaces are proposed on Southeast 2nd Avenue. These spaces would be utilized by the general public and would not count toward provided parking. The MU-H zoning district requires that at least 15% of the property is pervious area. The site plan tabular data indicates that the total pervious area would equal 48,505 square feet (1.11 acres) or 23.44% of the site. This is accomplished, in part, with the use of 51,590 square feet of pervious paving material called "Eco- stone" pavers. Essentially, the typically impervious surface of the at-grade parking lot would be replaced with Eco-stone. According to the applicant, Eco-stone is a hard, pervious surface that allows water to permeate through. These "Eco-stone" pavers would also be used on pedestrian walkways and plazas proposed throughout the project. The pavers would be utilized in conjunction with the traditional pervious / landscaped areas. The pavers are purposely used to meet the 15% pervious requirement of the MU-H zoning district. Staff fully endorses this concept (within the Mixed Use zoning districts). However, the sixth floor recreation deck contains plant material. The pervious surface of the sixth floor deck cannot be used to count towards meeting the site plan's minimum pervious area. Therefore, at the time of permitting, the landscape plan's tabular data shall indicate the exact locations from where pervious surfaces statistics / data were derived (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). The traditional landscaped areas would total 22,710 square feet or 0.52 acres. According to the Tree Disposition Plan, the subject site currently contains 111 existing trees. The species consist of the following trees: Foxtail, Coconut, Christmas, Cabbage, Royal, Queen, and Solitaire palm trees and Oak, Ficus, Pink Tabebuia, and Mahogany shade trees. At the time of permitting, the developer shall provide a list of on-site trees (earmarked for removal/relocation) to the Parks and Recreation Division. The Division will use this list to identify those trees Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 6 eligible for relocation to a city property. However, it must be noted that not all the trees and palms can be used by the city. In any case, the developer must root prune the trees according to industry standards in advance of transplanting. In addition, the developer must be responsible for relocating the trees and palms to the locations determined by the Division. The developer must irrigate the trees and palms for a period of 90 days or until irrigation can be installed. Many of these trees would be relocated to the Woolbright / Leisureville park site (see Exhibit "C"- Conditions of Approval). The regulations for the MU-H district provide specific landscape requirements that are addressed in the proposed landscape plan. The landscape plan plant list indicates that 300 shade / palm trees are proposed, of which, 33% would be native species. The landscape plan also proposes 4,803 shrubs / hedges / accents, of which, 22.3% would be native species. Therefore, at the time of permitting, the plans must provide 50% native plant material (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). The plant material proposed along the rights-of-way (within the north, south, east, and west landscape buffers) would consist of the following species: Helen Johnson Bougainvillea, Shining jasmine, Green Buttonwood hedge, Florida Royal palm, and Glaucous cassia. Generally, the trees proposed within the streetscape include Royal Palm, Live Oak, and Glaucous Cassia trees. The Florida Royal palm trees, proposed along Federal Highway, would be installed at 12 feet of gray wood at the time of installation. The Live Oak trees proposed along Southeast 4th Street would be installed at 18 feet to 22 feet in height. Palm trees would be used in the streetscape in areas of conflict with utility easements. A note on the landscape plan indicates that "Bio-barriers" or root barriers would be provided for all streetscape canopy trees. To protect the trees, tree guards will be provided for all streetscape trees located along the rights-of- way. The landscape plans show that these streetscape trees would be placed 20 feet apart. Also, a row of planters or flower containers filled with blooming annuals or perennials shall be placed along the sidewalks along Federal Highway and Ocean Avenue. These pots would be irrigated and drained. It should be noted that any plant material proposed outside the property lines cannot be counted towards meeting the minimum required landscaping. Furthermore, any landscape material proposed within the right-of-way must obtain the Engineering Division (and Florida Department of Transportation FDOT) review and approval. The site's interior courtyard would contain a substantial amount of plant material. According to the applicant, the courtyard area is approximately 35,600 square feet in area. The landscape plan shows that a planting strip along the east fa~ade of the interior parking garage and along the west fa~ade of the retail (within the courtyard) would be lined with Alexander palm trees and Redtip Cocoplum hedges. The interior courtyard would also contain Dwarf Philodendron, Royal palm, Giant Swardfern, and Sweet Vibernum. Building and Site: Building and site design as proposed would generally meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. Basically, the Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 7 project can be summarized as containing three (3) main buildings, which are, two (2) mixed-use towers and a three (3)-story retail building centered upon an interior court yard. The plans give the appearance that the project is made up of one (1) giant building. The maximum height allowed by the MU-H zoning district is 150 feet. All proposed buildings would comply with this maximum height requirement. The number of stories for the project ranges between four (4) stories to 15 stories. Generally, the mixed-use portion proposed along Federal Highway would be four (4)-stories tall. The elevations indicate that the top of the roof along Federal Highway would generally be 43 feet - eight (8) inches in height. The top level of the parking garage would be the fifth floor. The elevations of Southeast 4th Street (sheet A- 13) show that the top of the garage would be 53 feet - four (4) inches tall. It should be noted that the project's recreation deck is proposed on the roof of the parking garage (see floor plan of 6th floor). The residential towers, proposed at each end of the project would be 15-stories tall. The elevations shows the roof line of the towers would be 150 feet in height and the top of the parapet wall would be 154 feet - eight (8) inches in height. However, there are certain elements of the building that would exceed 150 feet. The roof plan (sheet A-09) shows that these elements, namely the top of the stairwells and elevator shafts, would reach as high as 167 feet. Therefore, approval of the site plan (as proposed) is contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request for height exception (HTEX 05-006). The MU-H zoning district requires no building setback but rather a zero (0) build-to line. However, the building setbacks may be increased in areas where the intent is to widen the pedestrian sidewalk and public gathering areas. This requirement would apply to all building facades because the buildings front on four (4) streets. The site plan shows the configuration of the lot lines after a successful abandonment of the sidewalks. However, staff is not supporting the request for sidewalk abandonment. The building setback is measured from the property line to the exterior surface of the supporting columns. Along Federal Highway, the proposed building setback would be approximately 15 feet from the east property line to the columns of the four (4)-story building. Along East Ocean Avenue, the proposed setback would be 11 feet - nine (9) inches from the existing north property line. However, the proposed building setback would be over 20 feet away from the north property line if the sidewalk along East Ocean Avenue were abandoned. This would not meet the intent of the code. It should be noted that the proposed building is over 84 feet at the northeast corner of the property (at the intersection of Federal Highway and East Ocean Avenue). This would meet the intent of the code because it would provide for a public gathering area / fountain amenity that all could enjoy. However, staff at the Community Redevelopment Agency is recommending reducing the size of the public gathering area. According to the applicant, this public plaza area would be approximately 21,500 square feet in area (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). The proposed building setback along Southeast 4th Street would be nearly 16 feet. Again, the maximum allowable setback along the west property line can be no more than 15 feet. The plans would have to be revised to comply with code. The site plan shows that the Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 8 building would be setback over 20 feet from the south property line (along Southeast 2nd Avenue) if the sidewalk along this street were abandoned. Again, the building may be setback no further than 15 feet from this property line. It appears as though it would comply if the sidewalk were not abandoned. As previously mentioned, the plans propose a mix of one (1) and two (2) bedroom apartment units. The site plan tabular data indicates that the smallest one (1) bedroom unit would be 778 square feet (under A/C). The average size of all units would be 1,100 square feet (under A/C). This would comply with the MU-H zoning district. Design: In contrast to the prevailing "Old Florida" or "Mediterranean" vernacular, the proposed architectural style could be described as "modernist" with the use of Solarscreen glass, horizontal accent bands, and metallic linear features. Improvements have been made to both the project and plan graphics to show compliance with the CRA's design guidelines; however, staff observes room for continued improvement in the street-level portion of the project. Staff continues to provide the applicant with the option of providing more architectural elements to articulate the street level facade, or additional graphics or plan details to show compliance with the design guidelines. Additional elements would involve accentuation of the walkway covering, presence of arcades or similar features, and plinth, tiles or equivalent details (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). The elevations show that red (Jockey Red #6003) canvas awnings are proposed along the base of each fa<;ade. As previously mentioned, a noteworthy characteristic of the project is that the parking would be virtually hidden from all views and is considered to be a subordinate, unobtrusive element of the plan. Vehicular traffic is contained within the internal framework of the project. The parking garage would be enclosed but would have decorative openings compliant with Florida Building Code. These openings would resemble large windows. The public space would be easily accessible and open year round. External public space in the form of a spacious plaza organizes and unifies the northern block and provides the essential public connection to East Ocean Avenue. In fact, the public plaza is proposed at 21,500 square feet in area, or approximately 9,000 square feet more than the original site plan. A central feature of the publiC plaza is a water fountain. Its placement would be used as a focal point, although subtly, it provides relief and balance to the hardscape and landscape elements of the plaza. The proposed building material would be a combination of glass, metal, and brick. The elevations do not indicate the paint manufacturer's name or color code. This information must be included on the elevations prior to the issuance of a building permit (see Exhibit"C" - Conditions of Approval). The proposed building colors are the following Benjamin Moore paints: Off-white Tan Light Yellow Peach Lancaster white Desert Tan Roasted Sesame Seed Apple Crisp 2153-50 2160-40 2159-3 Staff Report - The Arches (MSPM 05-008) Memorandum No PZ 05-142 Page 9 The applicant intends to use the same freestanding outdoor lighting fixtures that the City installed along the sidewalk on Ocean Avenue. The project would contain a combination of black poles / lamps within the project interior and teal poles / lamps along the exterior - Federal Highway and Ocean Avenue. The details of the pole show that pole heights could range from 12 feet tall (Courtyard Lights) to 18 feet tall (Exterior Street Light). Signage: No project signage is proposed with this submittal. At the time of permitting, the applicant would be required to submit a master sign program that shows the number, location, dimensions, exterior finish, and color(s) of all signs (Chapter 2, Section S.H.9.). The sign program would address all types of signs, including commercial wall signs, identification signs, residential subdivision signs, freestanding monument signs, canopy signs, way-finding signs, directional signs, and all other signs as regulated by Chapter 21 of the Land Development Regulations (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this request for major site plan modification. Staff recommends approval, contingent upon the approval of the concurrent land use amendment/ rezoning application, height exception, successful abandonment of Southeast 1st Avenue, and all comments indicated in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. Any additional conditions recommended by the Board or City Commission shall be documented accordingly in the Conditions of Approval. 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CD < I Q.) e: o :J "' I ~ OJ o '< :J 0 r-+ ~ o ~ :J OJ CD ~ Q) o. o ;:r :x: ;;j' g. ~ o G, Ql CD ~ ~" r r ~ 9 8. - -I ;:r CD ~ ...., (') ;:r CD en IT"J~~ "@"""n 0000000 ~lii~~~~~ 00000 - j ~~~~7~~ ~~~~f ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~;~a~ ~~~~~ ~ ~%%~g~ 020~'.~ 00000..0....." ~~S~.~~ ~gaaa~~~~~~~~~ ~*~i'i~ ~~~~~O~~~..~~O n;a~~~~ o~2~~~;~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~;~gg~~; -~~. . ~ "Q~~Hg,," ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~;;~~~ ~i ~; ei~E~e1j~ v~ -; I~I~;~~' ~" 0 I' B 8 ~ ~ ~ ~~ I -- " 0 ~ B :0; ~ F n 0 ~ !:; ~ Oil ~ ill ~ !'; g EXHIBIT B ~ i!Jiiiiiii!i!i ~, : ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~1 ~~ ~" ~~ f'~ I"~ I"~ ~~ !"~ ~~ ~~ ~~ I"~ f' I"~ ~~~ H~~~~_UUUU~~U~~~ ~~UU~~~~~~~ t- ~~ -I i~ ffi (;~ )> e!:~ (1 !Xli;. ::::r DilJl -- (1) Cll- ,^ G) i'l VI C' I:: ~ 5" ~ 0 J (") l'j (1) Co Q) z :J 0 ~~ )> ~m !"11l < ~< (1) ~~ c5" :J ::l Cii" c: 0 CD 0 ::l m g "'S? CD I: !!t < ~ Q) ~ 0 :J J. ~ OJ o '< :J 0 r+ - o o. I :J ~. OJ g. ~ CD ~ lil D) o. UI (") ~. ::::r ID .. ~" ~ r_ ~ OZ >000 ;o:l;;P~:;;l ~~~~ ~~~~ 'i!Ji!!!l~ ~~F~ i;sn.. ~i~ !;~li I"!!l!!i !;!i!z ;~: Cl~o i~ ~~ It'" J;;!il 8~ EXHIBIT B ~\~~~ i. ~i. ~i~i. ~i. ~i. ~i~i. ~!. ~!. ~i~i. ~i. ~!~ ~ ~~!I" :6~~~ l:~ p ~~ &~ ~~ $5 a5 ~~ ~~,,~ ~~ ~~ ~~ &~ z ~~I;; A q~ q~ ~~ ~~ q~ ~~ ~~ q~ ~~ ~~ q~ ~~ ~~ q~ ~~ d & ~ ~& EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Arches File number: MSPM 05-008 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a Maior Site Plan Modification with a August 2. 2005 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 1. At the time of permitting, show sight triangles on the Landscape Plans (LDR, X Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FDOT Standard illdex 546 for the sight triangles along Federal Highway. Use 25 foot sight triangles for all other driveways and intersections. 2. Please provide information on the proposed abandonment of SE 1 st Avenue (a X 40-foot RIW) and/or SE 1 st Place (a 20-foot alley). Existing utilities servicing this quadrant are located in both of these roadways; any proposed re-route must be adequate and hydraulically workable. Please demonstrate this for all support utilities including gas main re-route, electric and telephone. 3. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the X LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 4. Remove Yard Drain (YD) 23 and 24 and relocate YD manhole to be X perpendicular to the east-west l8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) at the main entrance off Federal Highway. 5. Provide drainage calculations showing that the first ~ inch is being "pre- X treated" on site and showing how the hydraulic load complies with the Downtown Master Stormwater Plan. 6. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction X acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES COA 08/05/05 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water X and sewer systems serving this proiect (CODE, Section 26-12). 8. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 3,000 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 9. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid X for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. Please note the reservation fee for the prior extension is past due and must still be paid in arrears back to January 2005. 10. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included X within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. These include those utility lines shown between building structures offset and parallel to old SE 1 st A venue. The easements shall be dedieated via separate instrument to the City as stated in CODE Sec. 26-33(a). 11. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer X utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the Certificate of Occupancv. 12. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has X approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this projeet, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 13. Water meter and SIzes are not shown. Please provide engmeenng X calculations, or any explanation of the service lines and tentative meter sizes required for this proiect. 14. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water X service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. 15. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability X at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. COA 08/05/05 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 16. At the time of permitting, indicate within the site data the occupancy type of X each building as defined in 2001 FBC, Chapter 3. 17. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with X approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. 18. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the X minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 19. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the X loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. 20. Buildings three-stories or higher shall be equipped with an automatie X sprinkler system per F.S. 553.895. Fire protection plans and hydraulic calculations shall be included with the building plans at the time of permit application. 21. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X proposed eonstruetion. 22. Add to each building and tenant space that is depicted on the drawing titled X site plan and floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to each building and tenant space. 2001 FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4.1.3, and 11-4.3. 23. At the time of permit review, submit details of reinforcement of walls for the X future installation of grab bars as required by the Federal Fair Housing Act Title 24 CFR, Part 100.205, Section 3, Requirement #6. All bathrooms within the covered dwelling unit shall comply. COA 08/05/05 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 24. Bathrooms and kitchens in the covered dwelling units shall comply with the X Federal Fair Housing Act 24 CFR 100.205. Indicate on the plans which design specification ("A" or "B") of the Fair Housing Act is being used. The clear floor space at fixtures and appliances and turning diameters shall be clearly shown on the olans. 25. If an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width, then passing spaces X at least 60 inches by 60 inches shall be located at reasonable intervals not to exceed 200 feet. A "T"-intersection of two corridors or walks is an acceptable oassing place. 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.3.4. 26. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) X that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following text to the site data. "The proposed finish floor elevation _' _ NGVD is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the SFWMD's surface water management construction develooment regulations." 27. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the pool X building, provide the following: . Will the pool building be restricted to the residents of the entire project only? . Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the pool building? . Will there be any additional deliveries to the site? . Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the site? Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their determination of what impact fees are required for the pool building/lease office. 28. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may X not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available. 29. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that X utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 30. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of X Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: . The full name of the project as it appears on the Develooment Order and the COA 08/05/05 5 DEPARTMENTS Commission-approved site plan. . If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans. . The number of dwelling units in each building. . The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit. . The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) INCLUDE REJECT 31. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of X Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information shall be provided: . A legal description of the land. · The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. . If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans. . The number of dwelling units in each building. . The total amount being paid. (CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f)) 32. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, X the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. 33. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction X documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi- family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal. 34. Add to the floor plan drawings of the individual units a breakdown of the area X within the unit. The area breakdowns for each unit shall specify the total area of the unit, area of the balcony, total area that is air-conditioned and, where applicable, total area of storage and garage space. If the garage and storage areas are not part of a specific unit, the area shall be included and identified within the area of the building. fudicate how many of each type of unit will be on each floor and within the building. 35. This structure meets the definition of a threshold building per F.S. 553.71(7) X and shall comply with the requirements of F.S. 553.79 and the CBBA to the 2001 FBC, Sections 105.3.1 through 105.3.6. The following information must be submitted at the time of permit application: COA 08/05/05 6 DEPARTMENTS The structural inspection plan must be submitted to the enforcing agency prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a threshold building. INCLUDE REJECT All shoring and re-shoring procedures, plans and details shall be submitted. All plans for the building that are required to be signed and sealed by the architect or engineers of record shall contain a statement that, to the best of the architect's or engineer's knowledge, the plans and specifications comply with the applicable fire safety standards as determined by the local authority in accordance with this section and F.S. Section 633. 36. This project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement X Watershed. Therefore, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. 37. At the time of permitting, an elevator shall be installed in the parking X structure as required by Florida Statute 399.035(2) and the Florida Building Code sections 11-4.1.3(5) and 3003.4.1. 38. Van accessible parking spaces are required in the parking garages. One in X every eight accessible spaces in the garages shall be van-accessible and comply with the 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.1.2(5)(b), 11-4.6.3 and 11-4.6.5. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 39. At the time of permitting, the developer shall provide a list of on-site trees X (earmarked for removal/relocation) to the Parks and Recreation Division. The Division will use this list to identify those trees eligible for relocation to a city park. However, it must be noted that not all the trees and palms can be used by Recreation and Parks. fu any case, the developer must root prune the trees according to industry standards in advance of transplanting. fu addition, the developer must be responsible for relocating the trees and palms to the locations determined by Recreation and Parks. The developer must water the trees and palms for a period of 90 days or until irrigation can be installed. 40. Recreation Impact Fee as follows: X 378 multi-family units @ $656.00 each = 247,968.00 Impact Fee due prior to issuance of first permit. COA 08/05/05 7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 41. Approval of this project is contingent upon the approval of the corresponding X request to rezone from CBD to MU-H (LUAR 05-008). Indicate as such on the site plan tabular data at the time of permitting. The MU-H zoning district allows for up to 80 dwelling units per acre and the total number of allowable units directly corresponds to the project acreage. Therefore, at the time of permitting, revise the plans so that the number of units does not exceed the maximum allowable density. 42. Approval of this project is contingent upon the approval of the corresponding X request for a height exeeption (HTEX 05-006). Indicate as such on the site plan tabular data at the time of permitting. 43. Approval of the site plan (as proposed) is contingent upon the successful X abandonment (ABAN 05-004) of Southeast 1 st Avenue, and (ABAN 05-005) Southeast 1 st Place. Staff does not support the sidewalk abandonment (ABAN 05-006) which would reduce the project area by 0.221 acres, thereby reducing the density by 18 dwelling units. 44. fu addition to the current survey, submit an updated boundary survey showing X the inclusion of Southeast 1 st A venue into the boundaries of the subject property. Staff will use this area in conjunction with the private lands to eonfirm total project aereage, proposed density, and building setbacks. The total project acreage should match the site plan tabular data. Provide the break-down of project acreage for eaeh area surveyed to confirm the total land area as indicated in the site plan tabular data. The buildings can be setback no further than 15 feet, unless a public gathering space (such as the one proposed at northeast comer of the property) is provided. 45. The Palm Beaeh County Traffic Division detenmned that the proposed mixed-use X project is located within the designated Boynton Beach Traffie Coneurreney Exception Area (TCEA), and therefore meets the Traffie Performance Standards (TPS) of Palm Beach County. However, no building penmts are to be issued by the city after the build-out date (2010). The County traffic eoncurreney approval is subiect to the Proiect Aggregation Rules set forth in the TPS Ordinance. 46. Because there are multiple lots, a unity of title will be required to join the lots X together. A unit of title shall be executed prior to the issuance of a building permit. COA 08/05/05 8 DEPARTMENTS 47. The meeting rooms proposed on the ground floor is an accessory use to the residential portion of the project and shall not be utilized for commercial purposes unless accounted as such in the project's required parking methodolo . INCLUDE X REJECT 48. The project's proposed uses and their required parking is inconsistent between the plans. Therefore, at the time of permitting, the site plan tabular data should accurately indicate the number of required parking spaces in the format shows below. Staff understands the required parking would be as follows: Proposed Use Required Parkin 320 230 203 753 Net Difference aces Provided Parkin 769 8 777 +24 9 X 49. At the time of permitting, all elevation pages shall indicate the exterior X finishes, roof material, paint manufacturer's name, and color codes. Staff recommends using a color schedule (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). This would include the 001 avilion as well. 50. At the time of permitting, indicate the height dimension of the tunnel opening X as shown on the Federal Hi hwa elevations and the SE 4th Street elevations. 51. At the time of permitting, obtain consent from the Engineering Division of X Public Works and / or Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for all plant material proposed outside the property line and within the public right- of-way. These trees / plants cannot be included within the plant list. Provide a separate plant list that indicates quantity and species of plant material TO osed within the ri hts-of-wa . 52. At the time of permitting, the landscaping proposed at main project entrances X shall contain a signature tree at both sides of the entrance (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.N.). A signature tree is a tree with blossoms or natural color other than green intended to beautify project entrances and contribute to the city's image with this element of aesthetic conformity. Signatures trees include Yellow Elder, Tibouchina Granulosa, and Bougainvillea. Note that signature trees do not contribute toward the total number of required erimeter trees Cha ter 7.5, Article 2, Section 5.N. . COA 08/05/05 9 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 53. At the time of permitting, categorize the plant material into the following: X Canopv trees, palm trees, and shrubs / groundcover. 54. At the time of permitting, fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials X must be native species (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Canopy trees, Palm trees, Shrubs & Groundcover. 55. The sixth floor recreation deck contains plant material. The pervious surface X of the sixth floor deck cannot count towards the site plan's minimum pervious area. Therefore, at the time of permitting, the landscape plan's tabular data shall indicate the exact locations from where the pervious surface statistics were derived. The MU-H zoning districts requires that a minimum of 15% of the site shall be of pervious surface (Chapter 2, Section 5.F.5). 56. At the time of permitting, place a note on the site plan (sheet I of 12) that X sidewalks shall be Hollandstone pavers, red / charcoal color mix by Paver Systems Inc. or equal, laid in a 45 herringbone pattern to continue the design elements in place along Federal Highwav (Chapter 2, Section 5.F.8.d.(2). 57. The typical drawing of proposed freestanding outdoor lighting poles shall X indicate that the interior poles will be painted black and the exterior (along the rights-of-way) shall be painted to match the existing poles along Ocean Avenue. 58. At the time of permitting, submit a master sign program that shows the X number, location, dimensions, exterior finish, and color(s) of all signs (Chapter 2, Section 5.H.9.). The sign program would address all types of SIgnS, including commercial wall signs, identification signs, residential subdivision signs, freestanding monument signs, canopy signs, way-finding signs, directional signs, and all other signs as regulated by Chapter 21 of the Land Development Regulations. 59. The subject site is located along Palm Tran Bus Route 1. Staff recommends X that the bus-stop be substantial and attractive, possibly constructed within the build-to area of the subject property. 60. The landscape plan shows two (2) Royal Palm trees are proposed at the X southeast comer of the property. Staff recommends installing tall growing trees into the design of the public plazas at each comer of the subject property. The trees should be of substantial size, in order to immediately help break up the building mass. The proposed Royal palm trees (12 feet of gray wood) are small in comparison with a 1 50-foot tall building. 61. At the time of permitting, staff recommends incorporating benches into the X design of the public plaza proposed at the major comers of the subject property. 62. Regarding the tunnel opening proposed interior to the project but visible from X COA 08/10/05 10 DEPARTMENTS Federal Highway - staff recommends "rounding" the opening so that it looks more like an archway rather than a square tunnel. Also, decorative molding and cornice work would really enhance its appearance. These same treatments should be provided for SE 4th and SE 2nd as well. 63. Staff applauds the developer for proposing a fountain at the northeast corner of the property. However, the fountain on the landscape plan depicts it at the very northeast corner of the parcel. It should be setback so as not to impact the safe-sight triangle of Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway as depicted on the site plan. Provide detailed drawings of the fountain. Please correct all plans accordingly. 64. Increase promInence of architectural banding components at vertical transitions of the project, or improve plan details to show compliance with draft CRA Urban Design Guidelines (see Section 5, page 73 of document). 65. Staff recommends elimination of retail/residential loading #5, reconfiguration of back of house operations for "retail D", in order that retail loading #4 can accommodate all of "retail D". Residential loading #6 can then handle loading needs for building #2. This should enhance the SE 2nd Avenue building elevations. 66. The site data provided on sheet AOl of 12 does not match that of the site plan sheet CE-3. Please verify correct numbers and revise all sheets accordingly. 67. Please provide written penrusslOn from BellSouth for the proposed construction around their existing in-ground facilities on the site and their ability to maintain the facilities with your proposed design. 68. Improvements have been made to both the project and plan graphics to show compliance with the CRA's design guidelines; however, staff observes room for continued improvement in the street-level portion of the project. Staff continues to provide the applicant with the option of providing more architeetural elements to articulate the street level facade, or additional graphics or plan details to show complianee with the design guidelines. Additional elements would involve accentuation of the walkway covering, presence of arcades or similar features, and plinth, tiles or equivalent details. Staff recommends utilizing awning colors that are more in keeping with the shades of blue / teal that are characteristic throughout the city's public works proiects. 69. CRA staff recommends the reduction in the size of the public plaza at Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway for proper scale with proposed and recommended additions and activity potential. 70. CRA staff recommends that an interactive fountain be used in the public plaza at the corner of Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway. The fountain should be of significant size to anchor the corner at Ocean Avenue & Federal Highway. INCLUDE REJECT x x x x x x x x COA 08/10/05 11 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 71. CRA staff recommends that the public plaza contain a staging area in front of X the fountain that would accommodate live music and entertainment. 72. CRA staff recommends the addition of raised planters around each Royal X Palm within the public plaza that will serve as seating areas. Minimum size should be 6' x 6' x 30" high x 12" deep made of material suitable for seating. 73. CRA staff recommends that the sidewalk at the Federal Highway entrance of X the project be continued around the motor court to permit safe pedestrian access. 74. CRA staff recommends that the entrance to the motor court at Federal X Highway be enhanced with a fountain. 75. CRA staff strongly recommends that the 4th Street frontage have active uses X such as office or retail. If however, the project is approved without this condition, the garage openings at all levels of the 4th Street frontage shall have metal trellis with bougainvillea or an equivalent species. 76. CRA staff recommends that water features be added at the following comers X to enhance the pedestrian environment: Southeast 2nd Avenue and Federal Highway Southeast 2nd Avenue and Southeast 4th Street Southeast 4th Street and East Ocean Avenue 77. On the site plan, CRA staff notes the lack in clarity regarding patron access X between the parking garage and the commercial components, and therefore is recommending that if necessary, modifications be made to optimize these routes. COMMUNITY REDEVELOMENT AGENCY BOARD COMMENTS: Comments: 78. Deletion of conditions #69, #71 and #76. X 79. Changes to condition #70 to remove the requirement for an "interactive" X fountain. 80. Changes to condition #72 to reduce heights of the raised planters from 30" to X 24". 81. Changes to condition #75 to omit the requirement for office and retail uses X along 4th Street. COA 08/10/05 12 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 80. To be determined. MWR/elj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ARCHES @ BB\MSPM 05-008\COA.doc ~ Ruden ~~I McClosky 222 LAKEVIEW AVENUE SUITE 800 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401-6112 (561) 838-4515 FAX: (561) 514-3415 LEE.WORSHAM@RUDEN.COM August 1, 2005 ~~@~ow~@ AUG 2 - 2005 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. City Clerk's Office City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Notice of Public Hearing - The Arches Enclosed please find evidence that notice requirements, pursuant to Ordinance 04-007, have been fulfilled for the August 9, 2005 CRA and August 16, 2005 City Commission consideration of The Arches petitions for height exception and site plan approval; and the August 30, 2005 CRA and September 6 and 20, 2005 City Commission consideration of the land use amendment, rezoning and abandonments. The required notices were mailed Friday, July 29th, 2005 and the signs were posted on Monday, August 1, 2005. Sincerely, RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. flZ- V~ E. Lee Worsham cc: Mike Rumpf Ryan Weisfisch WPB:195374:5 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. rARArA~ . FT. IAIJDERDALE . MIAMI. NAPLES. ORLANDO. PORT ST. LUCIE . SARASOTA. ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE. TAMPA. WEST PALM BEACH . J AFFIDAVIT Quasi-Judicial Notice Mailing and Sign Posting Land Use Change, Rezoning and Abandonment Petitions The Arches I, E. Lee Worsham, agent for the applicant, Boynton Ventures I, LLC, have caused to be posted the four (4) required public notice signs along the Federal Highway, Ocean Avenue, 2nd Avenue and 4th Street frontages of the subject property. These signs serve as notice of the pending petition considerations on August 30, 2005, September 6, 2005 and September 20,2005. The signs were posted on August 1,2005 (photos attached). Additionally, we have mailed a Notice of Public Hearing (copy attached) to each property owner within 400 feet of the subject property as identified by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office (property owner listing with addresses attached). These notices were mailed on July 29,2005. ~~-<----- E. Lee Worsham 8' II lOb Date' State of Florida County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this j sf day Of~, 200 . - astro who is ersonally known to me. ~.~~r~," MARY CHRISTINE MOORE i"i "A~:~ MY COMMISSION' DO 327032 ~~.w EXPIRES: June 8, 2008 (S e . ..Rf.f>lfI/."- Bonded Thru Notary PublIc UncleIwrfter8 NOTARY PUBLIC: rn~ 0u,:,,~ IhWlo My Commission Expires: WPB:120651:22 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Boynton Ventures I, LLC, property owner, has requested the following project to be considered for land use amendment, rezoning and right-of-way abandonment approval: Legal Description: On file in the Planning & Zoning Department. Generally, the southwest comer of Federal Highway and Ocean Avenue, encompassing two city blocks Proposed Use: Requests land use change from GC to MX-C land use, and rezoning from CBD to MU-H, and abandonment of SE 1 sl Avenue, SE 1 sl Place and public sidewalks along Federal Highway, SE 2nd Avenue, Ocean Avenue and SE 4th Street, in addition to height exception and new site plan approval for the construction of a 167' mixed-use structure proposed to house 38,599 sJ. retail and 378 condo units on 5.04 gross acres known as The Arches. PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST ARE SCHEDULED BEFORE THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ON AUGUST 30, 2005 AT 6:30 P.M. AND THE CITY COMMISSION ON SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 AND SEPTEMBER 20,2005 AT 6:30 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS, IN THE CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, LOCATED AT 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing dates. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742-6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING (561 742-6260) DIVISION WPB:210096:2 ~5-26-2005 property Appraiser GIS . Page 1 of 2 C = Condo Rag PCN Ust by P;rceI Control Number Radius 0 - 400 S Q8.4345-28-03-007-OO10 08-43-45-27.Q4.000-0650 C ()8..43.45-27-49-000-0020 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0031 08-43-45-27..()4.()00.0670 C 08-43-45-27-4~ S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0032 08-43-45-27 -04-()()0.002O C 08-43-45-27-49-00>-0040 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0061 08-43-45-27 -04-()()0.0031 08-43-45-28-03-001-0080 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0062. .' 08-43-45-27 .()4.()()()..091 08-43-45-28-03-001-0100 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0081 C 08-43-45-27-14-000-0010 08-43-45-28-03-001-0121 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0082 C 08-43-45-27-14-000-0020 08-43-45-28-03-001-0150 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0083 C 08-43-45-27-14-000-0030 08-43-45-28-03-001-0160 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0091 C 08-43-45-27-14-000-004O 08-43-45-28-03-005-0020 S 08-43-45-28-03-007-0111 C 08-43-45-27-14-000-005O 08-43-45-28-03-005-004O . 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