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Mater Plant List -1~ e Arches Palms & Trees: Key Qty. Botanical/Common Name Height Spread Trunk Remarks CN 32 Cocos nucifera 'Maypan' 12@3'G.W.;12@4' G.W.; 8@5' Full, Jamaican Certified Maypan Coconut Palm G.W. LJ 52 Ligustrum japonicum 12' 12' 8' Multi-stem Wax Privet NE 27 Noronhia emarginata 12-14' 10' 5' Full Madagascar Olive PE 61 Ptychosperma elegans 14' G.W. Matched Alexander Palm QV* 29 Quercus virginiana * 18-22' 10-12 6-T' Full canopy, 200 ~ contriner Live Oak caliper C~usa Creek Tree Fann or equal (Don Hardy 1.772.219.3371) RE* 66 Roystonea elata* 12' of Matched o.a. hts. Florida Roy~ Palm G.W. RR* 16 Roystonea elata* 14' of Matched o.a. hts. Florida Roy~ Palm G.W. SP* 5 Sab~ palmetto 2@8';1 @10'2@12' c.t. Full heads Cabbage Palm SS 12 Sennasurattensis 12-14' 8-10' 4" c~. Multi-stem Glaucous Cassia atdbh full canopy Shrubs & Groundcover: Key Qty. Botanical/Common Name Height Spread Trunk Remarks BOD 17 Bougainvillea 'Helen Johnson' 22-24" 20-22" Full, 24" Helen Johnson Bougainvillea BOU 68 Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' 6-7' long 4' 4' Trained on fence, trellis grown, Barbara Karst Bougainvillea runners Full, quality 15 ~. mat~ CLU 764 Clusia rosea compacta' Shrub' 20-24" Full, 24" o.C. Pitch Apple Shrub CON* 836 Conocarpus erectus 'Hedge' * 24" 20-24" Full, 18" o.c. Green Buttonwood Hedge CRI 48 Crinum asiaticum 4' 4' Full clump, Quality 15 Gal. Tree Crinum materi~ HEL 11 Heliconia d. 'Lobster Claw' 5-6' 3-4' Full Lobster Claw Heliconia JAS 1302 Jasminum nitidum 24" 24" Full, 2' o.c. Shining Jasmine NEP* 238 Nephrolepis b.'Macho'* 24" 20-24" Full, 2' o.C. Giant Swordfem PHX 727 Philodendron 'Xanadu' 24" 24" Full contriner Dwarf Philodendron SCH 265 ScheIDera arboricola 20-24" Full, 2' o.c. Dwarf ScheIDera VIB 527 Viburnum odoratissimum 'Hedge' 5' 20-24" 2' O.C., full to base Sweet Viburnum Hedge MISCELLANEOUS ... Indicates Native Plant Material - - - - -. c.y. Planting Soil-. ldscape contractor shall allow for plant soil depth as follows: . Sd'd area: 1" depth of planting soil . Trees: ~ cu. yd of planting soil per tree . Groundcover beds & hedges: 4" depth of planting soil Mulch -landscape contractor shall provide 3" depth of mulch over all planting beds and as per planting specifications .. c.y. . In case of discrepancies between planting plans and plant list, planting plans take precedent. . General contractor responsible for own soil & mulch take off. Quantities shown are estimates