APPLICATION , ~= - ~.. PROJECT NAME: Arches @'Boynton Beach LOCATION: Multiple PCN: Multiple f FILE NO.: ~WSP 03-002 II TYPE OF APPLlCATION:New Site Plan I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Contract Purchaser (Multiple Nancy C. Graham-Urban Principles, LLC Owners) PHONE: 561-832-6908 PHONE: FAX: 561-832-2864 FAX: ADDRESS: 319 Clematis Street Suite 512 ADDRESS: West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Date of submittal/Proiected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 2/28/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 3/20/03 PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 4/15/03 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 5/13/03 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 5/20/03 COMMENTS: .... S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ARCHES @ BB\NWSP\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc City Code~ Accessed Via Web site I WW\v. bo~nton-beach.org www.amlegaLcom/bovnton beach fl CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE PLAN Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Y,GS ,Date FEi3. 7, 2LJo3 This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STA including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for t the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROC 1. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. cliff( 15TIA,,;1=. Address: ~ S- 5 PA-/J I sl-! R I V ER. Phone: S-~ 1- '737. 8' ~ 3& V/ZIVE. BoYNTON .EE/kH, FL. 3"3t/-3S- / (Zip Code) Fax: .;;-~ 1- 7;? 2. - Lf.3tX;- 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): EOy"..rr-ON VeNTuRes 2. L-LC!-. Address: 411 t!LE/VI/tTls 571(1EG7 $OiTE. 5/2 wG.sT P/t/..M 73&,qcfl, FL- ' 33'10 I / (Zip Code) Phone: $'/- 8'32- Jf/77 Fax: $(,1- %:]2- Z8'f {FIP/- 13:Z-&~()8 . , ' ) If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. {;;XIT/B/T t!.... /17TrrCHiEb 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): J ;1lV'ey {!. G;/2/lllrrM J U'€8AtI P,el/Vt!-; PI-t:$ LLC. ~ r , Address: 31j, aEMrrris ST'REl5T, .so/rE. 5/2 WeSt /'9-.t-1I1 ~ERc-H1 FL. 3~/~1 (Zip Code) Phone: ~~/~ '33.2-- (PQtJ8 Fax: 5/,/- 8"32 - 2S(,~ 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:* It) /1G.'/3AJT *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, et .) LJPT/ON e..oNTr<~ pt.J~C.H /tSf;; lJEclc '-OPE 7. Street address of location of site: 5t=E EXffiB/r /J /J7T /jcl-fE5D. / 8. Property Control #(l-'~N) SEE.. EXIf/ BIT /7 rIff /fe tI Go. 9. Legal description of site: $E'E.. EM-i 8/1 73 /i7TAcr/El>. 10. Intended use(s) of site: 14/ ~Gl:>-LJSE.. II/~H :::J:AJT&/IJ~/7Y ])eVELoPmpJJT &;U~/s-rlirG- of !?es;'DEAlTiAL (!ONVbfl!iN/U'M5 /(EST/fu~r'f,.l/ RffA/Lj OrP/t!E.. turf;.; Pltl</-t/I'/C- G/t/2A&-~ /)~L ~IJSISTEft.J7 u;/7H IT PL.-AN. 11. Architect: L~C)!.JEY J?/C-KS k/sS (/v1i/<t= .::sULLIVAN) 12. Landscape Architect: tJ /iY AlE. V / t.L-/} V I}-SZJ 13. SitePlanner:,U1c:M.JEY RICKS J.!i5S (Mj;'<!3- ${)'-'-~VA;J I 14. Engineer~f/.4H VROtL>5 ~ /f:3Sd!-/~ (15J1/fI</iT S 1/411) 15. Surveyor:.:))IIJ-H ])RoTlJS sf /)SS"ot!.-IArEs 16. Traffic Engineer).o .A1L.cy- NoR^" l' /lSSoC!/m-GS (/=REo SCHkJAt27Z) 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? YEs ' II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown i the Comprehensive Plan: 2. Zoning District: (! 3D :SEE/.t./}lt:::- C:II/fNt::;s, 3. Area of Site .3. S / S acres Is 3. //.:3. 1- sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown: M / XEJ)-U5E P~o-:::r~c-r- ~C) set=. $t.JILFIk-E.. /TIi!-EA C!-frt_<!.iJI-ffTlaNs) a. Residential, including /h I XI?.J)-f.)~E. acres % of site surrounding lot area of grounds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) #'//9 lilt:} I acres % of site c. Water Area acres % of site d. Commercial /'hO(Pb-U,sE Industrial IV /11 Public/Institutional IV /11 acres % of site e. acres % of site f. % of site acres g. Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way /11/19 acres % of site A 5. h. Other (specify) _ II / ;9 acres % of site Other (specify) N / /i acres % of site Total area of site 3. 5'/ C acres /00 % of site *including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. i. j. Surface Cover S. F / a~ .tJ.~I!G.5 Ground fioor building 52, 5'10 ' _ ~ ,/- % of site area ("building footpr~,4~ F~~ /}~ 32./iD22 s:;=; SS". t" /0 N//9 . a. b. Water area % of site acres c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ~ 3, 00 ~ .s. F. /. 4.s- acres ~ /. z.. % of site 9 . d. Total impervious area &'3, 00(, S.P. /. tf-kres Lf- /. 2- % of site e. Landscaped area oN" pJJr,.J acres % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of ) (Landscape Code).. // F~c,.v REC/(E./Ir/~NIJL /7~M .3$"AU<<-s. CJ9" fZ A- ..:y...)f()'/:TN ML..e..tJl.rlf'17O,..}-T'\tJt) .v~ ~/.;J. f. Other landscaped areas, acres % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas acres % of site h. Total pervious areas if; q'}tf,S.F. O./Itfacres 3.2- % of site i. Total area of site /53. / J z.. SF. 3. 51!) - lotJ~ % of site . acres tJ.C-~s . 6. Floor Area a. Residential if/ ~ S7S" sq. ft.~,eoSS) sq. ft.{ G.RP.$S) =- / ~ '87lJ oFFICE:. '/3 ~3o .eeTlwl I ~fi$T/'1O~~NT b. c. sq. ft. sq. ft.GRoo;=])~ Pfl/lo/P~Ot../ ~7C..) sq. ft.jlaTE: PLlI3LIG PJJtZ/I /M!.EIJ :::r::.N 13 J..-tJ <:.1( :z: Nt) T :xN c: LLJ7> 13'/) . sq. ft. - sq. ft.LGRosS -/3 J.-ocKlI) d. e. f. g. h. sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwellinq Units a. Single-family detached -6- Duplex - 0 ~q. ft. sq. ft. b. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) 3 . (1) (2) (3) (4) 8. 9. 10. /VolE: - Efficiency -e- dwelling units 1 Bedroom <6/ dwelling units 2 Bedroom /gs dwelling units 3+ Bedroom 10 dwelling units Total multi-family dl70 dwelling units d. e. Total number of dwelling units c:z 7~ Gross Density 7t dwelling units per acre (:u/()t.J~d. <frO {>12./ ..-.lcre..) M}lximum height of structures on site /41 feet ItJ stories sr/<tJClUIZG.S- /}./..L (~EE 'Z)/,r,4 1/t~LE. oN $ITE PUTrJ FoR. H6(GHTS ~p ortl'fJGJ~; IIv /fElc;HT). Required off-street parkinq a. Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces. fps/l>&A.JTtA-L- .5i 2. Sj4a=s = L'-<J M M~<2ih'(fl'esr/1V~ = R/?/IIIL 3~:< $Pt9CJ;S = . Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan-rar,4L. :SPAceS RGtfiJIREJ) LJA)7)e~ ':sJ-IA-6!.€l> PI1/?/tf//J <::r ;rN;1'-YS/~ ts:~ S,PACE5 - ------ jt;7/1i. ON-SI7E PI1~K' //It; S'f//iCe-s P~tJ Y'1Dt=Z> & (p / - b. :SEE. SiTE. PMN 7J/TrA SHlEEI ~ Fo~ FUt.L jJ;CJ-;2Jt!JivG- MLC! {)L,.IJ-TllJJ.U Calculation of required # Number of handicap of handicap parking sp,aces spaces provided on site plan /3 (2 ~ ) = /3.2 ~ REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. if III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other busine~s entity. Date IV. J...-,I-. 2gi 2o~3 Date ~ ign ture Authorized Agent AI If" c- e. c;.,IlA rI itM (I) (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. ~k. 23: ;l.()t)3 Date . Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporati~ other bu . ess entity. /.Oy~ (lLr::z: LLC Signa ure f contract purchaser (if applicant) X KEVIIv L./JI.J u;;r</ Date ~~. 20 2()ttJ3 Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. s RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any c~t, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. / , 200.3 \ d READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this 23 ~ ~LA-fY1iJt7 . , Witness L,hOA S. VAINTtll..-IY\AT{, N Applicant ~~. ~ j};t;y ,4T~tJ V t=:Aff v 12I:~ ;:L I 1- L-C.. . -,-,JAIl. t:. r 131.' ..:r. /(E-Vi/ll LftuH-EI</ M/JN~ Witness :-;-r- ":..j lA\() I --r -tf J;... /...;J G,.&1JO ;J ~ THE ARCHES AT BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW EXHIBIT A - PROPERTY OWNERS' NAMES, PROPERTY STREET ADDRESSES AND PCN NUMBERS 7 B<HIB/' 'Ij} II Schedule l ~me of Prol'crlv ()WDcr farcclldentificatioll No. PropertY Address 1. MGR or Palm Heach, Inc. 08-43-45-28-03-007-0032 516 East Ocean Avenllc Boynton Beach, Florida 2. Dolphin Bar Inc. 08-43-45-28-03-001-0112 115 South Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, Florida 08_43_45-28~03-007-0113 SE 1 st Street Boynton Beach. Horida 3. Prime Plaza. Jne. OS_43-4S-28-03J012-001O 211 South Federal Hwy Boynton Reach, Florida 4. Christiane Francois, a.k.a. 08-42_45-28-03-007-0031 530 East Ocean Avenue Christina Francois Boynton Beach, Florida 08-43-45-28~3~7-0010 101 South Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, l.:'lorida 5. Christiane Francois and 08_43_45_28-03-007-0083 501 SE IS1 Avenue Marisa G. Ritts, as joint tenants Boynton Deach, Florida with right of survivorship 08-43-45-28-03-007-0111 5115 SE l$l Place Boynton Beach, FlOl;da g FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDW~POS & ANGELL FAX NO. 561 833 7700 EXHIBIT A-I Legal Description for portions of the Property owntd by MGR of Palm Beach, Jnc. See Attached P. 06/24 1 FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDW~oOS & ANGELL P. 07/24 FAX NO. 561 833 7700 !> :' .~ ..0. . ,. . .; ...J".--"r.(".;.-.::y.........- -.. . . ,,:_.;.;..~':.J".-..' .....",., ..-- . I ,. . . . 7- ~ ~, ~ ;. 11& ... f: . " ", ~~g.~~ , t1(\) 011 ~glO l3 f fit IA-.... ti ,. rtrtPl . D! n rt .~ " oortO- o.::t1'..,V' ~ ti I\) 11'4 ('tt10ttt ;-.. g tll ....t1lG-,. 'gtlomo dlllr:J HI ~~~iFi w""....rtff' . 0.... ti 0 w "d t; .'h- I'>> tjlP;: ....rtllJ::i !3t7'....p. (\)0. OJ w mg~t=: O~C'To ;:r .... .. 0" ~ QiIDD:lt4 S::OOO ::J .... ~ rt ~r~: b;I .. II t--O ;:I O~Dlg, ;1~g", o.~O" 0. '" .. o~uf t1\ .... ~ 11 .gg tbrt _ ():::r ~ OCD" t1 0"'" ~ .. & .- .kIU ~ .. I t .. I c :l i. J I f :; -, 10 FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDw~n~s & ANGELL FAX NO. 561 83~ 7700 Exmnrr A-2 Legal Desuiption for portions of the Property owned by Dolphin Bar I RC. All that real property and improvements located at 115 South Federal Hwy. and _~ S.H. I" Street ill Boynton Beacb, Palm Beach County. Vlorida 33435 and designated, respectively, as Pared COlllrol Numbers 08-43-45-28-03-007-0112 and 08-43-45-28-03-007-0113 and more particularly described as fllHows: The north 60 feet of the east half oflol 11 and the north 60 feet oflots 12 to 14 inclusive (less the east 10 feet thereof acquired for u.S. Highway No.1) all in Rlock 7, Original Town of Boynton according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book IS, Page 18 ofthe Public Records of Palm Beach County, Flotida. P. 08/24 /1 FE~-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDWr~~S & ANGELL FAX NO. 561 B3~ 7700 EXIUSIT A-3 I.egal Description for pertions of the Property owned by Prime Plaza, Inc. See AUachcd P. 09/24 I~ ,...~..\ . ~ . . .. '. . . , ~ " .. I-~ . '," FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDW~QDS & ANGELL FAX NO. 561 833 7700 P. 10/24 # .. f . . EXHIBIT A ORB 9075 pg 1851 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COlJNrt, Fl l'Arc:el 1 The North 00 feet. of l-Qt5 1 t.hJ'ougtl 7. inclu!live. Block 12. original Town of Doynton. acco~ding ~o the pl.t thereof. a~ recQrded in pl.t Book 1. rage 23, of the Public Record3 of ~olm Beach county, Florida, less that portion of Lot 1 conveyed to the St.te of Plorida by Deed recorded in O.R. Dook SGO, rage 143. of the Public Record2 of PalM Beach county, Florid3. and furthe~ le~~ that portion of Lot 7 conveyed to the City of Boynton Scach. Florida, by Rigbt-of-W~Y Peed recorded in O.R. Doo~ 4JSC, rage 0'0. of the rubl1c lecords of ~al~ Beach Coun~Y. Pla~ida. Lata 2 and J of Subdivioion of Glock 12. of the Original Town of boynton, .ccording to th~ plat tl\crco( ~~ ~ecordcd In rlAt DOQk 15. ~age lB of the Public Recordc of PA1~ Beach county, Flo~1d~. lCGG ~be Ea$t ,S teet thereof and leeD th~t portion of Lot 3 conveyed to th~ City of pornton Baach. Florida. by kight.of-way Deed ~ecorded in O.R. Sook 4356, Page 090, of the,rUblic Records of p.lm pe_d, Ca~n~y. Plorida. Paced 2 The south 80 feet of Lots 8. 9 and 10 and t~c Soutb eo teet of the W~st 25 feet of Lot 11. all in Dlock 12. original Town of Boynton, aeco~4in9 to ~hB plat thereof. a& recorded in Plat Book 1. Page 23 of the public R~cord9 of pal~ Seach Couney. Florida, leKS that portio" of 7.~t 8 conveyed to tbe City of Boynton Beach, Flo~ida by ~19ht.ot. way peed recorded in O.R. nODk 4356. page 8,D of the public Records of palm Beach county. Florida. . parcel 3 Th~ South 80 teet of the 2ast Half of Lot 11 and tnC souch 80 teet or Lats 12. 13 and . 14. DlocJc 12, odgln..l TDwn of Boynton. accordi.ng to the! plal: thereof. liS recor~ed 1n . Plat Book 1. P"ge 2] of the Public Records of rallll Beach County. less thllt portion ot Lot 14 conveyed to the St~te of Florid~.'or u.s. High~ay No.1, by Deed recorded in O.R. nook 166, Page 345 01 the Public Reco~d:; of I'aim Beach Coun\:y, Ylodda. LOt 1 of Lhe revised Plat of a ror~ion of ~1ock 12. o~i~lu.l ~wn at Boynt~, according t;o the p1at; t;he~eof .:r I:'~eo~cl 1ft Plat Book 1.5, page 18 of the 'ubli.~ Ileco~ds of Palm beach ~unty. Florida. lcsli ehe gat; ~O feel; ~her;'eof ttoqulz-ec1 for 0.6. "ighwll)' No. i. The ~~t 9~ feet of Lot 2 of tbe revised Plat of a po~tion o~ alock 12~ Original Town of Boynton, according to the plat thetcof, &$ re~rded in Plat Dook 15, page 18 ot the .Public Rcco~d. of Palm Beach county. Florida. le5s the Baat 10 feet ~her.of acquired for U.G. IlighW>lY No.1. ..... EMU OF CXH%8tT ^ ..... ~., ...1,. . 1.3 FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDwpn~s & ANGELL EXHIBIT A-4 FAX NO. 561 833 7700 LegaJ ncscriJ)tion for portions of the Property owned by Christiane Francois, a.k.a\. Christina Francois See Attached P. 11/24 If FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDWAP~S & ANGELL FAX NO. 561 833 7700 P. 12/24 :",:".'. n. toJ,lovlnq proptSrty in Pal1l DIl.ell county, Florida ~ Lot. 1 an4 2. 81oc~ 7, af ORICIH~~ TOWH OF BOY~TOH, Dccordlnq ~p tho Plat thereof on fila in tile OrrlcQ of tho cler~ or tho Circuit court. in Dn~ fD~ Palm Beach county, Florido, recorded in plat Dook 1. P~go ~3. LESS the Northorly 8 (..~ o! ri9ht-or-~n~ tor V.S. Hi9hWAY No. 1 (state Ro~d 15) .. IAM-J I Tho EQllt 35' feet' ~f-'L~t 3, Block 7. of TO~v", OF BOVNTON according ~o the Plat thorcof recorded 1n Plat Book 1 ' page 23 of the Public Racords of Palm Bonch County , Flor~da. ' . . ~':.':'': '.~" ..- /6 FEB-21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDwpr'~ & ANGELL FAX NO. 561 831 7700 ExmBIT A-5 Legal Ilescription for portions of tbe Property owned by Christiane Francois and Marisa G. Ritts, as joint tenants with right of s"rvivorship P. 13/24 If., FEB:21-2003 FRI 04:30 PM EDW~~~S & ANGELL ~'I" T.~N"" I, ..~:'. ......: . . '... f .. ~..~ ~r~;i~', ,':..':. _w '{' a.. , .e , . .-'- . ... ,r~ ~.. . _~h : .: .\ ~.~.; # ..... :' -:.:.. . . . ":i'l;~r;' .' .:;.r3~ J. ;' \.:",.~ I .' i: ~~ E b .< n....~r:ltl :. 0 .... .,.. ... .~ K ~ ... 0> '5' ~ ..,... J: Do ~.. v: ~ 'fl~ ~ 0 ~ .. (. :l (W ~ n .... ;1 t<! go Cl"J'( 0 "1 ~.. :' t' ~ z -' ';l (W I-' >-. t'" ..1 It t'I II: :~ t;f " ~ II) i!Q~~gV. I 0 ~a:l- !I pt 0 ~. ~ ~ ... '" :& go ~ " 0" III ::r ftS" ~ "~ (01 ~~a~; VII "1 ~:t .t) Itn'" ,;. ~ 0" 0 ~ N....Z~ ~1.oJ".."' . . it ;'1 n _ ~ fI .~ 0 non . C ~ 11 ,. '" OH" '.1 n Qr:r ~ '~l ... III ;r .... :s \t) " :.I ~OOO~ .~ If" ... WI .~! g, 0 :: .. :1 ""l!: :1 "" :J' 0 0 ~ ~ .....n '} ..,,, ; --: ~;. .., . "'08" ; "..,a:.. ..,'. tJlI !;I'- :J IIl'itJPr ~ III ..." g.~1) ;- ",,:I _ n a ~ 1 g ~t: .1 ,.. ".,.. rr ~ ....""0 · ""'0 ':I ;:l .... ... ~ O;ll~:r' 11 · ..... .. 0.. ':J' .... :--:::0 .. '"' FAX NO. 561 833 7700 P. 14/24 17 THE ARCHES AT BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW EXHIBIT B - LEGAL DESCRIPTION It 02/27/2003 12:13 95477&76r~ lNI)' DESCRIP11ON: EHti B tr 13 PAGE 03 POR11ONS O'F LD1S " 2, 3. 4, 50 8, I, 10 AND 14. 10CEJHER wnH ALL OF LOTS 11, 12. AND 13, TOGEntER WIllI A POImON OF lHAT CERTAW PlATlED 20 FOOT WIDE NJ.E.Y L" AO.IACENT 10 SAID I.D'f'S " Z. 3, 4, 5, 1 " 1 Z AND , J. ALL IN BlDCI( 7. ~ ORIGINAL 'tOWN Of' BO'VNTON FtORlDA. ACCORDING 10 THE PLAT lHEREOF AS RECORDED IN PlAT BOOK 1, PAGE 23 OF 1liE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM IIE"ACH COUN1Y, fl.DRI~ MORE PAR11C\MRLV DESCRIBED AS FOLlOWS: COMMENCING AT lltE IttI~ON Of 11iE cam:RUNE OF' OCE'AN AVE'HlJE want 1HE CENTERUNE OF' FEDERAL. HIGHWAY ($fATE ROAD NO. 6. US HIGHWAY NO. 1X1DO f1XJT RIOHI'-OF'-wAY): lHENCE NORTH I8'H'2T' WESf ALONe SAID COOER UNE OF' OCON AVENUE, 50.01 FEET: THENCE SOUIH ocr02'OO- WESr. JJ.DO FEEl' 10 'DE POINT OfF BEGINNING; lHENCE CONTlNUE SOUTH OD"~oe- WEST, 284.79 FEEl" 10 THE SOUTH UNE OJ" SAID BlOCK 7. SAME BEING lHE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF SO~ 1ST AVENUE (40 f1XJT RIGHT' -OF-wAY): lHENCE NORIH 88"5I'2T' WEST Al.DNG SAID ~ UNE OF BLOCK 7. A DISTANCE OF 335.01 FEET: lHENCE NOR1li oa'02"OI- EAST, JUI FEETi 1HENCE SOlmt 18'50'2T EAST, 144.1. FEEl'lO ntE WESr LJ\lE OF SAID LOT 11, BLOCK 7; lHENCE NOR1lf 00'02'08- FAST ALONG THE WEST UNE OF SAID lDI' 11, A DISTANCE OF 100.01 FEET 10 lHE CENIERUNE Of' SAID PLAnED 20 FOOT WIDE AlllY: 1MENCE NORTH 88'51'27 WEST ALONG SAID CENml.JN[. SO.DO FEET TO 1lE WEST UNE OF LOT 5 EXTENDED 10 1HE CENlERUNE OF !aM) 20 FDOr WlOE AU...EYi THENCE NORTH 00"02"01- E'AST ALDNC SAID SOUTHERLY EXTENSION AND ALONe ntE WEST UNE Of' tWD LDT 5, A DISTANCE Of' '21.52 n:ETl THENCE SOUIH _S,'2T' EI&I'. 240.04 FEET 10 THE POINt' Of' BEGINNlNC. TOGEnfER WITH lHE NORm eo FEET OF LOTS 1 1lIIOUGH 7, lESS t THE WEST 5.00 FEET ntEREOf FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ALSO LESS lHE RICHT-OF-WAV FOR LAI<E STREET. ALSO KNOWN AS LAICE ~ STREET. ALSO KNOWN AS FEDERAL HIGHWAV. ALSO KNOWN AS $TAlE ;Q ROAD 5. ALSO KNOWN AS U.s.HIOHWAV ND.1. 10GETHER wmt lHE ;:; SOUTH 80 FEET OF l.DTS 8 'rMROUGH 14. u:ss 1HE WEST 5.00 FEET ~ FOR RlCHT-OF-WAY, AND ALSO lESS 'THE RlCHr-OF-WAY FOR LAKE ~ SlREEf. ALSO KNOWN AS fEDERAL HIGHWAV. ALSO KNOWN AS STAlE .: RCWJ 5. AlSO KNOWN AS U.S.HIGHWAY NO.1. ALL IN BLOCK 12, 1 ORIGINAL TOWN OF' BOYNTON FUlRIDA. ACCOROINC TO 11-tE PlAT .5 THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PlAT BOOk 1, PAGE 23 OF SAID PUBUC g RECORDS. 110GETHER WI1H ALL OF LD1'S 1 1HROUGH 3. lESS 11-tE WEST 5.00 FEET AND lliE fAST 10.00 FEET 1HEREOP' FOR RIGHT-Of-WAY, A PORTlON Of' BlOCK 12 ORIGINAL 'TOWN or BOYNTON FlORIDA,. :5 JCCORDING 10 11-tE PLAT lHtREOf' RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15. ~ RIG[ 18 OF SAID PUBUC RECORDS. I ~D lANDS L"'NG IN THE CfIY OF BOVNTON lEACH. PALM BE'ACH ~=UNlV. F1.ORIDA. CONTAINING A COMPUtm NET ARE'A OF 153.112 ~ UARE FEET (3.515 ACRES)" MORE OR LESS. ... /1 THE ARCHES AT BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW EXHIBIT C - APPLICANT'S OPTION/CONTRACT AGREEMENT 2-D E:f.fI-IB rr "~/f OPTION AGREEMENT This Option Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of this~~ay of December, 2002 (which shall be the date that the last of Optionor and Optionee have executed and delivered this Agreement), by and between MGR OF PALM BEACH, INC., a Florida corporation, DOLPHIN BAR INC., a Florida corporation, PRIME PLAZA, INC., a Florida corporation, and CHRISTIANE FRANCOIS, a.k.a. Christina Francois, a single person, and MARISA G. RITIS, a single/married person (collectively, "Optionors"), the address for which is, for the purposes of this Agreement, c/o Christiane Francois, 65 Spanish River Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-3322, and BOYNTON VENfURES I, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Optionee"), the address for which is, for the purposes of this Agreement, c/o N-K Ventures LC, 319 Clematis Street, Suite 512, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, Attn: Mr. J. Kevin Lawler. (Optionor and Optionee are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties") RECITALS: A. WHEREAS, Optionors are, as further set forth on Schedule A and Exhibits A-I, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 the owners in fee simple absolute of the properties more particularly described in Exhibits A-I, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5, attached hereto and made a part hereof, which (as described) encompasses the entirety of Block 7 and Block 12, Original Town of Boynton, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, less and except the lands this date owned (or thought to be owned) by Robert Katz and Robert Leifer (collectively and as described, the "Property") a diagram of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and B. WHEREAS, Optionors intend and desire by this Agreement to provide Optionee with an exclusive option to purchase the Property on the terms and conditions as herein provided. WITNESSETH: In consideration of the Option Payment (defined below), of the mutual promises contained herein, and of further good and valuable consideration, the receipt and the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. OPTION. Optionors hereby grant to Optionee the exclusive option (the "Option") to purchase the Property on the terms and conditions as are set forth herein. 2. TERM OF OPTION. The term of the Option shall commence on the day and date set forth hereinabove and shall continue until its expiration and termination at 5:00 p.m. on December 31, 2003 (the "Term"), unless sooner terminated pursuant to the joint written instruction of the Parties. Optionee shall not be entitled to receive any interest on the Option Payment (defined below). 3. CONSIDERATION FOR THE OPTION. In consideration of the granting of the Option, Optionors acknowledge the receipt from Optionee of the sum ofTen Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) (the "Option Payment"). The Option Payment shall be non-refundable except as otherwise provided herein and shall be deemed to be earned upon acceptance of the Option and this Agreement by Optionors and shall be in the sole and exclusive property of Optionors. The Option Payment shall be paid directly to "Christiane Francois", for and on behalf of each Optionor and delivered simultaneously to execution hereof and will not be held in escrow for the benefit of Optionee. Each of the Francois Entities hereby acknowledges that it has received good, sufficient and valuable consideration in connection with the 7-1 Option, this Agreement. In the event Optionee exercises its right to purchase the Property hereunder, the Option Payment shall act as a credit towards the purchase Price of the Property. As further consideration for the Option and the Option Fee, Optionor and Optionee agree to use their respective commercially reasonable efforts to ratify the terms hereof within a more definitive Purchase and Sale Agreement by 5:00 p.m. (local time for Palm Beach County, Florida) on December _,2002. 4t PURCHASE PRICE. The total purchase price to be paid by Optionee to Optionor for the Property if this option is exercised shall be - -.~. -' - - · (the "Purchase Price"). Upon payment of the Purchase Price, Optionor shall deliver good and marketable title to the Property free and clear of all liens and other encumbrances, except for taxes for the current year and all years thereafter and other permissible exceptions. In the event Optionee exercises the Option granted herein, the total amount of the Option Payment made hereunder shall be credited to the Purchase Price at the Closing. 5. CLOSING DATE AND PLACE. All deliveries required under this Agreement of Optionor and Optionee shall be made and the transaction contemplated hereby shall close (the IIClosingll) at 11:00 a.m. local time for Palm Beach County, Florida on the earlier of (i) the first day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or federal banking holiday and that is at least ninety (90) days following the exercise of the Option or (ii) Tuesday, March 30, 2004, or at such earlier time as may be established upon the mutual agreement of the parties (the "Closing Datell). Completion of the Closing shall be closed at the offices of Edwards & Angell, LLP, One North Clematis Street, Suite 400, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, or at such other place as shall be mutually agreed upon pursuant to the joint written instructions of Optionor and Optionee. 6. EXERCISE OF OPTION. In order to exercise this Option, Optionee must, prior to 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the Term, deliver to Optionors a letter providing notification of the exercise of the Option, which requests closing on the Option and delivery of general warranty deeds from Optionors for the Property no later than ninety (90) days from the date of such notice. Upon notice from Optionee, Optionors shall be obligated to provide for the sale and conveyance of the Property. 7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. The terms "Optionorsll and "Optionee" whenever used herein and any pronoun referring thereto shall be construed in the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter in accordance with the manner in which this Agreement is executed whenever the context shall require. Optionee may assign any or all of its right, title or interest hereunder without need of the prior written consent of Optionors, provided the assignee assumes all obligations under this Option. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement is to take effect as a sealed instrument, sets forth the entire contract between the Parties, is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, and may be cancelled, modified or amended only by a written instrument executed by both Optionors and Optionee. The captions are used only as a matter of convenience and are not to be considered a part of this Agreement, as such. If and to the extent that any provisions of this Agreement shall be unlawful or contrary to public policy, the same shall not be deemed to invalidate the other provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes and renders void any and all prior agreements between the Parties with respect to the Property. -1.- PMB_203339_2.DOC 2-Y 9. BROKERAGE FEES. Optionors and Optionee mutually represent and warrant that they have not dealt with any broker in connection with this Option and that neither Optionors nor Optionee know of any other broker who has claimed or may have the right to claim a commission in connection herewith. Optionors and Optionee shall indemnify and defend each other against any costs, claims or expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of the breach on their respective parts of any representations, warranties or agreements contained in this Section 9. The representations and obligations under this Section shall survive expiration or other termination of this Agreement. 10. RECORDING OF OPTION. The Parties agree that neither Optionor nor Optionee may record this Agreement within the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Optionee shall not have the right or authority to encumber the Property or to permit any person to claim or assert any lien for the improvement or repair of the Property made by Optionee. 11. COUNTERPARTS; SIGNATURES BY FACSIMILE. This Option may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. In the event that the signatures of either or both of the Parties hereto is provided by facsimile, such facsimile shall be deemed to be and otherwise treated in all manner and respects as an original document and the signature of any party shall be considered for these purposes as an original signature. At the request of either of the Parties, any fax document subject to this Option shall be re-executed by both Parties in an original form. The Parties hereby agree that neither shall raise the use of the facsimile machine or the fact that any signature or document was transmitted or communicated through the use of a facsimile machine as a defense to this Option, or to any document executed in connection with this option and forever waive any such defense. (The remainder of this page has been left blank intentionally. Please see next page for all signatures.) - 3 - PMB_203339_2.DOC ,;(.? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date set forth below. Executed by Optionor in the presence of the following Witnesses: ~ ~.~ ' Print Name:~ IT cH--At t( "/::A-.V ~<~~~~ Print Nhme: \....... ~." ~'\. Pri tName:/~~S~",c..~ ~.~~~" ;;g, j).enr J~..=- y ~ ~~~' , Print'Name: ~\~ rv-. .~"\. ~:.I"'''''' S~U · r ~ --?{ - Pri~: ~~ \.........-...-.~...~ Print Name: Print Name: OPTIONOR: MGR OF PALM BEACH, INC., a Florida corporation " By: du-?:;t:;-~ / .L~ Print Name: C~077/J,u{-- P~/l/<./{:-CJ/J Title: ,kcL~t;:r Date: /;< -.:;, - 0 2- duly authorized DOLPHIN BAR INC., a Florida corporation By: 1"-'k-u~,... P;!~.-J P~ntName: C r r71/.1fAG: f?r~~ TItle: 5,cvu. 'd~t: Date: J,.:). _ ...::;- - CD "2- duly authorized PRIME PLAZA, INC., a Florida corporation By: ~L'7-Z:;:~ d~~/ Print Name: clHZ/J71d,,(.)tf: F~fi~/:J Title: J?1le.du;1cn.1 Date: /.;2 '" - 0 2- duly authorized d-,<;!-~~ L-~ CHRISTIANE FRANCOIS, a.k.a., CHRISTINA FRANCOIS, a single person Date: /.;2. ,F- c)..2 MARISA G. RITIS, a single/married person Date: PMR ?O~"l::l!:l ? noc dt/- Dee 05 02 05: 13p Ju ! Mal'" i e Chavez DEC-05-2002 THU 08:07 PM~ARDS & ANGELL 310 71-5342 FAX NO. 5f 33 7700 p.4 P. U~ IN Wl1NESS WHKREOF, the Porties hereto have cAecuted this Agreement as of the date set forlh below. Executed by Optionor in the presence of the following Witnesses: Print Name: Print Name: Print Name: Priot Name; Print Name; lnnt Namc:__ Print Name: Print Name: Print Name: Print Name: OPTIONOR: MGR OF 'PALM BEACH, INC., & Florida corporation By: Print Name: Title: Date: duly authorized DOL'PUlN BAR INC., a Florida corporation By: Plint Name: Title; Pate: duly authorized PRIME PLAZA, INC., a. Florida corporation By: Print Name: Title; Dale: duly authorized CHlUSTIANE FRANCOIS, a.k.a., CHRISTINA FRANCOIS, a single person Date: ~ fA;PtS .' MARISA G. RITts, a singlclmanicd person Date: 1'"2.-- c:; -n ?_. \/\., \J(.' . . v \ ,'--........./ PMB.,203339_2.00c cJ!: Executed by Optionee in the presence of the following Wi Prin me: C/-tkt ut- t.A7V ~.~~~~ Print ~e: ~,,~ """' . ~.\ I.. OPTIONEE: BOYNTON VENTURES I, LLC, a Florid liability company By: Print Title: Date: , duly authorized ClAD "\n".,.,n .., '"""",... d-~ Name of Property Owner 1. MGR of Palm Beach, Inc. 2. Dolphin Bar Inc. 3. Prime Plaza, Inc. 4. Christiane Francois, a.k.a. Christina Francois 5. Christiane Francois and Marisa G. Ritts, as joint tenants with right of survivorship Schedule A Parcel Identification No. 08-43-45-28-03-007-0032 08-43-45-28-03-007-0112 08-43-45-28-03-007-0113 08-43-45-28-03-012-0010 08-42-45-28-03-007-0031 08-43-45-28-03-007-0010 08-43-45-28-03-007-0083 08-43-45-28-03-007-0111 Property Address 516 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 115 South Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, Florida SE 1 SI Street Boynton Beach, Florida 211 South Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, Florida 530 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 101 South Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, Florida 501 SE pI Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 5115 SE pI Place Boynton Beach, Florida 27 CERTIFICATION OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION AND INCUMBENCY For this Certification of Corporate Resolution and Incumbency, the undersigned states as follows: 1. That I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Prime Plaza, Inc. ~reated and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (the "Corporation"), and that, as such Secretary I have custody and control of the corporate seal and records of the Corporation. 2. That attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the resolutions adopted by consent of the sole director of the Corporation, with respect to the certain sale ofthat certain commercial real estate located at 211 South Federal Highway in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 33435 (the "Property") by the Corporation to Boynton Ventures I, LLC. 3. Set forth below are the names and signatures of the duly elected, qualified and acting officers and directors of the Corporation, holding on December 5, 2002, the offices set forth opposite their names: NAME POSITION SIGNATURE d .,~ ) "7,L::....t.-' "'7'~~2/ Christiane Francois President, Secretary IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation this _ day of December, 2002. ~ ~1 ckz~ ~ Christiane Francois, Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) PMB_20J 132_LDOCIGYOUNG cJ.g AJ~ f=-l ~ P44,~ ~Cf'AR' l+no4 i~ k ' i I 1 1; ,I 0;> "-';,' '),' -- $;--'W,! r.., ...___w '" .. ,,<-_ "'{..~L-""" CIV4. ..f'lt f _ I ell"!:! p ~ z. 777- S2.sb \ " I' ,":, ,- > f t ( i /." ~~ ,-' , - Ei> ~t:::>6 2)0-~ 6~;>/2 GRI6 VDf7f0~ ~~ f>+z- ill.. C~ 5~olJ ~~c.J ~W\. 11Tfl) - J <:::T) f\ (\ ~ ...!Q{'.' Iii ~ ~ -~ \ \J~ ~.,.. lV~ I j :1 I 1 I' 74z - ~Uo 7'I;2..-~uy 7t.f2--h2&o .B{. 8-siD 8 ;jf?- /f)tJ 0 Duncan, Arlette Subject: Duncan, Arlette Wednesday, December 03, 2003 12:50 PM Rumpf, Michael; Hudson, Dick (Orran); Johnson, Eric; Breese, Ed; Tucker, Patricia; Coale, Sherie FYI From: Sent: To: We have had letters addressed to Nancy Graham, and one to Kevin Lawler returned by the Post Office. They are no longer at the address of: Urban Principles, LLC 319 Clematis St Suite 512 WPB but Nancy Graham's new address is: Nancy Graham Executive Director Downtown Development Authority 400 Clematis St., Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 We have noted this in the Arches file folder. Arlette " . I'i Ii: iL , ~ Ii ~I' +- Tt-f~ AJ2C5~S '/ . '1' 1v11Y:~f llse I Vt0W C0wf€'lt t PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG I TI2Y1E: Z'oo .- ~ 0D -pM I M IZ DI-I t<~?-r g{(.,.ve~ Dl..'l-tCt . --r L'b:tqv..",clV\ J I ,,.. IJAve ,.:.( tlt'y K~<~ ~c"M1U'4 t-lvt?J-i..J?L:-, . PROJECT ADDRESS: I FA.X: I ) DATE SUBI'rIITTAL RECEIVED: COIVlivlENTS: ~ C_LC< I7c ~ J:\SHRDA.TA\PbnningI.SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\PRE APPLICATIO;\S c'[EETL"G LOGS\Pre-Applic:Hion ;\[cctin::; Log.doc T:?CO-\ [~ P9 9Clr1{ f ~)l-ln"v~v.\.C~\.Cr(>8 ( ! J\J!.l:,.. (,W/'\ ~J ~0h 0v\U{, Or'\ Sr:. r'J? ;h/C . ole-let - +r.ee sta.'(,[1.-~ . (I tddf)d~- i]t;t~t ~ ~YfjZiJl..s. . ) \ '). D EQ v I p~t bR[tl~OIv1 (fCb~h~) l M\C.tW r .'. f(~ (;VI ~ 1J ~QtJ-\'0!~VJJ:lJ \ \ lOll ttzO ^/\.~{.-~ tvtii .--tOCpif O~Mtct 1Iuz ~~ ~ 3M~ S~ .e.-~t.k (~EH11 ~ F, 4tt-~ C ~.~ ~ I M~ rpc~ in-~Sl~ ~ Wa.-U1 '1/\.c~~ ~ 1 D /l /to Z-4 II I 1 Of) ., , H-zD-- ~tGtc~ ~~ VM-Wt -kh" ~ &>;uw!:X?b>(>>v, 7 {hx t,~ut (.~ctf(1..t~ 'rtO(U9-;xp{ '- nx IOvVtL .~, S~-t)2 ---f:;ci S."C /'SJ ac/'-( r -r 4-5='1 -/1\-11 (~ov'*;' <?~kJ 4-ces I' Vi- Fll1-r~~ ffe~vl\. (trZu0~ 5~stevt ) S+rQc(Lt +r.rZ~( ocdU~) R~l(ut~d ~ {fc~ . KOot lxt{(eILS ~ '3\~ .:hce-u C.190J~ C~\C{ w'/?h-jVLS. , Cl~ CDlv1w1 ~ cte~-tc) il/n~'-'1Atree~ WI _ R.\1l~ts - ot-l-U(XG! '{ f PIDS i C,YcS ~ lIo..Cu.t<""i SF /SI ,fJ/..f' 9~t Wi ~vn PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT lVIEETING DATE: TIME: . ATTEl\j1)ING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not . binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendina Staff ~,.\" ,>1\\> " ./ ~ ",.- { . \ ~~"\.. ...1..:.' efZ\u ~Dh' ~ K v ou~ Ke.n-1 ~jl.- i i G,.eA-H~ ~ J:\SHRDA T A\P LA."I/N Ii'G\S HARE 0\ WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-A.PPL ~IEETf.';G-SIGN L'i SHEET.DOC "...... < ~I a/~3 0w - &:p _ II it !) 2, s4~ ;: (/rUi /?{r4.- /A L{ -H- - ~JDry~~- ).,la~ ~ ~ J{~ &2/4 ' if V - ~~cG,.e 0 v..Q/L Sf- I s;t Av2, /:u r . I sJ-..at "6Y- , '~rA2 j,u ~ (1 ...- ~Y\V{::.~k f~((j -- crJ?~'- C "- . .. - Ud:8' C'Ul'v1--Q C~ '1.4 H'~ lruluut~ C1J1rk ..' (2Ibi ~ 0", '1<,A .j..) (J; , ...'- C~J...- df~?d~ i~ kf?dz ~7- V~ -/1" 'I -;, tit LA'~ l,j7...c~\ J\.... .:J-rt! ~ ,:(}1J . CQtJl.+/J, ,f A, ,. ..,. . ') ~V · /).I r J) C (<- I I - I. \ I W' La II 11 C. .. C-,-",,-<~ po.., ~ I r-~ LkJ c-- r:~, ~ c <.. ~tV'.J.:. ~ lA-v<---.- ~ -/' n' I . ;.' h:4' -(lL. _..:)(J~dJ;~j .~2/11UL- ~QfL-' Udr ..:-:->Gu~l~() rD~t )C1,.C0?r~.< ~ 2J.(Qr J.bdw ~ f)tvJ. 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