CORRESPONDENCE Breese. Ed From: Sent: To: Subject: Magazine, Chuck Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:29 AM Breese, Ed RE: Ocean 500 Apparently there is a new owner of this property. The company name is MZZ Centrum. I was provided the name of their attorney, Mr. Bill Bloom. His telephone number is (305)789-7712. Thanks for your help. Chuck Magazine Risk Manager City of Boynton Beach, FL magazinec@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us (561) 742-6042 This e-mail transmission.andanyattachments.isintended for the person(s) listed here on this electronic submission and no one else as it might contain confidential and privileged information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please call the telephone number referenced above and please destroy all copies immediately. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Breese, Ed Sent: Monday, November 27,2006 10:11 AM To: Magazine, Chuck Subject: Ocean 500 Okay................................, try this one; Ryan Weisfisch Maxwelle Real Estate Group, Inc. 3050 Aventura Blvd., 3rd Floor Aventura, FL 33180 PH. 305-792-7500 FX.305-792-2110 Good Luck!!! Ed 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Memorandum PZ 05-112 TO: Kurt, Bressner City Manager Quintus Greene, Development Director Michael Rump~'Q.../ Planning & Zoning Director June 27, 2005 Update on The Arches project THROUGH: FROM: DATE: RE: A 2nd time extension for this project was granted on January 18, 2005, extending site plan approval to December 3, 2005. When granting this approval, the Commission requested that project updates be provided throughout the period of the extension. Specifically, the updates would be provided from both the applicant and Staff as of May 1, 2005 and September 1, 2005. Accompanying this memorandum is a letter and e-mail message from Mr. Weisfisch of Maxwelle Real Estate Group, Inc. describing subsequent action that represents "good faith" efforts and intention to progress with the development of the above-referenced project. No permits have been requested; however, the applicant has moved forward with the redesign as presented to staff at three different meetings in the past 60 days, and with the filing of the new site plan (major site plan modification) on June 22,2005. With respect to water and sewer concurrency, a new reservation fee is due and will be paid in conjunction with the major modification request! approval. The CRA incentive package is still valid corresponding with the original site plan. The CRA will review the new site plan for the attributes that warranted the original incentive package. Lastly, staff has not been given a planned date for the demolition of existing site improvements. Please contact me should additional information be desired at this time. MR Enclosures S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ARCHES @ BB\SPTE 05-001\1st progress report.doc 5o~nton Ventures 1 j LLC May, 2005 Update on the Arches Mayor, Vice Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager, CRA Director, CRA Members and Staff, Since our meeting in mid January we have been charging forward simultaneously on 5 major fronts. Land Acquisition: Since January we agreed to purchase the lands owned by both Bob Katz and Robert Liefer. In late February we closed on the properties owned by Bob Katz. Mr. Katz was able to deliver all of his properties vacant of tenants. In late March we were successful on closing on Robert Liefer's land. In an effort to work with the seller, we agreed to allow Mr. Liefer to occupy his former building until June 30, 2005 so that his new office could be built out. These properties were the final pieces to the 5 acre parcel necessary to redesign the site, and continue the city's vision of extending retail all the way down Ocean Avenue. Environmental: Since January we have been actively monitoring the site and pushing the state of Florida to issue us an approved monitoring plan so that we could be issued a NF A letter. Please remember that in a good faith effort to the city, Boynton Ventures 1 closed on the former Fran90is parcel without all the final signatures from the state. In April, we received a letter from the State Environmental Agency approving our tests and our remediation and have agreed to issue us the NF A letter in accord with that letter. Building/ Joint Venture Partner In the months since our meeting we meet with over 20 large scale local and National developers in search ofthe best building partner for BVl, LLC and the cityof Boynton Beach. After many weeks of meetings, multiple drafts of contracts, and a handshake we have agreed to terms w/ one group. It is anticipated that all of the paper work will completed prior to the end of the month. Contractors In late February we brought on board a top general contractor based in Pompano Beach Florida to help us evaluate all the true costs of the project. We have been meeting on a regular basis to insure that the modified site plan that comes forward is with-in budget. In addition to a GC, our civil engineer has been in constant contact with to appropriate city staff to insure the project is moving forward. Modified Site Plan Maxwelle R.eal Lstate Group, Inc. 3050 Aventura Blvd. Aventura FI. 33180 Tel: 954.455.5677 Fax: 954.455.4961 www.maxwelle.com '\ .. 5o~nton Ventures 1, LLC Architect- After evaluating multiple different site plans and elevations Boynton Ventures 1, LLC has agreed on a final site plan which enlarges the public plaza on the comer of Federal and Ocean Avenue, better showcases the retail, and increases the green area of the site. This site plan has been shared with staff. After meeting with staff our architect has been meeting with our contractor to see which modifications can be incorporated in the modified site plan. We look forward to meeting with staff one more time prior to submission. The project is moving forward and is in great shape. We have begun the process for pulling both fence and demo permits, and we look forward to seeing you in the upcoming months. Should anyone have any questions please feel free to contact us directly. Best regards, Boynton Ventures I, LLC Maxwelle Real Estate Group, Inc. 3050 Aventura Blvd. Aventura Fl. 33180 Tel: 954.455.5677 Fax: 954.455.4961 www.maxwelle.com Page 1 of 1 Rumpf, Michael From: Ryan Weisfisch [ryan@maxwelle.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 22,20055:42 PM To: jtaylor@co.palm-beach.fI.us; enslerb@cLboynton-beach.fI.us; bubbagdf@cs.com; smyott@quincyjohnson.com; cristale@bellsouth.net; mhorenburger@cs.com; tillman@palbeach. k12.fI.us; hutchinsond@ci.boynton-beach.fI.us; mccraym@ci.boynton- beach. fI.us; fergusonm@cLboynton-beach.fI.us; mckoyc@cLboynton-beach.fI.us; Kurt Bressner; 'Jeanne Heavilin' Cc: peter@maxwelle.com; oren@maxwelle.com; ryw@attglobal.net; Michael Rumpf; 'Miskel, Bonnie' Subject: Arches Update Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager, CRA Director and CRA members, The full modified Site Plan has been received by Staff and it is currently under review. We are eager to begin the improved Arches project which offers more public space, larger courtyards, excess parking and superior retail space. We thank you for your continued support and look forward seeing you at the respective Commission and CRA meetings in early August. Best regards, iE'f" Maxwelle R.eal Lstate Group, Inc. 3050 A ventura Blvd. Aventura, Florida 33180 P~ 305-792-7500 F~ 305-792-2110 ryan@maxwelle.com 6/24/2005 ~J (' _ , ( : ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Thursday, April 21,200510:14 AM Mazzella, Pete; Johnson, Don; Hutchinson, Douglas Arches project status At the time the Commission approved the time extension for The Arches project, they asked that a progress report be provided to them May 1 st. I have a call in to Ryan to request a written statement. Please provide me with any relavent information on the status, as it involves your functions (i.e. utility reservation, permitting, incentives, etc.). Thanks and return any question you may have. Mike 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Hutchinson, Douglas Friday, April 22, 20058:16 AM Rumpf, Michael RE: Arches project status c~~/ ------ ~ <' ~f, Michael The incentives are tied to the valid site plan. Doug From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:54 AM To: Hutchinson, Douglas Subject: RE: Arches project status No, but was told by Ryan that he'd like to come in next week. Do you have any incentive package still valid for this project? All ok and timed with the site plan time extension? Mike -----Original Messagenn- From: Hutchinson, Douglas Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:22 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Arches project status I have not received nor heard anything from Ryan. He stated that he would be updating us in writing. I asked when the buildings would be removed and he said he had no set date as Lieffer had to move out first. Did you see a redesign??? Doug From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:14 AM To: Mazzella, Pete; Johnson, Don; Hutchinson, Douglas Subject: Arches project status At the time the Commission approved the time extension for The Arches project, they asked that a progress report be provided to them May 1 st. I have a call in to Ryan to request a written statement. Please provide me with any relavent information on the status, as it involves your functions (i.e. utility reservation, permitting, incentives, etc.). Thanks and return any question you may have. Mike 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Mazzella, Pete Thursday, April 21, 200512:14 PM Rumpf, Michael RE: Arches project status Jkt~ /' ~f, Michael Importance: High Mike We still have not received a reservation fee or cap fees since the extension. They do not have water and sewer concurrency. Pete -----Original Message--m From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:14 AM To: Mazzella, Pete; Johnson, Don; Hutchinson, Douglas Subject: Arches project status At the time the Commission approved the time extension for The Arches project, they asked that a progress report be provided to them May 1 st. I have a call in to Ryan to request a written statement. Please provide me with any relavent information on the status, as it involves your functions (i.e. utility reservation, permitting, incentives, etc.). Thanks and return any question you may have. Mike 1 ~f, Michael p~ ~ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Guifarro, Christina Thursday, April 21,20052:53 PM Johnson, Don; Hays, Lynn Rumpf, Michael; Large, Tim RE: Arches project status Nothing has came in at this end. Tina -----Original Message-nn From: Johnson, Don Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:39 PM To: Guifarro, Christina; Hays, Lynn Cc: Rumpf, Michael; Large, Tim Subject: FW: Arches project status LADIES, I KNOW ADDRESSES OR PCN WOULD HELP, BUT DO YOU REMEMBER SEEING ANYTHING COME IN FOR THE OCEAN AVE. AREA, DOLPHIN RESTAURANT, PINELAND PLAZA AREAS. IT IS SUPPOSIVEL Y THAT TWO BLOCK SQUARE AREA .MIKE RUMPF IS INQUIRING. THANK YOU, DON -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:12 PM To: Johnson, Don Subject: RE: Arches project status As for current status, you have no requests for permits correct? -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:04 PM To: Rumpf, Michael; Mazzella, Pete; Hutchinson, Douglas Cc: Large, Tim Subject: RE: Arches project status CURRENTLY THE FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION IS REQUIRING THE NEW 2004 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE TO COME INTO EFFECT ON 7/1/05. ALL PERMIT SUBMITTALS SUBMITTED FOR PERMIT ON THAT DATE WILL BE BUILT UNDER THE NEW CODE. DON -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:14 AM To: Mazzella, Pete; Johnson, Don; Hutchinson, Douglas Subject: Arches project status At the time the Commission approved the time extension for The Arches project, they asked that a progress report be provided to them May 1 st. I have a call in to Ryan to request a written statement. Please provide me with any relavent information on the status, as it involves your functions (Le. utility reservation, permitting, incentives, etc.). Thanks and return any question you may have. Mike 1 ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:27 AM Mazzella, Pete Arches project Good morning Pete, I just wanted to confirm that there is water/sewer capacity available for this project now with the County interconnect. What about sewer? I'm sure the Commission will ask when presented with the status report. Good day, Mike 1 ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Mazzella, Pete Thursday, May 12, 20059:36 AM Rumpf, Michael RE: Arches project Mike Here is a report that was forwarded to the CM yesterday. It includes the Arches flow, even though they do not have a firm reservation. Pete . uncommitted projects 5-05.xls -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, May 12,20059:27 AM To: Mazzella, Pete Subject: Arches project Good morning Pete, I just wanted to confirm that there is water/sewer capacity available for this project now with the County interconnect. What about sewer? I'm sure the Commission will ask when presented with the status report. Good day, Mike 1 ~ C3 ~ ~ >- In!::: '-:0 ~~ UJ~ .....UJ r:Q..... ~r:Q O'c:( a..:::! ~~ ~'c:( ~~ Cl)o >-~ ~fr1 j::CI) ~~ o ~ ~ ~ CI) ooO'O'g 00000 qqqqo ogo~O) ~q~lt!.~ N It) 0.... 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He acknowledged that they have met with the neighbors and are trying to address their concerns. Mr. Meaux requested that the Commission approve their request so they could continue their project. Motion Vice Mayor McCray moved to extend the site plan approval granted from September 2, 2004 to September 2, 2005. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ferguson. Commissioner Ensler noted that there were three phases to the site plan, the first two deal with the church and the third phase is the development of a building in back of the church to be used as a basketball court. He felt that this building would interfere with the residents that live adjacent to those buildings and would devalue the neighboring homes. The residents of Leisureville would like the request to be turned down and that the site plan time extension be re-approved for phases 1 and 2 and that phase 3 be discussed at a future date. Commissioner Ensler was opposed to having a 30' building in the backyard of the residents living in single-family homes. Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, pointed out that at the Planning and Development Board meeting, the Assistant City Attorney explained that anything on the site plan represented approval and phase 3 was part of the approval of the approved site plan. Vice Mayor McCray noted that staff recommended approval of the site plan time extension until September 2, 2005. Vote The vote on the motion passed 4-1 (Commissioner Ensler dissenting). VI.E. Ratification of CRA Action: 1. Arches (SPTE 05-001) - Southwest corner of Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway - Request for a second time extension of the site plan approval granted on June 3, 2003 for one (1) year from the previously extended date of December 3, 2004 to December 3, 2005 Commissioner Ferguson requested that the applicant furnish. the Commission with two reports; the first one would be due on May 1, 2005, and the second one on September 1, 2005. Also, Commissioner Ferguson would like to receive a memorandum on the same dates from the City regarding the City's progress on this project. 19 DEC-21-2004 17:37 FROM:MRXWELLr 954-455-4961 TO: <="';17426259 P.002/003 5o-ynton Ventures 1 Decem bel' 21, 2004 Eric Lee Johnson Planning & Zoning 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, Fi 33425-031 Ph: (561) 742-6256 Fax: (561) 742-6259 Re: Arches Closing Dear Eric, It brings me great pleasure to inform you that as of December 20, 2004 we have successfully closed the Arches properties formerly owned by Ms. Christine Francois. We at Boynton Ventures 1. LLC look forward to continuing our cft()rts in preparing our property for the Arches development. It has been an enduring process to close on these properties but now we have taken the necessary steps to ensure the development of the Arches will be a defining achievement tor both Boynton Ventul'es I and the City of Boynton Beach. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year and look forward to seeing you in January. Thank you again for your continued efforts and support. Warm regards, ~~~ ~y~e;:;;;; Managing Member 12;0 L Hllllundalc= bcnch 5lvd. Suitc ;0;; t'1.:III.,ndlllc 5c=",~hJ FI ;} 1 ; 9 Fhol'le 95+.455.5617 Fax 9:5+.+;;;;:<1'96' ....OCDG'-4 ~~ -11 r I ~ g g > 4 ~ ;' : ~ r8~;.; r;. := ~ '" ~t ~ f !. !.ra~fg' i'-.J n ~_ ~8 -r~ g r 1Il i ~ " ~ . Of J--l:- 1l !!H~ H I ~3:.l r: ~~-1? ,.. ;5;=._: i r' , r~ =;:: c:c o-.(.,1<J"~ (J"t..Do. O. m. '" ~. -<>ll><~= Z--,-,.,.,z- _'-o..'-Z~O 0;;0~=;:;;C) Z 2:0-00 "'!-" ~voQSlZ~~ >vo~. (j~> (jc:tvoOm"- ="'m$O~:; (j~""r-mlJ'\m O::lO:;;;:';ZIG 0""0~""8>- m 00 llZ ~ -,,> m= (j ~ ",O",!C""'O"" ...."'CC)n '" ~IG"-Z' Ei8 -",Q m _ > vollZO-Z~ ::::;;Gl~o.(j::; ~ ('i(j g;:!--> ~ ; =~Oll:-:S'" """'O:t ......" ~~!"~ ~O m-t 0.. m< O~ 0 08 ..,,~ .." :'<0(,1'1 > > > .....c :g:= t) >~ R~ ~ .:,,;; ~~ ~ 6~ o~ 0 ~o ;z;;; -0 ~~ '" o 9 ~o :< e: ""~ o 0 ~ ..... 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