CORRESPONDENCE :c;OM CITY IF POYNTOi.,J BCH UTILITiES FRx NO. 5517425298 Jlm. 0.=' 2004 02: [13,",(1 :::1.1. MEMORANDl.JM UT1LITIES DEPARTMENT NO. 04-72 :FRO 1\'1: rv1ichael Rumpf. Director of Planning & Zoning Peter Mazzella, Deputy Director of Utilities 11..// TO~ l)ATE: June 4~ 2004 SUBJECT; The Arches ~ additional comments regarding site plan extension 'The Development Order fur the Arches project iSFlued on June 3.2003, included in (;ondition no. 6 the requirement to reserve water and sewer capacity \vithin 30 d,lYs of site plan approval by the City Commission. The developer has not complied with this condition, and aM such does not have a firm reservation of capacity at this Hmtl, Th18 failure t0' comply with the conditions of the Development Order may ca.use the Order to be invalid, thereby requiring the applicant/developer to re~apply .~ ., j 0" .., 0 rl . :(07 tj IjeW Site p~an epprova!. Tt in oieter to nlamtam We clJrrent r~:i;;;r, the de'v~~joper may reserve the need.ed capacity retroactively, by paying the reservation fee for the past year, in addition to the upcoming year. ht that the reservation is p~1:st dl\w, ~,H paym.ce-nts must be made prior to City Cil)mmi~sion ~pproHd of ,~.~~,,? ,!c..vtCil">'" 1,{';;'(ll ".""'.,~ 1'>;;.,. '1-'-1:1:.. I,;t ~a -.,,).' i':oi" .q).~~~ \N~iter treattnent capacity is severely limited at this time. 'Nithout a firm iese.r'v0.tiof\":his Department cannot commit to serving this project with potable w~tf.;r. x';: Peter r.liazzeHa Nancy Byrne, Development Dept. Ed Breese, Pl~rnnjng & Zoning Law:i.nda Logan, Engineering Division File FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: Lindsey Payne FAX: 954-771-4923 FROM: Michael Rumpf DA TE: June 2, 2004 NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 7 Membership Interest Agreement RE: Included in this fax is the above agreement by N-K Ventures LC and the First Amendment to Agreement. J:\SHRDATA\Planning\Planning Templates\P&Z Fax\P & 0 Blank Fax.dot If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. r;'~'~i~E ~ TI~:E, ,_ : ,:,/, ~~O. / ~.lp:Mt:. L'L;F:~;TIC)~'J ;. :~\I:E:S) ,:>[~::;U~ T !,:iJT.:;E I L_________ TRANSMISSIm~ \/ERIFICATION REPorn I ! i I __________J 01/05 Of,: :Lt, 91 95477149::::3'F,[ ::) 00:01:4~, 07 OK STANDARD ECM 'r ~~f',~F t'-1.-\I""'::~ ,~.,. I ;.. l~. . . il.,'__ '3EP. H 0J.,;05!200"~ G~,:.l::~ F'LJ~t'~~.~ I f'.~G 5C17l..~2525 :.; BROL3J87E,f:E',1 . From the office of Planning & Zoning FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax TO: Darren Rubenfeld FAX: 561-746-5815 FROM: Michael Rumpf DA TE: June 2, 2004 NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 7 RE: Membership Interest Assignment - ih e AI<-t '" ~~ Included in this fax is the Membership Interest Assignment by N-K Ventures LC and the First Amendment to Agreement. J:\SHRDATA\Planning\Planning Templates\P&Z Fax\P & 0 Blank Fax.dot If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. r;~~TE~ TIME F;~:< NO. !NA~1E: nljR,~TI mj F,~GE (S~. ~:':ESUL T r;ODE I I TRAN:3MI:=SImi \iERIFIC?~TIOt-.j REPC!RT i ! L-______.___._ -j'11',1F:: !L',j[ ~.. ..' , t'H", '(!:::L ~;cY.# 131/05 O::'i: ~;4 9156174658154S128 00:01:45 07 Ok STANDARD EeM Ol!OE!200 , 8~:~b f1Lj;t~tm-.j(~1 5f) '"~ 7L12E2:~I~j BRCIL.::'J87G351 MAY-24-2004 10: 38 FROM: MAXWELL,E . . ) I 954-455-4961 T~17426259 P.004/009 I IH :tMBERSHIP INTEREST ASSIGNMENT THIS MEMBHRSfDP INTEREST ASSIGNMENT (this "Assignmenth) is made and entered into on May 3, . ~ )04 by N-K VENTURES LC, a Florida limited liability company ("Seller") for the oen'dit 1)1' MAX"NELLE REAL ESTA1'E GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability company C'Buye-r" . RECITALS A. Buyer and ~eUer have eXl'ilCuted and delivered that certain Membership Interest Purchase Agreement date:., t le date h~f (the "Purchase Agreement'?, pursuant to which the Buyer has agreed to pwd 1 ~f from the Seller and the SeUer has agreed. to sell and transfer to the Buyer all of the LLC InteT :', t. B. As set 11m : ,ill Section 3(a) of the Purchase Agreement, it is a condition to the Seller's obligations to cle.,,, under the Purchase Agreement that the Seller execute and deliver this Assignment to. the Bll ~'fl' NOW THEREFOH H, for good and valuable consideration. the receipt and adequacy' of which are acknowledged t i he Seller, the Seller hereby COvenants and agrees as follows: 1. .In consider ~ ton of the foregoing premises and other good ~d valuable consideration (including. . itl10ut limitation, the Purchase Pric~), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby ackomv! :dged, the Seller hereby sells, assigns. transfers.. conveys, grants, bargains, delivers t>, sets Oln1' and Vests in Buyer, its successors and assigns, all right, title and intere~t (legaJ and equitable ,n 8JJd to the LLC interest, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD forever. free and clear of any and all reo!: . : ktions of any type or kind. 2. Selle r agr<.:'~ ~ t~ it shall promptly execute and deliver such documents and take such further action .is shell .Ie necessary or as shall be reasonably requested by the Buyer in order to effectuate the purposes r',[ this Assignment and/or the Purchase Agreement. 3. This As~igli :1(,ot shall be bindin.g upon the Seller and its successors and assigns and shall inure to the bene"i! of the Buyer and its successors and assigns. This Assignment may . not be changed. modified ~.. ' a mended in any manner other than by a written agrec:m:J.cnt signed by the Seller and the Blyer_ 4. This Assigr 'llt.nt may be executed in any number of counterparts. each of which will be deemed atl angina: ; ld all of which v.ill constitute one and the same agreement. 5. This Assi1:,'rn it..:nt shall be govemed by and construed ill accordance with the domestic laws of th~ State '?lorida, 1M20977J4;11 MAY-24-2004 10:38 FROM:MAXWEUE t.- ,," . If j . .~'tt:)":~!':' , > (.~:. ' . h" !-,I, .. j~. " j~1 ,.... t. . . ;~l 1~' i . j,' . I' \:. j': l,'~ . .... i'<:. WI.. 954-455-4961 T~17426259 P.005/009 6. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined k I' is A,;sigmncnt have the meanings given to such terms in the .Purchase Agreement. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF) the Sener has executed and dd ' .:red trig Assignment to Buyer on the date first written above. SELLER: By: Name: Title: , f,f' ~:.:~ -I 4w /,,(JIL "", . Mcbh.., M, ~~ :f,.,IIrIr!tL. APPROVAL OF ASSIGNMENT The undersigned, as the sole remaining Member of BO)'llt<lt V en1'U.t~s I, LLC, hereby consents to the fpr.egoing Assignment. MAX~LLE Rf ~L ESTATE GROUP. LLC ~~.,~ , B~~'.:~"- ~ -_ R~f;~J~ag1ng Member p; (M2097734;11 .2.. . Mf;lY-24-212104 10: 38 FROM: MAXWEWrE : ~ V ow. ," r,.. <r 954-455-4961 T~17426259 P . l1ll1l6/l1ll1l9 t. {RST AMENDMENT 'CO AGREEMENT THIS ,FIRST AMItNDMI~NT TO AGRF..'EMENT (the "First Amendmcntll) is made this 20th day of October, 2003 (be; 19 th~ date on which the last of the partjes hereto have fully cxe~uted this First Amend,m.ent). h, and betw-een MGR OF P. ALM BEACH.. lNC., a Florida corporation, DOLPHiN BAR INC., .1 I '1(lrida corporation, PRIME PLAZA, INC., a Florida corporation, and CHRISTlANE fRt\.NCC Jl":. a.k.a. Christina Francois, a single person, and MARlSA G. RITTS, a single pt:Tl)OO (MGR, \1, phi]), Prime_ Francois and Ritt'i are, collectively herein. "Seller") and BOYNTON VENTLTRE~ i, LiC. a Florida limited liability company (IIBuycr"). W 11' N E SSE T H: WHEREAS. SeUI~r and Buyer are pmties to that certain Agreement dated June 16, 2003 (the "Agreement"). Cupitali1.. ..1 ~crDlS us(:d in this First Amendment but not defmed herein ~ha11 have the same meaning ....'i <:-.t,1 -I j} hed in lhu Agreemt;nt; and WHEREAS~ S~lIcr and "I~ er fU'~ mutually d~i.rous of amending and modifying the Agreement und Sene.r:'s and Buyer'.') I gins and obligations thereunder on the terms and conditions as are Set torth herdn, eac;.h of wruc: I 'faS previously established in the Agreem.ent. No.W. T.HERKFORE, 1v' ['en Dollars ($10.00) and for other good and valuable consideration. th.~ receipt and sllfji~!elll"\ I)f which arc hereby acknowledged by Seller and Buyer, the Parties hereby agree as foliow:'.l: 1, Recitals. fhtlt lh r. In.'going reci,tuls are tnle and correct and are incorporated herein by rC'terence::. 2. Amcndrtlt:,"Jl~. (a) As dctill.:11 r. the Option Agr~ement and used in the Agreement, the word "Term" :>haIl be ddined;' flat p~riod oftimt: comrn.encing on December 5.2002 Wld extending to 5:00 p.tn. ~kl\.. , tiinc; for Palm Beach County. Florida) on Monday. February 16.2004. unless sooner c~,. nded or terminated pursuant to the joint written instruction of the Parties Of tolled b EUYtJr'g prior ~x~rci.se of the Option. (b) Se~ tiun t), .1 of the Agreement is hereby amended and r.estated in its entirety to read ~s roJ:()W:l.: "6. ('LOSI:'i~,~l/.K,.ll~'l'i.SION~: (a) C/. -utg Date and Plt,ce. The dosing for Buyer~'1 purchase of the Proper(v.1rom -\~:' ~1 andfor Sl!lIer's sale and conveyance of the Property to Buyer as contemplated ',v this AgrtJl!menr (ihe "Closin.g") shall occur ai the ojjke of t.'Jcrow A .!It.'nt' or I '/.1'h other IOl~ati(}n as is mutually agreeable to Buyer and Seller ut 3:()() {J.iN. (i..'l a! limi'! .li;r Palm Beach County, Florida) on or prior to mV-24-20l2l4 1l2l:39 FROM:MAXwsr . ! I . - .. 954-455-4961 T~17426259 ( \ P.l2ll2l7/OO9 .. (Ii) Wedne.sduy, '/"'r! ~ 30, 2004 (as described, the "Closing Date '? Stller and lJuyer m~v by agreem<'111 .!c'signate em I:!arlier rime and date J01' the Closing. Jl 'I'h~ remaining p\)'~ ens ofSec.tio.n 6 of the Agreement shall. remain unaltered. 3. COllnterpal'~. Ihl" First Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparls ~ac;h of which shall b< c\ 11 ,iJercd ,U1 original and one and the same document. A facsimile copy of this First Arn<mdlllen a,td any signatu)"~s hereon shall be considered for all purposes as originals. 4. Full Force ).nd 81 ~~1. All other terrrls and conditions of the Agreement shaH remain in fuJi forc~ and cf1ec l. 5. M.~ndmer'J Tre l~:'ms contain~d ill this Pirst Amendment shall govern in the everlt of un) conflict betwet"n the I t nlS contained in lh~ Agrccmt:nt aud the tenns hereof. (The I'ClIlaUlder oftbis page has been left blank intentionally. l~Jcase see nc~t page for all signatures.) .2- PMS_PMB_222628_1 M8Y-24-2012l4 1121: 39 FRll'1: Ml=lXWEL.,lf. l v 'It . ~ 954-455-4961 TF617426259 P . 121l2l8 "121l2l9 IN WITNESS WllmU~OFT the II ks have executed this Am~ndll1cnt to Agreement. or caused it to be \:'~~c'Ul~ by their lcspcctivl . ,.Iy Cll.lthori;t.~d rep~s~nrntivos~ as tu\ lostrwnent und,;:r seat as of tho day ,.md yeal' set forth bc:lo\li, ~(SS~~~: _. p~~,;r1?;.~~ . ~-l 'zoO jL..t~ . l)rint Nillll ': ~"'P.JV .t::::.;''ii.!:~'il-'' -- Wl'l'NESSI';"~; _~),....../ f ;__ IldlltNfl~~~".~i~-=' :~ ~~~~-~!;:::;. ~~-;,., 'P' V,_ -J__ j'l'jnt ~~e)~ ....~..;..:;-' - ~_._- ? ' ~ ....-. r', -- 111,c' ~.."... . '_. - ~/ '~r; J-/)r-- I~I?1~~~..,_~~~~_." =~ ~~~'(;:i'- .- ,)-..:....-.. l - SIDfl1llUlll PliO" - FII'$I ^h'l~I\dmfl'l '0 AU"" ,"1. BUYER: S.KLLER: MGR 01'- PALM BEACH, INC.,,, 1:1orida. corporation By: r.: k;iA*,J L~~) l}~intNnme: c,~t;~'n~P~ Fj'Al-t:1J/j Tlllc: Pt.~j I ____ _ __ 1.>,1(0:_' 10. 2~''''' O~ duly fluthori~d DOLPHiN flARINC., a l'lori~a corporation H)':,. t(~J~~4.1;;.,>~ ~".~q~4 ) Print Name: C.~UXr/f17 t<<~~' rr ./-" A40 Title: P R(,~Jt!"'k.n t:'- Dutc:_ I t). ~.('>-f'~.l cluly DuthoriZl!:d rIHlVW PlJ\ZA~ me., a }:10t;00 oorporation J3y:_ (.~,(.., L:~ 1'--' ~&y,/ <t~oC/ ~I~~~::t: Na'~~:~1(1~l: m~(~~/J 1 )ate: ....1? -d o:fl.1 .) duly l111thorixcd , , MAY-24-2004 10:39 FROM:M~XWE~F~ . '/ " ~, :-. k ;:, .... ~ -'::d- Print ~~~ ~'\.?:l~~~ ':.= '~~'A~ ")--~ -, Prillt Ni.\r Yc:J).t&N ~~j,"~' ~~, - .-- ~ --. ..--- P~~~(~ ~, S~JMI\JI" "'aI/II - ~jrSI ArnCt,)" t ...Ill'l. t., ":'TICI'll 954-455-4961 ~5617426259 , i \ P.OO9'OO9 ('l.bt"'A'4,d__<.~ ~~~~./ CHRISTIANE FRANCOIS, a.k.Q" CHR1STJNA FRANCOTS, a single person Dnl~: 10" .I.~) --tJ3 ____ ~~.l''''-'''&''' c:. ~~~" ..13 (.t (.Jt;) fJ _ MA roSA G. Rj.TTS, II single person r; ~ D Date:_ JC> ;!c'>""f)J \- [/J'ti-z t<a.7""-*' ~?i-~.:'...:J Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Ramsey, Mary Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1 :39 PM Johnson, Eric FW: Arches Please see David's response below. -----Original Message----- From: Tolces, David [mailto:dtolces@cityatty.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:36 PM To: 'Ramsey, Mary' Subject: RE: Arches It would appear that the request for an extension of time was properly presented to the City and should be processed accordingly. Please forward this on to Eric Johnson. David > -----Original Message----- > From: Ramsey, Mary [SMTP:RamseyM@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:33 PM > To: 'dtolces@cityatty.com' > Subject: FW: Arches > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Tolces, David > > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:33 PM > > To: Ramsey, Mary; Lamanna, Rosemarie > > Subject: FW: Arches > > > > > > > > ---------- > > From: Johnson, Eric > > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:32:35 PM > > To: Tolces, David > > Subject: FW: Arches > > Auto forwarded by a Rule > > > > Please respond. Thank you. Eric > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Rumpf, Michael > > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:30 AM > > To: Johnson, Eric > > Subject: RE: Arches > > > > please > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Johnson, Eric > > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:04 AM > > To: Rumpf, Michael > > Subject: RE: Arches > > > > He didn't send an email... .it was a conversation that I had with him on > > the phone this morning. Do you want me to call David and ask him to > send 1