AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office 0 December 7, 2004 0 December 21, 2004 0 January 4,2005 0 January IS, 2005 November 15, 2004 (Noon.) o February 1,2005 o February 15,2005 o March 1, 2005 [gI March 15,2005 January 17,2005 (Noon) December 6, 2004 (Noon) January 31,2005 (Noon) December 20,2004 (Noon) February 14, 2005 (Noon) January 3, 2005 (Noon) February 2S, 2005 (Noon) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o City Manager's Report o Development Plans o New Business [gI Legal o UnfInished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the March 15, 2005 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinance - Second Reading. The City Commission unanimously recommended that the subject request be approved for Public Hearing and Legal, Ordinance - First Reading on March 1,2005. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-026. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Live/Work in SMU (CDRV 05-002) Kim Glas-Castro, AICP Town and Country Homes - Florida Renaissance Commons Request for an amendment to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6.H. Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) zoning district to allow Live/Work units as a permissible use. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Develo City Manager's Signature ~ Planning and Zoning S :\Planning\SHARED\ WP\sPECPROJ\C 3-15-05.dot S:\BULLETlN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC ector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources E REVIEw\CDRV05-002 Live-Work\Agenda Item Request Live.Woirk in SMU 2nd reading (CDRV 05-002) DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-026 TO: FROM Chair and Members Planning an~7r~ent Board Dick Hudsoj} Ki,tP Senior Planner t:- Michael W. RumptrlQ Director of Planning and Zoning THROUGH: DATE: January 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Live/Work Units in Suburban Mixed Use Developments NATURE OF REOUEST Town & Country Homes - Florida Is requesting that the City initiate a code review for amendments to the SMU Suburban Mixed Use development regulations to allow Live/Work units as a permissible use within the SMU district, subject to criteria. BACKGROUND Live/Work Units are generally described as buildings or spaces that are used jointly for commercial and residential purposes. The idea Is not new; throughout history there are examples of "living above the shop." By creating opportunities for this type of activity in residential areas within mixed use developments we also provide additional opportunities to reduce dependence on the automobile to reach some business and professional services. When regulations for the Mixed Use-High Intensity and Low Intensity zoning districts were amended in 2004, provisions were included to allow for live/work units; however, in that instance, the emphasis was on limiting the "live" portion of the structure In the commercial center of the coastal area. With the request under consideration, the emphasis Is focused on limiting the "work" portion of the structure. There are numerous examples of live/work regulations across the country, particularly In larger cities. In Palm Beach County, three examples were examined, notably West Palm Beach, Delray Beach and Jupiter and are briefly discussed below. West Palm Beach allows "limited office uses" In specific redevelopment areas of the downtown, specifying that the uses are secondary to the residential uses and limits them to no more than 35% of the net Interior area of the structure. The allowable uses Include offices for agents, architects, artists, brokers, dentists, doctors, lawyers, and other similar uses. The parking regulations require a minimum of one space per dwelling unit and an additional two spaces for the limited office use. Page 2 CORY 05-002 live/Work Units In SMU Delray Beach has adopted a "Residential Office" zoning district to be used as a transitional use between commercial or Industrial districts and residential districts, or used as an Incentive In older residential districts needing redevelopment. The regulations allow business and professional office uses. Structures In the district can contain either a residential use, and office use, or a mix of uses; however, the appearance must be residential In character. The City also has regulations specific to the Old School Square Historic Arts District, that allow a broader range of commercial uses, including restaurants, retail specialty shops, and art-related sales, as well as single family residential uses. Residential and commercial uses may be located In the same structure or on the same property, provided the owner of the parcel occupies either the business or the residence, or an employee of the business occupies the residence. There are no size limitations on either the residential units or the commercial spaces. Jupiter's regulations were developed for the Abacoa development, which is similar in nature to the Boynton Beach Suburban Mixed Use developments. Jupiter limits the number of live/work units to 3% of the total residential units In a neighborhood and requires that they front on a central neighborhood public square. The work portion of a townhouse dwelling Is limited to the ground floor and must meet the Florida Industrial Building Code requirements at time of construction. The commercial area Is limited to 1,500 square feet. One of the persons who work in the commercial operation must reside full-time in the residential portion of the townhouse and up to four other persons may work In the unit. Verification of residency Is required upon annual renewal of the Occupational Ucense for the unit. Deliveries to the commercial use are limited to 9:00 am - 6:00 pm and parking requirements are based on the square footage of commercial use plus the required parking for the residential unit. ANALYSIS The proposed live/work regulations for the SMU district (Exhibit "A'') limit the area of the "work" portion to 30% of the unit or 400 square feet, whichever is greater, restricting It to the ground level and not allowing it to occupy garage or living spaces. The space must meet the Florida Building Code requirements for mixed occupancy buildings. locations are limited to the perimeter of the residential project or along the project's principal roadway and, where possible, adjacent to perimeter or external roadways to minimize Impacts on the greater neighborhood. "Work" uses are limited to professional or business services or tutoring as listed In the ordinance. Employment for each unit Is limited to two on-site workers at anyone time, In addition to resldent(s) of the "live" portion of the unit. The worker residing In the unit would maintain the occupational license for the business and must acknowledge the employee limitation at the time of application for the license. "Work" units may not be rented separately from the living space. In addition to the two parking spaces required for the residential unit, one additional parking space would be available for each two "work" units and may be located either on the lot, built Into the structure or within 300 feet of the unit. Slgnage Is limited to one wall plaque, two square feet In copy area. RECOMMENDAnON It Is staff's opinion that the proposed amendments will prOVide an additional opportunity for locating small and low-Intensity commercial uses In residential portions of mixed use developments, which may be more Intense than typical home occupations, but because of the Page 2 CORY 05-002 lIve/Work Units In SMU size limitations, are not as Intense as the full range of uses permitted In the office commercial district. The proposed regulations and locatlonal criteria are sufficient to provide adequate controls to ameliorate any negative effects. Therefore, staff recommends approval. If changes to the proposed amendment are recommended by the Planning and Development Board or required by the City Commission, they will be added as Exhibit "B". Exhibits J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\HUDSON\CODE REVIEWS CDRV\CDRVSTAFFREPT.DOC EXHIBIT A TABLE 6H-l SCHEDULE OF PERMITTED PRINCIPAL, ACCESSORY" AND CONDITIONAL USES USE GROUPIUSE SMU ZONE Residential or LodJ!inJ! Use Group Bed and Breakfast C Hotel C Home Occupation p Mobile Home N Motel N Residential, Single Family Detached p Residential, Single Family Attached p Residential, Multi-Family p Temporary Sales Office p Temporary Model Residences p Live/Work Units p8 Boarding and Rooming House (except where provided by state law) N Accessory Unit p Communitv Facilities Use GrouD Government Office/Civic Center/Librarv p Recreation (outdoor) C Museum p House of Worship pi (REMAINDER OF TABLE UNCHANGED] 8 Subiect to compliance with supplemental regulations in Section 5(b ). 5. Mixed Uses. a. Buildings containing residential and non residential nonresidential uses are encouraged within the SMU zoning district and subject to the same development standards as "all other uses." Residential uses within mixed-use structures, with the exception of designated live/work units, are encouraged not to be located on the ground floor, which shall be reserved for nonresidential uses. b. Nonresidential uses within mixed residential! nonresidential structures shall be evaluated for their compatibility with residential uses located on upper floors, and shall demonstrate compatibility based upon use-type, construction materials, floor plan and site layout, and other reasonable factors as determined appropriate given the type of use. c. LiveIW ork Units. This subsection provides for the use of residential structures to accommodate live/work opportunities. Live/work units shall be specifically designated on the site plan. and comply with the following standards and requirements. These provisions are not applicable to dwellings or occupations that meet the definition of Home Occupation in section 1l.D of this chapter. (l) Unit Requirements. (a) No more than thirty (30%) percent or four hundred (400) square feet. whichever is areater. oithe live/work unit shall be utilized for workin~ mace. 1 S:\P1annlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renalssanc:e Commons\CDRVOS-002\Exhlblt A.doc Working space shall be located on the ground level and shall not utilize e:arae:e or living spaces. (b) Each live/work unit shall be a separate unit from other uses in the building. The I!round floor of all live/work units shall meet the Florida Building: Code requirements for mixed occupancy buildings. Each unit. includine: the garage. shall be separated by walls from other live/work units or other uses in the building. (c) Buildings designated as live/work shall provide universal accessibility to the front and to the interior space of the nonresidential area of the live-work unit from the public sidewalk adjacent to the street. (d) To minimize impacts to the greater neif!hborhood. units planned for live/work uses shall be located at the perimeter of the residential vroject or along the project's principal roadway. and/or where possible. adjacent to perimeter/external rights-of-way. (2) Permitted Uses. Nonresidential uses that are permitted in live/work units are generally limited to professional service. business service. or tutoring services. A listing of common uses permissible in live/work units. subiect to issuance of occupational license are located in subsection 16. below. No work activity shall be permitted that bv virtue of intensity or number of employees has the potential to create impacts by reason of traffic. parkine: issues. hazardous materials. or excess waste. (3) Occupancy and Employees. No more than two (2) on-site employees. in addition to the resident(s) of the live/work unit. may undertake business activities from said unit. At least one resident of an individual live/work unit shall maintain a current occupational license for a business located in that unit. Acknowledgement. in the form of an affidavit. of the employee limitation shall be made by the unit resident. at the time of application for an occupational license. The work area shall not be rented separately from the livine: space. (4) Parking. The City encourages that one (1) parkine: space per two (2) live/work units be provided to meet business activity needs. Parkine: provided to meet this requirement shall be located on the lot. built into or under the structure. or within 300 feet of the unit in which the use is located. Parking provided to accommodate said space. inc1udine: driveways of adequate depth in front of the unit's garae:e. shall not serve as meetine: required parking for the unit's residential use. (5) Si2l1age. One wall plaaue shall be ~ermitted per live/work unit. not to exceed two (2) square feet in si2l1 copy area. in accordance with the applicable sign prOl!ram. (6) Site Plan Requirement. All respective plan pages shall identify all proposed live/work units and buildings. Live/work units shall be tallied in the site plan tabular data. 15. Live/Work Unit Permissible Uses. The following list identifies the permitted uses within designated liye/work units. subiect to occupational license requirements: 2 S:\P1annlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renalssance Commons\CORWS-002\Exhlblt A.doc BUSINESS SERVICE Business service - Addressin2 service/maiIin~ list cOl1lPiler Business service - Arbitrator. mediator service Business service - Cleaning services. maid. housekeeping. ianitorial Business service - Commercial artist/design studio Business service - Commercial photography Business service - COl1lPuter proJrraI11lllinl! service Business service - COlllDuter software development Business service - Data processing Business service - Direct mail advertisine: services Business service - Editing. proofreading. typing service Business service - Paralegal Business service - Party supplies. rentallleasing (office only. no stora2e on site) Business service - Private investigator Business service - Recordinl! service Business service - Secretarial service Business service - Boat broker (office only) PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service - Alteration. dressmaking shop. tailor PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Professional service - Abstract and/or title company Professional service - Accountant/income tax services Professional service - Adiusters. insurance Professional service - Advertising office Professional service - Appraiser Professional service - Architect Professional service - Attorney Professional service - Auctioneer (office onlv) Professional service - Author Professional service - Broker Professional service - Business analyst Professional service - Calculatinl! and statistical service Professional service - Court reportinspstenol!l'aphers Professional service - Credit reporting Professional service - En~eer's office Professional service - Tll:[lorter/eJq>orter (office only) Professional service -Insurance a~encv/bond office Professional service -Interior decorating Professional service - Loan cOJIUlanv office Professional service - Market research office Professional service - Model a2ency Professional service - Notary Public office Professional service - Public relations office Professional service - Real estate sales/management office Professional service - Travel agency OTHER USES Tutoring or instruction (Academic. music. art) Art studio with ancillary sales 3 S:\PIannlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renalssance Commons\CORWS-002\Exhlblt A.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 December 7, 2004 November 15,2004 (Noon.) 0 February I, 2005 January 17, 2005 (Noon) 0 December 21, 2004 December 6, 2004 (Noon) 0 February 15,2005 January 31, 2005 (Noon) 0 January 4, 2005 December 20, 2004 (Noon) ~ March I, 2005 February 14, 2005 (Noon) 0 January 18, 2005 January 3, 2005 (Noon) 0 March 15,2005 February 28,2005 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM ~ Public Hearing ~ Legal 0 Bids 0 Unftnished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the March I, 2005 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing and Legal, Ordinance - First Reading. The Planning and Development Board recommended that the subject request be approved. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandwn No. PZ 05-026. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Live/Work in SMU (CDRV 05-002) Kim Glas-Castro, AICP Town and Country Homes - Florida Renaissance Commons Request for an amendment to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6.H. Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) zoning district to allow Live/Work units as a permissible use. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Devel ent D artment ir ctor City Manager's Signature z-J~ Planning an~tor CIty Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\SPECPROJ\CODE REVlEw\CDRV05-002 Live-Work\Agenda Item Request Live.Woirk in SMU (CDRV 05-002) 3-1-05.dot S:\BULLET1N\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-026 TO: FROM Chair and Members Planning an~7r~ent Board Dick Hudso~ K!tP Senior Planner Q (., Michael W. Rump;f1 Director of Planning and Zoning THROUGH: DATE: January 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Live/Work Units in Suburban Mixed Use Developments NATURE OF REOUEST Town & Country Homes - Florida is requesting that the City initiate a code review for amendments to the SMU Suburban Mixed Use development regulations to allow Live/Work units as a permissible use within the SMU district, subject to criteria. BACKGROUND Live/Work Units are generally described as buildings or spaces that are used jointly for commercial and residential purposes. The idea is not new; throughout history there are examples of "living above the shop." By creating opportunities for this type of activity in residential areas within mixed use developments we also provide additional opportunities to reduce dependence on the automobile to reach some business and professional services. When regulations for the Mixed Use-High Intensity and Low Intensity zoning districts were amended in 2004, provisions were included to allow for live/work units; however, in that instance, the emphasis was on limiting the "live" portion of the structure in the commercial center of the coastal area. With the request under consideration, the emphasis is focused on limiting the "work" portion of the structure. There are numerous examples of live/work regulations across the country, particularly in larger cities. In Palm Beach County, three examples were examined, notably West Palm Beach, Delray Beach and Jupiter and are briefly discussed below. West Palm Beach allows "limited office uses" in specific redevelopment areas of the downtown, specifying that the uses are secondary to the residential uses and limits them to no more than 35% of the net interior area of the structure. The allowable uses include offices for agents, architects, artists, brokers, dentists, doctors, lawyers, and other similar uses. The parking regulations require a minimum of one space per dwelling unit and an additional two spaces for the limited office use. Page 2 CDRV 05-002 Live/Work Units in SMU Delray Beach has adopted a "Residential Office" zoning district to be used as a transitional use between commercial or industrial districts and residential districts, or used as an incentive in older residential districts needing redevelopment. The regulations allow business and professional office uses. Structures in the district can contain either a residential use, and office use, or a mix of uses; however, the appearance must be residential in character. The City also has regulations specific to the Old School Square Historic Arts District, that allow a broader range of commercial uses, including restaurants, retail specialty shops, and art-related sales, as well as single family residential uses. Residential and commercial uses may be located in the same structure or on the same property, provided the owner of the parcel occupies either the business or the residence, or an employee of the business occupies the residence. There are no size limitations on either the residential units or the commercial spaces. Jupiter's regulations were developed for the Abacoa development, which is similar in nature to the Boynton Beach Suburban Mixed Use developments. Jupiter limits the number of live/work units to 3% of the total residential units in a neighborhood and requires that they front on a central neighborhood public square. The work portion of a townhouse dwelling is limited to the ground floor and must meet the Florida Industrial Building Code requirements at time of construction. The commercial area is limited to 1,500 square feet. One of the persons who work in the commercial operation must reside full-time in the residential portion of the townhouse and up to four other persons may work in the unit. Verification of residency is required upon annual renewal of the Occupational License for the unit. Deliveries to the commercial use are limited to 9:00 am - 6:00 pm and parking requirements are based on the square footage of commercial use plus the required parking for the residential unit. ANALYSIS The proposed live/work regulations for the SMU district (Exhibit "A") limit the area of the "work" portion to 30% of the unit or 400 square feet, whichever is greater, restricting it to the ground level and not allowing it to occupy garage or living spaces. The space must meet the Florida Building Code requirements for mixed occupancy buildings. Locations are limited to the perimeter of the residential project or along the project's principal roadway and, where possible, adjacent to perimeter or external roadways to minimize impacts on the greater neighborhood. "Work" uses are limited to professional or business services or tutoring as listed in the ordinance. Employment for each unit is limited to two on-site workers at anyone time, in addition to resident(s) of the "live" portion of the unit. The worker residing in the unit would maintain the occupational license for the business and must acknowledge the employee limitation at the time of application for the license. "Work" units may not be rented separately from the living space. In addition to the two parking spaces required for the residential unit, one additional parking space would be available for each two "work" units and may be located either on the lot, built into the structure or within 300 feet of the unit. Signage is limited to one wall plaque, two square feet in copy area. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's opinion that the proposed amendments will proVide an additional opportunity for locating small and low-intensity commercial uses in residential portions of mixed use developments, which may be more intense than typical home occupations, but because of the Page 2 CDRV 05-002 Live/Work Units in SMU size limitations, are not as intense as the full range of uses permitted in the office commercial district. The proposed regulations and locational criteria are sufficient to provide adequate controls to ameliorate any negative effects. Therefore, staff recommends approval. If changes to the proposed amendment are recommended by the Planning and Development Board or required by the City Commission, they will be added as Exhibit "B". Exhibits J :\SHRDATA \PLANNING\HUDSON\CODE REVIEWS CDRV\CDRVSTAFFREPT.DOC EXHIBIT A TABLE 6H-l SCHEDULE OF PERMITTED PRINCIPAL, ACCESSORY~ AND CONDITIONAL USES USE GROUPIUSE SMU ZONE Residential or Lodf!inf! Use Group Bed and Breakfast C Hotel C Home Occupation P Mobile Home N Motel N Residential, Single Family Detached P Residential, Single Family Attached p Residential, Multi-Family p Temporary Sales Office p Temporary Model Residences p LivelW ork Units p8 Boarding and Rooming House (except where provided by state law) N Accessory Unit p Communitv Facilities Use GrouD Government Office/Civic Center/Library P Recreation (outdoor) C Museum p House of Worship pi [REMAINDER OF TABLE UNCHANGED} 8 Subject to compliance with supplemental regulations in Section 5(b). 5. Mixed Uses. a. Buildings containing residential and non residential nonresidential uses are encouraged within the SMU zoning district and subject to the same development standards as "all other uses." Residential uses within mixed-use structures, with the exception of designated live/work units, are encouraged not to be located on the ground floor, which shall be reserved for nonresidential uses. b. Nonresidential uses within mixed residential! nonresidential structures shall be evaluated for their compatibility with residential uses located on upper floors, and shall demonstrate compatibility based upon use-type, construction materials, floor plan and site layout, and other reasonable factors as determined appropriate given the type of use. c. Live/Work Units. This subsection provides for the use of residential structures to accommodate live/work opportunities. Live/work units shall be specifically designated on the site plan, and comply with the following standards and requirements. These provisions are not applicable to dwellings or occupations that meet the definition of Home Occupation in section l1.D of this chapter. (1 ) Unit Requirements. (a) No more than thirty 00%) percent or four hundred (400) square feet. whichever is greater, of the live/work unit shall be utilized for working space. 1 S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECfS\Renaissance Commons\CDRV05-002\Exhibit A.doc Working space shall be located on the ground level and shall not utilize garage or living spaces. (b) Each live/work unit shall be a separate unit from other uses in the building. The ground floor of all live/work units shall meet the Florida Building Code requirements for mixed occupancy buildings. Each unit. including the garage. shall be separated by walls from other live/work units or other uses in the building. (c) Buildings designated as live/work shall provide universal accessibility to the front and to the interior space of the nonresidential area of the live-work unit from the public sidewalk adiacent to the street. (d) To minimize impacts to the greater neighborhood. units planned for live/work uses shall be located at the perimeter of the residential proiect or along the proiect's principal roadway. and/or where possible. adiacent to perimeter/external rights-of-way. (2) Permitted Uses. Nonresidential uses that are permitted in live/work units are generally limited to professional service. business service. or tutoring services. A listing of common uses permissible in live/work units. subiect to issuance of occupational license are located in subsection 16. below. No work activity shall be permitted that by virtue of intensity or number of employees has the potential to create impacts by reason of traffic. parking issues. hazardous materials. or excess waste. (3) Occupancy and Employees. No more than two (2) on-site employees. in addition to the resident( s) of the live/work unit. may undertake business activities from said unit. At least one resident of an individual live/work unit shall maintain a current occupational license for a business located in that unit. Acknowledgement. in the form of an affidavit. of the employee limitation shall be made by the unit resident. at the time of application for an occupational license. The work area shall not be rented separately from the living space. (4) Parking. The City encourages that one (1) parking space per two (2) live/work units be provided to meet business activity needs. Parking provided to meet this requirement shall be located on the lot. built into or under the structure. or within 300 feet of the unit in which the use is located. Parking provided to accommodate said space. including drivewavs of adequate depth in front of the unit's garage. shall not serve as meeting required parking for the unit's residential use. (5) Signage. One wall plaque shall be permitted per live/work unit. not to exceed two (2) square feet in sign copv area. in accordance with the applicable sign program. (6) Site Plan Requirement. All respective plan pages shall identify all proposed live/work units and buildings. Live/work units shall be tallied in the site plan tabular data. 15. LivelWork Unit Permissible Uses. The following list identifies the permitted uses within designated live/work units. subiect to occupational license requirements: 2 s: \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\CDRV05-002\Exhiblt A.doc BUSINESS SER VICE Business service - Addressing service/mailing list compiler Business service - Arbitrator. mediator service Business service - Cleaning services, maid. housekeeping, ianitorial Business service - Commercial artist/design studio Business service - Commercial photographv Business service - Computer programming service Business service - Computer software development Business service - Data processing Business service - Direct mail advertising services Business service - Editing, proofreading, typing service Business service - Paralegal Business service - Party supplies. rental/leasing (office onlv, no storage on site) Business service - Private investigator Business service - Recording service Business service - Secretarial service Business service - Boat broker (office only) PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service - Alteration. dressmaking shop, tailor PROFESSIONAL SER VICE Professional service - Abstract and/or title company Professional service - Accountant/income tax services Professional service - Adiusters. insurance Professional service - Advertising office Professional service - Appraiser Professional service - Architect Professional service - Attorney Professional service - Auctioneer (office onlv) Professional service - Author Professional service - Broker Professional service - Business analyst Professional service - Calculating and statistical service Professional service - Court reporting/stenographers Professional service - Credit reporting Professional service - Engineer's office Professional service - Importer/exporter (office onlv) Professional service - Insurance agency/bond office Professional service - Interior decorating Professional service - Loan companv office Professional service - Market research office Professional service - Model agencv Professional service - Notarv Public office Professional service - Public relations office Professional service - Real estate sales/management office Professional service - Travel agency OTHER USES Tutoring or instruction (Academic, music. art) Art studio with ancillary sales 3 5: \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\CDRVOS-002\Exhibit A.doc LJEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-025 TO: FROM: Janet Prainito City Clerk Dick Hudson, ~ Planner Michael W. RumPf~~~ Director of Planning and Zoning THROUGH: DATE: January 26,2005 RE: Live/Work Units in the Suburban Mixed Use Zoning District CDRV 05-002 Accompanying this memorandum you will find one (1) copy of the application and related documents for the above-reference application. 'The application fees for staff processing and review have been forwarded to the Finance Department. A legal advertisement for same has been prepared for the February 22, 2005 Planning and Development Board Public Hearing and the March 1, 2005 City Commission Public Hearing, and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. xc: Central File Attachments S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\CDRV05-002\NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.doc REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING PUBLIC NOTICES, LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two working days prior to the newspaper's ad submittal deadline. ORIGINATOR: Plannina and Zonina PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: January 26.2005 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Code Review to add LivelWork Units as a permitted use in the Suburban Mixed Use Zonina District SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) 2 col x 10" (minimum) size 18 pt (minimum) headline Ad for Plannina and Development Board meetina on February 22. 2005 at 6:30 p.m. and City Commission meetina of March 1. 2005 at 7:00 p.m. NOT placed in Leaal Ads or Classified Ads sections SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper. applicants and Plannina and Zonina Director. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The Post DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED IN NEWSPAPER: February 12. 2005 and February 22.2005 APPROVED BY: (1) '1.-() ~ (Originator) /"e2~ -oS- (Date) (2) (City Attorney) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: (Date) COMPLETED: PLEASE SEND COPIES OF PROOF OF PUBLICATION TO PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\CDRV05-002\NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.doc NOTICE OF CRANGE TO PERMITTED USES IN THE SMU ZONING DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN The City of Boynton Beach proposes to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 2 ENTITLED "ZONING," SECTION 6.H ENTITLED "SMU-SUBURBAN MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT" OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PERMITTING L1VEIWORK UNITS, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS GOVERNING L1VEIWORK UNITS, AND PROVIDING FOR PERMITTED USES IN THE SMU DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Planning and Development Board of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH will hold a public hearing to make recommendations regarding this request on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. The City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will hold public hearings to consider this request on March 1, 2005 and March 15, 2005. Each hearing will be at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits at the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. The request is described as follows: All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742- 6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: The Post February 12, 2005 and February 22,2005 S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\CDRV05-002\NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.doc