CORRESPONDENCE ~ The City of Boynton Beach OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (561) 742-6050 FAX" (561) 742-6054 September 26, 2006 Mrs. Leeza Arustamyan 9687 SW I st Place Boca Raton, FL 33428 RE: Massage Therapy as permitted use Dear Ms. Arustamyan: In response to your request for information regarding the denial of your request for a Code amendment, enclosed is a copy ofthe minutes ofthat portion ofthe City Commission meeting where the issue was discussed and Commission action was taken. Very truly yours, Jam~ CCh-:'Of~5 City Attorney JAC/lrns In), ~ 0i Il);- UJ i SFP) I ~ I .------..-..--.-..- " ~ p n' 't f I \1 ,. , -......-,.. Ene. (1) cC:~ichael Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning l .....J DEPARTMENT OF DEVElOPME Nl America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL June 20, 2006 possible at the time of site plan approval. Especially vacant buildings that are an eyesore or create safety hazards were the basis of the concern. Commissioner Ensler clarified the three areas to be addressed would be to protect the citizens, visual impact and unauthorized use. Commissioner McCray questioned if the burden should be placed on the developers without further study of possible solutions. Mr. Bressner mentioned Code Compliance are a part of the process when complaints are filed. Adaptive re-use of buildings during the construction process would also need to be considered. He requested staff attempt to incorporate a provision in the Code for demolition or adaptive re-use of properties. Mayor Taylor declared consensus of the Commission was in agreement with Mr. Bressner's suggestion. B. Preliminary consideration of a request for code review from Ms. Leeza Arustamyan to amend the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 6.H.15. Suburban Mixed Use Zoning District to add "Massage Therapy" as a permitted use within the Live/Work use list of the SMU zoning district. Mr. Rumpf explained why the issue had been brought before the Commission. Staff had created a Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) zoning district to support modern development west of 1- 95. The Live/Work uses allowed home/office use that are close to commercial areas and have higher densities. Less intensive uses were included. The applicant had gotten the consent of greater than 51% of the landowners which is a prerequisite. Leeza Arustamyan, applicant, 9687 SW 1 at Place, Boca Raton reviewed her request. The current business is operated as a mobile business. Ms. Arustamyan was the administrative staff and her spouse was the masseuse. The client base is not large at this time. The business is incorporated and Mr. Arustamyan does hold a Florida State license. The corporation is fully insured and a member of the Florida State Massage Therapy Association. The intent of the business is to supply medical assistance to their patients. The proposed site would be located in Renaissance Commons at 45 Via de Peppi and one of 48 Live/Work units allowed in the community. A package of information was distributed to the Commission and a copy on file in the City Clerk's office. Commissioner McCray voiced concerned with the possible types of therapy that might evolve with the business. Ms. Arustamyan appreciated Commissioner McCray's concern but pointed out the licensing had to be reviewed every year before renewal of the license including any misconduct or inappropriate behavior. The intent was to offer therapeutic massage only and not include any entertainment services. Mayor Taylor opened the issue for public comment. No one coming forward, Mayor Taylor returned to the Commission for comment. Mayor Taylor mirrored Commissioner McCray's comments and concerns. He expressed concern over the precedent that might be established. He noted it is difficult to investigate and monitor a home setting. Mayor Taylor would not support the request. Commissioner Ferguson felt the Commission could move forward with the preliminary consideration but shared Mayor Taylor's concerns. Commissioner Ensler did not feel staff should expend more time on a request that would obviously be refused. 20 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL June 20, 2006 Mayor Taylor asked for further comment. He declared the Commission did not wish for staff to proceed with the item. Mr. Rumpf did explain a live/work use does have commercial space and is required to meet commercial building standards for separation. Each use has to be licensed and inspected by the City as well. XII. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Development - PUBLIC HEARING None B. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Non-Development - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 06-036 RE: Adopting a new Article III of Chapter 18 entitled "Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Fund" in the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances entitled "Pensions for Police Officers". (Tabled to June 20, 2006) Motion Commissioner McCray moved to remove the item from the table. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Taylor opened the issue for public comment. Herb Suss, Quail Run, felt comfortable with the proposal as a citizen of Boynton Beach. The department was fully staffed and most of the younger officers would not qualify for the requested change for many years. Rather than lose any officers, Mr. Suss, felt the change should be approved. Sgt. Charles King, Boynton Beach Police Department, briefly reviewed the background of his police career with the City of Boynton Beach. He served the City as a road patrol officer, vice agent, community high school officer, walking beat officer, police investigator and ultimately a sergeant working in some of the most troubled areas of the City. He asked the Commission honor their commitment to him and other officers, as he has honored his commitment to the City. Lt. Gary Chapman, Boynton Beach Police Department, had supplied as much data as possible to assist the Commission in making a decision. The current proposal had taken a couple of years to design and submit to the Commission. He advised the Police Pension Board had better returns than either the Employees' Pension Board or the Firefighters' Pension Board. He contended a defined benefit program differentiate public service employment from private employment. The impact of the proposed change will mostly be deferred until the younger officers reach retirement age. Commissioner Ensler was concerned the proposal could create an environment for abuse that was not being realized. The question continues to be the appropriate, reasonable percent of salary that will be paid to each officer. Commissioner Ensler gave examples of several officers 21 ,,. C') .- I tt (U' I (f':<. 1-. MC~S4A.1f SMU PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REVIEW FORM Date , - 21 - () 5 Time Started Attending as Applicant Phone -f(p I... 14<: - ~ 7(",)':; 9: (70 Time Finished I ,. (' \ ) Fax Proposed Project Name and TypelUse Site Location (Address if Available) Site PCN Existing Zoning Existing Land Use.Density Anticipated Submittal Date Proposed Project Information ~ -r~~ IN l-Jl/E/~ $MlL (r~ I ~) Proposed Zoning Proposed Land Use/Density / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback Height Parking Requirements or Improvements Landscaping/Buffering Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required Hazardous Material Notes/Comments/Recommendations I ills ~ 7Jf(;i' It;E lAlr"- Hel' /el> ~ t-IVC /~ /41 nIE. SM fA... , ~~e.rm. /AJb-(~ ~ (p1I1.:Y ~e GUe WM l.J.J~ VA; >M- ~/~ 7lI1L.D1l. 1PH1(!# ~ Al1r ~ '11Je ~~ ~~ ~lJM;. 41fI ~ ~ M>u2. M--~ likE ~ C7~ ~ ~f~. /,..,6-t~ 7lJ€ 4J€ ~;' L)Jt.E ~~ 1~T7t5r) E:n:!- ~ ~l9> /JPItJJ.f)~ tW'b ~ A- ~"1ltAFI; c. /hVP ~~ I~ (;7() 1J/C AI€l(}~ J.1I UlI-IreH IT' /.5 t.()~. TIhE ~~S ~ 4 ~ f2Ev/~ <<.;~ J::4IS~ .I/;~/)(~ '7"1kE:. JtfJI:>/ekr1C7'1/ "12I1ff" S'T1IFr ~ /.JK$(,..!lIZE~,t(.Bt.Ii) ~N$r Tlks l!R(v~.,... PJIA,f1Clu.A-L 71}€ A/rJ"1Cl) . II#&. ,f-f?I-U CAAJr ~ A- LII/. ~ (JAI'I'~ ~AI/f)A-I.s~~ ~ 1tJ.E III~ ~ 6/1J. ~ ~ Affree7l!lJ ~ koIv02..6 7?J ~ '17i n/E. ~ ~ ~~. NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p2.doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendin Staff Ec~ /!il/ (P- x V'I G-f1J ARuS' AMl{AN x Y. LR-€JCA ArLl6)1lr\tt :A-A) E .0 S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p3.doc