CORRESPONDENCE FACSIMilE . CITY OF BOYNTON . BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561)742-6259 Fax' From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: /~'J Z- b~~~ ( PHONE CALL) ~ DATE '1- IS -ex, w . '1.. 21; i () F, C. f:....J ':, I&~/ ~ 0" IT-;-- ('~~N-L-LL~il' 71-1, - '1870 i _~.....,__'~' fJH) ( "-~' r:'1T"',!~-I.,r c""~~;'J~crR_ er8o€; ".. f'I' "MESSAGE L~ - I.~-~t._.... . o ~~ ~..._ ___ ,~__ro "lrf f?&~ )_ I I,'i ,I l '", ,~.ifl~--j::A:;--D. 0 .----- ~tti~.~ ......~....._.".~~..-.- FROM: DA TE: tp - 2/ - OCt? RE: t-~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~/~ /$ TJ/& JYevt:.~1k..eVT ~. ~-'...., . . .,..-- . -(/) r H& fJr.ry /hr!t #4? /JJ~ 17Ie A#U~ ~ A-- ~e:r (/0 M~ ()p- 7'IJ€ ~blnt:71W 6P ~ (WIl1C4';/ W~ f;tlJVJ ~(~ ft. t>f- 17-H! AJ~ tJP' f)-wtZU.,/,Q'j, VAJ/1"".5)) ~.b A-:S /;- . . ~J>6 !ZI fRtk No-x; / WdVC{) ie:zpc.Jr/Le, J7-/..(;; ~~r 10 12L.ce1t/~ ~ ~ ~ 'TlI6 ~t5.s(e.-tJ 71J ~ 7H-t1Pf Ctnv/JlfTC#1J. b -:. J:\SHRDATAV'/annlng\Plannlng Templates'P&Z Fax'lP & D Blank Fax.dot , If you receive this fax In elTOr, or experience trouble with transmission, .please notify our office immediately, at (681) 742-8280. Thank you. .~ DEVELOPMr -r ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS~I'ON OF THE ClfY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 0 I . . r-~--'-'---"----_._---'-- P ~~ of!.!At PROJECT NAME: Lawrence Road project (aka Pc1lh.':,-~C~btrii).) [~ [] IYJ [~ ~ ::!',dn'"O' , 1; Ij r 0 · ''''no I ~ cc. llc.n.. APPLICANT'S AGENT: Mr. Brian Terry I Land Design r MAY 5 2006 .puty CIty Clerk . l \ APPLICANT: Vermac Properties 6, LLC . APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 18999 Biscayne Boulevard, #1 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: 2006 April 18, 2006 and May 2, TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request new site plan approval to construct 90 fee-simple townhouse units on a 9.35-acre parcel in the PUD Planned Unit Development zoning district LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northeast comer of Lawrence Road and 71st Avenue South, approximately 350 feet south of Hypoluxo Road (see Exhibit "A"- Location Map) DRAWING(S}: SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant /HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applics;lnt's application for relief is hereby ~ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 6. DATED: s - 5 -Db 7. Other City Clerk WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: mweiner@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMIR.MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ. P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer July 3, 2006 James Cherof, Esquire Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A. 3099 E. Commercial Blvd., Ste. 200 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Second floor/west wing Re: Lawrence Road Project (Park Central): Our File No.: VERC002 Dear Jim and Michael: Enclosed, one for each of you is a copy of the letter from Mr. Michael W. Rumpf to Mr. Brian Terry dated May 11, 2006. It includes enclosures and among these enclosures is a list of conditions of approval marked with an "X" if they were to be included. Please note Item #41 which does have an "X" next to it. As I read it, Item # 41 is merely a statement by the staff of the Planning Department stating their position. It does not call for any action by the applicant. This should not have had an "X" in the column for inclusion. This was clearly demonstrated at the hearing and this was only an administrative error when the report was attached to the letter of May 11, 2006. It has been mentioned that the applicant might have to return to the City Commission in order to address this administrative error. However, in reading this supposed condition, because it is only a statement of the position of the staff, and it requires that nothing further be done by the applicant, the applicant could continue. This is based upon the clarity of the record that this is merely an acknowledgement of the staff's position. If this is the case, it might avoid having to reschedule an additional item on an already crowded agenda for the City of Boynton Beach. rn\r~J~ r~ i U~', lPl\ \ JJ.. n rr) 1.-" W " !', t\ ' \[, fll -----....l, ! : ; !I I cc: Mr, Andy Verzura (w/o enclosure) Jason S. Mankoff, Esquire (w/o enclosure) 1.._ O:\VERC002\Letter to jim cherof and michael rumpf july 3. 2006.doc 'The City (if Eoynton Beach DEVE~O .t~;E:PAR.TMENT PLAf'jNi ............ .ZQNl'NGDIVISON 100 E,,'~9ypt9l.1~~?hh'~Clulev2rrJ piCL:80ic310 ~.i t .:::...;....1j 1 7 2J1i16 -D...."...,,~';,....... O"':'-5Ah . ~~(y"J'~~"!TI8;;~3~ FAX: 5$1 342~031'O w\lrWlPQYPJ('i,rJ'PP<1c;h,qrg lylayj}, ZQOt" MLBiill.n ~r'ci:~" J;gP5,t)~,5ign$9pth..... .... . . .... ., '2] 01 Cej)itiiiparR\V~.:o;tDri vc #10.0 '''''lest Pa:lhiB,iiich'fFL .33409 J~: File No',:: .T;j;:pq;ji~QQ~' 'J.>3\1.'Tet\Cc'RCii.jd'proJepf' NWSP:'OQ~@(J6 ;''NP:r1hlr1l9t,COf']1 eFP$:~)a\\m~l)p~,:Rq~,d B DO '71,1 't'\V~f;llly 's~w.ih ," . -', . '-'." ","" ....'..... . - -. . lYdltiYIf; Bq~1p:s~'91$th~,}lt?'~\z~lQl?ltl~t1t,<)i:qpl;,graJl:t~&l?y!jlil;r~.;.QjtxC~q)lJli'S$lo:t1J)'j1 )~pjiJ ,18,?(jJJ6an d M~:Y2j2blJ6';. .' Tlle,site,phJll a :,\9:.1::~::;~~~i~e~;~:~;%~~~;t;~;'~~~~i::;:~~::~M)r:~~1~'l,~~:,~~~~o~~;~~}iiiitai!j'vested:$tiltu$;:'a.bLjj]djpg ;pe:rmit.fbtlW.he =!~5:,;.~'.'~ii~t~~tiiSi;:~i~~i~;;!~~~i...~ 'il\vare'.df,:anS'[,ii.oditl()llakdo't,jjtnents:anCl]J1ird:,ptf~i .retlers'liste.dLii:l'tlJ6;c,{)liditlbnsh{.;1PPtovn].lliat 'lj~ed.1~i.be'st,iblilitteq,viTh' . *;R~i)ip~il)~t~p~pl~g~, . .... Il1e;~ tiildingBi'v-Is!bo'.ls.,coiliiliiUed: to;~pcecly.atidefricien'f:tb(ilplet1()n.;6rtb'c'builtlbig pemlitprocessfQt)'OiJrpr.oJecL. E~F~~~~~~a~!1~$~~i!I~~~~i~~i~: TIlern.l1eli fpFatidf ~J q]~rff1piJ.ti9T)':O,r;'c9JI!m~nt~i. Jill ,/ii;:'a'}1l:.Jj'3!9.71,ljfti}fji)ii,ltj'od~t;l~'fl,!1j'~!fYlill~'r!~~:!e Yi1.i,(lf :(ip.J7!'9I'er,1:~5,tt~lJi,1tJ.l)e.~1:;(f/'(('II1(),\'e ;J'€lfL(ii'er,l' 1;y ~qnfF(iQ!,1s .qfapP?J]~lPZ, ~,?lell~M fJf)IJt4t;1 tJl1Fst(1fJfo"4.tevi?w'1j'i?J<J.te~~dp.mH(ijl'f!t;'Netll1.ilpaik(lge'to llie,BiJ ililivg.i!JIvisiQl/... 4':~'()PJj(jfi(~ie'(!Qljl)'1MtfJ?l!liillQP>>{i.I~rfJriJitf'.(jfJi/.t1illi}/lttiNF$f,i'ii 1)ld:hs,'.l'cfleftf Jig .tb q"Co,}it!iHOJjs,y!i4pp)'.Oi1(il/' 1}1 l'Sl. he sti~JJrltif!d,i(}tll,e..Jlu i i ding Depu 1'tmell(';q/;'o'lg '1IJ~th i11,tJji)',stpl!l'I11it tWjI' est. t () avo i d ully'i/ela)!si Ji.:tljew,'o c~sSiil.g qf)m 11 r ~ffik . Sh(iujd Y()ll ,h~ve :my questions regarding thisnlstter, please feel free .tOCQIJl;lCl tbis oj'Jjce at {56l) 742c626(). )j,ceie~~ .' ._' ..')}..'-/,t,V fy11C~1 \\1. Rumpf Dil'ector ofP]ariI1ing & Zoning Ci:: \ferillat Properties - J 8999 13iscayne Blvd. Avent1Jra, FL 331 frO S:\I'I:llllling\SI'JARED\WP\PROJ ECrS".Li\"I,"I1\'~ Rd. pj'qjcct-L;inu Dcsigir SouilJ\NWSPOGCO06\;\pprovoJ kltel after CCd,x: ,") If " c~-~';'L \~}C (!-;l-C [:.'/~"~( ~,:(c (),j't.,I, () {. O....\j .I WEINER & ARONSON, P.A ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton ,ll,venue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: mweiner@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D, SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM L~!r!/l fr{ 711- "-J ~oo ( , June 1, 2006 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Lawrence Road Project (aka Parc Central) Our File No.: VERC002 Dear Michael: n-~~x~<~C=~~-Tfccr\W "'"~"='-~"~::'\'~ 'OOn." i..U~~"h-L"l ~ \ I. I L I~II . I', ~,/ ,. .. ............=~==r.-:-;:.~ I .--;;p,N"'NG ANO II L-...----1Q.tlili.G. DEPT -" OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer Via Hand Delivery Enclosed please find a copy of the Project Approval Letter and Development Order for the Lawrence Road Project. The Development Order indicates that the approval is for 90 fee-simple townhouse units. However, Exhibit "C" of the Development Order, Condition of Approvals, includes Condition 41, which is inconsistent with the approval. Condition 41 was rejected by the City Commission. Therefore, would you please confirm that Condition 41 has been rejected and that a total of 90 fee-simple units have been approved by sending me a revised Project Approval Letter deleting Condition 41 from Exhibit "C", (" (l~J-.e }lJ", \\ l ""~ i"' ;it "'\ ' " (, v: /") 1 f I ~JV If you should have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. /;&j~~(\2: ./ ~el s. weine~ MSW:alv Enclosures cc: Mr. John F. Casteneda (w/o enclosure) Mr. Brian Terry (w/o enclosure) /."n \ r . (! \V j .~~/ C~" C, I II' '1'~ () if!'" u /'\ ., 'J ~.) / ;/' \ \ c"\ V_ ~ ~', (lo.n i '\ u J /V!j -- \ 1 i \ I \..) ! " \) I ." i\r\ I'!j r ~. ( 1\1/\(' ....-., \../ \j !(~ \ \I \. \ \ O:\VERC002\Letter to Mike Rumpf re Development Order.June 1, 2006.doc Thank you j " / /'\/1 v , , J i \.' ci---" \ J \ v V Page I of2 Jason Mankoff From: Jason Mankoff [JMankoff@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 10:27 AM To: 'John Castaneda'; 'Adam Grossman'; 'Alan Macken'; 'Andy Verzura' Cc: 'weinermp@aol.com' Subject: FW: Pare Central John, Adam, Andy and Alan, You have asked me for summary of this matter. We wrote a letter to Mike Rumph, Planning and Zoning Director on June 1, 2006, concerning Pare Central, indicating that we believe that the Development Order should state that 90 units were approved subject to the conditions of approval. As you are aware, Condition 41 states that the density is not supported and the development order states that this condition has been accepted. We are looking for a revised a Development Order from the City. Mr. Rumph has spoken with the City Attorney and Mr. Rumph advised me that the City Attorney has advised him that we need to go back to the Commission to get these conditions amended. Obviously, we don't agree with this and I have a call into the City Attorney. Although I was not at the hearing, Michael Weiner is convinced that it is a clerical error. However, we do not want to make a big deal of it yet to exaggerate the issue, but at the same time we never like to go back for additional public hearings. If I do not hear back from the City Attorney, Michael Weiner will address this upon his return next week. On another matter, I just received the surveys concerning the easements. I will look them over Monday morning. Jason S. Mankoff, Esq. Weiner & Aronson, P.A. 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 561.265.2666 x 303 561.272.6831 (fax) jmClUK9ff@zonEl.ICl,^,.c;QIl1 NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachment to this e-mail message contains confidential information that may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not review, retransmit, conve11 to hard copy, copy, use or disseminate this e-mail or any attachments to it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by return e-mail or by telephone at 561- 265-2666 and delete this message. Please note that if this e-mail message contains a forwarded message or is a reply to a prior message, some or all of the contents of this message or any attachments may not have been produced by the sender. From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 20064:03 PM To: 'JMankoff@zonelaw.com' Subject: RE: Parc Central Jason, I have a call in to Jim Cherof re the development order. Was there another item you needed to discuss? Mike ,--,.. '~-""'-~_"_~~'~'__~~~'___~_M____~~'___'T_.~_~~~-'-"-'-""--"'___,_'___~_""'___'___<"_"~"~"""'--_~_'"~___~"''''''''''''_~~_'''_~''__ ,__~___~__~._.,___.,___.,..,_...,_,.~y From: Jason Mankoff [mailto:JMankoff@zonelaw.com] 6/23/2006 Page 2 of2 Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:47 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Cc: 'John Castaneda'; Ashlee Vargo Subject: Parc Central Mike, As a follow up to our letter of June 1, 2006, concerning Parc Central, the Development Order states 90 units were approved subject to the conditions of approval. Condition 41 states that the density is not supported and the development order states that this condition has been accepted. We are looking for a revised a Development Order. Thanks, Jason S. Mankoff, Esq. Weiner & Aronson, P.A. 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 561.265.2666 x 303 561.272.6831 (fax) jmankoff@zonelaw.com NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachment to this e-mail message contains confidential information that may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not review, retransmit, convert to hard copy, copy, use or disseminate this e-mail or any attachments to it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by return e-mail or by telephone at 561- 265-2666 and delete this message. Please note that if this e-mail message contains a forwarded message or is a reply to a prior message, some or all of the contents of this message or any attachments may not have been produced by the sender. Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and 1M. All on demand. Always Free. CheckolltAQL,~om today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and 1M. All on demand. Always Free. 6/23/2006 COA (),j/25/06 7 P:IDJ!,*)~'n~$,.Nir$ wC;L qJ)13REJ'Et.;:{ 41. 'I1'c ^tQllo,\yiI)ftCxf$~.r:pr.l's 1!~Q,~1qt.ilnd p~e' ;PrQb~9h1$.qP9'OPP9rWmitf~SclJf l~y X CODmrehend'ife . PlaI1;' . (t;Jjlaiffll~1jJ.:' ,-gt~(l :6,C;, ,J)rlim~Ql:1>pi;iJ{Gil... J?ar!trekr ,~lijdhil'rr~lf.oJ'tljWe$l'q~j'he'r 6!'th~01tYNPi~I.\'eJdJpc.ilm'npt/ipojii1iidQ: ,.'. Witli H.xceptiQlI qflhff eig.hi,'(8y~g(J[f!,PfJ"cGl"f14ja(:entfo fI.lppl1.lxo.6F1IJr;71fs 11.011' Grovr:.Pldj. (1), .thi?'j:?'f!llrCtil.\', ;\'ltQaZii. bif041fiJM'l!d4iidpl?i()'#d'4ifdct tlie..1J}jYy D ensit)iResNI~HlttJI]4iidJI#ca.i4gqt~~,i{1;iJttlf.f' tfien,ijJ/te.ciir1ijiqlibUftj'}vUh ".,,", '., ....>.,- ":'~~, ':... -",.,.,-,...,."..,,::.. ',:,":'.-'.' :c" ..'.,- .. "'--" ,,-',-'-._.._', '-', '"'.'. ,"~: e,tis tjng4fJflJrr!.11r:'2r~.~i4f'lli(JI 111!1d tt~~~:i!t..tlrevjcil-lity; . .;'hlJle.tl1 fi-Qf1:.a}ilKeSf!; propettfeSiWil(sijJl(1Peojfitii'?>Gi.{;p,1,y,:liound4ty and w/ll 'idFolV, the.G.it)iJ(j cQiirrolthe i(~~ (iflli~e)?r,l!; . J)'4~~~I~R.!!I.etNol ibesi?;'p'al'eEI,/{;~#8n1d :be t;ompgliP!e .JYi(lr .~y~ii~g' :lfJ,M '.' '.' ..'~ff?~ti!gl~;,llu?1lty"dWf!;llJlyg~ irl. :rhi~'erea" DevelopitirmlijJthe;piU:(j~ls 4~qi ,lle',liA tlt~'.~OI.IIJJ. .~ftb4abovi;;::menlhm.efi parcf;JIs}uwld'be li"r~ited to lOly,fli?ffSftY sf;fgle,j"miH'Jydetdched dw}jlliiWI'.; Ivif/1 (llJrpssd(!li~,i9';oi "ot 111p.rf!!lrh}~,tbrfg' fIJltf'. OlJ e..,l1a1j'(-'4.S) 1/lJ$t~, Pfr l1crll'.~.r.liefefQfe,. the;'ptbJ'()s.ed,'Qe~)SlrM\Qf;9. 63/aQr~sjsn:ot CQ'1isi.dGt~d,lO'w gens) ty..r'eS'idc,i:ltiaiM~i1Y6iitld be itittirlsistQcPT'\yjJh the t\:$ide~Hpld.;itlsitjc$' ?fH)\JsJ,n"%ol'ln9ing:11~pp~dit!s. ~t~Wf:;~~,r~q9mrn~r!;q,lng;,(1J}~iS\1 CJfiJi~. 're'~Br:fii' fOraliHGX'a:lidti, labtl<'u$cf'amcJ:itlmerit ;1"T\;'z()jtlh~;iu)~,~)'cW 'SJlli;;)Jl'qj'h ,.Al!;o,. ~~~i~~~4~!~!~7!;e~ '4~" CQJ:h;.~tlJfc.spe)]ilJ.g:'qt, .'t1I(}';~lr4~f'i:t9@tQ~:n~$'c\)~l)^&i"O,ii~h~~tt;f;~7: 43. 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Sj,IJ'f recommends X coordinnting with Palin Tratl 10 1bst:illan upgraded his shelter along .L,!'wrcnce Road, . AUDJT10NALl'LANNING &JJE'Y.EbOVMENJ IlQAJ:W COMMENTS: x .0Z WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: mweiner@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer June 1, 2006 Via Hand Deliverv Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Lawrence Road Project (aka Pare Central) Our File No.: VERC002 Dear Michael: Enclosed please find a copy of the Project Approval Letter and Development Order for the Lawrence Road Project. The Development Order indicates that the approval is for 90 fee-simple townhouse units. However, Exhibit "C" of the Development Order, Condition of Approvals, includes Condition 41, which is inconsistent with the approval. Condition 41 was rejected by the City Commission. Therefore, would you please confirm that Condition 41 has been rejected and that a total of 90 fee-simple units have been approved by sending me a revised Project Approval Letter deleting Condition 41 from Exhibit "C". If you should have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you very much r your assistance. ul you '\(" . "- ~~ el S. Weiner MSW:alv Enclosures cc: Mr. John F. Casteneda (w/o enclosure) Mr. Brian Terry (w/o enclosure) O:\VERC002\Letter to Mike Rumpf re Development Order.June 1, 2006.doc j'fV' o-Uu~s~ CCN-- ~5 'S "',; ~ 't-'-~-(- <%2.- ~..J'o-b2- C 6 A..s. 1?~(-~.Q 1z, ~"S-c::..A-- ~r, c>- C - (.C.-o-.,.. ~ (' t-A- L).~_ J50/\- ~~-; (f ~~f!!: f v..( J. ~.~ c k-c-={ .lit'.tdi~!i1OMAY 1'1 i1Jl1& WW'N .boyl'lt90"be~;9rg May,! t. ~006 Mr. BrlanTertY ~dn~&'igp.s,()utb. .' ." 2101 .' West})rlve #100 'WestPjlm "'~FL33409 lW: File No,; LPcation: La~ce J;(!ad;Ptoj~t NWSP06..tm6 " :N'(!rthel;lSt~I;llepofLaWFeJ,lceR.QaQ 'aDd 7t'* AvenueSQu~ Dear Mr. Terry: an~l()sed i$~~"el(!pment Otdet~tedbythe'CiwCt)t1lmiS$ip~M . April lS. 2006.andMay2. 2~06. ..Tbesiteplan approval isvaliu'fut one year from the date ol'final approvaL In order to maintain vestettstatus, a builaing permit must be seemed or,~e;xtellSipll~ted within oneyeElrQfflnl;tLsite plan ll.pproval. To Coht1nuethis project through the developtrieht process. please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorpo~~:all condi~ons ofappl'Qcval 'a$.pli<!Qble. AcCOpyof the Development~,.ffl,cluding th~.cQnditions;'must ~<;omp~ytl1esubmission of the f\.lllyamended sitephm gfft. TheptWSon managing ypurpermit applicutionsshould be made awareof' any additional documentS and thirdparly letters listed ihtheconditions.ofapproval.that need WOO submitted with fQurP~t pag~ge, The auildll1~Divisioo'iSriOmmitted tQ$peedYande~~etitcompletiGnofthe building permit process for }/Ourptoject. 1iOweveJ:f.pl~ehot~lttat .failu~<tojj;leet~ll ~pplicaQleJ)evelopmeutOrQert1QJ'!.W#Pl1S iJl~e~l,1l:u:nittoo .pl~~t~y proouce llI'lllecessary~aysiJ'!.~~ti~~ A~~~gh tevi~'\vin be~l1~pctei;i byt~]?l~ l\~Vi~wAnalY$tandiftbeheceSsary documentatiunisnOta~lled andlnrthe p1atlsai'e notamehded to~tan oftlieapprova1c01lditions, theplanswiU be ~ed tQ . ....pH~tfQtC'o~on.@dte~~1mlitta1. uefQrethe~tmiti~fut'th~p.rocesseQ, Feelfi:ee toc<m~Ct~y TART tntmluer f()fad' tion~l pl~ncationofCQtnmetltl1< ~t!()rmnt:lf}l!i!~Rltm tdintmd1!ceanY(1(ir111gesti)}'Our appt~ved. $itepltJit<p~ondlhq$f!requirer!1Jy~n(!iti()1Js of approval, Jill!4$f!. f;f.mt4J;;l Q1J,t'sltlJJfot4,rftView ./jJjfJ",S:tj1Jmi.l(itl'g4Pei.'l!t,itpaelwgWIQlh.e,1)uildil;rgJJ>ivisioll.. Jlt:Of!Jt BU,"n. ," permit. Ml()1A~~~p,r'P~tmi ."jmemf~$tte Pltitfflt(!jl#cti'ng.tl"tfeondJ1i4, '."gDepI!1'Jtl1~el1jql(nw It!itl''' tl,~JiI~J(permif ~(Jl#e$ttlJ am~tj.4"yl!daY$lf~ '4PPrt>vtJ.l ';l1~fI$tbe proc~s$i"g(JfYOUf Sh()"1.d ypuhQ,v~lnlY questiQns' tegardinS thi$tnaU~i please feel free to CQhtact this offite~t (561) 741!"l1:Z6o.. biBlvi{. AVCfl1~P.t ~3180 R4, Proj~s~"DiiSlgnSoiltl1\""Iwse'06-00(j\:i\pj'iWY.lJlIetleral\er<ZC.d<Jc .~. t/MO (, - (jJ<./. at -oJ;s- . / COA 04125/06 7 D.-"MtNT$ 41. The (()Iro~g~QClpt isi~w~d U$e;Pr<)l:>leIDs~dOpPQrt\Ul'itiesofn~~ G<>n)prehen$ivo Plan: uPlditni1:!g'Are1'l6.C. Um,#c()rpt;tirl'l~ed PQ1;pel$- Adjoinm,1/orthwest<J;ortter (if tlte (!Jlt)t,(ptfJseJtjJYm1f~tct;>rparQted)~ft!!lth ~cepti()fJ ffllth,f!>eighi ($)~ ~ {pt/J:I(f(tmw !/ypvJWC(!! turhit;n is nQw Grove PlBaJ'.t1mJepatCe~ .......... .. .. be (ufrreJ(et'fl'lfJdl!ltitteduntier the.lJtj}fl JJen$it)1 R~<<J~1ttitlllandUSc~~f1tt!grpy>in.,ottler1(Jensuty~/e()mp(#:tbilityWith mSctingQndft/t1lJ:e 1f~~til1t . ~dn tlte~cinit)l.. Arme;t.atifJ!tq(tb,ese properties. will square..oJ!tne'sf1mtndary and will .allow tf,e.C;{1Jiw contr(Jftfte~~()f Jhl?4e"(trce4t.. De.velQtttnenl o1tl~tf$e . m;els sholll1l ~ (;()mp~ with~t~ng'~tf.~sjt)1 e.ftmtiIy. .... ~".. ill {this ~. DitVelopmtfltt()lthe.patcelS~t .'lhl'. '. .. $omh~f the'~~me~titmed ptftf!cel $'hQfildbelimit~tolow..ae1l$it}1sing1e-.Jflmtl1 d(!/(jfiheddwellm~. with ..(1' .~densiiJ!flfTJ.(lt . mar~ tlt(.fTJ.thrit(4qnd'p!1.i4..hafl (3.$). un~ per acre", Therefore. thepropGscd densil-f'Qf$Mi3 acr~isnol consideredlo'W' det$'i~fesidentia1an:d woUl(l be mltloti$i$tenf With tlterC$idcntial densities of lbeSJ.PToundmgp~pe:rti~. Staff:i~r~omrnending4tmji:rl of ther~qll~ foranfiex'ation, landuseamendmC1'lt IrczQrtihg;a1ldncw site plan. Also. theproj~t propo$eSsmlPe..family .3~d1.d dwellings bmthe aUQ'Ve- referenceti poli~yt~o~ends singl~fa.rnily deta~bcd dwellings. While staff can fuakeooncessions to the type ofdweHirtg units proposed (te.an appropriate mix i'f single-farnHyattaehed anddetacbed).staff cannot su ortthe !:"o'eet densias IV sed. x 42.. Correct tbes eHin of thestreef"Jonathan'sWa.' on sheetQ..'f. X ~. X 44, The heigfitQf~~1!tQnt en '.'~.'.Ml1n()t'~Q~~g.six(6) reetmb~gh't. X 45. In order~~ePfj,)})er ~~"(le Qf~elmtter~~. staff~(l~.. X CbfiVettlng 'thetllfrompJ;i~ .~~. to "bu'trer ttacts" that wDuld be. (lwtled ,1Ul4:~m~ned' 'theHQm~)O~ers"Asso~~j,)n.. 46. Th~tteesp:!)~os(td around'~~~)lSe bun~must 'beinstiUlWl;~t X least y"melrUlldingb~ight;Of~~1(,Uilding (c;m~pter 7.5. AtticlelI, Se~~ s.M.. 47. NOSi~mat~or color($J w~tndicated. Th~(ote, .sWff recommen:QS X they ~. eiijl~ b~clc,.Ut or~iv~g.pligbting and of haVe pQlprs tbatilre co atible with the polotS of the d.evelo.ment 48, Palm 'fran bus ;tQPtp#71 U$es Lawr(ffiQc R.pt\d, Staff' teCQmmel1ds :x: coordinating With Palm Ttatl to .install an upgraded bUS shelter along ta\1J1'enceR.qad. A1)nrrl()NA,LJ)L~NIN,G..VIL()'MENT BOAtU> COMMItNTg~ R.BlJ3cr f ~\ WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: pmaugham@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer April 14, 2006 Via Hand Deliverv Mr. Eric Johnson City of Boynton Beach 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Re: PowerPoint Presentation Our File No.: VERC002 Dear Eric: Enclosed please find a disk with the PowerPoint Presentation for the Lawrence Road project (aka Parc Central)/NWSP 06-006. Should there be any problems please contact Mr. Jose Herrera at the above number or 561-644-7573. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Pami R. Maugham PRM:jfh Cc: Michael S. Weiner, Esquire APR 4 I,; " ,~ ..'....' ,J 04/18/2006 12:55 5614785~12 PAGE 01 LAND. Z101 Centrepark West Drive, Suite 100 DESIGN West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (561) 478-8501 - Fax (561) 478-5012 SOUTH E-mail:bterry@landdesignsouth.coll'l FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: 04.18.06 Deliver To: Woolford Hawkins I Fax No. Called: (561) 742.60}i Project No: 1184.1 r;a~@~ow~[p) APR 1 8 2006 Total No. of Pages Transmitted: 2 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. From: Brian Terry cc: Eric Johnson (561) 742-6259 If you did not receive this in its entirety or if you received this in error, please call (561) 478-8501 immediately. Parc Central- (ANEX 06-003)(LUAR 06-004)(NWSP 06-006) Please see the following completed Art Commission form which identifies,the developer's intentions for the above referenced project. H you need any additional information please do not besitate to contact our office. Thank you. 04/18/2006 12:55 561478~~12 .~illYl2ael2 'el2':38.' 5~1:.~,~62~_ , " . Pl.ANNING PAGE 02 ,.'.,PAGE el3 ~'\'\ ~ 0;::- I ..' ..-\ '" l, ..' . .... ',.. J ::: 1 0\ ~'Iu, ;. " A. ..... ."Y~. <\{, " :::::,: .,'..~ :.:....r:h~HCity :o/Boyn't,on: ,B~acli.. '" ,.,',., .; ''';Arts .Colifmlssion".' " .;',:, ..,- . -~" '. .... ,. .....:.'. .129,' E. a...,st,.,a.'c,.ean Avenue.." PL N N' G" NO ':','.. A ,Nl. "A .' .: ... ". aoynfo.n B~ach" F.foricla 33425 " '.: Z.ONI,NG':DEPT. .,;', ... ,.;. 561.742.6784, ",. " "., '" '.,. , :',':>~:;",~'::'.~""':":~" :.':,:.'::::'::,:: :'.::~::>':;'PUBtlcARrlNFORMA..tl0NFORM" " ,..." .',::,,", ". ",".. Tms APPLICATIQN MtIS1''liE SUBMITTED 'ALON'G"WITH'THR:srrE lLAN'.AFfLrCATIQN : : P~~J~~tj~'a'm:':':: ::P~:~""C'~n'1:~~:1':>;': ' , , ' '. ~~. '" ",... .' , ':'.( : ProJe~docadon SE corner of>HYl)ol UXO' ,and' Lawrence south ()f 'Commercial P'evEpoprrient:., Company Nam~' Ver~Mac., Pr'o-pertfes 6, LLC. ' '. . , . ' , Company A~dres$, ,18999'.,BJscayne 81 vd., #201, 'Averitura, FL 33180 Company: '~Jl~me " : ,:.305'-932,-3435 Web site', \'&M.. verconcm. com' , '. .: . ,Co~t:ict'Person. : Jo'hn CastaO@da . ,..., ':., ." '" " ,Pbon.e:::, 305":93~~3435 Email' jcastan.eda@verco.ncm.c'cim ' proj'ect c:ontlet.na~e.JA()ent) Brian Terry -, Land Desi9n South' . . ' .Phone 561;-4<8-8501 EmaU '. bterrY@la'bdd@~i(i,"S'o!,Jth.c.om . . . '" . " . ,.'. . .... " ,'.... .. . . 00 "~ @ ~U o/J'~ lQ) , 'APR 1 8 . '. ". , .' ': ..' . ","':: "J . . .' . j_ _ d ': ' . ,',.' . . ,.' ''''''/'' . . .,. ,:,- .. . Project' description '{inc:lude.t~e projects design/image intent, 'pedal features/amenitfes, special c:onstruction materials)".' " . ',' " .' , " . '., . .... , . .:. Fee Simple townhousede\ieloDment w',i1;ha neo'traditio'na1 chB..racter~ Desio" inc,ludes muHio1e community amenities 'includina a' cabana bui.lding. t1ubho'u~e buildina. oari SDace. tot lot'.<LDO~l and'sDa." . '. ,', . ~~." . . .. , Project marke,ts to' f~mi:l'Yho~e'buvers'" ' , . . . , " . . !\.rt'LocatioiJ.!s wit:hin' roundabout of communi tv entrance' fe'atui-e'~ rs ~he Art Lo.cationaccessible tO'the public? y~s, ' . X' : . No " , C>tveloperl Architect/designers cQDce.pt for Irt , " " ',',': ". " :Fou'htain" featur'~" deslan'ed, 'a~'orimarv focal point of 'community' en'trance tbe arC'hit~t"1tllY'P n-f, thp d~v~lopm~nt. in keepina ',wlth -~, NiII artist be biredby developer~es (yes or no)' 'f yes, artist res~m~ must be submitted to Arts, CommissionJor approval ;all to ~rd5ts reqUIred tllrough 'th.e Arts Commission no (yes or no)' , ' ::OD.structl~n Valu.Er for the proJect...;._..:JJk.9~O ,000 ' % Public Art Fee 1 % '!" $, '12QIJOgOG0:" , ", . It. buClget for theArt elemel1t7S"or"the p'roject1Q% -= ;.$~4~P~0_ ~iect to PKY publi~ Art Fee hi tieu ot',Publh: Art in Project No :ite'lJ,lan'date ' 2-l7'~06 -= ' ~stinu...ted completion date .1l'~'Or 4th Quarter 'of 2008 u1s Commission me~t.date'Unknown . . ate. received ordinance witr.recomniencl'a,tions ,and"-guideIines Feb., 06' ...a...!.... ...... LAND. DESIGN SOUTH Land Planning Landscape Architecture Environmental Consultation I ~_._'-:;--::--_._-- . ,,! (l i ...,.... . -"~_... .,,~~,,-. ~ 1 ;-, 'f 1;- If, '; :'n "-. /Ii! 1" .'~ I'. Ii f '. 1-'-' U I 'n "--'-"';'-'-''-7 Irlli/I'I-:7 I; I , ---- I ~ '( r ~ l\ r' , ~, ~ r Ir, March 23,2006 Eric Johnson City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida, 33425-0310 RE: Parc Central- Proposed Addendum to Site and Landscape Plans Dear Mr. Johnson: As you are aware the above referenced project will be presented to the P&D Board on March 28th. At that time our application for Annexation, Land Use, Rezone, and Site Plan will be voted on for a recommendation to bring forward to the City Council. The applicant has notified the surrounding property owners of the proposed development and continues to respond to all questions and concerns regarding the project. Through this outreach we have made revisions to the documents which were submitted to the City of Boynton Beach following our TART meeting held on February 14,2006. It is our understanding that at this time we will not be able to submit the proposed modifications to the City for distribution prior to the P&D Board hearing. Therefore, the following outlines all of the proposed modifications we have incorporated and provided to neighboring property owners for reVIew: Site Plan 1. The concrete wall within the buffer along Lawrence Road has been removed to provide for a more inviting entrance to the community. This will open up view sheds to the community entran~e and provide the benefit of additional green space along Lawrence Road. 2. Entrance Signage will be incorporated at both the north and south comers of the entrance to the community in compliance with the City of Boynton Beach regulations as free standing signs rather than being constructed into a perimeter wall system. 3. The concrete wall at the community gates on both the north and south sides of the entrance will be replaced with decorative picket fencing. This modification will also soften the visual impact of the community from Lawrence Road and create a more welcoming entrance. 4. The concrete wall located within the buffer along the entire south property line has been removed and will be replaced with landscape material to provide screening for adjacent single family development. Currently a five foot high (5') wall exists on the south side of the fifteen foot (15') FPL easement and concern was expressed by our neighbors that the easement would become a safety concern if walled on both the north and south sides. Therefore we have proposed a soft buffer using landscape material to minimize this risk. 5. The east property buffer will incorporate a 6' high concrete wall along the entire length. This modification provides for additional screening for our neighbors to the east. P:lgf' 1 of? 2101 Centrepork West Drive, Suite 100 1 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 I 561-478-8501 FAX 561-478-5012 1100 St. Lucie West Blvd.. Suite 202 1 Port St, Lucie, Florida 34986 1772-871-7778 FAX 772-871-9992 Landscape Plan 1. With the removal of the wall system along Lawrence Road leading back to the gates of the community additional landscape could be accommodated to enhance the visual impact of this community. This was done with Saw Palmetto, Fakahatchee Grasses, and Wax Jasmine groundcover. 2. The landscape around the freestanding signs on both the north and south sides of the entrance has been modified to adhere to the modified locations and sizes. 3. The dry retention areas have been updated to include Pond Apple tree, which is a water tolerant species, to provide additional landscape appeal to Lawrence Road frontage. These proposed modifications are in direct response to the concerns presented by the neighbors and ultimately creates a more attractive community. We ask that you please consider these proposed modifications during our upcoming public hearings as we have made obligations to our neighbors of these intentions. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns regarding these proposed modifications. Sincerely, L~ DESIGN SOUTH ~'-v--T ~ Brian Terry 0 Director Page 2 of2 Department of Planning, ZOning &. Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 233-5000 Planning Division 233-5300 Zoning Division 233-5200 Building Division 233-5100 Code Enforcement 233-5500 Contractors Certification 233-5525 Administration Office 233-5005 Executive Office 233-5003 www.pbcgov.com/pzb . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti, Chairman Addie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affimuztive Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper March 1,2006 Mike Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach .100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Proposed Annexation Lawrence Townhomes, 2006-08-004 Dear Mr. Rumpf, Thank you for providing the County advance notice and the opportunity to review the annexations summarized below. Name Description Acres: 9.35 Lawrence Townhomes Location: East side of Lawrence Rd, south of Hypoluxo Rd First Reading: 3/21/2006 2006-08-004 Second Reading: 4/4/2006 Upon review of the annexation, County staff have not identified any inconsistencies with Chapter 171, F.S., that warrant an objection. However, Engineering Department staff recommend that the ultimate right of way for Lawrence Road, including the expanded .intersection, is protected. Additionally, Engineering staff have ql:Jestioned.the legal positive outfall for the site, and have advi~~d thai, pef County' polley,., the r.oad.:'drainage system in Lawn~rice Road cannot be used for this subdivision. ' If you have any comments or questions, please contact James Gammack-Clark, Senior Planner, at 233-5327. \.r-~\..- -. T~ J~ ~ ~ W ~ 100~' I. ;\U)r- V2 ,\ ~, ~ / i\ II-'\\i ~.1h '62006 I \ \ c' I I' ,I, , \ . ! .J .J \ Lorenzo A hemo \ L- Planning Directo \~E~'AHTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT cc: The Honorable Warren H. Newell, District 3 Commissioner Lisa Amara, Principal Planner Kurt Bressner, City of Boynton Beach Manager James Gammack-Clark. Senior Planner Barbara Altennan Esq., PZ&B Executive Director Kathleen Chang, Planner Bob Banks, AICP, Asst. County Attomey Tammy Lee, Engineering Admin. Assist. T:\planning\lntergovemmental\Annexations\2006 Fiscal Year\Letters\Boy-Lawrence T ownhomes-Feb06.doc ma INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC February 13, 2006 Mr. Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Rumpf, Our company developed Grove Plaza parcels C, 0, and F and we currently own Grove Plaza parcels B, C, and D. I have been advised by the adjoining property developer, John F. Castaneda of Vercon Construction Management, that it is in the process of obtaining approval for 90 town homes adjacent to Grove Plaza and that the City of Boynton Beach is recommending tap streets into the Grove Plaza drive isles. I support the town home plan as submitted, together with the tap streets which would allow the residents' access to the retailers within Grove Plaza. We will shortly be conducting an annual meeting of the Grove Plaza Property Owners Association, at which time I will ask for a further endorsement from the other property owners. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions. r[D]r~ & ~ II LnJ I FEB' 6 ?nnh ~_._- D7 ~ r\ I - ir, ~ in )1 11,,: I ! ' '! !:~P/> rrn, <r~' C'C ,. 11 Y7 S. Rogers Circle Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Ph. (561) 998-7100 Fax (561) 998-5360 www.kmainvestments.com 01/31/2006 15:00 5614348Q15 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 01/03 ~t'H.OOL 01& ~rnr\ ~~~ ~~~~ THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD - C331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL PHONE: 561/434-8020 FAX: 561/434-8187 Number of pages sent (including cover page): 3 TO: Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, City of Boynton Beach DATE: January 31,2006 FAX NUMBER: 742-6259 FROM: Tanya Deal, Senior Planner, SDPBC COMMENTS: Attached please find a copy of the approved school concurrency application and provider fonn for Lawrence Road Property. Attachment L;\Planning\Pub'ic;:\INTE~GOV\Concurrency\ConCl.lrrenOi Delennlnatlon Letters\Faxe$\2005\FXC051221 01 Rev .DOC 01/31/2006 15:00 5614348P'5 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02/03 THE sa-tOOlDlSTRICT OF PAL.MBEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA PLANNING DEFWUMENT 3300 FOREST HILL BLVD.. Co110 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406-6813 (561) A~100 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTHURC. JOHNSON, Ph.D. SlJ"ERlNTEND&NT January 31,2006 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. , ~oynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION.. CASE NUMBER #05122101C . LAWRENCE ROAD PROPERTY Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination on the above referenced project for 90 multi-family units. ';, Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for Lawrence Road Property. This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-8876. ::>>~ Tanya Deal Senior Planner cc: Brian. Terry, Land Design South ene. L;\p\an"ing\PUbliC\1NT6ROOV\Concumncy\CQncurre~~.~~~5\C051:11101.dOC 01/31/2006 15:00 01/31/2006 11:24 U~t~~'.~uu ~_.W4 . .' .. 5614348!:l15 561 47S5e ..,..,;..,.,...'" PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03/03 . rM. 'W6't./"~ r' .......'1.1.1'1\:1 IoIj;.r' I' m ""'..............,....... ..... , ,..".... ~ 1 -...... WIIlNlt....-. .... "=====..... ~a.,J I"'., 1IIe lohoolIMWletOf,...... COiIIIIlJ IcboaI ~ ,......Ion ...... Ptftkter....... ........ ~... ...., tlflM ........ J,-,'IM'lfl'" ... Jet .... -.......... ~ .......... .......Al~. "'~ _ "~ ,. ...A\i........ ............. ""'.... Ct. lIIIIIIIIrII....... ............... "~.4""', ............. '!1!'-...... lllIII'I" ar....... 0-" VIr..... 0Mw"....... .. ~ ...,,,~...... lie... ,.."'.. Of.... ~.....,.... OnIlir, ..tia...}....., ~ (tIIIe..-p: tflQ~IMIl""1\ t )Q..~._...~ [ 1000000lGlrlilCo<!l.... [ J.....MiIMlI ~~.... [ ,.....01 NO l/ftpIIlt I ) tItIltllllllNiefl "- .~....~....................0iW..... ..-al!ttlt_.........,.. _....,. "............... .................Ilf. ........" """'...... pal a~. .- ....~.~~~~~;,RpadP~~~:~_~~ ~on ~c..I__~ s.e attachMnt . I~""''''''.'''''''''''~'''---'''.--. .......--........~ A.........__..........~....... ......., ,.., ......... -- ...... -- ... ......... 10' t ~ras"'l ",. " .~:''''~...J Co '.. .~. '''?l!\,c~~:.',=: JfLt4/0~ t"1~-.. .=-- ~4~-~ _~"'IZIIII,.,..nr..."", CI '\'IW ~.........,.... 4t ~""''''''--''''''~__1M .." ..........--......,..,... , ,.."-- ".;:=: -.J-~~O:~. ~L ''lIIft......... ~ ...1It....... "'" lit....... ~":~~J.""'...,- 1M ,..........,- ....... ~,' _ k --- J _ '. .\: ~-j..-J. ----:- ~--B:~ ~r'~ "1,, -_ _. ..~t/ -~ ::1- '.;( .\ (;'7 \ I", I The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org January 23, 2006 Ms Lisa Amara, Principal Planner Planning Division Department of Planning, Zoning & Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Annexation Summary Dear Lisa: Enclosed, is an Annexation Summary Sheet and location map for a property recently requesting voluntary annexation into the City of Boynton Beach. If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (561) 742-6264. Yours truly, iM~ Eric Lee Johnson, AI Planner S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lawrence Rd. Project-land Design South\ANEX 06-003\County Letter.doc Annexation Summary Sheet The Palm Beach County Planning Division suggests that this form be submitted one (1) month prior to the first reading date with a general location map. Municipality Name City of Boynton Beach Acres :1:9.35 Type of Annexation Voluntary County Future Land Use Designation MR-5 Proposed Future Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential (9.58 du/ac) County Zoning AR Proposed Zoning PUD Planned Unit Development Existing Use{s) Six (6) single-family dwelling units City Use Aggregate with other parcels and develop a townhouse development 1st reading date March 21,2006 2nd reading date April 4, 2006 Location East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 350 feet south of Hypoluxo Road Parcel control numbers 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3080 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3110 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3030 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3070 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3090 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3100 Ordinance number N/A Adoption Date April 4, 2006 LOCATION MAP Lawrence Road Project Exhibit "A" . " .. ftS .. & .. G>> U c ! ~ ftS ... II il~. City Boundary --- ......... I I i Hypoluxo Road Hypoluxo Road I I llrl t' - C>>'----- ------ / i - u !:: - - ~-~~ w -, c>> ~ I----- ".. -~ ~ ----- ~~.~~mD - ---- I'IS ---- ------ ~ IIJ~ f-----...... I! ---- u ----- .~ - - ---- ----, ~ ---- ~ ~ ---- Jonathan"s Way ~ St~al1 on Ln -------- ( "---- r- - "-- .... City Boundary - - H Ln - ---j - ~ - D~ II." ,."... II " " ftS f( ~ I ( ~I , C j t--- e ~ ~&3ii!r ~ j( . 300 150 0 I 300 600 900 N 1,200 W+E I Feet S The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org January 23, 2006 Ms Anna Yes key Clearinghouse 9835-16 Lake Worth Road, Suite 223 Lake Worth, Florida 33467 Re: Lawrence Road Project File No. LUAR 06-004 Location: East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 350 feet south of Hypoluxo Road Dear Anna: Attached is the completed Executive Summary for the above-reference Comprehensive Plan Amendment. If further information is needed, please contact me at (561) 742-6256. Si ncerely, ~M Eric Lee Johnson, Ii. CP Planner Ene!: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lawrence Rd. Project-Land Design South\LUAR 06-l104\IPARC Cover.doc Page lof2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: January 23, 2006 Reference # LUAR 06-004 General Information Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach Contact Person: Eric Lee Johnson, Planner Adi;iress: 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 TelephonelFax: (561) 742-6256/ (561) 742-6259 fax Applicant! Agent Vermac Properties 6, LLC / Brian Terry with Land Desigp. South TelephonelFax: (561) 478-8501 (tel) / (561) 478-5012 (fax) Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: _ amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks _ amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: -1L land use - traffic circulation - mass transit _ ports and aviation _ housing - infrastructure sub-elements _ coastal management - conservation _ recreation and open space _ intergovernmental coordination _ capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: Future Land Use Map Amendment Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map): On the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 350 feet south of Lawrence Road. Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres): 9.35 acres Present Future Land Use Plan Desigp.ation (include a density/intensity defmition): County MR-5 (5 du / ac) Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition): Medium Density Residential (9.58 du / ac) Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition): County AR Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity defmition) Planned Unit Development (9.63 du/ac) Present Development of Site: Partially developed with two (2) single-family dwelling units Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): 90 townhouse units Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? N/A Comprehensive Plan Change Processing Date / Time / Location Scheduled for Planning and Development Board Hearing: February 23.2006/6:30 p.m. / City Commission Chambers. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida Date / Time / Location Scheduled for LP A / Governing Body Public Hearing March 21, 2006 / 7:00 p.m. / City Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA April 14,2006 LOCATION MAP Lawrence Road Project Exhibit "A" .. " .. ca .. 0 .. a= CD (,) c ! ~ ftS ... II H ) City Boundary I.II.--;;;U I Hypoluxo Road ! Hypoluxo Road I W-~, - ~ I--- Cl)f---, --- ./1 i .. r ~ /" ~- - ~" I-----.. ., ~~~ ~~~ CI) - ---- Sii!' I-- ____ :----- ;:: r----- - i _~ Ul ~ --- I!f-- --- l'i --- '--- - -r------.- f-- ~ -L- ====- ~ tfr;: Jonathan's Way :)- Strat1 on I:n ~ ~ ( f-- r- I f--- .,., f--- City Boundary f--- H Ln f--- ~ [0 Jj::jj~:i:IBm ( II. " ~/( (,) ~ I( ~ c == ~~,~ ! ~ .!J( . 150 0 300 600 900 1,200 'Feet N + Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti, Chairman Addie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H, Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper January 17,2006 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Lawrence Road Property TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE SlANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the proposed residential project entitled; Lawrence Road Property, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: East side of Lawrence Road, south of Hypoluxo Road Boynton Beach None 92 MF Residential Units (Town-homes) 644 48 AM, and 56 PM 2008 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed residential project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, cc: MTP Group OFFICE OF THE COUN /']//. Masoud Atefi, MSC Project Reviewer - IT rr;; ~ n i/l fF 0~: ) l, r" -'-~,'il' ,~~ in I i ~~' L I I JAN , 0 I o' '. I L.;__.: - -.. - I' . ,'.. File: General - TPS - Mun - Trafic Study Review F:\TRAFFIC\malAdminlApprC'vals\060114.doc The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org December 16, 2005 Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Impact Study: Lawrence Road Property Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed traffic impact study, prepared by MTP Group, Inc., dated November, 2005 and revised December 2005, was received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and me with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742- 6260. Sincerely, Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/sc Attachments S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lawrence Rd. Project-Land Design South\NWSP\Traffic #2.doc