APPLICATION City Codes Accessed Via Website www.bovnton-beach.org www.amlegal.com/bovnton beach t1 DEe , 4 (UuS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE PLAN __,.,____>.__~~._r'_,-1 P: ,,~;;': ~,r', ,')~D i ,\j:i!!~C fn:~'T ......-...-..---- Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes Date This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Lawrence Road Property 2. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: See Attachment 1 Address: (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Vermac Properties 6 LLC Address: 18999 Biscayne Blvd.. Aventura. FL 33180 #102 (Zip Code) Phone: 305-932-3435 Fax: 305-935-1880 If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Land Des i qn South (Brian Terry) Add~ss: 2101 Centrepark West Or., #100, West Palm Beach. FL 33409 (Zip Code) Phone: 561-478-8501 Fax: 561-478-5012 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:* All corrpc:::ronrlpnrp to rlgpng *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Contract Purchaser 7. Street address of location of site: North-eastern corner of Lawrence Rd. and 7Ist Ave. South, Boynton Bch. 8. Property Control #(PCN) See attachment 1 9. Legal description of site: See attachment 2 10. Intended use(s) of site: Multi-familv residential 11. Architect: PK Architecture 13. Landscape Architect: Land Desiqn South Site Planner: Land Design South Engineer: Craven Thompson Surveyor: Avirom & Associates Inc. Traffic Engineer: MTP Traffic 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? No II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan: MRS (Pa 1 m Beach County) 2. Zoning District: AR (Palm Beach Count y) 3. Area of Site 9 35 ac acres sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown: a. Residential, including 3.58 acres 38.3 % of site surrounding lot area of grounds b. Recreation Areas * .89 acres 9.S % of site (excluding water area) c. Water Area 0 acres 0 % of site d. Commercial acres % of site Industrial acres % of site Public/I nstitutional acres % of site Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way acres % of site Other (specify) Drive Isles 2.26 acres 24.2 % of site Other (specify) Open Space/Landscape 2.62 acres 28.0 % of site e. f. g. h. i. j. Total area of site 9.35 acres 100 % of site *including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. b. c. courts. site d. e. 26.6 % of site Ground floor building 2.49 area ("building footprint") acres Water area % of site acres Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic 2 . 97 acres 31. 8 % of Total impervious area 5.46 58.4 % of site acres Landscaped area . 09 acres 1. 0 % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). f. Other landscaped areas, 3.80 40.6 % of site acres g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas acres % of site h . Total pervious areas 3 . 89 acres 41 . 6 % of site I. Total area of site 100 % of site 9.35 acres 6. Floor Area a. Residential 206. 820 sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. Public/I nstitutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) Cabana 416 sq. ft. g. Other (specify) C1 ubhouse 1.690 sq. ft. h. Total floor area sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential DwellinQ Units a. Single-family detached sq. ft. b. Duplex sq. ft. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1 ) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total multi-family gO dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units gO 8. Gross Density 9.63 dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site 35 feet 2 stories 10. Required off-street parkinQ a. Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan lRO rpc:;irlpnt 23 visitor lRO rpc:;;r!pnt = = = b. Calculation of required # of handicap parking spaces "I Number of handicap spaces provided on site plan 1 = REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date // /l-,... A9 GJ.," Ignature of contract purchaser (if applicant) (J.--g--os Date IV. /2 /) z / ,) 5 Date I I (I) (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee. _or Authorized Principal if property is owned _by a corporatio ot business entity. Date \ ;;t. - g - ()~ Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings. engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, Dr its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved. and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense. claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the sam READ. ACKNOWLED REED TO this ~ day 0 -1_ r ..J () V\,V', t- . "'f'Ujess A/~~~ Witness ,20QS /?'/r..... ~ ~ --- CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS OR PERMITS Please be advised that all applications for the following land development orders and permits which are submitted on or after June 1, 1990 will be subject to the City's Concurrency Management Ordinance, and cannot be approved unless public facilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid waste, recreation, park, and road facilities) would be available to serve the project, consistent with the levels of service which are adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan: Building permit applications for the construction of improvements, which, in and by themselves, would create demand for public facilities. Applications for site plan approval. Applications for conditional use approval. Applications for subdivision master plan approval. Applications for preliminary plat approval. Applications for final plat approval. Applications for rezoning to planned zoning districts. Applications for revisions to any of the applications listed above, which would increase the demand for any public facility. Any other application, which, in and by itself, would establish the density or intensity of use of land, or a maximum density or intensity of use of land. Applications for development orders and permits submitted after February 1, 1990 and which generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day, must comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, unless exempt from that ordinance. Please be advised, however, that the following applications will be exempt from the Concurrency Management Ordinance, pending final approval of this ordinance by the City Commission: Applications for the development of property which was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and either the final plat or the preliminary plat and Palm Beach County Health Department permit applications were submitted or approved prior to June 1, 1990, and the use of the property is consistent with the general use which was intended for the property at the time of platting. Applications for the development of property, which was platted prior to January 13, 1978, the area of the platted lots does not exceed 2 acres, and the proposed use would not generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day. Applications for building permit, if a site plan or conditional use application was submitted prior to June 1, 1990 and subsequently approved and the site plan or conditional use has not expired. Applications for the development of property within an approved Development of Regional Impact, and which are consistent with the approved DRI. Applications for approval of final plats, if the preliminary plat and application for Palm Beach county Health Department permits for utilities have been submitted prior to June 1, 1990. Applications for revisions to previously approved development orders or permits, which do not increase the demand for any public facility. Please be advised that these exemption rules are tentative and will be subject to final approval by the City Commission. If you have any questions concerning the proposed Boynton Beach Concurrency Management Ordinance, please contact the Boynton Beach Planning &Zoning Division at (561) 742-6260. CHAPTER 4 SITE PLAN REVIEW Section 7. Submission Requirements. Each applicant shall submit to the Planning and Zoning Division the following plans and exhibits in the number of copies specified by the Planning and Zoning Division, together with a Site Plan Review application and a fee adopted by resolution by the City Commission. 12 ASSEMBLED COPIES REQUIRED A. ExistinQ site characteristics map: A sealed survey, not older than six months, showing all adjacent streets, alleys and driveways, and also illustrating: 1. Existing natural features, including but not limited to lakes, trees and other vegetation and soils and topography. 2. Existing buildings, building elevations, other structures, including use, height, dimensions and setbacks. 3. Existing utility lines and all easements. 4. Existing elevations (corner, street and finished floor) B. Site development plan: 1. A scaled drawing clearly illustrating proposed buildings and other structures, and any existing buildings and structures, which are to be retained, including use, height, dimensions and setbacks. 2. Proposed off-street parking spaces, driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks, traffic control markings and signage. 3. Proposed fences and walls, including location, dimensions, setbacks, height and material. 4. Proposed location of lighting on site. 5. Proposed dumpster location. C. Landscape plan: 1. A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site development plan) prepared as required by state law clearly illustrating proposed trees, shrubs, grass and 2. Proposed berms, watercourses and other topographic features. 3. A notation on method of irrigation. Architectural plan: 1. A scaled drawing clearly illustrating proposed building floor plan and elevations, including height, exterior dimensions, exterior color and materials. 2. A colored elevation drawing (not mounted) showing all elevations of the building. (This submittal can be waived by the Planning and Zoning Director when not applicable.) E. Tabular Summary Containina: 1. Total gross project area by acreage and square footage and net buildable land area in acres and square feet. 2. Total number of proposed residential units, including characteristics by number of bedrooms and bathrooms and gross square footage of each typical unit. 3. Proposed nonresidential floor type of use and total gross square footage. 4. Square footage and percentage distribution of the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular use areas, other paved areas, and building coverage and total coverage. 5. Number and ratio of required and provided off-street parking spaces and number of loading spaces. 6. Water bodies in acres and square feet. 7. Height of buildings. F. Orainaae plan: 1. A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site development plan) showing elevations, flow arrows, proposed drainage structures, proposed treatment facilities, etc. 2. An engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of these Land Development Regulations. Revised 10/26/01 ATTACHMENT 1 Property Ownership Details 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3080 Amy C. Zajic 7086 Lawrence Rd. Boynton Beach, FI 33436 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3090 Robert & Donna M Zajic 3989715t Ave. S. Boynton Beach, Fl33436 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3110 Georg & Maria E 3981 71 st Ave. S. Boynton Beach, Fl33436 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3030 Gangapersand & Krisindat 86 North Dr. Valley Stream, NY 11580 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3100 Phillips John 3973715t Ave. S. Boynton Beach, Fl33436 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3070 Dennis J Groleau 3771 71 st Ave. S. Boynton Beach, Fl33436 ATTACHMENT 2 Lee:al Description of Subiect Parcels 1) 00-43-45-07-00-000-3080 7-45-43, E 220 FT OF W 260 FT OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS TRGLR PAR LAWRENCE RD RIW) 2) 00-43-45-07-00-000-3090 7-45-43, E 279.50 FT OF W 539.5 FT OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF Nl/4 OF N1/4 3) 00-43-45-07-00-000-3110 7-45-43, S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS E 580 FT & W 539.50 FT) 4) 00-43-45-07-00-000-3030 7-45-43, W 140 FT OF E 580 FT OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF N/W 1/4 5) 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3070 7-45-43, E 220 FT OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 ~OOL D/<S',.>. !.l.1 · ;0 ~~ Q q ~ ~FORE"J<<:EL\.J t' <At BEACH coli" The School District of Palm Beach County Planning Department 3320 Forest Hill Blvd. C-110 West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5813 Phone: (561) 434-8800 or (561) 963-3877 Fax: (561) 434-8187 or (561) 434-8815 Attenlion:Concurrency The School District of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form Instructions: Submit one copy of the completed application and fees for each new reSlde?tia' pr~Jecr . .. requiring a determination of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided withi/) fifteen (15) '. working days of receipt of a complete application. A determination is not transferable and is valid fQlone..y.ear--.c.. from date of issuance. Once the Development Order is issued, the concurrency determination shall be valid for the life of the Development Order. : FO.l 4 i J ,._-_._---_.~ . ['i Please check (" ) type of application (one only): [X] Concurrency Determination [ ] Concurrency Exemption [ ] Concurrency Equivalency [ ] Adequate School Facilities Determination [ ] Letter of No Impact [ ] Time Extension Fees: Concurrency Detennlnation or Adequate School Facilities Detennlnation ($200.00 for more than 20 units I 20 units or less $100.00); Equivalency ($125.00); Exemption or Letter of No Impact ($25.00); Time Extension ($75.00) Ji.iIN.IIIlIATllli~,I::.L. ~ilFiV Please attach a copy of the site/su ISlon plan, last recorded wananty deed and conseqt fonp, ~M~r;!f~~ IXnh~g:iH Project Name: Lawrence Road Property Municipality: _on Property Control Number (PCN): see at ta c hme n t Location I Address of Subject Property: ~E ~~~ner of Lawr~nc~ Rd. and 71st Ave. South, Boynto_ B___o DEVELOPMENT REQUEST: If applicable, please attach a Phasing Plan showing the number and type of units to receive certificate of occupancy yearly. * * A Restrictive Covenant is required for age-restricted communnies. OWNERSHIP I AGENT Il\IfORMA TIO" . Own"....~, vermID6 LI.-C ~~rtroct Agent's Name: . Mailing Address: . rt ~~()~ # ) T.....~ N~_ lut; 8 8~O 1 - ,.;1N.mbo.. ~~~ -~ 7 R- 5= - = I hereby certify the statements or infonnation made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. purchaser) Owner or Owner's Agent Signature 12/14/05 Date Date Application Flied: Reviewed By: I Petition Number: Title: z'-!fl-:;,,~ (p - 004 filing fee to you? D YES (Please attach proof of payment) !:B' N~ (If no, the applicant must pay the School District. The /~f/- ~ooI District will not review witho"t payment). r ." .... 4,,_ . '.'V:~:~)Ji' ,e~""I..tT&iIIe~~JiIIl?LE;rqill~C"Q(J1!:QlmteT: " '. '."\f;:bW Date & Time Received: Case Number: I verify that the project complies with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools I verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools subject to the attached conditions I cannot verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools School District Representative Date , 7086 Lawrence Road Drainage Statement Authored By: Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc. - Jason Gunther, P.E. Prepared On: August 25, 2005 Project Description: This project will consist of a 90+/- unit townhome community located on the east side of Lawrence Road south of Hypoluxo Road. The site will consist of multiple buildings spread throughout the site and these buildings will be linked via an interior entrance road. This property is located within the boundaries of the Lake Worth Drainage District Drainage Statement: Water Quality: The proposed site will account for the water quality requirements through exfiltration trench. This trench will be sized to, at a minimum, treat 2.5 inches of rainfall over the percentage of impervious area. Proposed Drainage System: As mentioned above, this site will utilize exfiltration trench to serve water quality needs. This trench will also aid in storm attenuation along with swales and potential retention areas. The proposed outfall will be located at this site's eastern property line. This site's discharge will be conveyed to the existing Lawrence Road drainage system. In doing so, the site will be designed such that the 25 year - 3 day storm stage will be below the highest adjacent through lane of Lawrence Road. Discharge will be controlled by a structure and be limited to the flow generated by a 6"x6" inverted triangle orifice which is the smallest orifice permittable within LWDD. The site will be designed to incorporate perimeter berms elevated to the 25 year storm stage and all finished floor elevations will be constructed above the 100 year storm stage. ~ Jason M. Gunther, P.E. P.E. # 58629 December 13,2005 . t ... " VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH / C HA-1> BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Pt-f\/\'1 DUL Y SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: Ii 0 FFM A-f-.J MoFff\\AN , WHO BEING 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in his/her behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future Land Use Map designation and/or Zoning classification of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this lQ day of GQ...c.A... ,20~. by (Name of P-erson Acknowledging) who is personally (type of identification) as / rtt.:tt6 Owner's Signature FFf'^Aw It (\rA'f tfoFf~AN Owner's Name (Print) I 0 7~ Lt\wRUltL R.D J (Title or Rank) Street Address BO'1r-JT7>tJ 86.A-C-~1 F'- 33~3," City, State, Zip Code (Serial Number, if any) , Seal) ''A\ I'" (r;b ,) Telephone ( ) y,~. 2.1.SY '10 ~ -2'2. 5" ~ , ;-loriela ."Ii'" ,j'.'!J 30. ?JSJ7 Nv, DP ~ }(;O11 DAVID SINGH .o.:~~' ..", t Florid t " Notary Public, State 0 a My comm. expires July 30, 2007 . No. DO 236811 fit. \ "'j)l.'I\D SINGH h" nf Florida ~~, ,',' J,2.oo7 N' !1 - '-'. . .-:.~"":.~:- JAN I 3 . , '", VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF P~LM BEACH Rof>EA.-T 'LA.:}I (.. ) ttMJ. BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED DON"" A 1.. AI) (, ,WHO BEING , DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; , 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in his/her behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future Land Use Map designation and/or Zoning classification of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. FURTHER AFFiANT SAYETH NOT. T e foregoingJpstrument was acknowledged before me this -.ll. day~, 2~, by -z::1nIC::: ~ A -z:. L (Name of P rson Acknowledging) who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification) as I tification and wh did (' t) take a C" K 0 l>E~T Z Am c. ~ ))01'1 r-I A "'Z.J\ J""I L Owner's Name (Print) '3CfgQ It t\\flt ). , Street Address (Si ~tCll}~~ (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) ~"(.,k)~~l\ L ~-n I L-{ C73l/(Cj (Serial Number, . (Notary' Seal) "II ~1!\ PATRlCI,. THOMPSON Notary Public. State 01 Florida My eomm. expires Aug. 27. 2006 No. DD 145349 130'1r-lTtlN 6U\CH, FL 33't3~ City, State, Zip Code (CPSloi) Telephone () ~'tGf.' 57 If , VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I pA"L. G.eoRJn,f BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONAllY APPEARED iY'M1t4 G\~oR.b.E. WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in hislher behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future land Use Map designation and/or Zoning classification of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Tj'le foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day ofch.nvo-f'ct .20 C7 b. by 'lOt( I aeo.e?e 'IL- /J'1t?..e/t2 {/etM?ie (Name of Person Acknowl dgingtwho is personally known to me orwho has produced F L L / t!- (type of identification) as identification and ~ did (did not) take an oath. ....; ~~~~ J (Si ature of Person Taking Acknowledgment) f fru \... M AA( A (Serial Number, if ~~ ~t"fr's Signat re Gt tW(tG, f- Owner's Name (Print) ~9<6 f ., r A;([( S. I eo~t'\'YlJV' Street Address 'Bo~V\toY\ .B~) Fl- 33Lf3IP City. State, Zip Code ( <)(,1) 111. loll Teleohone ( ) (Name of Acknowledger Typed. Printed or Stamped) ~~ ~C?..efl= (Title or Rank) (Notary' Seal) , VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH / BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED -:JOI+N P"'l Lllt S ,WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in his/her behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future Land Use Map designation and/or Zoning classification of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) :rOH~ i'HllU'S Owner's Name (Print) '~97 -3 'A l<,~. '381..5) ; I Av f. S . Street Address P>o'1 tJTOt-l 8~w f FL- 33'+3 ~ City. State, Zip Code (5bl) Teleohone () 10 't. '1&03 (Title or Rank) (Serial Number. if any) (Notary' Seal) " f VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH n _ _, / 'DEN N lS ~"OLe:~) ~ BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED HEI.'^ G~OL.EA-u. , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in his/her behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future land Use Map designation and/or Zoning classification of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. . FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT. ~,.--. f} { _ T'} J.oregOi~instrum~w~nOWledged before me this /..tJ. day oU ~ I. 20!!...:e by <- ns ~ a 'J (Name of Person Acknowledging) ~o is ersonally j<nown to me or who has produced identification and who did (did not) take an oath. rll/WI2C/ ~ ucot4- (Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgment) /V-/ :S,{hA E. Htt~ -5 (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) NO~ Pe:J ~ C- (Titre or Rank) #' /J/J Y/(p~ jl/J (Serial Number. if any) (type of identification as e~4- J 'v4-" E (?YO~~ Owner's Signature; {J - J>~to'\S ~~L~ tt H[1bI\ GttoLtA-1.4 Owner's Name (Print) 1> 77' 7 I AVE S'_ Street Address (Notary' Seal) BO'fN'TON ~~ I F~ 33'-f3b City, State, Zip Code (5" ,) Telephone ( ) (0 (0 2. Lf' 8'f 4''''''~ KRISTINAEMATAS ':il. w: '" MY COMMISSION # 004168.56 "~DFf\.'# EXPIRES: Apr. 10.2009 (407) 398-0153 Florida NoI8ty Sorvlce.com .. . FROM PEACE RE TOMMY Z FAX NO. Jan. 10 2006 12:21PM P1 VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOFP~LMBE.ACH I<rtISIf'lDAT bANG.t\PEP.$IfND) <1M.c1 BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED t\Nt4A 8k.6tA Rt\"M, WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Att~chment A: 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in hisJher behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future land Use Map designation and/or Zoning classification of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. The foregoing instrument was acknowler;t9ed ~efore me this May of JJ:J Pt411- ~ ~O 0 (, . by IS I N AT'" .s IJN () 4/Vu ~Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known or who I:las pr; du ed . ~ (type of identification) as ide' n 'd id ollkeanoo1h, J~~A~~J~ ledgment) ~ ~ ~t..r '\ V~ \CAI>ItJDA-T '~Af'f,e.Sfrl"lf.) ~ It,...""" Bf'"6l.liVtMo (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) Owner's Name (Print) V ':/ "'~p..t..IT ~I (!) N ,1 A" It s;. M (7J.-Lr I!ug(,/ L fD\tg * 00 ~1 "io$: 0"1 00000 ~03o (Title or Rank)' ..,.".-- Street Address . . r)1j)tSO'//;. 9 3.5 --ao::tt-J)1>~ &~ FL 33&+-3'- (Serial Number, if ~r:lT M. DEVIVO City. State. JZiP Code Notary Public, Swie of N.Y. C9 " ) No. 01 DE50~G935. NaS~u.~ (Notary' Sealbommls&ion Exp. July 24, _ 7 Telephone f ) l)1'f .0070 LAND. DESIGN SOUTH Land Planning Landscape Architecture Environmental Consultation Justification Statement Lawrence Road Property Request for Site Plan Approval Submitted December 14, 2005 Nature of the Request On behalf of the Petitioner, Land Design South of Florida, Inc. requests site plan approval for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) involving construction of 90 multi-family units on a consolidated parcel at the corner of Lawrence Road and 71 st Avenue South. Applications for annexation of the subject site from Palm Beach County into the City of Boynton Beach, concurrency, designation of the site as Medium Density Residential under the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan/Future Land Use Map, and zoning of the property to the Planned Unit Development District have been submitted separately for review and should be considered concurrently with this request. Site Characteristics The subject site is located at the north-eastern corner of Lawrence Road and 71 st Avenue South. The site comprises six allotments, each with individual vehicular access provided off 71s1 Avenue South. The consolidated parcel has a western frontage to Lawrence Road of 334.38 ft, a southern frontage to 71 sl Avenue South of 1,220.59 ft, a northern side boundary of 1,220.98 ft and an eastern (rear) boundary of 334.04 ft, resulting in a total site area of 9.35AC. The subject property is currently located within unincorporated Palm Beach County and is surrounded by the City of Boynton Beach to the north, east and south. The subject property currently has a Palm Beach County zoning designation of AR (Agricultural Residential) and a Future Land Use designation of MR5 (Medium Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre). Each existing allotment is occupied by a detached dwelling and ancillary outbuildings. To the north of the subject site is land with a future land use designation of Local Retail Commercial and a zoning designation of C3. This site is occupied by a variety of commercial uses including a 7 Eleven service station, a car wash business, an automotive product store and some buildings currently under construction. Further to the north, on the opposite side of Hypoluxo Road is land within Palm Beach County with a future land use designation of Institutional and a zoning of Public Ownership. To the east of the site is a large parcel of land with a future land use designation of low density residential and a zoning designation of PUD - LUI 4.0. This property is occupied by single family dwellings and is known as "Knollwood Groves". Further to the east is a planned unit development on land with a future land use designation of moderate density residential and zoning of PUD - LUI 5.0, incorporating Santa Lucas high School. Also to the east is another large planned unit development, known as "Meadows 300", 2101 Centrepark West Drive, Suite 100 I West Palm Beach, FL 33409 1561-478-8501 FAX 561-478-5012 1100 St. Lucie West Blvd., Suite 103A I Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 I 772-871-7778 FAX 772-871-992 containing single family dwellings. This development occupies land with a FLU designation of low density residential and zoning of LUI 3.36. To the south of the site is the rear of single family residential development which fronts Jonathans Way. Land on both the northern and southern sides of Jonathans Way is within FLU designation Low Density Residential and is zoned R1A Single Family Residential District. Further to the south is unincorporated land within Palm Beach County with a zoning designation of AR (Agricultural Residential) and a Future Land Use designation of MR5 (Medium Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre). To the west of the site on the opposite side of Lawrence Road is unincorporated land within Palm Beach County with a zoning designation of PUD and a Future Land Use designation of MR5 (Medium Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre). This property is occupied by a planned unit development. Nature of Proposed Project Annexation As indicated, it is proposed to annex the subject site into the City of Boynton Beach. This is the subject of a separate application. Concurrency Concurrency is sought for a total of 90 units. This is the subject of a separate application. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning It is proposed to amend the Comprehensive Plan/Future Land Use Map to designate the site as Medium Density Residential and zone the property Planned Unit Development District. This is the subject of a separate application. Site Plan Application As indicated, the proposal seeks approval for a site plan for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) on the subject site comprising 90 units. The proposed design philosophy for the site has been to provide an urban form, with a fine grain network of internal streets and pedestrian linkages and an emphasis on communal open space as central to community life. This has been achieved through the arrangement of buildings into a system which provides rear access lanes, by grouping service related functions, and by orienting the front of dwellings to community greens or internal landscaped pedestrian networks. The proposal incorporates front courtyards to each dwelling designed so as to provide a semi-private extension to the communal open space network and to allow activity to spill from private to public open space. The proposed built form can be summarized as follows: . Total of 90 town houses in 18 buildings arranged in east-west and north-south oriented rows with all dwellings having direct outlook to a community green or landscaped pedestrian linkage; . Total site density of 9.63 DUlAC; . All dwellings are two storey in height; Lawrence Road Property Page 2 of 8 December 14, 2005 . Typical dwelling depth of 58' and width of 21'4", each dwelling containing a double garage; . All dwellings are provided a front courtyard which addresses a community green or an internal pedestrian passage; . Garages are designed to face internal streets or drive aisles, preserving architectural character and concentrating pedestrian and living activity on community greens and pedestrian ways; . Inclusion of two community greens, the main green being provided a pool and cabana and the second including a tot lot and clubhouse; . A fine grain internal street network and central pedestrian corridor encouraging walkability throughout the site; . Provision of landscape buffers to site boundaries and detailed landscaping throughout the site; . The sole vehicular ingress/egress for the subject site will be at the centre of the Lawrence Road frontage; . Building orientation designed to minimize impact on surrounding single family residences; and, . An existing 12' FPL easement along the northern boundary, a 6' FPL extending north to south at the centre of the site and existing road and utility easements along the southern property boundary will be abandoned and new utility easements created. The following table provides a summary of development data relating to the proposed development: TABLE 1 DEVELOPMENT DATA: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Element Proposed Site Plan MF Dwellings 90 Gross Density 9.63DUlAC Front Setback Min. 150' Side Setback 45' - South 62' - North Rear Setback 45' Car Parking 180 garage spaces 23 visitor spaces Total 203 soaces BuildinQ CoveraQe 2.49AC (26.6%) Recreation .89AC Open Space 2.62AC Planning Assessment Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 2 - ZoninQ The development regulations under Chapter 2 of the Code are generally overridden by the specific development regulations under Chapter 2.5 that apply to Planned Unit Developments. Lawrence Road Property Page 3 of 8 December 14, 2005 Notwithstanding, the following requirements are of relevance to the proposal: . Buffer walls - The proposal retains the existing 8 ft high masonry wall along the northern site boundary providing a buffer to the adjoining commercial uses in accordance with the Code; and, . Car Parking - The proposal provides two spaces per dwelling and 23 visitor spaces (1 per 4 dwellings). Chapter 2.5 - Planned Unit Developments The proposal's compliance with the provisions under Chapter 2.5 are discussed in detail in the Justification Statement submitted with the application for amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning, submitted separately. The core development regulations are summarized in the following table: Section 8 - Locational Standards for PUDs The Code stipulates supplementary locational standards that apply to rezoning of land to a PUD district. The proposal's satisfaction of these standards is summarized in the following tables: TABLE 2: LOCATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PUDS Relation to major transportation facilities Requirement Shall be located as to provide direct access to major roadways or transportation facilities without generating traffic along streets in residential areas or districts outside it Relation to utilities, public facilities and services Shall be located in relation to utility systems/services so that extension or enlargement is not required and public cost will not increase beyond that likely under existing zoning; shall be located with respect to public facilities in the same degree as under existing zonino Site shall be suitable for development proposed without hazards to persons or property in terms of floodino, erosion, soil, Physical character of the site ComDliance Yes - The subject site has direct access to Lawrence Road, in close proximity to Hypoluxo Road, both of which are major roads. The traffic generated by the proposed development will feed directly to Lawrence Road and will not impact surrounding residential areas. Yes - An application for concurrency has been submitted separately. In preparation of this application, utility and service providers have been contacted and have raised no objection in principle to the development in this respect. Yes - The subject site is currently used for residential uses and no particular hazards exist. As such, it is considered that Lawrence Road Property Page 4 of 8 December 14, 2005 groundwater level, the site is suitable for an drainage, topography or increase in residential other hazards densitv. Section 9 -Internal PUD Standards The Code stipulates additional standards that apply to the internal design of PUDs. The proposal's satisfaction of these standards is summarized in the following table: TABLE 3: INTERNAL STANDARDS FOR PUDS Requirement Compliance Access Every dwelling or other use Yes - All dwellings within in the PUD shall have the proposed development access to a public street have direct access to an either directly or via an internal drive aisle which approved private road or leads to Lawrence Road common element which is a public street. auaranteeing access Internal lots and frontage No minimum lot size or yard Yes - The property to the requirements apply north of the subject site is provided that the PUD within the C3 zone and as frontage on dedicated such a front yard public roads observes front requirement of 20 ft applies. yard requirements in The property to the south is accordance with the zoning within the R1A zone and as district the PUD use most such a front yard closely resembles and that requirement of 25 ft applies. peripheral yards abutting The proposal provides a other zoning districts shall minimum setback to satisfy the requirements of Lawrence Road of 150 feet that zone and as such complies with this reauirement. Off-street parking and Shall be in accordance with Yes - Each dwelling is requirements Chapter 2, Section 11.H provided two (2) spaces within the same lot as the dwelling that is being served. In addition, twenty three (23) visitor spaces are provided. Commercial standards NA Yes - no commercial space . provided. Underground utilities Direct residential and/or Yes - All services will be consumer service should located underground where be by underground practicable. installation to the maximum extent practicable; appurtenances to these systems aboveground shall be screened Right of ways The minimum width of a Yes - The proposed right of way in a PUD is development satisfies the Lawrence Road Property Page 5 of 8 December 14, 2005 forty (40) feet intent of this regulation by providing 25ft drive aisles throughout the site. Due to the site layout incorporating an internal system of pedestrian links it is considered unnecessary and counterproductive to provide duplicate pedestrian pathways along vehicular roadways. Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review Part 7 of this Section contains submission requirements for site plan applications. The site plan for the proposed development has been prepared in accordance with these requirements and satisfies the Code. Part 8 of this Section contains review standards for review and evaluation of all required plans. These standards and an assessment of the proposal are as follows: A. Natural Environment - The subject site is sparsely vegetated, having partly been cleared for urban development in the past. As such the proposal will not result in the removal of any significant vegetation. The proposal will incorporate a detailed landscape design that will off-set any vegetation that will be removed, will enhance the built form on the site, create an attractive outlook from dwellings and provide functional recreation spaces. B. Open Space - The proposed open space network on the site is a key feature of the overall site design. The proposal incorporates two community greens, with the main green containing a swimming pool and tot lot. In addition, a network of landscaped pedestrian linkages traverse the site between rows of town houses, providing attractive circulation routes and informal meeting points adjacent to dwelling entrances. The site plan also provides landscaped boundary buffers adjacent to all site boundaries. C. Circulation and Parking - The proposed development has been designed to comply with the City's traffic and car parking requirements. The internal road system is narrow in width (25 ft) to discourage excessive speeds and pedestrian and vehicular traffic is generally separated, with the primary pedestrian routes following an internal open space network and garages being accessed via rear drive aisles. D. Community Services - The proposed development is capable of being adequately serviced by police and fire departments. E. Buildings and Other Structures - The proposed development has been designed so as to provide a high level of amenity to future residents as well as maintaining the amenity of surrounding development. Internally, this has been achieved through the orientation of all proposed dwellings towards internal open spaces, separating vehicular and pedestrian movement systems, and providing generous separation between buildings. Externally, appropriate privacy relationships with surrounding properties are maintained by limiting the height of all dwellings to two stories, through the provision of large setbacks to side boundaries, orientation of buildings towards the centre of the site away from boundaries and Lawrence Road Property Page 6 of 8 December 14, 2005 the implementation of boundary buffer planting. In addition, the proposed signage is considered to be consistent with the requirements of the Code. F. Concurrency and Level of Service Standards - The proposal is capable of complying with the level of service standards under the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. An application for concurrency has been submitted separately. Chapter 9 - Community DesiQn Plan This Chapter applies to new construction and as such applies to the current proposal. In accordance with Section 5, elevation drawings of all buildings have been submitted. Section 10 contains site criteria. The proposal's compliance with these criteria is summarized below: . Building Location - The proposal has been designed in an orderly manner so as to avoid unusable or inaccessible space on the site. In particular, the site layout separates vehicular and pedestrian movement systems on the site, thereby giving all spaces a distinctive function and to avoid redundant spaces. Buildings have been sited to overlook the pedestrian system and open space network which will ensure high levels of casual surveillance of these spaces. . Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation - As indicated the pedestrian and vehicular movement systems have been separated. Given the nature of existing development, cross-access to adjoining sites is not practicable at this stage. The site layout and building form has been designed so as to minimize the visual impacts of consecutive garage doors by arranging garages into rear drive aisles. . Service Areas - Service areas to individual dwellings, in the form of garages, are accessed via rear drive aisles minimizing visual impacts on the overall development. All communal service facilities and utilities will be appropriately screened. . Walls - All walls, fences and ancillary site elements will be designed in colors and materials to match the dominant building form within the development . Exterior Lighting - Exterior lighting details are included in the Landscape Master Plan submitted with this application. The lighting will not be of an intensity that produces any significant glare on surrounding properties. . Landscape Features - The proposed landscape plan includes a pool, tot lot, trellises, community greens and a formal entrance feature in the form of a landscaped traffic circle. It is considered that these elements provide strong landscape focal points. . Signs - Signage will be limited to a single entrance sign, as detailed on plans submitted with this application. The proposed sign has been designed to relate to the architectural character of the development and utilizes colors and materials that will complement the built form. . Exterior Building Design - The proposed development has been designed so as to integrate various buildings within an overall site plan that places emphasis on the communal areas of the site. The proposed buildings convey a human scale and are consistent with the traditional suburban characteristics of surrounding development. Lawrence Road Property Page 7 of 8 December 14, 2005 Conclusion It is considered that the proposed development is a well designed residential community in a location with good access to services and community facilities. The proposed development is consistent with the relevant provisions under the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and has been designed to protect the amenity of surrounding residential development. Accordingly, it is considered that the proposal is in the public interest. Based on the above and attached information, the Petitioner respectfully requests approval of the proposed site plan. P:\1184\1184.1\Submittal Docs\Lawrence Rd Just Stmnt 11.1.05 - Site Plan.doc File #: 880.1 Lawrence Road Property Page 8 of 8 December 14, 2005 . ...' " PROJECT NAME: Lawrence Road Project LOCATION: NE corner of Lawrence Rd. and 71 st Ave. South PCN: multiple (see comments) I FILE NO.: NWSP 06-006 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Vermac Properties 6 LLC Brian Terry - Land Design South ADDRESS: 18999 Biscayne Blvd. ADDRESS: 2101 Centrepark West Drive Aventura, FL 33180 #100 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 F~:305-935-1880 F~: 561-478-5012 PHONE: 305-932-3435 - PHONE: 561-478-8501 SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 12/14/05 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 1/4/06 PUBLIC /IP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: 1/31/06 LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 3/28/06 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 4/18/06 COMMENTS: 00-43-45-07-00-00-3080, and 3090, and 3070, and 3030 00-43-45-07-00-000-3100 00-43-45-07 -00-000-3110 S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lawrence Rd. Project-Land Design South\SBMP\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO. doc Time and Date of MeeMl'g k /0 { ~ Those attending meeting: Ll ~ '-I~ 2 30 PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant'. Name: ~~~ C~hOrt!;~- ~fl-- 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 2. LOCATION OF PR~=REETS/INTERSECTIONS) 7o~ ~d~~M~I_ rC,L.- 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO~ERCIALPROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRLALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. · Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike. · Meetine:s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a.m. and 2:30 p.rn. S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p l.doc <~,t il' ~tt' '- />,. .t,. ,,,) /~ ." ",l J Date 10 - ~ - 0.5 Time Started .3 : f)() Time Finished Attending as Applicant ~ ~/(,p#4.J ~ Phone '/1/. Jt.J/ )...,- Fax PRc-APPLICA TION CONFERENCE REv iliW FORM Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and TypelUse Site Location (Address if Available) Site PCN Existing Zoning Existing Land Use. Density Anticipated Submittal Date 7()e~ ~ /41fi) AvAl~(J7t} Proposed Zoning Proposed Land Use/Density / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area '1.~ A-CIl..e..:S Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback Height Parking Requirements or Improvements Landscaping/Buffering Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required Hazardous Material Notes/Comments/Recommendations Ii#uChvl ~ ~(!8MJ We€.-- ~.tL ~ 1Z) -,uz: ~Zi W/IaV ~~~7!:fL./ :::,OEAJ7TM- ~~ p~ c- ~ b,.I J.}.'l 'JW ) h A- M.e ~~ '1tJ &/~'O 1'lx..viJ~ ~ ~ 70 ~r 1'tE:.;H1HE/U7TA-<. UJq;. JoA)~j ~e; /~/J.rEld 7f) 7lf€1i1!. ~ rn. 4 lifD ~ /..II~ Nl'hlne.4--...~ ro 71ie Bt'S1. 1H.,-::J Hii1a.., 7H€ ~- ~ p~ W~ .$€Z.t. ~ ~1771k:o ~E 1?A--r.A- ...uh ~ VII) If- ~ 'l4-77Ve 10 ~ IN fl.IE,,+Ile14-. pJ- fA lC. A ~t77tn1J c- ~ 'F l>e:AJT1A-<.- /111'.5~ ~ A P1k;~ No IOcJ u.. IeL WIU .4 ~ 11tI~. 4-S t1H~ W ~ ~eH:l ~ej). ct. v ~ " .~ 71J€ 171&'f.;1I!U- c. A-SSoc. S J,()71/iYf,I.$t /> tbr/4::J ~..., ~ at"" fl) 1JI€.!iI17C.. ~ ~ "S:$r. A- MI /JeSt/:>. ./k.-VEu> I;() T~~~ ~ ~Qjr 1lJ€~"'.3 IMItJ f1F YlE~lJ) A-bUTJ7~ ~AJ~!> ~ 70 ~ cbJ"ItI. ~ IJUo IWrElJ 1lI€ lNl.UE ~. LIJr.V bJIUx)J-6h /JtrCJ.b l;P1c.J>Q.Iti e,/e(~ - ?7tJ1() H ~~ p~) v~r~(~., ~erI~ T1kS #1= ~. NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. TM It,fI)tbF 2 ~ ~ .3 Srbt8 J./9ua &vr./:> ~~ {b; ~ 70 It- 2 ~8 ~ S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p2.doc ~ d.-' ~ I!o:b~ '{lie- ~ 71I€.IW>uCiUr p~ II.) melt,.!lNTE (..A--$ur.-, Wt'fl./- ~ S~ ~ ~~~ 71S& INAJDl. ~c- C(~J ~ ~ ~..... A~"'hJ. A~...... A/~Y'AJ .c~ flh~_ -T'UJ' ~.NU&;~"'_) ~ n.1~-C.I~ 7'lN.l.fr')o,J.:yt(; PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual I b 'tt d ~ . plans su nne or review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendine Staff tWvN4- ~ ~~ EiJ ~ /WtnLerJ /JEll. ~ M.i I"-{E ILoWF ~1bU r~:/ ~ AN DR ~ - - ~ _ VEReON ~" --- Construction Man EW K. VERZURA agement, Inc. ~ S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p3.doc 18999. Biscayne Boulevard, SUle 105 Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 932-3435 . Fax (305" 935 1880 E-Mail. overzurolaJverconcm: om A Construction Management and General Contracting Firm ~Iey, Judith From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Copley, Judith Thursday, September 15, 2005 1 :28 PM 'cmay@landdesignsouth.com' Hudson, Dick (Orran) Annexation Lawrence Road Property Dick forwarded your request for a meeting - our calendar is full until Monday October 3 at 2:30. Please let me know if your group would be able to come in then. Judith COpllZY @,r OfficlZ '(I33i3tant 742-6260 1 Land pesign South Page 1 of2 Copley, Judith From: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:02 PM To: Copley, Judith Subject: FW: Meeting Request Judith, See what you can do setting up something for these people. If we can't make it on the days they request, so be it. Should include Hanna and Mike. Thanks, Dick From: Brian Terry [mailto:bterry@LandDesignSouth.com] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:36 AM To: Cindy May; hudsond@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us; rumpfm@cLboynton-beach.fl.us Cc: jcastaneda@verconcm.com Subject: RE: Meeting Request Just as further clarification, the property in questions includes all parcels east of the identified address along 71 st Avenue South. We look forward to the oppotunity to speak with you soon. Brian Terry Senior Project Manager Fax: 561-478-5012 Cell: 561-758-1424 bterry@landdesignsouth.com www.landdesiansouth.com From: Cindy May Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:32 AM To: hudsond@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us; rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: Brian Terry; John F. Castaneda Ucastaneda@verconcm.com) Subject: Meeting Request Gentlemen, Brian Terry requested I coordinate for a meeting with you to discuss possible annexation of a property on Lawrence Road. Bob Bentz and our clients, John Castaneda and Alan Macken of Vercon, will attend meeting as well. We are hopeful of meeting on September 29th or possibly the morning of 9/30 (prefer 29th). Please advise if you are available to meet. Here is legal for the property: 7086 Lawrence Road Legal Description THE WEST 260 FEET OF THE SOUTH ~ OF THE NORTH ~ OF THE NORTHWEST ~ OF THE NORTHWEST ~ OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; LESSS THE WEST 40 FEET THEREOF. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES OVER THE SOUTH 20 FEET THEREOF AND ALSO SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES OVER THE SOUTH 60 FEET THEREOF. Thank you. 9/1512005 Land .pesign South 'Cindy May Executive Assistant FAX: 561.478.5012 cmav@landdesiqnsouth.com www.landdesiqnsouth.com ,-- \~ I I I 9/15/2005 Page 2 of2