TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY (DEC 2005) LAWRENCE ROAD PROPERTY TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Prepared by: .. MTP Group, Ine 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard Wellington, FL 33414-4704 http://www.mtpgroup.net (561) 795-0678 November 2005 Revised December 2005 .' . . MTP Group, Inc. 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net December 5, 2005 Mr. Alan Macken Ver-Mac Properties 6 LLC 18999 Biscayne Blvd Ste 201 Aventura, FL 33180 Re: Lawrence Road Property - Boynton Beach, FL Dear Mr. Macken: We are submitting this traffic study for Lawrence Road Property to be located on the east side of Lawrence Road just south of Hypoluxo Road in the City of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida. The proposed development includes 92 townhouses and is to be completed within two to three years. Access to the site is to be provided through Lawrence Road. Our study has been performed using accepted traffic engineering principles to determine compliance with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards (TPS) Article 12 of Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code. Please, do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience at (561) 795-0678 should you have any questions. Sincerely, I ,-J csio5 Maria M. Tejera, P.E. President Florida Registration Number 44095 Attachments TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 3 TRAFFIC GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT .............................. 5 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS........................................................................ 8 TEST ONE EVALUATION ......................................................................................... 11 Part One - Intersections.............................................................................................. 11 Part Two - Links........................................................................................................ 12 DRIVEWAY EVALUATION............... ................ .............. .......................................... 15 MODEL TEST EVALUATION... ................................. ................................................ 16 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX A: SITE PLAN APPENDIX B: 2005 PEAK HOUR VOLUME DATA APPENDIX C: TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS APPENDIX D: APPROVED PROJECTS - INTERSECTIONS APPENDIX E: INTERSECTION ANALYSES APPENDIX F: APPROVED PROJECTS - LINKS . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . ., Phone: (561) 79rr0678 Telefax: (561) 79rr0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net i Lawrence_Road_Rev.December.doc LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. AERIAL VIEW................................................................................................... 3 2. SITE LOCATION............................................................................................... 4 3. AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT .................................................... 6 4. PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ..................................................... 7 5. EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS.................................... 9 6. PEAK HOUR DRIVEWAY VOLUMES..................... ...................................... 15 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. TRIP GENERATION.......................................................................................... 5 2. TRIP GENERATION RATES............................................................................. 5 3. STUDY AREA DETERMINATION........ ......................................................... 10 4. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSES ............................................................ 11 5. TEST I-PARTTWO-LINKS-TWOWAY AM PEAK HOUR.................... 13 6. TEST 1 - PART TWO - LINKS - TWO WAY PM PEAK HOUR .................... 14 . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 79fr0678 Te/efax: (561) 79fr0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net ii Lawrence_Road_Rev.December.doc INTRODUCTION Lawrence Road Property is a proposed residential development to be located on the east side of Lawrence Road just south of Hypoluxo Road in the City of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida, as presented in Figures 1 and 2. The proposed development includes 92 townhouses. A reduced copy of the site plan is included in Appendix A. This project will be buildout in the year 2008. FIGURE 1 Aerial View Lawrence Road Property Access to the development is to be provided along Lawrence Road. II MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net Lawrence_Rood_Rev.December.doc 3 MTP Group, Inc. has been retained to conduct a traffic impact study to determine consistency with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The purpose of this study is to determine the traffic generation associated with the project and evaluate traffic impact in the surrounding roadway system. k NOT TO SCALE an oa Hypoluxo Road "0 .- - - - - -, Q) - C':l S .~ ~ ~ Site : Q) E-< ..______1 ~ Q) .~ ~ <Il ~ <Il ~ ~ ~ ....:l s:: 0 Miner Road U Gateway Boulevard L tanaR d FIGURE 2 Site Location Lawrence Road Property . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 79fr0678 Te/efax: (561) 79fr0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net 4 Lawrence_Road _Rev .December.doc TRAFFIC GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT Trip generation characteristics of the proposed residential development have been determined using Palm Beach County Trip Generation rates: Land use 230 "Condo/Townhouse". Table 1 presents the trip generation characteristics of the proposed development while Table 2 presents trip generation rates. The AM and PM Peak Hour trip generation due to the proposed development is 48 and 56 trips, respectively. TABLE 1 Trip Generation Lawrence Road Property Land Use Amount Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Traffic Total In Out Total In Out Proposed Development Townhouse 92 644 48 8 40 56 38 18 Total 644 48 8 40 56 38 18 Proposed New Traffic 644 48 8 40 56 38 18 TABLE 2 Trip Generation Rates Lawrence Road Property ITE Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Code Trip Gen Total In Out Total In Out Townhouse 230 7 (1) 17 83 (2) 67 33 Independent Variable: Townhouse (1) LN(T)=O.80*(X)+O.26 (2) LN(T)=O.82*LN(X)+O.32 DU . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 79fr0678 Te/efax: (561) 79fr0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net 5 Lawrence_Road _Rev .December.doc Project traffic has been distributed and assigned to the roadway network based on the area, existing and approved developments in the area, functional classification of the surrounding roadways, and travel time characteristics of the network system. Project traffic assignment for AM and PM peak hour conditions is depicted in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. -.f( Cl ;;R Cl '<t 11'\ ....:l II'\b ....:l ~ \0 - N 2 10 14 5% 20% 30% Hypoluxo Road 4LD 6LD o-,-.f( Cl 6LD NO ....:l \0 '<t .------, I Site I I ..______1 -.f( Cl o-,-.f( Cl '<t 11'\ ....:l _0 ....:l r- \0 '<t '<t 2 5% Miner Road r--.f( Cl 2LD _11'\ ....:l ('f') '<t "0 ~ ~ 0 p:: E-< <l) ~ g ~ ~ ~ ....:l LEGEND ~ 29 AM Peak Hour Traffic 60% Project Assignment 4LD Number of Lanes NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 3 AM Peak Hour Traffic Assignment Lawrence Road Property . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net 6 Lawrence_Rood_Rev.December.doc '*- Cl ~ Cl ~Ir\ ~ \O~ ~ r..: \0 ..... N 3 11 17 5% 20% 30% Hypoluxo Road 4LD 6LD ~'*- Cl 6LD MO ~ \0 ~ ,- - - - - - , --j Site : ..______J '*- Cl N'*- Cl ~ Ir\ ~ NO ~ r..: \0 ~ ~ 3 5% Miner Road O'*- Cl 2LD NIr\ ~ M ~ ] -g 0 ~ E-< Cl) E g ~ ..... ~ - ~ ~ LEGEND ~ 34 PM Peak Hour Trnffic 60% Project Assignment 4LD Number of Lanes NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 4 PM Peak Hour Traffic Assignment Lawrence Road Property . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net 7 Lawrence_Road _Rev.December.doc EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS The major roadways serving as primary access to this project are Hypoluxo Road and Lawrence Road. Near the project, Hypoluxo Road has a six-lane cross-section and Lawrence Road has a four-lane cross-section. Existing traffic volumes, 2005 Traffic Count Volumes, were obtained from the Palm Beach County, Office of Engineering and Public Works, Traffic Division. The 2005 counts used in this project are included in Appendix B. Figure 5 depicts existing (2005) traffic volumes and level of service standards for the roadway area network. Based on Table 12.b.2.D-7 3A from the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, the radius of development influence for a project generating 56 PM Peak trips is a maximum of one mile. However, only roadway links projected to carry project traffic higher than one percent of the adopted level of service (LOS) for that particular facility have to be included in the analysis. Table 3 presents the determination of roadway links to be included in the study. . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Bou/evard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net Lawrence_Road_ Rev .December.doc 8 I I 0(") 0 g~ 0 00 C'l \OC'l ....:l ""'". ....... ....:l 1'. ("). \0 ...... ...... C'l I -3,110- -4,680- -4,680- 2,855 3,244 3,445 Hypoluxo Road I 4LD 6LD 0...... 0 6LD ...... 0- ...... ""'" ....:l M",....;' ""'" I 1------, ~ Site : I ..------, 000- 0 00 f- I \0 00- ....:l 0...... 0 ..trri \0 ...... 0- ...... ""'" ....:l I ("f'")'" ......." ""'" I -1,460- * Miner Road I 0...... 0 2LD ...... 00- ...... ""'" ....:l M"''''''; ""'" I "C ] '" 0 p:: E-< <I) j g ~ ~ ~ ....:l LEGEND ~ -3,110- Adopted Service Volume 2,855 Existing PM peak hour traffic 4LD Number of Lanes NOT TO SCALE * No counts available for 2005 FIGURE 5 Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic Conditions Lawrence Road Property . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net 9 Lawrence _Road_Rev .December.doc rf') r.oil ~ ~ -< E-l c o :.;:;>-> cat:: C 8- 'e e ~~ (1,)"'0 - ro (I,) 0 Cp::: ca Q) e g ~ Q) >-~ "C ~ :;:,- - en ('- ";t) 6,C'll ._ Co (/),5 "- ::J o :I:t)t) ~ CD C'll C'll '-' Co a>2e D.o._ :=!!: 0. ....u ~lE '0' e 0:1- ('- ";t) 6,C'll ._ Co (/),5 "- ::J o :I: t) t) ~ CD C'll C'll '-' Co CD2e 0.0._ :=!!: ct ....u ~lE '0' e 0:1- -uc U a:: Cl .!, Ii"' ._ Oell) "- I- lI) 0. ct CD CD .~ e c:.a CDO (/)> "- CD lI) ,c....CD EoC: ::J co Z ..J .lIl: c: :::i >- ~ " co o 0:: 00 ZZ *'*' e>> e>> 00 00 "<t"<t 00 ZZ *'*' coco 00 00 "<t "<t *'*' 1.0 1.0 ...... ...... 00 ClO ClO CO_ CO_ "<t"<t 00 --.J --.J coco '0'0 Ctl Ctl o 0 0:::0::: o 0 X x ;-5-5 .- a. 0. e>>>> I-II ........ o 0 ,S.c:S .- t::: ::l :: 0 0 :=!!:Z(/) 0(/)00 Z~ZZ *'*'*'*' .....e>>....."<t "<to......CO o~oo co~~~ 0000 ZZZZ *'*'*'*' ...........ClOC\I C\I......"<t-.:t: 0000 I.O~~~ *'*'*'*' 0000 0001.0 .....CO"<tt") 0000 <O~-c-~ "IIIl;t~'or-~ ...:cticticti 0000 --.J --.J --.J --.J C\I"<t"<t"<t t) -g Q) o 'e '0 '0 o:::a..~Ctl 000:::0 -eX-....O::: CO..:!'OQ).... o 0 Ctl C Q) 0:: ~ fi. ~ .E CDIOO~ Uc:....X-.... o ::l t) 0 e.cOQ):S ~ t::: 0.'0' ::l CO 0>>....0 ..JZIa..(/) 000 ZZZ *'*'*' O"<tCO .....C\It") 000 t")~~ 000 ZZZ *'*'*' COI.O"<t 0.....'" 000 C\I~~ ~*'*' g,00 l.O~g 000 ..... ClO ClO "":. CO_ co_ t") "<t "<t 000 --.J --.J --.J "<tCOCO '0 Ctl o 0::: Q) 0'0 C Ctl e 0 'e ~ 0::: 'OI-~~ CO~OC 012-e 0:: := .- ~ ~~~~ -EO~'O egj~Til f~~~ o Z ~ o co o o t") o Z ~ o "<t o o C\I ~ o o 1.0 o ClO CO_ "<t o --.J co '0 Ctl o 0::: Q) o C e " ~ co Ctl O--.J 0::.... "- 0 :gTil :=!!:~ ClOCO "<t1.O Q) E ::l g Q) Q) o E .~ -5 ~ > '0 ~ Q) .- c..~ o Q) 'Oil) Ctl'O Q) Q) .cc.. - 0 ....'0 o Ctl Q) Q) Ol.c 12- ~O e*, Q)..... 0.0 Ctl- 11)- Ctl ~ (.) 0- lE Q) ~ l5 - .... '0 Q) .~ co e e .....a..CJ o (j lElE CtlCtl"ii) .... .... Q) I- I- ._ 'OtsE Q)Q)- 'e'e ~ t5 a..a..c Ctl ........Q)..o. ::l::l~tsE 00 Ctl II..!: a.:: ~.lIl:....o E 5; Ctl Ctl - '" Q)Q)lI)ts~ a.. a.. .::! Q) .- '0 '-' C :=!!: ~ Ctl e .!2l <(a..o:::a..(/) g '0 ~ E II) () ~ ,; II) 0:: I '0 III o 0:: 11)1 () c: ~ ....I o ...... C) C") (\j C) on ~ ~ ;::- :: ~ 'S )( (/) ol!! "2",",* 1\Jc)~ i;~f01D .:'5~r--C:: ....o,...<OQ. .s~~~e '~C")0>0l Q........,Jr-- Q. :::J1;ju.;::-e e~C:-~j' <!>u..2'- Q.~~~':'i ~r--~0Q. ::E~~a:~ II TEST ONE EVALUATION Part One -Intersections Test One Part One of the Traffic Performance Standards reqUires analyses of intersections in each direction nearest to each project accessed links where project traffic is significant. Intersection analyses were performed at the intersection of Lawrence Road and Hypoluxo Road. Turning movement counts were obtained from Palm Beach County traffic division intersection - turning movement counts list. These are included in Appendix C. Traffic from major projects already approved is included in Appendix D. Critical Movement Volumes were determined using the procedures included in the "Highway Capacity Manual", TRB Special Report 209. The Planning analysis for signalized intersections was utilized. The analyses were performed for future conditions. Appendix E presents the determination of turning movements as well as the critical movement analyses for the intersections included in the study. A summary of the analyses performed for each intersection is presented in the following table: awrence oa roperty Critical Critical Intersection Year Volume Volume AM Peak PM Peak Lawrence Road Property and Hypoluxo Road 2008 1,290 1,059 Table 4 Critical Movement Analyses L R dP In order to meet Part One of Test One, the critical volume at the intersection has to be less than 1,400 vehicles. As presented above, the intersection meets the standard. . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . , Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net Lawrence_Road _Rev .December.doc 11 In addition, Part One requires analysis of major intersections where project traffic is significant on a link within the radius of development of influence and project traffic comprises ten percent or more of the total traffic on at least one approach. There are no intersections to be analyzed based on this requirement. Part Two - Links Test One Part Two of the Traffic Performance Standards requires analyses of total traffic at buildout of the development for roadway links within the radius of development influence. Total traffic shall not exceed the adopted level of service during the buildout period of the project. Growth rates were obtained from the Compound Growth Rate Analysis for the year 2005 prepared by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. The table of Approved Project Traffic Volumes on the Thoroughfare Links in Palm Beach County prepared by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for October 2005 was reviewed to identify projects within the study area. Appendix F includes a table with approved projects. Background traffic was estimated by using a nominal 1 % growth rate plus approved project traffic volumes at any given link. Project traffic was then added to determine total traffic. Tables 5 and 6 summarize total AM and PM peak hour traffic at buildout of the project. As shown in these tables, all roadway links significantly impacted within the radius of development influence meet the adopted service volume. Therefore, Part Two of Test One has been met. . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 http.liwww.mtpgroup.net Lawrence_Road_ Rev .December.doc 12 In r-:l ~ ~ ~ ~ ::s o J: Jil: CU CI) D.. :!: <( >->- CUt:: ~2i o e ~D.. 1--0 I ~ t/)O::: Jil:~ .= c: ...J ~ ~ 0.5 ~ t:: CU D.. - - t/) CI) I- UI "tiC'- lei) uO )(...1 W .~ ~ ~.= ~g _u llIe ~I! .... 1ie '0' III .... 0..... - C 1i~ .,., C 001 .. - o.U1 ::i "tI - C ~+"tI = U.- """ cu. en cooeE.c>u ~FI!~'i ~..~ u .... ';it e Q,!t ~ :::. C) c( "tIUI ~u 0" .. .~ Q,O ~!t "tI 5 u'~:C !ees'i OOlIllUlO N~t::..-.. ~ .- e.C) en .c.. 'is Ou ..Ill C)lL. u :ge Ol! N.... .. " UI .a_" EoC :l j Z ~ C ~ :0- III ~ ] o z o .... .... ri '4 1--_ .... ~ '#- o o <0 <0 .... 1--. .... l8 g <0_ .... '#- q N <0 10. .... o ....l V i: ~ o .. 0. "tI III o a:: " u C ell ~ III ...I Q " '0' ~ .2 v IV o e::: o x ::l '0 a. >- :I: o o " ~ E <D ~ o :> <D 0:: I " OJ o 0:: 81 c: l!! ~ ...J (") ..... ~ (;) IE IV ~ Q Q) "0('1) tL..c 5~ 00 :I:.... "",(9 :go o..l!! ~:g 0..:>- <:) <") N <:) '^ ~ ~ ;:- <") <0 Q) ~ 'S )( (J) ~ 'E-",",* C\I<:)~ ::0"- .... Q)","ooQ) ,::;~,,-r::; .....o.....<OCl. .sco","S> 5 ;:::::('I)LO", c:iJ:~~~ ::::J(;jll.;::--e e ~ <:-18 s: (!)~.2........:s: 01" ~ !:l.~~~~ ~"--oCl. ~~~a:~ '- ::J 0 :I: ~ ta (1) D.. ~ D.. ~>. s:~ I.C o e ~Q. ~ 1--0 ~ I ~ ~ We::: < ~Q) E-i c (,) ._ c: ..J ~ =: 0 ell ~ .....I ~ ta D.. ..- - W (1) I- en "1'0 GI(I) 0 Glo ~..J Z W .~ E 0 ~ ~.= ~ GlO ri (I)> _u (l) :Ie co o I! <0_ ........ ~ ~e ~ '0' 11'I ...... a..... C ~E <fl. .... c 0 Oel g .....- a. en :: " - c :11+" ::l u.-_GI en CCloeE.c>u 10 g~lI'Iole~ 10 N~~Z 0 D..O <0_ g "'CS ~ct ~ IX! .... -- "en ~u (l) OGl ... .... ~ D.O ~ D.... eta. " c u- !eeil :5l Oell! 0 10_ N~....'- ... ~ g ::. 0 IX! .c... ~~ <fl. ...11'I C! 011. ~ ~e m Ol! ""'- N.... ~ ... GI en .c...! 0 Eo 11'I ...J :i ..J "'" ~ ~ c '0 :J ~ Q) >- '0' 11'I ... 0: ~ a. .E ! " 11'I 'U 0 III 0::: 0 GI a:: u 0 c x i ::l (5 a. 11'I >- ..J ::c " o -c ~ E CD () ~ ,,; CD It: I -c al o It: CD1 () I ... "1' ..... <0 10 o IE 1\'1 ~ g '0(') C:.c 5~ 00 ::c.... ..l<:Cl m'O o..~ :Em 0..>- <:> <") ~ <:> ah '" ..... ~ ;::- <") <0 Q) ~ '5 ;.: CI) .l!! ~~~ <lI<:>~ ~..... ... Q)"I'ooQ) u'5~""'C:: c:~~:gg. -;::<")ahe ~J: ~ ~ ~ ::J1ijl.~ ;::- E e 2! c::-:g ,: (,!)~.s"'-3: 0>" ~ Q..~~:g~ ~~~.g~ ::E,...;:..Q...c:: DRIVEWAY EVALUATION The project is accessible from Lawrence Road. Figure 6 depicts AM and PM peak hour turning movement volumes at the project access driveway. ------------------------------------, L- 40 (18) I r SITE 00 ""'" 00 (") '-' ------------------------------------- --g ~ Cl) g ~ ~ ~ LEGEND 40 AM Peak Hour Voltune (18) PM Peak Hour Volume FIGURE 6 Peak Hour Driveway Volumes Lawrence Road Property . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net 15 Lawrence_Road_Rev.December.doc MODEL TEST EVALUATION Based on the trip generation estimated for this project, the Model Test or Test Two needs to address directly accessed major thoroughfares. The "Roads on Test 2 Network Projected to be over Capacity with Existing and Committed Development Traffic" map revised July 2001 and prepared by Palm Beach County, has been used to evaluate Test Two. Based on this map, the first accessed major thoroughfare, Lawrence Road, is not over capacity. Therefore, Test Two has been met. . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Bou/evard, Suite 303 We//ington. FL 33414-4704 . , Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net Lawrence_Read_Rev.December.doc 16 CONCLUSIONS Lawrence Road Property is a proposed residential development to be located on the east side of Lawrence Road just south of Hypoluxo Road in the City of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida. The proposed project includes 92 townhouses and is to be completed in the year 2008. The proposed development has the potential to generate 644 external daily trips, and, 48 and 56 AM and PM peak hour trips, respectively. T est One - Part One Critical Volumes at the analyzed intersection is below the adopted sum of critical volumes. Therefore, this test has been met. Test One - Part Two All roadway links significantly impacted by project traffic meet the adopted peak hour two-way Level of Service D. Therefore, this test has been met. Model Test/Test 2 Model Test or Test Two has been met. The proposed development has been evaluated following the procedures established in the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The analysis shows the proposed Lawrence Road Property residential development is in compliance with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. . MTP Group, Inc. . 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 Wellington, FL 33414-4704 . . Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 http://www.mtpgroup.net Lawrence_Rood_Rev .December .doc 17 ~~~a ~ :;.~. . i ~ =;; ~ Pdd Iil <( 5.. ~ I- i~n"~ (!idmS "'lO" $ O(!t W ..~ .~~ ~ gg~~C!~ >- I- 0:: w a.. o 0:: a.. o <( o 0:: w () z w 0:: S <( --.J <( o UD: <(0 ~-' o:::lL ~~ O:::Z O::l lLO oU WI o:::u g:i1j Will 0:::::; 0.-, <( 0. ,:! :" .: rr,;.~~--f--- ------_:--,. ' II I " ... ",",1<1 I , II It;"""'".... ~<<fl I : 1 ~ '1 \ r I ; I: \ L..JI'L.l .J' .1 g 1\ ~: l ~.. - : n i _!t : i II I i.' I' II I I ~:: I L:, ~ ; ~: _..-J ~ r : : "' 0 I' it l :\-, i L~: ~: ~ ~ l' .J I3llt li j....J. I : ! I ,:.: s' . L., " , :I:...i l' I ::: -<<k. '.. I :: ~ -, 1\ II , : ~:.. .,;; -;;;;;; II I I II -<- I~' II - .. 'U- 'I' 'u \ :: ~ 5'"~'U ,;; : : ~ 1l1~ I I~ \\ T.{~;{" ~~jrJ~ H~ I I ~ I I :: .. l I: \\ \ i II . I II I I I II! -! Q I r~ i [U \ rU1:t 'I : :: I ,t.Y1:l [, ;f tH ~ c: II I ~ 0;;- I \\ \ -\r1ff1~ ~{{~{ --r! l : ~ 11 . II , II , II I II I . It I -i!' 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OK PM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT Existing Volume 314 258 136 112 232 104 164 1,049 276 170 1,311 163 Peak Season Volume 314 258 136 112 232 104 164 1,049 276 170 1,311 163 BackfJround 327 268 142 117 241 108 171 1,092 287 177 1,364 170 Major Project Traffic 11 17 29 14 72 24 68 124 98 45 79 64 Project Traffic 11 2 5 0 4 0 0 0 8 11 0 0 2008 Total T raffle 349 287 176 131 317 132 239 1,216 393 233 1,443 234 Critical Volume No. of Lanes 2 2 I 1 1 I 2 1 2 2 1 2 I 3 1 IApproach Volume 812 580 1,848 1,910 Per Lane Volume. 175 144 I 0 131 I 159 0 120 608 I 158 117 I 481 43 North-South Critical NBLT + SB TH = 334 SBLT + NB TH = 275 East-West Critical EBLT + WB TH = 601 WBLT + EB TH = 725 Maximum Critical Sum 334 + 725 = 1,059 Status? OK · Includes right turn volume adjustment for overlaps and RTOR . 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