CORRESPONDENCE THE SCHOOL DISTRIcT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 FOREST HILL BLVD., C-110 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX; (561) 434-8187 ARTHUR C. JOHNSON, Ph.D. SUPERINTENDENT October 18, 2006 Ms. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER #06101201C - MIRAFLOR (OF BOYNTON BEACH) Dear Ms. Zeitler: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination on the above referenced project for 40 multi-family units. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for Miraflor (of Boynton Beach). This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-8962. 1!:li (V~ Michael C. Owens Senior Planner cc: SCI Funeral Services of FL Inc. L:\Planning\Pub I ic\INTERGOV\Concurrency\Concurrency Determination Letters\Concurrency\2006\Boynton Beach \C061 0 120 I. doc AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 10-18-20063:10PM FROt-.A P_ 1 MTHE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD - C331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL PHONE: 561/434-8020 FAX: 561/434-8187 Number of pages sent (including cover page): 3 TO: Kathleen Zeitler, Planner, Planning & Zoning, City of Boynton Beach DATE: October 18, 2006 FAX NUMBER: 742-6259 FROM: Michael C. Owens, Senior Planner, SDPBC SUBJECT: Miraflor (of Bo~nton Beach) - Concurrency Determination COMMENTS: Attached please find the approved school concurrency application and provider form for Miraflor (of Boynton Beach). Attachment L:\Planning\Pub\ic\(NTERGOV\Concum:ncy\~nc\lrrcncy Determinaliool..cttcrs\FaxosUOO6\Boynton Beach\fXC{)61 01:20 I.DOC 10-18-20063:11PM FRO~' P.3 ~1/)9/2BB2 1&:47 SS1742Ei2~'3 ....... Pl..ANNING PAGE B2 ,...., m on.... oe-..............-... ,..... ....... a>>o~MI" 0.1'10 WIlM-..... "" ....., ~~...-o....,~ ~ \11'11.....,.....,'......,. ~c::w._'''''I'''' ~ SChoOl 0istriGt of him e-ctt county SchoOl conc.....-ncy AwI'.-- & Service pflIWIder Form Ifliltnlctivns; ~ CIne .., Of ........ . - .,1i1llfOft .. .... foI' .... MW ._1. ~ proj8at'*lUiflntl.IfI.tlf'Mlft......, af_,.............. Adlill~ ..N..,...."~... IIfteIn (11)..... .,. 'If .... 'If. ~ .".....11. A ......I..lIIlIDn 111._.__II1II iI YlIIIcI fir .. ,., flIIIII ... f!A....... a... OIveIDpmII!Il 0\CMr lit ~. .. ~ .....11...... __ .. wIW fOI' ..11ft or.. DIll"","",", ~. ,.........M..., ....~ _'"M: lY1'~0IIImINltDn r J~L..""" (J~~L"''''' ( 1 Ad.... SctlDlII ,..... DIM""'"*" I J......." tie .. 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DODGffll ~ ~ NO "1lIL "* ~ IIUII..,......... 0W0td. ,"",8III-'~"Mlrwlw""~, ~~~ I~l.,j~ I-':::~=~-=~t C -X ,,,..,..... pftIjKt llIlIllfllillWllllIM...... LIMI d StMle (l0l)*" SI:tlal* ,___w. .... WIl-.pIy........ LAMI or &wmllll 0.<*) far SaIIaals...,..... IIIIIlCMd ~ '~__lM ......~~fIIl!1eNiat(lOS)farlallDllll ~~ ~/r~6 ':'11'IoI1Ii~'\I~.,p,M("N'QIU:T$''''OOI~ ~^JII~;~.OI~ Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti. Chairman Addie L. Greene. Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper August 23, 2006 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Miraflor at Boynton Beach TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear rl/Jr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the residential project entitled; Miraflor at Boynton Beach, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: PCN#: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: West side of Seacrest Boulevard, south of Hypoluxo Road. Boynton Beach 00-43-45-09-05-001-0010 Vacant 40 MF Residential Units - Town-homes 280 25 AM, and 28 PM 2009 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed residential project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY E~INEER j )/ ) . /) / .: Masoud Ateft, MSCE / . TPS Coordinator, Municipalities - Traffic Division . " AUG 2 8 J(:I~ : 1.---' ; i J I I DEPARTME~JT OF DEVHOPMtN11 cc: Glen Hanks Consulting Engineers, Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F: \ TRAF F I C\ma \Admin \Approva Is\060828. doc . .. GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING August 8, 2006 Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works 2300 North Jog Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Attn: Masoud Atefi RE: Traffic Study Miraflor at Boynton Beach Proposed 40 Unit Townhouse Project Sea crest Boulevard City of Boynton Beach Job No. 060702 Dear Mr. Atefi: This traffic study was prepared to demonstrate that the proposed construction of 40 townhouse units on a 3.5 acre parcel in the City of Boynton Beach complies with Palm Beach County's traffic performance standards. Using the county's trip generation rates, the proposed 40 townhouses result in insignificant impacts to the surrounding roadway network. Executive Summary The proposed residential development by Buena Vista Town homes is located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, south of Hypoluxo Road, on 3.5 acres of presently vacant land. Existing Conditions - Background Information The 3.5 acre property is located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard south of Hypoluxo Road, opposite Mentone Road. Adjacent to this project, Seacrest Boulevard is a 5 lane facility and identified on Palm Beach County's Thoroughfare map as requiring an 80 ft. right of way. The intersection of Sea crest and Hypoluxo is signalized. Palm Beach County's current year traffic counts (2006) indicate Seacrest currently has 1114 and 1655 am and pm peak hour trips and a 12% annual growth rate. The listed LOS D service volume for a 5 lane road is 3110 vph. Presently Seacrest Boulevard operates below capacity. 7522 WILES ROAD STE. 203-8 . CORAL SPRINGS. FLORIDA' 33067 PHONE: 954-752-8860 . FAX: 954-752-8869 EMAIL: GHANKS_ENGINEER@8ELLSOUTH.NET CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION #26034 . . Miraflor at Boynton Beach Traffic Study August 8, 2006 Page 2 Access Individual townhouses will access a private, on-site roadway which is proposed to connect to Seacrest Boulevard. Proposed Development The developer proposes constructing 40 townhouses on the subject property. The expected build out of this project is within 3 years. Trip Generation Developing this parcel to the intensity indicated would result in 280 daily, 25 AMP and 28 PMP trips, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Trip Generation Dail CondolTH (Fee Simple) 40 Gross Tri s' Land use 7 280 AM Peak Hour Land use Intensit ." ":D.irSplit" In ."Out Gro~s Trips In . Out Total CondolTH Fee Simple) 40 Dwelling Units Ln(T) = 0.80 Ln(X) + 0.26 0.17 0.83 4 21 25 Grand Totals: 4 21 25 PM Peak Hour " Land use . Rate/E uation '._, "- '~'i~$piit.. . .... Gross T~jps, . . .. In '.Out In Out . Total 0.67 0.33 19 9 28 Capture of Pass-by Trips Pass by capture is not applied to residential developments Trip Distribution Trips are evenly distributed to the north and south of this project. Trip Assignment Half of the trips generated by this project (12 amp and 14 pmp [two-way GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Miraflor at Boynton Beach Traffic Study August 8, 2006 Page 3 , volume]) are assigned to Seacrest, north of the project and the remainder (13 amp and 14 pmp [two-way volume]) to Seacrest south of the townhouse development. As shown in the following table Sea crest Boulevard is expected to operate below capacity in 2009. The following table also indicates project related traffic will be less than 1 % of the LOS D Service volume for Seacrest Boulevard. AMP C (5 ('0, Q) > .;::. ...... E '0 c c Q) C1l Q) c OJ u U D- E 0 u u 'Uj u '~ i: ('0, C1l OJ ~ ~ c en i: Q) 0 C1l C u Q) ::J ~ .... .... (f) .... C1l 0 0 <( C1l (f) (f) f- C1l Q) ::J .... .... > f- ..c: .... '0 '0 f- '0 u :;::, OJ ~ OJ 0 0 ~ 0 Q) t;:: CD ~ ()) Q) Q) C1l (f) -I Q) C Q) C 0 0 u 0 B B B ~ .... 0 (5 0 ~ ,g> c U5 0 .... C1l 0 .... .... .... 0 N <.:) al N 0.. 0.. f- -I T- o.. (f) :.:J Seacrest N of Pro'ect 5 1114 12% 1565 50% 12,5 1578 3110 31 NO NO Seacrest S of PMP C (5 ('0, Q) > .;::. ...... E '0 c c Q) u C1l Q) C OJ U D- E 0 u u 'Uj u '2: i: ~ C1l OJ ~ ~ c en i: Q) 0 C1l U Q) ::J ~ .... c .... '-- C1l 0 0 <( C1l (f) (f) f- C1l Q) (f) ::J .... .... > :;::, f- ..c: .... '0 '0 f- 0 0 '0 u 0 OJ ~ OJ ~ Q) t;:: CD ~ ()) Q) Q) C1l (f) -I Q) C Q) C 0 0 u 0 B B B ~ '-- (5 0 ~ ,g> c U5 0 0 '-- C1l 0 .... .... 0 .... 0 N <.:) al N 0.. 0.. f- -I T- o.. (f) -I Sea crest N of Pro'ect 5 1655 12% 2325 50% 14 2339 3110 31 NO NO Seacrest S of Traffic Impacts Project related traffic is less than 1% of the LOS D service volume (3110 vph) for Seacrest Boulevard north and south of the project driveway. As project related traffic is insignificant and the link volume at build out is less than the LOS D service volume, additional intersection analysis is not required. GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Miraflor at Boynton Beach Traffic Study August 8, 2006 Page 4 As traffic impacts from the proposed development are insignificant on the first project accessed link this project passes Test-one part one. Part 2 of test one requires the analysis of links and major intersections where a project's traffic is significant. As this project's traffic is insignificant and Seacrest Boulevard is expected to have peak hour two way volumes less than LOS D service volumes, this project passes part Two of Test One of Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. There are no links with significant project volume violating the Model Test. This project passes Test 2. Conclusion The traffic generated by the proposed development of 40 townhouses on the subject parcel in Boynton Beach does not represent a significant increase in traffic volumes to the roadway network and meets Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. If during your review you require additional information please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to provide it. Sincerely, ~4~ . ~~. <<~~~. G!en A. Hanks, P.E., PTOE ,-, R N. .~38[-2 rL. ego j o. ~ ,) GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERS October 23, 2006 FDOT Design Section 3400 West Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33306 Attn: Howard Webb Re: Miraflor PCN 00 43 45 09050010010 Seacrest Blvd. (approx 2500 ft. S. of Hypoluxo) Boynton Beach, FL Sound Wall Dear Mr. Webb: At the request of the City of Boynton Beach this office is contacting you to establish the feasibility of having the Department of Transportation extend the existing sound wall (east side of 1-95) approximately 190 feet to the northern limits of the property. The developer of this parcel is proposing to construct 40 residential units on the subject property. The nearest unit is 120 ft. from DOT Right of way for 1-95, as shown on the attached civil plan. I request that provide me with the DOT's requirements to extend the sound wall. Sincerely, Glen Hanks, P.E. 7522 WILES ROAD, STE, 203-B . CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33067 PHONE: 954-752-8860. FAX: 954-752-8869 EMAIL: GHANKS_ENGINEER@BELLSOUTH.NET CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION 26034 GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING October 16, 2006 P-a1ffi-se-crc~County Engineering and Public Works 2300 North Jog Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Attn: Masoud Atefi RE: Traffic Study - Miraflor at Boynton Beach Proposed 4eUnit Townhouse Project Seacrest Boulevard PCN 00434509050010010 City of Boynton Beach Job No. 060702 Dear Mr. Atefi: This traffic study was prepared to demonstrate that the proposed construction of 49_~0~_rl.~~!-l?~_l.!l'1i!? on a 3.87 acre parcel in the City of Boynton Beach complies with Palm Beach CountY's traffic performance standards. USing the county's ffip generation rates, the proposed 40 townhouses result in insignificant impacts to the surrounding roadway network. Executive Summary The proposed residential development by Buena Vista Town homes is located on the west side of Sea crest Boulevard, south of Hypoluxo Road, on 3.5 acres of presently vacant land. Existing Conditions - Background Information The 3.5 acre property is located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard south of Hypottlxo- Road, opposite Mentone Road. Adjac-ent to this project, Sea crest Boulevard is a 5 lane facility and identified on Palm Beach County's Thoroughfare map as requiring an 80 ft. right of way. The intersection of Seacrest and Hypoluxo is signalized. Palm Beach County's current year traffic counts (2006) indicate Seacrest currently has 1114 and 1655 am and pm peak hour trips and a 12% annual growth rate. The listed LOS D service volume for a 5 lane road is 3110 vph. Presently Seacrest Boulevard operates below capacity. 7522 WILES ROAD STE. 203-8 · CORAL SPRINGS. FLORIDA. 33067 PHONE: 954-752-8860 . FAX: 954-752-8869 C'.. .. "" . ,-. LJ " ..., 1/ t"""'" C" ... 1 ,.... I '" r::" t:" D tr;\ 0 C', , C (\ , I T L.I 1\.1 co T Miraflor at Boynton Beach Traffic Study (Revised) October 16, 2006 Page 2 Access Ti1OlvlOUal townhouses wilr access a private, on-site roadway which is proposed to connect to Seacrest Boulevard. Proposed Development The developer proposes constructing 40 townhouses on the subject property. The expected build out of this project is within 3 years. Tri)7iieneration Developing this parcel to the intensity indicated would result in 280 daily, 25 AMP and 28 PMP trips, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Trip Generation Dail 4 21 25 Grand Totals: 4 21 25 Capture of Pass-by Trips Pass by capture is not applied to residential developments Trip Distribution Trips are evenly distributed to the north and south of this project. Trip Assignment __ ___ .. _ _____ ......__.._....... _..___ ~_._....___,.. I....,.. Miraflor at Boynton Beach Traffic Study (Revised) October 16, 2006 Page 3 Half of the trips generated by this project (12 amp and 14 pmp [two-way volume]) are assigned to Seacrest, north of the project and the remainder (13 amp and~- fZJ pmp Itw(J--way~-vo1u~me])uto--S-eacresLsoutrrof--thetownhouse- development. As shown in the following table Sea crest Boulevard is expected to operate below capacity in 2009. The following table also indicates project related traffic will be less than 1% of the LOS D Service volume for Seacrest Boulevard. AMP ..... ('0. c: (5 Q) :>. > ..... ..... E '0 c: c: Q) CI) Q) c: C) 0 0 a. E 0 0 "0 'ii) 0 '~ lE ('0, CI) 0) .. lE c: CJl lE Q) 0 CI) ..... 0 Q) ~ ::J :::R .... c: .... (f) CI) 0 0 <( CI) (f) (f) f- CI) Q) ::J .... .... > :;:, f- .J:: .... U ..... f- 0 0 ..... 0 0) ..... 0) 0 0 ~ 0 Q) ;.;::: co 3= .::.::: (J) Q) Q) ro ....J Q) Q) c: 0 0 0 0 "e' "e' (f) '0 c: .::.::: .... 0 0 .... CI) 0 (5 0 :::R 0) c: ..... 0 .... U5 (f) () N <.9 OJ N CL CL f- ....J ..- CL :.::i Sea crest N of Pro'ect 5 1114 12% 1565 50% 12,5 1578 3110 31 NO NO Seacrest S of PMP ..... ('0, c: (5 Q) > ~ ..... E '0 c: c: Q) CI) Q) c: C) 0 0 a. E 0 0 "0 'ii) 0 .~ lE ('0' CI) 0) .. lE c: CJl lE Q) 0 CI) c: 0 Q) CI) ::J "eft. .... .... .... CI) <( CI) (f) f- Q) (f) ::J .... 0 .... (f) CI) f- .J:: .... ..... ..... f- ..... 0 > :;:, 0) ..... 0) 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 Q) ;.;::: co 3= .::.::: (J) Q) Q) ro ....J Q) ~ c: 0 0 0 0 "e' '0 (f) '0 c: .::.::: 0 ..... 0 ~ 0) Ci5 0 .... CI) 0 a: 0 a: c: () <.9 0 U5 :.::i N OJ N CL f- ....J ..- Seacrest N of Pro'ect 5 1655 12% 2325 50% 14 2339 3110 31 NO NO Seacrest S of Traffic Impacts Project related traffic is less than 1% of the LOS D service volume (3110 vph) for Seacrest Boulevard north and south of the project driveway. As project related traffic is insignificant and the link volume at build out is less than the LOS D service volume, additional intersection analysis is not required. . ' . Miraflor at Boynton Beach Traffic Study (Revised) October 16, 2006 Page 4 As traffic impacts from the proposed development are insignificant on the first project accessed link this project passes Test-one part one. Part 2 of test one requires the analysis of links and major intersections where a project's traffic is significant. As this project's traffic is insignificant and Seacrest Boulevard is expected to have peak hour two way volumes less than LOS D service volumes, this project passes part Two of Test One of Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. Ther-e are no links with significant project volume violating the Model Test. This project passes Test 2. Conclusion The traffic generated by the proposed development of 40 townhouses on the subject parcel in Boynton Beach does not represent a significant increase in traffic volumes to the roadway network and meets Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. If during your review you require additional information please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to provide it. Si ncerely, ~/"I /" L~ ///',. ,// //, > ~y..~L Glen A. Hanks, P,E., PTOE FL Reg. No, 53852 ,... _.... LJ . ........... ,.....'""...~y.1' ......~ 'C""'~''''C'lctJ:lC! I...,... GLEN HANKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING October 15, 2006 Pine Point Villas Association 3310 Loren Road Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attn: Richard Riguzzi, President RE: Request for authorization to establish an Emergency access point between Pine Point Villas and Miraflor at Boynton Beach (proposed development to the north) Job No. 060702 Dear Mr. Riguzzi: This firm is providing engineering services to the developer of the adjacent property. In furtherance of improved levels of service and emergency response, the City of Boynton Beach is suggesting that an emergency access point be established between Pine Point Villas and the proposed development to the north. I am requesting that the homeowner's association, at the next regularly scheduled meeting consider granting an emergency access easement in favor of the City of Boynton Beach along the northern most portion of Valley Road. As per Exhibit No. 1 of the Declaration of Condominium of Pine Point Villas "B" Condominium as recorded in ORB 2704 PG 769, the existing Parking Street easement already extends north to the property line. The developer to the north would simply install an access gate, to be utilized in case of emergency only, thus establishing an additional emergency access point between both developments. I believe that both parcels will benefit from the establishment of this emergency access point. We appreciate your consideration of this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, ~/ ~7- ,/~ '" ,,',/ /'" ~/" /;:/,/ ..:<// ,J, ~:::;:';;~:~2~ ./" ,'/ .-- ~/ 4.::/ /' /~ ;)~ Glen A. Hanks, P.E., PTOE -, 7522 WILES ROAD STE, 203-B · CORAL SPRINGS. FLORIDA · 33067 PHONE: 954-752-8860 · FAX: 954-752-8869 EMAIL: GHANKS_ENGINEER@BELLSOUTH.NET CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION #26034