CORRESPONDENCE The City of Boynton Beach .CfC.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FAX: (561) 742-6285 www.boynton-beach.org August 7, 2006 Grant S. Besing, P.E. Winningham & Fradley, Inc. 7154 SE Osprey Street Hobe Sound, FL 33455 FILE COpy RE: Request for Administrative Waiver Engineering Design Handbook & Construction Standards LOR, Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F. Palm Cove Dear Mr. Besing: We are in receipt of your request for an Administrative Waiver to the land Development Regulations (lOR), Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F., dated August 2, 2006. This code specifies a minimum right-of-way width of 40-ft. You are requesting a deviation of 4-ft., i.e. a reduction from 40-ft. to 36-ft. The LOR allows a reduction in right-of-way width so long as health, safety, welfare, or public services are not jeopardized. You have provided no justification for the noted request. Pending receipt and review of a request that provides justification and shows that the health, safety, welfare, or public services are not jeopardized your request is denied. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6988 or laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer, at (561) 742-6982. Sincerely, H. David Kelley, Jr., . City Engineer Xc: Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering Michael W. Rumpf, Director, Planning and Zoning File S:\Englneerlng\Logan\Standards\Admln Walver-Eng-Palm Cove ROW Width 080706.doc AMERICA '8 GATEWA Y TO THE GULF8TREAM DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-126 fr r COpy TO: Ken Hall Engineering Technician THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Ed Breese ~ Principal Planner DATE: June 9, 2006 SUBJECT: Palm Cove - Plat Comments I have reviewed the above referenced plat and have the following comments: Plat (Page 1) - The Plat Acknowledgement indicates Broward County. Plat (Page 2) - Plat Note #3 indicates a total area of7.40l acres, while the Survey depicts 7.402 acres. - Plat Note #6 refers to County approvals and permit instead of City. Plat (Page 3) - Same comments noted on Page 2 above. '''" ;' ., ~' ,. ~ 't~ T REASU'~g ;jC iJXS:T 'll~ ~'{O;N A!~' PLAN NI N G C;O U N'CfL IN DI AN~' R I ~ E It. ...:M:W R4-1N" - Pi L'~M B IrA C H t;;_ 'g T. t;'u-c I g""' MEMORANDUM From: Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Peter G. Merritt M Regional Ecologist \Y7 To: Date: June 12,2006 Subject: Notice of Permit Application No. 060526-24 Palm Cove Attached are notices of application for an environmental permit to conduct dredge and fill or similar activities within or adjacent to your community. We are disseminating this information for your review and comment. The information provided with this notice is very brief, but you may contact the permitting agency directly for further information if needed in order for you to assess the impacts of the proposed activities on your community. If the proposed activities are not consistent with your comprehensive plan or other locally adopted plans or regulations, or if you have any other comments, please submit them to the permitting agency by the deadline date indicated in the attached materials. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of any comments you may have for our files. Attachment r'. n ~ 0; ~ ~ ~] [~ r I : 0 1 ( G~ I Jill 4 P6 i , : I OEPARTMENT OF OEVELOPMf ~~ I "Bringing Communities Together" · Est. 1976 101 East Ocean Boulevard - Suite 100 - Stuart, Florida 14"4 Phone (772) 221-40" - SC 2"-4'" - Fax (772) 221-4"7 - E-m ail - admin/4ltcrpc.orr .~, ,/fV7 t AJ ,:: Fkh SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 . (561) 686-8800 . FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 . TDD (561) 697-2574 Mailing Address: PO, Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 . wwwsfwmd.gov .,:""',:.,, fr.''''' ,- 1. ,.." NOTICE III ii! ., j... '" , ~ . ~ c June 2, 2006 Subject: Environmental Resource Permit Application Application No: 060526-24 Applicant: Boynton Townhomes, LLC Palm Beach County, S 4fT 46 SIR 43 E The South Florida Water Management District is currently processing the attached application. If you have any comments or objections concerning this project, please submit them in writing to this office within 30 days of receipt of this notice. This is also an opportunity for applicable State agencies to concur with or object to the proposed project under the federal consistency provision of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Review must be in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Interagency Management Committee on October 25, 1989. Findings of inconsistency must describe how the project conflicts with your agency's statutory authorities in the Florida Coastal Management Program and provide alternative measures, if any, which would make the project consistent. Commenting agencies must provide a copy of all consistency comments letters to the Florida Coastal Management Program Director, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. Please refer to the applicants name and application number as referenced above in any correspondence to help facilitate processing. Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Anita Bain at (561) 682-6866 or Tony Waterhouse at (561) 682-6867. BAC:mw Attachments c: US Army CorpRof E:r'gim:~ers Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Bureau of Protected Species Management Department of State, Division of Historical Resources Regional Planning Council Department of Community Affairs Palm Beach County DERM GOVERNING BOARD EXECUTIVE OFFICE Kevin McCarty, CI1air lrela M. Bague, Vice-Chair Miya Burt-Stewart Alice J. Carlson Michael Collins Nicolas J. Gutierrez, Jr., Esq. Lennart E. Lindahl, P.E. Harkley R. Thornton Malcolm S. Wade, Jr. Carol Ann Wehle, Executive Director OWNER(S) OF LAND ENTITY TO RECEIVE PERMIT (IF OTHER THAN OWNER) NAME NAME C. Scott Bensch ADDRESS ADDRESS 6499 N. Powerline Road CITY, STATE, ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33309 COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE Bovnton TownhomeF- LLC TELEPHONE ~544 680-1544 TELEPHONE ( ) FAX (954) 6 0- 862 FAX ( ) AGENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE PERMIT (IF AN CONSULTANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM AGENT) AGENT IS USED) 4 60 526- 24. NAME Grant Besing NAME 'Z> 0 - COMPANY AND TITt..'E;' , 1,. 1 ." , COMPANY AND TITLE Winningham and Fradley . :" ~ ~ '~" 1. i 1\ t"~, ~ '",'-. ... ~.. ADDRESS "'d' i' r~ " ADDRESS 7154 SE Osprey Street , <'-' lie,;- CITY, STATE, ZIP ?> CITY, STATE, ZIP Robe Sound, FL 33455 'If 'Ii ... TELEPHONE ( ) TELEPH~~E (llZl ~46-5466 FAX ( ) FAX (77 -5 -4 75 Name of project, including phase if applicable Palm Cove Is this application for part of a multi-phase project? Dyes }b no Total applicant-owned area contiguous to the project 7.40 ac Total project area for which a permit is sought 7.40 ac Impervious area for which a permit is sought 5 35 ac What is the total area (metric equivalent for federally funded projects) of work in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? 0 acres 0 square feet 0 hectares 0 square meters Number of new boat slips proposed. 0 Project location (use additional sheets, if needed) County(ies) Palm Beach Section(s) 4 Township 4flS Range 43E Section(s) Township Range Land Grant name, if applicable Tax Parcel Identification Number Street address, road, or other location 2450' South ot D1xie Hwy on S.l{. :> City, Zip Code if applicable Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Inc. 2 Describe in general terms the proposed project, system, or activity. Grading of site to promote overland flow int0 in~ets and drainage pipes. Controli~g offsite discharge from site into FDOT R/W/ If there have been any pre-application meetings, including at the project site, with regulatory staff, please list the date(s), location(s), and names of key staff and project representatives. Please identify by number any MSSWlWetland resource/ERP/ACOE Permits pending, issued or denied for projects at the location, and any related enforcement actions. Agency Date No.\Type of Application Action Taken Note:The followina information is reauired onlv for proiects proposed to occur in.on or over wetlands that need a federal dredae and fill permit and/or authorization to use state owned submeraed lands and is not necessary when applvina solei v for an Environmental Resource Permit. Please provide the names, addresses and zip codes of property owners whose property directly adjoins the project (excluding applicant). Please attach a plan view showing the owner's names and adjoining property lines. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 By signing this application form, I am applying, or I am applying on behalf of the applicant, for the permit and any proprietary authorizations identified above, according to the supporting data and other incidental information filed with this application. I am familiar with the information contained in this application and represent that such information is true, complete and accurate. I understand this is an application and not a permit, and that work prior to approval is a violation. I understand that this application and any permit issued or proprietary authorization issued pursuant thereto, does not relieve me of any obligation for obtaining any other required federal, state, water management district or local permit prior to commencement of construction. I agree, or I agree on behalf of my corporation, to operate and maintain the permitted system unless the permitting agency authorizes transfer of the permit to a responsible operation entity. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this pplication is a violation of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. c. Scott Typed/Printed Name Q . ed below) ~ fb/00 Date Managing Member (Corporate Title if applicable) AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE ONLY IF THE APPLICANT COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING: I hereby designate and authorize the agent listed above to act on my behalf, or on behalf of my corporation, as the agent in the processing of this application for the permit and/or proprietary authorization indicated above; and to furnish, on request, supplemental information in support of the application. In addition, I authorize the above-listed agent to bind me, or my corporation, to perform any requirement which may be necessary to procure the permit or authorization indicated above. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. Typed/Printed Name of Applicant (Corporate Title if applicable) Signature of Applicant Date Please note' The aODlicant's oriainal slanature {not a cODvlls reauired above PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: f either own the property described in this application or I have legal authority to allow access to the property, and I consent, after receiving prior notification, to any site visit on the property by agents or personnel from the Department of Environmental Protection, the Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers necessary for the review and inspection of the proposed project specified in this a . . . I authori these agents or personnel to enter the property as many times as may be necessary to such rev' and inspe n. Further, I agree provide entry to the project site for such agents or personnel to mo ermitted or i ranted. 0' IJ C. Scott Bensch ""f Typed/Printed Name (Corporate Title jf applicable) 4 SECTION A Are any of the activities described in this application proposed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? 0 yes Kl no Is this application being filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district? Dyes M no A. Type of Environmental Resource Permit Requested (check at least one) o Noticed General - include information requested in Section B. o Standard General (Single Family Dwelling)-include information requested in Sections C and D. QQ Standard General (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D. o Individual (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Mitigation Bank Permit (construction) - include information requested in Section C and F. ( If the proposed mitigation bank involves the construction of a surface water management system requiring another permit defined above, check the appropriate box and submit the information requested by the applicable section. ) o Mitigation Bank (conceptual) - include information requested in Section C and F. B. Type of activity for which you are applying (check at least one) o Construction or operation of a new system including dredging or filling in, on or over wetlands and other surface waters. o Alteration or operation of an existing system which was not previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. o Modification of a system previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. Provide previous permit numbers. o Alteration of a system 0 Extension of permit duration 0 Abandonment of a system o Construction of additional phases of a system 0 Removal of a system C. Are you requesting authorization to use State Owned Lands. 0 yes 0 no (If yes include the information requested in Section G.) D. For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and fill permit requested: o Individual 0 Programmatic General o General 0 Nationwide 0 Not Applicable E. Are you claiming to qualify for an exemption? Dyes iH no If yes provide rule number if known. ExhibiJ 1 - Location Map N ~ i I 211 . 12 INW 11M 13 IUIlI ~!; II 311 WOllI./IRIGHr ROAD 3f . i i ~ 0CMIlI ~ 2J " zr nlflfe ! 1WPfeS I ! ~ PALM COVE Page 3 ~ r " J2 3C J '" 17 " ,. LOCotlTJQN AMP (1SEC1JON4, 7OWNiSHP<< AloNG/HZ) Environmental Resource Report :060526 24 PALM COVE LOCATION MAP BOYNTON TOWNHOMES, LLC. f.I::"WINNINGHAM & FRADLEY, INC. III" ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS 1" NoE.. 44th BTREET.. ClI4Kl..AND PARK. R.... ~ 6i/II64--771-7440~: ~ N EB 0002995 DR/>WN, AIIF LBooo2995 -CIIECK~--OATE~ I G",2fXJ5ID5504-Bwnfon Beach T uwnfr1mesVooatlon.<!Qn 5/22/Z006.9,31,22 AM oce. '3.2005 1:11PM ~ ol..........~ UId "lie wo..... PO !ox Zt:l:Zq W. Palm 8oc:t\, PI. ",416-11aq ($(i1) ~ _pbqvv.C(If!l . ....1M4\ ~ ........ "" eo-cy ~OMn TJ)ny lII.u.l". C1u.ltlTW\ Ad4lt 1.. CrMn6. VIC4 Cblll1>erIOn Karen T. MOU'CUS Jett I<oons 'MP'ren Ii. Newell Mil')' MtCmy "n~ Cow..., .....l.Natlr&... Robert WlbSI'lWl . Aft /tqIMIJ OppIPIlIIIII)' ~~~. @ ptilWtiCln~fIIJPM PSi <<FIe EI'IG P.2 NO. 9'50 Dseember 10. 2005 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Dlteetor of Plarlnlng 8. Zoning Depal'tr'nant of Development City of Boynton Beach p,O, 80x 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE; Parkaide .ka Mil.' R~d Project TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach Col.ll'lIY Traffle OMsion has revleWeCl me revised nfflC study and the ! attached material for the proposed project entitled; PlI'k8~, plJI'SUent to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm 6eaeh COunty Land Development Code. This pro,ed IS sl.ll'l'lmariz:ed IS follows: Location: MuniCipality: Existing USn; Proposed Uae: New Daily Trips; New PH Trips; Build-out Y.ar: Between Us.. 1 and Old Dixie Highway, south of Virginia Gardens. BOynton Beach 4 SF ReSidential Units and 1,400 SF General Retail 121 MF Residential Units 774 56 AM and 62 PM 2007 Based on our review the TraffIC Diviltion has deter milled that the proposed residential project is located within the county de$ignated .Coastal Ruidentilill Exception Areas". and therefore, meets the Traffic P.rformance Standarcls Of Palm Beach County. No buildil'l9 permo are to be lUued by the town, after the build-out date. specified above. The COl.lnty traffic concurrency approval is subject to the ProjeCt .As!jlregation RuIei set forth in the TraffIC Performanee Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please lXlntact me at 684-4030. Sincerely. 'EER File: General - TPS " Mun - Traffic Study ReYiew F:\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvall\051 007 .doC: 12/21j/2005 09:45 Ft\I 5613U53lJ PBC P1...ANlNG Jal 002/00 2 Oepart.ment of Planning. Zoning &. 3uildll.g hjt) Ak~rl1h.an Avenuf' \\;esr ?nlm Bt'.axil. FL }j4-06 USnii 213,:'000 P.l}u.n;r'~ OIVl$JCt1 2;).;) )HO lOft! t~~ OI"'lcS~G!1 ~~))" :)"nn b,U't::(llngl)l\i'ilO.lOn :(1\ SH){} C'OO& En.fOfcemem 23>S~(j(1 LotHratt(H'~ \:e!"uf,(:ttidi\ 21- ')-552: ..um""~lrarlOn OliKe J )).5005 F-Xt'(U'h~eon!Ct> .23): .S003 w~*.\'" :,:n::,~l)v,,;orl'rlh .. Palm 8ft"",h County aoatcl of County Commissioners Tonv \b_fi.i~()tH Chairm;\~ Addle t Grct-f!e Vice (h,)JrlH~r$Or f'i...areHl:\"~lrtu~ Jeff K.oons \"'~fltn H O>;cweil \!uy \lee.wy Burt ,\4,ronsot1 County Administt'lltor 'to!:>!.'r: \~e:str..)" Arl C.:q~.Ul: OpparrurUfy Af(u'r"l"rr""t 1('t~Q"I'J tl'1'1PW\'t"'"" @ ptif!.rtHJ en (flc.,.r;hid NIWI December 15. 2005 Mike Rumpf, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Proposed Annexation of Parksidu, 2006.08.002 Dear Mr Rumpf Thank you for providing the County the op~ ortunity to review the a'lnexation mentioned above, Initially upon reView, Count.., staff had advised the applicant to provide adequate turn around for Miller Roa t However on further n,lVIew the Traffic Dilllsion has determined that the pnposed project meets t'1e Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach Count I Hence the County witldraws Its earher reservations If you have any further qlesbons please feel free 1:0 contact Vmod Sandanasamy. Semor Transportation PI ,Inner. at (561) 233-5337 Slncer;eJy. ;I ,p' . , , Lorenzo Aghemo Planning Director cc The Honorable Mary McCarly, o.s!nct <I Com.rmssioner Boo SankS, A/CP, AsSl Co. '1ti' Atlomey The Honorable Adole l, Greene. o.Sll'lct 7 Commissioner Jatnes Cammack.C1ark Senor Planner Kurt BteS5(1(lf. CIty Of BOYNon 8each M3f1a~ Vmod Saooll/'llisamy. Alep Senl()( PlaMe' i'lartl;1l3 Alterman Ese;. PUB ExecuUve Dlfecro< Tammy ~ee, Eng'neetlng Adm.n, ASSls! :' '--P.:31'V';;i'<rJ';j"':ef~~alw;~e:wtl~i)tl'~OO f ;K~ Y'c-lVc.LefW"S'eo'f. P-~n.JH:l~'d ;C06.coc N~v 16 2005 11:38AM HP' ASERJET FAX p. 1 TrIIlech ENGINEERING, INC. 8400 N. Uriwnity Drive. Suite 307 Tamarac, FIorfda 33321 Tel: (954) 582-0988 Fax: (954) 682-0989 Fax 10. Mr. Ed Breese From: Joaquin Vcvgas Fax: (561) 742-6259 P--= 3 (Including this one) ....... (561) 742-6262 Date: NOYernber16,2005 RiB: Palm Cove Entry Gate CC; Robert Hall CJ Urgent o For RevIMv D ....... CoInment CJ Pi.... Reply o PI.... Rec,a. This facsimile Is Intended to be delivered onlV to the named addressee(s) and may contain Information that Is confidential, proprietary, or, privileged. If this Information is received by anyone other than the named and Intended addressee(s), the recipient should immediately notify the sender by telephone at the phone number of the sender listed on the facsimile and obtain Instructions as to the disposal of the transmitted material. In no event shall this material be read, used, copied, reproduced, stored or retained by anyone other than the named addressee(s), except with the express consent of the sender or the named addressee(s), Thank you. Nov 16 2005 11:38AM Hp! ASERJET FAX 10.2 lral Tech ENGINEERING,INC. November 16, 2005 Mr. Ed Breese Principal Planner Planning & Zoning Division P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Palm Cove - Variance Request for Location of Entry Gate Dear Ed: It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday regarding the proposed entry gate for the Palm Cove residential community planned to be located between Old Dixie Highway and Federal Highway in the vicinity of Turner Road. The following information is provided in order to request a variance regarding the distance of the proposed entry gate from the east property line (west right-of-way line of Federal Highway). AB you know, Palm Cove is a residential development consisting of 121 residential units. The project is planned with two driveways, one on Federal Highway and the other off of Old Dixie Highway. The Federal Highway driveway will only allow right-turn movements (inbound and outbound). The Old Dixie Highway driveway will be restricted to outbound-movements only (left or right turns). For the security of future residents of the Palm Cove community, an entry gate is planned at the Federal Highway driveway. This entry gate will be located approximately 60 feet from the west right-of-way line of Federal Highway (eastern property line). The 60-foot dimension does not meet the minimum 90 feet recommended by the City of Boynton Beach (it is our understanding that the 90-foot dimension is based on information published by the Institute of Transportation Engineer's regarding the location of entry gates). Due to geometric constraints, the 90-foot dimension cannot be met (please refer to the overall site plan prepared by Winningham & Fradley, Inc.). TrafTech Engineering is of the opinion that the 6O-foot dimension is anticipated to work adequately in this case (would not create a safety problem due to queues spilling onto the southbound lanes of Federal Highway) for the follO\ving reasons: o The proposed gate system for the Palm. Cove community will not be staffed. Hence, minimal delay is anticipated by entry vehicles. A loop detector will be placed in the pavement and as soon as a vehicle is detected, the gates will open. 8400 North University Drive, Suite 307, Tamarac, Florida 33321 Tel: (954) 582-0988 Fax: (954) 582-0989 E-mail: joaquin@traftech.biz Nov 16 2005 11:38AM HP I ASERJET FAX ~ p.3 o Based on the traffic anticipated to be generated by the Palm Cove development, as documented in the traffic study prepared by Traf Tech Engineering, the peak: inbound traffic flow is projected to be 43 vehicles per hour. This represents less than one vehicle per minute. Hence, the average number of vehicles anticipated to arrive at the s~e time is one vehicle and th~ maximum is projected at two. Even if two vehicles arrive at the same time, sufficient dimension is provided (60 feet) in order to prevent vehicles from spilling onto Federal Highway. (AASHTO design vehicle has a length of 19 feet). Based on the above information, we respectfully request that the City of Boynton Beach grant a variance regarding the distance between the proposed entry gate system and the east property line. Please give me a call if you have any questions regarding the infonnation provided herein. Sincerely, TECH ENGINEERING, INC. , e:- -11 . E. Vargas, P.E., P E . r Transportation En eer Copy to: Robert Hall- East Coast Communities 2 TIll ,. ENGINEERING, INC. ~ , THE SCHOOl DISTRJCTOF PALM BEACH COUNlY, FLORIDA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 FOREST HILL BLVD.. C-110 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTHUR C. JOHNSON, Ph.D. SUPERINTENDENT September 29, 2005 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER #05092201C - PARKSIDE AT BOYNTON BEACH Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination on the above referenced project for 133 multi-family units. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for Parkside at Boynton Beach. This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-8876. cc: Ruden McClosky, East Coast Communities, Inc. enc. L: II'I an n jng 11'u b I i cllNTE R GOYIConcurrencylConclIrrcncy Dcterm ination LetterslConcllrrcn cy\2005IC050922 0 ) .doc AN EaUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ..., J Th. School District or Palm Beach County ~nning Department 3320 Forest HiM Btvd. C-110 West Palm Beech. FL 33406-58 1 3 Phone: (561) 434-8800 '" (561)963-3877 Fox: (561) '~187 '" (561) 434-8815 Attention: Concurrency The School District of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form Instructions: Submit one copy of the completed application and fees for each new residential project requiring a determination of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of a complete application. A determination is noltransferable and is valid for one year from date of issuance. Once the Development Order Is issued. \he concurrency determination shall be valid for the life of the Development Order. Please check (,J) type of application (one only): [Xj Concurrency Determination I J Concurrency Exemption [ I Concurrency Equivalency [ J Adequate School Facilities Determination [ ] Letter of No Impacl [ ] Time Extension Fees: Concurnncy o.termlnlUon or Adequate School Facilities Detennmtion ($200.00 lormo... than 20 units J 20 units or less $100.00); Equivalency ($12$.001: Exemption or L_r of No Impact ($25.00); TinM Extension ($75.00) ;';;'1~0;~~lt-f}~~j\i';~",~!'4~J;!l'~:e~'lU;U;'lf~R~~'!INmrMWj~." . '" t..,~",4i'0>~~j%';;';':~:ii:;t:/ PINs. atfKh.. copy 01 the $./te/subdfvtsion ~st rKOtded wanan,'t deed.OO C0Il5ent tonn Project Name; Parkside ,4 B~1h'i-Df\.~d(y~ Boynton Beach Property Control Number (PCN): See at ached 3f\c 27S- Location I Address of Subject Property: southern city limits between Federal Hi~hway and Old Dixie Highway, see attached DEVELOPMENT REQUEST: ''LT', ShY:"" tXPt ~ic.i!'J::<. '. SectionfT ownshi a e 4 Pr 'ee1 Aaea Total Number of Units Will \he Pro' eet be Phased?" IN Concurre Service Area CSA I 9 If appIcable. please attach 8 Phastng ?tan showing the number and type of units to receive c:erti.flcate of occupancy yearty. A Restridive Covenant is required for age-reslricted rornmunities. OWNERSHIP I AGENT INFORMA 110N: Owner's Name: Multiple (see attached) AgenfsName: !< oast Communit es Inc. Ruden McClos Mailing Address: 222 Lakeview Avenue 800 West Palm Beach FL Telephone Number: 5 1 838- 5 2 GAt:'GOVERNMEIt~6Vl~;i#:q!$;~,i~\;i" -~;;:~ K, Dale Application Filed: Petition Number: //.JI}If!-1Jf' - 0/( Reviewed By: 11l1e; ~ Did the Applicant pay the filing fee to YOU7:r:s (Please.1lach proof of payment) (If no. the applicant nlU51 pay the S~ Dlsllid The School Oislfid Wilt nos review Without payment) ....... r ~ dO; D e Date I tlereby certify the statements or information made in best of my knowtedge. I verify that the project wiN comply with the adopted level 0 e - anached conditions _ I cannot verify that the project C::h: the adop Dis Date S J'j.r"U!h' J\.t:!,~ I>.,: .1.(u?";':Il)."('.':.'FOR\~':io', 1(;-;':' C t'::n:'(:"-.:'O':,,':'- '\prl;"''''l~''l.~'t(.;. RASTCOAST ~, I '~, ;r- November 4. 2005 Palm Beach County Attn: Impact Fee Coordinator Re: Project Name: Palm Cove, aIkIa Miller Road Project Petition No: NWP 05-031 Dear Palm Beach County Impact Fee Coordinator, EastCoast Communities. Inc. (hereinafter "ECC") is thc developer of the abovt:-reference project for the owner, Boynton Townhomes, LLC (hereinafter the "Owner"). This letter is sent to provide Palm Beach County (hereinafter the "County") with more specific information related to the use of the pool/clubhouse/recreation building (hereinafter the "Recreation Area") being proposed for the instant Project. The use of the Recreation Area will be limited to residents and their permitted guests and access will not require any resident to cross any major thoroughfare. In addition, no additional daily deIiverit:s or additional employees are expected on site. We also request the County simultaneously provide the City of Boynton Beach with the letter selling forth the impact fees for the Recreation Area. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance in this matter. Should you have any additional questions or require any additional information, plea<;e do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. ~ Sincere., . . .~ , /Robert M. Hall Sr. Vice President J/ / cc: Mr. C. Scott Bensch. Boynton Townhomes. LLC City of Boynton Beach, Technical Application Review Team Ms. Kim Glas-Castro, AlCP, Ruden McClosky 6499 N. Powerlme Road, SUite 101, Ft. LalJderdalf', Florida 3330C) Tel: 954-680'1544 Fax: 954-680-4862 www.ECComunltles.com 09/26/2005 08:10 FAX CORP PURCHASING JAdelphi"a 1595 S,W, 4th Ave De/ray Beach. FL 33444 Phone (561) 272-2522 Fax (561) 272-8776 'J /~ 8 iOU~ September 26,2005 RUDEN McCLOSKY 222 Lakeview Avenue Suite 800 West Palm Beach, FI 33401 Attn: Kim GJas-Castro Via Fax & Mail: 561-514-3442 RE: PARKSJDE OF BOYNTON BEACH Dear Ms. Glas-Castro: Please consider this as Adelphia's letter of Serviceabliity for the above referenced project. Please consider this as Adelphia's letter of NO OBJECTION to the abandonment of the eastern portion of Miller Road that bisects the project If you have any questions please contact me at 561-417-0645. Sincerely, ~ ~~ Henry A. Patino Construction Supervisor Adelphia Boca/De/ray & WPB Systems HAPlmf PAGE 1/11 RCVD AT 912612005 9:20:56 AM ~astern Daylight Time]! SVR:FTLWEB1/13! DNIS:34421 CSID: 1 DURATION (mm.ssl:OO.32 I4J 001/001 u I L T E ~ v August :::4. 200:5 EaSlcoast Communities 6499 NOIib PO'vverlineRoad Suite 101 FOli Lauderdale. FL 33309 RE: 120 Llnit 'Townhouses at Mi!ler Road Boynton Beach Dear: Mr. Bryan S. Gershkowitz, As per your request, attached please find referenced plans showing the general location of our existing gas facilities. Note the exact locations of the facilities posted (plan and protile) needs to be confinned by spot digging prior to finalizing any underground design. We have an 4" gas main in the Old Dixie Highway that can serve this project. Our Marketing Department will be happy to provide infomlation about the availability and advantages of using natural or propane gas. You can contact them directly by calling (561 )838-1794. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to review this project. If you need any additional information or if I can be of any further assistance, please teel free to contact me at (56])366-15J8. Sincerely. ".~.......''''--..- <-"_,,,__"-V~~___n-,,-.~~-; ~^f /:.:' / _'-~.\'. "t ;- A.rnold K. Klein Engineering'rcclmicial) Enclosure Cc Leb StephersonMarketing Mgr. . 401 Sotfrh Dixie ]-hvy, VVesf FGlrn Bedchf FlorIda :S34C'j Phone: 56 t ,832.0872 \\{\/,/\'l. rp JC, ':>;)1":; , Florida Power & Light Company, 9329 S. Military Trl., Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Phone: (561) 742-2000 Fax: (561) 742-2016 I=PL September 8, 2005 Attn: Bryan S. Gershkowitz East Coast Communities 6499 North Powerline Road. Suite 101 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Re: Proposed New East Coast Community Townhome/Condominium Project V/O Federal Hwy and Old Dixie Hwy Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Gershkowitz: This is to confirm that, at the present time, FPL has sufficient capacity to provide electric service to the above captioned property. This service will be furnished in accordance with applicable rates, rules, and regulations. Please provide the final site plan, site survey. and electrical load data as soon as possible so the necessary engineering can begin Early contact with FPL is essential so that resources may be scheduled to facilitate availability of service when required. Sincerely, " Marietta Hicks Customer Project Manager an FPl Group company @ BELLSOUTH BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Engineering Department 2021 So. Military Trail Room 107 West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Office: 561-439-9110 Fax: 561-964-3499 November 7, 2005 Bryan Gershkowitz 6499 N. Powerline Road, #101 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Re: Development on Federal Hwy in Boynton Beach Dear Sir: This letter is to confirm that BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. will be the source of supply for telephone service with adequate capacity to the above referenced project, provided we are granted a means for our facilities to get to each individual unit (by recorded easement or conduit). It should be noted that BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. does require an exclusive easement having dimensions of 25 feet by 25 feet for structures that house electronic switching equipment. (See attached Easement Document). The BellSouth representative who will be working with you and members of your organization on this development is Stephen R. Buck OSPE - Engineering. He can be reached at (561) 988-6507. Please contact the Engineer to schedule a Pre-Construction Meeting at your earliest convenience. During the Pre-Construction Meeting, various topics will be discussed to ensure successful and timely construction of telecommunications facilities within the Subdivision. These topics will include scheduling of service dates for different residential building construction phases, procedures for damage prevention, damages to facilities and easements and rights-of-way required for placement of BellSouth facilities within the development. Additional information regarding rights-of-way and easements in the development is provided below to facilitate BellSouth's placement of facilities. Florida Public Service Commission Rule 25-4.090(2) provides that the utility does not have any responsibility to provide local exchange service via underground facilities unless rights-of-way and easements suitable to the utility are furnished by the applicant in reasonable time to meet service requirements and, at no cost, cleared of trees, tree stumps, paving and other obstructions, staked to show property lines and final grade, and must be graded to within six (6) inches of final grade by the applicant all at no cost to the utility. The applicant must maintain the clearing and grading during construction by the utility. (See attached Certificate of Final Grade Document). Under the Rule, rights-of-way and easements must be cleared of paving and other obstructions, and the clearing must be maintained during construction by the utility. BellSouth cable is generally placed behind the curb/sidewalk in a utility easement; however, in certain places within the development, it will be necessary for the cable to cross the roadway. If roads, driveways and sidewalks are placed in advance of BellSouth cable placement, the following alternatives exist to provide and maintain cleared rights-of-way and easements as required by the Rule: (1) placement of conduit for BellSouth where it will be necessary for Bell South cable to cross the paved roadway, driveway and sidewalks or (2) maintaining gaps in the paved roadways and driveways and/or removing the paving in those areas for Bell South when it commences construction to place cable. Note that conduit is not required for the cable, which can be direct buried in easements provided by the developer. But, if paving occurs prior to placement of the cable, the conduit essentially maintains a "clear" area for cable placement notwithstanding the obstruction created by the paving. If you choose to place conduit, BellSouth will work with you to provide crossing locations. BellSouth will attempt to call for crossings at locations where the electric company is crossing to minimize expense to the developer but requires information from the electric company on a timely basis to accomplish this goal. BellSouth will also, upon request when feasible, work with you on site when conduit crossings are placed and provide "electronic markers" to be placed at the appropriate locations. If placed, the conduit will be provided by the developer and should be 2- 4" schedule 40 PVC sleeves at the road and driveway crossing locations, placed at a minimum 24" depth, but not to exceed 30" below final grade, and should extend behind the curb/sidewalk 4' into the utility easement. The sleeves should terminate under a future grass area, not under a sidewalk or other obstruction. The ends of the sleeves are to be marked above ground or using "electronic markers" provided by BellSouth. If conduit exceeds 30" maximum depth, the developer will be responsible to expose the conduit on both ends and provide proper shoring per OSHA requirements. Below is a list of documentation and information that must be provided to the BellSouth representative associated with this project: CADD file ofthe project (overall site plan in either Microstation or AutoCAD format) Full size hard copy of overall site plan Full size copy of platted drawings Full size hard copy of water and sewer drawings Full size hard copy of electrical drawings (if multi-family or commercial buildings) Completed 25' by 25' Easement Documents in order to give service to your subdivision. Property Control # Address of each unit This intormation must be provided to the BellSouth representative a minimum of 4 months prior to the first expected service request. If temporary service to a construction trailer/office is requested prior to permanent service to the development, a charge for special construction may be required. The company shall have no responsibility to provide service unless these conditions are met. As always, we will work with you individually and help to resolve any particular issues you may have regarding these requirements. If you have any other suggestions regarding how our companies can work together to accomplish the desired and required ends, please let us know. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Stephen R. Buck OSPE - Engineering BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Department of Engineering and Public WOrks P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Thny Masilotti. Chairman Addie L. Greene. Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper roJi ~ @ ~ HW [~i;~ liD I MlV Lvu' _-1 OEPARTMENT OF DEVElf"" \, I,: October 31,2005 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Parkside aka Miller Road Project TRAFFiC PERFORMANCe: SIANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the proposed project entitled; Parkside, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Use: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: N/A Boynton Beach 4 SF Residential Units and 1,400 SF General Retail 121 MF Residential Units N/A N/A N/A Based on our review, the Traffic Division has the following comments: . Provide a description of the exact location of the site. The site location as illustrated in Figure 1 is highly vague. . Vested trips can be claimed only for land uses which have been in-use within the last 5 years, please verify. . Use the trip generation rates published by Paiin Beach County. The acceptable rates are posted on the County website, under the Engineering Department. . Adequate pass-by rate must be applied to the trips generation estimates for the general retail use. . It seems like the proposed residential project is located within the County designated "Coastal Residential Exception Areas", and therefore exempt from concurrency analysis. Trip generation tables as well as peak hour traffic projections at project driveways are required to be submitted. . Revise traffic distribution to have a 60%-40% split between US-1 and Old Dixie Highway, respectively. This assignment is more in line with the existing traffic on the two links. . Provide a Build-out year. .. . .. - Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGIN ~fi,M Project Review File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F:\ TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Comments\051 007 .doc