CORRESPONDENCE T.b.e Citl} 01 Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org July 20, 2006 Mr. Jose Gordillo Robert Reid Wedding Architects 221 Commercial Boulevard, Suite 202 Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, FL 33308 Re: Renaissance Commons Phase III (Building 11) MMSP 06-042 Dear Mr. Gordillo: In response to your request dated July 11, 2006 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Modifications to first floor storefront windows in Unit C to install double entry doors (as depicted on the attached plan) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 7/14/06 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The new storefront shall match the other glass areas on the building relative to style, materials and color, as noted on the plans and approved by the landlord. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst ~<.~ Robert Reid Wedding Architects & Planners, AlA, Inc. Architecture Mechallical Engineering Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Space Planning Interior Design Interior Construction Design/Build Renovation Lighting ADA Compliance Landscape Architecture Air Quality Relllodeling Management Program Management Real Estate Planning Due Diligence OFFICES: 4112 Cypress Street Tampa, FL 33607 (813) 879-6996 (813) 871-5203 Fax " July 11, 2006 Ed Breese Principal Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 ill ~~ : 4D~T@ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT RE: Request for Minor Modification HSBC Bank at Renaissance Commons at Boynton Beach, Phase III, Bldg 11, Sub Phase C, Unit 100. P & Z File No. NWSP 03-017 Dear Mr. Breese: As the Architect of Record for HSBC Bank, Robert Reid Wedding Architects and Planners, AlA, Inc. is hereby requesting a Minor Modification to the Site Plan for Phase II, Building 11, Sub Phase C, Unit 100 of the Renaissance Commons at Boynton Beach, HSBC Bank would prefer to modify the West Elevation to replace the existing window with new double entry doors. Enclosed are 4 sets of the following documents, together with a check for $100 to cover processing, for your review: . landlord Approval letter dated July 10, 2006 . Existing Elevations (Filename: HSBC-Boynton Beach-Existing Elev.pdf) . Proposed Elevations with Revised Storefront noted on the West Elevation (Filename: HSBC-Boynton Beach-Elev-042106.pfd) . Proposed Floor Plan - close-up (Filename: HSBC-Boynton Beach-A 1-0421 06.pdf) . Proposed Floor Plan - overall plan (Filename: HSBC-Boynton Beach-A01-0verall-042106.pdf) Please review and contact me at 954.492.9980 with any questions regarding our application, and please advise when approved so we can submit our Building Permit Application to the Building Department. 221 Commercial Blvd. Suite 202 Jo e Gordillo Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, FL 33308 A 0013760 (954) 492-9980 (954) 492-9932 Fax Managing Architect Cert# AA C001123 Cert# 00002655 ~. \ Enclosures cc: File V:\2006-PROJECTS\HSBC-Renaissance at Boynton Bch Construction\Minor Modifi .on Application\Cover Ltr - Minor Mod 0711 06.doc FROM RRWEDDING ARCHllECTS PHONE NO. 1 954 492 9932 Tul. 11 2006 e9:10AM P2 ~<.~ Robert Reid Wedding f.ltch1u.ctE I;. Pan"",.., AA 1rx~ ....ct>K'ilClVt.. Mooh<>,;cs.l EI~rin\l E1ectri~'" EIIl,;lneer.'o(J Ci...IEr'g~ StNo.:turaJ Erv.I~"9 Space P1""nillg ',,:lOriOI' OQ!;igr. Interior CM9tl\.lCtiOl' nt:!;k)n/Ek.lld pt~n('IV;:trlnn Wg"<inll ^o" C",l'1J)llar'C~ LanOSC"!".' ,~'(:"it.;,Ct"r" Air QJalIty Remo<:k>ing V1i<11ag9mtill'lt P'agr.,n MaJ'l8Q8m€nt nlM'l Fid'R'A PhnrinEJ Oue OliQenc~ July 10, 2006 Lou Heller Compson Associates 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 RE: Request for Minor Modification HSBC Bank at Renaissance Commons at Boynton Beach. Phase III, Bldg 11, Sub Phase C, Unit 100. P & Z File No. NWSP 03-017 Dear Mr. Hefter: As the Architect of Record for HSBC Bank, Robert Reid Wedding Architects and Planners, AlA. Inc. is hereby requesting a Mil10r Modification to the Site Plan for Phase II. Building 11. Sub Phase C. UnIt 100 of the Renaissance Commons at Boyt'lton Beach. The modification calls for a storefront door to be installed in place of a fIXed storefront glas. panel. ThfJ storefront door and frame is to match the existing storefront throughout the building frontage. The following documents \Vere presented to you for review via email under separate cover: . Existing Elevations (Filename: HSBCaoynton Beach-Existing Elev.pdf) . Propoeed elevations with Revised Storefront noted on the West Elevation (Fiename: HSBC-Boynton Beach.Elev..042106.pfd) . Proposed Floor Plan - close.up (Filename: HSBC..soynton Beach-A1..Q42106.pdf) . Proposed Floor Plan - overall plan (filename: HSBC-Boynton Beach-A01-OveraI1-042106.pdf) Please sign below indicating your acceptance of this modification. Should you have any questions. please contact me at 954.492.9980. OFFICES: 4112 c~Pt'ess Street Gordillo Tampa,FL33607 AR 13760 ~ (813) 879-6996 P l (813) 811-5203 Fax Managing Architect @1jlJ (JJ2f- /t.1;~ ~ \ ' 221 ConmerC'aJ 61VO. AC~C ~~ ~ . ;J / LaudQl'daJe-Dy-tne-SGa. "I.. 3330 -{ {- 0 V 'Q54'4~a-99ao -- - (954) 492.9932 Fax tgnature . f j) Date Dfrvl~ 9D; rot- - 7Jr(ecfV/l 0 CcR(Oln~ Name and Title Oart, AA OCQ1123 C9rl~ 00002655 cc: FIle V:\2006.PROJECT$\2jlO18a-HSBC ~nce It 8o)<nton Bch CONSTRvcm.!inot MocJlllcallon AppIIc8lIon\DeYelQp ApprcM11 Ur. MiMI' ModlIIcation 071008.doc JUL-11-20e6 08:57AM FAX: 1 95q q92 9932 ID: PAGE:002 R=96% '" . ' PROJECT NAME: Renaissance Commons Phase III Bldg 11 LOCATION: Congress Avenue south of Gateway Blvd. north ofC-16 Canal PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 06-042 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Jose Gordillo ADDRESS: Robert Reid Wedding Architects & FAX: Planners, AlA, Inc. PHONE: ADDRESS: 221 Commercial Blvd. Suite 202 Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, FL 33308 FAX: - 954-492-9932 PHONE: 954-492-9980 E-Mail: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 7/14/06 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days / 10 days IPARC: TART MEETING: LEGAL AD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: Call Kathleen Kohler for MMSP oickuD S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\Site Plans\Phase III NWSP 03-0] 7\MMSP 06-042\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc 00~~?-3 * f'f' v 0?-6C>C> ve0- 000 Ge0-* '?-o'?- ,-., i\\.8 _ n(\S .J O\lle( 00\O( e(\ Y' \ 0'( .1 ",t\lle ,09",00 Y'V' oe,,0 . eSS '00510 '"' 's(:,'.)'" < );IN>'''' ~,,-\l.\" @\\" ,"'" '/-.0',.,\'0\