Breese, Ed
Rumpf, Michael
Thursday, June 01, 2006 5:43 PM
Breese, Ed
Text for live/work agenda item
A provision for live/work units was included in the new SMU zoning district to support the mixed-use environment for which
it is was established. In general, live/work units serve many purposes, including offsetting the higher cost of living like land
costs allowing someone to live and work in the same investment, supporting a more convenient life style by eliminating
travel time, and conserving resources typically associated with commuting to work. Similar zoning districts have been
established in other city's throughout the county to support this trend. The original list of permitted uses originated from a
base list from another jurisdication. Several uses were omitted in drafting our code, such as retail and other uses that were
judged as being too intensive for the residential components of SMU projects being proposed in the city. Given the many
uses that exist, and the dynamic nature of the business world, it is impossible to create a perfectly complete list. The
amendment would be to .............., under the file name Massage Therapy use in live/work units in the Suburban Mixed-
Use District (CDRV 06-001). See the attached.......
Michael Rumpf
Planning & Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
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