APPLICATION ~ Leeza Arustamyan c/o Majestic Feelings Massage 9687 SW 1 Place, Boca Raton, FL 33428 1\fassage(a)TVfajesticFeelings.com ~ 954-255-4854 : I 1 : NpY' L__.__ May 17, 2006 ('"";~-fF"'r'Tr/f-~'-:-; : Michael W Rumpf 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Addition to the list of uses in SMU zoning HAY 2 2 iuu6 Dear Mr. Michael W. Rumpf: Please accept this letter as an application/request to add to the list of allowed business within SMU zoning the following business: · Massage Therapy (Body Care) Purchasing a unit in Renaissance Commons has given us the opportunity to realize our long-lived dream of balancing living and working together in the same setting. While raising two boys, we believe it will be a great opportunity for us to keep an eye on the kids while doing what we love. My husband, Vigen Arustamyan, and I own a home-based massage therapy business - Viglee Corp, d.b.a Majestic Feelings Massage. Vigen is an experienced, insured Florida state licensed massage therapist (LMT# MA41224) with a clean record. Currently our business is a mobile based business. At the present time Vigen has three regular clients. Although we do intend to increase the number of clients, one is physically not capable to massage more than 3-5 clients a day. The physical limitations of a low clientele should keep the traffic in the neighborhood down to a minimum. Due to the nature of the business, we do not depend on frequent deliveries or produce excess waste. As per the City of Boynton Beach code, the Massage Therapy office will be located on the ground level and will not utilize garage or living spaces. No more than 30% of the live/work unit will be allocated for working space. In addition, the office will be a separate unit from other uses in the building. (please see enclosed floor plan) Entree to the office will be accessible from the front of the unit from the public sidewalk adjacent to the street. - 2 - May 17, 2006 Vigen and I intend to live in the unit and will not have more than two (2) on-site employees, in addition to us at any time. In order to succeed, we are determined to follow the codes and policies, thus we intend to obtain Florida State establishment license for our business. By obtaining the license it will mean that we have met all the requirements and will adhere to all the rules and regulation not only for the physical structure of the unit, but with the health and insurance set of laws. Attached please f11ld three letters signed by Stephen Liller of Town and Country Homes, Richard Foreman of the Sembler Company, and Carl Klepper of Compson Associates. These three development companies own more that 50% of land within the SMU zone and have endorsed the changes we have requested. Please do let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns via e mail Massage@MajesticFeelings.com or via 954-255-4854. Respectfully, ~r Leeza Arustamyan Majestic Feelings Massage Enclosed: o Application fee $250.00 VigLee corporation information Florida State Massage Therapy License Proof of Clean record Palm Beach County Occupational License FSMTA Liability Insurance First Floor - floor plan Abacoa - Jupiter list of allowed businesses Three letters of developers endorsing the change request Reduce Pain, Stress, Anxiety & Depression + + 9rzaje.5HC qeeling~ Receive a massage 'n the comfort nf your own home Phone: 561.302.2314 www.majesticfeelings.com E-mail: massage@majesticfeelings.com Lic # MA41224 o o o o o o o o 05/0S/2006 10:18 FAX .. @002/002 Leeza Arustamyan Majestic Feelings Massage 9687 SW 1 Place, Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-302-2314 - LeeAru@gmail.com April 18, 2006 Re. LivelWork Unit in Firenze (Renaissance Commons) I Good day, I We are proud owners of the Live/Work unit in Firenze part ofRenaissmice commons . 1 communIty. I Please accept this letter as a request for endorsement to add to the Ii ~t o~ aJIowed businesses in SMU zoning regulations the following business: Mass age rerapy (Body care) This is an established Legal Licensed Insured family owned busine5s. O~y one person can physically perform a massage at a time, which wiJI limit the tra1fic T the community. i is I er as an endorsement to allow the changes. I - .. t 1St) GJu..sA., Lt.c.., We are looking forward to hear from you with a positive feedback alld s~arting our dream live in Boynton Beach. I RespectfuJIy, Leeza Arustamyan Majestic Feelings Massage RECEIVED 05-05-106 11:13 FROM- TO- vml P002/002 05/05/2006 10:18 FAX I4J 001/002 1450 S. Johnson Ferry Road Suite 100 Atlanta, Georgia 30319 404/847-1800 404/847-1818 facsJmile Fax To: Co: Fax: I ~~ Q;,VS+-~I-- From: Pages: 3~lJ. ?J~S.~( Date: - ~~aA,'U I Phone: ce. He: o Urgent ~or Review 0 Please CommentD Please Repl~r Please Recycle . Comments: I ~ I ---1 -J I ~ -J ~ I I I -I -J I 1 j 1 RECEIVED 05-05-'06 11:13 FROM- TO- vml P001/002 Leeza Arustam yan Mttiestic Feelings Massage 9687 SW 1 Place, Boca Raton, 1"1, 33428 561-302-2314." LeeAru@gmaiLcom April 18,2006 Re. Live/Work Unit in Firenze (Renaissance Commons) Good day, We are proud owners of the Live/Work unit in Fircnze part of Renaissance commons community, Please accept this letter as a request for endorsement to add to the list of allowed businesses in SMU zoning regulations the following business: Massage Therapy (Body care) This is an established Legal Licensed Insured family owned business. Only one person can physically perform a massage at a time, which wil/limit the traffic in the community. PI ~e" sign t1~is tactt . as an endOrsement to allow the changes. , ~" "....~ll(.1/-<:.(:~::f -. ~.~ .. L_ ___ c.":A.C'~t..1,,-o- ,.\j.\(Jll 'Yr<..l .t:.,(- t17\A.J.<.J-V J . .~'~J LL( . We are lookmg forward to hear from you WIth a pOSItIve feedback and startmg ollr dream live in Boynton Beach. Respectfully, Leeza Aruslamyan Mttjestic Feelings Massage Arusturnyan Feelings SW' 1 Place, 561-302-2314 "- LeeArll,'{~),gmai1.com /\pril 18,2006 Ftc, Live/Work IJnit in Firenzc (Renaissance Good day, \,Ve are proud ovmers of the Live/Work unit in community. of Renaissance commons Please accept this letter as a request tor endorsement to add to the list of alknved businesses in SMU zoning regulations the follo\ving business: !\'!assage Therapy (Body care) is an established Legal Licensed Insured f:Ul1ily ov,:ned business. Only onc person can physically perform a at a \vhieh \viU Iirnit ttame in the to alimv the changes, are looking IDf\vard to hear from, you \\ilh a in Boynton feedback and starting our dream Arustamyan tvlajestic Feelings . f FIRENZE .. I I I I I I I I I I I 1_____________________________ 2-Car Garage 19'4" x 19'0" UvelWork o 12'1 A" x 17'4" 9'0" CEILING ~ ~ TV i~ ~ UP FIRST FLOOR Division of Corporations Page 1 of2 r-- - .----...--..--------.--.----....----.---.-.---.. -.....--.--.........------...----.---------.------.----------....----..----..-----.-- Florida Profit VIGLEE INC. __ ___.._......____..____ ___,________. __,m. ___.,___.._m__.. _"w"'_ ..n ____."___.___'". ___._..__,______.. _m..... __...___......._____.___......._______..__.___.______. ....,-- _______.__m__. PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 9687 SW 1 PLACE BOCA RATON FL 33428 _._ __ ..___............ ..,".. ... ._.........____m....___.._m.".w. u___.,,__.___....__._' _.____.._._ ...__.._ _. ..__.__......._._.....___... ___......._______.. ,n _.....______._m.....__._.... _..____...'"_ ___.__. ..,........_.....,.___._____ -----...---...... _._"- ............____......m MAILING ADDRESS 9687 SW 1 PLACE BOCA RATON FL 33428 Document Number P04000107932 FEI Number 201423226 Date Filed 07/21/2004 State FL Status ACTIVE Effective Date NONE 1'--'- .----.-.-.-,-..----- - __._...________u_._._..__ __ ~. .._ ___.....__.__........__.. _'_'_ __.__.___.____.__.....__...._ .n. ._.._._____' ..._n_._.__._M ".. ___.._...."._._"._ -- ---...-----------. . -... Registered Agent Name & Address ARUSTAMYAN, VIGEN V %87 SW 1 PLACE BOCA RATON FL 33428 -_..-_._-_.".~._---~_.._..._--,--~-_._-_.,--"._-_._----'-~'-"---'-- I Name & Address II Title I ARUSTAMYAN, VIGEN V D %87 SW 1 PLACE BOCA RATON FL 33428 ARUSTAMYAN. YELIZA VETA L D %87 SW 1 PLACE BOCA RATON FL 33428 OfficerlDirector Detail r-------+n....--.---....-- ~I Annual Reports Report Year II Filed Date II http://www.sunbiz.orglscripts/cordet.exe?al =DETFIL&n 1 =P04000 1 07932&n2=NAMFWD... 5/8/2006 Division of Corporations Page 2 of2 II I 2005 2006 II Ii 07/06/2005 02/09/2006 :1 l----~--_....--.--..-..-'-~----.,.~--.--".-.-,.---~-,.--..-.-..--,--..-----..--~-.--~~-"----.-'--.-..--..--"--..---~...--------.~.------ Previous Filing J Aeturn to List I No Events No Name History Information NextFiUng J r---'-""'-""-~~----------"-^'-'-"'-""--_.----~'''-'--~._..""_____~_"'"_~___~__.",,.<~_.~~_...~~__....~~__"~'"_".~. ~..,_~_.___>_.H"_____ I>o cum ent Images Listed below are the images available for this filing. 02/09/2006 -- ANNUAL REPORT 07/06/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT 07/21/2004 -- Domestic Profit TIDS IS NOT OFFICIAL RECORD; SEE DOCUMENTS IF QUESTION OR CONFLICT r ___.._........_.___.__..__,~___..,._._...___.._...__._._._,...._..________ "__ ----.---- ------.~..-----.-. ____...n....._'___._...__.__________.... ._..,___..___...___________.'____.m_______..__._._.~__---...~.__.--..~----.-~--.---..,._--. http://www.sunbiz.orglscripts/cordet.exe?al =DETFIL&nl =P04000 1 07932&n2=NAMFWD... 5/8/2006 Home Connection Information DSL Connection User ID IP Address IP Gateway Primary DNS Page 1 of 1 Up Up Arustamyanv@bellsouth.net 705c157 14421 PROJECT NAME: Renaissance Commons .- LOCATION: SMU (Massage Therapy as Permitted Use) PCN: I FILE NO.: CDRV 06-001 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENTICONT ACT PERSON: OWNER: Leeza Arustamyan ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 9687 SW 1 st Place Boca Raton, FL 33428 FAX: FAX: PHONE: PHONE: 954-255-4854 E-Mail: Massa2ela),MaiesticFeelin2s.com SUBMITT AL I RESUBMITT AL 5/22/06 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC lIP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 8/22/06 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 9/19106 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\CDRV Massage Therapy SMU\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc