The Clark House
102 North Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33444
Telephone: (561) 265-2666
Telecopier: (561) 272-6831
Florida Bar Board Certified
Real Estate Lawyer
February 8, 2006
Via Te/ecolJier and Regular Mail
Mr, Kurt Bressner, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd,
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Re: Site Plan Extension Request for Seaview Park Club
Our File No.: LENN011
Dear Kurt:
I know we have been unable to connect by telephone. Enclosed please find a copy of the
extension request letter prepared by Lennar Homes, Inc. for the project known as Seaview Park
I am requesting that this matter be placed on the March 14, 2006 CRA agenda and then on
the March 21, 2006 City Commission agenda. As you can see from the enclosed letter, Lennar has
been diligently working on matters regarding this project. In order to avoid any potential delays, we
are requesting in advance these dates for the hearing,
T,hank you very much for your assistance. If this presents any difficulty, I am sure you will be
in toucpwith me, /
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cc: Mr. Andy MacGregor (via telecopier w/o enclosure)
Mayor Jerry Taylor (w/enclosures)
O:\LENN011\Letter to Kurt Bressner re Seaview Park,Feb 8, 2006,doc
[JIIII/H\ I aliI( In/( ~., tn
February 3, 2006
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
Development Department
Planning and Zoning Division
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Re: Seaview Park Club - Request for Extension of Site Plan Approval
Dear Mike,
As you are aware, site plan arproval for the above project was granted by the City Commission on
february 15, 2005. Lennar Hon,es, Ine. has been diligently working to secure all necessary governmental
. approvals to allow construction of this community to begin as soon as possible. Despite our best efforts,
however, it appears that we will not have secured a building permit from the City of Boynton Beach prior
to the expiration of our site plan approval.
We are therefore requesting an extension to our current site plan approval for a period of one year to
allow us to complete our current engineering review process with the City of Boynton Beach and to
secure building permits for this project.
In support of this request for extension of site plan approval, we would ask that you consider the
following accomplishments which we feel demonstrates our firm commitment to the successful
development of Seaview Park:
. Minor modification to site plan, accommodating certain changes requested by City of Boynton
Beach approved on April 25, 2005.
. Capacity Reservation Fees in the amount of $5,821.20 paid in full to City of Boynton Beach
. Environment Resource Permit (ERP) issued by South Florida Water Management District on
January 11, 2006
. FOOT Driveway Permit renewed on August 17, 2005
. Bid process for demolition contractor complete and contractor selected.
Payment in the amount of $10,191.00 made to Florida Power & Light for removal of existing
overhead electric poles located on the Seaview Park property. FP&L are scheduled to commence
this work week beginning February 6, 2006.
Preliminary Plat submitted to City Engineer and comments received. Resubmittal scheduled for
February 7, 2006
Paving, Grading and Drainage drawings submitted to City Engineer and Comments received.
Resubmittal scheduled for February 7, 2006
1015 N. State Rd. 7 . Suite C. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 . Telephone: 561-333-4700 · Fax: 561-753-5533 · .~
February 3, 2006
Michael W. Rumpf
Re: Seaview Park Club - Request for Extension of Site Plan Approval
Page 2
. Water and Sewer drawings submitted to City Engineer and Comments received. Resubmittal
scheduled for February 7, 2006.
.. Documentation supporting all of the above milestones has been attached to this letter
In parallel with our development work, the owner's of Seaview Park issued eviction notices to all
residents of Seaview in May 2005. As you know, during the eviction notice period, several of the park
residents filed a complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief against both the City of Boynton Beach
and the Owner's of Seaview Park Club. Despite the uncertainty regarding the potf:>.ntial outcome of this
litigation, Lennar Homes, Inc. continued its efforts to secure governmental approvals. Thankfully this
complaint was voluntarily dismissed on November 14, 2005 as a result of a settlement agreement
between the Owners and the park residents.
In order to avoid any potential delay to the project, we would respectfully ask that this request for
extension of site plan approval be submitted for inclusion on the CRA agenda for March 14, 2006 and on
the subsequent City Commission agenda for March 21, 2006. Lennar Homes, Inc. will of course mail the
required notices to neighboring property owners and post required signage in advance of the above
meetings. Should you require any additional documentation or deem it necessary to have representation
from our office at any meetings prior to the above hearings please do not hesitate to contact me at (561)
Your early response in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you once again for your
continued support.
Andy MacGr r
Portfolio Manager
RUTONRTION ~ 915617426357
Mike Rumpf Fax:
Lisa Bright Fax:
Andy MacGregor Fax:
l561 }-742-6260
(561) 737-3258
(561) 228-5289
To: Boynton Beoch (Rumpf. Michael) From:
Fax: 56L Pages:
Phone: Date:
Re: cc:
Lennar Homes ~ Seavlew Pork
1,,/<<1 Co~ A~l<<'IC:i.d~;"'R
Ston Nitl:::owski
February 1 1 , 2006
Lisa Bright - eRA Executive Director
Andy MacGregor - Lennar Homes
Mr. Mike Rumpf,
I om faxing 0 copy of this letter which I hove also emailed to you for your records.
I have also sent a copy to Lisa Bright and Andy MacGregor for their records as well.
I would osk you to take the attached comments into consideration regarding the Lemar Homes
project at Seoview Park.
Stan Nitl:::owski
President. INCA
NO. 927 [;1001
AUToNATIoN 7 915617426357
NO. 927 [;1002
February 10,2006
Michael Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box310
Boynton Beach., FL 33425~0310
Dear Mike,
It has come to our attention that Lennar Homes, Inc. needs to apply for a one year
extension of their site plan. After speaking with residents of the Yachtsman's
Cove neighborhood and other members of INCA. the general feeling is that the old
mobile home park is in disarray and it would benefit all parties to see this
construction get underway at the earliest possibl~ date.
We would, therefore, support the Lennar site plan as approved on February 15,
2005 to be extended, but we do have one condition that we think would be in the
interest of all concerned. We would recommend that Lennar be required to bury
the power lines running along Federal Highway in front of their development
This would be appropriate given the lessons taught by hurricane Wilma and
because the eRA has made it a condition of approval for the upcoming
development of Yachtsman's Plaza that is adjacent to the site and will be under
construction at the same time. If for some reason the Yachtsman's Plaza
development is not required to bury the lines, then I would see no point in
requiring it of Lennar. Otherwise, it would seem like the proper and timely thing
to do.
Stan Ni owski
President, INCA
October 10, 2006
Page 1 of 1
Rumpf, Michael
From: Stan Nitkowski []
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 10:50 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Cc: "Andy MacGregor \(Business Fax\)"; Bright, Lisa
Subject: Lennar Extension 021 006.doc
February 10,2006
Michael Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Dear Mike,
It has come to our attention that Lennar Homes, Inc. needs to apply for a one year extension of
their site plan. After speaking with residents of the Yachtsman's Cove neighborhood and other
members of INCA, the general feeling is that the old mobile home park is in disarray and it
would benefit all parties to see this construction get underway at the earliest possible date.
We would, therefore, support the Lennar site plan as approved on February 15,2005 to be
extended, but we do have one condition that we think would be in the interest of all concerned.
We would recommend that Lennar be required to bury the power lines running along Federal
Highway in front of their development. This would be appropriate given the lessons taught by
hurricane Wilma and because the CRA has made it a condition of approval for the upcoming
development of Yachtsman's Plaza that is adjacent to the site and will be under construction at
the same time. If for some reason the Yachtsman's Plaza development is not required to bury
the lines, then I would see no point in requiring it of Lennar. Otherwise, it would seem like the
proper and timely thing to do.
Stan Nitkowski
President, INCA