Chair and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Michael Rum~lt~
Director of Planning and Zoning
Ed Breese ~
Principal Planner
February 10, 2006
Seaview Park Club / SPTE 06-002
Site Plan Extension
Property Owner:
Multiple owners (see file)/Lennar Homes - contract purchaser
Andy MacGregor of Lennar Homes
1620 North Federal Highway (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map)
Existing Land Use/Zoning:
Special High Density Residential (SHDR - 20 du/ac)/ Infill Planned
Unit Development (IPUD)
Proposed Land Use/Zoning:
No change
Proposed Use:
Site Plan Time Extension for a 64 unit, three (3) story townhouse
3.756 acres (163,611.36 square feet)
Adjacent Uses:
To the northwest, developed multi-family rental complex (Manatee Bay) designated
Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and Community Commercial (C-3); to the northeast
designated High Density Residential (10.8 du/ac) and zoned Multi-family
Residential (R-3);
To the south along Federal Highway, developed commercial strip center
(Yachtsman's Plaza) designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned
Community Commercial (C-3); farther east, developed single-family residential
(Yachtsman's Cove) designated Low Density Residential (4.84 du/ac) and zoned
Single Family Residential (R-1-AA);
Right-of-way for Intracoastal Waterway; and
Rights-of-way for U.S. 1 and the Florida East Coast Railroad.
Page 2
Memorandum No. PZ 06-037
Owners of properties within 400 feet of the subject site plan time extension were mailed a notice of this
request and its respective hearing dates. The applicant certifies that they posted signage and mailed
notices in accordance with Ordinance No. 04-007.
Mr. Andy MacGregor, representative for Lennar Homes, Incorporated, is requesting a site plan time
extension for the construction of 64, three (3) story townhouse dwelling units. This site plan was originally
approved by the City Commission on February 15, 2005 along with the corresponding request for land use
change and rezoning (LUAR 04-010) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR) land use and Infill Planned
Unit Development (IPUD) zoning district. Under the Special High Density Residential (SHDR) land use
category, the maximum allowable density would have allowed a total of up to 75 dwelling units at a density
of 20 dwelling units per acre. The site plan allowed for an additional five (5) dwelling units over the
number of mobile homes that previously occupied the site. During site plan review, the applicant continued
to meet with the Homeowner Association (HOA) abutting the site to arrive at a mutually agreeable
landscape buffer and planting scheme as well as revisions to the building facades and height. Condition of
Approval #62 provided an opportunity for the applicant to revise the elevations and provide the HOA five
(5) days advance notice of formal submittal to the City, in order to allow HOA review of said elevation
modifications. The revisions, submitted as a Minor Modification, reduced the number of dwelling units from
69 to 64 and modified the design from the condominium appearance to a townhouse concept, within the
same building footprints. The modification was endorsed by the HOA, eliciting the following comments;
"We are particularly pleased with the change from a condominium ownership to townhouse design. In
addition to being attractive, the layout of each unit places only bedrooms on the third floor. I believe
having bedrooms on the top floor rather than kitchens and living rooms will make it much less intrusive on
the neighbors below". Staff approved the Minor Site Plan Modification on April 25, 2005.
Lennar Homes, Inc. is requesting a one (1) year time extension to their original approval date of February
15, 2005. If granted the site plan approval would be extended to February 15, 2007. All project
conditions of approval pertaining to the original Site Plan and Minor Modification would still apply.
According to Chapter 4, Section 5 of the Land Development Regulations, "the applicant shall have one (1)
year to secure a building permit from the Development Department". It states further that the City
Commission may extend the approval for one (1) year provided that the applicant has filed a request for
a time extension prior to the expiration of the original approval. In this case, the applicant has met the
requirement. The Planning & Zoning Division received the application for a site plan time extension on
February 3, 2006, prior to the expiration date.
In support of their request, Lennar Homes submitted a list of justifications. They note that they have
complied with the condition of approval requiring the building elevations be modified, as evidenced by the
Minor Modification approval, the Capacity Reservation fees for utilities have been paid in full, an
Environmental Resource Permit was issued by the South Florida Water Management District on January
11, 2006 and a FDOT Driveway Permit was renewed on August 17, 2005. Additionally, the bid process for
a demolition contractor has been completed and the contractor chosen, and a Preliminary Plat has been
submitted to the City Engineer and comments received. The re-submittal based upon those comments is
being prepared. Also, Paving, Grading and Drainage plans have been submitted to the City Engineer and
comments received. The re-submittal based on those comments is currently underway. Water and Sewer
Page 3
Memorandum No. PZ 06-037
drawings have been submitted to the City Engineer and responses to the comments are being re-
submitted. Lastly, Lennar has contracted with FP&L for $10,191 to remove the overhead power lines and
poles located on the property.
The applicant also notes that the park owner issued the required eviction notices to the mobile home park
residents and several residents filed for relief with the courts. Throughout this period, Lennar states that
they continued to seek the necessary governmental permits to construct the project. The court complaint
was voluntarily dismissed on November 14, 2005, as a result of a settlement agreement between the
owners and park residents.
Lastly, the Homeowner's Association abutting the project has requested that the developer place the
overhead utilities along Federal Highway underground. Although not part of the original approval, the
developer (Lennar) understands that the project immediately south of Seaview (Yachtsman's Cove) will
be placing the overhead utilities underground with their redevelopment project. As such, Lennar agrees
to have the lines place underground in a coordinated effort with this adjacent project.
Staff recommends approval of this request for a one (l)-year time extension of the Site Plan as modified
through the Minor Modification approval. This recommendation is based on the "good faith" effort shown
to build the project, the degree of difficulty associated with all of the permitting agencies associated with
a project of this nature and the fact that no changes have been made to the Land Development
Regulations that would impact this project since it was approved in 2005. All conditions of approval
included in the initial Development Order and Minor Site Plan Modification must still be satisfactorily
addressed during the building permit process. Any conditions of approval recommended by the Board or
required by the City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval.
S:IPlanninglSharedlWplProjectslSeaview Park ClublSPTE 06-0021Staff Report.doc
Exh.Jit 'A' - Location lV.dp
I Feet
!lUll"" lalllt Illfq:III\
February 3, 2006
i <
1 '
I 2006
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
Development Department
Planning and Zoning Division
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Re: Seaview Park Club - Request for Extension of Site Plan Approval
------- .!
Dear Mike,
As you are aware, site plan approval for the above project was granted by the City Commission on
February 15, 2005. Lennar Homes, Inc. has been diligently working to secure all necessary governmental
approvals to allow construction of this community to begin as soon as possible. Despite our best efforts,
however, it appears that we will not have secured a building permit from the City of Boynton Beach prior
to the expiration of our site plan approval.
We are therefore requesting an extension to our current site plan approval for a period of one year to
allow us to complete our current engineering review process with the City of Boynton Beach and to
secure building permits for this project.
In support of this request for extension of site plan approval, we would ask that you consider the
following accomplishments which we feel demonstrates our firm commitment to the successful
development of Seaview Park:
· Minor modification to site plan, accommodating certain changes requested by City of Boynton
Beach approved on April 25, 2005.
· Capacity Reservation Fees in the amount of $5,821.20 paid in full to City of Boynton Beach
· Environment Resource Permit (ERP) issued by South Florida Water Management District on
January 11, 2006
· FDOT Driveway Permit renewed on August 17, 2005
· Bid process for demolition contractor complete and contractor selected.
· Payment in the amount of $10,191.00 made to Florida Power & Light for removal of existing
overhead electric poles located on the Seaview Park property. FP&L are scheduled to commence
this work week beginning February 6, 2006.
· Preliminary Plat submitted to City Engineer and comments received. Resubmittal scheduled for
February 7, 2006
· Paving, Grading and Drainage drawings submitted to City Engineer and Comments received.
Resubmittal scheduled for February 7,2006
1015 N. State Rd. 7 · Suite C . Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 · Telephone: 561-333-4700 · Fax: 561-753-5533. m.=
February 3, 2006
Michael W. Rumpf
Re: Seaview Park Club - Request for Extension of Site Plan Approval
Page 2
· Water and Sewer drawings submitted to City Engineer and Comments received. Resubmittal
scheduled for February 7, 2006.
Documentation supporting all of the above milestones has been attached to this letter
In parallel with our development work, the owner's of Seaview Park issued eviction notices to all
residents of Seaview in May 2005. As you know, during the eviction notice period, several of the park
residents filed a complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief against both the City of Boynton Beach
and the Owner's of Seaview Park Club. Despite the uncertainty regarding the potential outcome of this
litigation, Lennar Homes, Inc. continued its efforts to secure governmental approvals. Thankfully this
complaint was voluntarily dismissed on November 14, 2005 as a result of a settlement agreement
between the Owners and the park residents.
In order to avoid any potential delay to the project, we would respectfully ask that this request for
extension of site plan approval be submitted for inclusion on the CRA agenda for March 14, 2006 and on
the subsequent City Commission agenda for March 21, 2006. Lennar Homes, Inc. will of course mail the
required notices to neighboring property owners and post required signage in advance of the above
meetings. Should you require any additional documentation or deem it necessary to have representation
from our office at any meetings prior to the above hearings please do not hesitate to contact me at (561)
Your early response in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you once again for your
continued support.
Andy MacGr r
Portfolio Ma nager
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Seaview Park Club
File number: SPTE 06-002
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
1. Time extension is subject to the original Conditions of Approval and those X
contained within the Minor Site Plan Modification approval.
Conditions of Approval
To be determined.
I To be determined. I I I
S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Seaview Park Club\SPTE 06-002\Condition of Approval form.doc
Chair and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Michael Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
Ed Breese
Principal Planner
February 10, 2006
Seaview Park Club / SPTE 06-002
Site Plan Extension
Property Owner:
Lennar Homes"
Andy MacGregor
; {-; I ,',
1620 North Federal Highway (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map)
Existing Land Use/Zoning:
Special High Density Residential (SHDR - 20 du/ac)/ Infill Planned
Unit Development (IPUD)
Proposed Land Use/Zoning:
No change
Proposed Use:
Site Plan Time Extension for a 64 unit, three (3) story townhouse
3.756 acres (163,611.36 square feet)
Adjacent Uses:
To the northwest, developed multi-family rental complex (Manatee Bay) designated
Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and Community Commercial (C-3); to the northeast
designated High Density Residential (10.8 du/ac) and zoned Multi-family
Residential (R-3);
To the south along Federal Highway, developed commercial strip center
(Yachtsman's Plaza) designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned
Community Commercial (C-3); farther east, developed single-family residential
(Yachtsman's Cove) designated Low Density Residential (4.84 du/ac) and zoned
Single Family Residential (R-l-AA);
Right-of-way for Intracoastal Waterway; and
Rights-of-way for u.s. 1 and the Florida East Coast Railroad.
Page 2
Memorandum No. PZ 06-037
Owners of properties within 400 feet of the subject site plan time extension were mailed a notice of this
request and its respective hearing dates. The applicant certifies that they posted signage and mailed
notices in accordance with Ordinance No. 04-007.
Mr. Andy MacGregor, representative for Lennar Homes, Incorporated, is requesting a site plan time
extension for the construction of 64 three (3) story townhouse dwelling units. This site plan was originally
approved by the City Commission on February 15, 2005 along with the corresponding request for land use
change and rezoning (LUAR 04-010) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR) land use and Infill Planned
Unit Development (IPUD) zoning district. Under the Special High Density Residential (SHDR) land use
category, the maximum allowable density would have allowed a total of up to 75 dwelling units at a density '. \
of 20 dwelling units per acre. The site plan allowed for an additional five (5) dwelling units over the
number of mobile homes that previously occupied the site. At the time the plan was progressing tN.oUgh \ ,
the"appr~-stage, the applicant continued to meet with the Homeowner Association (HOA) abutting the
site to arrive at a mutually agreeable landscape buffer and planting scheme as well as revisions to the
building facades and height. Condition of Approval #62 provided an opportunity for the applicant to revise
the elevations and provide the HOA five (5) days advance notice of formal submittal to the City, in order to
allow HOA review of said elevation modifications. The revisions, submitted as a Minor Modification, reduced
the number of dwelling units from 69 to 64 and modified the design from the condominium appearance to
a townhouse concept, within the same building footprints. The modification was endorsed by the HOA,
eliciting the following comments; "We are particularly pleased with the change from a condominium
ownership to townhouse design. In addition to being attractive, the layout of each unit places only
bedrooms on the third floor. I believe having bedrooms on the top floor rather than kitchens and living
rooms will make it much less intrusive on the neighbors below". Staff approved the Minor Site Plan
Modification on April 25, 2005.
Lennar Homes, Inc. is requesting a one (1) year time extension to their original approval date of February
15, 2005. If approved the site plan approval would be extended to February 15, 2007. All project
conditions of approval pertaining to the original Site Plan and Minor Modification would still apply.
According to Chapter 4, Section 5 of the Land Development Regulations, "the applicant shall have one (1)
year to secure a building permit from the Development Department". It states further that the City
Commission may extend the approval for one (1) year provided that the applicant has filed a request for
a time extension prior to the expiration of the original approval. In this case, the applicant has met the
requirement. The Planning & Zoning Division received the application for a site plan time extension on
February 3, 2006, prior to the expiration date.
In support of their request, Lennar Homes submitted a list of justifications. They note that they have
complied with the condition of approval requiring the building elevations be modified, as evidenced by the
Minor Modification approval, the Capacity Reservation fees for utilities have been paid in full, an
Environmental Resource Permit was issued by the South Florida Water Management District on January
11, 2006 and a FOOT Driveway Permit was renewed on August 17, 2005. Additionally, the bid process for
a demolition contractor has been completed and the contractor chosen, and a Preliminary Plat has been
submitted to the City Engineer and comments received. The re-submittal based upon those comments is
occurring. Also, Paving, Grading and Drainage plans have been submitted to the City Engineer and
t - .
Page 3
Memorandum No. PZ 06-037
, \.
. )0- ~.
. v
comments received. The re-submittal base. on those comments is currently !d.Qgerway. Water and Sewer
drawings have been submitted to the City Engineer and responses to the comments are being re-
submitted. Lastly, Lennar has contracted with FP&L for $10,191 to remove the overhead power lines and
poles located on the property.
The applicant also notes that the park owner issued the required eviction notices to the mobile home park
residents and several residents filed for relief with the courts. Throughout this period, Lennar states that
they continued to seek the necessary governmental permits to construct the project. The court complaint
was voluntarily dismissed on November 14, 2005, as a result of a settlement agreement between the
owners and park residents.
Staff recommends approval of this request for a one (l)-year time extension of the Site Plan as modified
through the Minor Modification approval. This recommendation is based on the "good faith" effort shown
to build the project, the degree of difficulty associated with all of the permitting agencies associated with
a project of this nature and the fact that no changes have been made to the Land Development
Regulations that would impact this project since it was approved in 2005. All conditions of approval
included in the initial Development Order and Minor Site Plan Modification must still be satisfactorily
addressed during the building permit process. Any conditions of approval recommended by the Board or
required by the City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval.
S:IPlanninglSharedlWplProjectslSeaview Park ClublSPTE 06-0021Staff Report.doc