MICROFILM INPUT SHEET Cit" of Bo,.nton Bench 1\.ntRoF;J:L;M TI\'PUT SE-IEET PJnllning Dcpnrtlllel1t De"clopnlent File' " ' ", P,;,ieel'~ame f; Z 'zt::C.- + D / rt'.5s/TYPEII 5', ~d.enc.,J Parking Lot Variance - PLY J)o (2i' Prcapplicaclons - Prc:app -Conditional Use -CU D, 'MasterPlan-MP D . D D D "'Year loR /~1 , Rc:zoning - R Master Plan ~iodification -lvIPM D D D D o D , ,.... '-I Rc:zoning-and Land Use Elc:rnc:nt}unendrnent-L~ Preliminary Plat - PP Sit.c Plan,- SP Annexation - A Site Plan Modification: SPM Abandonment - Abdm :--. . J '. N~mb~ofSheelS '11..t:t..~/'..ga1\ e?tc2. _. Number of pians J1I 1- Date prepar~d~ ~ 9~02~9~ COMl\.1E1\'TS: Approved r:;tJ / I Denied 0 Conditions)<.l f' () J\ /7' 1/ C OJ I ~ re, e-j ;rtnrJ &--8,P-e- OCJ71j - Pot--- tze:J~. TO BE FILLED OUT BY MICRO ~OMPAN~ Fiche No. X of X Retrix No. Fr:zmes COM HEN' T S I