MICROFILM INPUT SHEET . . Planning Dc'jlortInent . De\9clopnlent File /045. Y/:r tj?o. I Citv of Bovnton Beach ?\.ncRoFlLM Il\'PUT Sf-tEET ~iect.Naniemc' ]) ~!s.' , / r~5S~t4j~o 5. ~darA1 fP~. - " I :4 ~ . Parking Lot Variance - PLY . Conditional Use - CU Rezoning - R Rezoning-and Land Use . Element Amendment - LUEA Annexation - A Abandonment - Abdm o .0 o k'O O Sil.cPlan.- SP . MI11 ( ~ Site Plan Modification ~SPM LJ . S-Sb . . Prcapptications . Preapp o .0 o o o o Master Plan - MP Master PIan l-oiodification .lvtPM PreIiminaIY Plat - PP ." d.- .'7 '. NumberofShe~ts 'l@i:i:pr'1pq1!1\ ;.J- . f(--/s-9'2- Date prepared: Number of Plans 3 COMMENTS: Approved ~ ~~ 9-0 ~. . Denied CJ Conditions CAf ~ ax:e.~ ,.\. TO BE.FILLEP OUT BY MICRO COMPAN~ . .. . . Fiche No. X of X Retrix No. f'. I I ~:- - " Frnmes COM 'H E N' T S . o. ..... ./