AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office 0 March 2 I 2000 0 April 4 2000 0 April 18, 2000 0 May 2, 2000 March 8, 2000 (5'00 p.m,) o May 16, 2000 C8J June 6, 2000 o June 20 2000 o July 5 2000 May 3 2000 (5'00 p,m.) March 22, 2000 (5'00 p.m.) May 17 2000 (5'00 p.m.) April 5,2000 (5'00 p.m.) June 7 2000 (5'00 p.m.) April 19 2000 (5'00 p.m.) June 21 2000 (5'00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative C8J Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business o Legal o Unfinished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION Please place the request below on the June 6, 2000 City Commission agenda under Consent, Ratification of the Planning and Development Board action. The Planning and Development Board with a unanimous vote, recommended approval (there are no additional conditions recommended from staff nor Planning and Development Board). For further details pertaining to this request see attached Department of Development Memorandum No 00-146 EXPLANATION PROJECT NAME. AGENT/OWNER. LOCA TlON DESCRIPTION DON TRACY (Rear Setback) Don Tracy 31 Swallow Drive Request for relief from Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 5 (C)(2)(a), which requires a minimum rear setback of25 feet, to allow a 10 foot front setback, or a 15 foot rear setback reduction (variance), to construct a single-family home. PROGRAM IMPACT N/A FISCAL IMPACT N/A ALTERNATIVES. N/A Department of Development Director City Manager's Signature fi /,t'.J. ~ Planning and Zoning . ector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources \\CHI.'>lAIN\SHRDA T AIPLA:-iNING\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDON TRACEY v ARJANCEIAGENDA CC REQUEST 6-6-00 REAR SETBACK.DOC Meeting Date. File No Location Owner. Project: Variance Request: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM # 00-146 Staff Report Planmng and Development Board and CIty ComrmssIon May 23,2000 ZNCV 00-002 - Front yard setback from property lme ZNCV 00-003 - Rear yard setback from property line Lot 8, SubdIvlSlon Las Palmas Landmg Donald Tracey BUIldmg a new smgle-farmly house on an Irregularly- shaped lot bounded on the east by Intracoastal Waterway Request for two (2) vanances from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development RegulatIons, Chapter 2, Zonmg, SectIon 5 C.2.a to allow a ten (10) foot reduction from the twenty-five (25) foot front yard setback reqUired WIthm the R-I-A smgle farmly zomng dIStnct, to allow a 15 foot front setback; and 2) to allow a fifteen (15) foot reductIon from the mImmum of twenty-five (25) foot rear yard setback reqUired wIthm the R-I-A smgle fanuly zomng dIstnct, to allow a 10 foot rear setback. BACKGROUND The subject property and nearby neIghborhood IS zoned R-I-A, smgle farmly reSIdential (see ExhibIt "A", LocatIon Map) The Irregularly- shaped, 0 44-acre (19,166 square foot) lot IS vacant and conformmg WIth the R-l-AA zonmg dIstnct reqUirements. The lot's eastern SIde, ItS most narrow at 60 feet, IS bounded by the Intracoastal Waterway The lots adjacent to the subject property are bUilt out WIth smgle famIly homes. There IS a pnvate nght-of-way easement, LakesIde Harbor Road, extendmg along the northern property border, WIth an automobIle turn- around easement at the north west comer of the property A 25-foot utIlIty easement extends along the western property lme The property was re-platted m June of 1988, the plat shows setbacks of25 feet from east and west property hnes, and 10-foot setbacks from north and south property lmes (see ExhibIt "B", Page 2 Donald Tracey File No ZNCV 00-003 Plat) These setbacks are consIstent WIth the reqUired setbacks on lots 7 and 6 of the same subdIvIsIOn, but whIch are onented to front on a dIfferent street (PresIdential Dnve) Staff surveyed the area and It was observed that all propertIes along LakesIde Harbor Road front the nght-of-way, wIth an average front yard setback of25 feet. The lot to the south of the subject property has been developed wIth a 10 foot sIde setback from the abuttmg property Ime, It IS frontmg PresIdential Dnve at ItS south-west comer ANAL YSIS The code states that the zomng code vanance can not be approved unless the board finds the followmg a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. f. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (ExhIbIt "D" contams the applIcant's response to the above cntena.) The development of the subject property wIth front onentatIon toward LakesIde Harbor Road IS consIstent, as noted, wIth onentatIOn of all other propertIes along thIS road. Northern (or eastern) onentatIon would also work well for "openmg" the home to the Intracoastal Waterway However, the Irregular, narrow shape of the lot Impedes such development If subject to the mmImum 25 feet front- and rear setback reqUirements. In thIS case, the home would have to be re-desIgned and placed farther from the water, consequently lImItmg the water VIew/exposure Page 3 Donald Tracey File No ZNCV 00-003 (see ExhIbIt "C", Survey) If the subject lot dId not have Intracoastal Waterway frontage, the restnctIOn would not have been sIgnIficant; under the cIrcumstances It prevents the applIcant from fully utIlIzIng the lot's waterfront locatIOn and thus can be consIdered a hardshIp, based on a companson wIth the other lots In thIS plat. Moreover, plaCIng the bUIldIng farther away from the Intracoastal Waterway (eastern property Ime) would be InCOnsIstent WIth bUIldIng placements on the remaInIng waterfront lots of the subdIvIsIOn. These propertIes front PreSIdentIal Dnve (extensIOn of Las Palmas) and have the conformIng 25 foot front-and rear setbacks and 10 foot SIde setbacks. In turn, the requested 15 foot rear setback vanance would YIeld a rear setback of 10 feet, correspondIng to the 10 foot SIde setback of the adjacent property to the south. It prOVIdes for consIstency In placement of the subdIvIsIOn's waterfront propertIes and would have lIttle detnmentalImpact on the surroundIng area. CONCLUSIONSIRECOMMENDA TION In summary, the follOWIng factors should be conSIdered. . The UnIque locatIOn and Irregular shape of the parcel, . The need for consIstency of the development ofthe subject property wIth UnIt placement/onentatIOn on other propertIes along LakesIde Harbor Road, and . The need for consIstency WIth development patterns wIthIn the subject plat (along the Intracoastal Waterway) The proposed placement of the bUIldIng IS consIstent WIth the frontage of the remaInIng propertIes along LakesIde Harbor Road. Staff recogrnzes lImItatIons of development/desIgn alternatIves of the subject lot. Even though the parcel's SIze IS relatIvely large compared to some other lots In the neIghborhood, ItS Irregular shape, In partIcular a narrow waterfront border, constItutes a sIgrnficant desIgn challenge to maxImIZIng the value of the property's pnncIpal asset, ItS Intracoastal Waterway locatIOn. Therefore, staff IS In partIal support of the vanance requests. It is recommended that the variance request to allow a fifteen (15) foot reduction from the twenty five (25) foot minimum rear yard setback requirement be approved A resultIng 10 foot rear setback would be conSIstent With the 10 foot SIde setback of the property to the south and, together wIth the proposed 25 foot SIde setback from the Intracoastal property lIne, conSIstent WIth development patterns of other adjacent parcels along the Intracoastal Waterway However it is recommended that, instead of a ten (10) foot reduction from the twenty five (25) foot minimum.ir.fmL. yard setback requirement, the applicant be granted a five (5) foot reduction to allow a twenty (20) foot front yard setback. Page 4 Donald Tracey File No ZNCV 00-003 The resultIng 20 foot front setback. . Would allow the applIcant the reasonable maXImIzatIOn of the waterfront value of the property, allowIng for the constructIOn of a home wIth a value proportIonate to the hIgh value of the Intracoastal Waterway-frontIng parcel, and . Would mInImIZe the detrImental effect of the reduced setback on propertIes along the LakesIde Harbor Road, and mInImIZe pOSSIble VIew obstructIOn to the water The varIances would allow for the development of a more valuable property that would Increase the CIty'S stock of hIgh-end SIngle fanuly housmg, whIch contributes sIgmficantly to the tax base In summary, staff recommends that the request for a rear setback vanance of 15 feet be approved, and, that the request for a front setback varIance of 10 feet be demed. AlternatIvely, staff recommends that a front setback vanance of 5 feet, or a 20 foot front setback be approved. ThIS 5 foot varIance would prevent pOSSIble negatIve effects on adjacent propertIes, and would better represent "the mImmum varIance that WIll make possible the reasonable use of the land, bUIldmg or structure" No condItIOns of approval are recommended, however, any condItIOns reqUIred by the Board and CommIssIon WIll be placed In ExhibIt "E" MRIhm \\CH\MAlN\SHRDA T A\PlanningISHARED\ WPIPROJECTSIDon Tracey VaciancelST AFF REP setbacks Tracey,doc _OCATION MAP EXHIBIT A t ~ N '.'::". . A~~. " "1 :: u. ,eROS G.s 0 ;., 1\ ~ ~ ~ '." ,) ,,~.., 'j. BOYN ON BACH C NOOS ~ ~ 0 J. ~ ~ ). ? b "\ ~ ~ \ .. ~ ~ ~11 ..; ~.:..- I I I ' - I - CI) ( 2-5 \..2-o~ . i - I. , R3 u 'HUL[fu SU8~' 1 (2 - I 7) ...~ - P"" ~ , I 't- '. Cl ~ (} )0 '" " "' ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ . ~ ~98 Q ~ . TF\. , t ~ ;~ J ~ \ 6 ;.) ", l · B f; I ~' ~ "J aE---L J13~ ~ ) I-~I' Wi: l\ Z ~ ~ '. ..:_~!:...IO " ~ >- 0 '. ~ I~ , , ' 0,... - Q", 3~ . ;i ~'1'7 ~ ~ /I;-c-., "1 rJ I ~ pon R I :--::....- --- 0 ~AKE I .'J I t.' 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'~:,d ,,,. :~ 2Z. / [..R."STlI~ ~I'T~ED~ E ~le~7.~;:r6~~iT4., (93-0277) I ,11"'7' ~ B c.r:;.. ~7.6'9'570)1@ to) 0 205,2 1 )fJJ-O- OJ '-"111 - ~ . 1'7\ '-.:.:.: . '" I '-, ~.~~ 11.1 ./l' . "\ ~3 - 0 - 0 -t 1 ... I .., T)'" 1 ~~ : 1~5" IIIJ I; I ~03-0-112) ! 9. \? t- REC I I .....!...-. ..:...u: Jf-w- ~ s ~ ~ .. ' , ,< '.. 11'1~ .., 10 I Ol~ CI< RO ~r B ry ) I ~ ~ ,;0: LJ(' _3 !H Ir D w 5 ,..c ~ ,.. ~G. ..J RO - - . If H, .... 'lll" .;-;- I::::a GOV LOT 2 €-03> L ~ F I l r n 1 .. :l - .. c < u - ~ ..J 0.. c o VI VI '- ";: - ~.- - -0<0 C .c !'o ,:t ::l ., OVlCl. ~O- E~c:::l ",_0- </lo- e. >- :c (}/~ j-J- ~'* V) L~i- .,..a '-,j [" ~-' ,; o :::!., I- W ~ ~ ~I~~ o~ ~ ~~~I , / ~"'-~I- '6'9, J~~Li~ ~(~ ~-=- r ., or. l ~I s V1 , , 0.. , I ~I~ ei' ~b:- ~ ('=;1 ~I ; t'l - 19~ :;,,1-;- <>: \D .,..a o ~ .... .. ~ V1 \ _ S;!j".~7v:;_ . J9 '" g 00.00.00 N- g; !l! I 3 ,:.:.; . \DO 00 C" r<'1\J'*\ _ C" oC \ {1 ::-~ ";\r. .Ii '=4 J'- ,.~ I v.3 d S ..... J::1 ~ ~__ J I------=-~- ~'- I ~ - Q) ..... 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I.......... ...It..,~ IC"I'I_ ,"t_ ,nu. .~ __... ,1.1I.._ "u.... :::~::::::"- ........ _"""-" o...s4l'T FOR Don Tracy SCALE !'f 50/.)jt. ct! 11./1 30 SA M 8RO WN JR S HYPO LUXO SU8DIVISION ( 1/81) lo.o~1- ::t::.~__ ~~~ ___ ~ ~_ii_.. III "- - PL A r L1MI rs N 89059 '00" E 16 asf/l all ~ 188 r.f,;\----- ----j~ .~ " I, woad dock . ~ . " '-------1 " - to' <: 0 '" ;; <i III ::. VI ~ ::. -J ~ ~ ~ 1: ~ ., ~ ~ ~ -J ) .r. ... 1) 't ~ -.J ~ II.. " I<) a ....: I<) - fic-:-,- +--- '~I L~ " -.J I: I I ~ I I ---,- '.J.r ..; ~ '-' o.\/"l .... '" \- & z ~J (, w >< <l. ..I I<i ::. ~ '" Ji ... ~J'I g <J '- < ('_~ SL _ _ _ __ ~ ~SEMENr ,SOl f-- ~ -- --- '- l\ r~ \ ,1 ) '\ z ~ ACt< \- __ i Se:1'9__ I OlNG __ '9~I\. __ 1 I -- 3' J ~---' zz~ I -' ~/. .- 0 --... __ ---- '" 6 _...- :-~ --- 0 z" t ~Ast) 5 1(~fYtf1./,.J ~ 'a:. o ~ '" r ( ) , t 1.f "f~ "" /.. !LJ a II \;:) ~ < ~ l' o \. f~~(c. ,...IUP DESCRIPTION Lot 8, LAS PALMAS LANDING according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County Florida, recorded in Plat Book 60, Pages 12 and fJ Said lands ftituate lying and being in Palm Beach County Florida CERTIFICATE "" I hereby CERTIFY that the attached sketch of survey of the above described property Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as surveyed under my direction in April 12, 2000 BRUCE N CARTE~ REGISTERED LAND SUf\'1E lOR ~ln 2 Q b J STATE OF FLORIDA L R #4683 II .~..t,.'" I., I" __............... ~""I .....- ... 1-21- 995 13 16PH =-RO~1 P 2 EXHIBIT 0 ZO~I~U COc>~ \A.f:tlAt.J<:.E:' ApPL\C-.ATIOt-J "1>o..~,~~~ ~CE Y (S<o I) J O.? "51 z. 3 _____s. A) ._._.IT t~ A PE.c.._lLl.j~~LoT. iT t S AtJ ODi> ~HA_?ED (BE: ') LOT. ~E. IS A...._._ _Y~YATE: 12..0^D (LA\(ESIDE. t-\ ^R.~g\J~~t\tc..\1 ._._ ____ is COtJS'~~J~A~;t> LHE. f~o~_I.~~ _R.o~'___ Tt\E_____ _._LQL~00Lf> \Yf>l~lJ...1- BE:. <L~._A .._.._,,__ G V L- 1=>_~~ Ac... . g"Trt.E~ ~t1~bl~gC^~_ WJ:U<..H I JUs.,- ~~m.J~lE~ AtJD Q(t=E~c;.. ^ W~t~,L' 6~WNf> ~^SE A\EN-C:_WE.e.E. fo~E <J:._.^~~ _______ ._______R€'Q\j€">IINb_..-.:JRE. V^~-"N.c.e? Wttl<:...H vJOUlJ?___ ._~__.A_l:._LOW THE LoUS~US:_IiO~ O~ ~y __.HOME \"0 Be: oel~t-.lT^IE1> \lJ_ $0~r\ ^ F"~~hl__...__._ ..__ ._._. --mA.'- WQYLt> BE: c...O!\J'5..i,T^tJ.T ~Jt.L.rLTt\E H~M E~ ~t-J ~lnte:e.. ~l~~ of m~l:.c.~_.._ _"_' ~)__-n\ E ~Pf:c..\^t- <"-o~_t>OlOt-JS. AMI> _.__.__._ t:\Itc-u!'V\ s\^f...l<-~ 'Do ~oT ~E>u~T__~W\ my A C"""iIOtJ. S. _G)_.~Y G"-^~T\).j6 I'T" WI LL.. ~OT p~\ v I LE DE::. 'TFns V~\.^tUc..E. REq-yes T. _____.. Go~ffe.. AN y s.P~c.\^L. _,_____ 1-21-; 995 1 a 16P~1 FRO~.l P 3 EXHIBIT D .---. .----- .-.... .-.-..-- -_. '-- _p) .,,:L .~^~L~~_~ ,_~ W~~L~ BE "t>'E?~\/€P o r R'_~_Ij-r:.s. ~9"'~A'1~Nl;;L_.E:.,l\1J OYt"C> f?>Y o TI::L~ e- ,__.Pe"Q.~~ f?",T I e-S__. E:) -rt=t e: ,'Ytt ~J_~.Nc..~__, R.~..9U~? T._.J S. .:Crt ~ Ytl1~ r MvM.. \!^fl-\^tJ.~e:; ..Tt\.^I. WL~~._._J~\^~~... 'Yos~.!~..._Jt\ ~.___~~~t..! ^~~E.:___\Js.~._ 0 f" 1M €. LA~~ ._.__.... _._. __~_ ._.,._.w_~. ._._. _.- ...- .-.--.- -----..- --_.. --_. -_. () 1tl_~_~~:n~l~___Qf__:n.Lt ._V~de.,!t-:N<:~ __ WtU- ~OT ~~_.. l tJ JUR:.tQ.\JS J)T<. \?,~TR..L~~T^,-::_ 'Ie (fl..~ Ae..€^ O~_ Tfl.~_~~~._~ .W_~L..f^.R.E ._..__ EXHIBIT "E" CondItIOns of Aooroval Project name. DON TRACY (Rear Setback) File number ZNCV 00-003 Reference ApplIcatIOn submitted Aprill7. 00 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. NONE X UTILITIES Comments. NONE X FIRE Comments NONE X POLICE Comments NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments NONE X BUILDING DIVISION Comments. NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. NONE X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1 NONE. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 2 To be determmed. nSHRDA T A\PlannongISHAREDlWPlPROJECTS\Don Tracey VanancelCOND OF APPROVAL-REAR setback,doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMF"'- MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-1 .2 TO Sue Kruse City Clerk (l1td2- FROM Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE April 18, 200 SUBJECT Donald Tracey Zoning Code Variance 00-002 (rear setback) Zoning Code Variance 00-003 (front setback) Accompanying this memorandum you will find applications and supporting documentation for the above-reference case A check to cover the review and processing of this application has been forwarded to the Finance department. The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney The requested variances are scheduled for the May 23, 2000 Planning and Development Board meeting MW/bw Attachments \\CHIMAIN\SHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDon Tracey Variance\Don Tracey Legal notice. doc .OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been made to the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for a hearing as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the zoning code of said City. Owner" Donald Tracey Request: Relief from Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 5 (C)(2)(a), which requires a minimum front setback of 25 feet, to allow a 15 foot front setback, or a 10 foot front setback reduction (variance), to construct a single family home Request: Relief from Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 5 (C)(2)(a), which requires a minimum rear setback of 25 feet, to allow a 10 foot rear setback, or a 15 foot rear setback reduction (variance), to construct a single family home Legal Description Lot 8, Las Palmas Landing according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 60 page 12 & 13 as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida A PUBLIC HEARING before the Planning and Development Board will be held relative to the above application at City Hall, Commission Chambers, 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, May 23,2000, at 700 P M All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH THE POST May 8, 2000 ~EQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTIS JENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two (2) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below ORIGINATOR. Plannina and Zoning PREPARED BY Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED April 18. 2000 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD Plannina and Development Board Public Hearina Notice for (meetina May 23. 2000) reduction of front setback from 25' to 15' (10' reduction) and reduction of rear setback from 25' to 10' (15' reduction) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Boarder, etc ) STANDARD LEGAL AD SEND COPIES OF AD TO All property Owners within 400 feet of property applicant and Director of Plannina and Zonina NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH The Post PUBLISHED May 8. 2000 APPROVED BY (1) -:X1...r 7:.,) 4 ./ (Originator) ~;;l/cc (Date) (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK. COMPLETED J'\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DON TRACEY VARIANCE\DON TRACEY LEGAL NOTICE.DOC