APPLICATION ,- PROJECT NAME: HARRY WOODWORTH LOCATION: 685 N.E.15TH PLACE COMPUTER ID: ZNCV 97-007 -I FILE NO.: ZNCV 97-007 CASE #241 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: I TYPE OF APPLICATION: ZONING CODE VARIANCE - FENCE HEIGHT OWNER: SAME HARRY WOODWORTH PHONE: 561-734-5994 (RES) ~:.. 723-4718 (WORK) t15A, PHONE: FAX: ADDRESS: FAX: ADDRESS: 685 N.E. 15TH PLACE BOYNTON BEACH, FL DATE: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: TRC MEETING: RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/25/97 10/20/97 11/5/97 10/28/97 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: 12/16/97 APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE L rE: ~ FEE PAID: ~ua - IG~cl?1 RECEIVED BY J :AFF MEMBER: {f7n.vI RECEIPT NUMBER: ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ZONING CODE VARIANCE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD MEETINGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES: Please Print (in ink) or Type Submittal Date: ;2 () OC r /f9;z. The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Planning and Development Board to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) /,1 f / / Block Subdivision '19 th t/fJ/t /I <( C{") r/ c Plat Book 31 Property Address (' S' r; Page Ac 15/;;' ")-, L //;? or otherwise described as follows: /) j/ / ,.-( . . , .'-/ ''f L f / 'J i: i'y".j, 7/ /} ,ef;1fJ /' h Variance requested ..4/1 [;.v/ -r--/,5' FT 1/.4M/ftce' 7/' f)'"' ~7; /--:f-f."::ti'':/,#/;;-/fY' - '". J' , ,A" /..(?iAI.I}; T~ ./1- j t (J W /1'I;01. ~'.1- -, 11:'/1,- ;;.:' 7' .y'./ T /,c("--t -;:' t! (? .1/ 7'1 /0/ Yv/10. The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal Description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: Page 2 Zoning Code Variance Application A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aaent is submittina the petition. a notarized coPY of a letter desianatina him as such must accompany the petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. An application fee in the amount of $400.00, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each additional Code section. Page 3 Zoning Code Variance Application 7. Name and address of owner: /!4rf'l MJI/t>Vl/,:-./f'fI/f. 6f5 11/1: /(;-111 h. &'j4/(r/?- &" / / sJI./J1 8. Name of applicant: /-/4/f/?'1 /1//'1' ~11//' If i/! Applicant's address: 6,~:) A)E /5/~ ?Ilfl'c Applicant's phone #: Date: ,-7Z {/; (7t!,-/ t;{j ~92 '}? 'I ;; 99 'I (fh~l'1to) '15 I) - //? > -~j?1 % (WI?:/() Signature of Applicant: ~'1~-:7 ,~ L~~r~ / /-/ TO BE COMPLETED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR REPRESENTATIVE 1. Property is presently zoned: formerly zoned: 2. Property Control Number: 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements (list section(s) of Code from which relief is required): 4. Nature of exception or variance required: Date: Permit denied - Building Department 5. Case Number: Meeting Date: Page 4 Zoning Code Variance Application TO BE FILLED OUT BY BOARD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD: Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Chairman Page 5 Zoning Code Variance Application CERTIFICATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. ~~TfA(;I. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING ANDIOR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL ZONING CODE VARIANCE All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 shall be accompanied by mailing labels with the names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property. Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT -- PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE A TTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\ZNCV\ZNCV.APP Junel, 1997 EX PLANA TION COLUMN 1 "YOUR PROPERTY TAXES LAST YEAR" THIS COLUMN SHOWS THE TAXES THAT APPLIED LAST YEAR TO YOUR PROPERTY. THESE AMOUNTS WERE BASED ON BUDGETS ADOPTED LAST YEAR AND YOUR PREVIOUS ASSESSED VALUE. COLUMN 2 "YOUR TAXES IF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE" THIS COLUMN SHOWS WHAT YOUR TAXES WILL BE THIS YEAR UNDER THE BUDGET ACTUALLY PROPOSED BY EACH LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY. THE PROPOSAL IS NOT FINAL AND MAY BE AMENDED AT THE PUBLIC HEARINGS SHOWN ON THE FRONT SIDE OF THIS NOTICE. COL.UMN 3 "YOUR TAXES IF NO BUDGET CHANGE IS MADEIl' THIS COLUMN SHOWS WHAT YOUR TAXES WILL BE THIS YEAR IF EACH TAX- ING AUTHORITY DOES NOT INCREASE ITS PROPERTY TAX LEVY. THESE AMOUNTS ARE BASED ON LAST YEAR'S BUDGETS AND YOUR CURRENT ASSESSMENT. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COLUMNS 2 AND 3 IS THE TAX CHANGE PROPOSED BY EACH LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY AND IS NOT THE RESULT OF HIGHER ASSESSMENTS. ASSESSED VALUE MEANS: FOR HOMESTEAD PROPERTY: VALUE AS LIMITED BY STATE CONSTITUTION FOR AGRICULTURAL AND SIMILARLY ASSESSED PROPERTY: CLASSIFIED USE VALUE FOR ALL OTHER PROPERTY: MARKET VALUE NOTE: AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM DO NOT REFLECT EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNTS YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED OR MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE. (DISCOUNTS ARE A MAXIMUM OF 4 PERCENT OF THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM.) PETITIONS TO THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD IS CREATED BY SECTION 194.015, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT CONSISTS OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND TWO MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD. A FILING FEE OF $15.00 PER PETITION HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 194.013, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND IS PAID TO THE CLERK OF THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD. SHOULD THE PETITIONER PREVAIL AT THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD HEARING, THE FILING FEE SHALL BE REFUNDED. IF YOU WISH, YOU MAY REQUEST AN INFORMAL CONFERENCE WITH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE. a.M.B. NO. 3067..0077 ELeVATION CERTIFICATE . Expires May 31, 1996 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of this certificate does not. pt()\tlde~~alver of the flood Insutal'\Cs purchase requirement. This form is used only to provide elevation Information necessary to ensure compllanefJ with applICable coMinunlty floOdplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, lnd{Ot to ~upporta tequest for a Letter of Map Amendmeht or Revision (LOMA or LOMR). Inttructlon' fOr comfMflnu this form can be found on the following pages. SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION . . FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE POLICY NUMBER BUilDING OWNER'S NAME Harry__Noodwor..th STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite and/or Bldg. Number) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER COMPANY NAIC NUMBER OTHER DESCRIPTION (lot and Block N'Jmbers. etc.) ~Qt 11, Yachtman's Cove CITY Boynton Beach (Plat Book 31, page 225) STATE Florida SECTION B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION ZIP CODE 33435 Provide the following frOm the f;'fopet FIRM (See Instructions): 1. COMMUNITY NUMBER 2. PANEL NUMBER 3. SUFFIX 4. DATE OF FIRM INDEX 5. FIRM ZONE 6. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (in AO Zones. use depth) 120196 0004 C 9/30/82 A7 8 7. Indicate the elevation datum system used on the FIRM for Base Flood Elevations (BFE): []J NGVD '29 0 Other (describe on back) B. For Zones A or V, where no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building site, indicate the community's BFE: I I I ~ /i\J . U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1. Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level --L . 2(a). FIRM Zones A 1-A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE). The top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of I .I~J 11-J~ .W feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). (b). FIRM Zones V1-V30, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level from the selected diagram, is at an elevation of I I N AAI I.U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). I . (c). FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is W AJ feet above 0 or below 0 (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is LLNM feet above 0 or below 0 (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. If no flood depth nUmber is available, is the building's lowest floor (reference level) elevated In accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used In determining the above reference level elevations: [XJ NGVD '29 0 Other (describe under Comments on Page 2). (NOTE: If the elevation datum used In measuring the elevations is different than that used on the FIRM (see Section B, Item 7], then convert the elevations to the datum system used on the FIRM and show the conversion equation under Comments on Page 2.) 4. Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM: 0 Yes [Xl No (See Ihstructions on Page 4) 5. The reference level elevation is based on: [i] actual construction 0 construction drawings (NOTE: Use of construction drawings Is only valid if the building does not yet have the reference level floor in place, in which case this certificate will only be valid for the building during the course of construction. A post-construction Elevation Certificate will be required once construction IS complete.) 6. The elevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is: ~LLJ!!J.~ feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). SEcnOH 0 COMMUHITY INFORMATION 1. If the community official responsible for verifying builditlg elevations specifies that the reference level Indicated in Section C, Item 1 is not the "lowest floor" as defined in the community's floodplain management ordinance, the elevation of the building's "lowest floor" as defined by the ordinance is: I N)'A1 I I.U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). 2. Date of the start of construction or substantial improvement -Ha rch 1 q q 7 FEMA Fonn 81.31, MAY 93 REPlACES All PREVIOUS EDmONS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION SECTION E CERTlt:ICATlON ~~.,.\;, This certification is to be signed by a land sUrveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information when the elevation information fO(~~S A1-A30, AE, AH. A (with BFE),V1-V30,VE, and V (with BFE) is required. ~ommunity officials who are authorized by local Is"'" or ordinance to provide floodplain management information, may also sign the certification. In the case of Zones AO and A{ytithout a FEMA or community Issued BFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7 and 8 - Distinguishing Features-If the certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use, wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in the certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C, Item 1, must still be entered. I certify that the information in Sections Band C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code. Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME John N. Suiter TITLE __~~~~eyor ~_Happer *1314 ADDRESS 2 LICENSE NUM~ER (or Affix Seal) 1314 COMPANY NAME O'Brien, Suite~~_~~rien, CITY Oe1ray Beach Inc. STATE Florida ZIP 33483 DATE PHONE 97 561 276-4501 be made of thIS certlfleete for: 1) community official, 2) Insurance agent/company, and 3) building owner. Note: Garage floor e1eva'tlon is +8.9 feet. COMMENTS: ON ~ SLAI IASEMENT A V ZONES ZONES ON PILES, PIERS, OR COLUMNS A ZONES BASE FLOOD ~ It~1~',i;i('j,!\t~\m~i~;'! The diagrams above illustrate the points at whlchthe elevatiOri~ShOuld be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the top of the reference level floor. Elevations for all V Zones should be measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. Page 2 CHILD SERV The taxing authorities which levy property taxes ,nst your property will soon hold PUBLIC HEARINGS to adopt budgets and tax rates for the next year. The purpose of these PUBLIC HEARINGS is to receive opinions from the general public and to answer questions on the proposed tax change and budget PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL ACTION. Each taxing authority may AMEND OR ALTER its proposal at the hearing. Code A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED . TAXES AND BUDGET WILL BE HELD: BEACH COUNTY (561)355-2027 7:00PM 301 N OLIVE AVE 6TH FL WEST PALM BEACH 33401 .' .. ................D. .0. .N.O.J." ............ --- - . .. >:::::::<:::::::}: '.. -> '.. '. ,:::<: ..........."........".... .., ...........,-...-..... .................P...A...Y...... .... - . ,.. ............ . - ....... :u:~1l1$1~! ):~{NOT~ >::A.iHt..i./ .... - ,..... -.- ... H'" .... ..__..., ...., .... .... ...., ........ ...-.... ......-................................. '" . . . , . - . . . . - ........,....,.... - . . ' . . . , , . . . .......-..',.........-.............. - . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . ...-...-..............-_.... .. .-....,-,..........."...-.... . [ PROPERTY CONTROL NO. 08- 4 3 - 45- 22 - 2 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: YACHTMANS COVE LT 11 & N 75.46 FT OF TR A <:<NC:)"tlCEQfPrd)PQ$EO>PRQP~RtY<...AXe$< :<::<:(::::: 1997 PROPOSED AD Vr-..flREM TAXES TAXING AUTHORITY PB COUNTY YOUR.-T AXES THIS YEAR IF NO BUDGI CHANGE IS MADE 437.>t: CITY BC SCHOOL BOARD (561)434-8259 9/10 7:00PM 3346 FOREST HILL BLVD 682.] WEST PALM BEACH 33406<>> 272>.J OF BOY NT 0 NBC H ( 56 1 ) 375 - 6 3 12 . . 824.J 6:30PM 100 E BOYNTON BCH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH 33425 PUBLIC SCHOOLS BY STATE LAW BY LOCAL BOARD SFWMD EVERGLADES CONST.PROJ. u:gfrf~~dent Special F.I.N.D. 60.62 lO>.6(J ... .4.u3: SO FLA WATER MGT DIST (561)686-8800 9/10 5:15PM 3301 GUN CLUB ROAD WEST PALM BEACH 33406 LA INLAND NAVIG DIST (561)627-3386 9/11 5:30PM 340 OCEAN DRIVE JUNO BEACH 33408 HILDRENS SVC COUNCIL (561)655-1010 9/11 6:00PM 1919 N FLAGLER DR WEST PALM BEACH 33407 PBC HEALTH CARE DIST (561)659-1270 9/09 5:01PM 324 DATURA ST SUITE 401 WEST PALM BEACH 33401 HEALTH 123{~ ~g.;~emgroved Debt COUNTY DEBT SCHOOL DEBT CITY DEBT 28. i ..55.~ NON E EXEMPTIONS 2579.1 COLUMN 3 SEE REVERSE SII APPROVED DEBT, CONTACT YOUR TAX COLLECTOR AT (561) 355-2264 FOR EXPLANATIO IF YOU FEEL THE MARKET VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY IS INACCURATE OR DOES NOT REFLECT FAIR MARKET VALUE, CONTACT YOUR PROPERTY APPRAISER AT: Agriculture (561) 355-3489 Commercial (561) 355-4090 Condominium (561) 355-2690 Exemptions (561) 355-2866 Residential (561) 355-2883 IF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE IS UNABLE TO RESOLVE THE MATTER AS TO MARKET VALUE, YOU MAY FILE A PETITION. PETITION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE. YOUR PETITION MUST BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD ON OR BEFORE: 09/15/97 5:00 PM GOVERNMENTAL CENTER - 5th FLOOR 301 N. OLIVE AVE. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 TOTAL AD VALOREM 2646 . 70 PROPERTY TAXES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR EXPLANATION 'FOR DETAILS ON INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND VOTER YOUR PROPERTY VALUE LAST YEAR 1 0 5 9 7 4 MARKET VALUE 1 0 5 9 74 ASSESSED VALUE 1 05974 TAXABLE VALUE AT 301 N. OLIVE AVENUE, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 q>>>>>>)<f997>PROpdsEDNON..AbvAtOREM>ASSEssMENTS:::>: .........-...-.......................... .............-..................... .. .................... rq LEVYING AUTHORITY TELEPHONE NUMBER LAST YEAR'S PROPOSED ASSESSED AMOUNT RATE ASSESSED AMOU I DO NOT PAY --- THIS IS NOT A BILL 1111111111..1.111111..1.11..1.11.. 08-43-45-22-20-000-0110 04 41 WOODWORTH HARRY J & JOY M 736 OCEAN INLET DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-2849 08-43-45-22-20-000-0110 188039 Oct. 20th, 1997 To: City of Boynton, Building Dept. From: Harry Woodworth, 685 NE 15th Place, Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Re: 1.5 foot fence height variance to allow installation of a 48 inch tall chain link fence on top of 41 inch retaining wall. Gentlemen, This is to request a 1.5 foot variance to your 6 foot maximum height fence allowance. I wish to install a four foot fence on the retaining wall between my property at 685 NE 15th Place and the Seaview Trailer Park immediately to the north. There is a 40 inch average elevation difference between the filled side of the retaining wall and the original grade on the north side. Due to this grade change the four foot fence, when added to the height of the wall, technically violates the 6 foot fence height limit when viewed from the north. I have discussed this with Earl Irving, owner of Seaview, and all the immediate neighbors on NE 15th Place and they support this request for variance. This fence is the minimum required height to provide proper property security and pool protection for my home. Thank you ~ / L' " /' " \'-/ ~. ,/. ,~-'~ . .. .4.../.. ..-.-"'-~~ ..F ./ ;' _____ /' -. / ~7/ '/ ,. '" '"l.. '-/ ?/'-..-'- ~-,/ .... Harry Woodworth weST J/Pt ~+ Lp:-( ~ FYfJ(r~ &"(f l4//}JL [f./ f/,4 ~tl(j) f YIJlrA/J ~cC' f) &V r IV! t (1/t 14 fjPI? J) l' VieW '!If/lT/i'- fiCM1 !Vi If/I; J'MC~>r ./ ( f.Rt?DJt~ ~. LjF7 ;:-WC( c>/!/ Tt'/jJ t71 N71J/1/7 U/11 t .4T AM;f (Yt/C74) S/Pt tJ {P~/f~ 7Y - 1// Ett,/ If)/ E- /~!1IIY WtOflW~j(f0 6fG JVf /514 It I11Arrtjc It;e/f1I( ff5!JJ i/fpj{/ sow 74 -f!cIJ/I se1///ew Tf{{!C fPM!f S'/d/e r7rF fLe /CL f/#tf/?:;t /;1/4; L Fi:u fr:7 6 17 W{1(}J) -f -u'c e (tv t'y!,tMl ..-0 & til'(JJ / ;:J ~ 6 F7 /IN livre ~ ;"\ , !>t'tfllL- cl fl/?C'fpJf j) I) Fr jJ~ft 1';ff';~{71~/'t/ ~. 1'1' / if ~7 Je (t1;? rty ~ Vt/C(!.- C',A.r !Vp;1y!" J!JJt ti I/t>u./ {:. , """.... . s;:;=~,.. '?f.'~" .' ,_ " -:-~.~/..: ~-_.::::i-',:~'7'~ '. . ;..,.. t";.'!o#' - ;r"'~ + "-. ...~......~..~-~~""'~.~,,.::..:-::-~ -.,;;.' ~..~-y;~ f Vrtw WfJ'1 (1/1/ 50't1f4 ~ I f) e CI rf If 0 use- rz~ ~ ~ ~ '-'\i ~ 'f ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ V) ~,~ .......... ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ':-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S r-,,~ \b r-- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ,,~ ( \S) ~ ~ .~~ ~) ~ ~ 0..~ "v ~ ~ "'- ~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~ " ~Dr ~ '-> t-....--+- ~ . ~ ~ , ~ ~ "'~ \ \ ~~ ) ~~ ~ ~< .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ "\. <:"-0..' ~ ~ '\::::... 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