CORRESPONDENCE . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter CODlpanies, Inc. JWle 13, 1985 R' 'PCT"I T"!T:D' \ , .. -''^_~ .' ~i..",' _it ',' .n. :1 dUN 1 7 1985 Carmen AnnWlziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Pt1\NNL~G DEPT. ~4 ,.,.......- Re: Stonehaven Impact Fees Dear Carmen: I have been advised that the city will be looking for the increased impact fees from us for our Stonehaven/Banyan Creek Development. Encla;ed please find a copy of Ordinance No. 83-20 wherein the city approved our rezoning. Please note on page 2 Wlder section 3 that the approval sets forth that the approval was subject to all requirements, terms, and conditions established as set forth in the minutes of the Zoning Board and City COWlcil. Also encla;ed please find a copy of the minutes from the City COWlcil Meeting together with the minutes from the Planning And Zoning Board. Please note on the Zoning Board minutes on page 11 it was agreed that the impact fee would be $97,325. It is our position that that is the amoWlt of impact fees due and owing less all due credits and that we are not subject to the increased fees proposed by the COWlty. I would appreciate it if you would take a look at this as soon as possible, due to the fact that we have several permits waiting to be picked up within the week. your help and cooperation. en cl a; t.n' es "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 · Real Estat& Developers . General Contzacton . Plamlen ~ Architect.. . Engineers . Real Estate Broken . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankera . TItle Inaaront -, \ \ ';'~. ~~~~ ;--1/1 The Satter Companies, Inc. >.t:-~.,.~~ 1C' rT]T"S r:c;-,c~,\ ~ i':4,1. ,~:', f!i'lc:,1...A...... J..'\..~ '-'-...,...._L _'0 . ~ October 12",: 1984 OCT I;) 1qR4 Michael Schroeder ZeilEr oc Schroeder P.O. Box, 11719 SUite 200 -Conrm-onw eal th Bldg. 2881 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Ft.. Lauderdale, FL 33306 Re: Stonehaven - Knuth Road Right-of-Way Dear Michael:. PLAN:~l"~':'; DEPT. - Thank you, f <r a copy of the Right-at-Way. Deed. The deed is acceptable to lB, however you might check with Carmen. I'm not sure it was determined whether Knuth Road was a colllty road or a city road. Enclaled please find, t ta-"certificate of insurance that you requested. Would you also please' provi<i! lB with the original Manoole Easement as soon as. possible, a copy of which was not enclaled in your letter. As soon as you have the Right-of-Way Deed executed, would you please deliver it to Cannen Annlllziato with a copy to lB. Thank you fer your help and cooperation. , Sincerely, Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman Senior Vice President & General Counsel SLH/jr cc: E;r'ed Roth, /Cannen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Aorida 33406 305-968-0750 . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Companies, Inc. July 18, 1984 ,JUL P LJ\['H'~ ~ (;.::: ,.~' -. r. "" ---------- Carmen Anmmziato City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Stonehaven/Banyan Creek Dear Carmen: I wanted to let you know that we have still not received any right-of- way deeds or the manhole easement promised to us by Mr. Gallo and Mr. Winchester. The manhole is already placed. I don't think it will help to have another meeting. We keep getting promises, but no documents. Perhaps you can help. Sin kowitz Hyman P. & General Counsel cc: Fred Roth "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 @ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON 6EACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 ~ _.. -, - -Ji r :.}oJIH,,,,,J ~i'~~~~~~I~' r. ::-' . .... ' r-' ~J--~- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 20 June 1984 Mr. Robert Satter Satter Companies, Inc. 2330 S. Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Dear Mr. Satter: Please be advised that on Tuesday, June 19, 1984 the City Council approved your request to convert the Banyan Creek multi-family project from a condominium development to a rental development, based upon the information put before the public. There are no other procedures to follow at this time, other than site plan review prior to the commencement of construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH L ......--....'_..__ ~\ L--~ .-.=.-.---<- Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Department /bks cc: City Manager Central File CITY of BOYNTON BEACH --5~/ 6~~ .D u<J P-'t-" / ~ *' I f'! P. O. BOX 310 120 H.E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3343~ L ~r:E~E~IA!~~"'B~fo'oIM -1'~.~ L, hII .~~,~ .- F.1 1R rrnf"11PD' ~ <.... ~. ";" ,"1 .' . ,. ,,- _ \_.ifLJ "".". ,A... ' June 14, 1984 1-'1 lqg4 t;'L~i\~\~. i:~j uL:F"r. Mr. Richard L. Griffi th Project Manager & Engineer The SatterCompanies,Inc. 2330 South Congress Ave. West Palm Beach, Fl. 33406 RE: Muck for Berm Along Congress Avenue Adjacent to City 30 Acre Park Dear Mr. Griffith: This letter is in reference to your correspondence of May 24 and our meeting on June 8. The result of our discussion ascertained that the issue of muck being used for a berm be separate from the replacement of existing trees which are removed. Therefore I will address these two topics and relate the significance of each to the Stonehaven P.U.D. project. The City will not purchase the muck ($l/yd.) or deduct its value ($3,000) from the replacement cost of the trees. If the Satter Company would be willing to donate the muck, the City will accommodate your request for a dumpsite at the above location (Congress Avenue 30 Acre Park). However, we have not firmed up a construction plan for the berm, and would not be able to receive the muck for two-three(2-3) more weeks. I would suggest you continue to haul the muck from the site, and if demucking is completed before the City contacts you, we will waiver the opportunity to receive the muck. In reference to the replacement of existing trees, you can proceed as outlined in the correspondence from Mr. Avery Millstead to my office dated June 6 (see attached). The replacement trees should be clearly depicted on any landscape plan at the time it is reviewed by the Ci ty Technical Review Board. I hope this correspondence has given you direction as to proceed with the issues of muck for the City, and the replacement of existing trees being removed. If you have any questions or need additional information, contact me. (attachment) pm/ cc: Carmen Annunziato,Planning Director V/ C.C. Frederick,Rec. & Park Director John Wildner,Park Superintendent Sincerel y , / . I _ / / \. ,'-,n~ . "', """'l:-_f / ~~---......-- '-" ''-''''-''<--,'r-- Kevin Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist ~~ &~~ ;.:-~- #~ PALM BEACH SOD SERVICE r William Milstead President BOX 351 - Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 793-3328 ') un.e. 6, 1984 Avery Milstead V. President K ~vin. lIa llo..'w.n tlJt.6an. r OJLedieA. (i.t!! ol l3oyrdon Beach. 'F I.o'lwlo. 7?e: 7?epln.cemerd ol :W!.(M cd f3ava.n CJte~.~ Dealt Mt. Ha 1...1.aJwn; DWli.TU) OUA. convt!.ltAtlilOM in. flh!! VbU poird.ed old OUA. opi1.orw conceJUli."9- the fAan.dplardifll} Oil Jteplm:.~ 01 fu 1aUA. f.i.Cad hz.e.ed and. Ofll! tmieA. oak cd &.ga.n CJtee~ on Krudh. 7?oarL We have exomi.nJ!r1 :th.e :W!.(M and eval..urded uJw.:t; thei.lt. condui..on will be a/kA. ~ to IU!locaie. them cIwri.ru; th.e. h.eo.:t 01 4l11m11!!1t. T IW o/. the. /J-Cad lw.ve. be.en. de.lamned. fAom !It!flM ot. hU.nrn1.ru; to a l/..ow iAem to C lBvt. :fJ~ Made :!:hat the!! au ~ nL!X:t fo. The. /mu;e f.i-Cad ~ in iAe. ItLXJJi IIi.gJd 01 UXL!f Iuu been. kept :btiArned fo allow veh.i..clL! Vta/f-i.c und.eA. u. and once. U UXLd htiJmted loll htarwplon:ti.fl1} lWuld on/.g /.eave. the. huut~. The oak. cd iAe. ""IliA end o/. the. pttJ'#ct Iuu "" lahvta.l MOt .d~hm and lWuld not live ~ u. we..-te moved. 00 fo :tAue condui..oM we. IWU Id like fo .duhmi..:t a /-aUt apfYUlUal ot fu f1II.e.d and. a..d.~ toll ~ion fo Il.epln.ce. ~ wUh. :W!.ed 0(. e.qtnl value. To nrz~ vaA.i.ti.adi.on 0(. :t~e. ~(M etLdfl we. will dww the.fA I.occd1.on on OUA. appttJ'ved 1.a.ntUcape. plan and de.d'-9ntde iAem ad iAe. lle.pla.cemt!.nX:bu!ed. AH:a.cAed U OUA. appttJLi4al ot :tAe. ht.uA and. a liAi. o,t the. :bt.e.eA we. lWuld like to ade a..d 1le.placemeni:4. It I can. CUI4Ue.II. any. tpie.di1.orw pWue. call me. cd fIOUIt convi~e.. 7?e.d#f.ulfv, ~ / ~ '"fr;1 ~~ Av;;';:/JU.ld:had. V ice /led. 'Palm BeacA 5od. 5t!.1t.vice., I ne. 1m ~,~ & ~..wu.. ~:.E.- I' ~- ~ It PALM BEACH SOD SERVICE r BOX 351 - Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 793-3328 William Milstead President Avery Milstead V. President Kf!.vJ.n Hal./ahon. (!-!11 ol BofPdon Bt!tZch. r: lD"It.i.tIa ApptttLiAal 01 ~ and va~ 01 IU!plac~ : F J.cUd me. #1......... g 3, (XX). (X) F J.CUd fue. #2.. .. ..... 2,5fXJ. (X) F J.cUd me. /13.. .. . .. .. 1,750. (X) F J.ctU fut! If".. .. . .. .. 1,750. (X) azk fue............... 1,5fXJ. (X) J 10, 5fXJ. (X) UJ tAt! fatal va~ 01 tM. f.i-vt! ~ ~eplaceme.ni:.~, -dJ.p! and val.ue: ~ FJ.CUd~...... .16-18'xI2-1'" -d~.. .@$lKJO.OO ea..... .12,400.00 12 Black. Oli.ve........12-1"'x8-10' -d~....@ 200.00 ea..... 2,400.00 15 FJ.CUd fu~...... .10-12'x6-8' -dpuod......@ 175.00 me.... 2,625.00 15 BoHUbIUM,'r. bt.uA..10-12'x 6-8' ,d~....@ 150.00 ea..... 2,250.00 8 ~ hu!.u.....10-12'x5~' -dpuod......@ 150.00 ea..... 1,200.00 Total. value. o.t. IU!pl.aceJ1lt!J'd:. fui!A.................... J 10, 875. 00. Ii iA OUlt op"ini.on t.htd. :I:lte. c~!I wiLL berte/U IWJIU! /ADm ~~e. ap~e 01 -de.Vt!IUZ l fJwM than. i:h.e /.J.ve. ex.Ldf.ln9. iA.e.ed. . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors 17 prl={,I, "\rrD, - ..l\,;;,___)L...J \"<......,1..f:._.1..! V ~ ~ Alp APR ~D lq84 PLAi\;,. Ci DEFT. The Satter Companies, Inc. March 23, 1984 Michael A. Schroeder Zeiher & Schroeder P.O. Box 11719 Suite 200 Commonwealth Bldg. 2881 E. Oaldand Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306 Re: Knuth Road Right-of-Way/Stonehaven Dear Michael: This is to acknowledge receipt of your proposed agreements for the Knuth Road right-of-way. Please be advised that we will not sign these agreements and we will now proceed with planning and construction of a 45-foot road right-of-way. Sincerely, < --l SheF,ry Lefkowitz Hyman r~'/Y'p. & General Counsel ~'SLH:mm EncIs. cc: Carmen Annunziato wi enclamres ~ ~\ )y ~J "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter CODlpanies, Inc. "1"" ~~ December 14, 1983 DEe 19}988 PLANNlNG o EPl,,; iJ~: . ". ~- . Carmen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ._ L -~-_....-.....-....._- .._~ _~_ ,._ ~J Re: Stonehaven Dear Carmen: Please be advised that we will market the Stonehaven plats under the name of Banyan Creek. I hope this clears up any confusion regarding the different names. your help and cooperation. ---:;;...:' :.- efkowitz Hyman P. & General Counsel "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 . ~., .,-1~..., '...~ .--- - ------'--r ~ i~-~ A--L' '~ , -...,..... - C~Il'i nl )r.'\d 1111 ni.. I :;1 1 (IT ~,( S,r, ~//p B(I~Hd (If County Commi<,~io!1('rs f":n:y 1:. [\;Itt. Chairman Kl.'n Spillia... '.ice Ch3irman n,nni~ p, Koehler Dorothy Wilhn Bill Baiky December I, 1983 Department of Engineering and Public "'Jorks H, F. Kahlert County Engineer Mr. Frederick Roth, Jr., P.E. Satter Architectural & Engineering Group, Inc. 2330 So. Congress Avenue W. Palm Beach, FL 33406 SUBJECT: Stonehaven, P.D.D. - Plat 2 Dear Mr. Roth: This letter is to confirm the results of your November 30 conversation with Andrew Hertel of this office, in which it was suggested that the construction of the left turn lane you are required to build to serve the subject development. be delayed and incorporated into the Congress Avenue 4-laning project scheduled for fiscal year 84-85. It is my understanding that there will be no occupied dwelling units in this project until, at least, 1985. If it is your desire to accomplish this turn lane construction as was suggested, please indicate in writing to this office that the developer is willing to assume financial responsibility for the construction of this left turn lane. The cost for this construction would be based on unit prices for the Congress Avenue widening project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER F~ECEIVED DEe ~) 19B3 Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division PU\NNING DEPT~ CRl-,T:ASH: ct ~armen Annunziato, Boynton Beach City Planner Joan Delcamp, Permits Don Knapp, Design ,-...--., ,. ;-)\""/", 2/:29 \,', ES'T ' L ~.~ PE/Il-:t-" FLC1f<''1j\ ~! ;J:2 "-,,,,~, \ e~" I' .~SOJ .. '._.. _ ~_._.._ CO.__'__' -# - SA &E 'I. (//' ~ · 9 ~6M Satte~ Architectural & Engineering Group, Inc. 2330 S. CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406 - 305-968-0750 City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 31 0 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 . -t- ( t1,.J.1'/~"'" r~ ~l I November 9, 1983 Att~ntlon: Mr. Tom ClarKe Ci ty Engi neer Su b~i e ~ t Stonehaven P.U.D. for The Satter Companies Dear T'Jm: As required by the City of Boynton Beach Ordinances and Regulations, we are requesting on behalf of The Satter Companies. that you issue the necessary de-mucKing and fi I 1 oermi ts ~~quir~d by The City in orde~ for us proceed with the clearing and excavation at the subject project. Pursuant to issuance of this Permit, we have submitted herewith, for your review and approval, the fo110wi~g items~ 1) Proposed Constructi9n drawings for Plat No. and Plat No.2 - Stonehauen, P.U.D. (prepared by The S~tter Architectural & Engineering Group, Inc. dated August 31, 1983 w~ th revisions). These plans indicate the final reclamation of the area to be de-mucked and fill~d. 2) One ()) ~OOy of the boundary and topographiC surve~ for tne subject site (prepared by Robert E. Owen and Associat2s. drawing No. L-2610-003) depicting the existing elevaticn5 on the property. 3) A ~oll boring map and the soi 1 boring logs (preDar~d D/ ~0~ert E. Owen and Associates, drawing No. 0-3797- ;) 1 ~p . 4) Cress sections of the proposed property showing th~ fir.al 9r'~c\?, ~.:<i'5tlng grades ~nd material to D~ removed (prepared by Satter Archi tectural & Engineering :3;- au 0, 1 n c . ) . 5) An aerial ohotbgraph of the subject site showing th@ existing vegetation. 6) A summary of the earth work quantities indicating the approximate amount of muck to be excavated, the amount of fill needed to refill the project to a minimum elevation of 13.0 MSL and the approximate amount of cut expected to be excavated from the proposed lake areas. The proposed excavation will be done in two phases representing t~e two plats of this project. Plat No.1 will represent Phase No. I with this area being cleared, excavated and backfilled first; Plat No.2 being the second phase of the. earthwork operation. The excavation will be done by clearing and grubbing the property, util izing loaders and dozers to knocK down the existing brush, which will then be hauled off of the property to a legal disposal site. The next phase of the operation will involve the use of dozers and pans to push the muck or to load it out <using the pans) and stock pil ing it in the designated areas. A1ter reaching the optimum depth wi th this equipment, we will then util ize dragl ines to excavate the maximum depth which they can obtain, finally dredging the lakes to the design cross section. We are currently proposing to stock pi Ie the muck in the southwest quadrant of Plat No.2. This will util ize approximately 10 acres of property with the piles reaching approximately 15 to 20 feet in height. This stockpil jng will continue until such ti~e as we Can util ize as much of the material onsite as pOSSible, with the remainder being hauled off-site. As indicated in the enclosed quantity summaries, there is approximately 210,000 yards of mucK (in place measure) at this site and therefore it will be vi~tually impossible to util ize all of this material on-Site, thereby requiring that much of this be removed from the site. We estimate that the excavation work for Phase I will take approximately 6 months and that the work in Phase II wi II take approximately the same length of time to complete. During this time frame, we will also begin work on the sub-division improvements, thereby minimizing the total length of time that construction will be underway at this location. A minimum of three access points wil I be necessary to adequately perform the exc.av~t i on and haul i flg,- to and -from the si te. One .a.cce5S wi 11 uti I ize the Knuth Road right-of-way. A secondary, temporary access -from Boynton Beach Blvd., wi 11 also be r~quired, and finally the existing access onto Congress Avenue will also be util ized. We are proposing to post a $35,000.00 bond to insure that any damage to the-se rOadl'J,~>'s l.<Ji 11 be corrected at the completion of this work. As you Know, we will be posting additional bonds which will also cover these areas in conjunction with our recordation of Plat No.1 and Plat No.2 of the subject project. To summarize, we are requesting that based on the information presented, herein, and subsequent to our posting the bond referenced above, that the City of Boynton Beach issue us the required excavation and fill permit so that we can immediately proceed with the site excavation work at the Stonehaven Project Site. Furthermbre, I am requesting that you notify me when any meetings or pUbl,ic hearings are held at which this request will be discussed or acted upon so that I can be in attendance and answer any questions. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments concerning this matter. Very truly yours, SATTER ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. . . ~~A. -1--------- ERICK ROTH, JR., P.E. FR/cd c c : Bob Sa t t t? r Sherr>' Hyman l'Je d t1ar K s ;< ~.~ '~I.""~I S~~. Architectural & &E Engineering GrouP. Inc. 2330 S. CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 - 305-968-0750 November 4, 1983 City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 ~ Attention: Mr. Tom Clarke P.E. Ci ty Engi neer ~ Subject StQnehaven, P.U.D., Plat No. 1& Plat ~2 for The Satter Companies Dear Tom: Pursuant to Prel iminary Plat Approval for the above referenced project, I have encl~sed, herewith, the following: 1) Two (2) copies of the final construction drawings for the subject plats (Plat No.1 and Plat No.2) ~repared by The Satter Architectural & Engineering Group, Inc. dated 8-31-83 with revisions. 2) Revised Cost Estimates for Plat No.1 and Plat No.2 including the sidewalks, bicycle path, and recrea- tional ar~as. 3) A ccPy of the memorandum df understanding betwe~n Palm Beach County and the former developer of this project, Mode, Inc. dated 2-6-79. PI ed,se note that the rev i si ons requested by the lJt ill ties Department have been made and these plans have been re~s~bmi tted to.Mr. Perry Cessna for his review and approval. Also, the revj~ions which YOU requested, specifically the two additional plans' for Knuth Road and -:i Street Lighting Plan have also be!?n made and are included in the attached drawings. Regarding the construction cost estimate, you wi I I note that th<." additional it>?ms for sidevJalk and bicycle path hal)e been added. Also, we have included the cost of the recreation ~reas in both Plat 13.nd P1.at 2. Since the roads are not pl,3.nned to be pub! ic dedicated roads, but instead, be the re3ponsibi 1 i ty of the Homeowners Association, we have not included a cost fbr street lIghting since this is not a bonded item on private r04GWays. Regarding the Memorandum of Understanding, involving Palm Beach County, please note that this memorandum was re-affirmed earl ier this year between Mr. WalKer and the Stonehaven Development Corporation. The items that it requires include Dedication of Rights-of-Way along Congress Avenue and Boynton West Road. Both of these items have, been completed and are indicated on the Boundary Survey and Plat for this project. The construction of the left turn lane on the ~outh approach of Knuth Road will be constructed with the development. The construction of the left turn lane on Congress Avenue will also be constructed with the development. Finally, it is the intention of the developer to pay the fair share amount indicated of $97,325.00 and this will be done prior to the recordation of the final plat. We will either submit the checK for this money to yOU, or give you positive proof that the County has in fact, been paid the money requested. ~ I bel ieve we have now satisfied all the requir~ments and made the changes and additions which were requested. I am now, therefore, request i ng tha t a techn i ca 1 .rev i ew board mee t i ng be se t up to finally review and approve the Prel iminary Plans for submittal to the Boynton Beach City Council at the next earl iest meeting of that board. Please contact me if yoU have any questions or comments concerning the information presented, herein. Very truly yours, t SATTER ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. FR/cd cc:. Bob Satter Sherry Hyman N-ed MarKs /'- P.E. SA &E SaLLer Architect:ur & Engineering Group. Inc. 2328 s. CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST PALM 8EACH, FL 33406 - JOS.968-0750 ~TA.T\ON AfllEA SQ. FT. '1+75 ,0 12+00 0 14~oo 0 1(,,+ 00 - 0 .~ ., l~'z 0 q , 18~OO __. n.. '2;4Q91(1 ~O+OO m .. 2'2....00 1300j .. 244-CO 2fl48~ ~ '2~..f-OO f,B 731 28-1-00 l~q5 f1 , " ' ~O+DO 0 32i-00 0 JOB "":::). U ~ '- , \ '"" ., '- I'" , "- ~ I ....... '-' SHEET NO, M u c.. \l.. .. lot: 4 CALCULATED BY il. ('.O~ ,IJ f ASSoCOATE CHECKED BY fZ)5.(}~AJfA~~oc... DATE SCALE ~Qez. .".:: 50' Vcrz 1': I U: 5. /,+NE ~A~E VOLUMe CuBIc.. YAtzDS ([) o o (P(PO~' 4"'lfBqC~~'" . I ..""'.".'........ .....,.,...' 1 41..i '\..\.:::::..:.~.._...:u..... ' 14 i 151 "C~y. , , .., " , ' "'" c;.y. 14,1,04, ~, I (p 064c..~ f ,'.,.., . c;~ 13i 2,15 ." ~, '2 "~ i ' 'e.y. o 82,863.C,y: e 57c.1i ... OvJoN ,6 Z, ~Hi~ 3of7 SA &E SaLLer Archltect:ur -, & Engineering Group. Inee 232B S. CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST PALM BEACH, Fl33406 - 305-968-0750 JOB ~T au & t-\'1''' t;; N rl-'" ,,,.., U SHEET NO, F\LL CALCULATED BY ~L~.. CHECKED BY F. {2.. J tz. . DATE SCALE \--'OE Z. I II = SO' "6'2. T. I Of:: S · _ 20f:4 DATE 10-31-83 CUe,tC'<A1Zb~ . ex:.- "..~ 30e>- ...-., " , ". ~tP 505 C.X' . -. ,-- '" .., '24 , .' 7" 4Botf ., (5'G.4d t " 21" I.' .."-~y;_._,.._._..- h '.....n._~___._. __ .. . ___.._.__On_..___u 5'3-C.~ 3,4'1(, rf ", J , 3,'/~ , 3," 10. 4,I48rt · 3 '55l;_mc.~.- 1"..,_".,. " .. J I,' 5B~ C.Y: '251 89.(;, .C..Y- 2~ ci07c.'f. I ' 2" 74 ( "c.:('o ) .._-- 44~1o (;,. C."f~ . , , . ~,Z(P2~ 720 tIJ '1, '73 2 C.y.: ~333 c. :(. <9 o 151,540 c.y: SA &E SeLLer Architect:ur -. & Engineering Group. Ine. 2328 S, CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 - 305-~750 JOB 4J "UIV.... \ 'l'T"'" ~ '" SHEET NO, C U T_ CALCULATED BY t2l... c... CHECKED BY t==: 1'. J ~ . SCALE I-( 0 iZ.''Z. I".: 5 0 ' - STAT\ON Cf~ ,S A2.~A sq. F"T~ o A"€~AGt 9"'lf~ Q ~550 (I_ '2.11~"" " ,. 21,S'f , (0+(;,7 , ' 1,1 -4- ~8 <:) ., ,., "I'? +QO w . o. .,. 14~oOw , o '-~~ 00 . o I ~tll , \1..15, 1~+S8 o I B,,' D01fi .' - ' , ~(, 00 . ~ . I 9 00 a o 20...00 () 22...00 C) '24400 o 2",.(00 t) ZG,~9 J o ~4 4 tIr Coset 27+30 Gt]sdr (p af> 4 Z1'{l90, \- '-- T'" I "'IV V t9 30F4 DATE I 0 .3 I - 8 3 DATE V6rGT. I"..: 5' VoLUMe,CUglC YAeOS \d tu ,~" ~ j I.IJ ... ,~ '" ~ .( -..J,~, o 1 ~-IJJ 1- oJ..; w 0- ":J.O< < -.J ..J 1, IJJ I.U ~ -;t' l- w " - ~ < holQ .J lb 'Iol.1ij 'lJlU~ "'~'" ww~ '-.:r 'Cv-_u,','< ,. . I. -;- t- - - C'!"-o ",. c.'(. ,~l-"-, '1 2ct7.- ": , ."W _" -~i2~ 7 , , ~/~ ~_3 C.lf. ~, w_ tJ ..J ~ .(' ~.... 00 w~\- - -C.Y; 5'533 I" -, ,40, 1 c.y. 7Cs, 4 c.y. SA &E SaLter Archit:ectur & engineering Group. Inee 2328 s. CONGRESS AVENUE. WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406 - 305-968-0750 JOB -":>1 O~b t-\ fl\l~A.J '-<-Ror ,VVU SHEET NO. C.uT .. 4- OF~ CALCULATED BV ~L ~ DATE l ~ - ~ , - 83 CHECKED ev JZ:. i2. J ll. . DATE . I I.t ~ · 't. I/;:7 r I" =- .c... I SCALE N OiZ"2:.. .: ~O '11'- ~ 2f3-+ 00 AfGeA -sq. Fr: c.-.88 J/I 1238 q, 31 87 .~. A'I6iZA<::;E \/OLOME;CU51C Y'Ai?DS '" STATIO"-l 27.f.G 0 2~fO~ 2OZ~8~ : . "41 Cj(P:; u, , /1 22\'3 ," "';L'.L tSt:},1t' C'f(. \,42; S (i~r8 c.y.' ., "u "u,_' ." ., 445 7 c.."(. ". ,'u >r \I-~ t()< , ' to- ,.. \90 "~r \n. --- ~1- - '" .( 'IJ 'J ''3 - o ~ nu _~Q..\90 <=> _~, '2.. t-OQ (9 4'2 -52 3 e.:(. ,. , ",. . SA &E SaLLer Architect:un & Engineering GraL.IPI Ine. 232B S. CONGRESS AVENUE. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 - 3QS.968-Q750 JOB ~TO"-\t::. H A'IbN \......L~ C \ 'IV U SHEET NO. 5UMcVlP-a"2Y OF I 0 F I CALCULATED BY f.:(l.Jcz.. I l~ L. ~. DATE I' - "Z. - 8 '3 CHECKED BY ~ fZ. .J1Z.. DATE ,\ - ~ - 8'3 SCALE N otz. "2.. ,"= 50' "t5TZ.T. \ ,. c S · PLAT'Ot.J#E. .. ,21;; aaa"C.y. ,......... ,..............,',....., "I.. .............'. ,....._""",.., ,.. ......."...,.,..,0, ."..c.. v e? f?{i;' '3 .,~ MUCK-. PLAT TWO to-rAL 'c,"(.. 20'1 731 ,'" ,. J ,....' " PLA"'. otJ~ I Co 7 834c.~" , , ,.,', ,," , .,... FILL f'LAT TWO "'" .,', ......... cy~" J 57 S4 D '. .1 "........, ............ ,...., " ., , '. TO TA '-- 325 "37LfC.."" J . ,.., PLAT O....s<<S 330, \ \ 0 ""c .y. cuT f'~A, "TWO 42, 523 c.y. TOtAL '372. G, 33'C.:~ I ,,'" "'" .SA &E SaLLer Architect:ur --, & Engineering Group. Ino. 2328 S, CONGRESS AVENUE. WEST PALM BEACH. Fl33406 - J05-~750 JOB ...J I UA,.JC;nrlV<""'rv T ~~ f .......'Y'-- SHEETNO~- ,. I OF 3 CALCULATED Byi!.E: OIA/~JS ~.4ss oc. . DATE CHECKED BY ?&- ()W~$.S r' A S~ ac::. DATE SCALE Hoe Z. I"~ SO' -VeiZr. , II.:: S' STAll 00 l;+?5. .5_ Q-l8'5. IS /2+8S./5 , 15 -I-f)6. 15 -, .. I t:j I- "3..1:, '5 22+3-8.'5 25~88.~~, 21+41,~o, _ A--eE A ~ q. FT. 1738 VoLUMe ;CuBIC YA,ePS ' A \J E: 12 At::, e '----2-3,112 c.'t 2 ~~ ~~-,uc ~ '(: -,. 2043 ~03C;6' fOSO'" 23 \\\-c:'(~ I, ,_ ,,_ uu' ",____,_ ""_u..___'____u_u - --- 20~S 1; .. ~J 2~ ~ '. 2"?~-?>~:~ "co '(.u~-u_::~-~-u:~-" _ - "'.' 'jfr'-" (." 71 l, Z '2.t.} ~ ~ 57~rp , 6rBCj? u ""_', ",' '.._u ___ um_' .,J,u , 12 5' a C.T. -,__,-1-, u__u_,___..;__,m__,_,_umu'uu, ,~ '1933" -- '. , iJ c.e5 ,u_u_u, ._u__mu_ ,.., 0,;/"- " B S \ 1 C~ ,. J _ " '-' , ~B8; -,~9(J~ q, '2.,\\c..'(~ _, _um 12t;,8G,f, c. ~ ' \ 'l('~ B 5 + coY. {Z.~:O""GIJS os HaG1" '(,0( 1 SA &E SeLLer Architect:ur & engineering Group. Inc. 2328 s, CONGRESS AVENUE. WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406 - J05-96B~750 JOB '::) Touer- f\ v t N SHEET NO, F\ LL CALCULA TED BY F.~.J ---- . rL..A' \...Jf'lC:; ., 2 of 3 DATE 10-26-83 CHECKED BY F ~ .J~. DATE SCALE HO~Z.'''~ sO' V6/ZT. I": 60' 9TAT10~ lP.. 55 . 15 ArzbA SCPo FT- , 7<;,4 . . ... . AVEi2AGE. VOLUME CUBIC YAeDS ;;. :: ""'"I i 5c:t 8. q +85. \5 2432" "'ie, S 31u C."'. " ". ,I, ,QQ4d1 ,22 i ~(; c.:(. _ u I .'u, UU ' uu _ u.'u ,.___ u - - 12-4 as.15, 1'S5~lf1 248,",'Q , '1..1 G, Z 2C,y~"- , , u_ uu_ _uu_ _'u'uu'u_uu'u:..... u, ,___ is +85.15 341(" l6 ~._;.::.:--- " 30~qDU , lc:a~O d , u'u", 'uuuu. ,h__ ' ' '....,_ --__ 43 02 3 e. ... _. ,', u' ,'u.,,_ I<}+'3.(;5 2722 tJ , - 22-\-38"l95 - 'it l \90 I q ucj -G,"3u-C.~Y: ,-I.... -'_ 'u...,_...._'u 'cuuuu " r -.:- _.' - . '. 1"?\2.1 , I Jaoe, c.y; , , " u 25+88."5 14'l(,.~5~ t~ SG,,,I; IS 5'30 c:(: -'.' " 2'.,.4CJ ,"0 I~~ q I~ 1 834 e."" , , " ,',' ,,' JOB "':::> I VI')- I .. . .. - .... I -- r"" ........,'" '-- .. '3 OF 3 IO-"Z.8- 83 DATE SA &E SaLLer Architect:ur & engineering Group. Ine. 2328 s. CONGRESS AVENUE. WEST PALM BEACH. Fl33406 - 305-968-0750 SHEET NO, cuT CALCULATED BY ~iZ: J" CHECKED BY F.: \l.. J2.. SCALE 4-l otz.Z. ,"= So' .54-Sd' , .. . , '.'1/1.' 3(p 4'2 . . 4 ~4I'. + " ,', ". , 4~" ~J' , 5 8 5 8.G.. "f . 10 84?>.1 d 4q 84~S.6 , ., DATE ve;z.-r. I": S' VOLUA/J6 CUBIC YAeO..5 l.u ,-v W - '2 ,~" () .... ~ \U ,~" "::/.':1: ;(, .-. ..J ':) . '0 .n -oJ- ,-"" ,~, o 5 7slSe.v:,f- , ....,.., ,.. ...'. ,. ,...._.~._.,.. u 2 5~ -5' 0 C.'C -, u 0 -- - . -- --- --- - --...... r(\ "e~' ,., .....----,..-" , 5o,1?~~..~ '__........._ ~ ".om..' uon .h.__" .. 3(#20 t......, , .. ......_~,_. c. ~'( ;....- ,-- o ,~ ~ -< \u..J ~ -<to ..J 'u "3 ..~.. \I '" () J \('\ <t .~- '+.. .. 0 ~ l-' ClO 32 646 e:(.: , ' .' , ,., m'" c~' I'lD,A- ~o ... -=;3 230 ex. " , ,. - ~C(S/.'5~ B7eO c,;'(. ~ t ..J . 49 40.Z5 (I p.I'U <:- '(. to', ~~ ?\J110 ~ , , t-~ ')w 1;1\4.' ~ (.O:r. 10.0 z::. 0 c,'(. u ~I- 0 ,~~ ~ I ;Z5. 31Jf 7C,J5o Co:'( . '\S\ ~ rfJ- , U\ 330 \ \ 0 c.y: " , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ @'~ '~,'.' " _'If?' 120 N,E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR I November 1983 Mr. J. Gallo Gallo Realty, Inc. 3452 New Boynton Road Boynton Beach, FL 33444 Dear Mr. Gallo: Please let this serve as confirmation of our telephone con- versation this morning wherein we have decided to meet on Thursday, November IO, 1983 at 3 p.m. in this office to dis- cuss Knuth Road and Stonehaven PUD. By copy of this letter, I am confirming the same with all parties concerned with this matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (2~~ Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning /bks cc: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager James Vance, Esq., City Attorney Mr. Ned Marks, Satter Companies, Inc. Sherry L. Hyman, Esq., Satter Companies, Inc. . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Com September 28, 1983 ecel Date__f~~ Time fd- --. Mr. Michael A. Schroeder Zeiher &: Schroeder P.O. Box 11719 Suite 200, Commonwealth Bldg. 2881 E. Oaldand Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 Re: S tonehaven/Winchester Dear Michael: The conditions that you set forth in your letter dated September 9, 1983 regarding the propcsed right-of-way deed for Knuth Road are acceptable to us. We will be platting the property prior to December 30, 1983. We can commence construction of the road within fifteen (15) months thereafter, and complete construction within twelve (12) months after commencement. Would you please prepare the necessary Escrow Agreement and have your client sign the Right-of-Way Deed for you to hold in escrow pursuant to such Agreement. Tha!1ks for your help and cooperation. / an ounsel cc: Carmin Annunciato Ned Marks Robert Satter Fred Roth "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 · Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architeeta . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Campal .~~ .s~ HIP Received September 23, 1983 Date "1 :n' Jim Gallo V.G. Gallo Associates, Inc. Insurance 3452 New Boynton Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Dear Jim: Thank you for the copy of the Escrow Agreement regarding the Knuth Road right-of-way. I've reviewed the Agreement and I do not believe that the City of Boynton Beach will sign it in its present form. We probably have no problem with the obligation to build the road within 24 months after you are annexed, however, it is not clear whether you will ever be annexed and the obligation to release the deed is contingent upon annexation and the satisfaction of all the other conditions in the Escrow Agreement which may never occur. I certainly do not want to interfere with your negotiations with the City. All we are trying to do is obtain the additional right-of-way that the City of Boynton Beach is requiring of you, Mr. Winchester, and of us. I'll await your and Carmen Anmmciato's comments regarding this matter. Sincerely, Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman Sr. V.P. &: General Counsel SLH:mm cc: Robert Satter Ned Marks Carmen Annunciato t..-// "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 f,J f) Y \L- jJJ\I, -/ \\ '1\ ' J' \ i./. \vHER D SCHROEDER It... . I ATTORNEYS AT LAW .....-.:\ Received MJ- Date ___H Time ;t-; ~ ' _l .s~ hto WILLIAM A. ZEIHER MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER F. 9 Roe~RT PAUL K~EL~Y TELEPHONE (305) 561-~<:u;> September 9, 1983 Ms. Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman General Counsel Sr. Vice President The Satter Companies, Inc. ~330 South Congress Avenue l West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 \ Re: Winchester/Satter Agreement Our File Number: 83-109/111-21 ;// Dear Sherry: My client, Bill R. Winchester, has provided me with a copy of your August 16, 1983 letter to him concerning the Knuth Road right-of-way. As you may recall, I corresponded with you con- cerning this matter back in June.-- As I indicated in my June letter to you, we have been working on a form of Agreement to submit, but we have run into some engineering delays. Your recent letter to my client, however, has caused him some concern and he has requested that I advise you that he would not be willing to enter into an agreement at this time unless the Agreement contemplated that your client would obtain its required platting approvals not later than December 30, 1983, commence construction of the road within fifteen (15) months thereafter, and complete construction within twelve (12) months after commen- cement. Since I am representing Mr. Winchester with regard to this matter, I would appreciate it if you would communicate with me rather than directly with my client. truly yours, , oeder MAS Imp cc: Mr. Bill R. Winchester (WI/Sl) 'i'. i,'~<lJl1;" ..../~~.~'.,lri((LLf!:,~ /-;pA -' ...."';~ '. 1/",. .// G J~J ;./ ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH "'~M~~M8i1!~MI5~aT=1 ;~~~: ~2~i~r~ J~ - I~~~-' - ;;-:.!.J--*- Q) 120 N,E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305)734-6111 August 17, 1983 Mr. Ned Marks CIO Satter Architectural and Engineering Group, Inc. 2330 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Dear Ned, The P 1 ann i n g De par t men t pre v i 0 u sly a d vis e d yo u 0 f the Planning and Zoning Board action of August 9th, 1983; however, we failed to transmit an approved copy of the modified Stonehaven Master Plan. To that end, owing to the size of the master plan document, you will find in the Planning Department Office a copy of the approved master plan for your information and files. Sincerely, c-~d~ Carmen S. Annunziato Ci ty Pl anner :blm cc: City Manager Building Official wI encl. City Engineer wI encl. Uti 1 i ty Di rector w/encl. TRB Members Centra 1 Fi 1 e s~ flu<J atter Companies, Inc. . Real Estate Developers August 16, 1983 . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers Mr. J. J. Gallo 3452 New Boynton Road (S804) Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Mr . Billy Winchester 9290 Nickles Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33436 . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers Re: Knuth Road . Title Insurors Dear Gentlaren: Since I have not heard from either one of you since our last correspondence I wanted to write to you one IlDre time to ask for your confinnation in writing that, in fact, you will be placing right of way deeds in escrcM for the additional Knuth Road right of way. I know Mr. Gallo would like to place his deed in escrow with his attorney. The provisions of the escrcM should be that the deeds will be released to the City of Boynton Beach at such time that we plat our property and post the necessary subdivision i.rrprovement bond. In the event we don't plat the property or post the required bonds on or before a specific date, say December 31, 1984, then the right of way deeds will be returned to the grantors. I would appreciate if you would both confinn the foregoing in writing at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, --"-, I ! -'-I 1 " Sher:ry:-LefJtowi tzl Hyman General C01l1I1sel ' Sr. Vice president SLH/maf cc: Fred Roth Ned Marks Canren Annuziato "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ Q 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 r- -- -s-- '~J'(r.r'tJtJ i ~P"""-'!liIIid"'~~l!I.f!oo!~= I I '~~l, -.i~;:~~:~r. .L~ F.C~ _.__- ..::-- 12 August 1983 Mr. Ned Charles Marks, AIA President Satter Architectural & Engineering Group, Inc. 2330 S. Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Dear Hr. Marks: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 9, 1983 the Planning and Zoning Board approved your request for the master plan mod- ification for Stonehaven PUD, subject to staff comments, a copy of which is enclosed. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c?~ J~-~~ Carmen S; Annunziato City Planner \ /bks Enclosure . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors Received ~~~ Date a (/y}1 - Time " The Satter Companies, Inc. July 18, 1983 Mr. Cannen Armuziato , City Planner City of Boynton Beach P. o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Knuth Road Right of Way / Stonehaven Dear CarIIEIl: I received a ropy of your letter dated July 6, 1983 to Jim Gallo. Mr. Gallo did respond to my letter acknowledging that we do have a meeting of the minds regarding the additional road right of way for Knuth Road. At this point I believe, he is having his attorney review the situation and it has been agreed that his attorney will then hold the right of way deed in escrow pending our filing of the plat. I have asked to review the escro..v agreerrent. Therefore, I do believe an understanding has been reached, at least in principle, with Mr. Gallo and we would appreciate it if you would do whatever you can to expedite and respond to Mr. Gallo's r~est. S. fko..vi tz Hyman unsel resident "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 SA &E Satter Architectural & Engineering Group, Inc. 2330 S. CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 - 305-968-0750 July II, 1983 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Chief Planner City of Boynton Beach 200 North Seacrest Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Request of Site Plan Amendment to Boynton Meadows/ Gardens P.U.D. (formerly Stonehaven P.U.D.) Dear Carmen: The Satter Companies and Stonehaven Development Corporation would like to propose, for your consideration, a change to the previously approved Stonehaven P.U.D. site plan. As a result of our most recent market study, the following facts concerning our south/south central Palm Beach market have become very clear: I. Over the past twelve (12) months there has existed a larger standing inventory of patio home product lines than in the past. The market has not been absorbing these units as quickly as other types, indicating a continued buyer unpopularity. 2. There is a large demand for "affordably priced" single family homes and apartment type condominiums. As a result of these major findings, may we request the fol- lowing: Elimination of the previously defined ninety two (92) /unit patio home community and substituting, in its place, an ad- ditional thirty six (36) single family lots on the northern tract and an additional fifty six (56) garden apartment units on the southern tract resulting in two expanded communities in lieu of the previous three. The result would represent: I. No additional increase in the overall total number of units as originally approved. 2. No additional increase in the overall site density. Mr. Carmen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach July II, 1983 Page Two 3. A less than two percent (2%) increase in overall projected population. 4. An insignificant change in projected traffic volume and required parking. The newly proposed housing types would not change from those originally described. I. Single Family Homes - depending on market conditions at time of construction. A. Single Family Detached - Two, three, and four bedroom homes ranging in size from nine hundred (900) to one thousand three hundred and fifty (1350) square feet. B. Single Family Cluster Homes - Two, three, and four bedroom homes ranging in size from nine hundred (900) to one thousand three hundred and fifty (1350) square feet, arranged in two- structure groupings at common property lines. 2. Garden Apartments - One, two, and three bedroom apart- ment condominiums ranging in size from seven hundred and fifty (750) to one thousand two hundred (1200) square feet, assembled in two-story eight-plex and sixteen (16) unit buildings. Densities and populations would be projected as follows: I. The Garden Apartment Community Area 29.78 AC. Number of Units 288 Density 9.67 U/A Projected Population 662 (288 x 2.3) 2. The Single Family Community Area Number of Units Density Projected Population (166 x 3.0) 55.97 AC. 166 2.96 U/A 498 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach July II, 1983 Page Three * 3. Total Development Area Number of Units Density Projected Population 85.75 AC. 454 5.29 U/A 1160 We feel this site plan modification is an improvement to the previous plan as it better responds to surrounding land use patterns, and would represent little or no significant im- pact or change. The major planning and design objectives will remain the same along with our timing and stages of development. You will find enclosed copies of amended site plan and re- quested supplemental data. If you have any further questions or require points of clari- fication, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your ~e and , I Respe1t& ubmi;tied, Nkd~'A' President , SATTER AR ITECTURAL & ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. consideration. NCM/1w Enclosures cc: Robert Satter Sherry Hyman Fred Roth Q) 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O, BOX 310 BOYNTON 6EACH. FLORIDA 33435-0010 (305) 734-8111 ~ - - --~ (' ---- - - ?-J'{H,;;j, ~F'!-""!:!~r:!:!t-!lI!l~~t:: ~ ~oJ;J ~ ~ ',,; ~. I ~~ -~~r~ --'~ L,.~, ~1J--~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 8 July 1983 Mr. V. J. Gallo, GRI,CIC V. J. Gallo & Associates, Inc. 3452 New Boynton Road Plaza West Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Dear Jim: On July 2nd I sent a letter to Bob Basehart concerning his position relative to the potential for annexing and zoning of your parcel of land in the southeast corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. This date I received an answer to my correspondence. Briefly, Mr. Basehart would recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the property could be annexed; however, Mr. Basehart would recommend that a condition be placed on this annexation which would limit the uses of the property to those provided by the County CS zoning classification. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C:,~.J~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner /bks cc: City Manager Central File Mr. Robert Basehart @ 120N.E. 2nd AVENUE P,O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 ~ . - -' - -Ii r ------:-- . -- '~)'I.Hl~..J; . , . L~~="~MBE~HI!'!~I'!~ T;li1:;J<<iJ, r-- "~m, ~::::' .'". ~_-.d.~'r. .L- ! .~--, - ;;--'1..1---- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 6 July 1983 Mr. V. J. Gallo, GRI, CIC V. J. Gallo & Associates, Inc. 3452 New Boynton Road Plaza West Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Re: Knuth Road Right-of-Way Dear Jim: I am in receipt of your letter dated June 22, 1983 and a letter from Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman dated June 29, 1983. The purpose of this letter is to respond to your correspondence as suggested by Hs. Hyman. After review of the issues raised in Ms. Hyman's letter, it is apparent that the question of rights-of-way dedications for Knuth Road have not been resolved. Until such time as the private parties involved in this land development proposal can resolve their dif- ferences, it would serve no purpose for the City to respond to the positions taken in your letter of June 22nd. Hopefully, in the near future, an understanding in principle can be reached between you and your partners, Messrs. Winchester and Satter. In the interim, the City will remain available to apsist where possible in these negotiations. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / L-~ J ,>~---- - -r-- ~~ '-- Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner jbks cc: Sherry L. Hyman, Esq. Mr. Billy Winchester Mr. Ned Marks City Manager Central File wjenclosures . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Companies, Inc. June 29, 1983 Received '[)ate ~--~- Time __~ Mr. Canren S. Annunziato City Planner City of B9Ynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Knuth Road Right of Way /Stonehaven Dear Canren: I received a copy of Jim Gallo I s letter to you dated June 22, 1983. It is my understanding that you have no objection to items 1, 2 and 3 of his letter. with regard to his rezoning, our oompany will help in preparing a site plan for review to obtain such rezoning and variance as he requested. Wi th regard to i tern 4, again Mr. Gallo states that wi thin 24 IIDnths we must build the improverrents. However, it is my understanding that he has agreed to provide us wi th the right of way deed to be held in escrow until such time as we plat and post the necessary bonds so that we are not tied into a specific date by which the improve- rrents would have to be done. By copy of this letter to Mr. Gallo, I request that if this is in fact the case that he rrodify his letter of June 22nd. In addition, I request that once you have responded to his letter satisfactorily he provide us with the right of way deed that we have sent to him so that it may be held in escrOW'. For your infonnation, we are still awaiting SOITE response fran the Winchesters. We also sent them a copy of the right of way deed for their approval and execution. e I r. 'Sl ce I f V. J. Gallo Billy Winchester "Alley1o~D ff6bK~B~t.nfRE~l?Er.ff~i" 2328 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 -INSURANCE- Automobile Homeowners Mobile Homes Flood Fire & Marine Boats · Yachts Surety Bonds Crime Fidelity General liability Worker's Compo Business Packages Whole Life IRA's Pensions Mortgage Protection Term Group Life & Health Major Medical Medicare Supplements Annuities Disability Income Builder's Risks Fleets Payment Plans SR-22's Mutual Funds -REAL ESTATE- Residential Commercial Investment Condos Appraisals Rentals Property Management c~._" c""-" v c? ?~ /-r /1" s.., ~-..J.,....... v.]. GALLO & ASSOCIATES,INC. 3452 NEW BOYNTON RD. (S804) . PLAZA WEST. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. 33436 W. PALM/DELRAY: 305/732-1100 . BOCA/BROWARD: 3051421-6488 MR. CARMEN S. ANNUNZ I A TO, CITY CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PO BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 JUNE 22, 1~ . Received~~ Date [; - ?-t~ Time fi7X- PLANNER RE: KNUTH ROAD RIGHT OF WAY DEAR CARMEN: WE, THE OWNERS OF PLAZA WEST, HAVE CONSIDERED THE SATTER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL KNUTH ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND ARE WILLING TO GIVE THE REQUESTED 15 FT OFF THE WEST EDGE OF OUR PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. OUR PROPERTY BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND SIMULTENOUSLY BE ZONED C-l AND WE BE GRANTED A WEST SIDE BUILDING LINE SET BACK BUILDING VARIANCE, RESERVING THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW OUR APPLICATION IF ALL OF THE ABOVE IS NOT GRANTED. 2. WE BE ABLE TO CALCULATE THE BUILDING SIZES ON THE BASIS OF 250 X 750 PARCEL OF LAND. 3. WE BE GRANTED A CEPTIC TANK AND BUILDING PERMIT FOR A PROPOSED ADDITION TO OUR EXISTING BUILDING UNTIL SUCH TIME AS SEWER IS AVAILABLE FOR HOOK-UP. 4. SATTER COMPANY, WITHIN 24 MONTHS OF OUR BEING ANNEXED, BUILDS KNUTH ROAD, A LIFT STATION, INSTALLS SEWER AND WATER LINES TO THE CENTER OF KNUTH ROAD AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF OUR PROPERTY AND WE ARE ABLE TO TIE IN TO THESE FACILITIES AT NO COST TO US. WE WILL PREPARE THE NECESSARY RIGHT OF WAY DEED AND PLACE SAME IN ESCROW WITH OUR ATTORNEY UNTIL ALL THE ABOVE IS ACCOMPLISHED. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW SAME AT THE END OF THE 24 MONTHS IF NOT ACCOMPLISHED. //" ~C~REL Y ,(~ / · ....--:".WYd~/ /~ (JIM{GALLO, GRI, CIC IB REALTOR"'; ~rriAt "'I,'~\"' Highest Standards of Professional Service P.S. WE ARE CONSIDERING ENGAGING THE SERVICES OF MR NED MARKS7 A.I.A. OF THE SATTER ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING GROUP IN THE DESIGNING OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION. CC: MR. NED MARKS7 SATTER CO 2330 SOUTH CONGRESS AVE WEST PALM BEACH7 FL 33405 MR. BILLY WINCHESTER 9290 NICKLES BLVD BOYNTON BEACH7 FL 33435 MR. J.J. GALLO PO BOX 57 HIGHLANDS7 N.C. 28741 MR. & MRS MIKE MONTAPERTO 1314 TUNNEL ROAD ASHVILLE7 N.C. 28805 . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors .~- '" ~ .H/JO ,[t.~el~d e1GQ- n t h---!-f ~a e n jtlime~-- The Satter Companies, Inc. June 15, 1983 Mr. Gallo Century 21 Gallo & Associates 3452 Nav Boynton Road Boynton Beach, FL 33444 Re: Stonehaven Dear Mr. Gallo: Enclosed please find a proposed right of way deed prepared by the city of Boynton Beach for the additional right of way of Knuth Road. ~d you please canplete the deed, execute it in the presence of two witnesses, have your signatures notarized and return the deed to me. I will hold it in escrow until such time as we plat our Stonehaven property and provide the necessary bonds or letters of credit for canp1etion of the subdivision irrprovements. Sincere1 y , "~JJ' " , . , ' ~:LlJ+-~ ~ -.. ~ Ilym3n c;r~~ presi~t Srn;rnf I I ' -enc. cc: Carnen S. Annuziato Robert A. Satter Ned Marks "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 P ~~I' -ler"- 'ed CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Date Time PO BOX 310 120 N E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA '33435 1305) 734,8111 OFFICE OF THE UTILITIES DIRECTOR May 11,1983 RE: Stonehaven Ms. Sherry L. Hyman General Counsel The Satter Companies 2328 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach,FL 33406 Dear Ms.Hyman: In response to your letter of May 9th, please be advised that I do realize that we stated at the time, that an 8" water line would be required up Knuth Road. Since that time, we have received from our engineers the Hardy-Cross analysis for our master system up date. As a result of the up dating of our master system and mas- ter flows, it requires a 16" line to be put up Knuth Road. For your information, there would be credits available for sizing this line according to our up dated master plan. Cordially yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c~ C ~~-~-~/C1 Perry A. Cessna, ~ L Director of utilities apt CC: Mr.Peter L.Cheney, City Manager w/satter Letter Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner w/satter Letter . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners &; Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Compan. es, f{eceived ,-,?~ / d-~ ?' ~ Date , ~ J/YYJ Time - / May 9, 1983 Mr. Perry A. Cessna Director of Utilities City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Stonehaven Dear Mr. Cessna: ~ ~J/d . - 'Ibis is to ac.kncMledge receipt of your letter dated April 7, 1983. Please be advised that the r~st to build a 1611 line on Knuth Road causes us a substantial problem in that it doubles the oost of this offsite facility. Please recall that we do have an agreerrent with the City for an 811main, which agreement sh#d be moored by the City. +G: ~j l i Ie ~ j .1 \sr ~ ~iv'\ t) , : "Carrren Annuziato ./ Randy Crete "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2328 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architecta . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managera . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Companies, Inc. May 9, 1983 Mr. Perry A. Cessna Director of Utilities City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Ci,y of Boynton i3~~~"r.. '" "'-", ~IAY 1 1 19[)3 "* Utilities ' Director / "?U Re: Stonehaven Dear Mr. Cessna: This is to ackr1cM1edge receipt of your letter dated April 7, 1983. Please be advised that the request to build a 16" line on Knuth Road causes us a substantial problem in that it doubles the cost of this offsite facilitY. Please recall that we do have an agrearent with the City for an 81lmain, which agreerrent sh ,d be honored by the City. Canren Armuziato Randy Crete "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2328 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 ~. ...' ... . -__m~ \, '.' =1 .... -.'; ~. r--...' @): : ~. : I ' I , , , I , 1;. '. ,'. -~.._"'-.;:-~~ ~ THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33.02 PAULA F NESSN ~""".I\II""" THOMAS J, MILLS SUPERINTENOfNr (y SCHOOLS TILI:PHOHE ...~.o.. lOUIS J E'-SS IlIIC( C"',",IM'''A April 22, 1983 GEORGE H BAIl ROBERT S HOW SAMUEL S, LOv' HUGH M><MILLAr SUSAN R, PEL Ms. Sherry L. Hynan General Counsel 'n1.e Satter Canpanies 2328 Sout.ll Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Stonehaven POD Dear Ms. Hyman: I am in receipt of your letter of March 29, 1983, concerning access between Congress Mid:Ue School and Stonehaven P.U.D. I have a:mferred with the adrninistratioo, the planning departnent, an:l the administration of the affected school. It is estimated that this P.U.D. will generate apprmdrrately 8Q elementary, 40 middle, arrl 40 senior high students. 'n1.is will create an additicnal OOrden on our already ~ed schools in the area. Additicnally, usage of the facilities at Congress Middle School by the residents of the 454 units of Stonehaven will result in increased liability expJSure of the School Board and increased rraintenar:ce of the facilities. If the School Board allows an access gate fran Stonehaven, will the Satter Canpanies be willing to aid the School Board in sore way - dona.tioo of a school site, up:Jrading facilities at Congress Middle, etc.? I am ~losing a copy of a letter fran Congress Middle School expressing their desires shaJ.ld the gate be all~. . If the final decision is m!lde to all.cM an access gate, it must be urrlerstood by the Satter Canpanies that this gate will be built to the School Board's specifications for pedestrians ooly and at Satter 1 s expense. '!here seems to be sore reluctance in allowing the access gate rot rra.y be displaced by sane consideraticn on the prrt of the Satter Canpanies to alleviate the con::erns expressed herein. I look forward to your ccmnents. S rge E. Loanis Assistant School Board Attorney GEL/ab Attachrrent cc: 'Ih:xnas J. Mills J. Vowell (j 120 N,E, 2nd AVENUE P,O. BOX 310 n BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 U ,""'",.., " Received .~ ~ ~ Date ~ Time ,.CITY of BOYNTON BEACH April 21, 1983 Alan A. Kurtis, P.E. Director Land Development Division Department of Engineering & Public Works Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Re: Knuth Road Abandonment Petition Dear Mr. Kurtis: Thank you for your letter of April 14, 1983, concerning this matter and for your indication that the City will receive offi- cial notice of any scheduled Public Hearing on this matter if such a Public Hearing comes about. We appreciate Palm Beach County's cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH /) ,/ . ~ . / 1/ ,I (J / ~te~_Lr:! Ch:n~ AJ~/ City Manager PLC : j C cc: Mayor and City Council Planning and ~oning)BOard Carmen Annunz1ato;r Torn Clark ~~~~ JANE E. VOWELL PRINCIPAL 101 S. CONGRESS AVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33435 PHONE -734-25-45- DAY 734-3425 - EVE. Jake Sello .....letant Prlncl~ SutenM Merkle Guldanol Director 0IdI Brinker .......lllllt Prtnclpal For Community EducatiOn April 19, 1983 Mr. George Loomis School Board Attorney Bldg. 503'Room 232 Dear Mr. IDomi s , Enclosed please find a copy of the Master Site Plan for Congress Community Middle School. Per your request we have marked an "X" on the fence along the west perimeter. As discussed earlier, we have some concerns about having a gate installed along the west perimeter fence but understand the need for this. Because of anticipated use of our facilities of the development residents and the problems of safety to those residents, we would like to explore the possibility of the Satter Corporation undertaking the responsibility for the improvements. Items are listed in order of priority. (1) Re-surface and re-1ine the two basketball courts and tennis courts as well as black top areas of exposed shell-rock. (Current conditions would present a safety hazard to unsupervised use ot these facilities.) (2) Sod two soccer fields and football field. These areas are in dire need of sodding, the cost ot which is almost prohibitive. We believe the advantages of having these items completed compliments ot the Satter Corporation might make it easier for us when we have to go out and pick up canine droppings each morningl LEGAL SERVICES f) APR 20 1983 RECEIVED _ Board of County Commissioners Peggy B. Evatt, Chairman Ken Spillias, Vice Chairman Dennis P. Koehler Dorothy Wilken Bill Bailev -----.-- County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer April 14, 1983 Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager City of Boynton Beach 120 NE 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Subj ect: KNUTH ROAD ABANDONMENT PETITION Dear Mr. Cheney: We wish to inform the City Council of the status of the subject petition at this time. Attached is a copy of our letter to the petitioners regarding the position this Department must take as the result of review comments received. At this time, there has been no response from the petitioners as to their intent. Therefore, the petition will remain in an inactive status until a direction from them isre- ceived. Please be advised that an official notice of a scheduled Public Hearing will be sent to the City if such action is generated. This procedure is in accordance with the requirements of Palm Beach County Ordinance 71-3. If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Thank you very much for your continued cooperation with these projects. AAK:BAH :th Enclosure (1) BOX 2429 Sincerely yours, /)/! /~' -/// / '. JA-j~?-c fi ~::yc-uZc:-.r Alan A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division ~ APR1983 RE~ City Man..... ()CtiOe WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684-4000 April 13, 1983 County Administrator John C. Sansbury Board of County Commissioners Peggy B. Evatt, Chairman Ken SpiIlias Dennis P. Koehler Dorothy Wilken . \ Bill Bailey ReceIved '7- ," r- . .fI -if!- "- Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 SUBJECT: Proposed Designation of Knuth Road as a Minor Collector Roadway Dear Mr. Annunziato: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has prepared an analysis of the need to establish a north-south collector road between Old Boynton Road and Golf Road in the area west of Congress Avenue. This evalu- ation was based on Year 2000 cost feasible traffic projections obtained from the Palm Beach County Area Planning Board. Further consideration was given to the access needs of existing and proposed commercial and residential projects in this area. It is anticipated that Congress Avenue within the northern and southern limits of this study will be operating at a much less than satisfactory level of service by the Year 2000. Knuth Road would seem to be the most logical roadway to be selected as a minor collector to relieve the anticipated over-crowding on Congress Avenue and provide traffic circulation in this area. The spacing of this roadway is reasonably good with relation to other major north-south roadways.. It would appear that Knuth Road would also give good access to the many, as yet, unconstructed residential and commercial projects along its alignment as well as serving as a back access to the DeBartolo Mall. I am enclosing a sketch showing existing and proposed projects which would have direct access to Knuth Road. Also shown are the projected Year 2000 traffic volumes and traffic volumes which could be expected to enter Knuth Road from adjacent projects. As can be seen, there BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684-4000 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Page 2 April 13, 1983 exists an unavoidable misalignment at Woolbright Road. This should not be the cause of any major traffic problems as the Knuth Road offset is in the right direction and is sufficient as to allow this intersection to function as two separate "T" intersections. We would recommend that a minimum 60 foot right-of-way be protected for Knuth Road in this area. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~~&- Char~R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASH:kdl Enclosure: Sketch cc: Mr. G. Haney Frakes, Jr., P.E. Asst. County Engineer @"" '~,',' ~- / --,Ned ~~ - . (-~ Date _ --- ~ ~....J.....-.......-, /HI ~~~~;ON BEAC;t - ... ~~,,~~_"""~~:~~~lr:- ~~;~~)4j~ '- ,~~- 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P,O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 April 7, 1983 Mr. Allen A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division Department of Engineering and Public Works Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 subject: Abandonment of Portion of Knuth Road Dear Mr. Kurtis: On March 28, 1983, I wrote in response to your letter dated March 23, 1983, concerning the abandonment of Knuth Road between Lake Worth Drainage District Canals No. 25 and 26. I wrote the letter at that time in order to comply with your request for a response within ten days of the date of your letter. Because of this time period for response, it was not possible to discuss this matter with the Mayor and City Council of Boynton Beach. On Tuesday, April 5, 1983, the Mayor and City Council did discuss this matter as a part of their agenda for their regu- lar meeting and unanimously concurred with the position that I took in my letter of March 28, 1983, and, therefore the City position still stands that we request that the Board of County Commissioners deny the requested abandonment. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,/J /' ,/ I /I,c'/~ cP C>fU7 p#er L. Cheney City Manager PLC:sr cc: Mayor & City Council City Attorney City Engineer --eity Planner Central File CITY of BOYNTON BEACH k> I) f ,:" I~' ... IfJ.. P,O. BOX 310 120 N,E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (305) 734,8111 OFFICE OF THE UTILITIES DIRECTOR April 7, 1983 RE : S toneha ven Mr. Frederick Roth, Jr. P. E. project Manager The Satter Coo, Inc. 2328 So. Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL Dear Mr. Roth: Please be advised that the Hardy Cross for our water system has recently been updated. As a result, the Hardy Cross indicates that the line going south on Knuth Road will be a 16" diameter pipe. On this basis, you should revise your master plan accordingly and we would anticipate you receiving credits based upon current ordinances for credits for oversizing lines. Please acknowledge. Cordially yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH v {L~ perr~essna, Director of utilities apt CC: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner to ...~.l III ("Ullty COnlmi"""Jlll'r" Co LJ nt y '\0111 i 1),;\1 1';11 PI '. I: L ....11, Cl1Jirl1l:J1l t:,:, '';'11:..1' jJ':f.lli, 1', }\n::-hlcr [)ll<l'}:\' Wl]i,cn Hill lLiJc-y J..ln. C. SJ:.<,~r"\ \N\T\AlING copy Department of E ngi "fer in') and Public \'::H~S H. F, K~hil'rl County Enginter -.... - . \ ../ April 5, 1983 Quail Ridge Golf Club, Inc. 4033 Quail Ridge Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33436 subject: KNUTH ROAD ABANDONMENT PETITION Gentlemen: This letter is to advise you that this Department cannot recommend approval of your petition to abandon Knuth Road. Comments from the various reviewing agencies as well as adjacent property owners have requested that the Board of County Commissioners deny the abandonment at this time. After careful analysis of the objections, this Department must concur. We are par- ticularly in agreement with the City of Boynton Beach since Knuth Road in part is located within its corporate limits. The road is being considered as a north/south collector road, thus relieving Congress Avenue of extensive traffic between Woolbright Road and Boynton West Road in the future. The consent of the City to the petition is an absolute requirement since the City has control of the easterly fifteen feet of the existing thirty foot right of way. with the above information in mind, we would appreciate a response regarding the di- rection you care to take. We, of course, can take the petition before the Board, with a recommendation for denial or you may want to request a withdrawal of the pe- tition without any further processing. The petition will be placed in a "hold" position until we hear from you regarding in- tent. Please contact this office for further information if you so desire. Sincerely yours, ~.lD, d AAK ,d~, ~[H ,th Alan A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division ::::ox 2~29 WEST P.l\LI\'J BEACH., FLORIOA 33.102 (305) 684,-4800 I TO , I FROM Ji Peter L. Cheney City Manager Carmel. 3. Annunziato City Planner 1ilI~t:ft~<~..~,,~~.,,---_~_~1 ~'i~~~~i1U!lffil#.~~~ SUBJECT: ~OLD . KNUTH ROAD ABANDONMENT REQUEST DA TE: __=!=~~_=_f}_~____. It has become more apparent that Knuth Road will function as a collector, possibly linking Golf Road through to Old Boynton. Therefore, I highly recommend that the City object strenuously to any abandonment of Knuth Road. Also, please see attached request for corridor analysis 'to eha County Traffic Engineer. CSA:bks cc: City Engineer Central File , PLEASE REPl V TO . SIGNED c.~ ...5~ _ 4- l/. f.," --,!,~'___"'-"~~1~"i;~,j;l;_~<!_1':,'!ll'i);;1a;~,~~ .-It....~.;_\oIo1lIIS ~ ~, REPLY DATE: SIGNED ITEM 1/ F269 C> WHEELER GROUP INC, DETACH THIS COpy - RETAIN FOR ANSWER SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS I~ -INSURANCE- Automobile Homeowners Mobile Homes Flood Fire & Marine Boats · Yachts Surety Bonds Crime Fidelity General liability Worker's Compo Business Packages Whole Life IRA's Pensions Mortgage Protection Term Group Life & Health Major Medical Medicare Supplements Annuities Disability Income Builder's Risks Fleets Payment Plans SR-22's Mutual Funds -REAL ESTATE- Residential Commercial Invest ment Condos Appraisals Rentals Property Management ...... .1 v.]. GALLO & ASSOCIATES,INC. 3452 NEW BOYNTON RD. (5804) - PLAZA WEST - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA · 33436 W. PALM/DELRAY: 305/732-1100 · BOCA/BROWARD: 305/421-6488 APRIL 4, 1983 MR. CARMEN ANNUNZIATO CITY PLANNER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33435 RE: SATTER P. U. D. APPLICATION/ KNUTH ROAD RIGHT OF WAY DEAR CARMEN: WE THE OWNERS OF PLAZA WEST HAD A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE REQUEST BEING MADE OF US TO AGREE TO DEDICATE UP TO 25 FT. OF THE WESTERN EDGE OF OUR PROPERTY FOR THE EV~TUAL NEEDED RIGHT OF WAY FOR KNUTH ROAD PROPOSED TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS A "COLLECTOR ROAD". WE ARE WI LUNG TO DO SO ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 1. THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF KNUTH ROAD, THE SEWER LINE AND WATER LINE BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS. 2. THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE, ALONG WITH A MAN HOLE BE PLACED AT THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF OUR PROPERTY AT NO EXPENSE TO US. 3. THAT A LETTER BE GIVEN TO US BY THE COUNTY, STATING THAT OUR GIVING 'OF THE NECESSARY RIGHT OF WAY WILL NOT LESSEN OUR LAND USE DENSITY AS SET FORTH IN THE CS ZONING CODE OF THE COUNTY. 4. THAT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, SATTER DEVELOPMENT AND THE WINCHESTER FAMILY AGREE IN WRITING NOT TO OBJECT TO AN APPLI- CATION TO BE FILED BY US WITH THE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FOR MAXIMUM BUILDING DENSITY USAGE OF OUR LAND AS SET FORTH IN THE CS ZONING CODE. 5. THAT WE WILL INCUR NO EXPENSES IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF KNUTH ROAD, THE SEWER LINE OR THE WATER LINE, INCLUDING FIRE HYDRANTS. 6. THAT OUR PRESENT SEPTIC TANK AND DRAIN FIELD WILL NOT BE DIS- TURBED PRIOR TO THE AVAILABILITY OF SEWER HOOK-UP. 7. THAT WE ARE GIVEN A LETTER BY THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH THAT WE WILL BE PERMITTED TO HOOK-UP TO THE SEWER AND WATER LINES FOR OUR PRESENT BUILDING AND ANY FUTURE BUILDINGS WITHOUT ANY REQUIREMENT THAT WE BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY. I:B REALlOR ,~, triAl "(,~~ Highest Standards of Professional Service c' - 2 - VJS/PS '~ \~~. }\oJ~i9-' BETTY W. ALLO JOSEPH J. GALLO MICHAEL MONTAPERTO HORTENCIA MONTAPERTO --- .5 J:""j,.L." '_<' , H/fl P.O. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 March 30, 1983 Mr. Alan Kurtis Director of Land Development Dept. Palm Beach County Engineers P.o. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Ree Opposing the request for abandonment of road right-of-way for Knuth Road by Quail Ridge Dear Sire We are the owners of 14 acres of land located on the South- west corner of Knuth Road and State Road 804 (New Boynton Road). We have almost 1000 feet of frontage on Knuth Road. We strongly object to the abandonment request by Quail Ridge for a portion of the Knuth Road right-of-way. The area West of Boynton Beach is developing fast. It is likely that more right-of-way is needed for Knuth Road rather than consider- ing the abandonment of any right-of-way. It is possible that construction of Knuth Road thru to Woolbright Road or even South West 23rd will someday be necessary to help relieve future traffic congestion on State Road 804 and Old Boynton Road. We urge that the request for abandonment of road right-of- way by Quail Ridge be denied. Sincerely, " , . C~v ar~c...{./u~ Elsie A. Winchester ~~ Bill R. Winc~er c.c. toe Carmen Annunziato Rick Rossi c"j.:,:,,! " ", _ ~"'" ~;tj."'. .{~'_. South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box V 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Telephone (305) 686-8800 Florida WATS Line 1-800-432-2045 John R Maloy, Executive Director IN REPLY REFER TO: Mr. Carmen S. Annuziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33402 . t~arc~19,8833 . ,.' '...-,/ ReceIVed ~ Date ~,i50~ Time 3r Dear Mr. Annunziato: We have reviewed the surface water management plans for the proposed Stonehaven PUD and have no adverse comments to make at this time. As a point of information, we previously (October 8, 1981) issued a Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-00861-S to Mode, Incorporated for the same parcel of land. However, due to the change in ownership and the proposed land use, this existing permit is no longer valid and a new surface water management permit, subject to current review criteria, will be required from the District, should this new project go forward. Based on our preliminary review of the plans submitted, the proposed stormwater management plan appears to be feasible. As an additional point of information, any withdrawals from the proposed lakes, L-25 canal, or groundwater for irrigation purposes will also require a water use permit from this District. As always, we appreciate this opportunity to comment. Should you have any questions on the above, please contact Susan Coughanour of this office. In addition, in order to facilitate our review of any future land use proposals within the City of Boynton Beach, please direct them to Mrs. Coughanour's attention and indicate the date when you need our comments. RAR/scj cc: Mr. John Hundley Mr. Nathaniel Reed Since- Richard:?':~p.E.. Director Resource Control Department Robert L Clark, Jr, Chairman - Fort Lauderdale Robert W, Padrick Vice Chairman - Fort Pierce Stanley W. Hole Naples J, Neil Gallagher St, Cloud Nathaniel p, Reed Hobe Sound John L Hundley Pahokee Aubrey L. Burnham Charles L Crumpton Okeechobee Miami Shores Jeanne Bellamy Coral Gables J( ed ~~ /-IIJ? Q;J#lJ~ . ~ -.~-O l!)- ~ //J~,., "~ :;-~ . ,~'-:;!f.~I;'tJrI .':~Z~~~.' ~...,- -"'~"~II!I:II~ :mLClIJa ~..... ~ ~i' ! ~'- 'I! J.~,l~-,'~ .,~~_. --- CITY of Time BOYNTON BEACH Date. @-~ .~ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 March 28, 1983 " Mr. Allen A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division Department of Engineering and Public Works Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Mr. Kurtis: This letter is in response to your correspondence dated March 23, 1983 concerning the abandonment of Knuth Road between Lake Worth Drainage District Canals No. 25 and 26. please be advised that the City of Boynton Beach objects to the proposed abandonment for the following reasons: I. Knuth Road in part is located within the corporate limits of Boynton Beach. 2. Knuth Road will serve as a utility corridor in the future. 3. Knuth Road by definition will function as a col- lector in that this right-of-way exists between Old Boynton Road and Woolbright Road. 4. Knuth Road has been considered in Boynton Beach master planning as an important thoroughfare in that it will relieve Congress Avenue; and, 5. Few alternatives exist for north/south traffic corri- dor in the area west of Boynton Beach owing to previous development approvals. For these and other reasons the City requests that the Board of County Commissioners deny the requested abandonment. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,/:;/j / fJet~~fU~. ~h!:~)/ City Manager PLC-CSA:rnb cc: City Council ~y Planner City Attorney City Engineer Central File @ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 ~ - -' - -~ --- ~J'in,uj.J " ;C;~~A'"'l~!'I~II!'''''MI!l~~~~ '~<<;l: .';;.~~~l > I, ~~ ~i , - ~ .. . .---- ..-.. r - --~ ! ~' P<::r - .~_.. o CITY of BOYNTON BEACH March 28, 1983 -Mr. Charles Walker Palm Beach County Engineering Department PO Box 2429 Building S-1170 ~ PIA West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 RE: ABANDONMENT OF KNUTH ROAD Dear Charles: Consistent with our discussions at our meeting of March 24, 1983, you will find a copy of a map which depicts planned and potential development in the Knuth Road cor- ridor. Please review the information provided and provide for the City an analysis of the need for a collector corridor, over the Knuth Road right-of-way. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '\ C~J~~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:bks Enclosure cc: City Manager City Engineer Central File ') o County Adminiqr:Jtor Jphr. C. SJ:1,>,ury BO:lTd of County Cnmmi"ioners PC;:t'Y H. hatt . Ch.ij'man Ken Sr1l!J:lS DCnlm P. Kochler D,lf()lhy Wiiken Bill BJilcy Department of Eng;neering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Enginter March 23, 1983 City Engineer City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 120 NE 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Subject: ABANDONP~NT OF KNUTH ROAD BETWEEN LATERAL CANAL 25 & LATERAL CANAL 26 BOYNTON BEACH Gentlemen: Attached, please find a copy of the subject petition, including a survey sketch of the area proposed to be vacated, for your review and comment. Please advise this office within ten (10) days from receipt of this letter so that we may continue the progress of the petition as outlined in Ordinance 71-3. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, H. F. Kahlert, P.E. County Engineer I a~/~~ Alan A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division ....: AAK: BAR :th Attachments tOX 2~:::'9 "':EST PAU:. [,EACH, FLORIOA 331102 \305) (,34 ~OOO (4) 120 N,E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 ~ ~ -.....c::;--. 'Y)y,~,uj.J 'J~ . ~'L~~~!::!.HCiio!~HI!lt:!~I::lI-~ .~\t.l, ' . .. ~ . .'.. ' I ' -- p ";. 'jIl ~~~ . '... -~ - .~ ~tp'-' ;;-~.1...L- -.- '- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH March 15, 1983 Mr. Ned Marks The Satter Companies, Inc. 2328 South Congress Avenue , West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Dear Mr. Marks: Please be advised that Tuesday, March 29, 1983 at 9:00 A.M. has been set aside for a pre-hearing conference with the City Staff in connection with the proposed Stonehaven Planned Unit Development. This pre-hearing conference is scheduled consistent with Appendix B, Section lOBI, Procedures of the City Code. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Il r- ~ S~Z Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:bks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Members CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ Q 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P,O, BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-a11 1 - r- -,-- --~-- '~J'I.r/lJl>J. .~'~=~ , .', .. ,J II ~:: ..~ '--.: - - '~,.:~r! -~,'~ t - -~ .~-, ..:-_'lJ- - . . March 1, 1983 Mr. J. Steve Reel Assistant to the Director South Florida Water Management District P. O. Box V 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Dear Mr. Reel: Accompanying this letter, you will find documents which concern the proposed Stonehaven PUD rezoning within the City of Boynton Beach. The proposal provides for a residential Planned Unit Development located immediately to the west of Congress Avenue and immediately to the south of State Road 804. Please provide the City with an evaluation of the project and indicate the extent to which it complies with the District's standards. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments, so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that the District extends to the City in matters such as these. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C~$~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:bks cc: Central Attachments: File Master Plan Drainage Report Development Statement ~ E) D,X'6k. ( - , p~ ... .. I .Iloird.r Cu.,,,. C.mmi"j"".{~, - ,. t: -. . . Nnrnl..:. C if, .,. . '. Cf!.llf "'" .. w I'I",~\ U. I , I' V.l C' ell.. II II. 0" I r ,"I~ I ," '. . n. ',I':, t-. \..' ILII:..:" . ... January 25, 1982 Dep.rtment of EnglnHring IIld Public Works ~ H. F. Kahlert .co..nty EnginHr r \. ~ ~. 0 .... ~:..: """: ... ,'" , . ,~ -, .. , -- -- :1 Mr. Denis II. Potiris, Land Planner Robert E. Owen and Associates. Inc. 2]00 Florida Mnngo Road West Palm 8each, norida 33409 (., '"', ' ~ ... c:= c:' SUBJECT: Stonehaven Proposed Project by Mode, Inc. in Boynton Beach, r:Iorhla. Dear Mr. Potiris: As p~r your request. the Traffic Division has reviewed the list of Con- d1tions as set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding between Palm Beach County and Mr. Ronald Corbitt, Developer of the Duplex Development for Mode, Tnc. with the following results: 1. All conditions listed in the Memorandum of Understanding are to be adhered to. 2. Regarding Condition No.3. "Construct a left turn lane on the south approach of "Knuth Road at Boynton West Roadll. This turn lane is to provide a 150 foot storage lane, a 10 foot shadow, and a 30:1 taper. 3. The developer is to pave Knuth Road from this project's connection to the end of the present paved section. If you have any questions or desire any further information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely yours, . OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER .,. ~ /~~ ' ' .' , " ---- 'j. /,;' ,.1,.(..;::. c. /l, ...-,/ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASI\:lk Enclosure: Plans CC: Mr. Carmen S. Annunzinto, City Planner City of Boynton Beach I~ 0,. :'.J:'!I N r: ~ T PAL tV' A E A C H. t= LOR I D A 33" 0 "} . (:111 r" !i R" "7 1 Ii {' . - ~atd of ColInty CommtUlont" PP.'l9v13. ("..II: Ol...,m...., Bill Ballev, Vice.Chalrlll,Jn LJke LvtJI DenniS p, i(c.(:~ler Bdl W'~dltm r (- \#~ . - \ I \t.,: County Administrator Jo"n C SJmlJUIV ,..... .." " ~" Department of Englnl!erinlJ and Public 'Norl<s :.-1, F" KJhlert /'. / Co"nty ErfJ1ne,,, -;.. -'--le.. ./ M(;JcIc~ ..!.r/(!, January 19, 1979 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box J lO Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: Duplex Development for Mode, Inc. - Master Plan and Traffic Analysis Dear Mr. Annunziato: i j I .. I As requested in your letter of December 27, 1978, we have reviewed the master plan and traffic analysis for the subject development. As in previous such cases, a Memorandum of Understanding is enclosed which outlines th~ traffic improvements which should be provided by this developer. ~len the Memorandum of Understanding 1s executed, please return one Signed copy to our office for our files. In addition to the requirements contained in the Memorandum of Under- star.dl,"g, the proposed access onto Boyntun West Road should be elim- inated and replaced with a connection to Knuth Road. Knuth Road should be paved from this connection to the end of the present paved section. The points outlined 1n this letter and the enclosed Memorandum of Under- standing are consistent with the requirements which will be placed on this developer by the County Engineer's Office. " 'I I '-'V l"' ... -' .. , .... . /,-, I. ., "" I'" \""'" :;. ilOM 9 I r. r V , !I',., . .1 fil, G:.i ,\,.. _ .} BOX 2429 ' WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 . 130S} 684.2460 ,. " , / , " . " City of Boynton Beach - 2 - The opportunity.tocomment is appreciated. 5 incere ly yours, OffICE OF THE COUNTY ENGDfEER c~J/)vJ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW: GIIF : ev Enclosure: Memorandum of Understanding cc: Hr. Thomas A. Clark, P.E. City Engineer, Boynton Beach __ Hr. Icnald H. Dixon, P.E. Robert E. Owen & Associates Hr. K. S. Rogers, P.E.. Director pnc Land Development Division , ~~. . ~ ( January 19. 1979