REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM June 7, 1984 RECEIVED TO: "~T""~ .~......~,,':"-J. City Planner ~ JUN 11 1~R4 PLANNING DEPT. RE: Stonehaven Development In accordance with the City Council's discussion at its meeting on June 5, 1984, would you please arrange for Mr. Satter or a repre- sentative of his firm (preferrable Mr. Satter) to appear at the June 19, 1984 City Council Meeting for the purpose of discussing with the City Council the changes that he proposes in his Stonehaven Development with specific reference to the conversion from condominium to rental and the acceptance by the rental developer to accept maintenance responsibilities for all of the common facilities. tZ d /Jdv- eterA:"i.. Cheney City Manager PLC: jc cc: Honorable Mayor & City Council James Vance June 11, 1984 Please be advised that on this date I spoke with Sherry Hyman, Counsel for the Satter Companies, and she stated that Mr. Satter or a company representative will be present at the June 19th meeting of the City Council. \. . r /7 - ;!1t,~.,-<../ . " . ~'--?~r..L':'--~"-'-?~~' / CARMEN s. i ANNUNZIATO # /bks RECEI\rED ~ J^N 5 193'4 PLANNING DEftT.. ,1;::;7. " ";c.n"',, ". t,J 7"- h. / j4 MEMORANDUM .A ,M [11 _ r~ --.......'..-.~ ..... -,..... . h'" .. 30 December 1983 TO: Technical Review Board City Manager Central File FROM: Carment S. Annunziato Director of Planning RE : STONEHAVEN Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a letter from Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman, counsel for the Satter Companies, which advises that the Satter project, Stonehaven will be marketed under the name Banyan Creek. Please advise if this name change presents a problem for your department. CZQ._ ~-J(., ~ Carmen S. Annunz~to Director of Planning /bks Attachment REPLY TO: Carmen Annunziato DATE: January 4, 1984 I foresee no problems in the above marketing plan. CCF:pb CC: John Wildner MEHORANDUM ~ " NQ,V";:~~~~T~' J:S'~' '~"1"1!_ 'l tH ~ ''1 ._:/,.} :"_~_4 .!'.oJ,' _L ", ~ t1/f' TO: Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager NO\f 198~ l-' ()[J FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer ..... ~ _~__._,...~~ .,,0-0 .-. " Re: Excavation and Fill Permit request for Stonehaven P.U.D. A copy of a letter requesting the subject Excavation and Fill permit from Fred Roth, P.E., dated Nov. 9, 1983 is atuached hereto. The Technical Review Board met on Nov. 17,1983 to review the subject application and unanimously recommends approval. The preliminary plats for Stonehaven, Plats 1 and 2 were also recommended to the P&Z Board for approval. The T.R.B. recommended that because approximately 210,000 cubic yards of muck would have to be excavated and that since only a small amount of the muck can be utilized on site, that with proper precautions and safety measures most of the muck' should be allowed to be hauled off site. Included with the said letter of Nov. 9, 1983 were the following: 1. Proposed construction drawings for Plat No. 1 and Plat No. 2 2. Boundary and topographic survey drawings 3. Soil boring map with soil boring logs 4. Cross-sections of the proposed property 5. Aerial photograph of the subject site The above drawings comply with the requirements of the Excavation and Fill permit and are available for review in the City Engineer's office. A $35,000 restoration bond is proposed as surety for the repair of County and/or City roadways due to the hauling operation and also includes the cost for restoration of property and maintenance, required so that there will be no nuisance to the public Upon receipt of'a satisfactory bond Council approval is recommended. A permit will also be required from the Building Department.' ,TAC :mb Attach. cc: Carmen 'APu~u~iato Bud Howell d~ y~ Clar 6~ /l7~.'V~/~/~ I'V' ~ 4-e 01- ~ 11/10/83 /. G--eL ~ A +-<-. A.. ~h ~ ~u./~ ~ ? 6/1 2. 5~ , ~ ~~u. ~~~ ~....~ ~~ :3.. .5~~~~ ~ ~~~ /-"~?p, ~ 't., ~-r ~ ~~~ f~7~~~Y~~ ~ ~--e.~~ .,EMORANDUM R .'red TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner Date Time DATE July 28, 1983 FILE FROM John Wildner Park Superintendent SUBJECT Stonehaven P.U.D. Master Plan Modification Upon review of the above listed masterplan modification subject to our land dedication ordinance, the public dedication required is changed as follows: OLD 324 Multi-family Units @.015 = 4.86 Acres 130 Single Family Units @.018 =2.34 Acres Total 7.20 Acres -j credit 3.60 Acres 3.60 NEW 288 Multi-family Units @.015 166 Single Family units@.018 Total -i credit = 4.32 Acres = 2.98 Acres 7.31 Acres 3.65 Acres 3.66 In order to maintain our recommendation for j credit for private recreation facilities provided, childrens play areas shown in the original master plan should be retained. As a result of this master plan modification the public acreage dedication requirement is increased from 3.60 acres to 3.66 acres. We continue to recommend that fees in lieu of land be provided by the Developer. ".,'~~~ ;7 John Wildner pm/ cc: Charles Frederick Recreation & Park Director ( MEMORANDUM TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner RE: July 26, 1983 STONEHAVEN PUD/MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION DATE: Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a letter from Ned Marks, President of the Satter Architectural and Engineering Group, Inc. to the City Planner requesting consideration of a modification to the approved Stonehaven PUD master plan. PUD modifications are addressed procedurally by Chapter 3l-l(L) of the Boynton Beach Code. Specifically, the process is two-fold. First, a determination must be made by the City Council as to the degree of the change; that is, whether or not the change is "substantial". If the change is determined by Council to be "substantial", a new application for PUD approval shall be required. If the change is determined to be not of a substantial nature, the application for modification may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board based on a finding that the modifications requested are consistent with current regulations and . the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan. ~ The change requested is to modify the unit product mix by eliminating the previously approved patio home neighborhood and recreational facility. These units are proposed to be split up and added,to the garden apartments and single-family/cluster home neighborhoods as noted in the following table: HOUSING MIX UNIT TYPE APPROVED PROPOSED Sing1e-fami1y/ Cluster 130 166 Patio Homes 92 0 Garden Apartments 232 288 TOTAL 454 454 ( Page Two On Tuesday, July 26, 1983 the Technical Review Board reviewed the proposal for consistency with the approved master plan. The Board found the plans and proposals to be consistent with the approved PUD; therefore, the Board recommends to the City Council that a finding of no substantial change be made. In addition, the recommenda- tion submitted in the attached memorandum f~om John Wildner, Superintendent, Parks Division is suggested as a proviso to the request. \ C'~S~ ~~_z Carmen S. Annun 'ato City Planner /bks Attachments . . 5r!1~(~ ~,'~ -{i' ~ c;r . VOvJ 0 . \) Y' ~~/ QY V / . MEMORANDUM! DATE 4-25-83 TO Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FILE F~O'" Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner !!iU8J~CT KNUTH ROAD/COLLECTOR CORRIDOR Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a study prepared by the County Traffic Engineer concerning the advisability of creating a collector corridor at the Knuth Road right-of-way. The findings of the County Engineer are that Knuth Road will help to alleviate Congress Avenue traffic, Knuth Road is properly spaced for collector construction, Knuth Road will provide access to many developments and that the dislocation of the center lines at Woolbright will not be a problem. This analysis substantiates the position taken by staff in the past and it is recommended that it form the basis for policy decisions in this area in the future. C~'I~~~ CARMEN S. ANNUY IATO CITY PLANNER /bks cc: Central File w/enc. L/Isj 8'3 ~ ~ ~ X'~ -f ~--C-1h~~ ~~ k ~ Dc~ /\.R.~ L~~, . . ,~- ~ cJJ ~ .JL...7 '"' ~ ~~. ...7? A c.-~ ~,- ;.1. ~ /?1~7 7/57 €.] rZ~7> ~ ..iJJ77Z7Z ~. ;l~A/;;;/ 7 < ~ j .A /~:..J'/;( ~r"'-'c.ri.;'~jj,- r /~ . C,u';-"-J..JI l/ 31J ;rft,J",)~ c G: .1 (Id" It (,1 . ",-" - \'...... G 2-... Y f2. ~~vc- -7 ., ~ ~ ,~/,,<.~ s/g/J'$ ~ s~~ ~ ~ 2-/Z& ~d-2 ~ 7///<. /--- ~ ~ 3/2.9 ~~r-A -, ~ ~~~. A' .?~ ~ c~ '. r A7/ .j~ P'?~ /'L.:...... I~ M, /l1~ 0/ ~ ,S- '7J~ ~> '7 hi { 'J /--t- /-1--' f17 i~41~d ~A TLYAf>~-,",',)A/ t71/,;// '. /,}->. //y c-'./?~t- ///> ,/(- ';c <:;cc:> I, /ff ,f~i::&* ~' . r) '-- -.--"/ . . v.' . ,"'" c',. /~ /;7/' /C t; ,c::.C '-;--'::"-1 < - / .' / ~--"/~//;; (//,:;, ,.d.~ " '\. ~) ~~~ ___r {(ijt-c. ic.;( {r~ V /' ;i ',----) L --;;:'; ", (, .-;/ C ~ /0,) { /~l ! / ,. ' i /r/-'-'(k./I+ 'J ( b'-1!.; ~ / ,- / , /;:j- ';, '. I ,- ,k 2- If' V .,C/:(,--- ,.~ Cl\u.'~7/ pel;..' kO-rH ~""~// {2';5 /r:1 </['7'--7 n A ~. ..)/-r/72:I: /y;"'t.<.. ~/, /" ;/.)(,71 --j7u c~~l?tZ( ~r:c~'2-L ~ j '- I' "I i I · .. , . . 0 ' . . - - ~ 'Bolr~,.of County Comminion.us ' :. . . I I i' ;J~;i~" 3. Evan. C."aHman 6i~1 Jallo!y. Vici!,Chalr"":ir: I..Ji<.. L'/tJI C !~:lis ~, :<c~i"!" S;il '.'eaicr I . I 1 j I j I ! , l ~ :1 (- .~..~t;n...: ~r:-i:ast'= .. .. .... ~.. .. /~, ~\;.; "~':".\ .:., ""', ! \., =, 'r" _n~j ...~ ...-...... .. _.......-..~. . . -.. . February 6, 1979 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN PAlM BEACH COUNTY AND MR. RONALD CORBI"l"'.I:. DEVELOPER OF DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT FOR MODE. INC.. BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA It is understood that the Developer of Duplex Development for ~~de. Inc. will construct or provide the following Unprovements to help offset the traffic Unpact of the development on the public roadway system. I . I t v(3) J(4) (1) Dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way along Congress Avenue, providing for a 60-foot half right- of-way. (2) Dedicate an additional 7 feet of right-of-way along Boynton West Road providing for a 60-foot half right- of-way. Construct a left turn lane on the south approach of Knuth Road at Boynton West Road. Construct a left turn lane on Congress Avenue at this development's access point. (5) At the Developer's choice, provide one of the following two requirements: a. Pay a fair share amount of $97,325.00 to Palm Beach County in order to offset the impact of the traffic demand which this development will create on the road network. I b. Construct an additional two lanes of roadway with curbed median on Congress Avenue, including the bridge over LWOD Canal L-25, to the County's satisfaction for a dis- tance of 600 feet centered about the development's en- trance. This construction shall commence prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the 229th I, , 0/ 'J )~ . .' (- . : , . . MEHORAND'..':: OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN PAIH BEACH COUNTY AND MR. RONALD CORB rrr, DEVEI.OPER OF DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT FOR MODE, INe., BO~ON 'BEACH, FI.OR~ February 6, 1979 Page 2 b. cont'd unit in this development. This construction shall be completed prior to Certificates of Occupancy being issued for 60t of the units (275 units). The developer shall supply a detailed set of construction plans, acceptable to the County Engineer, for this proposed construction. The developer ~ill post a bond or letter of credit in favor of Palm Beach County for an amount equal to lID?:. of a certified engineer's estfmate of the cost of the Congress Avenue improvements. This bond or letter of credit will be furnished prior to the issuance of the 100th Certificate of Occupancy by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. If Government 4 lanes Congress Avenue in this area prior to the developer completing 501. of the project, then the developer will pay to Palm Beach County an amount equal to the engineer's certified cost estimate on -.:lich the bonding of these improvements to Congress Avenue was based. These monies shall be paid prior to the completion of 60~ of the units in this project. The Developer hereby commits to accomplishing the above improvements, and it is understood that this Memorandum of Understanding and attached typical section print for improvements to Congress Avenue will be made a part of the records of the Boynton Beach City Council meeting of February 6, 1979. It is also under- stood that, the bridge over the UroD Canal ~-25 shall be a duplicate of the exist-,." ing b~j.dge on Co~gres_s_ Avep.ue ~ver. same cana 1. I -:/f -..- /.~, /' ~h ~.:p' '~ ~ ,/" .,-;<.-' ~:::'_: ;.-', ~ .:/ :? .--:. :.--/.- ... . <t' - t / ' - ,~, r ,t': /' / Ro~ald Corbitt, ~ev~lo~~; - .,'" ~at:' - , Duplex Development for Mode, I;ynf. " , / I . . . I / - J "",. . ... /- ./', _ ,,~. /_ .' _ 7 F . ... r J' "", .L . .~ 6' Date Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division Palm Beach County " ,,- . . .I' . "'t · .../r I; ., (~" ) ') (- ) ') ,r' . . . . - ---=- . 7Z"O;l-R ~ l{ I ~ \~ I I ~1 s: ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 .l!: ~. ~ 2' ~ --:-1,- t , c:;1 ,2<:::.- ~. 7/::':' I e 7 sJ -. L ~~~ -~'-?-; I . I :1 --o-:-=. ~_-V-~ i l-~--~~~---~=~~- :. . ===~. .:;,~ "",#a,.~ C.C. h "'-..c~-.,..... ,.'~~~ ~.~~;:. z.z.'l 2"::'" . _-:'-:S~CT/O/V. A-A.~' ~? -=c7..r:::/ ::::;.::n-E:: ;...I"::::".:" _ ' __ ~...-~E~~--=::/~_ .1..7'_-....,.:- -:.f: ~.s;R~t!:..J-/C :::..:=,v~:::-;-':::'~.- . ~&::'~C;; -:s~~--=-,-:::. :: _ _. ~-=:::::--...=- <-..;.".--,. ,.- .:.r;-S'::-:- ':c.:rc.~ /":;-T,vc ',:,/':/S :::='=~'::r=C/=---: -7:"=~ ::9tB. ";~- ,-.?~;..:= . ~~y- ~'$./7""'7""'. _ . '" _ ._., _._ u -- <:-"lj -~~ ~~ - :,- ~--/.,... /-.=- -- -.. "'-';' ~. ~-- - <- -_. --~ ._;.........;...t./:'~_._ "__.J~ /--., ,,:-~. ,-.-.I....h -- - - . - . -_. ~.E. ~. =c:;_ S-A/aQ.c..a~---= ~-"..-:'ZL;C./.-"::: 'TC~ ~"~. r::7 -7;-C "'::'$./. ;. E. ~ , t