PLANS [2, ~"FlL.L CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING TITLE FORM PCN STATUS: -APfUlv f!> STATUS DATE: ID"'U' 'W'b~ DATE: ~.. c - ~&t . PROJECT # ty\tl\~ f oS -09'0 PROJECT NAME:~~~ II PROJECT TYPE: DESTRUCTION DATE: J o New o Miscellaneous o Addition 0 Renovation ~vision k~ ADDRESS: 13 L.l)~ 5' ~mmercial 0 Residential INDEX OF DRAWINGS: SHEET # SHEET TITLE (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) (ex: Sheet A-I) (ex: Floor Plan) 1. l~ ~D~ :? 2. l- l~ dc:- 1<.\ ""0 ri. 1 p'Z- .s~ ro to ~ 11- 2-qb5. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. S:\Planning\File lists. file procedures\Procedures\FILING PROCEDURES\p&z TITLE FORM.doc . ~- -.-~._----~' y"t . 5c:Y\,nA.r5 - L.4 .' J..... '" ~~..WINGS San R'/.'tlJael . Dwgs in RED not yet prepared .. ;.;,<",.. "'.,,'." ~CkfTECTURE 1,22,o,~ Deseri tIon ori In date revision # rev. date drawln # 1 Master cover sheet A-O.M 2 General notes'abbrevs & code tabs ~ >,~ A-0.2 3 Overall site Ian SP-1 L.\ s{>'2.. ~-k~ ~tk- ('~ CIVIL ENGINEERING Oct-03 Cover Sheet Oct-03 none 1 Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan Oct-03 13 8/12/2005 1 2 Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan Oct-03 19 1/10/2005 2 3 Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan Oct-03 7 7/19/2004 3 4. Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan Oct-03 8 11/4/2004 4 5 Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan Oct-03 3 2/19/2004 5 6 Paving, Grading and Drainage Details Oct-03 7 7nt2004 6 7 Paving, Grading and Drainage Details Oct-03 4 8/18/2004 7 8 Paving, Grading and Drainage Details Oct-03 2 5/13/2004 8 9 Water and Sewer Plans Oct-03 11 10/8/2004 9 10 Water and Sewer Plans Oct-03 14 8/19/2004 10 11 Water and Sewer Plans Oct-03 7 7/19/2004 11 12 Water and Sewer Plans Oct-03 9 7/19/2004 12 13 Water and Sewer Plans Oct-03 4 3/10/2004 13 14 Sanitary Sewer Profiles Oct-03 3 3/24/2004 14 15 Sanitary Sewer Profiles Oct-03 4 7/19/2004 15 16 Sanitary Sewer Profiles Oct-03 5 4/16/2004 16 17 Sanitary Sewer Profiles Oct-03 3 3/24/2004 17 18 Water and Sewer Details Oct-03 1 1/8/2004 18 19 Water and Sewer Details Oct-03 none 19 20 Water and Sewer Details Oct-03 1/8/2004 20 21 Water and Sewer Details Oct-03 none 21 22 Lift Station Details Oct-03 6 2/16/2005 22 23 Lift Station Details Oct-03 3 10/11/2004 23 SEP 0 7 2005 RECEIVED '~~n_ ...."i1i..).....~.i~" . '. ir1(:.;:.~~.:.".::. ;...-' "'i;~' "'~,".. . ,,,"I- "";;.....1' C "'*" .-,".:.~:.' -. ;:.;:~: ~ ~. ; '.-'.l ;, ,t'I'!,~." ....r. ..".,.".,.. . . Cotleur & Hearing 1934 Commerce Lane SUite 1 Jupiter. Flonda 33458 561-747-6336 Fax-747-1377 September 2, 2005 David Poist 980 North Federal Highway Suite 200 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 RE: Renaissance Commons-Building 5 CH project #03-0309 The following is a list of landscape changes made to Phase1 Building 5 as a result of the revised hardscape areas: . Eliminated 4 Double Alexander palms from the front of the building, relocated location of material to be determined . Eliminated 156 \lex Shillings from the front of the building, relocated location of material to be determined . Eliminated 3 Japanese Fern trees from southeast corner of building, relocated location of material to be determined. . Repositioned Italian Cypress and Double Alexander palms to avoid conflicts with hardscape elements . Located eliminated Coconut Palm from Building 6 in the rear near loading area The resulting tabulation of plant quantities is as follows: Phase I Permit Plans 03/15/05 Phase I Revised Plans 08/23/05 426 Canopy Trees 426 Canopy Trees 113 Signature Trees 113 Signature Trees 494 Palm Trees 490 Palm Trees 28,337 Shrubs 28,178 Shrubs While this revision results in a decrease of plant material, new locations will be found for the eliminated plant material either within Phase 1 or to another phase within Renaissance Commons. However, these locations have not been determined at this time. ~ .~~ ' Angela Biagi r ;Tn Landscape Architect SEP 0 '1 2005 RECEIVf~O F:\Project Documents\Renaissance Commons\Building 5 Landscape Narrative.doc I .. :s Q) ~ (,) ~ LOLO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOLO a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ (")(") .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 (") C'!C'! ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- N tOtO (") (") (") (") (") (") (") cO d z ~ C') C') N N N N N N N C') a: ~ aLO LO 10 LO LO LO LO LO LO LO ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- (") (") (") (") (") (") (") (") (") (") d Z ~N N N N N N N N N N ~ a"" ~ ..,. ..,. ..,. ~ ..,. ..,. ~~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ..t ..t ..t ..t ..t <( ~ ..,. ..,. ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- cD cD cD cD cD cD Z z cD cD ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ~ ~ <( <( Z Z fii ..,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,. 0 <( <( <( 0 lLi cD cD cD cD cD Z Z Z cD cD w C'! N N N N N N J: N N N N N N N en ~ w Z '" 6 w C') C') C') C') C') ..,. 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'0 - o -c - CO (.)c.c 'N > 0 o 0 eN 8 t) m c'"Q)lXl III co c =.c 0 S ._ o.c 1llC") IllCO>. 'Oq c ~ 0 CDclXl c..... ~ co .- N en 'C o:i 0 o o N .!!N .- l"l </l::J..,. .!!(/)l"l nl ,l"l '13 ~ . os...! </lIL1.0 ~-oclO cG.>.2fD ol.L.tU~ </l .O:::m a. Z nl l"l Eoo~ oCX)oco UmCOIO .111 .c ~ <C 8- \1 c ~ 0 c:;:l ~'C (/) tn(,)c c f.-- 'C C c III co Q) - :t: (l. -c c co (J) co o (/) -c c co -I qco --I C 2 .- .c ~- l!..... '0-1 </l C o E Em o nl u.c: a. 8 nl cO::: nl C </l nl .!!l (/) nl c ~