MICROFILM INPUT SHEET ..... I- Cit~, of BO,ynton Bench Plnnning DepnrtIllent !vlICROFILM L\TPUT SfIEET De"elopnlent File" .' . # ~fJ7 ~ ~1-G2> B let . ":~ ~~ Proiect'Nam~"" - '. tJ _Yeal/c /9V- - .AVr7 '. 3h 'fO 5, ~ ( DOCU1vtENT TYPE Parking Lot Variance - PLV [4J Preapptications - Preapp D " Conditional Use - CO D Master Plan - :vrP D " ". Rezoning - R D Master Plan ~-fodification - MPM D Rezoning-and Land Use , Preliminary Plat - PP D 0 Element Amendment - LUEA D 0 Site Plan.- SP Annexation - A D D Site Plan Modification: SPM Abandonment - Abdm .' . N~mb~r of Sheets n..Hpr/l P9'~ 1) till ~~ Number of pian:; Ol Date prepared: ~-a6-92--~ CO:vn-..1ENTS: Approved ~ -1:91 -, f~ '} Denied C:J Conclitions fi J.-ri ve ~ ls-kn CR./ .... Q {A;{-f.>f-Y"~ .B vP< . TO BE FILLED OUT BY MICRO ~OMPANY Fiche No. x or x Relrix No. Fr;1mes COM HEN' T S ~I \ "'~ .,,\