APPLICATION Bo'n';Tcr: EEACH PL~_":;2:.:; DEPARTYiE~T APPLIChTIO:; I N?ORI.t:.::' I ON FOR:1 NOTE: This fo~ must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. ADDRESS: 303 aIr" PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: PHONE: . , OWNER' S NAME: (or trustee's).'. ADDRESS: PHONE PROJECT LOCATION: (not legal description) ~rt..~~~d-~~ /#-'.~ -- CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. . 1981 DR1 STATUS REPORT :>evelcs;:c:ent:: Motorola !.OC3.t::..::rn (c:..ty 0= COlli"'1t:.Y) : Boynton Beach Develc",er: Na..-ne Motorola,Inc., Adc.:::ess 1303 Algonquin Rd., Schaumburg, Illinois 60106 P=ocecu=es: 1) Regional 2.gencies aze requested C:J Cistri~ute to and collect questioI"..nai~es f~cm cevelopers and local governments, review and analyze ~esponses, and cacsmit and discuss_._fi:1di:lgs ...,ib t..'1e 3ureau of Land ~c. ~7ater ~2..."1ase...'"'Cent.. 2) Davela~ers ~e resuested to respond to all of ~'e questions below. 3) Local. gave~ents are requested to respond to all questions below ex=ept ~u.r:-:Oe!:' 2.. 4) Please add acditional pages i~ necess~I.. Ques~:)ns: 1) Desc=i::'e any C-~fu'1ges made si:lce t...""e ori;rinal DRI submission i:1 t...~e ?roposed plan 0= develo~ment, phasing, or in ~~e representations contained in the Application fo= Developme~t Approval. Please note any 2ctions tcken by local gove~ent to acdr~ss ~~ese c~ges_ The developer has modified his means of access to the site by deleting one point of access on Congress Avenue and adding one point of access on NW 22nd Avenue. 2) P=avice copies of any revised ~ter plans, incremental si~e plans, etc., not previously submitted to t.'1e Division. (Local governme!lts co not need to res;?cnc..) 3) Has t.:ler~ been a cna.'1ge in local gove=ent jurisdiction for any portion 0:: the cevelopment sL~ce L~e development~order was issued? NO 4) Desc~ibe t~e annual development activit7 to date (n~~er of twellins ~its const--uc~ed, site improvenents, lots sold~ acres minec, gross floor a~ea const-~cted, barrels of s~orage capacity completed, ?e~ts obtained, ~t~~). To date, only site prepration has occured; that is, the land was cleared, a lake dug and fill spread. 51 ~~ve any ~=3C~S of d i~ ~~e cevelop~en~ (O~~e~ ~n i~Ci~~cual :~~ly lat3j jee~ 50~~ ~~ a 5epc=aL~ e~~~ ~1 or dev~~~?e~? r~ 5C~ t.=3.ct a-~c buye~. 5i~gl~- . - . - .:...::e~~=y No 6) Cesc=ibe any la~ds 9ur~'ased or o9~oned adjace~t to ~~e ~rigi~~l ORI si~e s~sequent to issuance of ~~e development oreer. Identify such ler.c, desc~~be inter~st obtained and ide~tify p~o?osed use. None 7) Assess t..~e deve1opI:i:1ent's and loca~ gove!:T'..ment's continuing cOIn;>lia..r;.ce TNit...~ any condi tions of approval contained in t..,e DRI de~7elopme!lt orce~. Complete compliance to my knowledge. 8) , As a result of your e~enence, efficiency and/or ef=ectiver.ess can you suggest 2.....i.y of s,e DRI process? ways t.:: i.l!lprCV2 I:: so, p182.52 ~'12 . .. c.esc=~;:e . No 9) Ot.~e= cc~e~ts? None c:.:-' ~ ,J' c: CJ--<-<-X< Person co~le~s the questionnai~e: Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner Ti tie : Representing: City of Boynton Beach Telephone Number: 734-8111 - Ext. 255. Date: April 19, 1982 -~----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regicnal Planning Council Response: 1) Do you ascee '"i th t.'le infor:nation provided in Question l? Yes ~lO 2) If you chec..'<ed ":iolf, which questions ar.d s~ecific ::-espOGses co you disag:!'ee ....,i t..'1? 3) What are your reasons for disagreement? ;t?c &lesponc:en::: ?!1one: ~egion: Cate: E:':E[1]L::' :\ 1980 D~ S':',\Tu$ KE?O"T D-~':21iJpi7.~n t: Motorola . LOl::;"tion (City Qr cou."ltyJ: Boynton Beach Name Jack Gesbocker - Heery & Heery- Architects & Engineers, Inc. ,: D2.I,;'2'109~~: J\ddr~ss 880 W. Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30309 ?r:>,=;:~c1~~2S : 1) Re~io~~l age~~ies a~~ requested to di5~~ibu~e tq an~ collec~ qu~s~a~~~~~25 fro~ dev?lc?~rs a~d local ~ov=ra~2~t5, r~view and a~alyze r2S?O~5e5, ~~d t!:'c.nsmit a2.d discuss findir!.gs wit....~ t.~2 2U!:'2au of L2...I.G. a:1.c ~'la~~r ~'~~;.=-s:-=ne.:'lt_ 2) C~v21opers are r2qe=stec to respond to all of ~he qu~stion5 b=lQ~_ 3) i..oc.3.l sove:':"':-~7.e~t5 a::;-e requested to r=s.?o~d to all qt:.237-~ o~s bele:... ~^S2?~ r-j,--'..:~':J~r 2. 4) Please ace ~dditional pages i~ nec2ssary_ ; 9E2~_~io~5 : 1) D~5C~lDe any chang~s ~aG~ since b~e original oaI 5~~5Sio~ i~ tr.e ?=c~osed pl~~ of d~velc98e~t, ph2sing, or in ~~= re?re52nt~tic~s co~tai~~~ i~ ~e Applic~tion for De7elo9~~nt A9prov~1_ ?lease note a~y actions t~<~~ ~y local gover~~ent to address the5~ c~ange5: a) As of this date, no changes have been proposed in the concept master plan; that is, the mix of land uses is the same. Al- though, particular on-site functions such as location of parking lots have been modified. \ b) . Relocation of parking lots does not constitute modification to the approved master plan; thus was required. However, the City has been kept date on changes proposed in on-site design. a no action up to \ 3) Has L,ere been a change in local sov2rlli~ent jurisdic~on for any po=tion of th~ d2velo?~2nt since G1e develop~2~t ord2r was issued? NO ~) D2sc~~be the annual development ac~ivity to date (n~~e~ of d~ell~~; ~Lits CO~-5~=ucted, sit~ imprOVeL.12nts, lot:5 sold~ acres rr.i.:1.ed, gross fIco:!:" 2.rea . constructed, barrels.of storage ccp3city cow-?leted, ?e=wit5 o~~?'~~=, etc.). The developer has secured a permit from the City to commence construction of the ea~th work. .!'O"..r-_-..-'1....,~ --_.-..~...-- .:.:.~~~~~ 5~ E~~\;a- ~-:!.y t::-act'.i of 1,El.c in th~ dev,,=,lo9r::~n.t (ot..~er L...-1[1 ir:.dil,tic~2tl sin'11l::!- f~:C'..il.J.o 10':':;';) ':J~2'n ~8.L.:.. to a 'S~.?-::t::-2.t~ e:-.titv o~ c~'~"'e!.o?~r.? If :;CJ. id.~~':..i.:y tract and buy~r. NONE 6) Describ~ any L~p.ds pu:!:'cha:sed or o?tioned adjac:e~t to t..~e origi~J.l DRI site s~sequent to issuanc2 of the d2velo?~~~t oeder. Id~ntify such lc~d, d~scribe ir:.terest otltain.~d and identify p:!:'o~osed use.. To the extent of my knowledge, no additional 1 been added. ands have 7) Assess t..~-e develo.?~2ntls and local go~..-::?::::L-:I2nt's continui!1'; co~.?lic::nce: ',.;ith a~y co~~tions of appro~al cont~ined in the DRI c2~relopnent o~der~. Both the developer and the City are continuing to comply with the conditions of approval contained in the Development Order. 8) As a resul~ of your e~?2ri2~ce. efficiency ~hd/or effective~~ss can you su;qest ~~z of ~he D~I ?rccess? o";2..ys to irc.?ro~/e t..h~ If SOr ?lease descr~~c. Our experience with the DRI I b 1" process was very positive e lev7 thlS was based in great part on-the excelle~t cooperatlon shown by all parties involved in the review. 9; O~har CO~7:=~~5? None Ti tIe: ~~ 0(' ,?,1 Carmen S. Annunziato City Plann",r Person co~~let~tlg G~e questio~~~re: Rep.res~nting: . City of Boynton Beach. Fla. ?elephon~ N~be~: 734-8111- Ext. 255 Dat'2:: August :41, 1981 ----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------- ~~gio~al Planning Council Res~a~se: lj Do you ag:c~-= -"oi t..., t.~e info!."'23.tio:1. p.::-ot."ided .in QU~5ei.on l? Ye.s No 2} If you check2:!:d uNo", w:ll.ch qu~stion5 and. sp~cific r~s?onse3 '='0 you di sag:::e = .,.; i t.~? J) ~nat ar2 your reasons for 0isagreem~nt? ?..?c ?~s?or'.d~!'!=; phO:1a.: ?~ ~icrl: Date: ...., . -.-:'.:,,=,"":=::