REVIEW COMMENTS '.-- -- ~ .1!..~-;r--7_.~ - - . - -, ..- - --- . - -- . --.. .-.-.- _._. _.._--~----- - ---~--_.- _._~ ~._-_. -_._._-----.------~ -------.--_..-_.- - ..-.---. ~- ~. --- ---~-.~-- - _.~ -------~----~.hc/---~--~- n__~~-~-n.--~-~~- - ._~ ------- ----------------- .. ~ ----~-- -~--~~-~---~-~-~~._- .. -1')<./.6.7..,4/ v.<:T__ ~-du 7- .__w.... _~___~__~~~----~-,-#~ ~~-2, _~__ ~ _h_____q -_...-.~..uf~-~ .--c=r~.~/d.... ...-- _____~_~_~el ~__~_~~_~."_____._ ~ ' . ~ _ __~~__~..:e._._~.~. .-./J~A-.-~.~-..~..ch~-.._. _, _______ ______u___._._ ,. _._~____. '._...-:L-~~' ~ -- .~-~ '..----,-------,,/'174--.-,~--~~ ~~-. ___-:-'~_'._n_. ___~.,~_._~ -~~_ .a.-.-Jl ..~--..~..cf... - ...~~...-_..- __,_~_~.~ _/~~.____ _ '___un. . .'--._.;~~.d:;:::;...~~..:-..:_~...--=_..:-_... .. . .-.- ....... .....-.....:: -- ..... ..... ........ --- -- .. .... ... .... .. ... .. ~ { _. - , " .-~ ':'~' "... ". J.' . ~ i. ~ C?":::: .; , .. Page Three.' On Tuesday, April 1, 1986 the Technical Review Board met at which time they recommended approval of the shared parking allocation without reservations. It was the consensus of the TRB that a 15 minute gap between the Sunday school session and the phurch session prior to and after the Sunday school session is sufficient in regard to minimizing on-site problems concerning parking as well as traffic flow_ and congestion. - e G-,.- J'L ~ Carmen S. Annunziato flat cc: City Manger Technical Review Board Central File .. ,"" 25 ...... .. .. M E M 0 RAN DUM July 13, 1987 TO: Canmen Annunziato City Planner " FROM: Bill DeBeck Project Manager RE: Lighting Attahed are the lighting calculations and fixture cuts for the parking lots at the municipal complex, Public Works, and the library. Please distribute to those requesting it. tfJ/pt/J t1J Bill DeBeck Project Manager BDB/nk Attachments . ~ .# --, FROM r :0 PLt4-rU (U / {!J & ~ ... u5D Cl/Wf9'IJI~~+ --rJ2 ,~ ~~ Pt (0 E O~-p r SUBJECT: -1'YVU~ L <!..- L. {P ~ L.. ~J'V\ fJ L.l.:; ~ DA TE:~ - ~ - <(-7 FOLD. 1 ( ):' j0Tff/lJ 1) WJ'1- ,e-IL ~/;V h- +- p~ FlatT NY!) (lI1-ir./r cY7f./ /4tJYN'rOJ'U l~lAC-6-(/~j).. ;2. S f+e;1;tJ /--@ C,;<j- ItO;J (!) F ?o 5 T /1Vi){Clq/~ V rK- v' c;:- -+ F J:> (LtJ /VtU c~ Tt OA/ ro1e- p 11- ~~ct Ai G- CYt4-~/4 6-6- ~ PLEASE REPL V TO . SIGNED REPLY .. ..DATE: RECEIVED JUN 4 1987 PLANNING DEPT. SIGNED Item W F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc, 1979 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ~ 1 , . ; , r , i . t , M E'M 0 RAN DUM June 3, 1987 RECEIVED TO: Mr. Jim Golden Planning Department FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer JUN 3 1981 PLANNING DEPT~ , , - RE: Site Plans, City Hall Improvements ") Comments: l. Typical parking stall detail shall conform with Parking Lot Ordinance, for example, the 3'-0" dimension should be 2'-0". 2. Inlet gratesin,pavedareas,:sh~ll be bi6ycle proof. 3. Only one roof drain is shown. This is probably not correct. 4. Section E. need not be swaled as shown. City standard provides for a straight gradient. 5. How is the slotted drain cleaned out and maintained. A cross-section thru the turnout should be shown at the slotted drain. 6. Drainage system is to contain 2.5 inches on site from the lst hour of a 3 year storm. 7. A memo from Bill Flushing, dated June l, 1987, in included here. ... v~~ Tom Clark TAC/ck attachment ~ / / , , M__s._ M_____.~L_~__~ ___-'~__R__!J_ 14. ~ay 2" 1987 (Friday) TO: Tom Clark FROM: Bill Flushing RE: Boynton Beach Municipal Facility (CITY HALL) . 1. Drainage calculations design are required. include the ~esults of for exfiltration trench The calculations must the percolation tests. ~ 2. Parking bumpers are not required where there is 90 deg. parking and a curb is provided. 3. The drawing implies that new sidewalk construction is to be provided at the corner of Seacrest and NE 1st Ave. Is this necessary? Also can~t s.ome of the side\"lalk along NE 1st Ave. be salvaged? 4. Subgrade could be compacted instead of calling for stabilization, this would be a substantial savings' 5. T~e debris baffle should the catch basin detail maintenance be eliminated from to provide jet-vactor . 8. 6 . "f.h t: ... f:i ffi P e. t:. l ~ ... I I II U L <= _I, ... u 1 u L t: I t: III U V t: U f, u ,.. t. h.c DI ail,f.i.t::lo"'- .J_l""il. Normal me~anical com~ac~i~n procedu~e~ should be used~~ ~ ~...::... ,,^-tll ,.J ~ 7. The irrigation plan should salvage that part of the existing irrigation system that will not be affected' by the new construct-i on, such as along the north side of the sidewalk on B~ynton Beach Blvd. The lighting ',plan should show the light intensities in candle power on the pavement surface. .. Bill Flushing 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 27 . .J.~;' ." r :.. -. ,,- '. . t BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX~SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS f" rc .. "e, V tA \ I ~".l t . L 3. Oc/'- ... () \~. r;!: '^ J( 5. one $ f J.VI lit v/7 .A-rc' J 6. o. k. ~. ()l ~ 9. {~~ v~ ~( ro,d'~ stv~ &.T 11. 10. . . 1. It is recommended that a shared parking allocation be approved in connection with this site plan for the commis- sion chambers to meet parking requirements in zoning regulations which require 237 parking spaces. There is no building setback for the parking structure from N.E. 1st Avenue. 2. West wing is nonconforming with respect to setbacks ,adjacent to Seacrest Boulevard and N.E. 1st Avenue. Expansion of entranceway is increasing a nonconformity. 4. Does the driveway for the fire station and the two driveways for the parking structure exceed the requirements in the parking lot regulations which permit a maximum of two driveways on any frontage? There is a maximum of two driveways permitted on any frontage. Therefore, one driveway onto N.E. 1st Avenue will need to be eliminated or a variance applied for. (Sec. 5-141(g)(3) of Parking Lot Ordinance.) A five foot landscape strip is required adjacent to N.E. 1st Avenue where the parking lot is located. ~Sec. 7.5-35(d)(1) of Landscape Code.) 7. Are dumpsters to be provided for municipal complex? If so, provide locations and details showing minimum 10 foot by 10 foot pad and 6 foot high CBS wall to match building color. Driveway onto Boynton Beach Boulevard in the vicinity of the fire station is located within 180 feet of N.E. 1st Street. A variance will be required for this driveway. Is location of sidewalk along Boynton Beach Boulevard accurate? Not all buildings are located within 200 feet of the fire hydr~nts. Provide manufacturer's specifications on lighting fixture. It is recommended that a minimum average of one footcandle per square foot be provided for general illumination and security. (Sec. 5-141(a).) 2? / ."/I"r -- ;. r- . ~ I, . ~ \ . ,> ~, \ Ii,.. . I ,~ , . ... '. r-~ If ~ .. ~ '-. ,",-- " Form Ten CA Round Arm Mount Form Ten CA: Gardco CA round lumi- naires accommodate the patented Form Ten sharp cutoff optical systems and therefore direct a higher percen- tage of output lumens onto desired areas than any other type of round I luminaire. The cylindrical shape with its low profile forms a soft silhouette that sug- . gests uses where the lighting plan brings luminaires closer to eye level. The luminaires accept energy-efficient HID lamps from 70 to 400 watts. ~onOall~'t 0<) 14 O~ Distribution Patterns . ~ ~ ~! Typel~' Type III ~' TypeVa ;1...:::.) -.- ....-- .;.,:;. ,:. Type FM .~ Type VS' 8~J (22" only) Ordering Information M (A, tV l e, ( Rz:}L. Ce3HP~ T'if'~ @) CA22Z_ 2.77 400HH 8R~ \Is Example Prefix Size Configuration Reflector Volts lamp Finish CA 17" 1 1 120 Refer to BRP CA 22" 2_ 3 208 lamp BlP 4 a 240 Selector FM 277 VS'- 480 Lamp Selector RelleclorType Configuration Size Primary Ballast Voltage Lamp Finish Prefix Oplions CA 22 2 '3 120 400MH BRP .. CA17 70W HPS 100WHPS 1 OOW MV 150W HPS' 175W MV 175WMH 250W MH \ -\ CA22 250W HPS 250W MV 250W MH 400W HPS 400W MV 400W MH Finish: BRP = Bronze Painted BlP = Black Painted Lamp Abbreviations: MV = Mercury Vapor HPS = High Pressure Sodium MH = Metal Halide Options: F = Fusing POLY = Polycarbonate lens Notes: 1, VS Reflector (22" Only). A sag polycarbonate lens is standard when the VS optical system is specified_ .Supplied with ballast to operate 55 volt lamp unless specified otherwise, ,I A.-....~ ur [1'~~~"I,l--.r.- ~.s-"',,-:lr"'''''~ .-......e."'C. c~,.... -;.~~ .,._,:,,,,""!"'9 '" 1 1 t---c \ \ IE"..... ..-.,..~"""'";.-: ~-".-:'':'''''~ ......."O.r....-~ ;....."... " + P-,:,-o"'o"""f'dt'u~ 'OUY'Q ..-", I 1 1 CA 17 CA22 A 17" 22" B 8" 11" C arm (enoth 5" 7" o arm heieht 5" 5" Dimensional Data S'l.(:c.... 1M." I I ~ I I I I ~/ ~, .. . , Gardco Cruciform and Straight Round Aluminum Poles Cruciform and Round Aluminum poles are Gardco's distinctive com- panions to the Form Ten luminaire, Extruded from 6063-T6 aluminum, the poles are anodized bronze or black to compliment the luminaire. I Specifications Design Poles shall be extruded 6063-T6 aluminum yield strength in tension of 25 K.S.!. The Cruciform cross section shall be square with a minimum squared step corner recession of 15% to retain architectural proportions of the Cruciform design. The poles, - including the hand hole, shall have a minimum yield safety factor of 1,5 when subjected to a wind load ' _.. resulting from the 25-year mean recur- rence interval wind velocity for the site and adjusted upwards 30% for gusts. In addition, the deflection shall be limited to 5% under the design conditions so that at lower wind levels, the luminaire movement on the poles .. - will not cause apprehension. Finish The finish shall be an integral alumi- num association, Class 1, 0.7 mil minimum, architectural anodic coating, utilizing a process to produce a dark bronze, or black, sun-fast protection. . ~ . ., '.~ ,.~ .. Hand Hole & Grounding The grounding terminal, accessible from the hand, hole, shall accept up to ;4 AWG stranded wire. ~ . Pole Base and Tenon. Fabricated from steel having minimum yield of 35 K.S.1. Hot dip galvanized after fabrication. Protective Wrapping The protective wrapping shall be 275 test. double wall, corrugated tubular sleeving to meet California Trucking Association shipping specification standard, . 'NOTE CA4 -8'10: & 12' ana RA4 .10' ana 12' POleS S..l::~heo ....Im cast aluminum case ....elOed to pole . ..---',~ I I i i i ~ :: ~ .~":;:, ~:-1/' t /' j' -- -- ~ , ~ ~ ~ --- ~:..c_.~' ::::~~~ ~ .8 --..--."^ I _ ~--_.. _ "....--~- / ,I ~_~_.~..__ . (,.. . \ ,....j, .>-\ (... .. , ... . . , ~- ~_:'_:-._._. 'l':"'-- '__J :::--_a::~I;. 26 .. ~-. Ordering Information Cruciform Poles CATALOG NUMBER POLE SIZE Prefix CA4 CM CM CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 CM CA4 CA5 CA5 CA5 CA5 CA5 CA5 ( CA5 CA5 CA5 CA5 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 CA6 Height (feet) 8 10 12 15 18L IBM 18H 20L 20M 20H 12 15 18 20 25L 25M 25H 28L 28M 28H 15 18 20 25 28 30L 30M 30H 33L 33M 33H Size (inChes) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - ~ MAXIMUM LUMINAIRE LOADING 120 MPH EPA-FP 8,1 5,9 4.4 3.9 1.5 2.4 3.6 1.3 2.2 14.5 11.0 5.9 4.3 1.2 2.1 4.0J 1.7 25,0 14,2 11.4 6.2 4.0 2.2 4.6 7.0 2.2 4,0 Straight Round Aluminum Poles RM RA4 RM RA4 RA4 RM RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 RA5 10 12 15 20L 20M 20H 15 20 25L 25M 28L 28M 28H 30L 30M 30H 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 1.5 4,8 1.5 2.3 3.1 13.6 6,3 3.4 4.2 2.3 2,8 4,0 1.6 2.1 OIl 104 MPH EPA.FT2 11,2 8,4 6,4 6,0 2.9 4,0 5,4 1.8 2,6 4,0 20,1 16.1 8.7 7.0 3.4 4.2 6,3 1.6 2.4 4,0 32.1 20,2 16.7 10.2 7.4 5.4 8,0 11.1 3,2 5,0 7.0 o 3,5 2,3 6.7 2,3 3,3 4,4 18.3 8,8 5,2 6,1 3.5 4.3 6,0 2.7 3.3 4.8 :Ea 91 MPH EPA-FP 15,0 11.4 9,0 8,0 4,2 5,6 7.3 3.3 4.3 5,6 26.2 20.0 12.3 10.0 5.6 6.6 9.0 4,0 4.8 6,3 45,0 27.6 23,3 15.0 11.3 9.5 12.2 16,0 6.0 8.3 10.9 5.1 3.5 9.3 3.8 5.0 6.3 24.2 11.8 7.1 8,3 5.1 6,0 8,1 3.8 4.8 6,6 Circle (inches) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ANCHOR BOLT DATA Bolt Size '2X 18x4 J2X 18x4 J2x 18x4 '2X 18x4 J2X 18x4 7sx24x4 ~ax24x4 hx18x4 ~ex24x4 ~ex24x4 78x24x4 7tix24x4 7sx24x4 ~ax24x4 7sx24x4 ~4x32x4 :l4x32x4 ~x24x4 ~x32x4 34X32x4 :l4x32x4 ~4x32x4 :l4x32x4 :l4x32x4 ,.x32x4 ~x32x4 1x36x4 1x36x4 :l4x32x4 lx36x4 1 x36x4 '--'" V' }2X 18x4 nx18x4 }2x 18x4 nx18x4 7ax24x4 7tix24x4 %x24x4 7sx24x4 7ax24x4 ~x32x4 7ax24x4 ~x32x4 ~x32x4 7ax24x4 ~x32x4 :l4x32x4 v t"J< <J ...~.. , .. '" ,. Application Data Annual extreme-mile 30 feet above ground. 25-year recurrence interval LUMINAIRE Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration SIZES 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 14" 1.3 2.7 2.7 1.1 2.3 2.9 - - - - 1.4 2.2 - 2.0 4,0 4.8 19" 2.5 5,1 5.1 2.1 4.0 5.5 2.3 4.6 4,8 5,9 2.5 4.1 2.7 3.7 7.4 8,9 26" 3,4 6,8 6,8 3,5 7.0 8,9 3,8 7.6 8,7 9.8 3.6 - 3.9 - - - ...: '" , . . '.: ~-' , . ~ I f.... EPA Values 1* "A" ., . '\.../ . .. LUMINAIRE SIZES 1 17" '.7 22" 1.2 ..I' . I Wind Velocity for Pole Sizing White Area 91 MPH Cross Hatch Area 104 MPH Black Area 120 MPH Arm Mount VS Yoke Mount Flat Drop Sag lens diffuser lens Arm Mount with Diffuser H&EH 4 2.1 3,3 4 2.4 3,8 1 .8 1.3 4 2,3 3,7 1 .8 1.3 . Straight Square D Steel Poles Straight Square Steel Prime Painted Finish . Ordering Information Straight Square Steel (GSP) Prefix Height (Feet) Options Finish GSP 10.15,20 Prime 25,30 Painted Example Pole Specifications GSP Series- Fabricated one-piece steel into a uniformly square cross section with flat sides and radiused corners. Heighl (Feet) 1 Prehx IG~p 30 Oplions: 01 = Drilled One-Way , 02 = Drilled Two-Way 04 = Drilled Four-Way T2 = 2=}8" 0,0. Tenon T4 =4"O,D.Tenon FBC = Full Base Cover , Options Finish 02 ~pl . Tapered Round 0 Steel Poles fapered Round Steel Prime Painted Finish "-"" Ordering Information Tapered Round Steel (TRS) "'" Prefix Height (Feet) Options Finish TRS 20,25,30,35 Prime 39,45.50.60 Painted Example Pole Specifications TRS Series-Fabricated from carbon steel with minimum yield strength of 48,000 PSI and longitudinally welded to form a uniform taper, Heighl (Feet) l Prelox ITR~ 30 Oplions: 01 = Drilled One-Way 02 = Drilled Two-Way 04 = Drilled Four-Way T2 = 2%" 0.0. Tenon T4 = 4" 0,0, Tenon FBC = Full Base Cover I Options Finish 02 ~pl Consult factory for availability of other pote types, 31 2i --~..~ ... 175 W;;J:;J:- '- ff~i-~ I H~ (Id R eSCBi STS,AND STL e, ,,_,'"'#'_..,~z.;"M'o"'~""""''' " ..~ .._..~___.__.,...,..._......-..,..A....~........ "'~~"""~_I'.' ....P"..._.........~_..~- _,_.-.... .........~_.. "". _... -..... ~ . -. ,.......... '.". -., ,. "".- '~~,~~ CL · 1:5 l fi fl? I ,ks ~'br . .~t, I~. "J~::t: I R 1 h4V..e V S . -. .. ~1f~ · JI5i~,bui,o~ l~ 41 S Iltl4V i' f)o(loe .. . . STS STYLE . . .. . . . ::: -&: Copyright 1981. Gardea Man'Jfocturing Inc. IRe; IRI IS ~ ISI ~ J'$~o sel. STYLE Q..YL. S'k1.,J,~V' To tlus -f,~, 0. Since 1961. Gardco has been success- fully lighting outdoor parking lots, The same techniques apply equally to indoor garages, The distribution of the lighting patterns in a wide and uniform manner. cutoff for glare control. efficient reflector systems. and low energy H.I.D, lamps all combine to provide the most economical means to satisfy energy and lighting specifications, Garages. typically lighted 24 hours per day. demand that energy efficient luminaires be considered, A choice of four optical assemblies. easily inter- changed. provide lighting patterns for even illumina- tion regardless of the floor plan orcelling configuration, The multiplicity of efficient H.I.D, lamp sizes and types. used with three different mounting arrangements. permit flexibility In lighting systems for a variety of ceiling types in both remodeled or new construction projects. The adjustable trunnions permit the luminaires to ex- (:.1 tend to the bottom plane of the ribbed or waffled ceiling, This positioning feature eliminates potential shadowing created by ceiling obstacles. enhances the effective lighting distribution and reduces the number of luminaires required, The product features focus on low owning and main- tenance costs, The extruded aluminum housings with anodized finishes never require painting. Vandal resistant polycarbonate lenses. in captive door frames. are totally secured in a rugged but architecturally pleasing package, Companion luminaires for wall. column and pole mounting allow one system to satisfy all the lighting requirements for garages. 1:;.. .. 0. Gardea LIghting 3S' STL STYLE )...- .... . -~ .....--........ .. ....... ,-........-..--....~............y-.-..--~---....-.-...- .-.--......'" .; ~ -..~ " Form Ten CA Round Arm Mount Form Ten CA: Gardea CA round lumi- . naires accommodate the patented Form Ten sharp cutoff optical systemn and therefore direct a higher percen- C() tage of output lumens onto desired areas than any other type of round luminaire. The cylindrical shape with its low profile forms a soft silhouette that su~- gests uses where the lighting plan brings luminaires closer to eye level. The luminaires accept energy-efficier t HID lamps from 70 to 400 walts. ~ . . . II Cl! ~ono.rar-(X) J O~ a~' Distribution Patterns Typel~,'... Typelll~' TypeVO ~(~ - ~'" ,. (l' Type FM~: ~'1~ Type VSI . !~~: (22" only) Ordering Information . ..-.......--~~....,~-~~~~ CA Z 2 Z. VS 277 250 Mf.l BRP Prefix Size Configuration Reflector Volts Lamp Finish CA 17" 1 1 120 Refer to BRP CA ~ 22" 2 3 208 Lamp BLP 4 0 240 Selector FM 277 -'t VSI 480 $) . Lamp Selector . CA17 70W HPS 100W HPS 1 OOW MV 150W HPS. 175W MV 175W MH 250W MH CA22 250W HPS 250W MV 250W MH ......- 400W HPS 400W MV 400W MH ~ .Supplied with ballast to operate 55 volt lamp unless specified otherwise. .. Arm luDOOOld (IS' E.t,uded a1u"' num .',., ,1un'Wlum~ OfOwdH '*""""nd~ C~&".,. r'QIdtM;qSltnOufl1ng P'tc"oon formed alumenum .. hous.ng ISMlTlblt ..- T I 0 .- 1 9 1 .. Q) Solo(o"'eg.,lt~. . t---c--l Eas.ty,'.rncwat\llt ",~ Goof & helG l'(MataOoe "'lIKtotF"...mDe'..:t GI........ - Example Reflector Type Configuration Size Primary Ballast Voltage Lamp Finish Prefix Options CA 22 2 3 120 400MH BRP Finish: BRP = Bronze Painted BLP = Black Painted Lamp Abbreviations: MV = Mercury Vapor HPS = High Pressure Sodium MH = Metal Halide Options: F = Fusing POLY = Polycarbonate Lens Notes: 1. VS Reflector (22" Only). A !;ag pOlycarbonate lens is standard when the VS optical system is specified. r~ Dimensional Data CA17 CA22- A 17" 22" B 8" 11" C arm lenath 5" 7" o arm heiQht 5" 5" 0:. , 30 21 ..., ':; ._-\, 0 Gardco Cruciform and Straight Ordering Information Round Aluminum Poles Cruciform Poles ~ Cruciform and Round Aluminum CATALOG ANCHOR 6 poles are G~t:dco's distinctive com- NUMBER POLE SIZE MAXIMUM LUMINAIRE LOADING BOLT DATA ( pnnions to the Form Ten luminnirc.' Height Size 120 MPH 104 MPH 91 MPH Circle Bolt .. Extruded from 6063-T6 aluminum, Prefix (feet) (inches) EPA-FT2 EPA-FT2 EPA.FT2 (inches) Size the poles are anodized bronze or CM 8 4 8.1 11.2 15.0 7 Y.1x18x4 black to compliment the luminaire. CM 10 4 5.9 8.4 11.4 7 Y.1x18x4 {) Specifications CA4 12 4 4.4 6.4 9,0 7 Y.1x18x4 Design CM 15 4 3.9 6.0 80 7 Y.1x18x4 . Poles shall be extruded 6063-T6 CM 18L 4 1.5 2,9 4,2 7 }2x 18x4 aluminum yield strength in tension of CM IBM 4 2.4 4.0 5,6 7 %x24x4 . 25 K,S.1. The Cruciform cross section - '..:; sh<tll be square with a minimum CM 18H 4 3.6 5.4 7,3 7 %x24x4 e squared step corner recession of 15% CM 20L 4 1.8 33 7 Y.1x18x4 to retain architectural proportions of CM 20M 4 1.3 2.6 43 7 %x24x4 ~ the Cruciform design. The poles, CM 20H 4 2.2 4.0 56 7 %x24x4 including the hand hole. shall have a 0 minirt:lum yield safety factor of 1.5 CA5 12 5 14.5 20.1 262 9 %x24x4 when subjected to a wind load . CA5 1~ 5 11.0 16.1 20.0 9 %x24x4 resulting from the 25-year mean recur- CA5 18 5 5,9 8.7 12,3 9 %x24x4 , ~. rence interval wind velocity for the site and adjusted upwards 30% for CA5 20 5 4.3 7.0 100 9 %x24x4 gusts. In addition, the deflection shall CA5 25L 5 1.2 3.4 56 9 %x24x4 ..... be limited to 5% under the design ',,' lit CA5 25M 5 2.1 4.2 66 9 ~x32x4 conditions so that at lower wind levels, the luminaire movement on the poles ( CA5 25H 5 4.U 6.3 90 9 ~x32x4 . , .' will not cause apprehension. CA5 28L 5 1.6 40 9 %x24x4 ....; CA5 28M 5 2.4 48 9 ~x32x4 Finish The finish shall be an integral alum i- CA5 28H 5 1.7 4.0 63 9 ~x32x4 num association, Class I, 0.7 mil CA6 15 6 25.0 32.1 450 10 ~x32x4 minimum, architectural anodic CA6 18 6 14.2 20.2 27,6 10 ~x32x4 ti coating, utilizing a process to produce a dark bronze, or black, sun-fast CA6 20 6 11.4 16.7 233 10 ~x32x4 protection. CA6 25 6 6,2 10.2 150 10 ~x32x4 . Hand Hole & Grounding CA6 28 6 4.0 7.4 11,3 10 74x32x4 The grounding terminal, accessible CA6 30L 6 2,2 5.4 9,5 10 74x32x4 , . ~ from the hand. hole, shall accept up to CA6 30M 6 4,6 8,0 12.2 10 lx36x4 \-..-: #4 AWG stranded wire. CA6 30H 6 7.0 11.1 16,0 10 lx36x4 !r, 'f Pole Base and Tenon* CA6 33L 6 3.2 6,0 10 ~x32x4 ~ Fabricated from steel having minimum CA6 33M 6 2.2 5.0 8,3 10 lx36x4 yield of 35 K.S.1. Hotdip galvanized . after fabrication, CA6 33H 6 4,0 7.0 10,9 10 lx36x4 Protective Wrapping 0 It The protective wrapping shall be 275 Straight Round J\luminum Poles test, double wall, corrugated tubular sleeving to meet California Trucking AM 10 4 2.5 3,5 5,1 7 lix 18x4 .. Association Shipping specification , AM 12 4 1.5 2.3 3,5 7 lix 18x4 1 standard. AM 15 4 4,8 6.7 9,3 7 lix18x4 tI 'NOTE CA4 .8: 10: & 12' and AM .10' and 12' poles AM 20L 1.5 2.3 3,8 7 ~x18x4 supplied wilh cast aluminum base welded 10 pOle 4 -1 n AM 20M 4 2.3 3.3 5,0 7 %x24x4 AM 20H 4 tTiJ 4.4 6.3 7 %x24x4 . .. ~/~~ ~ AA5 15 5 13,6 18.3 24,2 9 %x24x4 ~/ ---- AA5 20 5 6.3 8.8 11.8 9 7sx24x4 III ~ . AA5 25L 5 3.4 5.2 7.1 9 %x24x4 , ~ AA5 25M' 5 4.2 6.1 8.3 9 ~~x32x4 ~ ~ AA5 28L 5 2.3 3,5 5.1 9 %x24x4 :: ---...-..- ~ ~ -...- ~ ~ ~::-"':i:.:."S:.:' RA5 28M 5 2.8 4.3 6.0 9 74x32x4 " . l 0 . AA5 28H 5 4.0 6.0 8,1 9 ~x32x4 ... RA5 30L 5 1.6 2.7 3.8 9 %x24x4 AA5 30M 5 2.1 3.3 4.8 9 74x32x4 AA5 30H 5 3.3 4.8 6.6 9 ~~x32x4 ., .-..... -,.. '..... 31 26 ......_tw__:.... ',,_= -. '.. . ~_e Application Data Annual extreme-mile 30 feet above ground. 25-year recurrence interval ..... 'r1 111 .,. f . . e ~ ~ ", ,~' . EPA Values 8" "A" .. (C . ~ . . .' II . ((;i " T . ~ " 'to Wind Velocity for Pole Sizing White Area 91 MPH Cross Halch Area 104 MPH Black Area 120 MPH Arm Mount VS Yoke Mount Flat Drop Sag lens diffuser lens Arm Mount with Diffuser H& EH LUMINAIRE Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration SIZES 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 14" 1.3 2.7 2.7 1.1 2.3 2.9 - - - - 1.4 2.2 - 2.0 4.0 4.8 19" 2.5 5.1 5.1 2.1 4.0 5.5 2.3 4.6 4,8 5.9' 2.5 4.1 2.7 3,7 7.4 8.9 26" 3.4 6.8 6.8 3,5 7.0 8,9 3,8 7.6 8,7 9,8 3.6 - 3,9 - - - LUMINAIRE SIZES 1 17" .7 22" 1.2 4 2.1 3.3 4 2.4 3.8 1 .8 1.3 Straight Square D Steel Poles Straight Square Steel Prime Painted Finish Ordering Information Straight Square Steel (GSP) Prefix Height (Feet) Options Finish GSP 10,15,20 Prime 25,30 Painted Example Pole Specifications GSP Series-Fabricated one-piece steel into a uniformly square cross section with flat sides and radiused corners. Height (Feet) 1 PrefiX IG~p 30 Options: 01 :::: Drilled One-Way 02 :::: Drilled Two-Way 04 :::: Drilled Four-Way T2 :::: 2~8" 0.0. Tenon T4 :::: 4" 0.0, Tenon FBC :::: Full Base Cover I OPtions Finish 02 ~pl Tapered Round 0 Steel Poles rapered Bound Steel Prime Painted Finish Ordering Information Tapered Round Steel (TRS) -";- Prefix Height (Feet) Options Finish TRS 20,25,30,35 Prime 39,45,50,60 Painted '~""""'-".' .. .-.... -.-. --.......-..._.._......~".. ...,. ," --...... Example Pole Specifications TRS Series-Fabricated from carbon steel with minimum yield strength of 48,000 PSI and longitudinally welded to form a uniform taper. Height (Feet) l PrefiX ITR~ 30 Options: 01 :::: Drilled One-Way 02 = Drilled Two-Way 04 = Drilled Four,Way T2 = 2%" 0.0. Tenon T4 = 4" 0.0. Tenon FBC = Full Base Cover I Options Finish 02 ~p I Consult factory for availability of other pole types, 3e 27