REVIEW COMMENTS / Currie Architects. Planners /' /' Schneider & Interior Designers - / -- / -' /' / Associates 25 Seabreeze - ' ,- /~ / - Delray Beach. Fl u___"/ __ AlA. PA 33483 October 25, 1988 305/276-4951 429-1566,737-2279 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY TEN~~ RESORT 88489 , -; Dear Sirs: As a result of changes associated our site plan and are requesting a have also itemized the changes comments from site plan approval in for platting in September. Also six (6) copies of the following: with parking, we have revised site plan modification. We on the site plan as per your July and from T.R.B. comments included with this package are ~. The Congress Lakes master plan sheet A1 - 2, Site Plan sheets A1 & A2 3. Lighting plans and details sheets Al.1 & A2.1 _4. Detail sheet A3 5. Clubhouse plan sheet A4 6, Cut sheets for lighting fixtures The site plan modification consists of substituting a ("B-I") two- bedroom unit building for an ("A") one-bedroom unit buiding, As a result of this substitution, the parking calculations have been revised. See comment #1 from Carmen Annunziato for these calculations. Please refer to the following list as an index for site plan comments. 13 \ I, II CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY TENNIS RESORT - 88489 October 25, 1988 Page 2 MEMORANDUM FROM CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, Planning Director July 6, 1988 Comment #1 r Parking Calculations have been revised: 144 one-bedroom units @ 1,5 322 two+ bedroom units @ 2.0 TOTAL = 246 = 644 = 890 Tennis Courts (100,800 SF - 1,500 = 67.2 x .25 = 17) Pool #1 (1,800 SF 30 = 64.6 x .25 = 15) Pool #2 (1,800 SF 30 = 64.6 x .25 = 15) ~Clubhouse (2,000 SF 100 = = 20) TOTAL = 67 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 957 957 = Comment #2 As shown on sheet Al, master site plan of Congress Lakes, the recreational amenities include 14 tennis courts, 2 swimming pools, 1 clubhouse with weightroom, 1 volleyball court, a lake viewing area and a 1/4 mile jogging path along the lake. Comment #6 Building "A" was moved back as per the 30' setback requirement, Comment #7 Finished floor elevation of the clubhouse is +14.5 ,msl (See note on sheet A2) Comment #8 Six foot high buffer wall has been incorporated area. An opening has been provided in the wall pedestrians between parcels. at the parking to allow for y/ (, "-: _/ - /- , ... ;~- -~. -- ---.,/ -_/ --- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY TENNIS RESORT - 88489 October 25, 1988 Page 3 Comment #9 As discussed with several T.R.B. members, the 8' wide bike path may best be solved by providing a 4' bike lane on both sides of Congress Lake Drive. Each roa1 lane width is 10' for a total of 28' paving with markings for the bike path, ----- Comment .#10 Traffic flow plan shown by the Civil Engineer. Comment #12 Right-of-way has been provided as shown by Civil Engineer. Comment #13 See Lighting plans sheets A1.1 and A2.1. .Comment #14 Instead of a central mail facility, we feel it would be more convenient for the residents to have mail delivered to a - centralized and accessible area in each building. MEMORANDUM FROM ROBERT EICHORST, Public Works Director July 6, 1988 Comment #l Upon meeting with Mr. Eichorst, we have eliminated the individual dumpsters and replaced them with one (1) 20-yard trash compactor near the NW 22nd Avenue entry to the site. MEMORANDUM FROM DON JAEGER, Building Department July 11, 1988 Comments #1 & 2 As noted on sheet A2, building construction type will be Type V, one-hour, unsprinklered, typical of all residential buildings. -- I:) . -,,-, I; / CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY TENNIS RESORT - 88489 October 25, 1988 Page 4 Comment #4 See detail sheet A3 of typical handicapped and standard parking stall. Comment #5 See detail sheet A2 for lighting pole design and cut sheets of pole fixtures. Comment in 2 Curbing is provided at all landscaped areas. Comment #14 Parking stalls have been eliminated on Congress Lake Drive. Comment #15 :See Civil Engineering drawings. MEMORANDUM FROM JOHN F. WILDNER, Parks Superintendent July 6, 1988 Comment #1 As shown on sheet A1, master site plan of Congress Lakes, the recreational amenities include 14 tennis courts, 2 swimming pools, 1 clubhouse with weightroom, 1 volleyball court, a lake viewing area and a 1/4 mile jogging path along the lake. Comment #2 As shown on sheet Al, we will provide a lake viewing area with commercial grade benches. MEMORANDUM FROM SGT. HENRY P. OSTASZEWSKI, Boynton Beach P.D. July 12, 1988 Comment #1 The twenty (20) parking spaces have been eliminated from this area, jt/? CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY TENNIS RESORT - 88489 October 25, 1988 Page 5 MEMORANDUM FROM DEBBY DAVIS, Fire Inspector July 7, 1988 Comment #1 As shown on the Civil Engineering drawings, the fire hydrants that were located behind parking spaces have been relocated to a more accessible area. MEMORANDUM FROM TOM CLARK, City Engineer September 7, 1988 Comment #4 street lighting plan as shown on sheet A1.1 and A2.1 cut sheets on lighting fixtures are also included. . - MEMORANDUM FROM JAMES J. GOLDEN, Senior City Planner September 12, 1988 Comment #1 To be included with letter are six (6) copies of the site plan, All changes to the site plan have been noted in this letter in reviewing the T.R,B. comments. Our intent is to satisfy all comments relating to the site plan approval in the near future. Comment #2 To be included with this letter are site plan of Congress Lakes recreational amenities, bike paths six (6) copies of the master showing buildings, sidewalks, and parking areas. All remaining comments are being addressed and are in the working process. If you have any further questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. PA JS/jp/comment2.489 cc: Tom McMurrain /1 . ~,' .::. .~..-...J..o"'t. ~",'J r # "i . ,- ;. ) -- . '.-' -_.,'":....;'--............:.....,~...._._- ';.:.."1)'~"",~""::.~j';7r--.----"'" .. . SPECIFICATIONS . , . HOUSING - Rugged, heavy-gauge, lightweight :<1:' aluminum housing in symmetric square shape:i;'_H:~ L '-';':~',;' ,i :'.:"".', :~': "-,;' 1.'1~ . 'Internally seam welded comers forweathertight")'< :L~ ~,'." ';, ;.:, " \i";';":"~~ ','~ '_-_ Integrity, Cast aluminum door frame with Impact-__ ______,_~.., . ,'.'_"_ ....,_____.'.. , resistant tempered glass lens, Slipfitter for 2%~.. _, ',:,' ,,, 4. .' , tenon mounting Is designed for ease of Installation, . . .,. " ','.: = I, ',<,' ... - Standard dark bronze finish with an optional choice':'~ .-:::,,_ __..__. ,_ ~ .~:..,: , of eleven architectural colors, " ' '_ '" or _ '" 1 . OPTICS-Unique mutti-faceted,"one-piece hydro-" ---.: ~ . -, formed,anodized, al~mlnum ,reflector, Hig~ly '::">::~':: , efficient reflector deSign prOVides precise light ' : control for a square Type V cut-off photometric ,_ _ '..... .t--.. 24- d' t 'b t' . , '24-/i-.. -60,9Gcm . IS n u lon, . '.' '. '60,9Gcm :::-l . BALLAST/ELECTRICAL SYSTEM-High power ,--',,:::~' ~ ' '1- factor ballasts, factory tested for reliable operation. ~ _.~ 'II" . .. av.'" . :~ Electrical disconnect de-energizes fixture when ......- r'U . ' ",-, 24'ijcm ;-- outer housing Is raised, Power module contains all ' ,- -. . '" ';: electrical components and removes quickly, for ease ," . 0 ,.,,,. 27V.: :. 'of Installation, inspection and replacement.' ___ 6~,.85fm . . LISTING - U,L listed suitable for wet locations:' ~ . .~; " .. ,. ""'.:: :~. - ..~-" .....-~!~:.. . ", Effective Projected Area: 2.2 sq, ft,/O,2 sq. met~rs ~!~,';. :'~/~~. 't'l':'~. , -:' .~~...~ ~ .I:.,~~..,.., ......~~t::. - < ;; :'i~, r.-., ,~l "'~'... . ," t1' ; ',; ~::. ~507400/100tJW --..-..,:.: - [8[(jlrPREssiJR~' .!,-~~~=--~:;~SOD-IU- M' ,.:"1'1'-. 1, ". 'I '\ I ; ~ i i' ......--- .....'... ~;:I '.', . ,~. ....., ""f ,a~...... \, , .\ .:-.~_..!.. ~.::~~~.:. ,/ " . 20 to 50 FL Mounting Initial Lumens 30,000-140,000 Lamp Ufe 24,000 Hrs. ORDERING INFORMATION- The luminaire catalog number guide below illustrates the varialions available and establishes the components to build a catalog number lor ordering purposes, To use, select the wallage, voltage and options lor your requirements, then transler the designations to the approprillte blocks, OPTIONS DESCRIPTION HOuse Side Shield Single Fuse (120, 277V) Double Fuse (208, 240,480) NEMA Twist-Lock PE (120, 208, 240V) + NEMA Twist.Lock PE (277V) + NEMA Twist-Lock PE (480V) + NEMA Twist-Lock PE (Receptacle Only) -DMB Architectural Color, Medium Bronze -DCS Architectural Color, Sand Stone -DCB Architectural Color, Black (Semi-Gloss) -DCC Architectural Color. Capri Blue -DCA Architectural Color. Aztec Tan -DCX Architectural Color, Garnet -DCZ Architecturlll Color, Citation Gold -DCW Architectural Color, White (Semi-Gloss) -DCG Architectural Color. GrllY -DCO Architectural Color. Ocher -DCN Architectural Color, Natural Aluminum + Includes Receptacle and Pholoconlrol. Pholocontrol shipped as separale item and must be field installed. NOTE: For more details. soe options and aa:ossories sheet C-O/A. For color reference, soo color guide sheot DC, SUFFIX -HS -SF -OF -PER/PE .....n~~... B~S~'~~~.....- _._~~~.~:-.:JJMIl'TM~~~~~l.tWoJ!."lII9glY~~~~~Atir~...nw'~ APPROVAL STAMP TYPE- TAV WATTAGE WATTS WEIGHT DESIGNATION v Ibs/kg 250 50 122.7 2505 0 - 400 60 127,3 400S 0 ~ . 1000 66.5130.2 1000S 0 -- -PERlPE7 -PERlPE4 -PER VOLTAGE DESIGNATION "" 120 0 208 0 240 0 277 0 480 0 ----- . ," }B,~~." 2/85 TAVS JOB NUMBER JOB NAME LOCATION -...-...-.... -_W___~If""~_ -- -- -- , A 'il1!jfJf~~. ' : - --.~.~:~ ,.,. . PHOTOMETRIC DATA (' l ...1 .1 The ch~r;s below provide the most useful data from photometric tests of specific lamp/luminairo combinations. For complete results of any, combination shown, or other requirements, contact your UTHONIA/HI.TEK representative. t'-F{~""'.';T"r,: '.i~!:~: ;?;""'--:-C-----:-:-~\",,! -r.'~'T--'--' '. TAV 2505 te.. ......' .... u.... LAMP; 230 wall High ',...ur. 3.dlum lamp ral.d '0,000 Lumen. '..'candl. .alu.. bal.d .n 20' m.unllng h.lghl . ..ITIAI. FOOTCANOl.ES ! i ~ g iI: i Ii 4 o \ :z 3 4 $ 6 tlISTAHCC" UNITS Ot' UOUHn<Q HVCKTS IlIOUJII'IWoIO MIlCH' COf'''IC1'tOfI MCTOIII ......, ...........,...~.... 16 It. . \.56 14 h~. .69 2' h.. ..SI TAV 10005 'nt ..,.., N.. 17611 PUIX lXSTlUoVTlOH DOWIIY<lMD - ..... TOT.... LUUENS ... OFLAMPS ' ,0,3JO :13.1 '0.710 :13,' 21.300 71.0 Cotl'F1ClEHTS Ot' l11'1UZATIOH ll.lI !u S 0.4 ~ I 0.\ 8 ..... o , Z , 4 5 11UNtItSI WIDTH.. UNIS 0. ~TINQ Htr.HTS LAMP: 1.000 wall High ',...ur. S.dlum Lamp .a,.d 140.000 Lum.n. Foolcandl. valu., bal.d on 40' mounting h.ight 3 !I! ! :!; i iI: li ~ 4 01 Z 3456 lXST-'NCE.. UNITS OF 1oIOUNT1NC HEICHTS ";;;;"TING ttllCHr COMlCT1OH 'ACTOf' 1~"IC""'''''''c...u-'''''1 3~ It. . 1.22 "4 h.. .13 .... fl.. .69 '. FLUXIllS'T1llllUTlOH OOWO-An ltJalf'NS -. OfIlAMP!I .).970 32 . '7,110 237 '2.'00 66,3 ,_r ...... TOT.... COEFFlClCHrs Ot' unuz"rlON z 0.6 ~ U g 0.4 .tON' & 0.3 0 ..... :! z 0.2 .. ;;; ~ 0.\ 0 ... o \ 2 3 4 5 TMVtASC WIDTH lit UNTS or UOt,WTlHGHlJCOHTS 'A'Rlf/f1'1A ........ INDUSTAIAL/OUTDOOR UGHTING P.o.DOX7Z' CRAWFOAOSV1LLE.INlllAKo\4N2:1 . USA' :I17t.lllZ.l827' TELEX=(HIoCRA\'I1 TAVS TAV 4005 t... ..,..t.... 17'" LAMP; 400 wall High 'r...ur. S.dlum lamp "".d 50,000 Lu....n. '..'cand/. _Iu.. ba..d ... '0' ....untlng helghl INITIAL FOOTCANOl.ES PUIX~ ,;. I ll.lI U 0.1 _r ~ ~ ~ .. 8 DOWNWIJlD LUMENS ...Of'UIIPS \7,3~ 23.. 17,'~ :13,' :u.~ 71.0 ~ I ~ i iI: g 8 4 0' Z 3456 CI$lAHCC" UNITS O~ MOUNT1NQ ICJQHTS 1ilOWf1..a. MlOfT COMlCTIOfI UoCTOfII I.....,........................... ..... 26 ". . 1.22 :I~ ft.. .7' ,. ",, .63 - ...... TOTAl. COUflCIUfTS Of' UTlUZATlOH o , 2 :I 4 5 tlWflRSl. want.. \Nfl CWIiO.>>fTlNQ HlIGHT'S I, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS UN. CUlIlHf NAMAIY '0.... "'IMAIl' ,..... , .."""'" ..PU' KfOO I.OUlATtOH WAt'AOI,a.w.AS' VOLfAGI sr""tOfU. YOlfAGI ....", .,., UN' V . lAM' 'UMlNI '20 1.10/2.73 90 201 1,00/1.40 136 230 Au,..I",ul.'" 240 ,90/1.31 110 :100 90+ : '0% . : 10% 277 .71/\,20 201 410 .:JI/ ,69 :160 120 2.12/4..20 90 20. 1..56/2.41 136 "00 AII'.........I.'., 240 1..26/2,13 110 463 to+ -: 10'%. : 10"" 277 \,11/1,16 2011 410 ,7311,07 360 120 1.00/9,20 90 201 4.6013..20 136 : 10% . : 10% '000 Au'.....ul.'.. 240 4.00/4,60 110 '090 90+ 277 :1.30/1.00 20. 410 2.00/2.30 :160 lut.d 10 curr.". fES and NEMA atand.rda undlt .{abUlUd f.bot.ICHy condJtIon.. V.rloue op.r.tlng factor. Clrt cau.. dill.,.nc.. b.tw.." IAborltoty data and actual n.ld ",...ur.....nl'. Dlm."aIon. and Ip.clllc.llonl In ,"11 CI'llog .r. b...d Oft ",. ""'.. cu".", IYIUable 41al. attcI .r. aublect 10 chang.. -~ f/ o LmtOHlA UQHT1NC1218S ---- 'I ~ -.' '. Environmental Tennis Lighting In today's environmentally conscious world, eLSCO'S EN VIR 0 LIGHT 1/ Tennis Lighting System has set the specification standards for quality, performance, effi- ciency and aesthetic design, As a result of orienting our thinking to the needs of the tennis player, success and acceptance of the ENVIRO LIGHT 1/ is evident world wide, The prime objective in considering proper tennis court illumination rests on the right choice of luminaire and its place- ment. For today's more knowledgeable player, a low mounted high performance fixture is considerably more desirable than the design of the sixties; a series of tail poles with extremely bright floodlights. At eLSCa, we employ rigid standards to our engineered optics to give optimum per- formance and uniformity on every part of the court. This results in an evenly dis- tributed light pattern that effectively elimi- nates multiple shadows, an inherent prob- lem with point source illumination. Stro- boscobic distortion, caused by the bail moving -from light to dark to light and appearing to change speed on poorly lit courts, is now non-existent with the ENVIRO L:/GHT /I, Maximu.m playability is further achieved by the advanced SCL (sharp cut-off lumi- naire) design which eliminates harsh glare and annoying light spillage through hidden and shielded lamp placement. The impor- tance of eliminated glare can best be real- ized by the player during serves and play- ing lob shots, where improper lighting and placement will create severe harshness in the line of sight. The same glare reduction allows spectators to more easily follow the game and appreciate it to the fullest. e Stricter enforcement of many city ordi- nances now makes the "SCL" the only proper choice for controlling light pollution and undesirable light spill onto adjacent properties. Lower mounting heights make light control more effective on the court surface and provide sharp cut-off behind the pole, allowing for much simpler compli- ance with these regulations. Pole and Fixture placement and its rela- tion to the court becomes vital for good play, By mounting fixtures along the sides of the court, an efficient non-glaring cross court illumination is created providing the player with the ability to follow the ball in every possible path while in play. Pole placement in fencelines offers added strength to sup- port windscreens and eliminates the need for aiming fixtures. Mounting height characteristics are essential to the total court environment. At a height of twenty feet, the light is utilized to its fullest while allowing for the field of vision to be unimpaired by glaring side light. During daylight hours, the fixture's appearance becomes a matter of harmoni- ous integration into the surroundings. while the lower mounting height virtually elimi- nates daytime shadows. eLSCa has also made a distinct point of addressing the players' need for proper color quality, With many different playing surfaces and a variety of ball colors avail- able, true color characteristics that closely simulate daylight become a requirement, Our choice of color temperature corrected and tested metallic additive lamps perform this function without compromise, maxi- mizing energy efficiency in the process. Skin tones and tennis fashions are free of color distortion as well, allowing the player the additional confidence of looking good. As tennis continues to grow in popularity throughout the world, eLSCa will remain at the forefront of innovation, providing the player with the lighting performance it takes to be a winner, - !.~'7.;_"'; :J.,t-> ('~':~;:?''''~:\';~;t~~:~i1z.~2-~~~]~t;~!f.~ - ~D . " ;, . '" ,., ."... "'. e eLSCO -. . ": . " :~... ;:t' ~: / \ , . 41" ".a,..... ;;;~"' " ;~f.r ":;!:',- I...L)~. ~ ~:; ~#: "(,/-' '~if. )(;~..::... . .'~4.~ ~ ~.. .. ~~?~t ''''.. ..~.. :'!:~'''.: :.~.. Mounting Height 20' ....-.... .. Pole~:; , Height ,:: ., 18' ':~" .... .'\' . .... .'. ...... ., . ........ '... : ;. ~~'. . .. .....,. ......, .' . " .~:" ", ::::-~t~~fa,};;;3.;:fL;;:::~:'~;f.~;;ittj "- ~~~~~{1i~~~~1f~;t~ ~ ~ Base Plate, ", ',"'" '.'..,_,. ~.........-.: ..,~...... .~'''''...."" .a........'...... .;.. .. '.. ; ,r' '."~n~~o.r,B,o~l;' ::s:: ~';.<.)<,;:::. :,.." :conc~e.te F~undall~n.:7::": >, ' Enviro Light II f.~):;.;~i~:~~t.l ;":.,:,:;',~' Product Data Sheet~ _ ',;'," .t'" .:.:~. ") ,. ;'. ~":: ..... '.. ." ..' .' 1 Features/Specifications ;.,... . _.. _-'I.. "'\" ~_.I....t.... ..... . ". to .' Luminaires: Shall be all aluminum die formed uni-body construction, with a sharp cutoff thr~ugh p~ojected optical system, , . .. . . \ finish: Tennis G'reen (Black or bronze'~ available upon request.) . ", . .' '.'- - ,. r'" . 1. Housing: Shall be die-formed ,063 aluminum is Ridolineā‚¬l cleaned. Alodine@ protected, prior to standard paint finish warrantied for five years, Precision dies maintain a consistency of finished housing, Seamless welding gives the fixture uninter- rupted lines, 2. Ballast Housing: Shall be a separate. but integral part of the main housing, Accom- modates Power Deck which contains ballast with capacitor, Instant access to ballast compartment without tools. 3, Reflector: Shall be Anofol@ 36-B Reflector Sheet Super High-Purity Alumi- num (A1 99,85) Specular. Type 1, Non Clad Anodic Oxyd: 2 Micron H.K. Standard, Reflectivity: T.R.F. 87.4%. Forward Direc- tional Light Cut-Off. 4, Ballast: Shall be high power factor. Constant wattage autotransformer metal halide ballast rated 400 or 1000 watts with an input rating of 120.208,240,277.480 volts, 5, Brackets: Shall be 4" high-strength mechanical tubing with integral tenon to match 4" O,D, tennis pole, Available in Single-Double (70 degree and 180 degree)- Quad, Red prime coating, 6, Lens Assembly: Lenses shall be fully framed in anodized aluminum extrusion, piano hinged and secured with eLSCO '5 exclusive "Hidden Latch" which opens easily with a screwdriver, There are no screws to unfasten or to mar the clean lines of the assembly, 7. Lens: Shall be 3/16" heat tempered clear glass lens, fully framed in extruded aluminum frame silicone sealed and gas- keted, Poles: Shall be round 4" mechanical tubing to accept 3W' mounting bracket tenon for smooth transition. Red prime coated with 1" threaded nipple. 12" above grade (Direct Burial), A 2"x4" reinforced handhole 18" above grade provided on base plate poles, Base plate mounted model comes complete with base plate and anchor bolts, Base plate cover is optional. Labels: All fixtures are UL listed and shall bear UL wet location and I,B.E,W, labels, e ~!&<2.Qu~~c, . ~r : . Ordering Information For ordering complete unit. select appropriate fixture, bracket and pole, Select accessories as needed, . Lighting Unit with Appropriate Lamp and 8allast -----.-----.--- ---.----------..-.-- Shi~irig-- EPA--'--i We!ght ,:'J i . , : 81 . , i 3,0. ...i I r "70' ...'. ,-". ...... 3.0 ---I ! Product Number Description ,--.- I EVR-II-1000-MH-L , .r>;. ......, _._.!~OO..~~~:,~~!~!..t:l,a.~idE! . EVR-II-400-MH-L' : 400 Watt Metal Halide -----.--- --- ------ Ballast voltage: 120, 208, 240. 277, 480 Color: Tennis Green, Black or Bronze ! Brackets-4"O,O, with 3 '12"0,0. X 5" Tenon Color: Red Prime r------.---.---:-.- Product Number : i -EVR:A --'--'. EVR-B EVR-C ' EVR-G . --.-. ---.- ..----....--- .----- J Shipping Weight , 31 i 50 .j 50 : . 90 ' ______,_____________,_..1 Description Single Twin 1800 Twin 700 Quad Poles-Round TUbing-4"O,O,. 10 Ga, Color: Red Prime Product Number EVR-18-B EVR-20-B EVR-18-D EVR-20-D Description Shipping Weight I _ ...._... .__ ___...__....__.__.._._.._ _.___'_ .---.,.- - --- .--.-.... .-- -.--.. --i 18'0" Base Mount 132: ""'20'0' Base Mount '0:.,:':: ,;,.."'-' 143:' i I 18'0" Direct Burial 116 20'0" Direct Burial 127 E\lR-:!O-BX . 20'0' Basemount 162 'Heavy Wall Pole-Use with C and G brackets Accessories Product Number Description Shipping Weight - -----.. . .-.--- ---......-..-...- .---- ------.----.-----.--- , EVR-CR Control Reflector 1 ,_. ~~~~ ~I,a.~.e_~~_~~_ .. ..'. . ___... _"00__ Red..1:~!!!'_~_.__ _00'__ .... ______.._______.2__00_.__'_ EVR II Fixture Select/on Guide DESCRIPTION 'ORDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION ". ~I. ,,- -.. 1 ' If ;0\ I I , 8" 1 10" sq. \, / I , I 1 0, ~d .....---," Anchor Bolt Pattern -.. J ~.~ ...... '" .~--_.__._...~, ,--"'~--~':, ;,Dir~c,~~~,r!al ~:' -'~,.'" '::"'; f"" ~)'::.~~' i-~.:..~~~l .,." . KyiAi '; a~,"'~ .\ ~~~::.~,;;~.,...~;,::;~::;:.::l ORDER NUMBER FIXTURE !i:J~ .!'"~~~~ Halidel , EVRlll000 MH,L FIXTURE '000 _It Metal H-'ode 2 EVRII,I000 MH,L ..' -- BRACKET Single 1 EVR,A --- BRACXET Twin 180" t EVR,B POLE 18" ~M Moun' or , EVR,18 B POLE 18"'~. M~;nt 01 ; EVR,I8.B la"Dlrect Bur..1 EVR,180 .. 18" Owect Bur_l EVR-'8,O FIXTURE 1000 witt Metal Hal" 2 EVRII, 1000 MH L FIXTURE 1000 .-u Metal H.bd. . EVRII.,ooo.MH,L V BRACKET TWIn 70. 1 EVRC . . .,,- X BRACKET Ou.s -1 EVR,G POLE 20"' ~H Mount 1 EVR 20 BX POLE 20' Bow Moun. 1 EVR,20 BX (Av....b.. only en he,lvy (Avad__ only in ....vy will bale moun.. ..n baN mount) Note: It is suggested that you consult your local civil engineer about foundation details and local ordinances. ecopyrlght, 1982, eLSCO Ughting EVL TL 8'82 2M ManulaC1uring Plants in Stockton. CaUlomia, TOtonto. Ontario. Canada. Ollices In an pril1Clpal dties. Printed In U.S.A. r '- o ~k~aSQuCT8IN~ P.O. Box 8946, Stockton, CA 95208 1209) 466-0511 1)-.9 ~ . . ..".. , , e . . " "..- .. :. ;. ~ . Quallly of Ught: The overall value and function of illumination which considers light distribution, uniformity, glare factors and player comfort. Footcandle levels (LUX) have long been used to establish general levels of play, but the tennis player will always insist that the quality of light be given the highest consideration. This will insure proper illumination between playing lines. 10 feet behind base lines and 6 feet beyond sidelines. Fixture Location: The most appropriate placement for effective lighting while considering all aspects of the task and the needs of those Involved, The most -desirable mounting of luminaires for tennis court lighting is outside the alley lines. giving highly efficient cross-court m",mination, Luminaire mounting direct- ly behind base lines or at court corners is not recommended, The extreme glare during serves and normal play, when players must look toward these fixtures, is highly offensive. Ught Measurements: Pertains to the point at which the light Is measured and the scale used to determine Its level, Domestic scales are In Footcandles, International scales In LUX. The inter- national sport of tennis has established a standard point for light measurement at 40 inches or 1 meter above the play- ing surface, At this point, light can be more precisely measured as it relates directly to playing requirements, Foot- candles or LUX readings are classified as initial since most testing is done immediately after installation, In order to calculate maintained footcandle read- ings, consideration must be made for lamp aging and dirt accumulation on the luminaire, Maintained footcandJe readings can be approximated by using a 20% deduction from initial. Lamp Ufe: This Is an approximation of the rated life of the lamp for specified conditions, Variance of conditions will vary the lamp life, Lamp life for tennis usage generally translates into 5 years of play. HID lamp sources (metallic additive lamps) have a very long life expectancy with ordinary increments of use varying between 4-6 hours per night. Frequency of use determines the condi- tions that make longer lamp life possible, Energy Efficiency: The comparison of wattage consumed to light levels pro- duced. The most efficient tennis systems use fixtures with 1000 watt HID Lamps that will generally exceed fluorescent systems by substantial margins in effi- ciency, HID lamp performance charac- teristics are not adversely affected by weather changes and temperature fluc- tuation, making their efficient operation outdoors consistently more reliable than fluorescent. eLSCO sports lighting engineers have designed a center court system which integrates effectively into the architec- tural requirements of any club. It offers the ultimate in playability for champion- ship play by providing superior light distribution and uniformity on the court, Special considerations for this level of play have dictated pole placement which delivers optimum uniformity with a mini- mum of spectator interference, Call on eLSCO for special court lighting re- quirements. I " ,- , ~~ .. , .. . ~.' .. '..i " Features/Specifications lob Shots are illuminated by light re- flected from the playing surface, making . the ball visible in three dimensions, The optical system is the nucleus .of the Enviro-Ught /I, It is engineered within - the theoretical limits of controlled light distribution. Visual pollution has been eliminated. Uniformity. or..the quality of the lighting, is at least as important as the quantity of light. Photometries: Certified reports "... from Independent Test Labora- tories (ITL) available upon request. ,-- ,.1) The Env/ro-Llght /I system has created a new specification standard In outdoor tennis lighting, Luminaires: All aluminum die formed un i-body construction, with a sharp cut- off through projected optical system. Finish: Tennis Green (Black or bronze available upon request.) 1, Housing: Die-formed ,063 aluminum is Ridoline'!!' cleaned. Alodine~ protected, prior to standard paint finish warrantied for five years. Precision dies maintain a consistency of finished housing. Seam- less welding gives the fixture uninter- rupted lines. 2, Ballast Housing: A separate, but inte- gral part of the main housing. Accom- modates Power Deck which contains ballast with capacitor, Instant access to ballast compartment without tools, 3, Reflector: Anofol~ 36-B Reflector Sheet Super High-Purity Aluminum (A 1 99.85) Specular, Type 1, Non Clad Anodic Oxyd: 2 Micron H.K. Standard. Reflec- tivity: T.R.F, 87.4%. Forward Directional Light Cut-Off. 4, Ballast: High power factor. Constant wallage autotransformer metal halide ballast rated 400 or 1000 walls with an input rating of 120,208,240,277,480 volts. 0,5 v ~ ....... V / ) II I ) V I l IF ~ 0,4 :: ~ 0.3 '0 . ] 0.2 u :: 3 u 0.1 ,0 1 2 3 4 5 Street wldth/Mounllng height Coenlclentl 01 utlllzaUon and Ilux dlltrlbuUon 5, Brackets: 4" high-strength mechani- cal tubing with integral tenon to match 4" 0.0, tennis pole, Available in Single- Double (70degreeand 180degree)-Quad. Red prime coating. 6, Lens Assembly: Lenses are fully framed in anodized aluminum extrusion, piano hinged and secured withelSCO'S exclusive "Hidden Latch" which opens easily with a screwdriver. There are no screws to unfasten or to mar the clean lines of the assembly, 7. Lens: 3/16" heat tempered clear glass lens. fully framed in extruded aluminum frame silicone sealed and gasketed. e Poles: Round 4" mechanical tubing to accept 3 'h" mounting bracket tenon for smooth transition. Red prime coated with 1" threaded nipple, 12" above grade (Direct Burial). A 2"x4" rein- forced handhole 18" above grade pro- vided on base plate poles. Base plate mounted model comes complete with base plate and anchor bolts. Base plate cover is optional. labels: All fixtures are Ul listed and bear Ul wet location and I.B.E,W, labels. . .~. . ~,,,..~.., ".....- .-. r> Values based on 20 ;001 mounling heighl.>,;;:,,: f.~: .~.~~..~'....... ....... .:;....~..~.....l..(., '. '~\3 Oownwe~'~" 1,5 :r: " llreel IIde . i 1 t ., Oownwlrd ~ ~ HOUle Ilde &. !!. o 0 ~ c ~ .' ~ :: V' 5 ~~. l' E Co1 " ::'0 · ";,', " ~ . .~. ~ 2 ~,' :',,5 '::f ,~.~.e 3 '~.~.~ :: ~ .02 ,01 ,': . !l\' 4 ~ ~l'~" 1 2 3 4 ; ~ 'i:~, Olllance In unlll 0' mounUng helghll f~ f ' lio'ootcanclle U.....Hort.uln1al Wumlnallon,. '!{,":J ' ..... ....-r....,f.z;.:\...,.... ~.,.k..~\ri.. tJl'\' ., ..~., ~'J~#':f :l"t.."...l '.'"<~~~-U....uJ:~~ , ;~; (j) epc:rT;:X:::~~:'~?->,:;:;;', ~7:, '. _~::r. ,v~'5: r- -- ~ -- .. - .-- --l_ .::~, 35' I I 35' L '\ \, ......-.: ..:;.~, ,"~f . ~ '. ~.~+ . ~~, \~ I .~, r,:, '~~f " 8 24' t- 24' 130' 24' 1- 120' 24' L 120' ~':;. >I. >, , '. " ,- I,'" p". "I '. ~ . Residential Court Initial Footcandle Level = 40" above court surface, Maximum/Minimum Ratio = 1,73:1, Center Court Initial Footcandle Level = 40" above court surface. Maximum/ Minimum Ratio = 1.72:1, Standard Court Initial Footcandle Level = 40" above court surface. Maximum/Minimum Ratio = 1.48:1. 120' To Calculate Lux: Multiply Footcandle Reading By 10.76 Standard Double Court Initial Footcandle Level = 40" above court surface, Lumlnaires-(4) Twin 1800 at 20'0" Mtg, Ht. Maximum/Minimum Ratio = 1,54:1, Televised Court Maintained footcandle level requirements for live-remote color pick up vary with the television camera equipment used, As in the case of Center Court. Televised Courts require special consideration. Consult eLSCO'S engineering department for free layouts and recommendations, EVR " Fixture Selection Guide DESCRIPTION 120' 120' Narrow Twin Court Initial Footcandle Level = 40" above court surface, Maximum/Minimum Ratio = 2,5:1. DESCRIPTION ORDER NUMBER ORDER NUMBER FIXTURE ..1000 _It M_I Helide' 1f.1-EVAII.1000-MH.L'" FIXTURE '000 wall Motal Halido 2- EVRII.1000,MH-L BRACKET 51""0 : 1- EVR.A BRACKET Twin 180" 1-EVR.B -- --- POLE 18' ea.. Mount Of 1- EVR.18,B POLE , 8' Bue Mc>unt Cf 1-EVR,18oB 1S' DlrKt Bur..' EVR,18.0 18' O,,1IC1 Bur..1 EVR,18.0 FIXTURE I 1000 wan Motal Halide 2-EVRII.1000.MH,L FIXTURE 1000 wall Matal Halide C-EVRII"ooo-MH,L X I V BRACKET Twon 70. 1-EVR.c BRACKET Ouad 1-EVR,G POLE 20' Bate Mount 1- EVR,20,BX POLE 20' Base Mount 1- EVR,20-BX IA...labl. only In .....,. tAw. liable onlv in heavy wall_ mount) wall bale mount) - I ~,-- . , ~ ~.,", ~~. t