LEGAL APPROVAL (EASEMENTS & DEEDS) 89/14/95 12:25:23 487-649-3788-> 487 624 3533 487-648-9397 Page 7 ~ ". . ' - ,: ~ . ' > 1 . .., I ~ ... " , . ~ "J . 01\5 :J.f 36 I'. 1 6'5"i IN(;RES5 - EGRt::S:' ~~t:Mt:." 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION J. PAPCer. ()I'" 1 ,\"r'l I YJN:: 11\ T~~, NORTH\I':~ST QLi:"RT.:R (!':Il'lM ~)F THS ~ORTH. .vEST QUAD-TEll. (NII'llo) clf !-E("11t"lo,; 1~. TOIl'N,HJP ~~ <'Ol:TI~, RANG!'. uj E,l,sT. CITY or !lOvr:TO'" eSACJ..I. P.U,V. IlE.ACI1 <':.:IU~:"", FLOP.lOA. MOP.I: PAI'.Tlf;I.'!..:.ll'," DI:. SCRIElI:D .'.5 ,01.1.('111.'$; CI:lMMEi'lCII\:C 6.1 T~F "'0RTHII'!"<,'j rc)R"'E':~ OF S,'\IO s~:n::~ 16. RL'!" S(Jl:TH S7' "0' oS"~ EMT, ...~: ASSUMGO ~~,"P.I~!': F':lP. 'rH:. ,,:.'t:.1t-: li'l:~ :'I~ ~f\rn <.;:t"I~" I:;, ,\ OI5TN.,:::. 01" 135:.17 FEET TO 'l'l-lF. ~:ORnIE".ST CORNE.R ~F $.:<10 :-:::)P,Ti~\!'E5T QL',At11fR INV,'I/.) 0;- Till: NOIl1'IIW:;$T Ql;..r,:Ttn INIl',,") Of SECTI~S 1<-, Ti-lt'JCt ~UUItI u:r \lb' "0" \l'E~T, I\l.:lNG TH: :'^~T ~IN::' Of 5."10 r~ORTl1""::'ST Ql;,"IlT:~ IN\I'I/~} 01' THi.:. N('\Il'lHII'::lJ i.,llJ./lI\Jet.: IlX.li.' ~.lF 5:;CTK'~ I':, ^ D15T...:~<:;t OF ('2~.i I l"EET TO Tt'i:: POiNT OF BEGINNING Oi: 7Hf: Il~\{E.O!\: "::'~<':i<It:\~LJ l-'....."L::L OF !.ANt). THENCE CONTINUE ....l.ONG THE E;51 UN~ OF S..\JD NORTHII'EST ,:...IAtI TEll (Nil! I/~) OF THF lI,1~RTH\\'!'$" OI1"RTER (1'111'1 {~l OF SECTIOJ\ 16. A DIS- TANCE cr- 30.C1 F'EH TO THE NOI'Tf'lEAS1 CO"'I\l~" ()F I ;'\T ;' ()F THF <'111\. OIVISIOr., BOVNTO~; BE.ACH DISTRIBUTI"", f:=~:'rEI!., ^~ P.ECOP.DE:D 11\' Pt" 1 l'\;Y'li( .7, 1'1'1(;:::; roo M,O 101 or Tile: rum.re R<.C;JflD$ OF PALM eEA~H COl:,.:TY, 1"..01'.10"'. TM~i~C~ R.UN I~ORTH a7' -Z' 3'" \l'~:j'. ^1..0~~G TJI::' NOnTlI LINt .:'IF ~I'IILJ 1.0T IL, A DISTANCE Of 1)0.1) r=::T TO A rOlr..;ror.. THE E....5Ti:RLY RIGIIT ~J;r 11' A Y liNE OF rNl'U~'1I" AI. ~'^ Y, VI' ~I"U ~~:!)~II \'I;)IUN, t>-:' l'l,TOI\ n=I'\CM iNDL'STRIAl CeNTER; THENCE l\'lTH A CUF:VE TO THE l.F.f"T, H.'\VINlo ^ KflUll:;) CF SO.OO fEET. A C/'lORD BEARINC OF NORTH IE.' Og' JE." 1I'!:5T, A CE/l:TRAl ANCl.t n.. l~' ~" n,", A.N!) Ai': ARr. LENGTH OF ,:2.17 n::T AL.ONG SAID EAS-~Rl \" RIGHT ~F II'^" Ll"'E OF lNDI.I$TP.Ilo,l Il'''v; TH~'-1('F' '~I :T~ U. 0" H" !',A"T. ^ D1STANCf '7 13e.99 FEi::T MORE OR I.ES~ ,.0 THE PC,'''IT 01' IlI!CTNJIIlNr.:. R~c.;OI>!>!;;~~'::l tf,I~l>':o. t."s>biOity or Vt'r!\inll. T'I';UK ..r P,inL;U/I lIDBlltilfllC:l1llY in 'hlas dOCllDl8n' whtl:ll ~"cd. 11-I"llli~'I' CERTIFY TWAT tw; $1(1lTC:~1 $14OWN HIQliON!$ II. TIlUi ."""'0 COAAECT REl>RESEPoJT4 TION flF A !:IJRVFY MA.?i UNDEl'l hA'I' DIRECTlON. NlO Tl-MT SAID SURvEv IS ^CCUQ^~ ^,~p C~IlGC' TO n-IE BEST OF LI'I'I(N(lW\ FM;: ANI) BELIEF, on l1;nll AnE NO APPAlllNT CI'lOUNO EHCl10ACHt.olENTC, UNUee: ()THb~ 1-10- O"~ ...., .~. S-, " ~~ "J\QfIU\TY $l'COWlII '1t"1:0hl ~ f'iiOT GI!~ "6S~1'UJ "OR f=-.(i~''''I\.f'.Ni.,>r;;t'I :.-.s:...4HT" ~ MCCAD. 3&J1'1"='" e,Oo\I'1'I)€nEQf.t hCtTOT1 n: IlIfNI'tUrllTEOI~ 3T""fOa.ROa r,~ 3VA'I'E"'~..c tlU.....Ctf ~t:lC..,.:rQtC g IOW'N r ,=",,0... N"IE """;.0 0tJ H,O.C. D4~ """"58S OTN&JN,qi kJO'J'SrhALL JlAQIilIIirnvCOIWIAI' ^"'i UlC*lIIQO-..mofC.fr.IlIS, Uf.U~Si O!)4ll~':E ~;"OI JNn.a't."'wrtr- F:11S7~ "I '1l.:"nIftt:.l'YBII) 1Mt.".., 4:t.fD~a('$. '"' 1.tw:'...~O. ,t.~1tN) ."1)4'\R .~..:, 1aWl"'W.... ..~~nN ...e: lU...t;,in nN AFOOftO I'LAT OR. Q;ED C..u.s IN!SS~ NOTED, '!l'IIS5(fTCH NOT YACOliN\.E1S SE.ol.1DwnllM IMIlOSSED SEAl. OF l10lli e~lNGSUll"liYOll ~. r4HTS IWlE .. ACt:OFllWCI Wl!H Ul<<TEO STATU STMIOANl, AoDeIl &.mile Joe T ucM' SU:'~V,EY OF PROPERTY _ DESCRJBEDi.HER~ON;.:; By flUUf. Fll C'---V N>. ~ M-81-11-61 ~H~ET z OF 2 B9/14/95 12:24:36 4B7-6.u1-37BB-> 4B7 624 3533 4B7-64B-9397 Page 6 ',: ' '. . - I' I ,- , ~ ,- , " . " ~ . I \ j ... S - ,. . "'( . . "',.~.... ,h."" "...'.....,.'.:__,._. ... .. · ~N>~'O MEMO:.~~OOi!)' ,': . lit 1fj'l1Itar, ')'YPIIII or PiBitlnS . ~. . . in. dlI.a doealll8ll. t nal!lCl!i~ .,_;"',....: ORB :5436 p~ 1658 t':F.R'T!FlED TO: lLORENn~E l"oAHit.t CO~.PilN\', INC. /I~~:- ';;.ji:' :J. ~ 1-1:;-;:' /./J<Io /1UAl~;..f' li:1..?tJ".;v.Jf: //4 .:,.- .HU/4-- . 4S-4. ""-A~..wT,q L.W"~ ..rJ".r,T/.tW //1.. '?'~ -4~' - - .\ -'~,-"""'-'- ,-_......... ./............ '..... .... ..;:,:-;.--......."......-;;--, . ""J'~'" Ell ,.;~.'-::':;'1... /5,;..(~/7;"':.~'7:O:f'~) __.:'.:,~" ..u..";.....".. t.- ~ ..; .- .'i;J.r( #.~Ii/ -1;.......... f ~. " ~ \ !~ ~ \. ~ ~ I ~ i~ '" \ ,+' k" ~:;; ~ ~ ~ t\;- ~ :"'-I 'r, 'iSi ..... ~ ~ I:') it --- ."" ~ ~ ''{"~ ~:r.= ~ ff:H1~~. L B _/~ /0# 'N:::~~qm~~b ~ i ZJ ... ( CH.BR(;~NI6008'36HW HIJ / ft') ~ 1 fE-wDt/STRiALK5~;;N8r4z ,:~I' 1:50.1:5 :~N! :"AZ;6f.~~' ...~~ Hrw">/ ---------u-:'..-'7~~! '~I: i:l,HE~l/JTq ,'" I ~ ~IS! "'t: ,....." ./' I ~ I I~I: ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ I~'~ !!.~~Q T : : .., 7" I ,.) L.. I~ I f:i d ~ ';: InV I I~. ~ I ~\I ~ .>,,50 I "-i 1 RlYH7'itJAI /VA'#.' I~ 7"IfIIM7IIAI 1"J:f'1 ~ \ I~; ~ \ ~ ~ i ~ I~ I FIlIITIJtJH~dk)~-/tJ// " ~ ~~l ~ ~s-a l~: ~'" 75' ~ I !~J r. ,t'y, .'0:;';7" :e: /.t .-rs "'~. /.: R. .:.PI/J'E' I' Ptf,( I .., ~... NOT P L .~:i :r.l~"F:L: ~r 111 'I - BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER .. -* ""I ~l .... Cl :: :t: 12 ~\ I 'I .. ~I ; - ~i .. .... - .. I: s V CITY JAMJARY Q , Q ~ , ii, II ~ -I'" :\~ ...1... OF BOYNTON 1984 BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF 2 II~. 'J') ~oo . . ~ ., ~ ~ '- lo-. ~ ~ .... Cl ~ NOT .PLATTED ...", I." Qc-re ~..{'ce \ e Q ~ e~ e'^ taD I 1 ~ <<-l' ' 4 i::-\.t To I. h cr C'r 4! ~.;c e I . , . t 16' L.te~ CtJlOWIj.(~ aaessTo r~du!>t'f',oc.l wa.'j e:> Clt I~ Iv.. ~.........o'" of rlo-teV\~'v\~ #ct('p/e t"olU.t',no\\} 11::"1-<<" Joy IW.,jlftl"M~,^'T -recDC"dec\ Dr.-\- o~~ 5~3') PCt.f:::Je. 1'='5'- OCT-~7-1993 3:~1iI 93-346864 I ~'\,~..".1whi~ COil 10.00 Dac .70 ~~ S;~ OF $,I.sI~ THIS PERMANENT GRANT OF BASEMENT is made this Z S- day of October, 1993 (the' "I!tasemetlt-), by and cel:ween JAMES ROLLYSON and CltNf;:VUVB tlOt.l:.YSON, his wife, whose aQdre~ul ill 12671 lIead1w-ah..-tlay, well~n9ton, Florida 33414 (horclAaftor, c~llcctiv~ly, refer~ed to as wRollY$ol'l"); and WASTE MANAGEMENT n:C" OF FLORIDA, 8. Florid~ corporation, with.its principal place c,f businWa8 c/o Mr. Floyd Cherry, as Preaident of WASTB MANAGBHE'NT OF PALM BBACH, 651 Indust.riAl Way, Boynton Beach, Plorida 3:1426 (WWaste Management.) , it succeasors and 38819n9. K 1 I H,~ ~ I I . n ~ WHEREAS, Rollyson is the owner of f~e slmpl& title to certain real proporty located in Palm Be~lch County, Florida, lo1hich property is more particularly described on Bxhibit A attllched horeto and made a part hereof (the -Rollyaon Property"); and WHBREAS, Waste Managemsnt ia tne owner of fee simple titl\) to certain real property located in Palm Beach County, FloridG, which property is mQre particularly described on Bxhibit B attt.lch~ hereto and made a part hereelf (the MWaste Manaqement property" ) ; NOW, THBREFORE, i-n consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,. atld the $UllI of 't!~ DOt.1.I\~$ AND WO!CISN'l.'S ($10.00 I , the receipt and sUffioiency of which is herE~by ac~nowledqed, the parties neretQ agree ss follOW$t 1. The above recitationa are true and correct, and are incorporated herein as if fully set fortll l;Ielow. ; !ThiS instrument was prepared by '''' and ahould lle ret\'\rned to I Larry 3. Glickman, Esquire 5ACaS 5 SAX. P.A. Po~t Office Box 1810037 Boem Raton, Florida 33481-0037 '.,,,~, ,~, ~ ".,l,.. .' ~;:;:;. ;'. r,,'.:'.' ....... ... . ','~:"''':',''':'';'.'".......,' ...:......~:,... ............ :.' .,' : .:.',. . '...\.,.,. ol"H~ :\\'h., "....1\.,., 'H.'''':'' , ,. .... ~\."" nil....' .t . ~':.. .".. ~'" " 1.....\. ...t. . , . '\ , I .In\, '" II.,.. 1oI..,1lI ,llIh"Jo . "I . ,~',.).lf,.."C t"U"i U,,~ ...,)", ORB 7951 P91925 2. Waste Management dQe~ her.~by e$t~blieht glve, g~~nt and ~onvey a Non-Exclusive Access Eas~ent Qver, upon and on that portion of t.he Walt.o Management proplu:'ty described on Exhibit C attached hereto a.nd made a part hereo'f (the " Eas.ement" I. 3. The term of the easElJll'~llt herein 9rant~d shall bD~ pe:cpetual, subject to the following! In the event that. Minor Road shal'l be extended to the Rollyson Pro(lerty BO that the Rollyson Property shall enjoy acceeB thereto, then and in such event the easement herein granted shall be terminated, and all,r-ightl;l. glOant<l':d hereundQr shall revert to Wasle Mana9~ment. 4. The cost and expense c,f all normal maintenance of the !aselllent shall be borne equdly try. tile parties hereto. In the event thlilt eithor party hereto fAill! to meet its burden at maintenance of the Easement, t.he ot.hel' party shall, at its option, have the right to perform such ma.int~lnance, including IIIIlkinq all necessary repairs and replacements, and shall charge the non- pe:cforming party the cost of same, which the non~performing puty agrees to pay the performing party wi'~hin thirty (30) days of it$ receipt of the demand for payment. 5. In the event that any damage is ca.used to the EilUEmlent as a result of its use by :Rollyson, Rollyson Iihall be r$3pofisible for the entire cost of repair of same. In the ovcnt Rollyson does not initiate such repairs within thirty (30) days of ,notice thereof, WaGte Management ehall. have the right, but not the obligation, to effect s~ch repairs "me!. to charge Rollyson for roimbursement of the entire amount thereof, which reimbursement. shall be made within thirty (30) da~{B of receipt of demand for payment therefor. 6. In connection with an)' litiqation arJ.sJ.ng out of this Easement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its atto~eye' fees, costs and exp~n8~s, ineludio1 appellate fees, costs and expenses. 2 ..;.^:.,...... 3 ~,,\'(. ,'^ ". .,',.... ;~~~~~;:::..:: ;:.: ,,:,:,:,:::.:. :,::..:,,.::::.:',:, :, .,:..;..: ..... :'.. . ,....,..( "'-;'U. ..t\.". .,......~,. "fl.#'l~ . v \1 .,:,,, ft"....,...... .,:.,."" IM'~,'.1 ,'\ .~).'.. ;.:,..,. I '1'1 ',I, ~'II"''''," ~"'" ,~...v""' ~ 'l.I.L';",'""'i'.I~ '.~"l v.~"""l....g." ORB 795" 1 Ps 19:26 7. Thia Bdsemcllnt cannot be alt.ered, amended, modified, 8upplemented or terminated, except blr an instrument in writin9 signed by all of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p,arti.es hereto hdve ii0t their hands and seals as ot the day and year 1:irst above written. Witn sees ~~ ~ both; "_', "."., '\ ~ "" (':,"1),. '5- ..--+~L.;,.~i...:,* 1 I.ill/" -.,'o.l..,.___, ~ :~~~.t ,,' ;,~..fA"*' .~(~,. \N .tJ ~~1aS 'ROili.YSON,~7 / ... .( {- fi .......-=J ;.c...... (" ' ,_...///.6~,...,,~~~~,t~.~~ n.nt Name: 'f..._~ i'.H,,:t( ,>"'1,1' ~VB ROLLYSO~ ~# ;",/ ,> l"'~ . WAST! MAY.hGEMHNT INC. OF PLORIDA By: WASrl!: MANAGEMENT OF PALM BBACH -fII ~ / Sy...:::.., 'F-' Fl erry, P i:ient ." '", "'"\ E;t..n . ..,~ ~ e a ~ . ,/. . ' . .~ 6-'1" L /' lA..C" ...~""., ~~ PrJ.nt 'Name: EfI""'r!Qi./ ({'1Rt.r r'\o-....-'l.-r'f. S'I'ATg OF Ft.ORID~ ' . COUNTY Of FALM BEACH} 8$. ; .' .' The foregoing in8trument was lllcknowledgcd befo!;'/;!: Ille this ,,~:.'>. dey of October, 1993, by JAMES ROLI,YSON and GBNEVIBV'IS ~OUl(SON wno are pereonally known t.\LM. or h~v~ ~Irodu(!ed as ident1fIcat1on and'iITd/dld not take an .)~th. C-:~'J' Jii r: ~_. .....-~.lt "(",, "'I..~-~"~h N ARY lllolC '.... PIUm' / S'1'Al<<' /TV"B IlllMR: COMMISSI08 8l<PIU/h CONNISSION NUMB1'l~:: #j;~~ B.IZMilMMTES!WIIlEIIS ,., . ,,\ UVCl_MIDIUCC11ll!l(1 \S,,~ ".; Dl'VG: IIlm It, ltIl$ "Qi~o.;.'{(I_I1lN_-- 3 ~.^\tlt".-:. ~..," ,,^ ,,,ITr. ...,u :jig" "AU..."., ..O..t,. ~.J I'llo( A.I,.......:-. .'IW" ,."', tn. r.. ''''''0:' ."~~.~1 . 'f,'", .....':'L.,. ~,..... ...._ ......."... . Tf~':("O:'l{..t.n ,..:,.", .;,..........",,:!lo ORe 795t pg 1927 STATE OF FLORIDA '8. ; COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) .:'\, ~ The foregoing instrument WlUI ;~l:;:knowledqed before me this ~ day of OCtober, 1993, by FLOYD c:ltntty ~s President of WASTE MAHAGBMBN'r OF PALM BEACS, a Flodda co::poX'atiQJl, on behalf of WASTB MAHAGRMHN'l' INC. OF FLORIDA, a Fl(.dda corporation. He is personally known 1:0 me or has p~~.;i"f LlJ,-J! c: ~.')<> . ';;'1 -S . ; 'I . {,,~.~ ,'.j ~v identification and did/~id ...!'~,t ~~9 an o~~., " /':f'" L' -..,~ ' _.-- ..~. ~-............ .-' ...~... .---../ j"', ,._, - _.......-- ..-- '( , '\, -, .. " ....... --~~~.Z' J .' _. Cl (.. '~_ '> ' ~:: PRll'lT/s'rMtt'lrYf,)R NAME: COHJU:$s:tO~ 1e~:UU~S; COMMIsStON lll)_llR; &l"'.~ fllZNlEI'H SAliS IIIUlIlEllS ~r:I"o!~.. ~ CGIMIIlOIl Ice ctI'W r.." r:.:.iAJ ~ ......l.,'.. ')~_....--,-- 4 ~M:M ~ '" ~,\^,<. " J ~",.,~ "I.~ ~Q.I VA,."TIt.' ~n." ~> ~,<,... ~.I;\'l,)" . IX'~'" ,.."'T.;'to..... r" ,))..0",. <Mo....: . T~..rl...CO...: ..-'..J"" ~'V....~,;,..,.. 1'CI.t'c.,.....(n ~6'}, t.... ...toa!t ORa 7951 P<J 1928 ~ ~E80R~PTXON ROLLYSON REKl\ltmJiiJ:! lllUlCt L A ~arcol ot l~nd In the North~est qua~te~ (NW\) ot the Northwest quarter (NW\) ot sectIon 16, TOWfllJhlp 45 $QQttl. Ran~e 43 EAst, PAllll Beach county, Florida, said parcQl bein9 more particularly described as tollows; co~NCING at tho Nortbwest corner ot said Section 16~ TIIEN'ClC South 87' 40' 45" East, alonq th,~ North line ot said Section 16, a d btanoe of 902,11 teet to tho I'OIl(T OF J3EGINNING ot the herein described raroel ot land; rNENCE continue South 81' 40' 45" tast, a distance of 4S0.00 feet; 'tHENCE south, 00' 06' 4\6" west, a dhtance of ~92.71 feet alonq the tast line ot tho North~est quarter C~\) of the Northwe$t ~arte~ (NW\) ot s~id Section 16, THENCR North 87' u' 35" west, a dis';ance of 44~.72 feet: TK~NCE North 00' 00' 07w East, 4 dlst~nce of 392.95 feet to the POINT 01' BBGIN1U;NQ: Said lands lyiJl9 in the city of Boyn';on Belich, Palm B6i'l.ch county, Florida, cont",iJli~ 4.055 acres, mol'l' oX' less. KECORDRa"S )(...~ of Writ! "'-l... ~O: l4Ibility , 1Ig, ...._ Of PrUtti~- lI'NI.lUlfACtl)ly Iu thia d -- ...lied -.jyed. OOlDDeat Land Description pr~parG4 ty CMIG }\. AHI'1'H , ASSOCIATt$ Cl,1tlIilUA1;1.ng .Il:ngInocrs' Pl~nner8'surv0y':>r!;l lOOO We~t ~cNab Road Pom~no Beach, Florida 33069 projoct No~ 91-1426 Propared By ~ MOll Cheeked. BYl MOR M~y 215, 1992 91-1426.RP SHEET 1 or 2 SHEETS ORB 7~S1 PC) 1929 t ~j~ ~ It i .. ~ . i IBJ i 01 ~ III I' i't I I I bt ~It'l \lli) w - .J v ~f '3!1'!!I' il~11 I~ .. . ~ :. ,tl JI- p. t' I I "1 II~ 'I a: hl~: !I iP ii ~!I! ~~ 1 w 0 ~ I \1,1 I~!: ~ ji jl ~~ ~11i. i ~-.I i l~ ~ I ! 11 t t- ....UJ .ftd ~ll ~ "I g .bIl1'~ I .xU ex; z""l:. !it!. illl ~lli fill f~! I 00. en ~ !hl I Iii I d,llli fi ,~~ .liIU ...J 0 ...J ~ ~t ' .... ~tl .., ~~ i . S 11 rr.~tt(t. _..~ -. - - - -,- ,~'!.._.:.__..._..~). :ci r-----" ........... ....._,-- ..!~ : !..j , 1M ~~" I Ii ~ ! ! I ; .r :- J', ~ J ". ~. 01 (> .. . ., . ! f1, -&-- J .... i: ,: i ... ~, ~ I .. ..., Y-r ~'1 ~; tr--- ...+~........' _lI.J'U.,.-.....~ .. I ~r ~ dr : 1 j j '" . i . -.._- . . ~' _ :r ! . I if; 1 - I i I t~ ,~.. ).IllIII i1IT, JII"~ , I i . :..~...:.....Q -_._~"._--- .---"-'--- ~ - -. -.................----.-----.--...--"- . ORe 7951 pg 1930 JlXHIBI'l' "D" LECAL DtSCRIPTHIN ~AST~ MANAGEM~NT I~C. PROPERTY ^ portion of the )lo~n 114 of \.ho Nortll\/llllt 1.14 of Sect.t(ll\ 16, TOIMshtp 4S South, l!MgO 43 ".ut, Palll &llch ('ounty, l'lort/J,s, JlOro particularly dp.tcrlbl!d M !oll Olill I 8evinninv lit. Ulo SO~llellllt corner of Lot 16, f)O'/1/'roll Ilor./'oCH DIS'J1U61T1rC!N ttIttt:R, ,~ccol'dtn9 to thll plot thereof I'eCQrded 1n Plat IlOQk 61. pave. 10C1 Md let, hbHc "~rds ot P",lll Beach County, florida, tbenco NonJ\ e0'et'81" cast n2.02 feet, thenc41 $olltb 8r"2'~5. "it- .4',23 f<<tJ tM","O South "'0li'4'- trellt 232.00 feet I t,hen<:o Rorth 87'41'35- Ifnt a ~lItal\CCl of 138.911 lIt4lt to . point on tile Ar\: of II. 1lO1l- tMlvent, C~41 eQfl(:lIVII tA) the SOutJ)west (falet (>0:1111; be,,", Korth !>5'~5' U" But teo. t.twI ra4f\l' toJ.nt of tJlc nen <llllled~d c:uri4 h 1:N:Me ltorth\te$~rly atOllf the bit: ot. satd curve llavln9 a nldlus of 50.80 ttutt, a delta of '$'57'48., an ~ clht3llce of '3.74 t.Clet to a point ot AO\'It.t'M (\Inlltur~ v;l.th . ClIne ~Clno:oAVO to tlt/! Iforth\leat., thence $Ql,!UnI9l1ter1y 111<<19 tho 1\" o~ li'a14 C\I~ t~vlllt a rlldJue of il5.00 feet, . dElta 6t 42'!)G'ljG", M UC' dist.llnee (If 18.6!l f~~:t to ill Point; o( '1,\n~ncyJ the~ North &1'42'35' West 218.&3 feo~ to th6 Point ol~ De91nn1n9, R1i:COftDER'S MEMO: Lqibilli;1 r4. 'Nthin8, 'J'ypl,q or 'Prinimtt II1IIIQUtfat.1aly in thia docl3'moot ....billD I'eODvecl. ~ H. JUIOAl. HWY. JOHN A. GltAHT, JR., INC. ((MIUI.tM) ..... . ~ ~K~iC~ Dr l~~R&~' ~Rt~ ~~~~),)1 ~Pb1~ f\fu~5ftl~L ORB ICCA IATON. n.oaoA 7951 P'3 1931 ~'J ~o' I .~ I I ,.. "'-'. .... 'N ~; , '. I "" "'" ..... Q I" ...... . <;:) . i!I; "'" I \<--. <.0:1 c';. ..., ~ ~ I- . ... ;.?, ~~ ~ .., ". - "", ~ v, i -..' ,'. . .' :. ..':: ~.~::'~'::iI':.:,:".,..' ~ '.~ . :'.. I In.EIlY C.RTI~. :.:,.., , '{,i.'14it'"ti I~:''''." o,lunlbft 1>.""".' 10 t.. '.u..n 1M t....~...f ..,. kIlnl."." ~.... !MOlld ~. : ",..11""'1(':;", "l'..~,'I,!n. .1Id ~onf.... .. .,h. 1110'- nlclU',:.u....4. .. :..1 fon~ ., lb. ,1."1," ....... . ~ ..,..~t.....l' l~ $u.....,.... 1.. o..l'u, 211llJo.<l, 'I..ri". '<\1l~Db~.li'd e...,.; "'" t. $ot~tI.~ 4H,01 . tl.d. ~~tul"; .. ,"': ';' " ,.. , ;' ; ." '..;' ,:. './ Ii -fl. 13 WJ.'\~Ii.~ ~1\'J: tM1 Ll~~ Df \bt \~, f;.;~~tD~ ,tpp\ lYl1~I~f1~ tf.M( l~: ",~e~l~l~i'_, J I ':;; E .,.l~ :z ::; -"'a~ ..~ g. w:o.~ ~ ~ . ~ ~cS' -.. . ~:;- ~a ~~~~ ~ &1' 'It' W E ~ I-~ n:z _J ;t .... .... "" '3 ~ -R II tl'~nr fl t~~~ ll'~'W '" 1~&,1~' , i",,\ , t~ w~ 1~~U,1RW y.lA~ '" l-- *-:, .........1 ~.t! ~ ~f \61 I~ \ L so.oo' ~'1 - - - - - - -:- --- ..,. "-" \/ 6, W 51'-6' LQ~~111~p '___"'~ \,. &~.,~ I ~, 2~,GO' A, ~l!~6111:i' L, I~.\" tloY..nN r..t.\C.. i>I'ST21~A-\OIol C~1~1l p.P.. *1 .! fllS~. \!)"I,t LIJ/' It; LDT lA L~T I~ Lor I'J,. S H SI\EH ~ 0"' " f'le l.i$.\... O;tSC'tIr.l~N o,.own a,. rL 0<<...... .,. t!J; $<alo ---->>ll 1~ ~l.&: {,:':' Shftt .1 of l :'~'::" ::.:.:::..... ... . ~:::;'.:::'::'.:^:,:,',:,::'..::,.::::: '''::,'':::':,::'' ''. .', 00,- 1b.'L\,~~ f.'. .:.::::.. '1. -==- Job~. \bb, ~lW . . ....l.l.rlHl 1.1HI''sMrllla..1' N6. JJl4 Sl.,. DI rt..I". ~ ~, .~ ORB 7951 pg 1932 RECORD VERIF!ED DOROTHY H WILKEN C:-.E~ OF \HE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL JOHN A. GRANT,JR., INC. Consulting Engineers & land Surveyors 3333 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33431 October 19, 1993 JC 100"7214 5heH 1 of 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTIJ~ INGRESS EGRESS f:ASE~rENT WASTE MANAGEMENT The E,nt 50.00 feet' of the following de5(.ribe'd tuct: ^ portion of the Northwen one-quartH ';Nl.' -to) -of -the~o~~hwe3t one-quiH'ter (tHI 1,;) of SecHon 16, Townsh:,p 45 South, Range 43 East. Palm Beach County, Florida, more particul a:~ly desc\'ibed as follows: BEGINNING s t the Southes!; t corner of 10 t 1ft, BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat, thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 47, Pages 100 and 101 of the PL:blic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. THENCE North 00" 00' 07" East, 232.02 fee,t; THENCE South 8r 42' 35" ~St, 449.23 teEt; THENCE South 00" 06' 46" West, 232.0Q fe~'t; THENCE Nortn 87" 42' 35" We.st, a distanc(: c>f 138.99 feet to a point on the arc of a nonMtangent curve conCil,ve to the Southwest (said point bears North 550 25' 13" East from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Northwesterly along the ate of sai.d cur;ve. having, a radius of 50.00 fe~t, a delta of S50 57' 48", an arC distance of 83.74 feet to a point of raverSe CU1"Vature with S' CI,n;ve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Southwesterly along the. ~re of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 416 50' OQ", an ,He. distance of 18.69 feet to a ?oint of tangency; . THENCE North 87" 4:z1 35" West, 218.eo f,?et to the Polnt of Beginning. Said l~nd!l lyi.ng 111 the City ,.)[ Boynt.on lleac,h, Palm Beach County, f1.odda; CONTAINING 11,600 square feet (0.266 acr~,:;:), :nore 01' leas. . . DISTRIBUTION BOYNTON BEACH CENTER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH JANUARY /9tJtI c.:LAy li!f.X.c AloCl . 1 . ---.",ale -, ~ $';:;;:-"~." ,;.: ....1.., 1 I I li! I!~ ~ ., \~i ~:: lV ~ i\ .. . Clo oj .... . - "I ~l = ~, I l ~ ~ ~~ \: V /I"'" .-, 1:10."" .r--'.=u.l:r ~ . . T I ..::1 .. Q 1 I .. i . ... : T I , r"= i ~ ~ i ~r - f ",,,"urr \ Q l...-r Q _.~$~--- ,~ ---ncr- .. - I ! ~ I , I t l" ___ L Q ~ Q - ~ ~ ~ COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF 2 . ./...., : n:Co','" ,9/C-GE i.,'()M,"..tERCE PARK f?S. *5, ,0:;. .58 10 . . " ~ , I '\ ~ . . ~ ~ 1 i- .. lo... "'( ~ . . ~ ... 22 ~ ~ ~ 1$ H .. .,,,," -- & ~_., __"""___./NC , il! -,' .. . . .. :\~ ..,I.., ,~ NOT PLATTED 5' D' e0t.6 e. '^" e. '^ T to \<.0 \ 1'1 So,^- f.("o w. L.Ua ~ t~ MOl "'''''Ot' \M p",- 1 '\ e (.0 f'de- cR ct.1- 0 ft €> "1 '1 S ( r ,:JCt~ I 't ~ t./ 3D' <:Ct5e~e,^\ f~~er()ecl To '\?oIJ'ISo,,", I'^- C)\R~ 5c.}3'~ ~a~~ \.b5~ al(4 ~t;'1 DIC>>e4 ~y 'RoIJyso"", {Y\Dt tD"t....yfd 1""0 ~... Y\,ta\.\~~e "'" tt '" t . ,. ," ~ pit....., ~ u4 --. ,,; ~ Jt t.any it. G1i.ckm3n. EscJ:l,11re SA.Ct18 & 8M. P./l. ..,..YllMAlO fIClI\D, &urrl; 4150 llOCA FlllTON. A.Clffi1A ~1 l'IAy-za-tm 12:421'1Il 92-1.63452 VRS 7260 11'3 ::383 Con 283.183.56 Ooe 1,699.20 Cl.E~ OF THE cOtJ~r - pg COlJNTV. Fl ~~f'nII~ ffo;)g)~ b1lolI 88 fa: ( !i'b1- oGi 3~ \" _ _ ,""UNI RlR __ DATA ,.. WMrWnV DIID. .... Itle 27tb _ at U." A.D, 1..2 II) JImao RoUylIon Dnd G.nevteve ~ .. wIe ......... 1M w-. II WIelD I'tlllnlgelnmlIno. of FL, . fboIdII ~" wIIou ~ ..... ~ Is: "1 InduIll1ll Way, ea,ntDn 8eIatI, R. 33428, I\nhIlIIr cdIIIlh9 ~ (VIII....... _ _... _ .._... ".._ _.. .... pw1Ioo .. tIIII IN_ .... 1M MIl.. IotII ~.._...... Me ..... cO_ __-. """....... .._, WIT iii E SSE T H: ThIll \hOt ~'lDr n tI CClMIIlInllon << IIle Il/IlI 01 'JEH NolO COIlOO'$ (I'o.oo) D\IIn 8Illl GIIlor ...wabIo 00!l0ICI0l8Il0n r...- ~ I:IIllll1IIlY IICIVIGWlIcIgid, lI8nIlIy ,,"snit;, ba/gUll!, -..:II, &,*,1, ~ ...... CQl'IllVYli PI COIl":'!"'" 1Io~ lIllI __ a1111lal ceRltt IInd IllllRll " PALM IIGACH COlInlll, 51a18 Of FloolclI, * sa: lOO4l8fT "A" ATTACHE!) HERETO ANO MA!)~ A F'Nrr HEREOF TOGETHER. ..." _-1he ........ ~ Il1Il 8IlPU'\IlI1II1C ':l1e&'lIIo !le;JIlllI'1ll or rl anywle8 ~, TO HA\'f; AND TO HOlJ). tile __ tI fII8 ample 101_, AND, m. ~ ~ -' oN> MIIlIl'WlM IIlIIIlht1111'IIIIn 1IlIIlI1I ...... eeIZecl oll&lcl IIl\d h 1M &iIlp1i; IIIIt 1M ~ '- goocI ~ -' -....s ~ II MlII11d CGnW'J NIcI1Ind, and NftIbr _Millie lltlllO sakl IIInd &lid will defMcllM _ ~ Itla ~I QlIkne at III 1lII'M'"' ",11,,,,,_; illiG lIIal alii lind II t1Ie or aU ~ toapt _ MIllrUtlg ~ II) ~ 3', 'lI$f. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,IM I&IcI ~ ...... 'lllnm lII>d _I''';IIl1t$O pr9$vnI$ the llBy 1/111 \'91' Irlil BlI~ WI1I1In. :l)"'~~~IM~at ~' /i.~~~~) ~,~ 'f\tv- ~I'V- ~ A-<-v'-LS. ~"f ;Z, ~L.\<:"~\J :!II~.:ay.W8Al/lIQl1, 33414 ~~oxg ~~:.~~ _.J~ Ifdl~ u. ___' C.IIUIVIM R~ ~ kA~!. t.., ~ l,\ (:, ~ \oJ l~rl -iwHIr Way. ~ F\. 83'14 ~~~~{JUi- Tti~ G;HTl'7f' J/I:1.Jf){QJ> ~~ STATE OF R.ORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~~m~~~Hf:e:':=,~"'."""~~~_-:: -.... ... r~'l,,- ?J~ ... ; , \~P\;~~'.J-::~~ ' ....~~.... 1 : Mt CommlIalan ~: ( VnWl NOTARY KM." I I 1Mb 3..30 lAllR' l. GlIW\~' I III tOl9l, lXP, 3/6/93 . ORa 7260 P9 384 EX;.LBl'l' "A" Le9al De$cription A partjoll ot the )/OL'1:hwest. 1/4 of the Ilorthwn 1/,1 o:.f ~ct.1Q{\ 16, Township 4:; south, IlIl,l\Cl~ 4:1 }tlist, f'~ peach County, rlodda, llOre partic:ularly de1s.:d~-_ fol1owa. Boeginnin'l at. the Soutbeut OOOlIQC of Lot 16. IlOnm)N NJlCR tlISTRI&lTION CElfi'SR, acco~di~ t.Q t.he plat tIwlreot recorded in Plat Booll "', pa~ 100 and 1411, Publ1Q lreeOr:da Q~ hbl Be4tm county, fllldda, thenQ& Hort.h 1jG'03'Cn- East n~.02 f~t, thence SOIlth 87'42'35" Etl8t "9.23 fe4tl tllene4 South 0I/I'06'IU;" ilellt. 232.00 fM~J thence Rort.h 87'4;2'35" lest It d,1stam:.a ot 138.99 ~'~llt to . point 0\\ the are of a non~ tan;ent. cw:v~ concave to tlle SootJJwest. (!laid point bJa:t8 Hort.l'l S5'2:i'U' Ba.et tro. the radius point. of ~ ~n 6eacribed CUIVel; t.lUlI1Cl! Northwesterly alon9 tho lI.rC ot 5<114 CIIl'Ve havltlg a n41UI of 50.. teet, . ddtll I)t 9$' !i1'te". en arc distance of 8~. 74 feet to II Point of Relrol'M C\lrYatu~ .ri.tl't I .:u:Ne ~~ to the NorthWest.; thence SO\Jl;ln~nerly lllcnq ~8 iUC of said cul:ft b;lV:Lng- ... rad1us of 25.90 feet. a delta of 4~'!i0'00", an arc distance of 18.69 feet 1;-.0 a Po1nt of Tan~ncy; thence )tQrth al'42'~5' lfl#st. 218.80 het to the Point ot 81!\Iinnin'iJ. ..... ..... . &KCOaPars lIDO: I.........; at...... 'I'IJID8 (It ~ ~ ..... ...--"- J "" .. ... Ik ~L IIId : --~ : ~VEfRiD ftAW~COt.tm'.flA. ~~c:x:xm - 1= , ;- -::".:ii;.,,---- . :1 ... ... :lit ,: , ~ 13 V I I I - t I" <S , . "'::: <S I'" ~ L .1, . ... -,' .. . .. i :,; I .. II""'" __ & ".",--,,,.,,,---.,~ ItJt1.t1O' g 3 ~ -JOO.oo: ./OtAt1O~ N I'.~' so." NOT PLA TTEiJ Co",vei~t\ '"'to WCt.s"e MCI."'c<~ev"H!....t ,J:'i^' ~C( 1) ?~? ctt o~G '1O\{,.O i I I! I I I " ., T. ;IE g.. at iI '. ,~ ~ !"o .~, .tf- ~",. U"J' :.:~,.....::~~: . -~~ . ~ Qta ~ ~ t eR~46 .' ~ ' !~_S..~J!,~.N,T f1.f.,~ D THIS INDENTURE, made and ente~ed into on th!~ /.3 day of ^uguet. 1916, by 3nd bEtween JAMES O. TAYLO~ and "t~DRED TAYLOR, h1& wife, and DAVID P. 'T' ~LOk and JACQ::Et.INE T~YI.Olt, h:l.& wih, of ~he rO~~.' of Pal~ Be~ch, state ot Florida, Cr~ntors; ~nd ~~~ CITY 'OF ~IYNTOK BEACH, FLORIDA, ~ Florida ~uniclpal corporation. of the Co;,.i.ty Df Palm Beach, State of Florida,. Grao.cee; WHEREAS, the Grantors erg SQi~~d in fee sl~ple and in ?OB80Ssion of che folloving~uescTibed t~nd~: The .........." J.4.<l._t..A..e..t _Q.f .tAR .no.r..t}i :J.!..2 .<l.f .the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 16. township 45 3ou~h, kenge 43 e~~t, of Palm Beach County. Florida.' and WHEREAS, Cr~nt~r$ have agreed. in consideration of the sum of t'e-n Dol~ars ($10.00) and otber good and valuable considerll~ :lDOS, to graht to Crantee ar.d all ')thlJ~ i'''1"snn~ el.1imlnl!; by, through'ot und~r Graft~ors'and Gran~ee. or any of them. their predecess~rs in title, or their ~e1~~. ~$~i~n$ or l~~al representa- tilrell. eaSe~e1\t8 or righta-of.way .)ver the land described below for the purpose$ and in tbe manner expressed below; . ,. NOW, THIS INDENTU~B, W1T~~SS~TH: 'Tba.t. 'ill. pursuance of thIs a&J'eemE'nt ano;! in consideration o{ tho;> I'll" o( Ten Dollars <$10.00)' an.d other f,ood ;ona valuable Q.Onl!'ider'!Liuns. the receipt of whi':h 1s ac1<nowlr..dged. GrantOrS gr.1nt unto Grantee, its successors and ~l'l'ignl'; Full'lIind fl:et;: right ..nd :LIberty for it. ita attenta. tenants, 8~~v~nt$, visItors and li~en8ees. in com~on with all persons having the ~Ike right, at all times hereaftc~. for all purposes from 'time to ti~e to paas and repsss along ths roadw~y or rosdways provided or to ~e provided. more particularly dc~crih.d as folloys: , ' ~~e north 25 foot of the west 340 feet of the north 1/2 of the nor~hwe8t 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of SGctiQn 16. Township 45 south, &aoge 43 east. of P~l~ 8each Co~Pty, Florid', TO U'AVll ANI> TO HOT.D the l~aBemeTlt or riSht-"l-v.1Y heyeby 'granted unto Cra.te~, its agents, aticcessors and sssisn~, ~nd those 1 likGly $itv~ted &$ d~scribed abo~e. an~ their succ~ssor~Bnd Basi$ns it. is understood tl1a't tbll eiJ.selllcnt 1.0; gioJen upon the express understanding and condition tlul.t It P1iJ.Y be u$ed by Granto:'3, their heirs, executors. administrators and ~&8iEn8. in conjutlctioQ vitk the use of Crantl!e, its sg,'l!ntll. B\I.c.ceSSOTS and llsail!:nll, 'ilnd others likely $ie~atl!d and their S"CCe~80r8 and aaslgns, TatS INS~IUK!Nf PREPARED iY: John 8. McC~acken. Eeq. P,O. Draver E : West P!llm Beach, Florida 3.),402 ,.. ~..r''''--~rl'' Jj.. -',flY- ('iit;:.\........,~ ,;,~),t'~I'.!M:= \~~.~~,'I' llLORI A' SU r~ lAX ::; ,,','.., 'I ~- ':iiF'i .UI't"lC j "'~\ ~O., 5 '5 ~ 'P1:l1'tW'CL I\l~.. - s',A T.E"o-;,"''F pi1UMl.NTAR . g,~~'-U~lflut . a ., ;;; JollOU". =: ~;,:.z4 . JllDAI MPTAxt..' , I ;:0 O. 30 I ..I .. -,. ,I: ,fi " m&1\25'iJ l'A~tl,34.9 '\ ,. ':'., . ,.~ ;~~~lr;tt''i;,;;.'; - .......'1.\ I'~ j" C:I)',. "'.1'''-' ,:l.>.(.. .', ,...f..:");....." ., ,j:~~~ ,"'\' ..\~f.~'~....L ~\~~ ~X:::~~ , '\...;< t-!.:It\')'\~,." .............. ::~~:~.~.....II. ... ' r , ,.. " ~ ~ . " ... " ,,, , tt 1$ iu~ther under~tood tbat Grantor~. their heirs and a88i~n~ $Td tcp~nt~. in no way will be bound to Improve. maintain or construct a roodway O~ to keep !c in repair; nor do Cr~ntoT8. t~elT hoiro and a55ign~. 4$$umc ~ny 11a~11ity or responsibility to Grantee, its 5UCCe$~OT$ and .$8ign~. or others likely situated. their successors and asslgn5, or any ~er9on uslng the land by invitation, expressed or impli~d. 9t by re.sOn of any bU$!ne,s condueeed ~lth Craat~e.' its sgents, 8ucce~sors and assigns. or otherlolise. <, IN WITNESS seals on the d~y and WHEREOF, Grantors have se~ their hauds and year firs above yritten. I ,~ 1_. /'-"'(SI;:A1.,.[ AhU .0. ~AYI.QR~-="~- r A~~LJe,..L ~ ..Y ~SsJ..-J_-.., (SEAL) MIrDIED TAYLOR, his w e i ~~ .~be.p~e~~Q~~'o~: ' ~C}'iBe~ J~~~~~&~' I'" d1c_,___ (SEAL) (SF lL) STATE OF FT.ORIDA 88: " COU~TY OF PALM BEACH the fA1:06o:l,ng .~~J~~.d." of U,WW.1l:r /. ";,"l'I'Y"L ; ;;:~ 1:; wife. J II ",~:>::t :, ~ ~ ':', :;"',t#~~A::llAL SEAL] J~;~;'~!',,~~::i? ';":,; .::~hh 'OF PLOUDA ins~r~m~n~ wa~ acknowledged beture me th1~ . 1976, ~) JAMBS O. ~AYLOR and MILDRED , U[~ldLL \-h~ tL ~HY f'\1b lie 7) My ~om.i8sion Expires; IliII*Y ,,"lIIk. Stot. 01 '.... " 1..(. fir (:emmlu=Il!i:lli Fll:,!:t.,- .\, ~~, 19..9 ss: COUNTY or PALM BEACa , ' The ~~lil instr"'IIl~Rt V&ll llckTlowledsed befoTe mil' this ~ day of ~. 1976. by DAVID P. TAYLOR and JACQUELINE TAYlOR, .hls wife. JI~: ~ . ~~9L mJJrn. t.L..- Not.]ry i'ublic d My '~Ollllllissiol. "txpires: --,.!--' SEAL] lI<<IIJ MIl~. SIM 01 rlltlA ill~it lily Clom"".loII {lj: rot A... ~: !~ .. ItICllli y~ "., ,..,-,.,'."...--'---..--. -_.- '--'-..'..P.ililiiUi~f.-~......,...., "~2573 ~d350~,.. ' . .IN 8.lIdlt ~ ~'_ IlIralllltllll ~z- I ! I . j I .\ .. - r l. BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH JANUARY 1984 COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF 2 C-t:"DAR RIDGE 04/..0 . I. ---",-I.I. ---, ~ ,.;:;;;--~,.. ,,~ ...1.... I I I Ii: Q IS; : \t 'l !~ ~ '- it , Q .. " 'II -= . '/...., .. N,Di"" R/t:'GE C'(.:~~(/'1iERCE PARK P.S. 46, ,0::. 58 -, il it! ~ ~~ I: V . .. =::::t .. ~ io-. l- .... ~ ~ ... L.'_"" CI .-,..._ i ~ ~ i ~ r \~ , ~ I ... - I ~ I , I t l" L ~ ~ II .... <:>> ~ '''''''1.," ,MIIIDIT _'JI!$~-=::. --n~ 13 ... h ..-:- ,~ :~ .~ 14 .. "",," -- & ".", _ _,...",___-'uc .1 , . .. 'I~ .. . . .. :,~ ...1... NOT PLATTED COVllJ~~c\ ""\0 WCt..s'r~ Ma.v\f;.~e'\Me'" t 1 j:"H f> C( ~ "?'1r ? ct.1- (!)~~ ""~bD e'aSe\Mev..T rO Flore\o\.'\-''''-e,. \fV\Cll-c-~le ~""" Ih5<:. o~ B S436, ~be , . - ~"~.- J BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER CITY JANUARY OF BOYNTON 19tH COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF 2 BEACH, PALM BEACH >.:V" , 1..:1.:;,-; Q ~ Q -= -.. - Q oi ... OJ -= "\ ~I l: il! : ~~ ,: V ~ , It.. L.' //TIt'" Q 1''''- i ~ it r ~~ . ~ I .. - l ~ I , I t l'" L I- ~ ~ 22 f IW'vrrttrr ~M,_r _,~s~....- -ntr.72-- - 1$ ~ .... ~ o ..... ..::: o ~ I" .It . , .... .. . · i :,; ...\... NOT PLA TTEC ... ;t5 I eC1(.~e\M~V':' -To c;ti 0-( Bey",to_ B "a" I.. ~, (')~"'-\- ",f'l.I>C<.Y Co","e,/u\ '0') ....la'Mt'~ 0, Io.ylor <::00\0 fV\1'la"l~d TOY/Of 0\0\ "t't),3\/)4 At O~e ;?5 '73) PQ"Qe.. /3119, - -n-' . . c:= . !".;, ~ .... l-. '"( .., ~ I- ~ ~ '!. ~-- - -" - -~ -~ ~ ---- -~- --- ~~~~-~. - -- . ... ,....... ~.... .... ..~,..- )t.~Uin.ll:(~~~~' ~~gl, ..,...,.' <f'..:>:-t. ~. ffAR-J(1-!990 01:53P1I 90-091811 ORB 6403 1', 1215 Con 10.00 Doc: .55 JOHN B OONKLE, ClERK - PB COUNTY I FL Prcporty ~ Pan:ellclellllllcalio (FolioI ~ SOUl'H FI.ORIDA-JLK P5\290087A.KCY suppLEJmHrAL VARRANJ:y DEQ .t TIllS WARRANTY. DEED, IIIllde tbis ~ day of ?f~._.._, 1990, between CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC., a Virginia corporation, herdnaftf!f called "Grantor", and STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARnIENT OF TRANSPORTATION, whose ma.f,ling ad<fr::ccs is Haydon ':~urns Building. 60S Suwannee Street, Tallahnsst'l8, Florida 32399-0450. hereinafter call~ "Grantee"; (wherever used herein, the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee~' I118Y be construed in the singulAr or plura} as the context may require or admit, and for purposes of exceptiOns. reservations IUld/or covenants, shall include tho heirs, legal representatives and assigng of individuals or the successors and assigns of corporations.) WIT N E S S 1: T H: WHEREAS, on the 11th day of Hay, 1988, Grantor did execule and deiiver to Grantee a Warranty Deed. which deed is recorded in the Public Record'! of Breward County, Florida, at Offielal Records Rook 15424, Page 0731, tbe Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida at Official Recolds Book 5666, Page 8, and the Public Records of Dade Coullty, Florida, at Official Records Book 13675. _Page_3S40, '!.the_above..referen.c'.a(Ldeed(s)'~; _800 WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desi.re to) supplement said al>ove-referenced deed(s) by more particularly descri~ing by a netes and bounds legal description the "Prenlises" described by railroad plat and title source(s) therein. and conveyed from Grantor to Gran'tet\ under IInd by thl' terms of the above-referenced deed(s); ii, -,{l>j )w 'r:~~~ ,,-" ,,"Z 'f~. " ;:~: .;,. .' ."~ . 3~ ~~.~ .~::. ~.', ..~{ ':'I :~. ... ,..... '::. j~ :~ ,-~ RETURN TO: Attorneys' Title Insurance Piind, X' Ste 237 Prospe~~, Place - , ,. 3111 So Dixie;. :" tfest Palm Bea ' <1:~~.:~.:.~ J.: ',;,". .:~,: I!::, n:..~ ,'(,':- J:..' ;-t~: . '. ~... , ,l? j~~' (.'. :<:-. ;l: .. ,. ... :,i ,. ~~i .. . ~~t ~~ t.;; ::,;,:, f ,~ :~. ;... ...: ::~ .~ !.;; q .". .-- -, >, ;j ~ .. :~: :~: , " ',' J. ;~.: ", '1 ~ ~'., ~;.. t,;'. ,'.:',. ~ ~t jH .. :~\ ~{ :, 1i: t'j: .:~': ~. "1 "- ',lI,: R \11 } .~.. ~:-' . i:::" YL. .,'; " - 2 - ORe 6403 ?g 1216 NOW, THEREFORE, :'for and in consid'lration or the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), to it in h~d paid by Grantee, the receipt of and sufficiency of ~: which is heroby acknOwledged, Grantor has granted, bargained and sold, and by .) these presents does CONFIRM, GRANT. BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY, with warranties .~~ of title as hereinafter provided, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, that certain land situate, lying and being in the Counties of Palm Besch, Broward and Dade, State of Florida, her&inafter described in Attachment A beleto, a180 referred to in this deod as the "Pr_ises". It is the intent' of and understanding ' between the 'Grantor an'd "Grantee that should there be:~ discrepancy or conflict between the location or quantity of the land described as tbe Premises in the previou51y referenced deed(s) and tbe Premises as describ~ in Attachment ^ to this deed, then, in that event. the location and quantity as described in Attaehro~nt A to this deed shall control. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said Pre~ises unto Grantee, Grantee'~ 8ucceR~ors and assigns, forevor., TOGETHER WITH all buildings, structures ~nd iroprovemonts thereon, including tracks, ti~. rails, switches, etc.. and all and singular the rights, alleys, w8ys.'~.waters, privileges, her<~dit8lllent:s Rnci arpurtenl!lnces to said Premises belonging Qr ;n anyway incident or appertaining (except for tbe retained perpetual use easement for exclusive fr~ight railroad operations, as IIIOre particularly des,cribed in the above-refe;renced deed(s) and below). , SUBJECT TO: (a)'tbuildill8, zoning. aubdi'/ision and other applicable federal, state, county, municipal and local ll~s, ordinances e~d regulations; (b) taxes, tax Hens and assessments, both general and special. which 1D8Y becOIlIe due or payable:'on the Premises. after the date hereof; ;r"-)~'" ' ~h. ~,~ ~, .~~~ ".f, '~t~. ~- ,~ .;: " ;, ., " ., '~ {, - 3 - ORB 6403 fls 1217 (c) reservations or exceptions whether or not of record. iI>cludlng, without lu-itation: reservations or exceptions of minerals or mineral rights; public utility and other easements; and easements, cr.ossings, occupancies, end rights-of-wey. howSoever created; (d) encroachments or any other state of facts which might be revealed from en accurate survey, title search or personal inspection of the Premises; (e) all other existing roads. streets, ways, alleys, party walls, appurtenances and servitudes, howsoever created; Grantor hereby WARRANTS, GF.N&RALLY . tit Ie. on 1-y . to ,those. por tiOO8. of . the Premises described, in Attachment A which are also previously described and marked (A) on Exhibits B-1, B-2 and 8-3 attached to the above-referenc~d deed(s); and that Grantor will forever defend said title unto Grantee againllt claims of or by Grantor and all other persons lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor. As to that portion of the Premises described in Attachment A to this deed, which is not,iotherwise described and mark&d (A) on Exhibits B-1, B-2 and B-3 to the above-referenced deed(s). Grantor FURTHER WAR~NT5 only that it has certain rights, title andlor interest(s) in and to that portion of the Premises. which right, tf,tle andlor interes,t(s) it h&reby confirms, sells, transfers, assigns ~ and conveys; but Gnntol' further warrants that it (or I.ts predecessor raih:otids) has done no act since its acquisition of such portion of the Premises to destroy. diminish, limit or impair such rights, title or interest; and Grantor further covenants and agrees to defend end indemnify Grantee against ani and all clai~s against title to such portion of the .~' Premises arising fsam such (real or alleted) acts of Grantor. but excluding any claims resulti~g by Grantee's action(s) or from this conveyance or the restriction upon Gi~ntor's reserved railroad easement herein; but not ;1:\ otherwise. ~. J. i: r-:, .:-.~. -';'. f~ j ...." ~!~" ' :<'...... :..~.-:... .. .x...."" . :~;:';:,: ... - 4 - ORB 6403 tis 1218 '. RESERVING unto.Guntor, its successors snd usigns, an EASEMENT IN ;,~ PERPETUITY (4S hereibafter defined) FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES (as hereinafter defined) in, over or~on that cettain portion of the Premises, described in Attachment A, to a ~Ximum heiA of and within an area lilDited by a plane twenty-three feet (23') 4hove t! top of each rail, be:l.ng (a) twenty feet i (20') wide, ten feet:(10') on each side of the cen~erline of cach moin track and adjacent siding snd/or (b) !Jightoen feet (18') wide. nine feet (9') on ~ ueh side of the cent..rline of each sidetrack (8S hereinafter.defined); i Includul& the use of all the tracks or Trackege (as hor.ein8Ct~r defined) within the Premises; and hereinllnown as the CSXT Easement; but SUBJECT TO: 1. The terms, conditions ild limitation8 of that Operating and . I Management Agreement'between Grantor and Grantee. dated Kay II, 1988. ::, particularly Sections 2 and 8 thereof, as amended, nltered. cancelled or terminated pursuant to its terms. 2. Grantor and "Grantee each agree to execute and record 8ny In5trument , that will !)Q necessary to property zeflect lI"y changes in loet.tion elF lIrM that are not presently reflected in AttdCbme~t A or to reflect IIny full or partial relMse of any rights or proporty heJ~under. 3. Grantor and Grantee agree that the CSlIT Easement is not retllin'ld to the exclusion of Grantee and its assigns, except for fmlght rail purposes, as set forth in said' Op$rating and Hanas_nt Agreement. 4. Grantor and Grantee agree that the CSXT Eas."'lnt cftn !)Q lIssigned only in conjunction with a transfer or assigt1lllent of said Operating and Management A8reement~ .t ~:~ " - s - ~: ORB 6403 pg 1219 s. Definitions of Railroad iasemant Terms: (a) rerpetuitv: Until this Easement is abandoned or 'i: terminated, as provided in the Operating and Man~gemen~ Agreement herein referenced. In the event of abandonment or ter1llill8.tion of any portion of thb CSXT:E8S0m0nt, such portion thereof shall aut~aticallY be extinguished. (b) TrackaJte: The railway tracks located on, in or below the ,CSXT Easement area, and all supporting.,materials, faci\ities and structures appurtenant thereto (rails, ties, tie plates, ballast, drainage structures), together with existing control devices, signals, switches, communication lines and poles necessary for the safe operation of rail freight; whether .ajn, , 8idi~ or sidetrack(s); being the items hereinabove conveyed to Grantee. 't (e) Railroad Purpo.!.!!: The exelllsJve right to us,", (including rights to repair, replace mId maintain) all Trackage on the 'Premises for freight rail purposes, r, and the further right to use the same for accommodation of Amtrak (Natilon81 Railrolld Passenger Corpo.ration) for intercity rull passenger service, toge~her with the right of htgress and egress 'to and frOlllJsaid Trackage and fsciHtiea located within and .t on t~<e area described in Attl,cbment A. The right ~~;; retained with regard to the ~!CcoDlDOdations of Amtrak ~ shall' no longer be a Railroad' Purpose after April 30, ;:i 1996. 'l~ ;r.L~ ::c...... ;{~. ~', ,.:..~ ~!k.. ,- i - 6 . "", J,+ 1.1;\8 6403 f19 1.220 l ,. ); }, (d) SidetrackCs): The track structure (assemblage of :;;. raifs, ties and fastenings), int:luding ballast, ",. .;~~. turnout, grading, drejnage structure, and all otber !: appri~tenances in connection therewith, whether on land '~', of Rill I road or of Industry, used for prtvate ); indu~tri8l rail service (pick up and/or delivery): extending from the point of switch (P.S.) to the last } switCh _tie, ..genU.ally _limited _.to ..the ,first -ISO .feet -of ~~i such'itrack structure. .~ As part of the';consideration of this grant, Grantee COVENANTS and AGREES .;.~. ;,.~.. to comply with all ~e~s of and pay all the principal and interest and other su.s of money payab~e by virtue of the Contract for Installme~t Sale and Purchue dated Hay 1.1, 1988, hereinafter called "Installment Contract", a copy of which is attached to the above-referenced deed(s) as Exhibit E, and ~ . " incorporated herein~' promptly on the dates the S8\lle severally bec.<lllle due, :-;: subject to the limitations and conditions pertaining to such payments sot \. forth therein. Upon', payment in full of all sums contemplated in said .;. Installment Contrad~ which constitutes the secured portion of the purchase ;'1; price, 8Ild upon pa~nt of any lien which Dla,. bllcome due and payable as a result of any other;provision of said Installment Contract, then all tho Lien Provisions thereof, '~hall be considered sathfiod. Upon said payment, Gr8Iltor shall execut~ and deliver to Grantee a Satisfaction, approved by Grantee. for recording by Grantee. " -t " ':~~ 'f>': ;r ~'!. ~" .'" 't.1'. , ,~, ",\, r "'= ". '(4. ;~1. 's' 1~: f,! ".."". .., ,~~ fr' ~:. . ' ~'. :i;~ !}.;.: < " ~ :.~.. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC., and STATE OF FLORIDA :-.:: f ,., authority, have cau$ed their names to be signed hereto by officer(s) ~r - 7 - ORB 6403 ?g 1221 DEPARTltENT OF TRANSPORTATION, pursuant to du.. corporate and statutory ',', , ~'.:, be bereunto affixed. official(s) bereunto duly authorized, and the seal of each, duly attested, to ::.~', ~i" , ~.:" . b, Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: f;'; ~." ~~ 'fJ ~: .. ,;' ~~: t~ ~:. ,. st':, :~: ~ .' ,y, !;'; ,c , Signed, sealed and delivered in the presenee of: ~L !:;1~~ .:, f: .~ 7r z.' .i ~~\\~:q~ j ,. '." ~ " ,l .t-J ,~ , I', .",. This instrument prepared by or under tbe direction of: '. ',r: ).: " ~ Attorney for Grantee Business Address: 2441 Honticello Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32303 ';5 ;. L CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC, By: .' . ""':::":';'ffl;;, 'J. L. Kiesler .",..."(10,,:,...,,; V ice resident -Propert,y4~~,::;::;;;':''' CSX Rail Transpoi~0'..~c;~U": "f;;-: "'l..;.r~:.;'~ '( ...,.. .(n''..-: ~.,. :/;t. .' .:.. is .~ . n /J.~ ~""7.i~' '~' 'i ~ ,)r~.\~ 4ttl'lst: ftJ(f?././4!T..t ~"'AH~~1JE '., :;."f'4 ...~.., Ass is tan Secretary:..... ..~ :...:.-.:tI;.f' '. ."~'~'..JA"~YJ".Sf4" .,. ,,:'~.J- '(" .,'" STA1'B OF FLORIDA DEPARTHENT OF TRANSPQRTATION By: _~.~.._._...____..._. .'.,~~ ./L ti~ . n _ .. oY:"'?'~"./li.tifl AttuJt: ~ ~~l;2':i~€'<i' ~ ~'~~:f~' " ~ .;1>> ..~, , , '. ..: i " \. .' j ~~ ., " ,", d,' ;:1 .t; '\" .,. " '~ .... , '< " " -1 "I" f .:;- 1"' ':,.. ,I: " ~. ,. ti .~: .~ oJ' t~ .~;. .t ,t .'l ,{. " .... -Pi $', ~S: ..../ :.. .\. " I ~~'i' ~~:{/: '...~:~ tAr ~t. r.t:' .i:':~... :\ i~": :i:f..' ~~;;:..; '. ,. ....:. ". ~: ~::: 'ij": ~;.. ~. i;.:." ~~r: -,... ,.,.... )~:.~. ,',. ~:;r ~';;: ~~> .~~. ~~- :.~ ;. ~~ ,:,.. .. , , + . ;.;, ; ,- - 8 ., ;; ,', .; ORB 6403?'3 1222 STATE OF nORlDA ') ~(1.,~4 ') ss. COtnm' OF ~.4 I~ Pdf!fll. f..'i.wnEAL-rau , a Notary Public of the State of Florida. do certifYi~hat, on the date below. before me in said County personally came J. L~ Kiesler, to me known, and known to be to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above instrument, whn, boinS by me first duly sworn, did depose. acknowledge and say that: he resides in Jacksonville. Duval County, Florida; he is Vice President-Property Service~, CSX Rail Transport, of CSX Transportation, Tne., the corporation described In and which executed said instI:ument.; .he.is .flllly .informed.of .the-contentfl-of .t'a instruMent; he knows~the seal of said corporation; th~ soal affixed to said instrument is such seal; it was so affixed by authority of th4 Board of Directors of said corporation; ho si&ned his name thereto for said corporstion pursuant: to such authority, and the execution of this Indenture is th~ free act and deed of said corporation; and the conveyance herein is not part of a transaetion, sale. lease, exchange or other ~ransfer or conveyance of all orlsubstantJally all of the property.snd/or a1s~ts of the Grantor. ~ 2JL :~~~_~;~~~:~_t~, s~:9~ ..~..~~. i:t~ ...",......'-~., .' '~"...l[".' "~ hand snd official sesl, thJ~~~~' '.~~,~~ ../...... .i'!"~, . v." , 11 ,,~':t ,"'f7..".......,' "L . V-/ ~/cri;.~. . , ~<l\~~i ~rc. '. . -'::',,-9"-" :' . --.-----~-'~.., ,~~I.~~ Notary Publ ic " '-'~X.4'E.i f;ft~.z.:i:;, . ,. ".,.~~. ;t.lt.J7 ~e.o>> /~.. .~t:~;~.:. ~~;...... . 1";, ..:"._.-::.~. ,.. ~ ..~ )';f';? '.". My commission expires: ~ ROTARY' PUBLIC, STATE OF flOqlOO\ Ny _1saIon exlll'es. 0..." 7. 1993 Bonded lIlru Patlerson. Beth! A!le~:V STATR OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ,!~tN,4t!1> ), ) ss. ), I. ~~ L :4_u.&6,....u. , a Notary. Public of the State of Florida, do certify that. on the date below, before me in said County p6rsonally came 1?,ikllC() C/lF:S3Jii::, ,__. to me known, and known to me to be the person wholle '1ame is subscribed to the above instTUllIent, who, -being br. me first duly sworn, did depose, 8('.ic:nowl~dge and say that: he resides in fSiJ;a- LA.I7$IOt:IAU: , __~c.,,~e.J) _____ County, Florida; he is PI'n1e~e7' SS&4TJlc)' of Transp:>rt.(IHon of the State of Florida DepartlllGtlt of T1:ensportat'ion. the State s.genc:v doscribed in and wbich executed said instrument; he is fully infonned of the contents of tbe instrument. be knows .the seal of sllld State; ,the seal affixed to said instrument is such s~l; it waR so affixed by authority of the Legislature of said State; he slgned~bis name thereto for sald State pursuant to such authority; and the executioz\ of said Indontur'l is the free act and deed. of said State. ' .~; !y WITNESS WHEREOF, ~ day of ILl:""" -:i My cOmmiss~on expires'on: I hereunto aet rII1 hand end official seal. , 1990. _ Q/.' f &_...,--<..... tlotary Public ,,:.; "\' ...,' "', ",' _t:,_~C STAT! M h.OlItDA }:;:;.:..:..~'d..~..' '1f.:.~~tOfO:X'. 0(1,,31,1993 D~'1lIRU;GfIlEflAl IllS. UNO. ~"r'53(i,.. ... 'f .~ J 1.- ~~r;'.'~" . :*:.:.;.'} :~~. .;...:-,. ~~it ~.. ... (-.:", .::; 'f' k ~ " f II:; (H' ~:i' ~:.,,' f' ".:~ '. ',;... " rr:' ~ ..... ~.: . r (~r ,f ,t(: ~ .... ~~.: ~.::~ "'::." ,~,.~.. ~~(' J;}~:' ~; .'4; A portion of South. Range described as !t ;~ ORB 6403?9 1 262 }, L-40 N.W.1/4 16-45-43 Section 93220-2403 C.S.X. Railroad County of Palm Beach :i.' ~, t1: , , it '~ the Northwest one-quarter (N.W.1/4) of Section 16, T~nship 45 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly fo Hows : COMHENC1NG at the'Southwest corner of the Northwest one-quarter (N.W.1/4) of said Section 16; Thence South 89037'33" East., along the South line of the said Northwest. one-quarter (N.V.1/4) of Section 16, a distance of. 1345.45 feet' to the POINT OF BEG1NNING: Thence No.rth 01039'49" Vest, along the West Rigbt-of-Vay line of C.S.X. Railroad, a distance of 1964.20 feet; Thence South 89029:10" East, a distancn of 92.98 feet; Thence North 00036'28" Eest. a.distance of 654.10 feet; Thence South 89028'48" East, a1ang the North line of tbe said Northwest one-quarter (N.W.1/4) of Section 16, 8 distance of.9S.55 feet; Thence South 00056'08" W"lst.. along the East Right-oE-Wa.y line :pf C.S.X. Railroad. a dist.ance of 26J6.7I feet: Thence North 89037'33" West, along the said South line of the Northwest. one-quarter (N.W.l/4) of Sect.ion 16, d distance of 95.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGI~'NING.',' '. .!" ~' ;; ~, ,~. PAGE 40 of 298 ' :"'-~ , N::: ~(::: "':~ .1t? . :~ ~~ . .:.:::~. ~~:' ~'.' ~:., ~tt: z(~.:: I!It ~'~:: ;\::' :~rH :1;:."'. .;,;..... ~ri 'D.:( . ~1m:;.::. '';5;:: i1:::..:.... ~r::':: . if', :::~::::' .. i~_ [: S " ~:. '. ;.:~. ..; "":wo. ope 6403 rs 1263 L-41 S.W.l/4 9-45.43 Sectioc 93220-2403 C.S.X. Railroad Coun~y of Palm Beach A portion of Tracts S thru 8 inclusive of the SUBDIVISIOK OF PORTIONS OF TOIl'NSHIP 4S AND 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST (SECTION 9-45- 43). as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pase 4 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida together WiTh a portion af the Sout~est one-quarter (S.W.I/4) of Section 9, Township 45 SOuth, Range 43 tast, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: ,. COHMF.NGING a~ th~ Sou~hwest'corner of the Southwes~ one-~uarter (S.W.l/4) 0""1. saiCl Section 9; Thence South 89028'48" East, along the South line of said SouLawes~ one-quarter (S.W.l/4) of Section 9, a distance of 1471.23 feet to the POINT or BEGINNING; Thence North 00036'28" East, along ~be West RAghl-of-Way line of C.S.X. Railroad. a distance of 2636.31 feet; Thence Souto 89023'45" East, along the North line of said Southwest one-quarter (S.W.l/4) of Section 9, 8 distance of 98.52 feet; Thence South 00040'20" West, along the East Right-of.Way line of C.S.X. Railroad, 8 distance of 2636.18 feet; Thenc<:l North 89028'48" ~est. along the South line of Southwest one-quarter (S.W.I/4) of Section 9, 8 distance of 95.55 feet to the POI~" or BEGI:''NI~. ';,., , \ ~ ,,,, ~ ro.; it; PAGE 41 of .:98 ", ....i~ .~:tt B9/14/95 12:26:19 4B- 'B-37BB-> 4B7 624 3533 4B7-64B-9387 Page 8 I .' . , I . . ' ., , . . -' ,~. \ , . . ,., ~ \" , '. - ,.~~,....,-..;.).. Wfa:: fI; J(l " (~.T 1~:(,/5 /ft.. .........'.~. ~...." /...o,,'c.' TC '.D..lcr. ,6>'... -- nil ...,......, Jr_ Ilr' C::T_G;. j 9~7 1l!:~~a/:1 8 '7 '<'90SSS .",,: "i 43 b P; 1 /,."3 i" -: QP.Mt IoIOOH. l.a.,., ,. 0. 8011 010 ~"'0I>, FIerIOl ... ..)~ Jl,)HI>; ( 29: 50G. X ~'" ..' ;, :l:':~~-:LEI,:LC:f,~ - ?E, ~':':!;';~T. ~ "'~ ...,,1lwII fllrcelllllllllln1lGll (Io~l Numilllllsl: r-- I: I I ~"'I Jll1tr '.I~ lilt t~ 1~(.QIDI~ MrA Ihif lflarrantg Bud \1".'" .~, .I11l1F.$ lI, ROI.I.YSON ""~ CI',~F.VIF.VE R!lIHSOJ;. hi. I'lrh .I".. ,,' .\\'to;IH:'- \ t I ;') l'i:- ;,~. ...ii'l: 1"."..,..,Ir.lf ",111.,.1 ,1". "'.II,h,' 10. n.LlRKNT!Nt: ~ARBIJ: CI1."'1 P,^XY, I~(:"" Flnrid;1 \:orporatitH\ ..,I,,,,,,. I."~lf,.!jj.., fU{(J",,~, i-, ",J.e t.,.f jR C, ~~ .." " C'I),., d.J /3 'f\ :~ .', ,':. '? :) 'I 'f " - 'r""'I'I..:I~:..' "'IH,.,I .I~;. "!"~"~:'" ,""'t,,."" .,.,.; .,....", ',,, /.. lrl' '"./ .'.~," \"... ,1". ,,'. .......1' .,1. 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