FIRST REVIEW COMMENTS r r t OO~@~OW~[0 1 s REVIEW ~OMMENTS FEB 1 7 2009 New SIte Plan Project name: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical Office) File number: NWSP 09-00 I Reference: I sl review plans identified as a New Site Plan o d k' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. with a Januarv 7, 2009 Planning and Zoning eoartment ate stamn mar InD". DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - Solid Waste Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). The General COlltractor will contact the Public Works Department regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the Code, Section 10-26 (a) prior to oermit. 2. Provide a dumpster enclosure per the LOR, Chapter 2, Section II.J.2.b. A dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section 1l.j.2.b has been orovided, please refer to oa!!e Al 00, Note 7 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. Refer to detail #4 at page AIOl and Note 8 ill page AI00, for note indicating that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with citv standards drawin!! G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates). (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a.) Refer to detail #1 at page AI0l for note indicating that a minimum pas is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates), (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.;. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. Long Steel rods to drop into pavement in order to secure each dumpster gate shall be provided, please refer to detail #2 at pa}!e Al 01 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that ofthe adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs planted at a minimum of one- half (112) the wall height shall be provided along the screen walles) (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3.) Refer to Note 9 in paf!e Al 00. PUBLIC WORKS - Forestry 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b.) Trees have been spaced to avoid Ii!!ht rlXtures. 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. 10' sight triangles are shown on both Federal Highway and SE 4tll Street. Extended sight lines are shown on Federal Highway in direction of on comim! traffic. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-feet and 8-feet above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) See notes on Sheet L-2 10. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." See notes on Sheet L-2. Overhead wires from service pole to new building to be placed underground. PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: 11. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. See Civil En}!ineerin!! Plans. 12. This project will need a FDOT permit for driveway connection on South Federal Highway (U.S. #1). FDOT oermits are bein!! aoolied for. ENGINEERING Comments: 13. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Drainage District (L WDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." Note added to all Plans. Refer to Note lOin J)a}!e A1 00. 14. Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LDR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2. i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section A.1.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that erosIOn and sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices (BMPs. ) Pollution Prevention Plan is shown of Sheet 4. IS. Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. Do not wish to add sidewalk because it reduces valuable pervious area. However, a 3' wide access walk has been added in between the north tier of parkin}! spaces to provide access to the sidewalk on the north side. 16. Consider a seven foot wide (versus a five foot (shown)) sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in two foot of asphalt). The 5' wide sidewalk was changed into a 7' wide sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop along the north side of the parking refer to page A100 17. On the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. Raised curbs are beinJ! provided. 18. The loading space needs to be 12 feet x 35 feet in size, not the 12 feet x 22 feet shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. A waiver letter for loading space needs will be provided to the Engineer Department as part of tit is apo!ication 19. Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". Messa}!e will be added. 20. On the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FDOT Type "D" concrete curb. Curb has been specified. 21. Place H/C post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. H/C siJ!ns have bee added. 22. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 4 DEPARTMENTS reflected on all appropriate sheets. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans have been reflected on all appropriate sheets. 23. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. OK 24. The lighting design as shown on sheet L-l & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photoelectrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.F.5). Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals. Refer to pa}!e A1 02 for updated photometric plan 25. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified III LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. Certification has been provided. 26. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). Note has been added. 27. The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section 10.Z will be required at the time of permitting. Revised plan and calculations aUaclled. 28. Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details have been provided. UTILITIES Comments: INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 5 DEPARTMENTS 29. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the timeline should be the date of City Commission approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. Estimated Project Timeline: City Commission Approval- April 24, 2009 Permit Application - April 27. 2009 Start of Construction - August 1, 2009 Seuinf! of Meters - Februarv 1,2010 30. Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). Palm Beach Countv Health Dept. permits will be obtained as required. 31. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b )). Fire flow calculations will be provided. 32. The LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. Existing and proposed hvdrants have been shown. 33. CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. The General Contractor will pay the "capacity reservation fee" based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 34. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Reclaimed water from Citv is intended to be used for irrigation. 35. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. OK 36. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. Back{low prevention devices have been called out. 37. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. Statement has been added. 38. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be III accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details are beinf! provided. FIRE Comments: Forthcoming POLICE Comments: 39. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. The General Contractor will prepare a construction site security and manaf!ement plan for aDDroval bv the Citv's Police Department. 41. Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. OK 42. Lighting: 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 7 DEPARTMENTS a. All lighting shall be metal halide. b. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. Canopy trees have been kept away form parking lot lighting. c. Entry signage should be lighted. d. Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 43. Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. Landscape has been placed not to obstruct view from doors, windows or walkwavs. 44. Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) a. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility. b. Business address numbers shall be a minimum of 12 inches tall and placed in a conspicuous location away from landscaping. c. Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6 inches tall at rear) of business. d. Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6 inches tall. OK 45. Doors: e. Entry doors shall open outward versus inward. All entry doors are opening outward, refer to floor plan page A21 O. f. All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. g. Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. h. Delivery doorslbays should be secured with locks and alarm system. A Door Notes shall be added to page A500 of the permit set in order to address Items e. thru h. from the City Police Department. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 46. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. OK 47. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 8 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. The building structure will design to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submitted for buildinJ! permit. 48. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (psi) on the plans for the building design. The building structure will be designed as per 2004 FBC. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submitted for buildillf! permit. 49. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. OK 50. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown of the road. Finish floor elevation has been shown. a). Pro;ect is located in Zones "B" & "C" which do not reouire flood 51. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) The General Contractor will Dav capital facilitv fees. 52. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for reVIew at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. OK 53. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS Division, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. d. Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Division, 100 .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 9 II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561- 233-5013) e. United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734- 0872) OK 54. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: f Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. g. Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. Parking Spaces are provided as to comply with 2004 FBC, Sectiollll-4.6 alld Sectionll-4.1.2(5)(a). Area of Physical Therapy Suite has been modified so it is exactly and no more than 2,000 S.F. 2 Additional Handicap parkinf! spaces have been provided for this bay (20% of 1 0 spaces) 55. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 Storm water fees will be paid. 56. Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit application is submitted on or after March 1, 2009. OK PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 57. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. See native plant percentages on Sheet L-3 58. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler. See note on sheet L-2 and Irrigatioll plans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE . 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 10 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 59. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staff's comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. Will Do 60. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscap ing/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all sheets in plan set. Will Do 61. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8Yz inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at the TART meeting. Will Do 62. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742-6265 if you have any questions. Will Do 63. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the p Ian set. Plall Revisions lire reflected 011 lIllapproprillte sheets thrOllf!llOllt the plall set. 64. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the legal description the total acreage (to the 100th of an acre) / square footage of subject property. A jiill size (24 "x36'J surver is provided in this plan set. 65. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. 66. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. To be provided at TART meetinf!. 67. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, 1.10. uses should include general (professional/business) office; page 2, 1.11-16. should include contact person's name and name of firm; page 2, 11.1. land use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, 11.6.h. .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 11 . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under roof); page 4, II.7.e. is 0; page 4, 11.8. is 0; page 4, 11.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof) and # of stories. OK 68. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1,1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet and title blocks on each sheet). Name revised to: Sibia Buildinf! 69. Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet AI00 (Site Plan). Notes 1-10 from sheet 2 have been added to sheet A1 00. 70. Revise site plan (sheet Al 00) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatch lines). Refer to paf!e A1 00 to show Graphic scale. 71. Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (1 "=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. Landscape and Irrif!ation plans added overall 1 "=20 scale plan for first sheet. 72. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. All propertv lines correspond with Cllrrent survev. 73. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. Coversheet has been revised. 74. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). 75. Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to N &S). Site Plan and Landscape and Irrigation plans have added zoning and [and use on abuttinf! properties. 76. Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. Cover sheet AOOO was revised as to include owner and developer name and 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 12 DEPARTMENTS address 77. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. Refer site plan in pa!!e A1 00, all abutting rights-of-way are dimensioned. 78. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, of the Land Development Regulations (LDR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. Ok. 79. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section I1.H.14. of the LDR). Refer to Survey drawing performed by Bob Buggee as part of this application packaf!e. 80. Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. of the LDR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (I 0) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LDR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. Interior islands have been added to the site plan and landscape plan and the required trees per ten (10) parking spaces have been added. Refer to page A100, site plan drawing have been revised as to provide a landscape island every 10 parkinf! spaces as per LDR Ch. 7.5, Section 5.G. 81. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LDR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section I1.H.13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. Building area has been reduced, therefore. number of parking spaces required have been reduced from 42 to 40. Landscape Islands have been added as per code re(fuirements. INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 13 DEPARTMENTS 82. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Buildinf! owner and desif!n team prefer desif!n as presented. 83. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. All traffic control markinf!s have been shown ill everv plan 84. Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. Noted - See Ilote below buildinf! area calculations 85. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete). Site Plan and Landscape Plan sidewalk widths and hatch pattern have been added to the plans. 86. Revise site plan and landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from Federal Highway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a "green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator (561-742-6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. A note has been added to the landscape plan indicated that a 6 x 6 ft. mural will be painted on the north and south face of the building. A sketch and elevation will be provided with the public arts application at the TART meetinf!. 87. Revise sheet A21 0 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to conflict with these rectangles. Architectural awnings have been removed, remaining rectangles are concrete slabs On f!rade. 88. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. An area calculation schedule was added ill pages A210 ami A220 stating the square footaf!e and use of each bay. 89. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.) (clipped not glued to foamboard). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 14 DEPARTMENTS A burned CD with 24x36 Color rendering PDF copy of each exterior elevation will be submitted prior to TART meetinf!. 90. Per Ch.9. Section 11.1. of the LDR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. Refer to pages A300 and A301 to see North alld South for revised exterior elevatiolls with additiollal architectural ellhallcemellts. 91. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. The stairwells are designed as open-air with ullglazed openillgs to the West side. Please refer to page A210 allt1 A300. There are no stair openings to the South and West sides, for the purposes of Fire Protectioll from the property lille. 92. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. The ullglazed openings of the stairwell are fitted with architecturally embellished grill work (grid pattern) as shown ill the exterior elevations pages A300 and A301 93. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roofing, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). Exterior elevations pages A300 and a301 have been revised as to show colors and materials. Also please refer to 8.5xll Color chart pa!!e A300a. 94. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid-point of roof of highest pitched roof). The buildinf! heif!ht has been indicated, refer to paf!es A300 and A301 95. Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of600 feet (Chapter 9, Section I1.E.) Refer to page A103. A Roof equipment Sight Sectioll has been added to show that all roof equipment is complete screened. 96. The removal/relocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City ForesterlEnvironmentalist. No relocation of trees/palms will be required for this site. There are two INCLUDE REJECT ., . 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 15 DEPARTMENTS existing mango trees on site and the landscape plans indicates comparable caliper inch replacement plantinf!sfor mitigation. 97. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). Pervious and impervious areas have been added to site lllld landscape plans. 98. Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Substitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. Landscape area is minimal on this site alld no potable water will be used to irrigate landscape. (Reclaimed water will be used to irrif!ate landscape) 99. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section S.D. Islands and the required landscape have been added and the width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4tlt Street has been widened. 100. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section 10.CA.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. See note on Landscape Plan sheet L-2 that indicates that all above ground mechanical equipment and utilitv structures shall be screened. 101. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. There are no monument signs proposed. 102. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall sIgnage, including SIgn dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements of Ch. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (1) font/lettering style is permitted. Refer to Sif!IUlge CompallV submittal at a later date. 103. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared INCLUDE REJECT .. ". 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 16 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT plan. Refer to page A1 02 to see updated photometric plan. 104. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (I) foot candle and none below Y2 foot candle (Chapter 23, Article II.A.l.a). Refer to page A102 to see updated photometric plan to include light fi.:'Ctures details. 105. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). No feature lightinf! proposed. 106. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CD of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. OK MWR/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Dr. Sibia 709 S.Federal Hwy\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc ;;2/1 ~ { 0 4 Fire Comments +roM 2; tJ:.. Uz.(L Sibia Building 1. Sprinkler required 2. Move Hydrant to within 12' of Federal Hwy Curb and closer to drive through. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIuA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Ed Breese, Principal Planner DATE: January 20, 2009 FILE: NWSP 90-001 FROM: John Huntington, Officer Crime Prevention Unit SUBJECT: REFERENCES: Dr. Sibia - Boynton Beach Medical Site Plan ENCLOSURES: I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments: CPTED CONDITIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE APPROVAL CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE I, SECTION 8 (G) OF THE BUILDINGS, HOUSING AND CONTRUCTION REGULATIONS Construction Sites Conditions of approval: Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official. 1. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. 2. Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. 1. All lighting shall be metal halide. ~ Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. ~ Entry sign age should be lighted. ~ Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 2. Landscaping. ~ Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. 3.Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) ~ Shall be illuminate~.~~~ghttime visibili~ ~ ~~~1;s11a~~f.mnrmifm of 12 inches ana placed in a conspicuous location f". A away rom landscapmg. ~ Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6" rear) of all business. ~ Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6". 4.Entry doors to open outward versus inward. ~ All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. ~ Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. ~ Delivery doors/bays should be secured with locks and alarm system. Development Department Memorandum To: Ed Breese, Principal Planner From: Kevin John Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist Re: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical) 15t Review - New Site Plan NWSP #09-001 Date: January 13, 2009 I do not have any comments on the landscape plan. xc: kjh Page 1 ofl / Rivers, Jody To: Breese, Ed; Coale, Sherie Subject: Site Plan Review - Boynton Medical Offices Project: Boynton Medical Offices File No.: NWSP 90-001 1. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. 2. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler Jo4~ Parks Superintendent City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (561) 742-6226 (561) 742-6233 (fax) Respect for NA TURE...lt Starts in Parks - Whether it's feeling the sun on your face, learning how things grow or enjoying the awe-inspiring beauty of a summer's day, nature's innovation sustains us from the inside out. Spending time outside reminds us of our unique place in the world. A connection to nature. It starts in parks. 1/12/2009 / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 09-005 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director Planning and Zoning Division FROM: . . '~ H. David Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM<. ' City Engineer DATE: January 14, 2009 RE: Review Comments New Site Plan - 1 st Review BOYNTON BEACH MEDICAL File No. NWSP 09-001 The above referenced Site Plans, received on January 8,2009, was reviewed for Public Works, Engineering, and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Following are our general comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LOR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). 2. Provide a dumpster e~c1osure per the LOR, Chapter 2, Section 11.J.2.b. 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10ft. x 10ft. (inside dimension including gates). (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a.) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that of the adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs shall be provided along the screen wall(s) (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3.) PUaeJC WORKS - FORESTRY & GROl>,...oS 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b.) 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FOOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-ft. and 8-ft. above the pavement (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) 10. Per the LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2. Ficus species are not permitted. 11. Per the LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.8. Cypress mulch is not permitted. 12. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC 13. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. 14.This project will need a FOOT permit for driveway connection on South Federal Highway (U.S. #1). PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING 15.Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." 16.Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LOR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2.i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section A.1.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that erosion and sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices (BMPs.) 17.Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. . '18.Cbnsider a 7-foot wide (V'ersus a 5-foot shown) sidewalk to al.. J8S a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in 2-foot of asphalt). 19.0n the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. 20.The loading space needs to be 12' x 35' in size, not the 12' x 22' shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. 21.Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". 22.0n the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FOOT Type "0" concrete curb. 23.Place HIC post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. 24.AII comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. 25.Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 26.The lighting design as shown on sheet L-1 & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photoelectrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LOR, Chapter 9, Section 10.F.5). If possible please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals - it is much easier to identify and correct any deficiencies now than while you are waiting on a permit!! 27.Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified in LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. 28.lndicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). 29.The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section 1 o.z will be required at the time of permitting. 30Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES 31.Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the timeline should be the date of City Commission approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This timeline will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. 32.Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). 33.Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b )). 34.The LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 35.CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 36.Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. 37.A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 38.Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26- 207. 39.The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. 40. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, PE, Director, Public Works Dept. Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities Dept. Glenda Hall, Forestry & Gnds. Mgr, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste Ken Hall, Plan Review Analyst, Engineering Division file /' DATE: January 12, 2009 ~" - List of Acronyms/Abbreviations: ANSI - American National Standards Institute ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers CBB - City of Boynton Beach CBBA - Boynton Beach Amendments CBBCO - City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances CBBCPP - City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Policy CFR - Code of Federal Regulations EPA - Environment Protection Agency FBC - Florida Building Code FFHA - Federal Fair Housing Act FFPC - Florida Fire Prevention Code FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map F.S. - Florida Statutes LDR - Land Development Regulations NEC - National Electric Code NFPA - National Fire Prevention Assn NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 SFWMD - South Florida Water Management District DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 09-009 TO: Ed Breese Principal Planner FROM: Timothy K. Larg~ TART Member/Building Division SUBJECT: Project - Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical) File No. -NWSP-09-001 1 st review Buildina Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. Larae (561) 742-6352 1 Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. 2 Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 3 Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design. 4 At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 5 Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: A) From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable and occupiable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown of the road. S:IDevelopmentlBUILDINGI T ART\ TART 20091Dr Sibia Boynton Beach Medical NWSP 09-001. doc Page 1 of 3 6 If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: A) The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. B) The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 7 At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel, or tract. 8 Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application. 9 Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. 10 The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS Division, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. A) Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Division, 100 Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561-233-5013) B) United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734-0872) 11 At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: A) Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. B) Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. 12 If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 13 Multiple buildings that are located on a parcel of land shall be identified on the site plan using alpha or numeric coding. S:\DevelopmentIBUILDINGI T ARTi TART 20091Dr Sibia Boynton Beach Medical NWSP 09-001. doc Page 2 of 3 14 Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit application is submitted on or after March 1, 2009. TKLcr S:IDevelopmentIBUILDINGITART\TART 2009\Dr Sibia Boynton Beach Medical NWSP 09-001.doc Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 09-012 TO: Ed Breese, Principal Planner Planning and Zoning Division FROM: Andrew P. Mack, P.E. Engineer DATE: February 17, 2009 RE: T ART Review Comments Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical) -1st Rev. - Additional Comments File No. NWSP 09-001 The following is a list of items that do not conform to the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Land Development Regulations, or other governmental agencies. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC 1. Stacking space at drop-off openings. Provide a minimum of seventy (70) feet of vehicular stacking space which does not obstruct or restrict in any way the free movement of emergency vehicles, service vehicles or any other type of vehicles. Specifically what will prevent person from dropping off at front entrances adjacent to US Highway #1. ENGINEERING 1. Provide a minimum of 18' from edge of payment of SW 4th Street to west edge of 1st parking stall onsite. 2. Please clarify accessible route for the handicap spaces, note that a handicap person cannot travel behind parked vehicles on the accessible route. 3. Indicate all curve radii on plans, also provide a minimum of 10 foot radius for ingress/egress on SVV 4th Street. 4. Per code you cannot drain runoff of one property on to another, review grading at north property line to contain all runoff onsite. 5. Provide a typical cross section for parking area. 6. Per LOR Chapter 22 section 5 C (2) If any street abutting the property on which such construction is to occur is not depicted on the map or schedule on file in the Public Works Department of the city as a street on which sidewalk construction is required, the property owner shall pay a fee equal to the cost to the city per square foot of construction of the sidewalk abutting the property, as such fee is determined annually by the Director of Public Works. UTILITIES 1. A direct connection to sanitary manholes are not allowed, provide a connection with a wye five feet from manhole. 2. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Indicate irrigation point of connection on civil plans. The following is a list of items recommendations. None xc: H. David Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM, City Engineer Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities Dept. File TECHNICAL APPLICATION REVIEW TEAM MEETING AGENDA TO: Rick Lee, Fire Plan Review Analyst John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley Jr., City Engineer Andrew Mack, Civil Engineer Timothy Large, Building Division Jody Rivers, Parks Department Ed Breese, Planning & Zoning Division Eric Johnson, Planning & Zoning Division Kathleen Zeitler, Planning & Zoning Division Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist FROM: Michael W. Rumpf, Chairman DATE: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 TIME: 9:30 AM PLACE: Planning & Zoning Conference Room A. 9:30 AM New Site Plan PROJECT: Dr. Sibia AGENT: OWNER: Francisco Perez-Azua HMRS LLC LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 709 S. Federal Hwy New Site Plan to construct a 9,745 square foot Medical/Retail facility in a (-3 zoning district. cc: Nancy Byrne, Asst. Development Dir. Jeffrey Livergood, Public Works Director Kurt Bressner, City Manager Carisse LeJeune, Assistant to City Manager Larry Quinn, Public Works-General Matt Immler, Police Dept. Pete Mazzella, Asst. Utilities Director Planning 1 st Review Comments Dr Sibia - 709 S Federal Hwy NWSP 09-001 At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscaping/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all sheets in plan set. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8Y2 inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at the TART meeting. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742- 6265 if you have any questions. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the plan set. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the legal description the total acreage (to the 100th of an acre) / square footage of subject property. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, LlO. uses should include general (professionallbusiness) office; page 2, Lll-16. should include contact person's name and name of firm; page 2, ILl. land use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, II.6.h. provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under roof); page 4, II.7.e. is 0; page 4, II.8. is 0; page 4, II.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof) and # of stories. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1, 1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet and title blocks on each sheet). Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet AlOO (Site Plan). Revise site plan (sheet AI00) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatchlines). Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (I "=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to N & S). Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, of the Land Development Regulations (LOR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section 11.H.14. of the LDR). Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. of the LOR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (10) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LDR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LOR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section I1.H.13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. . . Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. Revise site plan to label loading zone. Submit letter from City Engineer that approves of reduced size of loading space, given the anticipated size of delivery trucks for the proposed uses on this site. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete). Revise site plan and landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from Federal Highway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a "green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator (561-742- 6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. Revise sheet A210 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to conflict with these rectangles. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.0.2.) (clipped not glued to foamboard). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. Per Ch.9. Section 11.1. of the LDR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roofing, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid- point of roof of highest pitched roof). Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, Section I1.E.) The removal/relocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City Forester/Environmentalist. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). . . Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Substitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section S.D. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section IO.CA.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall signage, including sign dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements ofCh. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (1) font/lettering style is permitted. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared plan. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section IO.F.I.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (1) foot candle and none below Yz foot candle (Chapter 23, Article ILA.I.a). Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property (Chapter 9, Section IO.F.2.). Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section IO.F.3.). Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CD of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Page 1 of 1 Breese, Ed From: Mazzella, Pete Sent: Wednesday, January 21,20094:25 PM To: Breese, Ed Subject: Dr. Sibia site plan Ed In case I didn't respond to your Jan 8 memo, please be advised that we have sufficient reserve capacity to provide water and sewer service to this project. New customers are always welcome. Ate,. v: tfmJla Deputy Director of Utilities City of Boynton Beach 561-742-6404 - office 561-742-6298- fax 1/21/2009 www.bbfrd.org FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION TO: Ed Breese, Principal Planner FROM: Deputy Chief Rodger W. Kemmer, Fire Marshal DATE: January 13, 2009 SUBJECT: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical The Fire Rescue Department expects to be able to provide an adequate level of service for these projects with current or expected infrastructure and/or staffing levels. Page 1 of 1 Coale, Sherie From: Brooks, Vivian Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:25 PM To: Coale, Sherie; Breese, Ed Subject: Boynton Beach Medical - Dr. Sibia My only comment is: "Add architectural detail to the north and south building elevations to break up the blank wall area. Suggested detail might include, window openings, plaster scoring w/color changes, mosaics, applied plaster detailing, etc. thanks Vivian L. Brooks Assistant Director Boynton Beach CRA 915 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-737-3256 brooksvi@bbfl.us "Energy and Persistance Alter All Things." Benjamin Franklin 1/26/2009 , ~ l'tREVlEWCOMMENTS 1fJ/A}-'<</ New Site Plan ;A../ /11dl/ .~ Project name: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical Office) J--. ! /t f c:r ~ ~~;e~~::; ~;~:wO~;:,1 identified as a New Site Plan with a January :, i?p,!ing andZ~n: ~ D d k' eoartment ate stamn mar IllQ". DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - Solid Waste Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). The General COlltractor will contact the Public Works Department regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the Code, Section 10-26 (a) prior to permit. 2. Provide a dumpster enclosure per the LOR, Chapter 2, Section II.J.2.b. A dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section 11.j.2.b has been provided, please refer to paf!e A1 00, Note 7 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. Refer to detail #4 at page A101 and Note 8 in page A100, for note indicating that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with city standards drawinf! G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates). (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a.) Refer to detail #1 at page A101 for note indicating that a minimum pas is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates), (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.j. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. Long Steel rods to drop into pavement in order to secure each dumpster gate shall be provided, please refer to detail #2 at page A1 01 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that ofthe adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs planted at a minimum of one- half (1/2) the wall height shall be provided along the screen wall(s) (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3.) Refer to Note 9 in /Ja!!e A1 00. PUBLIC WORKS - Forestry 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b.) Trees have been spaced to avoid lif!ht rlXtures. 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. 10' sight triangles are shown on both Federal Highway and SE 4tl1 Street. Extended sight lines are shown on Federal Highway in direction of on cominf! traffic. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-feet and 8-feet above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, ArticleII, Section 5.H.) See notes on Sheet L-2 10. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL' s "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." See notes on Sheet L-2. Overhead wires from service pole to new building to be placed underground. PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: 11. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. See Civil Enf!ineerinf! PlattS. 12. This project will need a FDOT permit for driveway connection on South Federal Highway (U.S. #1). FDOT permits are bein~ aoolied for. ENGINEERING Comments: 13. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Drainage District (L WDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." Note added to all Plans. Refer to Note 10 ill paf!e A1 00. 14. Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LDR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2.i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section Al.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that eroSIOn and sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices (BMPs. ) Pollution Prevention Plan is shown of Sheet 4. 15. Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. Do llot wish to add sidewalk because it reduces valuable pervious area. However, a 3' wide access walk has been added in between the north tier of parkillg spaces to provide access to the sidewalk on the north side. 16. Consider a seven foot wide (versus a five foot (shown)) sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in two foot of asphalt). The 5' wide sidewalk was changed into a 7' wide sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop along the north side of the parking refer to page A100 17. On the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. Raised curbs are being provided. 18. The loading space needs to be 12 feet x 35 feet in size, not the 12 feet x 22 feet shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. A waiver letter for loadillg space needs will be provided to the Ellgineer Dep(lrtment as part of this application 19. Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". Messaf!e will be added. 20. On the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FDOT Type "D" concrete curb. Curb has been specified. 21. Place H/C post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. H/C signs have bee added. 22. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT reflected on all appropriate sheets. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans have been reflected on all appropriate sheets. 23. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. OK 24. The lighting design as shown on sheet L-l & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photoelectrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section Al.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.F.5). Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals . Refer to page A1 02 for updated photometric olan 25. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified ill LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. Certification has been provided. 26. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A2.g). Note has been added. 27. The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section 1O.Z will be required at the time of permitting. Revised plan and calculations attached. 28. Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. Citv details have been provided. UTILITIES Comments: 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 5 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 29. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. Estimated Project Timeline: City Commission Approval- April 24, 2009 Permit Application - April 27, 2009 Start of Construction - August 1,2009 Setting of Meters - Februarv 1.2010 30. Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). Palm Beach Countv Health Dept. permits will be obtained as required. 31. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). Fire flow calculations will be provided. 32. The LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. Existinf! ami proposed hwlrants have been shown. 33. CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. The General Contractor will pay the "capacity reservation fee" based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 34. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3A. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Reclaimed water from Citv is intended to be lIsed for irrigation. 35. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. OK 36. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, III 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. Back{low preventioll devices have beell called out. 37. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. Statemellt has been added. 38. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be III accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details are beinf! provided. FIRE Comments: Forthcoming POLICE Comments: 39. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. The General Contractor will prepare a construction site security and manaf!ement plall for approval bv the Citv's Police Department. 41. Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. OK 42. Lighting: 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 7 \- INCLUDE \ REJECT I DEP ARTMENTS a. All lighting shall be metal halide. b. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. Canopy trees have been kept away form parking lot lighting. c. Entry signage should be lighted. d. Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 43. Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. Landscape has been placed not to obstruct view from doors, windows or walkwavs. 44. Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) a. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility. b. Business address numbers shall be a minimum of 12 inches tall and placed in a conspicuous location away from landscaping. c. Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6 inches tall at rear) of business. d. Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6 inches tall. OK 45. Doors: e. Entry doors shall open outward versuS inward. All entry doors are opening outward, refer to floor plan page A2l O. f. All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. g. Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. h. Delivery doorslbays should be secured with locks and alarm system. A Door Notes shall be added to page A500 of the permit set in order to address Items e. thru h. from the City police Department. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 46. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. ~ v OK 47. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of / 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 8 DEPARTMENTS Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. The building structure will design to withstand the minimum wintlloads of 140 mph. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submittedfor buildillf! permit. 48. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design. The building structure will be designed as per 2004 FBC. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submittedfor buildinf! permit. 49. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. OK 50. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown of the road. <'( .. ((\tJ ~O V~\ [)1*' ~~~ Finish floor elevation has been shown. a). Project is located in Zones "B" & "C" which do not re(luire flood 51. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) The General Contractor will pay capitalfacilityfees. 52. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. OK 53. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS Division, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. d. Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Division, 100 INCLUDE REJECT j,// / v L/ v v/ 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 9 DEP ARTMENTS r INCLUDE f REJECT 1 Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561- 233-5013) e. United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734- 0872) OK 54. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: / f. Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. g. Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. Parking Spaces are provided as to comply with 2004 FBC, SectioIl1l-4.6 alld Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a). Area of Physical Therapy Suite has been modified so it is exactly and no more thall 2,000 S.F. 2 Additional Handicap parkin!! spaces have been provided for this bav (20% of 1 0 spaces) 55. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the / CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 Storm water fees will be paid. 56. Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit V application is submitted on or after March 1, 2009. OK PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 57. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. See native plant percentaf!es on Sheet L-3 58. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler. See note on sheet L-2 and Irri!!atioll plans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 10 I II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 59. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staff's comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. Will Do 60. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscaping/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all sheets in plan set. Will Do 61. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8Y2 inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at the TART meeting. Will Do 62. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742-6265 if you have any questions. Will Do 63. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the p Ian set. Plan Revisions are reflected OIl all approlJriate sheets throuf!/lOut the plall set. 64. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the legal description the total acreage (to the looth of an acre) / square footage of subject property. A full size (24"x36") survev is provided in this plall set. 65. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. 66. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. To be provided at TART meetillf!. 67. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, 1.10. uses should include general (professional/business) office; page 2, 1.11-16. should include contact person's name and name of firm; page 2, II.1. land use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, II.6.h. .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 11 I ~ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under roof); page 4, 11.7 .e. is 0; page 4, II.8. is 0; page 4, 11.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof) and # of stories. OK 68. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1, 1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet and title blocks on each sheet). Name revised to: Sibia Buildin!! 69. Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet Al 00 (Site Plan). Notes 1-10from sheet 2 have been added to sheet A1 00. 70. Revise site plan (sheet AI00) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatchlines). Refer to paf!e A1 00 to show Graphic scale. 71. Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (1"=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. Landscape and Irrigation plans added overall 1 "=20 scale plan for first sheet. 72. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. All propertv lines correspond with current survev. 73. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. Coversheet has been revised. 74. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). 75. Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to N & S). Site Plan and Landscape alld Irrigation plans have added zoning and land use on abuUinf! properties. 76. Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. Cover sheet AOOO was revised as to include oWller and developer /lame and . 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 12 DEPARTMENTS address 77. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. Refer site plan in paf!e A1 00, all abuttin!! rifdlts-of-wav are dimensioned. 78. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, of the Land Development Regulations (LDR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. Ok. 79. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section 11.H.14. of the LOR). Refer to Survey drawing performed by Bob BlIggee as part of this application packaf!e. 80. Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. of the LDR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (10) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LDR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. Interior islands Ilave been a{lded to tile site plan and landscape plan and tile required trees per ten (10) parking spaces have been added. Refer to page A100, site plan drawing have been revised as to provide a landscape island every 10 parkinf! spaces as per LD R Ch. 7.5, Section 5. G. 81. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LDR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section 11.H.13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. Building area has been reduced, therefore. nllmber of parking spaces required have been reduced from 42 to 40. Landscape Islands have been added as per code rel/uirements. INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 13 DEPARTMENTS 82. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Buildinf! owner and desif!ll team prefer desif!n as presellted. 83. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. All traffic control markillf!S have been ShOWll ill every plall 84. Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. Noted - See llote below builditl!! area calculations 85. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete ). Site Plan ami Lalldscape Plall sidewalk widths and hatclz pattem have been added to the plans. 86. Revise site plan and landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from Federal Highway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a "green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator (561-742-6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. A note has been added to the landscape plan indicated that a 6 x 6 ft. mural will be painted on the north and south face of the building. A sketch and elevation will be provided with the public arts application at the TART meetinf!. 87. Revise sheet A21 0 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to conflict with these rectangles. Architectural awnings have been removed, remaining rectangles are concrete slabs on !!rade. 88. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. All area calculation schedule was added in pages A210 and A220 stating the square foota!!e and use of eaclz bav. 89. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.) (clipped not glued to foam board). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 14 DEPARTMENTS A burned CD with 24x36 Color rendering PDF copy of each exterior elevation will be submitted prior to TART meetin!!. 90. Per Ch.9. Section 11.1. of the LOR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. Refer to pages A300 and A301 to see North and South for revised exterior elevations with additional architectural enhancements. 91. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. The stairwells are designed as open-air with unglazed openings to the West side. Please refer to page A210 and A300. There are no stair openings to the South and West sides, for the purposes of Fire Protection from the property line. 92. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. The unglazed openings of the stairwell are fitted with architecturally embellished grill work (grid pattern) as shown in the exterior elevations pages A300 and A301 93. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roofing, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). Exterior elevations pages A300 and a301 have been revised as to show colors and materials. Also please refer to 8.5xll Color chart pa!!e A300a. 94. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid-point of roof of highest pitched roof). The buildim! hei!!ht has been indicated, refer to paf!es A300 and A301 95. Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, Section I1.E.) Refer to page A103. A Roof equipment Sif!ht Section has been added to show that all roof e(fllipment is complete screened. 96. The removal/relocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City Forester/Environmentalist. No relocation of trees/palms will be reauired for this site. There are two INCLUDE REJECT -t . 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 15 DEPARTMENTS existing mango trees on site and the landscape plans indicates comparable caliper inch replacement plantinf!sfor miti!!ation. 97. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). Pervious and impervious areas have been added to site and landscape plans. 98. Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Substitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. Landscape area is minimal on this site and no potable water will be used to irrif!ate landscape. (Reclaimed water will be used to irrif!ate landscape) 99. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section S.D. Islands and the required landscape have been added and the width of terminal islands ad;acent to SE 4tll Street has been widened. 100. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section 10.CA.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. See note on Landscape Plan sheet L-2 that indicates that all above ground mechanical el1uipment and utility structures shall be screened. 101. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. There are no monument sif!ns proposed. 102. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall slgnage, including SIgn dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements of Ch. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (1) font/lettering style is permitted. Refer to sif!llage Company submittal at a later date. 103. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared INCLUDE REJECT ,.. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 16 DEPARTMENTS plan. Refer to paf!e A1 02 to see updated photometric plan. 104. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (1) foot candle and none below Y2 foot candle (Chapter 23, Article ILA.I.a). Refer to page A102 to see updated photometric plan to include light ft'Ctures details. 105. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). Nofeature lif!htinf! proposed. 106. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CD of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. OK MWR/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Dr. Sibia 709 S.Federal Hwy\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc INCLUDE REJECT ~t\ ~~ ~ 0 G " 'II 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan Project name: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical Office) File number: NWSP 09-001 Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a New Site Plan with a January 7,2009 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - Solid Waste Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). 2. Provide a dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section I1.J.2.b. 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates). (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a.) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that of the adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs planted at a minimum of one- half (1/2) the wall height shall be provided along the screen wall(s) (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and Chapter 9, Section 1O.C.3.) PUBLIC WORKS - Forestrv Comments: 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light V ~ fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. Lb.) 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 .H.) Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles V V- along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there V /" shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-feet and 8-feet above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) . 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 10. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be v/ V designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: 11. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. 12. This project will need a FDOT permit for driveway connection on South Federal Highway (U.S. #1). ENGINEERING Comments: 13. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." 14. Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LDR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2.i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section A.l.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that eroSIOn and sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices (BMPs.) 15. Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. 16. Consider a seven foot wide (versus a five foot (shown)) sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in two foot of asphalt). 17. On the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. 18. The loading space needs to be 12 feet x 35 feet in size, not the 12 feet x 22 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT feet shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. 19. Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". 20. On the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FDOT Type "D" concrete curb. 21. Place H/C post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. 22. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. 23. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 24. The lighting design as shown on sheet L-l & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photoelectrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.F.5). Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals. 25. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified in LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. 26. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). 27. The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section 1O.Z will be required at the time of permitting. 28. Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT UTILITIES Comments: 29. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. 30. Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). 31. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the Cjty Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 32. The LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 33. CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 34. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3A. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. 35. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 36. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, III accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. 37. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. 38. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 5 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT shall be III accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. FIRE Comments: Forthcoming POLICE Comments: 39. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. 41. Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. 42. Lighting: a. All lighting shall be metal halide. b. Landscaping shall not cont1ict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. c. Entry signage should be lighted. d. Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 43. Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. 44. Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) a. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility. b. Business address numbers shall be a minimum of 12 inches tall and placed in a conspicuous location away from landscaping. c. Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6 inches tall at rear) of 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT business. d. Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6 inches tall. 45. Doors: e. Entry doors shall open outward versus inward. f. All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. g. Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. h. Delivery doors/bays should be secured with locks and alarm system. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 46. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. 47. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 48. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design. 49. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 50. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown of the road. 51. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 52. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. 53. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS Division, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. d. Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Division, 100 Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561- 233-5013) e. United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734- 0872) 54. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: f. Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. g. Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. 55. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 56. Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit application is submitted on or after March 1,2009. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 57. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. V 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 8 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 58. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler. V / FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE V PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 59. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staff s comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. 60. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscaping/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all sheets in plan set. 61. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8 ~ inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at the TART meeting. 62. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742-6265 if you have any questions. 63. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the plan set. 64. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the _ _ _f'h legal description the total acreage (to the 1 uu~. of an acre) / square footage of subject property. 65. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. 66. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. 67. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, I.1 O. uses should include general (professionallbusiness) office; page 2, 1.11-16. should include contact person's name and name of firm; page 2, ILL land 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 9 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, II.6.h. provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under roof); page 4, II.7.e. is 0; page 4, 11.8. is 0; page 4, I1.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof) and # of stories. 68. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1,1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet and title blocks on each sheet). 69. Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet AlOO (Site Plan). 70. Revise site plan (sheet AlOO) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatchlines). 71. Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (1"=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. 72. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. 73. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. 74. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). 75. Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to llr. T 0_ C'1'\ 1'1 (X,i:)}. 76. Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. 77. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. 78. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, of the Land Development Regulations (LDR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 10 DEPARTMENTS 79. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section ll.H.l4. of the LDR). 80. Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. of the LDR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (l0) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LDR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. 81. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LDR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section 1 1.H. 13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. 82. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Q'1 U.J. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. 84. Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. 85. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete). 86. Revise site plan and landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from Federal Highway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a "green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator (561-742-6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the INCLUDE REJECT 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 11 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. 87. Revise sheet A21 0 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to conflict with these rectangles. 88. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. 89. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.) (clipped not glued to foamboard). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. 90. Per Ch.9. Section ILL of the LDR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. 91. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. 92. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. 93. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roofing, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). 94. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid-point of roof of highest pitched roof). ()~ Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that '/.J . all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, Section 11.E.) 96. The removal/relocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City Forester/Environmentalist. 97. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). 98. Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Substitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. 99. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/23/09 12 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section 5.D. 100. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section 1O.CA.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. 101. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. 102. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall sIgnage, including SIgn dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements of Ch. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (1) font/lettering style is permitted. 103. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared plan. 104. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (1) foot candle and none below Yz foot candle (Chapter 23, Article ILA.1.a). 105. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section lO.F.3.). 106. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentati ons at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CD of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. MWR/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Dr. Sibia 709 S.Federal Hwy\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc . . Project name: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical Office) File number: NWSP 09-001 Reference: 1 st review plans identified as a New Site Plan Department date stamp marking. with a January 7, 2009 Planning and Zoning DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - Solid Waste Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). The General COlltractor will contact the Public Works Departmellt regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the Code, Section 10-26 (a) prior to permit. 2. Provide a dumpster enclosure per the LOR, Chapter 2, Section 11.J.2.b. A dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section 11.j.2.b has been provided, please refer to paf!e A1 00, Note 7 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. Refer to detail #4 at page A101 and Note 8 in page A100, for note indicatillg that the site dumpster enclosure shall be cOllstructed ill accordallce with city stalldards drawinf! G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates). (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a.) Refer to detail #1 at page A101 for Ilote indicatillg that a minimum pas is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimensioll including gates), (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.;. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. LOllg Steel rods to drop into pavement ill order to secure each dumpster gate shall be provided, please refer to detail #2 at paf!e A1 01 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that of the adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs planted at a minimum of one- half (1/2) the wall height shall be provided along the screen wall(s) (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3.) Refer to Note 9 in paf!e A1 00. PUBLIC WORKS - Forestry , 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b.) Trees have been spaced to avoid light fixtures. 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. 10' sight triangles are shown on both Federal Highway and SE 4tll Street. Extended sight lines are shown on Federal Highway in direction of on cominf! traffic. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-feet and 8-feet above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) See notes on Sheet L-2 10. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." See notes on Sheet L-2. Overhead wires from service pole to new building to be placed underground. PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: 11. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. See Civil Engineering Plans. 12. This project will need a FOOT permit for driveway connection on South Federal Highway (U.S. #1). FDOT permits are beinf! aoolied for. ENGINEERING Comments: 13. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth ., 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 3 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Drainage District (L WDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." Note added to all Plans. Refer to Note lOin paf!e A1 00. 14. Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LDR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2.i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section Al.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that erosion and sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices (BMPs. ) Pollution Prevention Plan is shown of Sheet 4. 15. Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. Do not wish to add sidewalk because it reduces valllable pervious area. However, a 3' wide access walk has been added in between the north tier of park;'lf! spaces to provide access to the sidewalk on the north side. 16. Consider a seven foot wide (versus a five foot (shown)) sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in two foot of asphalt). The 5' wide sidewalk was changed into a 7' wide sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop along the north side of the parking refer to page A100 17. On the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. Raised curbs are beinf! provided. 18. The loading space needs to be 12 feet x 35 feet in size, not the 12 feet x 22 feet shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. A waiver letter for loading space needs will be provided to the Engineer Department as part oftlzis application 19. Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". Messaf!e will be added. 20. On the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FDOT Type "D" concrete curb. Curb has been specified. 21. Place H/C post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. H/C signs have bee added. 22. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 4 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT reflected on all appropriate sheets. All comments requiring changes antI/or corrections to the plans have been reflected on all appropriate sheets. 23. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. OK 24. The lighting design as shown on sheet L-l & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photoelectrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.F.5). Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals. Refer to paf!e A102 for updated photometric plan 25. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified III LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. Certification has been provided. 26. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). Note has been added. 27. The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section 10.Z will be required at the time of permitting. Revised plan and calculatiolls attached. 28. Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details have been provided. UTILITIES Comments: 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 5 DEPARTMENTS 29. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. Estimated Project Timeline: City Commissiol1 Approval- April 24, 2009 Permit Applicatiol1 - April 27, 2009 Start of COllstructiOI1 - A llgust 1, 2009 Settinf! of Meters - Februarv 1,2010 30. Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). Palm Beach COllntv Health Dept. permits will be obtained as required. 31. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). Fire flow calculations will be provided. 32. The LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. Existinf! ami proposed hydrants have been showll. 33. CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. The General Contmctor will pay the "capacity reservation fee" based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 34. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3A. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Reclaimed water from City is intended to be usedfor irrif!ation. 35. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. OK 36. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 6 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. Backflow prevention devices have beell called out. 37. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. Statement has beell added. 38. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details are beinf! provided. FIRE Comments: Forthcoming POLICE - ~ Comments: 39. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a ~ construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. / b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. The General Contractor will prepare a construction site security and " management plan for approval by the Citv's Police Department. 41. Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. OK ./ 42. Lighting: r 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 7 DEPARTMENTS a. All lighting shall be metal halide. b. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. Canopy trees have been kept away form parking lot lighting. c. Entry signage should be lighted. d. Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 43. Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. Landscape has been placed not to obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. 44. Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) a. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility. b. Business address numbers shall be a minimum of 12 inches tall and placed in a conspicuous location away from landscaping. c. Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6 inches tall at rear) of business. d. Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6 inches tall. OK 45. Doors: e. Entry doors shall open outward versus inward. All entry doors are opening outward, refer to floor plan page A21 O. f. All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. g. Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. h. Delivery doorslbays should be secured with locks and alarm system. A Door Notes shall be added to page A500 of the permit set in order to address Items e. thru h. from the Citv Police Department. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 46. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. OK 47. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of INCLUDE REJECT ./ V' ./ ./ " 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 8 DEPARTMENTS Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. The building structure will design to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submittedfor buildinf! permit. 48. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design. The building structure will be designed {IS per 2004 FBC. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submitted for buildinf! permit. 49. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. OK 50. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown of the road. Finish floor elevation has been shown. a). Proiect is located in Zones "B" & "C" which do not reQuireflood 51. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) The General Contractor will pav capital facilitv fees. 52. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. OK 53. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS Division, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. d. Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Division, 100 INCLUDE REJECT ,. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 9 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561- 233-5013) e. United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734- 0872) OK 54. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: f. Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. g. Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. Parking Spaces are provided as to comply with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 ami Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a). Area of Physical Therapy Suite has been modified so it is exactly and no more tlzan2,000 S.F. 2 Additional Handicap parkinf! spaces have been provided for this bay (20% of 1 0 spaces) 55. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 Storm water fees will be paid. 56. Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit application is submitted on or after March 1,2009. OK PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 57. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. See native plant percentaf!es on Sheet L-3 58. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler. See note on sheet L-2 and Irrif!ation plans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 10 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 59. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. Will Do 60. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscaping/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all sheets in plan set. Will Do 61. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8Yz inches by II inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at the TART meeting. Will Do 62. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742-6265 if you have any questions. Will Do 63. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the p Ian set. Plan Revisions are reflected Oil all approoriate sheets throughout the plan set. 64. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the legal description the total acreage (to the looth of an acre) / square footage of subject property. A till/ size (24"x36") survev is provided in this plall set. 65. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. 66. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. To be provided at TART meetillf!. 67. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, I. 1 O. uses should include general (professionallbusiness) office; page 2, I.11-16. should include contact person's name and name of firm; page 2, 11.1. land use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, II.6.h. .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 11 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under root); page 4, 11.7 .e. is 0; page 4, 11.8. is 0; page 4, 11.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched roof) and # of stories. OK 68. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1, 1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet and title blocks on each sheet). Name revised to: Sibia Buildinf! 69. Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet AI00 (Site Plan). Notes 1-10 from sheet 2 have been added to sheet A100. 70. Revise site plan (sheet AI00) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatchlines). Refer to page A1 00 to show Graphic scale. 71. Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (1 "=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. Landscape and Irrif!ation plans added overall 1 "=20 scale plan for first sheet. 72. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. All propertv lines correspond with current survev. 73. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. Coversheet has been revised. 74. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched root). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). 75. Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to N &S). Site Plan and Landscape and Irrigation plans have added zoning and land use on abuttinf! properties. 76. Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. Cover sheet AOOO was revised as to include owner and developer name and 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 12 DEPARTMENTS address 77. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. Refer site plan in page A1 00, all abuttinf! rif!hts-of-wav are dimensioned. 78. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, of the Land Development Regulations (LDR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. Ok. 79. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section Il.H.14. of the LDR). Refer to Survey drawing performed by Bob Bllggee as part of this application package. 80. Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. of the LDR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (10) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LDR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. Interior islands have been added to the site plan and landscape plan and the required trees per ten (10) parking spaces have been added. Refer to page A100, site plan drawing have been revised as to provide a landscClpe island everv 10 parking spaces as per LDR Ch. 7.5, Section 5.G. 81. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LDR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section 11.H.13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. Building area has been reduced, therefore, number of parking spaces required hm'e been reduced from 42 to 40. Landscape Islands have been added as per code rel/llirements. INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 13 DEPARTMENTS 82. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Buildinf! owner and desif!n team prefer desif!n as presellted. 83. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. All traffic controlmarkillf!s have been showll in everv plall 84. Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. Noted - See Ilote below buildillf! area calculations 85. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete). Site Plan and Landscape Plall sidewalk widths and hatch pattern have been added to the plans. 86. Revise site plan and landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from Federal Highway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a "green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator (561-742-6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. A note has been added to the landscape plan indicated that a 6 x 6 ft mural will be painted on the north and south face of the building. A sketch and elevation will be provided with the public arts application at the TART meeting. 87. Revise sheet A21 0 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to conflict with these rectangles. Architectural awnings have been removed, remaining rectangles are concrete slabs on f!rade. 88. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. All area calculation schedule was added in pages A210 and A220 stating the Sl/uare footaf!e and use of each bav. 89. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.) (clipped not glued to foamboard). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. INCLUDE REJECT w 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 14 DEPARTMENTS A burned CD with 24x36 Color rendering PDF copy of each exterior elevation will be submitted prior to TART meetinf!. 90. Per Ch.9. Section 11.1. of the LDR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. Refer to pages A300 and A301 to see North and South for revised exterior elevations with additional architectural enhancements. 91. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. The stairwells are designed as open-air with unglazed openings to the West side. Please refer to page A210 alUl A300. There are no stair openings to the South and West sides, for the purposes of Fire Protection from the property line. n. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. The unglazed openings of the stairwell are fitted with architecturally embellished grill work (grid pattern) as shown in the exterior elevations pages A300 and A301 93. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roOfIllg, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). Exterior elevations pages A300 and a301 have been revised as to show colors and materials. Also please refer to 8.5xll Color chart page A300a. 94. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid-point of roof of highest pitched roof). The buildinf! heif!ht has been indicated, refer to paf!es A300 and A301 95. Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of600 feet (Chapter 9, Section I1.E.) Refer to page A1 03. A Roof equipment Sight Section has been added to show that all roof el/uipment is complete scree1led. 96. The removaVrelocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City ForesterlEnvironmentalist. No relocation of trees/palms will be reauired for this site. There are two INCLUDE REJECT ., 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 15 DEPARTMENTS existing mango trees on site and the landscape plans indicates comparable caliper inch replacement plantinf!s for mitif!ation. 97. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). Pervious and impervious areas have been added to site and landscape plans. 98. Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Substitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. Landscape area is minimal on this site and no potable water will be used to irrif!ate landscape. (Reclaimed water will be used to irri!!ate landscape) 99. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section S.D. Islands and the required landscape have been added and the width of terminal islands adiacent to SE 4tll Street has been widened. 100. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section 10.CA.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. See note on Landscape Plan sheet L-2 that indicates that all above ground mechanical equipment and utility structures shall be screened. 101. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. There are no monument sif!ns proposed. 102. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall signage, including SIgn dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements of Ch. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (1) font/lettering style is permitted. Refer to SiglUlge Companv submittal at a later date. 103. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 16 DEPARTMENTS plan. Refer to p{lf!e A1 02 to see uodated photometric plan. 104. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 1 O.F. 1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (1) foot candle and none below ~ foot candle (Chapter 23, Article ILA.l.a). Refer to page A102 to see updated photometric plan to include light ji.:([ures details. 105. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). No feature lif!htinf! proposed. 106. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CD of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. OK MWR/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Dr. Sibia 709 S.Federal Hwy\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc INCLUDE REJECT .. 1st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan Project name: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical Office) File number: NWSP 09-001 Reference: 1 st review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a January 7, 2009 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - Solid Waste Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). The General Contractor will contact the Public Works Department regarding :~ the storage and handling of refuse per the Code, Section 10-26 (a) prior to permit. 2. Provide a dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section II.J.2.b. A dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section 11.j.2.b has been \, ' . provided, please refer to paf!e A1 00, Note 7 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. Refer to detail #4 at page A101 and Note 8 in page A100, for note indicating '. that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with citv standards drawinf! G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates). (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a.) , Refer to detail #1 at page A101 for note indicating that a minimum pas is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates), (LDR, Chaoter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.;. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. 'v Long Steel rods to drop into pavement in order to secure each dumpster gate shall be provided, please refer to detail #2 at pa!!e A1 01 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that of the adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs planted at a minimum of one- half (1/2) the wall height shall be provided along the screen wall(s) (LDR, \ Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and u ;i" Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3.) Refer to Note 9 in page A1 00. PUBLIC WORKS - Forestry !. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 2 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b.) l Trees have been spaced to avoid lif!ht rlXtures. 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. \ 10' sight triangles are shown on both Federal Highway and SE 4t11 Street. Extended sight lines are shown on Federal Highway in direction of on cominf! traffic. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-feet and 8-feet above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) " See notes on Sheet L-2 10. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." ~ ":\ , See notes on Sheet L-2. Overhead wires from service pole to new building to be placed underground. PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: 11. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. t See Civil EIlf!ineerinf! Plans. 12. This project will need a FDOT permit for driveway connection on South ...W Federal Highway (U.S. #1). fY l ., . . FDOT permits are beinf! appliedfor. /J .v'^. ENGINEERING Comments: 13. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 '" ,) DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) l and any others, shall be included with the permit request." Note added to all Plans. Refer to Note 1 0 ill paf!e A1 00. 14. Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LDR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2.i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section A1.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that erOSIOn and Ii sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices Ir (BMPs.) Pollution Prevelltion Plan is shown of Sheet 4. 15. Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. Do llot wish to add sidewalk because it reduces valuable pervious area. However, a 3' wide access walk has beell added ill between the north tier of parking spaces to provide access 10 the sidewalk on the north side. 16. Consider a seven foot wide (versus a five foot (shown)) sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in two foot of asphalt). The 5' wide sidewalk was changed into a 7' wide sidewalk to act as a t continuous wheel stop along the north side of the parking refer to page A100 17. On the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. \.. Raised curbs are beinf! provided. 18. The loading space needs to be 12 feet x 35 feet in size, not the 12 feet x 22 feet shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. t A waiver letter for loadillg space needs will be provided to the Ellgineer Department as part oft/lis application 19. Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". \ Messaf!e will be added. 20. On the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FDOT Type "D" concrete curb. I Curb /tas been specified. 21. Place H/C post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. \. H/C signs have bee added. 22. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT reflected on all appropriate sheets. All comments requiring changes antI/or corrections to the plans have been reflected on all appropriate sheets. 23. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. OK 24. The lighting design as shown on sheet L-l & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section Al.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtur~all be operated by photoelectrical control.1IDdare to remain ()i1'. ~,., _yntg ~~QQ_~(LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.F.5). Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals. Refer to paf!e A1 02 for updated photometric plan 25. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified III LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. Certification has been provided. 26. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A2.g). Note has been added. 27. The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section 1O.Z will be required at the time of permitting. Revised plan and calculations aUac/led. 28. Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. Citv details have been provided. UTILITIES Comments: , ,~ /l.r1-, f ,I /'l'/V: \ '. t " ~ , .. j , :' 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 5 DEPARTMENTS 29. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This timeline will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. Estimated Pn~iect Timeline: f, City Commissioll Approval- April 24, 2009 I' Permit Applicatioll - April 27. 2009 Start ofCollstruction - August 1,2009 Setting of Meters - Februarv 1, 2010 30. Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). Palm Beach Countv Health Dept. permits will be obtained as required. 31. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g. p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b )). Fire.flow calculatiolls will be provided. 32. The LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. Existinf! ami proposed hvdrants have been shown. 33. CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon fIllal meter size, or expected demand. The General COil tractor will pay the "capacity reservation fee" based UpOIl .final meter size, or expected demand. 34. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Reclaimed water from Citv is intended to be used for irrif;fation. 35. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. OK 36. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in INCLUDE \,/ v t /'f~ tJ,r: ^ " "~;i\ lJ\ \~) J " ~\ , \"" " REJECT t .J' rv\ ;J..J ~_ /,^-l 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 6 . II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. Backflow prevention devices have been called out. .... 37. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. \. Statement has been added. 38. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be III accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction \... permit application. City details are beinf! provided. FIRE Comments: Forthcoming POLICE Comments: 39. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. The General Contractor will prepare a construction site security and manaf!ement plan for approval bv the Citv's Police Department. 41. Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. OK 42. Lighting: 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 7 DEPARTMENTS a. All lighting shall be metal halide. b. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. Canopy trees have been kept away form parking lot lighting. c. Entry signage should be lighted. d. Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 43. Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. Landscape has been placed not to obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. 44. Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) a. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility. b. Business address numbers shall be a minimum of 12 inches tall and placed in a conspicuous location away from landscaping. c. Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6 inches tall at rear) of business. d. Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6 inches tall. OK 45. Doors: e. Entry doors shall open outward versus inward. All entry doors are opening outward, refer to floor plan page A21 O. f. All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. g. Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. h. Delivery doorslbays should be secured with locks and alarm system. A Door Notes shall be added to page A500 of the permit set in order to address Items e. thru Iz. from the City Police Department. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 46. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. OK 47. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 8 DEPARTMENTS Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. The buildillg structure will design to withstalld the minimum wintlloatls of 140 mph. Structural drawings will be part of the Constructioll Documents anti submittedfor buildblf! permit. 48. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design. The building structure will be desiglled liS per 2004 FBC. Structural drawillgs will be part of the Construction Documents and submittedfor buildillf! permit. 49. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings ofthe proposed construction. OK 50. IdentifY within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. VerifY that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown ofthe road. Finish floor elevation has been showll. a). Proiect is located ill Zones "B" & "C" which do not requireflood 51. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) The General Contractor will pay capitalfacilityfees. 52. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. OK 53. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS Division, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. d. Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Division, 100 INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 9 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561- 233-5013) e. United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734- 0872) OK 54. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: f. Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. g. Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. Parking Spaces are provided as to comply with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 ami Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a). Area of Physical Therapy Suite has been modified so it is exactly and no more than 2,000 S.F. 2 Additional Handicap parkinf! spaces have been provided for this bav (20% of 1 0 spaces) 55. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 Storm water fees will be paid. 56. Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit application is submitted on or after March 1, 2009. OK PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 57. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. See native plant percentaf!es on Sheet L-3 58. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler. See note on sheet L-2 and Irrif!ation plans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 10 i DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 59. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. Will Do 60. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscaping/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all sheets in plan set. Will Do 61. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8Y2 inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at the TART meeting. Will Do 62. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742-6265 if you have any questions. Will Do 63. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the p Ian set. Plan Revisions are reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the plan set. 64. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the legal description the total acreage (to the 100th of an acre) / square footage of subject property. A full size (24"x36") survev is provided in this plan set. 65. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. 66. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. To be provided at TART meetillf!. 67. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, 1.10. uses should include general (professionallbusiness) office; page 2, 1.11-16. should include contact person's name and name of fIrm; page 2, 11.1. land use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, II.6.h. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 11 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under roof); page 4, II. 7.e. is 0; page 4, II.8. is 0; page 4, 11.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched root) and # of stories. OK 68. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1, 1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet and title blocks on each sheet). Name revised to: Sibia Building 69. Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet AI00 (Site Plan). Notes 1-10from sheet 2 have been added to sheet A100. 70. Revise site plan (sheet AI00) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatchlines). Refer to paf!e A1 00 to show Graphic scale. 71. Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (1 "=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. Landscape and Irrif!ation plans added overall 1 "=20 scale plan forfirst sheet. 72. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. All propertv lines correspond with currellt survev. 73. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. Coversheet has been revised. 74. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched root). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). 75. Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to N & S). Site Plan and Landscape and Irrigation plans have added zoning and land use on abuttinf! properties. 76. Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. Cover sheet AOOO was revised as to include owner and developer name and .. 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 12 DEPARTMENTS address 77. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. Refer site plan in paf!e A1 00, all abuttinf! rif!hts-of-way are dimensioned. 78. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review. of the Land Development Regulations (LDR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. Ok. 79. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section 11.H.14. of the LDR). Refer to Survey drawing performed by Bob Buggee as part of this application packa!!e. 80. Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. of the LDR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (10) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LDR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. Interior islands have been added to the site plan and landscape plan and the required trees per ten (10) parking spaces have been added. Refer to page A100, site plan drawing have been revised as to provide a landscape island everv 10 parking spaces as per LDR Ch. 7.5, Section 5.G. 81. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LDR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section I1.H.13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. Building area has been reduced. therefore. number (~f parking spaces required have been reduced from 42 to 40. Landscape Islands have been added as per code re{fuirements. INCLUDE REJECT ~ . 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 13 DEPARTMENTS 82. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Building owner and design team prefer desif!n as presented. 83. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. All traffic control markinf!s IUlve been shown in everv plan 84. Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. Noted - See note below buildinf! area calculations 85. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete). Site Plan ami Landscape Plan sidewalk widths and hatch pattem have been added to the plans. 86. Revise site plan and landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from Federal Highway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a "green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator (561-742-6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. A note has been added to the landscape plan indicated that a 6 x 6 ft. mural will be painted on the north and south face of the building. A sketch and elevation will be provided with the public arts application at the TART meetinf!. 87. Revise sheet A21 0 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to conflict with these rectangles. Architectural awnings have been removed, remaining rectangles are concrete slabs on f!rade. 88. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. An area calculation schedule was added ill pages A210 and A220 stating the s(/uare footaf!e and use of each bav. 89. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.) (clipped not glued to foamboard). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. INCLUDE REJECT .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 14 DEPARTMENTS A burned CD with 24x36 Color rendering PDF copy of each exterior elevation will be submitted prior to TART l1leetinf:. 90. Per Ch.9. Section 11.1. of the LDR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. Refer to pages A300 and A301 to see North and South for revised exterior elevations with additional architectural enhancements. 91. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. The stairwells are designed as open-air with unglazed openings to the West side. Please refer to page A210 and A300. There are no stair openings to the South and West sides, for the purposes of Fire Protection from the property lin e. 92. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. The unglazed openings of the stairwell are fitted with architecturally embellished grill work (grid pattern) as shown in the exterior elevations pages A300 and A301 93. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roofing, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). Exterior elevations pages A300 and a301 have been revised as to show colors ami materials. Also please refer to 8.5xll Color chart ptlf!e A300a. 94. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid-point of roof of highest pitched roof). The buildillf! heif!ht has been indicated, refer to paf!es A300 and A301 95. Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, Section Il.E.) Refer to page A103. A Roof equipment Sight Section has been added to show that all roof e{/uipment is complete screened. 96. The removaVrelocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City ForesterlEnvironmentalist. No relocation of trees/palms will be required for this site. There are two INCLUDE REJECT . '- 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 15 DEPARTMENTS existing mango trees on site and the landscape plans indicates comparable caliper inch replacement plantinf!s for miti!!ation. 97. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). Pervious and impervious areas have been added to site and landscape plans. 98. Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Substitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. Landscape area is minimal on this site and no potable water will be used to irrigate landscape. (Reclaimed water will be used to irri!!ote landscape) 99. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section S.D. Islands and the required landscape have been added and the width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street has been widened. 100. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section 10.C.4.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. See note on Landscape Plan sheet L-2 that indicates that all above ground mech(l/lical equipment and utilitv structures shall be screened. 101. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. There are no monument sif!ns proposed. 102. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall slgnage, including sign dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements of Ch. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (1) font/lettering style is permitted. Refer to si!!llaf!e Company submittal at 0 later date. 103. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared INCLUDE REJECT ... 2009-01-27 1st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 16 DEPARTMENTS plan. Refer to paf!e A1 02 to see updated photometric plan. 104. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (1) foot candle and none below 12 foot candle (Chapter 23, Article II.A.l.a). Refer to page A102 to see updated photometric plan to include light fixtures details. 105. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). Nofeature lif!htinf! proposed. 106. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CD of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. OK MWR/sc S:IPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Or. Sibia 709 S.Federal Hwyl1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc INCLUDE REJECT 'jt- . 1st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan Project name: Dr. Sibia (Boynton Beach Medical Office) File number: NWSP 09-001 Reference: I st review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a January 7, 2009 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - Solid Waste Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a). The General Contractor will contact the Public Works Department regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the Code, Section If}-26 (a) prior to permit. 2. Provide a dumpster enclosure per the LDR, Chapter 2, Section II.J.2.b. A dumpster enclosure per the LDR. Chapter 2, Section 11.j.2.b has been provided, please refer to paJ!e A1 00. Note 7 3. Indicate by note that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing G-4. Refer to detail #4 at page A101 and Note 8 in page A100, for note indicating that the site dumpster enclosure shall be constructed in accordance with city standards drawinJ! G-4. 4. A minimum dumpster pad is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gates). (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Article Ill, Section 9.A.9.a.) Refer to detail #1 at page AU}] for note indicating that a minimum pas is required measuring 10 feet x 10 feet (inside dimension including gate!>.), (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.;. and Article III, Section 9.A.9.(1) 5. The required gates for the dumpster shall contain long steel rods to drop into the pavement in order to secure the gates in the open and closed positions. Drilled holes (for concrete) or metal sleeves (for asphalt) shall be provided for the locking rods. Long Steel rods to drop into pavement in order to secure each dumpster gate shall be provided, please refer to detail #2 at paf!e A1 01 6. Walls for the enclosure shall be provided on three sides and are to be a minimum of 6 ft. high and shall be CBS construction with a finish matching that ofthe adjacent buildings(s). Accent shrubs planted at a minimum of one- half (1/2) the wall height shall be provided along the screen wall(s) (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.1., and Article III, Section 9.A.9.a, and Chapter 9, Section IO.C.3.) Reter to Note 9 in pllf!e A1 00. PUBLIC WORKS - Forestrv . ( .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b.) Trees have been spaced to avoid lif!htfixtures. 8. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along both South Federal Highway and SE 4th Street. They are only indicated on South Federal Highway side. 10' sight triangles are shown on both Federal Highway and SE 4/11 Street. Extended sight lines are shown on Federal Highway in direction of on cominf! traffic. 9. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5-feet and 8-feet above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.) See notes on Sheet L-2 10. There are overhead lines along the north property line. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." See notes on Sheet L-2. Overhead wires from service pole to new building to be placed underground. PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: 11. Provide Fire Lanes in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section B.2 and Section M. See Civil EIlf!ineerinf! Plans. 12. This project will need a FDOT permit for driveway connection on South Federal Highway (U.S. #1). FDOT permits are being applied/f)r. ENGINEERING Comments: 13. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Drainage District (L WDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." Note added to all Plans. Refer to Note 10 in paf!e AJ()(). 14. Show on the engineering plan what erosion control measures will be used on the project during construction (LDR, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 4.B.2.i(7); Chapter 8, Article III, Section Al.a(9) and (10), and Article V.) Specify on the plans that erosIOn and sedimentation control will be addressed using Best Management Practices (BMPs.) Pollution Prevention Plan is shown of Sheet 4. 15. Consider a 4-foot sidewalk for the south side parking pedestrians to prevent a long walk in the drive aisle. Do not wish to add sidewalk because it reduces valuable pervious area. However, a 3' wide access walk has been added in between the north tier of parking spaces to provide access to the sidewalk on the north side. 16. Consider a seven foot wide (versus a five foot (shown)) sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop (eliminating wheel stops in two foot of asphalt). The 5' wide sidewalk was clulIlged into a 7' wide sidewalk to act as a continuous wheel stop along the north side of the parking refer to page A100 17. On the Civil Plan, indicate that the sidewalk is at grade with the parking area. Raised curbs are beinf! provided. 18. The loading space needs to be 12 feet x 35 feet in size, not the 12 feet x 22 feet shown. A waiver from size will be needed from the Engineering Division. A waiver letter for loading space needs will be provided to the Engineer Department as part of this application 19. Add the loading zone message, "NO PARKING - LOADING ZONE". Messaf!e will be added. 20. On the Civil Plan sheet, specify that curbing will be FDOT Type "D" concrete curb. Curb has been specified. 21. Place HlC post signs at back edge of access sidewalk. H/C si/(ns have bee added. 22. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be ~ 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT reflected on all appropriate sheets. All commellts requiring challges alld/or corrections to the plans have been reflected on all appropriate sheets. 23. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. OK 24. The lighting design as shown on sheet L-I & 1-2, shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photoelectrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall not be used as a form of advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day (LOR, Chapter 9, Section IO.F.5). Please provide photometries as part of your TART plan submittals. Refer to paJ!e Al 02 for updated photometric phm 25. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified m LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. Certification has been provided. 26. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). Note has beell added. 27. The full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 and Section IO.Z will be required at the time of permitting. Revised plall alld calculations attached. 28. Paving, drainage and site details as shown on civil sheets 4 thru 7, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details have been provided. UTILITIES Comments: 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 5 DEPARTMENTS 29. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. AIso provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This timeline will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible. Estimated Project Time/ine: City Commission Approval- April 24, 2009 Permit Application - April 27, 2009 Start of Construction - August 1,2009 SettinJ! of Meters - Februarv 1, 20W 30. Palm Beach County Health Department permits may be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). Palm Beach Countv Health Dept. permits will be obtailled as relluired. 31. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CO 0 E, Section 26-16(b)). Fire flow calculations will be provided. 32. The LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. ExistinJ! alUl proposed hvdTlmts have been shown. 33. CODE Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. The General Contractor will pay the "capaci(v reservation fee" based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 34. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires' the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Reclaimed water from City is ill tended to be lIsed lor irriflation. 35. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. OK 36. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, m INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207. Back{low prevention devices have been called out. 37. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. Statement has been added. 38. Utility construction details on Civil sheets 8 thru 12, will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be m accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. City details are beinJ! provided. FIRE Comments: Forthcoming POLICE Comments: 39. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTEO Official. Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures: a. One (1) staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. b. The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. c. Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. d. Approved padlock for all storage trailers and equipment trailers and park within staging area. The General Contractor will prepare a constrllctioll site security and manaflemellt phm for approval bv the City's Police Departmellt. 41. ltems that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Officer: a. The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. b. The proper posting of the property. c. The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. d. The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. OK. 42. Lighting: 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 7 DEPARTMENTS a. All lighting shall be metal halide. b. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting. NOTE: Canopy Trees are not to be located within the area of security lighting or light poles. Canopy trees have been kept away form parking lot lighting. c. Entry signage should be lighted. d. Building lighting (non- glare) should be around perimeter of all sides and on pedestrian sidewalk. 43. Landscaping should not obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. Landscape has been placed not to obstruct view from doors, windows or walkways. 44. Numerical Address: (City Ordinance Chapter 20 Section 16) a. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility. b. Business address numbers shall be a minimum of 12 inches tall and placed in a conspicuous location away from landscaping. c. Shall be placed at front and rear (minimum of 6 inches tall at rear) of business. d. Address numbers on doors need to be a minimum of 6 inches tall. OK 45. Doors: e. Entry doors shall open outward versus inward. All elltry doors are opening outward, refer to floor plan page A2l O. f. All perimeter doors should be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. g. Rear door shall have 180- degree peephole or security window. h. Delivery doors/bays should be secured with locks and alarm system. A Door Notes shall be added to page A5()() (~f the permit set in order to address Items e. thru h./i'om the City Police Department. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 46. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. OK 47. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 8 DEPARTMENTS Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. The building structure will design to withstand the millimum willd loads ~f 140 mph. Structural drawillgs will be part of the Constructioll Documents and submittedfor buildillJ! permit. 48. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. The building structure will be desiglled as per 2004 FBC. Structural drawings will be part of the Construction Documents and submittetlfor buildillJ! permit. 49. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. OK 50. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation of all habitable space in new construction not located in a flood zone shall be elevated a minimum of twelve inches above the crown of the road. Finish floor elevation has been shown. a). Project is located in ZOlles "B" & "e" which do not rel/uire flood 51. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) The General Contractor will pay capitalfacilityfees. 52. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building ~ivision for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. OK 53. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. The addressing plan shall be approved by the United States Post Office, the City of Boynton Beach Fire Department, the City's GIS ~ivision, and the Palm Beach County Emergency 911. d. Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building ~ivision, 100 INCLUDE REJECT 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 9 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida (Sean McDonald - 561- 233-5013) e. United States Post Office, Boynton Beach (Michelle Bullard - 561-734- 0872) OK 54. At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments, parking spaces complying with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.6 shall be provided in accordance with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: f. Outpatient units and facilities: 10% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility. g. Units and facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20% of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. Parking Spaces are provided as to comply with 2004 FBe, Section 11-4.6 alUl Section ll-4.l.2(5)(a). Area of Physical Therapy Suite has been modified so it is exactly and no more than 2,000 S.F. 2 Additional Handimp parkillJ! spaces have been provided for this bay (20% of 1 0 spaces) 55. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building ~ivision at the time of permit application submittal. Contact Pete Mazzela for further information at (561) 742-6404 Stormwaterfees will be paid. 56. Please note that the 2007 Florida Building Code will take effect on March 1, 2009. The design of the project will fall under the new code if the permit application is submitted on or after March 1,2009. OK PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 57. Plant list must include the percentage of native material used. See native plant percentaJ!es on Sheet L-3 58. All trees will be outfitted with a separate bubbler. See note on sheet L-2 and IrriJ!atioll plans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE ~ 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 10 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 59. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled. V- Will Do 60. The revised plan set should be in the following order: cover sheet, full-sized survey, site plan, architecturals, civils, photometrics, and landscaping/irrigation. On cover sheet provide a reordered index for all V sheets in plan set. Will Do 61. At the TART meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized 8Yz inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to pdf and submit CD at ~ the TART meeting. W il ( .s U~h-1.. t+ (JD lll-f~tci~ V Will Do 62. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application requests are publicly advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007. Please contact Sherie Coale, Application Technician, at 561-742-6265 if you have any V questions. Will Do 63. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the plan set. V Plall Revisions are reflected Oil all appropriate sheets throuJ!llOut the plan set. 64. Provide a full-sized (24" by 36") survey in plan set, which indicates locations and widths of all existing easements, and includes at the end of the legal description the total acreage (to the 100th of an acre) / square footage of subject property. IN j Ii brj,..,;4, $~~ S V Aful/ size (24"x36'') survey is provide/r;:;/;;/;:;;Il sio ~ 65. Submit 2 copies of signed and sealed traffic study for the project. One copy will be forwarded to City Engineer and other to Palm Beach County Traffic V Engineering for traffic concurrency approval. 66. Submit completed Art in Public Places application. V To be provided at TART meetillf!. 6.1. Revise to correct and/or complete the following sections of the Site Plan Application: page 1, 104. address of agent needs city and state; page 2, 1.10. uses should include general (professional/business) office; page 2, 1.11-16. should include contact person's name and name of firm; page 2, 11.1. land use plan category needed: Local Retail Commercial (LRC); page 3, 1l.6.h. ~ ~ " 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc U2/16/09 11 .. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT provide total gross floor area (enclosed and under root); page 4, II. 7 .e. is 0; page 4, U.8. is 0; page 4, 11.9. need height (as measured from midpoint of highest pitched root) and # of stories. ~ OK 68. Revise name of project (previously submitted project already has name of Boynton Beach Medical and it is also located on S Federal Hwy). Suggest "name of doctor medical office" or " office and retail center". Revise project name on application (page 1, 1.1.) and all plans (cover sheet V and title blocks on each sheet). Name revised to: Sibia Buildinfl 69. Add notes 1-10 from sheet 2 (Demolition Plan) to sheet Al 00 (Site Plan). Notes 1-10 {rom sheet 2 have been added to sheet Al 00. V 70. Revise site plan (sheet Al 00) to show a graphic and written scale on right side of sheet (where it can be seen) and label north arrow. Revise location map to more clearly depict subject property (boundaries, hatchlines). V Refer to pafle Al 00 to show Graphic scale. 71. Plans should be of consistent scale. Revise to add an overall landscape plan at same scale (1 "=20') as site plan and insert as first sheet of landscape plans. \/' Landscape and IrriJ!ation plans added overall 1 "=20 scale plan for first sheet. 72. Property lines (bearings and distances) on all plans should correspond with bearings and distances on current survey. V All property lines correspond with current sUM'ey. 73. Revise cover sheet to include property owners name, address, phone and developer's name, address, phone. V Coversheet has been revised. 74. Revise tabular site data to include the following: future land use category (LRC) of subject property; proposed uses and related gross square footage; total building square footage proposed; and building height proposed (should match elevations and be measured from midpoint of highest pitched t/ root). Move parking calcs from above location map to site plan tabular data and revise to be consistent (use, sf, method of calc, # required, # provided). 75. Revise site plan to indicate zoning and land uses on abutting properties (to N & S). Site Plan ami Lalldscape alld Irrigation plans have added ZOllillg and land use V on abuttinfl properties. 76. Revise site plan to include legal description from survey with total acreage and square feet. - w.. . Cover sheet AOOO was revised as to include oWller ami developer /lame ami 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 12 DEPARTMENTS lllldres.~' 77. Revise site plan to label centerlines and depict width from centerline of all abutting rights-of-way. Refer site plan ill PlIJ!e Al 00, all abuttinJ! rif!l1ts-of-wlIv are dimensioned. 78. Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, of the Land Development Regulations (LOR), requires survey to show locations of all existing utility lines and all easements. Also indicate all existing and proposed utility lines and easements, their purpose and widths, on site plan and landscape plan. Ok. 79. Revise plans to show a total of 5 handicap parking spaces on site (2.2 required for physical therapy needs to be rounded up to 3 per Ch. 2, Section 11.H.14. ofthe LORl R~fer tl6J-U1::~ill~ pe~r!:/::)~:)} :!ggth;:;~f dli} ~tlfca;iO/l packaf!e. 80. Per Ch.7.5., Section 5.G. ofthe LOR, one (1) interior landscape island (with a tree) is required every ten (10) parking spaces to divide and break up the expanse of paving. Per the LOR, trees provided adjacent to abutting properties do not contribute toward the parking area interior landscaping requirement. Interior islallds have been added to the site plan and lalldscape plan and the required trees per ten (10) parking spaces have been added. Refer to page AI00, site plan drawing have been revised as to provide a landscape islamf ever}' 10 parkillf! spaces as per LDR Ch. 7.5, Section 5. G. 81. Per Ch.9, Community Design Plan, Section 10. Site Criteria., B. Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation, of the LOR, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems on adjacent properties shall be linked to encourage cross-access. Due to the apparent parking shortage that will result after the addition of required landscape islands and additional handicap space, it is strongly recommended that inter-parcel (cross) access be provided with the abutting property to the south to allow for some shared parking. This church site most likely has a parking demand that occurs on different days of the week or at different hours than the proposed uses on the subject property. Per Ch.2, Section Il.H.13. (ULI Parking Study), some of your required parking spaces may be allocated in part to be located on the abutting property. Staff would not support a variance to the number of parking spaces due to the fact that there is no hardship (size of proposed building can be always be reduced to reduce the amount of required parking). In addition, church dumpsters are nearby and may be able to be shared, or potentially your dumpster may be located in that area if convenient, thereby freeing up more area on site for parking spaces. Building lIrea has been reduced, therefore, number lif parkillg spaces required have been reduced from 42 to 40. La/ldscape Islands hllve been added as per code rel/uiremellts. INCLUDE REJECT L- v v v v .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 13 DEPARTMENTS 82. It is preferred that the site be redesigned to have main access from the northeast comer of the subject property, allowing a single two-story building, rather than two buildings divided by understory access. Staff believes the redesigned single two-story building would allow more cohesive square footage and look more compatible with surrounding buildings. Buildi112 oWller alUl desiJ!n team preler desiJ!n as presented. 83. Traffic control markings, including fire lanes, and all traffic sign locations are required to be shown on plans. All traffic control markinJ!s have been shown in every plan 84. Note on plans that no drive-up use or service of any kind is permitted for the proposed first floor uses. Noted - See note below buildinf! area calculations 85. Revise site and landscape plan to indicate location, and typical width of all pedestrian walkways (show walkways with a pattern similar to typical for concrete). Site Plan and Landscape Plan sidewalk widths and hatch pattern have been added to the plans. 86. Revise site plan ~nd landscape plan to indicate location of required public art (needs to be visible from FederaCHighway). Suggestion: propose north building wall to be a .'green wall" with lots of colorful (flowering) climbing vines, etc. Check with Debby Coles-Oobay, Public Art Administrator (561- 7 4 2-6026) to see if a green wall may be counted toward the contribution of art. If so, revise site and landscape plan (including plant material list) accordingly. A note has been added to the landscape plan indicated that a 6 x 6 ft. mural will be paillted on the north and south face of the building. A sketch and elevation will be provided with the public arts application at the TART meetinJ!. 87. Revise sheet A21 0 (First Floor Plan) to identify/label rectangles with dashed lines outside of stairs. Landscape plan appears to confliCt with these rectangles. Architectural awnings have been removed, remainillg rectangles are cOllcrete slabs on J!rade. 88. Revise sheet A220 (Second Floor Plan) to note square feet for each use. An area calculation schedule was added in pages A2l0 and A22() stating the Sl/uare footaJ!e and use oleacll bay. 89. Submit a large color rendering of all building elevations (north, south, east, and west) prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.0.2.) (clipped not glued to foamboard). These will be on display as exhibits at the public meetings. INCLUDE ~ v v REJECT v v V"' v v ~ ~ v 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 14 DEPARTMENTS A burned CD with 24x36 Color rendering PDF copy of each exterior elevation will be submitted prior to TART meetillJ!. 90. Per Ch.9. Section 11.1. of the LDR, all building facades of a building that face or are visible from public or private streets shall be designed to be as attractive in appearance as the front of the building. Revise north and south building elevations, which are highly visible from Federal Highway, to provide further architectural enhancements (matching the east and west elevations) on walls with blank areas. Refer to pages A300 and A30l to see North alUl South for revised exterior elevatiolls with additiollal architectural elllulIlcemellts. 91. Are the stairwells designed as open-air with unglazed openings? It would appear so on the elevation drawings, but is unclear on the floor plans. Clarify floor plans by labeling accordingly. The stairwells are designed as opell-air with ullglazed opellings to the West side. Please refer to page A2l0 alUl A300. There are 110 stair opellings to the South alUi Jfest sides, for the purposes of Fire Protectio/l from the property lille. 92. If the stairwell has unglazed openings, the rather plain openings should be fitted with architecturally embellished ironwork or similar treatment. Additionally, the edge of the openings should have decorative trim, cornice work, sills, or other attractive applications. The unglazed opelli/lgs (~f the stairwell are fitted with architecturally embellished grill work (grid pattern) as shown ill the exterior elevatiolls pages A300 alld A30l 93. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to show colors and materials proposed for building walls, trim, doors, windows, roofing, awnings, railings, columns, decorative features, etc. Label each with paint manufacturer, name color of paint and paint code (i.e. Sherwin Williams "Sea Salt SW 6204"). Exterior elevatiolls page.\" A300 and a301 have beell revised as to show color.\" ami materials. Also please refer to 8.5xll Color chart p{lfle A300a. 94. Revise sheets A300 and A301 (Exterior Elevations) to indicate height of building (measured from mid-point of roof of highest pitched root). The buildillJ! heiJ!ht l1{ls beell illdiCllted, refer to paJ!es A300 and A301 95. Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevation. Note on plans that all rooftop equipment must be completely screened from view at a minimum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, Section II.E.) Refer t(~~g~ Af';//1ii;)0;t~itie{,~/~ seS~~1~ ieen added to show that all roof el/uipmellt is complete screelled. 96. The removal/relocation of landscape material is subject to review and approval of the City F orester/Environmentalist. No relocatioll of trees/palms will be required for this site. There are two INCLUDE v v REJECT v v v v- ~ v .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 15 DEPARTMENTS existing mango trees Oil site ami the landscape plans indicates comparable caliper illch replacement plantinJ!s for mitiflatioll. 97. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the amount of pervious and impervious area (in square feet and percent of site). Pervious and impervious areas have been added to site and landscape plans. 98. Staff recommends elimination of any sod areas to reduce irrigation demand. Stlbstitute hardy groundcovers and shrubs in place of the sod. Lalldscape area is minimal on this site and 110 potable water will be used to irriJ!ate landscape. (Reclaimed water will be used to irriJ!ate landscape) 99. The Landscape Plan does not comply with requirements for terminal landscape islands at end of each row of parking and interior landscape islands. Revise plans to: (1) provide required parking area interior landscaping (mid-aisle landscape islands) that are not the minimum width of five (5) feet, but of sufficient size that planting area is increased to accommodate more and larger trees and ensure root stability in higher winds; and (2) increase width of terminal islands adjacent to SE 4th Street from 5 feet to 7 feet as required per Ch. 7.5 Section 5.0. Islands alld the required lalldscape have been added alld the width of terminal islallds adjacellt to SE 4111 Street has been widelled. 100. All above ground mechanical equipment such as, but not limited to, exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be depicted on all plans and shall be visually screened. Back-flow preventers shall be painted to match the principal structure (Chapter 9, Section 10.C.4.). Place a note on plans indicating this requirement and revise plans accordingly. See note Oil Lalldscape Plan sheet L-2 that illdicates that all above ground mechanical el111ipment alld utilit}, structures shall be screened. 101. Indicate on site plan and landscape plan the location of proposed monument sign (if applicable) and a sign detail that includes sign dimensions, height, and total proposed sign face area. There are 110 monument siflns proposed. 102. Provide detail of proposed multi-tenant wall slgnage, including sign dimensions, font, colors, and sign face area per sign. Per the Community Design Plan requirements of Ch. 9.Section 10.1. of the LDR, only one (l) font/lettering style is permitted. Refer to siglUlJ!e Company submittal at a later date. 103. Revise photometrics plan to include a title block, scale (written and graphic); north arrow; name, firm, and contact info of person that prepared :J-o I ~ h,t I -... (J) I (JJar ~ I\J () GWtr~ tt,N ~ 1:, 1.-1 tLi~ c;:.,..f & INCLUDE REJECT v v .:> v ~ v v v ? v ~ ae/t.;~C)~ !/t~) Sh~'ltJlR J .. 2009-01-27 1 st Review Comments with Responses.doc 02/16/09 16 DEP ARTMENTS plan. Refer to pafle A 102 to see updated photometric plan. 104. Revise photometrics plan to include a detail of a typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole (indicating height from grade to top). The typical drawing of the freestanding outdoor lighting poles must also include the color and type of material. The design, style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one (l) foot candle and none below Yz foot candle (Chapter 23, Article ILA.I.a). Refer to page Al02 to see updated photometric plan to include light fixtures details. 105. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). No feature liJ!htinJ! proposed. 106. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for recommended Powerpoint presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department representative and submit a CO of the presentation at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. OK MWR/sc S:IPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Dr. Sibia 709 S.Federal Hwy\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc INCLUDE RFJFrT 2'( J v V" v