CORRESPONDENCE o e September 21, 2007 To: Ed Breese From: Rolli & Mark Brisson Su~ect:Pos~onementofHearing Fax: 742-6259 We would like to request our variance hearing scheduled for September 25,2007 be postponed. We would like to reschedule the hearing for October 23, 2007. Thank you. ;WU J3~ Rolli & Mark Brisson 2514 SW 12th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-329-0381 Please confirm receipt of this fax. ~g~ l"d 6S292vL:0l :wo~~ d0[:20 L002-l2-d3S o e I I TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION r FROM: MARK BRISSON AND HOLL! BRISSON RE: 2514 S.W. 12th Street, Boynton Beach, FL; Code Variance Application Responses to Section 4: A. There are special conditions and circumstances regarding the subject land that are unique to other lands in the same zoning district. Specifically, the subject property is located adjacent to a lake depicted as "Lazy Lake" on the Plat of Golf View Harbour 2nd Section. The Plat indicates that a "berm" approximately 10 feet in width surrounds the lake, but is not owned by each homeowner. Rather, it is our understanding that the 'berm" is owned by the City of Boynton Beach. It is our further understanding that the City has not maintained nor utilized the "berm" property. We have maintained the property since purchasing the residence and our predecessors in interest did the same. The "berm" area behind our home extends in one area approximately 16.5 feet between the seawall to our property line and approximately 14.5 feet at the other end. It is highly unlikely that the City would need access on the "berm", but the variance requested would not hinder same in case it was necessary. B. The foregoing conditions were not created by the applicant. Rather, such conditions were created when the land was platted in the 1960's. C. Because the "berm" property has not been maintained or utilized by the City for any purpose. we do not believe that any special privilege would be granted to us. D. Literal interpretation of the code would deprive us of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in this zoning district. We are attempting to install a pool in our backyard. as some of our neighbors already have. We have a limited amount of space behind the house and are therefore requesting a variance for the setback of our proposed pool and patio. E. The variance we are requesting is. in our opinion, the minimum variance that will allow us to reasonably use our property for the intended purposes. F. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the neighborhood. Other homes in the neighborhood have pools in similar locations. Our immediate neighbors have no objections to the installation of the pool and patio. G. N/A September 21, 2007 To: Ed Breese From: Rolli & Mark Brisson Subject: Pos~onement of Hearing Fax: 742-6259 We would like to request our variance hearing scheduled for September 25,2007 be postponed. We would like to reschedule the hearing for October 23,2007. Thank you. ;WU J3~ Rolli & Mark Brisson 2514 SW 12th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-329-0381 Please confrrrn receipt of this fax. ~~ I'd 6S292vL:0l :wo~~ d0[:20 L002-I2-d3S TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION FROM: MARK BRISSON AND HOLL! BRISSON RE: 2514 S.W. 12th Street, Boynton Beach, FL; Code Variance Application Responses to Section 4: A. There are special conditions and circumstances regarding the subject land that are unique to other lands in the same zoning district. Specifically, the subject property is located adjacent to a lake depicted as "Lazy Lake" on the Plat of Golf View Harbour 2nd Section. The Plat indicates that a "berm" approximately 10 feet in width surrounds the lake, but is not owned by each homeowner. Rather, it is our understanding that the 'berm" is owned by the City of Boynton Beach. It is our further understanding that the City has not maintained nor utilized the "berm" property. We have maintained the property since purchasing the residence and our predecessors in interest did the same. The "berm" area behind our home extends in one area approximately 16.5 feet between the seawall to our property line and approximately 14.5 feet at the other end. It is highly unlikely that the City would need access on the "berm", but the variance requested would not hinder same in case it was necessary. B. The foregoing conditions were not created by the applicant. Rather, such conditions were created when the land was platted in the 1960's. C. Because the "berm" property has not been maintained or utilized by the City for any purpose, we do not believe that any special privilege would be granted to us. D. Literal interpretation of the code would deprive us of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in this zoning district. We are attempting to install a pool in our backyard, as some of our neighbors already have. We have a limited amount of space behind the house and are therefore requesting a variance for the setback of our proposed pool and patio. E. The variance we are requesting is, in our opinion, the minimum variance that will allow us to reasonably use our property for the intended purposes. F. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the neighborhood. Other homes in the neighborhood have pools in similar locations. Our immediate neighbors have no objections to the installation of the pool and patio. G. N/A