REVIEW COMMENTS OLD BUSINESS 6.A.l 2514 SW 12TH STREET (Brisson) (ZNCV 07-006) ZONING CODE VARIANCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 07-097 STAFF REPORT TO: Chair and Members Planning & Devel~~meVard and City Commission Michael W. RumPf[J, Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: f'" Gabriel Wuebben 11 vJ Planner 1I\ DATE: October 15, 2007 Brisson Variance - 2514 SW 1th Street / ZNCV 07-006 PROJECf NAME/NO: REQUEST: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section l1.E, which requires a minimum rear setback of 8 feet from the property line for the construction of a swimming pool, to allow a rear setback of 2 feet (a variance of 6 feet) within the R-1-AA Single-family Residential zoning district. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: Mark & Holli Brisson Applicant/ Agent: Mark & Holli Brisson Location: 2514 SW 1th Street Acreage: Approximately 7,405 square feet Proposed Use: Single-family residence Zoning District: Single-Family Residential (R-1-AA) Adjacent Uses: North: A single-family residence, zoned R-1-AA; South: A single-family residence, zoned R-1-AA; East: Right-of-way for Canal L-27 (Lazy Lake), and farther east a single-family residence, zoned R-1-AA; and West: Right-of-way for SW 1th Street, and farther west a single-family residence, zoned R- 1-AA; Staff Report Memorandum No PZ-07-097 Page 2 BACKGROUND The subject property and neighborhood are currently zoned R-1-AA, Single-family residential. The property is located between SW 1th Street to the west and the canal known as Lazy Lake to the east (see Exhibit "A" - location map). The applicants have requested relief from the above-referenced code requirements to allow for the addition of a swimming pool in the rear yard (see Exhibit "B" - survey). The applicants are requesting a variance to the minimum rear setback to allow for the construction of a swimming pool. The subject property is located on a parcel with a significant pitch declining to the water's edge, forcing the homeowners to locate the pool far enough away from the home to accommodate the change in elevation, while still maintaining the setback at the rear property line. Based upon the originally proposed pool size and configuration, and seperation from the house, the pool would be placed two (2) feet from the rear property line. At the rear of the applicants' property is an approximately eighty-five (85) foot wide canal right-of-way known as Lazy Lake. A part of this canal right-of-way is an approximately thirteen to fifteen (13 - 15) foot wide, level grassed area terminated at the waters edge by the homeowners' seawall. The homeowners have a fence placed at the edge of the seawall, giving the casual observer the impression of a large backyard, approximately forty (40) feet in depth (see Exhibit "D" - photos). ANAL YSIS Staff reviewed the requested variance focusing on the applicant's response to criteria a - g below (see Exhibit "C''). The code states that the zoning code variance cannot be approved unless the board finds the following (Chapter 1.5, Section 4.1.D.1): a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. This property, like several others in the immediate vicinity, was part of a blanket variance granted in the 1970's which reduced the minimum rear setbacks for construction of the principal structure. A consequence of this action is a reduced rear yard, which has prompted requests for numerous variances to accommodate accessory improvements such as swimming pools and enclosures. The reduction in the minimum rear setbacks was not seen as detrimental to the neighborhood due to the canal right-of-way located along the rear of the properties. A similar variance request was granted for a property at 1370 SW 26th Avenue in March of 2006. In this case, the property was adversely affected by the blanket variance and suffered significant hardship in the resulting twenty (20) foot rear yard. In that case, a variance of seven (7) feet was approved to accomodate a swimming pool twelve (12) feet wide. As stated above, the property also presents a challenge in locating a pool within a severely sloping rear yard. In order to appropriately locate the pool in compensating for the slope, the homeowner has been forced to locate the pool slightly farther away from the home, providing a necessary break in elevation. The opposite side of the pool is to be supported with a significant amount of backfill, before falling back to the lowest point along the seawall. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Staff Report Memorandum No PZ-07-055 Page 3 An argument could be made that the special conditions and circumstances are not the result of the applicant, but the actions of the original homebuilder who developed the neighborhood after receiving rear setback variances. However, the applicants purchased a property that provided them limited opportunities for potential expansion and accessory improvements. c. That granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. The applicants have stated that the granting of this variance request will not confer any special privilege. City records indicate that out of 489 parcels on the Plat of Golfview Harbour, Section 2, 113 lots (nearly 25%) have been the subject of variance approval since 1970 for rear setbacks, and 105 of those 113 lots (93%) are located on the water. Based on the history of variances processed within the neighborhood, staff concurs with the applicants that the approval of this variance request will not confer any special privilege that has not been granted to others. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. A literal interpretation of the ordinance would limit the applicant's ability to construct a swimming pool of the proposed dimensions in their rear yard, based upon the minimum rear setback of eight (8) feet and the five (5) foot safe zone from the house. Constructing a pool within these limits while at the same time compensating for drastic rear yard elevation changes could prove an unnecessary hardship, as well as result in a pool of unusual and sub-standard dimensions. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. There is not a standard definition for "minimum variance" and "reasonable use", and it appears that the proposed swimming pool is not unusual in its size and dimensions. The applicant originally presented staff with a request that would require an even greater variance. The applicant has been extremely cooperative in working with staff to redesign the proposed pool and reconsider its configuration in order to minimize the magnitude of the variance. f. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance} and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. The purpose of creating rear setback requirements in the Zoning Code is to ensure compatibilty, air circulation, light, and a sense of privacy between neighbors through the provision of adequate seperation of structures. Staff believes that granting this variance will have minimal impacts upon the neighborhood considering that the rear of the subject property abuts the waterway. Given the existence of the 85 foot canal right-of-way, including a 13 -15 foot grassed area, the remaining separation between rear properties will Staff Report Memorandum No PZ-07-097 Page 4 far exceed the typical separation provided by minimum zoning regulations (See Exhibit "F''). g. For variances to minimum lot area or lot frontage requirements, that property is not available from adjacent properties in order to meet these requirements, or that the acquisition of such property would cause the adjacent property or structures to become nonconforming. Applicant shall provide an affidavit with the application for variance stating that the above mentioned conditions exist with respect to the acquisition of additional property. Since the request is for relief from the rear setback regulations, this particular criterion is not applicable. RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed this variance application emphasizing criteria "A" and "(" which involves variance history throughout the neighborhood; criterion "E" which is the "reasonable use" test; and criterion "F" which pertains to potential impacts upon the neighborhood and city. The findings point to a significant history of variances within the vicinity, and the existence of the canal provides significant separation of homes despite a reduction in rear setback requirements. Staff has also placed significant emphasis on criterion "E", and has worked with the applicant to redesign and reconfigure the swimming pool in order to minimize the requested variance to increase conformity with the minimum setback requirement. The applicants are amenable to an alternative pool size, shape, and location that minimizes the requested relief, and therefore staff recommends that a variance of three (3) feet be approved, in lieu of the original request for a two (2) foot variance. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\2514 SW 12 Street-Brisson\Brisson - 2514 SW 12th Street ZNCV Staff Report 10-15.doc Exhib:: '; A - Site Location -;'lap 2514 SW 12th Street (ZNCV 07-006) _.-- - .-........ - - - ,- ....1. .... _. _..._ __...l.. ._...._ ... - /' /' \ , , " .,--___-:;:m. :/' ", / '-""", I ", 1 " i '- i ""'"",/--/" '" ,'" '" '" , I sw 25TH AVE SITE ,,:~LW'~*Yt';~~~:~\'~, ' ~~~,,"a er::vvay~ ,,' ~:,,:~ ,~j;:~~'~C' ' ',' \ ",'>:' ',', , ' , \ , l- t/) :r: I- M 'f"" , , I , , \ \ , ,-' -- -- '\-" ---,'" --------'" ..-..----..- I .-...- - --.- < \ \ I ~ , \, 't/) I: - -, -- R:1-:'M'"",,---- Single;;~amily Residential I________m-- ~\ ,.>' ~ ~ ~ I I I ______1, ,n ,- sw 25TH PL - .. _.- ,------r- I ,;~, 'Of'j V 70 35 0 ~ 70 I 140 I 210 I 280 I Feet N W4tE S ~ f'l E5 ~~ 8~ ~ S~~ ~ ~ r '\ ~ '-J s~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ 1 ll..; .. .!S !:: ~ ~ .~ ~ll:l ~l '" ~ ~ ce ~.~ "-l t....~ ~ .. -3 ~.~ .;: ~ '" ~l G.: ~ ~ is t-,." ~ ~ ~ ~ a % -3 ..t: I:Q Oi:: ~ .... 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'of.. h Q b.\ ,,/ . d "6 / ",... / \J ,/ "," ~~ __~ --.-..LlffL"T _"'0""- " r' \l-\ tL ~ ('MClnO ,(K)TJOI ~ ~9~~ ill I \>L uJ ..... o / " -) .'\ ,~ 3- -<1 \;\ -1 i /} c) ~U\ . ,~ ,- ~ ~j \",-L. .,-,l<l. 1\\ ~ + v o '" <0 ~ . " ~ z o o . '0 o ~ " < ~ (j ~ \I'l .J ~ ~ ZI I e!) l- e!) - I >< W EXHIBIT C TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION FROM: RE: MARK BRISSON AND HOLLI BRISSON 2514 S.W. 12th Street, Boynton Beach, FL; Code Variance Application Responses to Section 4: A. There are special conditions and circumstances regarding the subject land that are unique to other lands in the same zoning district. Specifically, the subject property is located adjacent to a lake depicted as "Lazy Lake" on the Plat of Golf View Harbour 2nd Section. The Plat indicates that a "berm" approximately 10 feet in width surrounds the lake, but is not owned by each homeowner. Rather, it is our understanding that the 'berm" is owned by the City of Boynton Beach. It is our further understanding that the City has not maintained nor utilized the "berm" property. We have maintained the property since purchasing the residence and our predecessors in interest did the same. The "berm" area behind our home extends in one area approximately 16.5 feet between the seawall to our property line and approximately 14.5 feet at the other end. It is highly unlikely that the City would need access on the "berm", but the variance requested would not hinder same in case it was necessary. B. The foregoing conditions were not created by the applicant. Rather, such conditions were created when the land was platted in the 1960's. C. Because the "berm" property has not been maintained or utilized by the City for any purpose, we do not believe that any special privilege would be granted to us. D. Literal interpretation of the code would deprive us of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in this zoning district. We are attempting to install a pool in our backyard, as some of our neighbors already have. We have a limited amount of space behind the house and are therefore requesting a variance for the setback of our proposed pool and patio. E. The variance we are requesting is, in our opinion, the minimum variance that will allow us to reasonably use our property for the intended purposes. F.. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the neighborhood. Other homes in the neighborhood have pools in similar locations. Our immediate neighbors have no objections to the installation of the pool and patio. G. N/A EXHIBIT D Looking at Lazy Lake from wood deck Looking across canal to neighbors !B M.\RK J BRISSON e.\14 SW 1eT11 ST BOYNToN BE.\Cll FI. 3.14e6.74 1 1 ,.,.... Looking along seawall to neighbors to North View of neighbors hedge blocks all views ~~ ':~ <~~~ .~. ~.' \~ ~, e '$N ~. ~~rr C\"' \ ~. - \ . ;~~-_. View of wood deck and south comer '" ~ Wood deck with no flat deck J3 M.\RK J BRISSON eSI~S\\' lelllST BOY"ToN llE.\CII FI .n~e(i.7~ I I Looking from seawall to back of house & hedge to the North '.,,", '-'I " '. ",- '.~." i~ -,,;-..:-....:, ",' ...~h..~~. ," ;~~,'.'~. ',,:~~.~ ",: f?;~{~.,. .~~~~:'::;.. .:..~'-~y~:.:~1 Back to side of house with neighbors hedge !B M.\RK J BRISSON col4 SW I cT11 ST BOYNTON HEAl 'Ill;' ."H-l::'()- n] I " '.' ~ ~ , (I, , , 'I! /' :it I \ ,.. l' rn ,'11 fI ~ ," " e .. 'l v f l?'~o.~ A',,}-o. _h_{ I i , I __~C,~~ r,~ /,,0. ~} ,i> ~~ -\ ,/(, . ,,-:~~\,....' "., .'&, '>.!'~ .!>-" " . '4" Y;'-----." ~ '--",'. ,\ ' ~"'I . ~ '\~~'.I /;/,i: , , ~'''''t\ r '7/- u 1 ~- ---- . , " : . '" ".~ ! I '"'' ":-i::,. . ",,- f''', -(I.' '.,..,~:,\ "\1 j 1 ~ .~'... /J ..-_J._.:~ ~. I : / ~. ". l ~ . , '. .."""" .n' ,pi i~ :~( 'il' ~j , ""'1 ~ , II " .~ " ) i ) t- " ~ .~ j, " '2>1::>' 'i,;' ~ ~1 r ... ? ~ ~ 'f-' y,.......... r"-~~ , f , 'a ~I .~ ':!l - ~ "L ~7r-;.J .! Id ~ 1 tfI! . P .... ! \-- ',C\r(} 0" I'ROl'OSEll .I'OQL &I'~m 'lark & lIoll.... Brisson %~l'" S.\\. I~" "trfS! !;!Q\Jl WI! lwu('h, fl. :;[. :~,:~,:~~:".,::~~.] \,,!' ~ .; Hn!~ : ::, .~~:~~~:~~:~ ..; w'" .. '..' "'..;"",.... ~ .. ~" ~.... ~.. EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT F View of property, canal, and neighboring properties View of easement, property line, and proposed pool EXHIBIT "G" Conditions of Approval Project name: 2514 SW 12th Street File number: ZNCV 07-006 Reference: DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None Conditions of Approval 2 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\2514 SW 12 Street-Brisson\COA.doc