The Citl} 01 BoYl1tOI1 &ach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
December 19, 2006
Ms. Sabine Stein
3144 Chapel Hill Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Re: Stein Residence - 3144 Chapel Hill Blvd.
ADAJ 07-001
Dear Ms. Stein:
In response to your request
Administrative Adjustment review
proposed to the above-referenced
dated November 25, 2005 for
and approval of the modifications
approved site plan, depicting the
· Building addition to a single-family house consisting of a new
foyer, entry and two-car garage, as well as renovation of former
garage to a new bedroom (as depicted on the attached plan) .
The resulting construction would exceed the minimum base setbacks
as follows:
Front setback in the RlAAB zoning district is 25 feet. The
proposed setback of the new construction (garage only)
would be 20'.
Chapter I, Article X, along with Chapter 2, Section 5 B. 2. c.
allows an Administrative Adjustment to be granted by staff of up to
80% of the required front setback, resulting in a revised front
setback of 20'.
The applicant has fulfilled the requirements contained within the
Administrative Adjustment submittal criteria and has demonstrated
appropriate justification for the minor reductions in the minimum
front yard setback through the pre-existing floorplan constraints,
the fact that only the garage portion of the proposed new
construction of the house addition requires a setback adjustment,
and the creation of a house that is more compatible in number of
bedrooms and square footage with others within the neighborhood.
. Page 2
December 19, 2006
Addi tionally, the applicant has provided a notarized letter of
support for the project from the three (3) adjacent neighbors to
the adjustment request.
Please be informed that the request for Administrative Adjustment for
a twenty (20) foot front setback for the garage addition is hereby
approved. This project may continue to be processed by the Building
Division as a permit application.
Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to
the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you
have additional questions.
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst
Sabine Stein
3144 Chapel Hill Blvd.
Boynton Beach FL 33435
DEe , " 2006
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November 25,2006
To: City of Boynton Beach
Planning Department
Justification for the adding of a new garage to the southwest side of the residence at
3144 Chapel Hill Boulevard and extending 5 feet into the front setback of the
property .
1.0 The house has only 1280 sq ft currently and is too small for a family of four. We
cannot extend the existing garage since it would take area away from the living room
which is already too small.
2.0 The existing garage is one car only and we require two due to our cars sustaining
damage from the hurricanes in 2005. The cars must be inside the garage.
3.0 We plan to increase the present 1280 sq ft living area to over 2230 sq ft to match
other residences in the same area and help improve the overall street.
4.0 The residence was built in 1959 and we plan to upgrade the electrical and plumbing
etc. to the later building standards and city codes.
5.0 We will also upgrade all windows for better hurricane protection
6.0 We also plan to add a seawall and improve the overall landscaping.
7.0 We have shown the plans and discussed these improvements with our neighbors and
all of them heartily approve. (letters attached). You may telephone me or Mr. Bruce
Urquhart, my partner at 561-738-6453.
We anticipate your agreement to our renovation plans.
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abine Stein
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John Michael and Theresa Lago
3206 Chapel Hill Blvd.
Boynton Beach FL 33435
October 27, 2006
To whom it may concern
We have reviewed the plans/drawings for the modifications to be made to 3144 Chapel
Hill Blvd including the adding of a new garage to the southwest side of the building and
extending 5 feet into the front setback of the property.
We concur and agree with extending the garage 5 feet into the front setback and support
the property improvements as described.
Witness my hand and official seal in the County of Palm Beach and in the tate of Florida thilSday of//.. 2006.
~ - ~
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Notarv Public Slate of Florida
Dar,!A'ie S"mantha Friedman
My (,.J,rmission DD516263
Andrew and Colleen Giamberini
3138 Chapel Hill Blvd.
Boynton Beach FL 33435
October 27,2006
To whom it may concern
We have reviewed the plans/drawings for the modifications to be made to 3144 Chapel
Hill Blvd including the adding of a new garage to the southwest side of the building and
extending 5 feet into the front setback of the property.
We concur and agree wi extending the garage 5 feet into the front setback and support
the p;Yferty improve nts as described.
drew Giamberini
olleen Giamberini
Witness my hand and official seal in the C~u~~ of (1m Beach and in th; State of Florida this.... day of..... 2006.
/J.dL-J~~~--tL {;ia~'~--
Notary PublIc, State of Flonda
~. y commiss:on expires: l/;f/07
1JeLu,1 X(4J/VdL Cf-.4v ~
Notary Public State of Florida
Richard Kenneth Craven
My Commission 00491113
Expires 11/15/2009 v---
Richard K and Catherine Craven
3141 Chapel Hill Blvd.
Boynton Beach FL 33435
October 27, 2006
To whom it may concern
We have reviewed the plans/drawings for the modifications to be made to 3144 Chapel
Hill Blvd including the adding of a new garage to the southwest side of the building and
extending 5 feet into the front setback of the property.
We concur and agree with extending the garage 5 feet into the front setback and support
the property improvements as described.
ard Craven
Catherine Craven
Witness my hand and official seal in the County of Palm Beach and in the State of Flori
I {~;2~~ ff/~,
( N t Public, State of Florida ' 7--
,./ My commission expires: 00;/ 2jlO r
:J eff-I-E)
M A-~C M D/Jd-
J',\~y Pv~ Notary Public Slate of Flonda
. ,,~": Jeffrey /vtlliam Marchetta
~ ~~~ ; My CommiSSion D0475369
~ o. t\.0" ExpIres 09/25/2009