ON MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1990 AT 7:00 P. M.
Raymond Eney, Secretary
James Miriana
Thomas Newton
patt Tompson
Ben Uleck
Henrietta Solomon, Alternate
Alfred Newbold,
Administrator, Plan
Review and Permitting
/ .,
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
A. A. Stuart
Herbert Fox, Alternate (Excused)
Secretary Eney called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
and explained he was conducting the meeting as the Chairman
could not attend the meeting and the Board had no Vice
Chairman. He recognized the presence in the audience of
Vice Mayor Lee Wische.
Mrs. Solomon moved to approve the Minutes of April 9, 1990
as presented. Mr. Newton seconded the motion, and the
motion carried 5-0.
Vernon Thompson was reelected Chairman by acclamation.
Vice Chairman
Mrs. Solomon nominated Mr. Uleck. Mr. Uleck declined the
nomination. Mrs. Solomon then nominated Mr. Newton as Vice
Chairman. There were no other nominations, and the
nominations were closed. Mr. Thomas Newton was unanimously
elected Vice Chairman of the Board. He preferred that
Mr. Eney continue to preside over the meeting because of
Mr. Eney's experience on the Board.
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JUNE 11, 1990
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As the Members knew the criteria upon which they should judge
a case, secretary Eneyfelt there was no point in reading
the criteria.
CASE #144
1007 Ocean Drive
Leisureville Rec. #1, Parcel "R", replat of
1st section, Plat Book 28, pages 201-203
Palm Beach Leisureville Community
A-sociation, Inc.
Relief from zoning requirement of 69 parking
spaces to be reduced to 58 spaces in order
to construct a 680 square foot addition to
an existing office building (which includes
a new lobby, two restrooms, beauty salon and
storage area)
Craig Livingston,AIA, 5725 Corporate Way, Suite 208, West
Palm Beach, FL 33407, did renovations at Recreation Build-
ings 1 and 3. They are proposing to expand the existing
administration building in recreation building #1, which is
on the north side of Ocean Drive. As part of the expansion
program, they are required by the City to bring the parking
lot up to Code. The parking lot now has approximately 40
or 45 spaces. According to the Boynton Beach Code, they
need 69 spaces. Mr. Livingston proposed to restripe and
repave the parking lot ~nd to reorient parking spaces so
they will conform with the Code. He asked for relief from
the required 69 spaces.
Based on their analysis, Mr. Livingston found the parking lot
was need in repair. It is never more than 50% or 60% full
at anyone time, so he did not think 69 spaces were needed.
Mr. Livingston felt 58 spaces would be more than adequate.
The Code, as it now exists, was enacted after the project
was built, and he felt this was a hardship on the Leisureville
Mrs. Solomon asked what goes on in the Administration Build-
ing. Mr. Livingston answered there is a map on the front
entrance, Which is an introduction to the community. They
have resales there, two or three Secretaries who collect the
maintenance fees, a manager with an office, a small computer
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JUNE 11, 1990
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room, a small meeting room, a storage area, and a small
beauty salon. It was designed in 1968 and does not meet
handicap requirements. They want to update it and make it
more beneficial to the residents.
Secretary Eney read the application.
that the uses they were adding would
traffic. The lobby would be bigger,
attract more people.
Mr. Livingston stressed
not generate more
but it would not
Vice Chairman Newton inquired whether the facilities will
be completely accessible to handicapped people. Mr.
Livingston answered affirmatively. He added there is no
rear area to expand, which is a hardship on the community.
As no one wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to
the granting of the variance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED.
It appeared to Mrs. Solomon that the extra space would not
make a difference to the parking spaces.
Mrs. Solomon moved to grant the variance, seconded by
Mr. Miriana. A roll call vote on the motion was taken by
the Recording Secretary, as follows:
Mrs. Solomon
Mr. Miriana
Secretary Eney
Ms. Tompson
Vice Chairman Newton
Mr. Uleck
Motion carried 6-0.
CASE #145
2002 S. W. 13th Avenue
Leisureville Rec. #3, Plat of 7th section
and Parcel A, Plat of 8th section, Plat
Book 29, pages l45-147 & 180-182
Palm Beach Leisureville
Relief from zoning front yard setback
requirement of 25'to a reduced front setback
of 19' to construct a 830 square foot addi-
tion to an existing recreation center to be
used as a storage room
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JUNE: 11, 1990
Mr. Eney read the application.
Don Jaeger, Building Official, entered the meeting at
7:25 P. M.
Craig Livingston, AIA, 5725 Corporate Way, Suite 208, West
Palin Beach, FL 33407, stated this is simply a storage area.
They had applied for a variance so they could build a toward the west end of the building. When they
went before the TRB, they found out an old sewer line eight
inches down which would be very expensive to move. No ease-
ment had been granted to the City, so the City would have
access to it. Rather than going to the expense of moving
the sewer line, they decided to put this extension to the
storage area on the northeast corner. The extension will
ma,tch the existing building, and there will be landscaping.
Mr. Livingston explained. There was discussion about the
location of the storage area and the screening.
Mrs. Solomon asked if the space could possibly be used as
part of the recreational facility. She did not think
storage required all this space. Mr. Livingston replied
that at this point, the storage area will just be used for
storing chairs and tables.
As no one wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to
the granting of the variance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED.
In view of the fact it will only be used for storage and
will not change the view of the community, Mrs. Solomon saw
no reason not to grant a variance.
Mrs. Solomon moved, seconded by Ms. Tompson, to grant the
variance. The Recording Secretary took a roll call vote on
the motion, as follows:
Mr. Miriana
Secretary Eney
Ms. Tompson
Vice Chairman Newton
Mr. Uleck
Mrs. Solomon
Motion carried 6-0.
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JUNE 11, 1990
CASE #146
Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and
N. W. 22nd Avenue
A portion of land in the Southeast quarter
of Sec. 18, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 East, and
being a part of the N~ of the NEt of Sec.
19, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., in Palm Beach
County, Florida
A-erican Development Corporation
Relief from zoning requirement of 815 parking
spaces to be reduced to 784 to construct a
141,940 square foot shopping center (which
includes a 8,740 square foot restaurant)
Secretary Eney read the application and the letter dated
May 7, 1990 from Jose Aguila, Associate, Currie Schneider
Associates AIA, P.A., Architects, Planners & Interior
Designers, 25 Seabreeze, D-lray Beach, FL 33483. (See
Addendum A attached to the original copy of these minutes in
the Office of the City Clerk.)
Alan Ciklin, ES9', Boose, Casey, Ciklin, Lubitz, Martens,
McBane & O'Connell, Northbridge Centre-Suite 1900, 515 North
Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL, called attention to
Mr. Aguila, who was sitting in the audience. John Benditz,
Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc., Traffic Engineers, West
Palm Beach, FL, was also present.
Attorney Ciklin gave background information on the applica-
tion and reasons for the request for variance, as outlined
in Addendum A attached to the original copy of these minutes
in the Office of the City Clerk. He showed a drawing of the
shopping center and explained the right-of-way. Attorney
Ciklin stated ,Target was satisfied with the number of park-
ing spaces and believed they would be more than adequate~
If the applicant is unable to give the right-of-way to the
County, Attorney Ciklin said the County will condemn the
right-of-way, pay for it, and the results will be the same.
The difference will be that it will take longer for the City
and County to get the right-of-way, and it will take longer
for the intersection improvements to be constructed.
Attorney Ciklin believed it would be an unnecessary and undue
hardship on the applicant because the applicant is in limbo.
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JUNE 11, 1990
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The applicant has a choice of building the shopping center
"as is" but when the County condemns the additional property
it needs, it will force the County to tear out the landscap-
ing, paving and restr,iping of the parki,ng lot after the
fact. It will cost considerably more than the right-of-way
is worth because there will be damage to the site itself.
Attorney Ciklin stated the applicant could not tell the
County to take the right-of-way because there was no adminis-
trative way, except through a variance from the Board of
Adjustment for the 31 parking spaces. Mr. Aguila worked a
long time to make sUl;"e, the 31 spaces were the minimum spaces
required. AttorneY Ciklin emphasized it would be less than
4% of the overal1, site, and it was in harmony with the intent
and .purpose of the Code. By granting the variance, he said
the City, County a;nd taxpayers would be saving between
$175,000 and $:200,000 because they will be able to get the
right-of-way free.
Attorney Ciklin continued by saying they were in this posi-
tion because they had agreed it would be a good thing to do
to accommodate the City and County. The City, Staff and
County Staff agreed. If the full complement of parking is
ever used, Attorney Ciklin stated it would be at Thanksgiving
and Christmas time. Most people that deal with these issues
feel it is not good to put in a lot of pavement just for
those two times of the year.
Mr. Uleck referred to the shopping center at the northeast
corner and recalled they had to put in a right-of-way for a
right-hand turn. He thought a right-hand turn would help .
out. Attorney Ciklin agreed but he explained on Shoppes of
Boynton, it was part of their conditional approval that they
dedicate the right.,.of-ways when they formed the improvement.
It was not a condition of the applicant's approval after a
thorough review by the City Staff. The applicant already
has an approved site plan and could build it without these
improvements, if they were to dedicate this land to the
County and let them make the improvements they are looking
to make, but they would be 31 spaces short. Mr. Aguila
interjected that both the City and the County have requested
Mr. Benditz emphasized that additional improvements were
required as part of this development. He drew attention to
the drawing and explained the improvements that were
required in order for the project to go forward and said all
of the improvements are able to take place within the exist-
ing right-of-way. The additional right-of-way is not
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JUNE '11, 1990
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necessary to accommodate the required improvements to the
development. Mr. Benditz called attention to a letter dated
May 13, 1990, written by Charles Walker, Jr., P.E., Director
- Traffic Division, Department of Engineering and Public
Works, l?alm Beach County, recommend,ing that the variance be
approved so the dedication can go forward. (See Addendum B
attac~ed to the origin~l copy of these minutes in the Office
of the City Clerk.) The County is considering making interim
improvements over and above thOse required at this time.
Mr. Aguila stated that one of the conditions of their
approval is to do improvements to the intersection of
Hypoluxo R,oad and Congress Avenue beqause of the impact of
this development. If they are able to get the variance and
dedicate this ,land to the County, improvements will then be
ma,de at N. W. 22nd Avenue and Ccngres$ Avenue. Instead of
spending the money they would have spent at Hypoluxo, they
will be spendirlg it in :the Cit;.y. Mr. Aguila explained it
wO'-lld be a tradeoff. He further explained they are widen-
ing the road to allow braffic to traviel on N. W. 22nd Avenue
and Congress Avenue.
Mr. Benditz informed Mr. Miriana the required improvement
to this project is one additional lane on this particular
approach. The right-of-way dedication would allow for the
full expansion of that intersection, which would accommodate
double left turns on the approach and accommodate openly
three through lanes on N. W. 22nd Avenue and a right turn
lane. All of those improvements are necessary at this time,
but the right-of-way dedication is to accommodate those
ultimate needs as they come on board. It is not to accommo-
date any turn lanes into the site but is to accommodate
additional turn lanes and through lanes at the intersection
of N. W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue.
Mr. Uleck asked who would pay for the right-of-way. Attorney
Ciklin answered the developer owns the right-of-way and is
going to give it to the County for the expansion of the
intersection without cost. That was why they were seeking
the variance. Attorney Ciklin expla~ned. Discussion ensued
about who should pay for paving and who would benefit.
If the Board denies the variance, AttorneY_Ciklin said the
County will have to pay for condemnation of the right-of-
way. The County will also have to pay for the developer's
damages. The reason the applicant does not want to wait
and take the money is because of the disruption of the
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JUNE 11, 1990
shopping center in relocating landscaping and parking.
Attorney Ciklin further explained.
Mrs. Solomon asked how many stores there will be. A.....torney
Ciklin replied Target will be the major one. He stated it
will depend on how big the stores 'are. There could be from
10 to 1'4. Mr. Aguila informed Mrs. Solomon there will be
775 parking spaces. 806 parking spaces are required.
Secretary Eney read Mr. Walker's letter into the record
(Addendum B).
Mrs. Solomon did not think there would be enough parking
spaces. She referred to egress and ingress for the parking.
Attorney Ciklin r'eminded her of the request. There were
further comments about parking from Mrs. Solomon and
Attorney Ciklin. Attorney Ciklin wished to have Mr.
Benditz SPeak again. Mr. Benditz commented and then added
if KimleyHorn felt there would be an operational problem on
the site, they wou:Id not be advising the developer to make
the deqication to the County. There are a lot of these
types of facilities in place. They would not be coming into
the site if they felt the nu~ber of spaces would be
inadequate for their use. He thought the spaces were
In response to other questions by Mrs. Solomon, Mr. Aguila
told her to think of this as an extension of Catalina Centre.
If Tim Cannon, Interim Director of Planning, had not
encouraged the applicant to come before this Board Attorney
Ciklin stated they would not have come. The City Staff was
supportive of this.
Mr.s. Solomom asked whether Mr. Newbold felt there would not
be congestion and overcrowding there. Mr. Newbold replied
that the applicant had Traffic Engineers. He thought the
Board should consider whether this was a necessity.
Mr. Newbold stated he had not heard from Mr. Cannon saying
he supported this. Attorney Ciklin replied that Mr. Cannon
was going to be at the meeting to speak.
Mr. Newbold asked if the stores the applicant now has
would require them to go for a modification to the site plan
and that some stipulations still had not been done.
Mr. Benditz thought that had been resolved. Attorney
Ciklin agreed and said that had nothing to do with this
variance. He explained the amendment to the site plan and
said he had minutes he cduld Show to the Board.
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JUNE 11, 1990
Discussion ensued about traffic, Target, and the taxpayers.
~r. Uleck asked why the buildings 'could not be made smaller.
Attorney Ciklin replied they could do that, but the County
and City Want the applicant to giv:e $200,000 of free real
estate to them. If they shrink some of the buildings, they
will lose some of their rentals as well. Attorney Ciklin
stated they agreed to give the property free of charge, but
they will not agree to reduce the square footage of the
shopping center becaus~ they have an approved site plan.
Heca;1.1ed attention to the letter from Mr. Walker and told
Mr. Miriana 31 parking spaces is the trade of.f. Attorney
Ciklip stated there Was also a Letter from ~r. Cannon.
(See Addendum C attached to the original copy of these
minutes in the Office of the City Clerk.)
Mr-. Tompson thought the granting of the variance would save
the City money.
Secretary Eney asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
or in opposition to the granting of the variance. There was
Mr. Miriana moved to grant the variance, as it is a
necessity. In response to Mr. Uleck'.s suggestion, Secretary
Eney said it was understood the granting of the variance to
mean the developer would dedicate 4/l.0th of an acre to the
County. Vice Chairman Newton seconded the motion. The
Recording Secretary took a roll call vote on the motion, as
Ms. Tompson
Vice Chairman Newton
Mr. Uleck
Mrs. Solomon
Mr. Miriana
Secretary Eney
Motion carried 6-0.
The meeting properly adjourned at 8:20 P. M.
Recording Secretary GI
(Two Tapes)
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