abandonment tJ1U City of ~oynton ~eacli Aug-14-1997 12:B4p. 97-289420 ORB '9'937 Pg 191 7 1111111 0111111 /11111111111 /1111 1111111111111 II /111111111111 100 T-. '}Cynton 'Boo 'Boufevartf / P.O. 'BG;t310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :F1Qrufiz 33425-0310 City 9faff: (561) 375-6000 :F5tX: (561) 375-6090 '~::;-r' CfRTIFICA TION I, Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the following mentioned and attached items are true and correct originals and copies as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Copy of Resolution #R97-130 Copy of sketch and legal description 2 pages 1 page 2 pages 1 page Original Disclaimer Copy of sketch and legal description WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 8th day of August, 1997. \\\\\\\1 1111111/11 ~\\' till. ~ -{~"ON lJ I'~ So.......... ~"" ~ ~ ~ ~... oRA r,;.... '" ~ ~.. "'<:>.. \.' ~ .... l.l.. ..0 e. -s.. ~ = 0 !u \ ~ :::z ::: - >- .- ~.:: ::......~ ~'-J! =: ~.,~ ... ~ ~o .... ~ ~ ~ ....... ,'> ~ ~III. FLO~ \\\~ jI/"'IIIII\I\\\ \\\'\ ~~<?z~~ Suza ne M. Kruse, CMC/ A E City Clerk August 8, 1997 \ch'l1lain\shnJala\cc\wp\general info\c e r I if i c a Ii 0 n.lIne ~merUa's (jateway to tfu (juIfstre.am ORB 9'937 Pg 1918 RESOLUTION NO. R97-/...JC' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING ABANDONMENT OF A FIFTEEN FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN THE SHOPPES OF BOYNTON SHOPPING CENTER, AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND QUANTUM; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. David Drobner of Katz. Barron, Squitero, Faust & Berman, agent for Draper and Kramer of Florida, Inc., the owner of Shoppes of Boynton, has requested the abandonment of a fifteen (15) foot wide utility easement located within the Shoppes of Boynton shopping center at the Polio Tropical restaurant site, at the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and Quantum Boulevard; and WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments, and public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Development Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said utility easement to be abandoned no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission, does hereby abandon a fifteen (15) foot wide utility easement located located within the Shoppes of Boynton shopping center at the Polio Tropical restaurant site, at the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and Quantum Polo rrOCMC.I\.Allty eleement 11251iT ORB '9 '9 3 7 P g 1 '9. 1. '9 Boulevard, as depicted on the attached Exhibit "A", located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of August, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEAClj, .~ / __~." ~1, "I ~ -"" /' ' --- - Mayor ,,- \ .' -, . fvLL X,, , L.L... '. 'L I:. :_....._ . --.-- --------, '- - ~ - com=der .~ ~+ /~ 1- Commissioner ATTEST: ,Lh4'~~~ <!fty Clerk Commissioner ,:1010 Tt'OOlc.1 U,lIy e........ 7125/97 Name Address: ORB 9'937 Pg 1920 ----- c.,^ , ' " '.';~ C\ :l~"\r:I"r:D ~.. i-'. ..:. u L ... ~!'~ ~j 1~17 . ''( ,...,:NiOH '-.Ill ;.;i. ~r"H clT-'I(lbi\'s C~r;CE Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): ./ - . . - - .IB 1111111 1I11111C - -. '1 \ I -I \ \A l-\~vV \.II. . I I:.~ t INC. LM.n) "lM~Nl:flS , ~ ""ONE (30!" 28e-'gto l~! L^UO sunVEYons 40e ,. E. RI" AVE. r SOl1TIt t'~nEn^L tlIOltW^T' OEL11AY BE ACII, FLORlO^ 33 "-.4; . C'J 4Asr.loJ_s.,. )6L'AlC s~. 17'~'-~3 IV 8': 04: 3,j"E. .D.04 j -tt-,~ J(IVI.aQ .1-4-96 NOTE: Not to scale S IlII'ch II "I' t 0' I!nUCI CN1T!I1 II ASlOCIATU urDM U cmclA. nlvlS10llS O^Tt IT CI('IJ REC;;ht' '-f1" · '~MO: Legibility of document ull~d(j;;ldCliJIY when received. :GDID I o.c. ,. POIm' or ~ O.B. ,. POINt' or BmINHIm o. T. ,. POINt' or T!JlHI}lUS ;:( l::A1i.lK; BASIs: ast R/W Coog1o::ga .Ye.= S.Ol043135~. JlJ 110. S!C. CCIt . R/1f PT. SBOPPWS: rH lIl'!!llaf ~ ~ iX\ri~U:l & IBaL I~' ~ I - . ~--I ~ I~; i__ .!~.~ - · S!I:"l'ICJf · CORNI:Jl · RIGHI' or tQT · POINT MIi'.. 0.'.,.-.. F - 3'3>.'9 01 O<:l.l IS' ~ I 'm:IS IS l<<7r A l::iUKyn Po~ DESCRIPTION. A strip at land 15.00 teet 1n widtH ly1ng lr Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East The boundary of .aid 15.00 toot .trip lying 7.50 teet on each side at the tollowing described centerline, being more part1cularl de.cribed a. tOllovs. :.l , N . I " III Commencing at the west 8uarter corner ot sat Section 17, thence N.S9 OS'39RE., along the e..t/west quarter line of .aid Section 17 a distance at 60.06 teet to a point on the eas right-ot-vay !ine ot Congre.. Avenue, thence S.OI043'35"W., along the ea.t right-ot-way line at Congr... Avenue a di.tance ot 355.15 teet; thence S.44~33'53"E., along the north easterly right-ot-vay line ot Quantum Boulevard a. recorded in Plat Book 57, Pages 180 and 181 at the PUblic Record. ot Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance at 36.14 teet, thence N.S9008'39"Z., along the north right-ot-vay line at .aid Quantum Boulevard a distance at 126.21 teet, thence N.00051'21"W., a di.tance of 125.35 teet: thence N.JOo07'37"W., a ~i.tance at 14.85 teet to the Point at Beginning, thence continue N.30007'37"W.~ a di.tance at 54.58 feet, thence N.0005"21RW., . distance at 80.00 t..t, thence N.89008'39"Z., a distance of 39.99 feet to a Point of Terminua. Said land. situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. " Q '" " " "" ... ~ :.. " . , . .0 ~ ~ ~~. ..... ~ R. ,...... ~.-AD.~". Lltm ~Ul. Ill. 2963 N. .,~ 0"'''-'. CI .."'~ "'''11. 9IM.'B or prnn,.. .... -- .... .... ...... 1M ....... t. ..lIlni. tmn Ttte ................ ..... '"'tiel cwttth a AISDCtATU.INo. "'0" "0 t."'"tIt,........ ..."....... .. Ie ... ........ t."...." .."..... .tr..,tn'n, 'G """I~',"""'.oI....,,t" ... ....,t... .................... ...... othtt ... 1nG" 6ti ba1d ,"'''*..... fnttr.......1i ttof ........lcu...... .. ... t... allUefIlMUtt. Sueft . InfonncrtloR........ ....... "'"' ~.,....... ,",_'1 line Udteh. . tmn l_....... ....... "". ttof ..."...4 t. .,....-ot-'"'1 and lot ........"". 01 t teer II: -- on^wu . BY: (J c. Clt!CKEO by: ~b. ru. tILE No. j(fl7 -/.Jp . ORB '9937 Pg 1 '921 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a fifteen (15) foot wide utility easement, located within the Shoppes of Boynton shopping center at the Polio Tropical restaurant site, at the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and Quantum Boulevard, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this ~ day of August, 1997. ATTEST: " ~. ~~<2/ ~ S . anne Kruse, City::Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared GERALD TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing PoNo Tropical utility Enement 7/25/97 ORB '9'937 Pg 1 '922 instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this '7 'ti..day of August, 1997. L~~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida My Commission Expires: . .,...W'..."\'N,"............"""::"",,, , , . . . ) '\-"\_~\\'\...y\'\\\\....... l "~~;;'" . ):/'."lit,-~'. Eve Eubanks ;. \ \&)' j NotaJy Public. State ()fFlori:ltt f ..~~.~~~~~=~~:~~;~/~~~~I . ItttttttNtttttttttttttc'tNI//l,l/,J/,//N,..,. '..' . ;; 1 \Air' P""v-,' r,1I,~, h':':f:>IC:'i AO'Jr- PoNo Tropica' Uh~ty ElSement 7/25/97 Name Address: Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): 405 9,E. All, AVE, f SOUTH tr:::OErt^L II'0tlWM' OEL"AY bE ACII. FlomOA 3~ 44Ji :, WI' UVc. .II] 1I1!L1 i "'"l1e .mEND I '.o.c. = POlm' OF ~nt; '.0.8. .. POlm' OF BroINNnC '.D.T. .. POlm' OF TERMINUS ;;{ iEAlUN; BASIS: 'ast R/W Cong.l.t=Rj ,ve.= S.Ol043'35~. \r ~ ~.., o~ (Jr"i ~.... I ...t- Ill' ~~ ~ IJ ~. ~ vAti r ~R' L^,~O SURVEYORS SEC. COR. RIW PT. ORB '9'937 Pg 1 '923 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL 8 ASSOCI..TES. I(iC. L^NIl ~L^NNEn9 I ""'I ""ONE (30~J 289-19'0 !g::! :l ...: 1- N I~~ SBOPP'BS-~ OF lIJYlm:H ~1U1 & UDAL 1BIS IS HO'l' A ~l(Y IS"! .-. : ! I~' ~ I:a: :' :..r_'"':1 1-; f ,--...~ - .! c::=:1 _--: I~ :..-. - t':..- ,- · SECTION :~orWAT~~ . POlm' .M1i'il. - 0.'_ S9-6. F- 3':).'9 - 01 ~J v IS' Q) I ~T. ::l ... N . I ... III .' o ~Asr."".sr Y,L'NC Su. 17-~!I -~ 3 N 8'= 08: 39'E. "0.0," t -1% -97 ~rv,saQ 1-4-96 NOTE: Not to scale 9 t""ch I. n,t If I 0' BRUCE eMfE" B ASSOCIATES INc anet Ihall not b, t oduold..whMI or '''hut .nt!~.: IotlllY,1 . I urDMts onel/of "EV'S'O"! OMit By Ck'O t!.Q.tl Thl u"derll'onlld em" bnUCE C^"tttt s AS90C'MtSt '''0. Inob hI) """"n'oll.,.,. or fllmemfe.. a. '0 th. fn'aflnGlIlln t,t"o',d ~"IOtt ""'d'nln, .~ 'V"emen'.,t''''''_af_woy,!Il1' hac. ,,",t,tl"lf"'llfont,.",,*,I. and tlthet tlrnlldt In"II"I, tlttd 'Uf"'ttll~!1 tn,',lIrnen' "hO' ""lnd.d Iotefl6clat .,t 'otlh 011 luch mell't'. Such lnfanno'lott Ihoutd b. ob.lIIntll and tCn'lnntd II, olhert'-Guah e..tlp~l. '"11 IIdteh. . t40T~ land. ,hown hereon wert nol ebt"dcttd 'e, tI.ht-tlt-wat t1nd lot lallmenll ot ttcord: j. '9 110. '1/\ I') Wi ... ... :s . . .. '" /II. 8'~ Oil" ~," ,. ell U'"' "''''''-'4 Sl. "D, -- -- On^w" BY: t1 c. CllECKEO by: . RECORDER'S MEMO: L2lT;"'~' cf document LJiI:dti5ra:tcry \',he:i '<":ji;,:,j -, DESCRIPTIONs. A strip of land 15.00 feet in widttl lying in Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. The boundary of said 15.00 foot strip lying 7.50 feet on each si4e of the fOllowing described centerline, being more particularly described as followss Commencing at the west guarter corner of said Section 17, thence N.89 08'39"E., along the. east/west quarter line of sai~ Section 17 a distance of 60.06 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of Congress Avenue, thence S.01043'35"W., along the east right-of-way line of Congress Av~nue a distance of 355.15' feet; thence S.44033'53"E., along the north- easterly right-of-way line of Quantum Boulevard as recorded in Plat Book 57, Pages 180 and 181 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 36.14 feet; thence N.89008'39"E., along the north right-of-way line of said Quantum Boulevard a distance of 126.21 feet; thence N.00051'21"W., a distance of 125.35 feet; thence N.30007'37"W., a ~istance of 14.85 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue N.30007'37"W.~ a distance of 54.58 feet; thence N.0005' '21"W., a distance of 80.00 feet; thence N.89008'39"E., a distance of 39.99 feet to a Point of Terminus. Said lands situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. ~.. /~~y-' HIlI ~ N. CAR'l'J!R REGIS'l'ERED IRID SQR\~ l<<J. smm OF PUJlUD& 2963 t.h. "0. F'U No. tJ1U City of ~oynton 'Beacli Aug-14-1997 12:B4p. '37-28942 ~ ORB '9'937 Pg 1924 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 100 'E. tIJoynton 'Boo 'Boulevard t.! p.o. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Boo, :F1Qrufiz 33425-0310 City :Haff: (561) 375-6000 ~5tX: (561) 375-6090 CfRTIFICA TION I, Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the following mentioned and attached items are true and correct originals and copies as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Copy of Resolution #R97 -131 Copy of legal description and map 2 pages 1 page 2 pages 1 page Original Disclaimer Original legal description \VITNESS. my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 8th day of August, 1997. \\\\\\ \1111/11/1//1 ~\\\ ~ON B~ 1/10 ~ 4. ~ ........... "1 (\ ~ ~ 0 ...o~ TEiJ.... 1- ~ ~ tlJ ..~ \::. = I. !o \ = _ w.. :', ._ - 0 .oJ ~ : - :: ~z (2.,"-J . :: \~~::;.sE~~)...~~~ I ~ \J ......... O'~" ~ ~... <:\..~ ;11" r \\" "1"'11" 1111 \\\\\\\\: ~~~~. Suza e M. Kruse, CMC/ At\: City Clerk August 8, 1997 ...,....., . ~..::\ ,- \\ch\main\slmJala\cc\wp\general info\c e r t i f i c a I i 0 n.uoc '~;)'.- , / "Z. 5tme,uQ's (jateway to tfu (jui/stream