CORRESPONDENCE The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 1-1 Ll t;OPY www.boynton-beach.org May 25, 2007 Ms. Kelli Kohler Maverick Architecture & Design, llc 6675 Westwood Boulevard, Suite 140 Orlando, Fl 32821 Re: Milan's Italian Restaurant @ Renaissance Commons MMSP 07-039 Dear Ms. Kohler: In response to your request date-stamped May 17, 2007 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Addition of outdoor seating (as depicted on the attached plan) . · Modification to certain windows to provide for fixed shutter on the interior to screen non-public areas within the restaurant (as depicted on the attached plan) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 5/17/07 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The outdoor table locations shall be exactly as shown on the attached drawing, and the clear aisle as depicted shall be maintained on the sidewalk, to facilitate pedestrian traffic. 2. The sidewalk area utilized for the outdoor seating must be policed several times during the hours of operation to ensure cleanliness and thoroughly cleaned daily. 3. Capital Facilities fees shall be paid for the outdoor seating and the Business Tax Certificate shall reflect the outdoor seating in the total number of restaurant seats. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst :!'~ ~ ;~ :':~l;i .l!"w"'" ;~~!Q. ~,~,~~ ; '. .., ~ li~ .,.,.~,,,.,,.. ~~~w'l" :I www.boynton-beach.org May 2, 2007 Ms. Kelli Kohler Maverick Architecture & Design, llc 6675 Westwood Boulevard, Suite 140 Orlando, FI 32821 Re: Milan's Italian Restaurant @ Renaissance Commons (MMSP 07-039) Dear MS.Kohler: The City of Boynton Beach staff has reviewed the revisions to your plans for the above-mentioned project. The following comments are being forwarded to you for your review and response: 1. Staffhas a concern that even providing the minimum ADA compliant accessible path still gives the impression of a private dining area, and that the general public would not feel comfortable entering and passing between the tables. As such staff recommends the reduction of outdoor seating and re-arrangement ofthe remaining seating to create a greater sense of openness. Attached is a revised seating diagram with the aisle dimensions found to be acceptable to staff in creating the openness desired. Additionally, the seating and planter was removed diagonally from the bar due to the handicap access ramp from the parking area. 2. The amount of windows to be blacked out is not deemed appropriate with the design ofthis building and others within the center. Staff recommends internal modifications to allow the windows along the front walkway to remain vision glass, preferably with tables & chairs immediately inside. The back wall against the parking garage would appear to be a more appropriate location for the non-public areas within the restaurant. Also provide more information/greater detail of the blackout graphics. 3. Provide detail of the outdoor planters, including size, material, colors and proposed plant material. 4. Provide detail of outdoor bar, including material and colors. 5. No point-of-sale stations or wait stations will be allowed outdoors. 6. At least fifty-percent of all public entrances must be accessible per the Florida Building Code Section 11-4.1.3 (8) (a) (i). 7. The revolving door shall comply with the Florida Fire Prevention Code, NFP A 101 Section (1-6). 8. The door speed of the revolving door shall comply with the Florida Building Code Table 1008.1.3.1. 9. The door adjacent to the revolving door shall comply with the Florida Building Code Section 11-4.13. 10. A section of the interior and exterior bar shall comply with the Florida Building Code Section 11-5.2. . Page 2 May 2, 2007 11. Toilet rooms # 107 (men's & women's) shall be handicap accessible per the Florida Building Code Section 11-4.1.3 (11). Please submit responses and revised plans reflecting any changes resulting from items discussed above to continue the review of your request through the process. Staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss any ofthese issues or any potential plan revisions prior to your re-submittal. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or if there is anything I can do to assist you. ~ Ed Breese ~ Principal Planner CC: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Tim Large, Building Codes Administrator Maxime Ducoste-Amedee, Business Tax Manager DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 07-038 FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner Timothy K. Large, Deputy Building Official~ April 30, 2007 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: MILAN'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT The following are the comments from the Building Division regarding Milan's Italian Restaurant: 1. Provide a point of compass on the floor plan. 2. A section of the interior and exterior bar shall comply with the Florida Building Code Section 11-5.2. 3. The door adjacent to the revolving door shall comply with the Florida Building Code Section 11-4.13. 4. The revolving door shall comply with the Florida Fire Prevention Code, NFPA 101 Section (1-6). 5. The door speed of the revolving door shall comply with the Florida Building Code Table 1008.1.3.1. 6. Toilet rooms # 107 (men's & women's) shall be handicap accessible per the Florida Building Code Section 11-4.1.3 (11). 7. The exterior dining areas shall comply with the Florida Building Code for Handicap Accessibility Section 11-4.5.4. 8. At least fifty-percent of all public entrances must be accessible per the Florida Building Code Section 11-4.1.3 (8) (a) (i). *NOTE: Although this modification is for alterations to exterior elements, I have included other issues that need to be addressed prior to the Building permit application. Other code related items may arise when a comprehensive plan review is performed during the Building permit review process. TKL: rs S'\Development\BUILDING\TART\TART 2007\Milans Italian Restaurant.doc . Mc1verick Architecture Er Oe~ign/ Ilc City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Milan's Italian Restaurant City Re- Submittal @ Renaissance Commons Maverick Architecture and Design, lie. is proposing the following changes in the form of a minor modification for Milan's Italian Restaurant, Suite 190, building K in the Renaissance Commons of Boynton Beach. Please see the following for revisions: 1. Elimination of exterior furniture per suggestion of city to create an ADA compliant path. 2. Alteration of "blacked out" windows to keep existing windows with suggestion of fixed shutters. 3. Detail and Photoshop drawings of outdoor planter. 4. Detail and Photoshop drawing of outdoor bar. 5. Removal of all outdoor point-of-sale station and wait stations. 6. Removal of main entrance revolving door. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, ',' L L l l ,\.. L/ l "'--- Kelli Kohler Maverick Architecture & Design. IIc -. (/:'75 \i estwoo.d 8oulev"rd Su,te 14'-' (Jrl"ndn +=loT'ld", 3'2Em T 40;' 351 E7E,7 += '1C? 351 9'254 I'L"Jenckr'-'rch[le; com A:'\ #26c'X'0C" C1 conceptuC1//Lj independent forum . .~ . <\1----. - ~ffi[ A~I 9, j ___J . " '. , 'ill r LM,' " z(\~,n\(~ r)~. r \ M~ve-riek A-rehiteetu-re Er Oe~ign/ lie City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 To Whom It May Concern: Maverick Architecture and Design, lie. is proposing the following changes in the form of a minor modification for Milan's Italian Restaurant, Suite 190, building K in the Renaissance Commons of Boynton Beach. Please see key notes on drawings for labeled changes. 1. Proposal of removing South door and window to allow for a new, solid door for BOH entrance. 2. Original windows to remain on South windows as well as East window, install black out graphics to obstruct visual into kitchen. 3. Remove window to allow for new access door and window for additional entrance/ exit in space. 4. Existing windows to remain. 5. Entrance to be moved from northeast corner of space to center of space with revolving door. 6. Additional entrance to be added to existing windows for secondary access. Existing windows to remain. 7. Existing windows to remain. Remove existing door replace with new windows. Transom windows to be blacked out for visual purposes. 8. Remove windows to allow for new access door and window. Fill remaining. 9. Remove windows to allow for new access door. Fill remaining 10. Outdoor planters to be placed at front of building. Not to block walkway or traffic. Placed to give privacy to outdoor diners. 11. Exterior dining not to block walking traffic. Four foot minimum for walkway. 6(~7~ \(':e,bx.ood 8oulevC1rd ':::;ulte II T 407 3:<1 8787 ~ 407 351 ()254 .vww [v1C1' Cl conceptuCl//Lj indE *' ~ fZevts.eT.::> ~ ~_ 1 U(o... (.A.~. "l;LAGfe..C1Jr ~c.s. ? ~~~v~ Jof* ~ Elf ~~, f1I~(~f~) ~~~. - ~ ~(.,* cJVf~~J ~~. , ~ ~tiF ~ ~/~. - ~ Po lAir' oF S~... ~ OoS. 12. Exterior Bar built as furniture piece. Thank you, Kelli Kohler Maverick Architecture & Design. lie . M~vel'ick Al'chitectul'e fr Oe~ign/ Ilc In regards to: Minor modification plan sent prior for Milan's Itlaian Restaurant at Renaissance Commons. City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 3342 To Whom It May Concern: I am enclosing a check for the remaining amount of $50 for the minor modification plans. I am enclosing the minor modification cover sheet for reference. Thank you, Kelli Kohler r~l~cq~uW~@ Yi ;' .(, 7 .01 1.l i"i'liNG AND _ JN1NG DEPT. :'>675 \i edwood p,ulev,wd ':=:,ulte 14" C'-rtmdo t=lond" 328'21 f)1- j) T 40735187,5' t= 407351 (,)'254 WW'Yi r'1,,"enck~Y'c~,[)e' com PP. #26c'ooqc'c C1 conceptuUllllj independent forum "" PROJECT NAME: Milan's Italian Restaurant LOCA TION: Renaissance Commons Phase VI PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 07-039 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Kelli Kohler ADDRESS: Maverick Architecture & Design, lie FAX: ADDRESS: 6675 Westwood Boulevard PHONE: Suite 140 Orlando, FL 32821 FAX: 407-351-9254 PHONE: 407-351-8787 SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 4/19/07 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days /10 days IPARC: TART MEETING: LEGAL AD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S'\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\Site Plans\Phase VI COUS 04-008\MMSP 07-039 Milans Italian\2007 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc , II 7-0 ~ 00 o 00 ~ ~oa me Z Z en o 00 o 00 I () C) \ ~M 11 ,4.: ~~ .~.',-,~... 0 0 ,.} 0 ~ ~ lio.! i 0 0 ~: 00 0000 o 0 o 0 00 0000 10 01 o C) 'j o ~ 0 @t?l 0 00~ .....~ 0 ..... 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