APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: NW ,I Court LOCATION: Laurel Hills 4th Addition PCN: 08-43-45-20-10-000-2110 I FILE NO.: MMSP 07-003 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Homrich Corporation George Homrich ADDRESS: Homrich Construction FAX: ADDRESS: 2706 SW 8th Street PHONE: Boynton Beach, FL 33435 FAX: 561-742-3714 PHONE: 561-436-4876 SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 4/13/07 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days /10 days IPARC: TART MEETING: 1 ) ,I}r vna.1 LEGAL AD - ~ ~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD {p { 2-~ l s/~ 1 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD \ J _ ........\j [) ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 7/li ( LRI,q ) COMMENTS: '- ~ S \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\NW 7th Court Variance\2007 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc " City Codes Accessed Via Web site www.bovnton-beach.org www.amlega1.com/boynton_beach_f1.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Date CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION CODE VARIANCE APPLICATION ! \ Ii Pi; 'IUI ': I.. i I APR I 3 2007 i i l~....~ J PLM~ijli;G ;,,'W ZONING DEPl SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD MEETINGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES: Please Print (in ink) or Type Submittal Date: The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the City Of Boynton Beach to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to existing code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) 2..11 Block: Subdivision: LA-lJREL -HIL..L) ytL- A--bD,v, Plat Book: 21 5 Lt 2_ Page: 1 Lf I or otherwise described as follows: Property Address JJ W ,-J{. Co U Rr PCN Number(s) 06~ Lt3-45 - 20-/0 ~ 000,- JZf?-1 \ 0 , Variance requested including code chapter and section, existing code standards (Le. setback distance, number of required parking spaces etc.), requested standard and the variance (existing code standard minus requested standard). uD 1?E~v IRINt:;' ~ 'FT ()1= --r\'CPAlTll\4E I'D ALL..-OvJ '5TI reo of rICQIV'TI'-"E ~ c H ~ -2 2-DNI Ai" .sEe:.. ~ [; C _ :A* /1,j,(J.3. The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. An Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-at-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal Description Zoning Code Variance Application I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) at an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certiticate 2. Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest tinished floor at all structures on the site 3.. Proot of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aQent is submittina the petition, a notarized COpy of a letter desianatina him as such must accompany the petition. 4. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the seven (7) questions below (A-G) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. G. Variances to minimum lot area or lot frontage requirements, that property is not available from adjacent properties in order to meet these requirements, or that the acquisition of such property would cause the adjacent property or structures to become nonconforming. Applicant shall provide an affidavit with the application for variance stating that the above mentioned conditions exist with respect to the acquisition of additional property. 2 , " Zoning Code Variance Application 5. An application fee in the amount of $400.00 plus postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each additional Code section. Name and address of owner: ~reGE fIotJ.R Ie i* / Ho M e I cJio: ~ R Po eAIl atJ I Name of applicant: G Ebrcc;: t? f!r,MR- /.C.lt Applicant's address: cJ., 0 (, SW 5' 'f{ .5>'T. ~O'1' J'<./n N (5c...t,.\ . , r L ..3.3 Lt .5) Applicant's phone #: SL, I - Lf 6 Lo - Li 8/ CD Applicant's facsimile #: stol- ,Lf 2 - 311'-{- 6. 7. 8. Date: 4- /3-01 Signature of Applicant: 9. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development Board or Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission meetings held to review this project. 3 Response to Variance Application questions A. The special condition pertaining to this property is that it was originally designed and platted to be the size it currently is. It was unfortunately re-zoned and included with larger properties to the west. The neighborhood is predominately built out on 50" lots. B. The lot has never been altered in size nor shape. I, nor previous property owners, have ever sold off any portion of the lot. It was the city's actions that made this variance needed. C. By granting this variance, the city will allow a new single family home to be built on a lot that was originally designed for it, just like other houses in the neighborhood. D. The literal interpretation of the code deprives of me of the right to build a home on this lot. Without the variance, the lot is simply vacant and of little value. E. This variance is the minimum allowance needed to make reasonable use of the land. There are no extra allowances beyond what is basically needed to build a house. F. The granting of this variance will be harmony with the surrounding houses. The house we intend to build will in keeping with the current look, size, character and use of surrounding homes. The house will be a 1 story with 1 71 0 square feet of living area, similar to the house beside it. G. The adjacent properties have already been built upon. No adjacent lots can be sold to increase the size of the overall property. ':Z:~ SCALE: 1/16" = 1 FT - --.--.-. .-. - 50.00' r- --:-.- __ __0_- __ --'-- - ~ ~ --... - i I I I I I I I I DRIVEWAY I I I I I I I 28FT. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I COVERED' ENTRYc _ -I I I I I I I I LOT 211 I I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE I I FINISH FLOOR 19.10 I I I I I 0 I I n I I (J) n 0 I I. ..- n I " m ~ r<) i I I 7'12' r I I J"II' -lr 71/2' I I . ..I I I I I I SITE PLAN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONC. PATIO 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 38 FT. I I I I I I I I I 1 I J I I r i.4~_'__'__ _____ __.__t.:....... _ _'"' ._~V~ 5' U.E. 50.00' --------- ---- LOT 184 ~.- SCALE: 1/16" = 1 FT J 1 + " 50.00' DRiVEWAY bo,__ ---... ~ i I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I i~-'~~ - .--'--'-- -- --'--'- I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I;>> I I I I COVERED' ENTRY~ _ .1 1 I I I I I I I LOT 211 1 I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE I I I I FINISH FLOOR 19.10 I I I () I In o I I ~ n I f ~ I . ?) I I I 7 Yz" !' I ~ '" ". '7 1/2' _ I i . ,01 I I I I SITE PLAN I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I CONC. PATIO I I 1 I I I I I I : 1 I 38 FT. I I I I I I I I I ) ~ \",~_.__.__ __.__.__ __l~ .... _._....._) , 5' U.E. 50.00' 28FT. ----------- LOT 184 "'" Prepared by and return to: Jose L. Lorenzo, Esq. President Meridian International Title Services Corp. 25 Seabreeze Avenue Suite 202 Delray Beach, FL 33483 561-276-8121 File Number: 07-576 Will Call No.' [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] Warranty Deed This Warranty Deed made this 15th day of March, 2007 between Carole E. Volkman, an unmarried woman whose post office address is 1207 NW 7th Ct., Boynton Beach, FL 33426, grantor, and Homrich Corporation, a Florida Corporation whose post office address is 2706 SW 8th St., Boynton Beach, FL 33435, grantee: (Whenever used herein the tenllS "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs. legal representatives, and assigns of individuals. and the ,uccessors and assigns of corporations. trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NOll 00 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida to-wit: Lot 211, LAUREL HILLS 4TH ADDITION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 142, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Parcel Identification Number: 08-43-45-20-10-000-2110 Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all oncllmbrancI's, I'lICI'pl lallI'S accllJing sllbsI'qlll'nt to December 31, 2006. In Witness "'hereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Si~;-;Ied and re~presence: ~ / ;7""' y;;;;. . /' /~ .. l,,~~ v' .' '1t~.!J/ i: ~*~/2.h'-!~"eal) .f;b^'-Z.O Carole E. olkman ~ ee_,DElv. State of Florida County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 15th day of March ..A>07""'15 ea::/ personally known or [X] has produced a driver's license as identification. 7 ,/ ~, 'I\, .ftJ ': ~;r>, . ?o, ,...' Notary Public Slate 01 Florida Jose I. Lorenzo My ComrrnSSlon 00551309 Expires 0612812010 [Notary Seal] roJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f1 r~ f';lHj W MAYI020~~1 PLANNiNG AND ZONING DEPT Concerning neighboring properties on 7th Court in Laurel Hills I, Max Genest, have been approached by George Homrich and I am not willing to sell a portion of my side yard. .... To the City Clerk - City of Boynton Beach AFFIDA VIT RE: Property Address: Project Name: Lot 211, Laurel Hills 4th Addition, NW 7th Court Single Family Residence I, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, that acquisition of additional property would cause adjacent properties to become non-conforming, as that the adjacent properties have been built out. Sincerely, >~ .~.....~--- ~1~ _n (\ C/ G~ , ,.~ -~y otary Public, State of Florida ~~"y 1'1\. !~ . \;.o,,~di Notary Public State of Florila John Michael Sayne My Commission 00626188 EXDlres 02/03/2011 NOTE<0 I UNDERGROUND UTILITlf~ WERE NOT LOCATED EXCEPT A'7 <0HOWN. 2. THE LAND~ ~HOWN HERLON WERE NOT AB~TRACTED BY 0URVEYOR FOR EA~EMENT~, RIGHT0-0F-WAY~, RE<0ERVATION0 AND OTHER ~IMIL-AR MATTER0 OF RECORD ), EL-EVATION0 ARE NATIONAL- GEODETIC VERTICAL- DATUM OF I Cj 2 <1 4 BEARING0 ARE BA0fD ON WE'0T PLAT L-INE, A~'0UMED TO BEAR N 0 I 40'25' W (BA0ED ON PLAT) 5 0ET 5/8' IRON ROD AND CAP #LB5<184 UNLE<00 NOTED , _XXX DENOTE'0 EX/'0TING LOT GRADE0 7 L-EGAL DE0CRIPTION WA0 FURNI<0HED BY CLIENT 8, LOT AREA - 0 I <10? ~)Q FT. OR 0.1 0 ACRE'0 I MORE OR LE<0'0. <1 . Af\JY U0E Of TH I c:) 0URVEY f'JO r APPROVED IN WR / T I NG BY THE ~16NIN6 '0URVEYOR, 1'0 THE RE'0PON01BILITY OF THE U0ER I 0 CONTRACTOR 10 TO VEf<: I FY THAT THE FORMBOARD0 ARE A M 1 N I MUM OF I 8' ABOVE THf 1--1IGHE0T ADJACENT ROAD CROWN [L EV A-r I eiN AT T I MI. 01 eONc-) If~UC 1 ION DRA I NAGE:: NO ft') FLOOD ZONE' B COMtv1UN I TY - PANEL NO I 20 I (10 0004 C MAP REV I <0ED '0EPTEMBER 30) I <182 L-EGEND N~TT M.E. FPr;.L P.C.P.~ elL 0DE U E. END CONC [\jI;.p IRt.-C R/W F F R A L NAIL AND TIN TAB MAINTENANCE EA0EMENT FLORIDA POWER r;. LIGHT PERMANENT CONTROL POINT CENTERLINC 0WALE DRAINAGE EA0EMENT UTILITY EA0EMENT FOUND CONCRETE ~ NA I L- ~ D I (')C - IRON ROD ~ CAP = RIGHT OF WAY FIN I 01-1 FL-OOR R AD I Lh DEL-TA - LENGTH CERTIFY TO: GEORGE HOMRICH a u <!) N _\ I ...J ,/ a <..) <n ,/ '.\) a a <1: <..) ,/ <..) 0HEET I OF 2 NOT VAL-ID WITHOUT THE "716NATURE AND THE ORIGINAL- RAI'?ED '?EAL- OF A BOUNDARY ?URVEY ~AURE~ HI~~? 4TH ADDITION ~OT 2 I I P~AT BOOK 23, PAGE I 42 PA~M BEACH COUNTY, F~ORIDA 03 -0 I -07 I' ~ 20 ' ~URVEY DATE ~GA~E I 23 32 F B F' UNIVER~Al ?URVEYIN6 ~Y~TEM?, ING. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMeCR ~B 5q84 1.'23 ~AKE DR IVE NORTH BOYNTON BEACH, F~ORIOA '34'5 OFFICE: %1 -7%-0432 FAX: %1 -7%-0'108 07-03-21 , L.HL. 21 I ,6eD DRAWING NIJ 1 "/ k~'~'--- .\'t- "II!:> ~~ 0\>-~ ~ ". L- \y --- 11- ;:.-./ / > "'-,5 '-." 't-~(' . \ \ 1\,'1.. ,<,,9,\\ At) ("t .. !." ~;> < '~ ~ ~0) '50 00' DE'^'" I N6 DA')E N c\ . 40 . Z 5 . W 5' IJ E 4' CHA 1 N L- I NK FENCE TYP ~ VACANT \ 1/ 7 ":>/ y> ~,c/ \l' \/c/' Z -0> ,k' \' \>>~ CJ:>- 0 ~\>> \' --I -,,0 0 \ll ()-" -j b' '^' \Jl () =-~ .-, \>> b' r'--' -() ~ 0 III o 20 PAVEMENT .,~ \'v t> \ .... "'. \ ~l>~ 'Co'v'\ 50 R/W ;;.\ !:> ~~i- 0~ 0 \ _ 4---Mb- _N_Cl 40'3c5":WL:\. _ ~~\ 50 00' ~ NW 7TH COURT L-ALJRFL- LANE-PL-AT ,\ 1/ ;:.-.;..-- .\~ <) I \') ~\'V 0\>-q ~ ~I ADD EL-EVATIONfJ 3-1 4-07 a ,j o,!J N -' :r: _1 ./ a o <.!) c/ ~ a a <( o ./ o 0\ ~ 7 .~ ~ ,k' N '" 'j ()\ . 40 38' E 50 00' .\~~0 \ I\,'l. ~\iI At> {.t~ ~~ ~~ ~ I I~ 1 - \>> -l I l> < III 1 '\ 325 00 I ~ ~~'\ N 9 40'38'~ --4 \pf. I 0HEET Z OF Z VAL-l D WI THOLJT THE ':J 16NA TLJRE AND THE OR 16 1 NAl_ RA I ':JED ':JEAL- OF A BOUNDARY ~URVEY ~AURE~ HI~~~ 4TH ADDITION ~OT 2 I I P~AT BOOK 23, PA6E I 42 PA~M BEACH COUNTY, F~ORIDA 03-0 I -07 1"-20' rylJRVEY DATE ryCAL-E I 23 YZ F B P. UNIVER~A~ ?URVEYIN6 ?Y?TEMb, ING. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER ~e 5q84 1." 1. 3 L-AKE DR I VE NORTH BOYNTON BEACH, F~ORIDA 33435 OFFICE: %1 -7%-0432 fAX: %1 -7%-OQ08 07-03-211 LHL211 ,6CD DRAIIHN6 N(1