CORRESPONDENCE Department of Engineering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Addie L. Greene, Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper December 14, 2006 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE' North General, Center of Medicine TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Michael: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the proposed redevelopment project entitled; North General, Center of Medicine, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: PCN#: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out: West side of US-1, north of Martin Luther King Boulevard. Boynton Beach 08-43-45-22-08-000-0130 None 2,000 SF General Office and 1,990 SF Medical Office. 131 12 AM and 17 PM 2008 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. !f ye!.! have any questions regarding this determination, rlease contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUN.TYJGINEER n;.~ Masoud Atefi, MS~ TPS Administrator - Municipalities - Traffic Division Cc: MTP Group [;l,C, [€ m n; n w m,@' I u ~ ;' ~ n ! I __ ! i: ;, ! "., (l , ("l 2006 1 ,I t I~ I " . . -....-_ i File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review N:\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\2006\061201.doc ~ TREASURE COAST ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. DRAINAGE STATEMENT BOYNTON BEACH NORTH GENERAL BUILDING Project Owner: United Medical Enterprises, Inc. Project Location: 1315-1317 N. Federal Hwy Engineer: Adam Heltemes, P.E., No. 59353 TCE Project No.: 06-23 Date: November 29, 2006 All stormwater facilities, design and maintenance shall meet the Boynton Beach's Land Use Code Requirements for stormwater management and South Florida Water Management District requirements. Specifically: Water Quality: Exfiltration system shall be used for water quality purposes. Exfiltration trenches shall be designed to treat first flush of rainfall runoff over impervious areas (2.5-Inches plus 'h-Inch of dry pretreatment as necessary). Water Quantity and Flood Storage: The parking lot shall be design to receive stormwater and shall be lower than the finished floor elevation of the proposed building. Discharge shall connect to the existing Boynton Beach stormwater sewer system. Maintenance: The capacity of the stormwater management system shall be properly maintained. Methods of required maintenance may include vacuuming exfiltration systems, replacement of landscaped berms, the installation of silt screens or similar devices, and the installation of sod. If any portion of a stormwater system ceases to function as designed, the property lessee or occupant will remove, repair or replace that portion of a stormwater system. Materials: The drainage system shall be designed for long-life and ease of maintenance. Materials used in the system and construction methods shall meet American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) and current Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) specifications. Drainage pipe shall be fitted with headwalls, endwalls, inlets and other appropriate terminating and intermediate structures. Site Design Elevations: I. Parking lots. Parking lots served by exfiltration trenches shall have a minimum elevation above the five-year, one-hour flood stage in accordance with South Florida Water Management District Permit Information Manual, Volume IV. 2. Finished floor elevations. Finished first floor elevations of all buildings or structures shall not be lower than the higher of the following elevations: a. Flood stage elevations established by Boynton Beach; or b. Eighteen inches above the crown of the street on which the building(s) or structure(s) fronts. Erosion and Sediment Control: Erosion and sediment shall be controlled during construction and operation as required by the Boynton Beach, South Florida Water Management District requirements and per Florida Department of Environmental National Pollution Elimination Discharge System requirements. FEMA Flood Plain Statement: As located in FIRM Community-Panel 1201960004C, the project is located in Zone C, defined as "Areas of Minimal Flooding." \ 1110 E. 7TH Street, Stuart, Florida 34996 ph. 772-221-3724 -ft. 772-221-3726 tcedevelopment@yahoo.com BPE No. 26590 #4r- !kt a fl'\ He ( ff~f"5 11/2Q!Oi Breese, Ed From: Sent: To: Subject: Mazzella, Pete Monday, October 16, 2006 3:36 PM Breese, Ed RE: North General Center of Medicine Ed Depending upon the actual type of medical offices used, flows should range in the 1,000 - 5,000 gallon per day range for water and wastewater. If a dialysis center is located at this site, then the flows could be significantly higher. Water and sewer are generally available along N. Federal Hwy., but fire-flow capabilities will be reviewed closely due to the relatively small size, and old age, of the water mains in that area. Thanks again for checking with us. Peter Mazzella From: Sent: To: Subject: Breese, Ed Monday, October 16, 2006 10:21 AM Mazzella, Pete RE: North General Center of Medicine About 4,500 sf of medical offices, just south of the U-Haul on North Federal Hwy, north of MLK. Ed -----Original Messagemn From: Mazzella, Pete Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 10:15 AM To: Breese, Ed Subject: North General Center of Medicine Ed Can you tell me something about this project? I assume it's medical offices, but square footage would be helpful, and location. Thanks Peter Mazzella 1