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I' 11 ,,~j~~Jr " 1 ~ G ~ ,"'" ,.....~'^'~^'~...,......'"",.,,,._, _.,,-,.\:.:P~, .. '-'-,' "" ",_._'-",," '-' --' .~.........,..,...,.-~~" ,~.",~~...."._-.". -'-""---"~"" _"-"""""",.,.,... , , "<-.,~,, ~~... ...,,---,...,.... I I' .-' u \') ~ << iI c . If~~ ~.,..." -~- . _....._ .--" .__""~~~L.- ,~~) G ~ ! ~J " h " if 11 Ii II It ~. ]1 ! ! b \1 11 H jt I! . j, t , fl ' ~ . .. .::.n:::..:;..... ~'> ,..:::.-;,..::..:'. \. tf .\ ~ , '\ ,.'\.;." " \~) \,'\ ;~.mJ,~ ~...,..o r. \.), ' ~'_ 0. ,. ~, .~ \;~ \ D 0 \" .' J! 'n ~ D ,) ~,>:i Ie '" c" ~l ~ 'Jtj'i (l"-\~ " ii' ; ~~; !~",;t,i '"_j\i:; ,!.,,:, -, 'l',~ -~( ~~ ~;, \ :~ [".".',':.' --.n{j n' ."" I ~' 1 aO t o .. I}' cG ~. .' ~l';"0 ~\:; r:;,-t 1,:," \.. D ( , ,C , fb~: 't,'2. '1, r::q.! c' itA1 ,y t.:-, ~\~ ,. " ',';l' ,~ -;+.:-:' 1\ . Ii r ~ f: ~ t rit. (.) "\].\ fi; i"~ "~~J) ['" ;~~ - ';~~~ .,' '~~ .-~~i . ~~j ~ ..,. b '/ Q ,I ~ ; ji .1 ~~ Jt ~r ~ 1I @' r' ' ~ ~ f . ' <~ r 10) /' f> I \',. \' ? If? :.'~... ."i 11 \.~ 6 u u/ 11 I, r" \l ,dJ ,,)i "~ Q ft- .-- v"- ,\ e ('.\- \\ \, I. i""--) o LAW OFFICES S~~ARl D~l\JSCC={lIL.~ <& CI!J~~AN, P.A. STEPHEN A. SPEAR BRIAN C. DEUSCHL.E MARSHALL G. CURRAN, JR. DONALD C. HAIN HENRY A. FRICKE GEOFFREY S. MOMBACH JOHN T. LUZZO November 17th~ 1976 5554 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33308 TELEPHONE (305) 776-6550 MIAMI 945-0928 City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Gentlemen: This office has been retained by ArbyVs~ Inc. to represent them in the purchase of Lots I and 2, otherwise known and described as the South 180 feet (less the West 530 feet) of that part of the North 200 feet of the South 910 feet of the East One-Half of the Northeast Quarter lying West of the Right of Way of the Federal Highway in Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Said property lies East of U.S. 1 between Southeast 20th Court on the North of 21st Avenue on the South side and a County Right-of- Way on the West side of said property. I would appreciate it if you would inform me as to the current zoning on this property. We understand from the contract to purchase that this property is zoned C3 which allows restaurants under the current zoning. We would appreciate your verifying this for us. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation regarding this matter. Yours very truly, :; DEUSCHLE & CURRAN, P.A. SAS:llk cc: Douglas Davies, Arbyvs, Inc. " ., ~ /:. " ;0_ ~ 0) . ,/ .-/'.,:0 ,/.,'Ct~Y /,.. 7" ~"J''''f'f'fJ!L'1 ....".. .#h,g 1.1"".iR[IJ .~ ,.,' ...}J H "I ED r. '~l ''If . "",,> .' .;). f tnty (;f /:'''1' . : ...../ .... ',v;nfOil ntl~ I ' ~ f'>> Dt/1fl , ...... rv0 ~l1 ~c., :;1 J. fJ... 8 19'" " ('"\ f6 []) , " CITY \' CLfR/f \ :<l''\.. '" / /f~ 'Z.... c" .............""- ,'" "'..~ ~ n f} n ~4 1f t\ t fl. I II " ~ h o \} c" I;" o '\, ,~ I': -I;.. " !/q\.\ pr \1 1 .II 1\ ! ~ II I r 1 , . o " ~ f! 0',' r} \; .f i~ ::il~ ,_.'k.-,-'_. ......,~. ___..'~'__.., m_~,~;j.- . "'o-..'",....:_i~...'-J~C~.,_~~..~; _L,..;.-.........;.._.,. ,~:..t;.";,>,;...,...,' ",;::. ;i :~:;.;.L;" \\ ,I aO 11 Q Ii ,,~ 11 I, :1 I ! ...,..--,~.. <<:'" ~'< r di ':t, ;; 1<:;1 .. ~-' o t( " d; :lli" r ( (~ .' 11 i-~ :;...; = o k ,,0 ~, 'l;;, & ii~' r I ~, .! (:. n ~i II '-~ n o , !~ I) \~ u r l,' fI 'I II (I Ii . ~ (') J,\:::: u '\~ )\ c: - Q'; "'?"~ \~ {".:::' ", _,.,~_..~,:~. ____,-"_"'_.~_..c,._.,~,vi ~~; 6",,~;~/~?~. ,'r ;,,/ , ''j '/ f 'l , , J J J 1 ~ " ;1 (" ~ ] J P..... i ~ 'j ,} II / i (;; .~'" Jl ",,/'...,,;....'~"'...~~~~~f~~:u:;>..:'l~~"-..,"'~_. (-"",;.~ n j1 n 'I o l\ ~ o ( ) ''--.--;. , . OJMMUNI~ '.APPEARANCE 'BOARD BOYNTON BEACH ~ FLORIDA Da"te' Pre1intinary ( , ) Final ( ) Request for Change ()G1l Sign Approval ( ) Project Name . f.J If".byI5 -16 01 n fo;J Legal Description 'S; ~e-' . ,/J tfq'i ". ~i:. ''1\.1' . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. Address of Site . :z CJ-j 5' ..:;.. . ~gerct. I 1-1; 71. w'r...y' J3tJ'Ird'tm. Bel., Owner ,A1b'1Y'1 ::::C;V~/t~J~U~. f1~(~Ott..' Telo {/ "Zl(p . /--0 -9Voo t ' . Architect Ja fT'e.-5 f3cq(-,r-~tlq" ~bJtq !llA/ Jto ;111-e- Te'l~, # ff~~ :floe ~'2..,-~ B')(.--4 ~4ib""; . .All meetings of me Corrmuru ty Appearance Board, are open to the ,Public 0 IMPORTANT ..:. 'REQUIREMEl.\J"TS 'FOR 'REVIEW D\J ORDER FOR YOUR PlANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED 'TO BE PRESENT AT THE . MEETING 0 = Preliminary 'ReViev.r 'Req~ts Two (2) sets of preliminary drartrl:ri.gs and specifications which will include: Ao Site Plan (Including me Gene:.~ Landscape Development) B 0 Building Plan Co All Exterior Elevations with Material Designations Do Outline Specifications of Facade and Roof Treabnents Eo Sketches of All Signs and Their Dimensions F 0 General Exterior Color Descriptil.?t'1 (Including Signs) .' Final Review Require.YJlents Three (3) sets of \/-Jorking drawi?gs and speci.fiC:ltions which will include ~ . Ao Site plan showing setbacks ~ . landscaping ~: all outside areas and' 't1"Aeir uses~' Landscaping may be in general terms ~ but Th~_!?-~g'!1ts. .anctge.nercfl:_~s_ ~f --.-- plants arid trees must be noted ~ including lighting ~' f~cE?S; o~_ aI}Y ~utsJ.~e ~ .! 'periDaneni: ~fixtUres: and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% min:i.IDuJii) 0-- -". . . Bo Building Plans Co Detailed Drawings for All Signs Do Exterior Surface Trea"bnents (Including Roofs) E:~t1:~~~~!S;~i::;:1n;.-;;;~ =ij> ~ . Date of Review' Follow-Up Date',' Decision of Review (as. stated in official minutes of the meet:ing): " COMMUNIlY APPF.ARANCE BOARD Chaix::man CAB Fonn #1 City of Boynton Beach 12/5/75 1,""~-"'--'''~'' . ,~ II \ I oC?~ I . \, d ~\ ~\ 11 I' ~ 1\ Ii Ii II p. i I I' \,: . .. o o COMMUNITY 'APPEARANCE BOARD 'COLOR 'AND 'MATERIAL 'SCHEDULE Date " Jbb Name' Location ~pplicant Address Tel", :1$ SURFACE . 'MATERIAL _.:: OOLOR (Name) , ~ "'"~ ..,.. ;.:'h BEAMS . . .. -/_1- COLUMNS '. . ... :~ .. :';;.~.:. . ~ - ... .~t.. ,". DOORS FASCIA GABLE mffi GLASS GRILL PANELS ." " ."." 'if ,: -t ': " ~ - , ~ ."'. . . ",... ..... . .t~ INSECT SCREEN ... 6J" '"'" .'~ ~: .~ '\:'; .: /: RAIlJ)\JGS ROOF SHUITERS SOFFIT WALlS . . - . OTHERS (As Req~:red) CAB Fonn {J2 Ci t:y of Boynton Beach 12/5/15 J'05e.....,.( G<< _I' \ ,,/1, if '1 I c: ~\ { / I t, It.,'> t.t . , I, /VW u... 'f( <;"~ I '.' ~' I' /3 c, t, ,~ ~ If'l\ j'.J' j::"'t., ~ ~ (/.::'l ''':I ~" V' I':; ''<.... :.~: Ii l' H '71' ~~m '\~ \ , , " II 1 i , , t l , - '0 '};.-. /jf n, \::, l~~ '; I.} " " i 1\ }~7 (:~ .,;/". ) \)i1 " ,\ ,., /'1' l\", \\' '\ I '"' r: I> J'- ~*' e.'"....:.-:........,..,..._~~.~__~,__..,..,;....,.;-,.~ - ~ - ~'.. it" \0 . "" 't: t: ~ '. " f ,,' f .. ! fw .J I ., i I I --!. / \J\; . 1 \1 . i I ! } { f J r I t 'C './1 ~ ~ ! :: J i (f\; i '. I if 1 ! t .,.-----" '. , -...-..~,~ ....-.- ~.... '5" tf.#-' ,~., . .~--. :i?:t.L:.~~. ,_:/ ' ~j: ___J ~ .._- -~ , . -...,. .., J I / I ~"--'"'' ........~- /"""c -, , ~ ~ fl , .' -": ' .:-?' / ~....,., E1"/(/;:'./ ,,"' I f I I i , . ~,,~..!; ,~'~~f ..:- 'l ';.'lo. ~..>_.t ......;. ....,.~~w.. '" '" 1 . \' LEG~L:' bESCRIPfrlq~r .. 10_ .. t Lots 1 and 2,' otherwise lr..n.ovJoand described a~ the South :180. fQat (less the \Vest.. 5.30 feet) of that pnrt of the 'North ZOO fe~t of the South. 91 0 "feet of the East one.half ( E t /2) of the Northeast qunrter (NE 1/4) lYing West: of the right-of-way of Federal Highway in Section 33. Township 45 South.. Range 43 East" Palm Beach C ountY7 Floridav ! ".'" ~. ; .~, Said land beingrnore p~rticulo:rly de~cribed as" fol10\'"/3: Beginnmg at the inter sectio~ ot thefXOl"th rigbt;"ot...wl'lY lin~ or-So Eo 210t AV,~nue a~d the '~est right....o~P>w~y lhi1~ 'of U.Sj/ UighvITay,No" IpCl.$ riCcorded in ~oad Plat Book 2. Page) 156 ~16S.Puh1ic Reocrds of Palm Beach County, Florida: th\:lnce with an assttmE'd beosing o"f S.' 8.90 59' 44" E., <:\long tho . North Tigb.t...or-wayJinc' of 80'80 21 st A \1Cn1.'H,".tn distance of 181" 7 7 f~et to' . a, point; tbl}nce. with Q. bear ingtir N$. ".Oo,~'5t29u 111 ~ ,~., a dist:-nce. of 1. aOI> 01 feet to a point 011 the Southright""of~\v"~Y lin~ofS~,Eo ,20th CQurt; the.~nc~ '\vith ~, bearing of S. 890 59t 44tr Eo'J' along the..South l"ight...o{.~\\I'~Y' lin~' of ELE., 20th Cour~ ti"dfetance of ?:10o 91 feet to a point on<~he V{cst :~d!t;htonfc>>>v,ny l~o~ of u. s. Hlgh~vay No.o 1; thenc~ with a be'nl"ing of Sf> ,So Z91 .Q~!I \V,#: cleor; Ute Vles,t right-of--v/ny'line of tLSuHighway NOll III a dist~nc't" of leno 83 f~~~t moreOj1'.less to thel?oint of B.egin.n.i~g~ '. . . I' . .'II' . ~ It If t . .Ii . ';tt [' :. r' ;4 .:t " F J ~ ' 1 f ." ' i ' < '. .. t '. , . , t , . Conta!;ning :l4p 441. Z Bqu~l",e ree.t (O~ 79.Acr~) mOl.~ or It; ~H~ ~nd ~~ubjryc~~ to eatiSltn.tr~tG an.'d~ightt}~-o€ ~\Jf::;')f 01" fee~rd'lii: ! ^ :j '.... -} .., ". - t: ,,<'j '" , f:' >~ ,; f __ ~ . , " If. . ~', ~, f~ '. ,~,< ... -" '1* ~j I }"V'~)"'" ("'1" , . :1 1\ I; ~,.~...":.::.'.~"'::::1t":--.:;:~ ..r; . I :,f 1'4,' ./1,' t/..,., ,1,";,1, ;,t,':,.,:,:,";,;)' I ,'. . " i . .?}:} ; ~.. t.' , ../: I f" b. l~. ,; ':-- 'jl "~I 'I" t,',':,:""J11I" " .,' ..' ~' , . ,: fJ f;. I . " t. ~ '" f /; f', ./'<,:, I ' ., i.... . .. ~ f' 1 i . n t,!',' " . ~ ' ~ , 'J /1., 1', Iii;; " i,... "1 t.. " 1,:" : '~ _ .,~ /: -..; ,. ~ t-;t" . r ! :,i :~ 'g.:, ~ .. b I I' ,I , " ~- . --. ~ ~ .~ I ~!~ t I::f : ,.' . ~ ' . 1 j 1 .' I I" .. ':' :o. ~ i'" . ~ i )."' ~ : .~ :1 1111 .. ~- < to ~ " i - .J If' t , . '~f' ~ '.: t' . : '!! :: .. ~ ," . ,: .- ,~,.~ ;'. ::1: . If!'; [I, '" ...,., '[ 1 f. ., .' . .:~.. - ~,:'.' ,Ill . d'l :.'/ I', ','.: ': ~,; .. ~,;l i 'li '. 1Ij;: tl. ,-- '. ~:{o,.* ~iff. ~l~~:'J: I~' . :. '. ": ~.~... :' :' ; ~i' .;. /I !Ui .I; ; I.' "., , .,'.., .! : "'. : " . ; [:11. . II f:!:li I ' 't;, ;.",'. " It ," I I ~ ,. ill ~"'~" I' lf~;'fl O-'!l, . '.' tJ lr ~ 1 1 . '\,' " :."..':'.II}.,. :/::I'I;, . "f " f }, , ' , I .," · r: ,/1 ': j: ,: ~. ~ ; , "It ~. /1 t "d - . " . !' .:l r i ,il f . ,,' '. r~ ': <' t :- ',>r 11!' : :;j K '. r' ',' , I' ;', f' IiI ff :: :~ r.>;:, Ill" :'.: III/hi I ~. ~. ~ ~ r.. ,,' _ : ~ B i Ilf: E '. . .' ~..~.:~:'.';.I'it' '...'!I'I'..!11 ~ . ~ , 1-1 ~ H R I " t-.-::. :' :')1' '. l' :;1:;;0 f r ;::.~' f. .... . i';';ti~'9. r : ::,'. :' "}r .; ;:,'I;I,! I' '. .: " "i 1'1 ., ",; .' , '. :,'" " ~! ' IL' ~',' ~ ,.~~,' . '.' F- :t.' ! llij, : II ' .11 Ii ~ I ': iF . '..,/f: . ~; . A It" .: ,'; r~t . ",1:1' ".: "LiiiJl < 11-. '" IS i \ ,.;'., ~ " .. "1 li;f"':} !; :;JJ~! ~.t"; f~'7~ l,;"~ t l i.I:: . ,. I r 'J '. j" t r 1 , . 1 . 'V I" '~g 1 iil~;:"I.ffi ,ill t -I ' . ' t ; I. .' 'd ',[,. '. :): . j' . WI i ..11' . I;. ./1 1:; _ \"1; 1ft i Ii:'. II: ; ',1 J'i' T !,,:;{ .' ,I, ,f,; j Ii Ii ,: .' ,d; ill " , , . ;;: I,d :l! !f ~ lE- i} 'J'l'i;I.,!:llli'! ~,'~,' ~;'S. ~_~7.''''~:'' .,~~ "jf . . 11ft if ,. ,~ ,,_.' .~ "-" './I' .. ..:l'~ '. , , ,~~. 't ~ .' ~ -, '. '.CO', ~ - It. ,; ~ ~. .' ; .. L .....;, t>- o. . t' . .. ~~ . " '. , i ,,' t . .1 . "' ' ......;. ,. " .:' . . . , '... " - t I ' , L,;.: t..3:" ,.~. , . ;. ~ , -C"~~':';~C"i', ',"",1::1;)..;';"'~~""" ',' .~ ('f r -- ~ ) '\.,.;.~-i I .. n !r'-'--,,\ ' . ro~LNIT1 'APPEARANCE 'BOARD l) ,f I I ,~ C..--" " \ -J. I .. C~ITi APPEARAN~ BOARD . COLOR 'AND 'MATERIAL 'SrnEIJJl..E (j , . BOYNTON BEAm, FLORIDA I .' ~ , " . . . D:'te '. : I-.J It-- '":17 ..... . . . . . ." .:. : Job N~;.' fJ d?t~:.:. tiJ.t;ilJ.It~YltJ.:; .....,::.. '. '.' ;:..... '. :" :'" :.., .' lo~ti~ us.tJ;;L :.;tkt;~ ~-e~ . -.' ,S:.i: Jis.j- iw/'/JM ~; i. ~~. {'t. : p;>ppJi~t ~. N, . R; t ii- . 1=-~ t;',;. fJ';"S~ I;/JL I Address ?.s-i). (\/. /)I. ;"",.J: J4 II e I /5 IC4- ~A t-, 'I Tel, .~. :3 fp( -7'P/.1 Date.'J.7.1 11-77'. . ' , .; . Prelirrd.nary ( .) . Request for Change ( '. . ......, F.inal (- ). . Sign Approval ( ) ) ~ . .. .. :...~.~. '. ." '-. ..... - ... .. ,,;,," . ~ject N~- :.71 ~h:t~:: 'Re.;~':i;!Lrf+h' i.~. :.: .... Legal :r:escciptiori b{t:.'~.. Jt-~.. . - ge C -. 3 s , .ru.jf1 '-If) S. l AiJ}"("L,-3.E: J(JL~ ('J-{4-~h"':Clf6'~'Ct-"'f"PL"4" .' .' .. t-I- -r '- ,; I Ad~sof .Site .'.: "*"... . @- e~. v-t - 4fJ J.E.. OJ . o/rtJ1"H-\t "t.~, E: N. f?,'t..~ ff)H~O's("~': ' . Owner A'cl>'Y' s -:rr, te y: n. A. b'o ;ri/J L .:-- . . . . . -' - ---: n ' . T e~. #. 39,):'" ~/! IlJ . ' Architect -.jfi-m~,~" .... ..... .. . -. ... Te'l: # 3tp9., .JJ:)O .. .: All neetings of The eolIlITlUpity Ap~ce Board are open to the ;public.. ", COLU'1NS' rooRS /Y(et I} L COlOR (N a:rre) '.?):: .s r Ii. , I.~ : .\, ~.~ . . G r d Y , .:' J t'(),/ t/) .., ~..'. Gh /J 1"4 . SURFACE . . 'WITERIAL IMPORTANT ...: 'REQUIREMENTS 'FOR 'REVIEW ORDER FOR YOUR PlANS TO BE RE\ILENJED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED'TO 'BE PRESENT AT THE 'ME:EI'ING ...:.' FASCIA : .~,~.: W Oo'd ... . . . :~:~/.. : p,.- i::- ;' CJt.s ~ i:.. .... ~ I} c. (;e t ~ . U/OtJJ .:. _ th/l..Je';"S h ~ .... . BEAMS ' 1l 1/ . . PreliminarY -ReView 'Rt::1~ts , ' : .' Gt-'\BlE rnD3 r:I\.~o (2) sei:s of prelilrdnarY ~gs' 'and sp~cifiC:a:tionS whic1\will include: A.. 'Site Plan (Including -me General Landscape Dcvelop:rrent) B. Building Plan C., All. Exterior Elevations with M3.terial D=signations D. __ Outline Specifications .of Facade and Roof Treatnents E. Sketches of All Signs and Their Dimensions F. General Erler; or Color' I:escription (Including Signs) GlASS :. .A-lJ.,)d/....~,). . v - . ....- . ..." (J/1-1/J Zt/ " o' GRILL PANElS lliSECl' SCRErn RAIUNGS , ' ',- . ROOF' . iJ/ . .: , . L V aNI .: . C:..h'/L tJe'ys ~ /'lQt;-pjL' ~h4r). Final :Review Requ:irements ... - w Three (3) sets of WD~J.g d'rawi:ngs ,and specifications which wi~1. include: . SHUITERS 0'lliERS ',. .; uJ tJ i J ....... '. . .. j t;, 'A./fJ . _ <..:": 0: .# L .6i:ei . ,:>..::f3. t r c' 1(.'.' . .... . '0'. '. :',:: : .>'. . ".Gv./i- r (As ~~~&\'<'::)::":" ;'" .... . ",: .' :.;..'. -.... .;:'. . '. ...- " , . '. recision of Review (as; stated :in offiCial minutes of 1:he :meeting): ~. . , ... ... . . A. Si i:e plan shClN:ing st;'i:baCks;' ..lan&cap:ing, . all 6utside areas and i-fueir Uses" landscaping may.be'.in 'general ta.TTIS, .but the heigh-q3 and general ~s of plants arid trees' mUst be noted; .:including .j; gfiB.ng,. fences- s or any -OD \..side. j perman.en:E::f:iXiures; and calculations Or. parking".iOt lands caj)e(j" areas (10%" -.--" . nri.ii:i.IDUm) :- '--=-- .:-~.': :. ~.' ". .: ". ' '.'" '.- ~-'. ::, ....... ' : -", ", , . I B. Building PlanS '. ' '. ,:: -, , " ,: , I I C. Detailed !)rc:Wings .for All Sigrls " . ' I[ D. Exterior Surface .Tre.at:nents' (Including Roofs) .... . '. . . I E. Exterior' Color Scheme (Including that of SigJ}?) " . ' \ . A~~~rs_~~_beJ,:,ignated-:j;Y~~le:--:--- l '. . I " ~ , \ \ I I I I 1 ...: .. SOFfiT WALlS - ' .. . .. .. .. ...- .. ,. .. ... . " .. ...'. . ...! .. .' " ~ . ,," .. .. ". .. ....... .. Date of Review - . FollaY-'Up D3.te'. , , - . ~ ...................... . . . . " , . .." ...:.. .. .,. .. ." . , . . \ ..: .. ..... : .. . -.. ~ ,",'II , .' '. .... ..... -. '""... . . ~ ; -:.".. :-...... . .. .. ... ..... ." .. .. ,," .. .. ',' '~. ':' .. 0 :~. ." :". - .. ,', ,': ..:', '-'. ':.~':. ...- .. . - . .. " , . '. ". . . > = . .. .. .. .... ...... .. ,...," .. " . . . , - - .,,, -..': ..-.. , . . , - . , ' '. '. -. .. '. . . COMMLNTIY .APPEARANCE BOARD .. .. ... -- .. \ " .' -- ..... - - ... - - ..... - -......- cna.i.:nr.an CAB Form f/2 Ci. ty of Boynton Bead1 12/5/75 CAB Fonn ifl Ci ty of Boynton Beach 12/5/75 o ':.~ 1'\ ", ~rcll>~. ,.,"'. ";,.,,,';\)ii(',""";;~~>"'('F~~;": ",.c."""",,!~,' ;\r",,...~'i "" .""'.,,,!/~ "~~ c"'")\ ~! ".~!t'-',,; ,'.. ,...' " ""'/' "',' "';!'lr'0ry,y,~, . ",~,,, r\~.,r' ' ." 'r."~.,,. "'. ,"~~ ~1';;IMII!!~~l~iif'~v'",~ ,"~;"r"'C", 'r:';"<~" J; '~fl" r ',' ",", , ;:;;, = ,:i 2 f ";. 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