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PI LA:J-:::€k: II' -- \" r Fr V'E- #- S; v e.e7. I~\<:, ~'.l I *2 . I;::':"~) 2. ..~, -- r I: I I I . 4~~ 10 . e::i . 0/ -r," \ ~'t " ~ .1." i ~ C "1' If - . .0'-"-._'. ..--.- -_. .--. .__. ------.-..,-.J I '" 10'0 \ .,1/ t :"......, ,} '.....-1 - ,....',' 0. ^ \, \ .:......-'.../; '---' " . _._' "-.,.. _ f....:'>. \ ""-....l ~ ._ ^ 't.=- - ' :r. ~, ....--.. ...................\.J:::. -,..... I C,.....;' _:__~..__..~.~_..Jt;::;.. __ __......~..._., ';; ~ l-'c\ SMl!fIT ~ 0 ~il'i.l DAY!! /; Mtlll.. ! ~I" ' ~l eRAWf4 BY. ~~ Ar<<:HFrfrCT.~ NOT ~ESFONSIr::!U!: ~ ANY W2~.K A.t'YP/o~ ._~~IAiS'rut:!\'~I~H~P'IF: xis IS NOT mJII..T UNOw HIS ~A\-... !i3U..!~I'<lVI~tON.AL..L OIMg:N:lION~ MUGr BE VK!RlF'l~ONJ2~. ~t f\ }J\ t::. r?""'iAI I2.-l III 1''11' ,. ~......I'I ,c..l~ ~ L.A....... l.~~l.....t I\JI..,{ , GEORGE C. DAVIS = A.I.A. --..... -"~.,... ,.., .< .<- ARCHrr~_cr_ ! 1f WK!tU~~ 'C. ~~m~ J!l.. .Jr /j nfl' . X.~~E.R ,- !jf ~:YJ.;,.qV'j) 1 , .,It:. ;f.l.~.,,,,,,. ;' ~t\l J r; Ll.\ \ ~ t\eND cp D~r ~J "1<:?tJ fuAeAc1A I fi~.(. ~I ~,o. BOX 10~O OOYNTON ~EACH. F60~IDA \, ~ \' ~ , ~..' ,~".,f.-' !.;:J .....~_f"Y.' _~~: .~~'..'f I......," ,;~'~ .,~ { -' -- ~....,,, -~.,:.. '~;'..~.~ ~-' -,~" - ''-':-::-~ -:'-~=-,. _. ~ -' ,,,,,,"...... ~...._.. ".~ ,,---...- --~ ". _ .n_~' _'_ ."7_'~'___-'<->-'-'-'__'''''''' -::;:::=:--.:-'~-.::;.,::-..;..~'- -~ . -_._~." -"... . "",", <', -',,~, ---..' ..' ~ . ,. -..,', ....... .. .. .' - ..<-.-- ~ _.. -.-". ~ -.. ,- -.,...... - -~ "._.,- _....q.. ...... ",.......--"".""".......;...' -~.. -.. .~..-... -...-_..._,,,,,-.---,._-~~._...._,_.._..__....,,_.-...- ~.-,--~",""-'.'''-''''''-'.' - ._.,,~ ~.~- -~ ,- ---......-.., _.... ......,. .., __ ___,_ <....~ ..._. Y' .. .,. __ _,rio....~ --,.. -... . - r=~- .'~-=.,::~-'::=-~'::.~~,~=":~:..::_~' j, II I ,,,.__......__'_""...._"~..__-...... 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E LAJ N ~12NOL17 UT;?:e/@A, E;o i\)iCAl ~ ~ kt I FLoetDA ORAW;}~Y A~l'(fHrr~Ci ~ NOT I'(~PONlSl~W;:: ~ mv WOf'lK ANO/o~ MA1'Im~..ru~~IGHrrp Irr Joe ~s NOT eUI~T ~_II:l~~ !'"11~ P~N~':. SUPERV1.~19N:A~l.. !:)IM.~N6tON8 M4~.~~y~IP'l~.~f>:l_~2~,:.,. Gf.ORG'E C. DAVIS - A.I.A. ?t.---ARCHInCT" '-"--"--- .. " -----"',,..~- 'WJrUi~~ ~l!E~ JR. t1J DESIGNER ~/-', ... ~ ~ " ~~:t1~~~. P. O. ~OX 1000 roVNTON En~AeH. FLO~IO~ ",""_-c,,,,,..._,,,....... f \ ., . '" ~ \\ I " f I I . ._--~---,------~-~~-~~~~- f)' ..,All; ~~~~_ ~,~~W1~._l_~_Sllr~__~~~~!.~,~~:.~_~ ~;:~. ,,,: .,~.~,:: j''''.~..4>:''~ 'l':!~', ~'H"~""_"'.'~ ".~....'.:O;- "'..."'''t1: '. \: 1\ i 11 f:' ~ r "" h " ;i '.~.' Ci it,,, , iI j' 1\ .,:,;."::-'~~ .t. :J;., t.... ,;. &:a: .._.....;~r " <f...._ "'~l_..\~. !~ ,~,?iWt.G-~---' -i-' .,. ,- -'\~.,....- -: ---.- -. _. ..._~--" "" ~I . )} " I~ :;,: H Ii I: I, l! !! I i. j I ;1 " 1; ~t l! ~ ;,t iJ 11 11 Ii ~{ 1,1 4" 'i.. 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O. ~jt 1QO@ OOVNT.ON ,~EACH. \l'i'L.O~Ib)A o,c,. ...,..,.. ". .....c. . ,.., .', . '.".' ,.....,~. .,", .""......, 'l-'...... ""'--iii; GEORGiE C. DAViS = A.1A. /1;'" AiCHK'fJECT 'I}: WXWA1Mi Co TmSfB\l!JE~ JR. (l,.?';- '" -_.~~ .. ..-....- ~J A~~mS~~~I?~___ , ,if~df!JiM~"'" $Mr!~T c:ctJ,.M~ QC~!d: L t6 V IlA?~t!~ e a (0 ~ IT JOt4N ! ts L~ \ N A1<~JV L \? j)AY~ b~ . . I'L.....~? 1\ ~ ~ MAr.: ..8,'84- ~.o.it,LTotJ ~A r l~~ @5l~~~ Dr ~ ~. /~ *::;: C. '..,... I r' ' 1. ; rA .""F-.y ." g, I ' ... _.~l::-:: .... t l:Jp.., \.....I:x\.~.L+-~l) t".r' L,,~ 1. I tl .c:S C- ^ L.E.. . .;,; /.1 ~ e::::;:J -_._~. _"0 - 4 .. ......,,'" . AFiC~.n:~,Ci I;} Nor Fi~roN~Il<lUE R:m ANY WOR~ AND/OR . G lVlA~IA1.$ AJ~NI~NU:O IF JOB ~~ NOi G:UU..T UNC~ HI~ ~NAI.. iU?iRVi~i6N.ALI.. OIMf!NstON5 MUm' IDt! Vmlf1iro ON JOQ. U__ . ... .. ... .. ". . I . PI'lOJ!!Cl' 1 ~~~- .....~~ to <s:> It) o It) li'___.'"....J' I:' t .; \~ ,..",-.;_~>-,...w....._~ / \ _L__"_~ ~.~- =, ~1IiIiI "_R11 .~ .-.H!D1~~.&i._~__~~1&'I~'--'~.ii7'. ~, '.~ \; .~ '~:, . _ '. ,-, . "'" (; ..~ i . ' .. ~ i I ( I "t) I I . I ~. , G "'- "- i f J f f ~. iI i. , I I I. J t ,." t ... \1 \ I I ~~ r , I .. ,.cd. /~ I; THE SOUTH 110.78 PL AT NO. I LAWSON .-n- ~~ r'",:;,~~1t~""~'t~~~f"li--~. ~~-'i.li~~l~~ FEET OF LOT 1'1 'I I NDUSTR tAL PARK PLAT BOOK 42, PAGE 134 -135 BOYNTON BEACH t PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA b , / . --. . ' ~/3; 4 ../ 2c/E lj,<zS~ . , ~ ' .>- \: ~.. 'I J I ~... -i'-' '\ I~, t. . 't ~. 1 I ... I . - ! , . \,\ v " <\1 " .....-..-...... ........ 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'. ..... - ,~_ #~titf:._7~~'-_~~ /.t~. f::l~~.l. /c. i~.,,:'p, ~<t:r€:..~'_~. ~~~,iP1!..zr;..~..'4.'lJ4. .. . .,. ,111.~.('," ~?,.j. ~~ JOHN ~.~GRANT..JR" . ~~.f'ft'!t*9t~~ ~!h~~ ~~~~~I~ ~. "~~1l< !it<4~.t'~ ~~~... . ';, .~ ~~1;',;~~ ("'WAW~ ----.I '. '. ," ....~~~..~..,~ l~U~IJ':~ SllRVEY OF P~ROPERT'Y ~\ DESCRlBEDHf:!REON. I 'A' '" ~'~' ~... Wii~C."..;:.". ~ '.. AI, /......':.. ec.' ....'.. .fU....': ....i~...:,~~.".'1):. ., .' ~~ ,> . ',' --- ~ f', "#!,", .; _. ., I CHi .,,,,,,.W r.,it ~". ..,. . JOt" :.K~., ." ."" ,. ..) 11 . .A ~'! :f.' ~. .: "'514,..' Jj""'!>l [14 If,llJ'., ',j} . ..n I ......~.. " I \ ~,~"f-;;';'~< 1t~;I " \ 0,; ~'-;;'*-"t;;JO/ ~t /'- - ._---~'------~--~....- _f.t";;ll""'f -" ,<~"~..:'...,,~.,-'-~'-',---~----~----- ..__.~~--_.,._~_.._,-"_. 120 Ni.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3343S-o:nO ~)734-8111 CITY of BOYN1~ON BEACH + "~I J /ft , ... ,,~ C~ .- OFFICE. OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 17 May 1984 Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold 2828 S. Federal Highway Delray Beach, FL Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arnold: Please be advised that on Tuesday, May 15, 1984 the City Council approved your request for site plan approval to construct a 9,000 square foot industrial building to be known as Arnold Warehouse II, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. Prior to submi.tting your plans to the Building C fficial for permits, all staff recommendations must be in~orporated' in your plans. Additionally, all capital facilities fees, road impact fees and recreation fees, if applicable, are payable at the time of permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours-very truly, . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ... C~O~ Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director Ibks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File - - ~.. .-r-~_--II - iOl'-' r-'~;o- -..~~ T--..-___-...~..~...i.~.-.~.- ~....- --~ -.~I .,............~......~---------.-- :,; ~ I ~ I 1\ II ,I Ii Ii . ti 11 ~ I \ I [ s~rAFF COJ.V.1l\1ENTS ARNOLD WAREHOUSE II SITE PLAN i r , ;::.3 r- K~(~E! VED-l: -- ' FROrJ BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attachea memo. TO Caltme.n. AnnunUa:to Cf.x.u Pi6.mneJl. :1 APR 16 J9R4 BeJ[;{; J.. Ke.ehl'l.. Veputy Bu1..tcUng 06 filei..ai.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: 1. The dumpster location as proposed requires the garbage truck to back out into opposing trafficG It is recommended that the dumpster be relocated to the west side of the building. This will necessitate that the parking space directly to the south of the proposed dumpster location be stripped out for back-up purposes. The two parking spaces lost may be redeveloped at the originally proposed dlli~pster location. PLANNING DEPT. ~:4~16-~ ; I . ~....~"'PC'S?~lM\ _._.....r~--......-. ~_..-..l~~~~..-r~~ r~--':' ..,.-....-~--"~~~",-~~~~ f J. ARNOLV WAREHOUSE 11 - 3212 South. We6.t 14.th PR..ae.e . SUBJECT: FOLD ~ Upon Jtevlw on' .thea,60ve. no.t,~d .6Ue.-pta.n# be. adv.L6e.d On :the 6oJ!.towing .c..nnOllma.ti.on.. 1 . z.. I 3. 4. 5. Bocvul on Heu.l..th peJlmi:t J(,e,.qtU.Jte.d. ,. .l wa.teJL and .6 Welt 6l~.u eJUlte. ,w.ill be ,Jteq~.e~ by a. pJLOn~~~nai. , eJ!g-u'teeJl.~ ,.. ~ang wan a.ppJtova.t by the. Ut:A,l.d.y V"(:-'Lec.to,!t A..i1. 6~3~9 the ca.~ ~~a.c.t~{ cht.~~e.o ", TrvU mU6t be. c.ompteted plLio.Jt.. .to c.oY'..6.t1ulc;C<..Ofl ~lan.6 ;6uf:mu.t;ted ;to jthe Building Vep.t,. II ConcJte.;(:e. c.u/I..o-ing JLequ1Jted OJtOwtd 0.11. i.a.ncUc.a.p-wfL. -<.nc.lu.cUng hod. He.dOle 1:.0 be 36n a;.t ptcmti.ng on 14th Plac.e. and 2 v on c.e.~tte/i... 78',.... a.nd 2' an (~e.nte!L eJ...6ewheJut. · A(l~eent .6Mub.o aJl.ou.nd 6en.c.ed....in dump6te.Jt. lte'luiJr.(!.d. 2~ Windows will not be permitted on north side of the building. 3. Install parking lot lights on poles in south landscaped area shini.ng on the lot and building.. 4. Parking lot lights are to be regulated by photo-electric cells. 5. Install trees in landscaped area to west of building and parking lot. I 1'1 ~ :w.J PLE~SE REPlV TO ~ SiGh"ED~ ./' ..1.1~~~"" -:< l II' ~ I~ !j ~(il ~l 1(\; , f"l ~ i f I y, t' f' . BeJLt KeehJr. . - ~--; L -~. I , ,I' y,/ " / r~~ ~ . . ~~/r~~ . ~ \.e,A~ 4- L.Z::J>1..2~G~~-? It __ ~.~ '. '-- ...... ..... WHEel.ER GROUP 'NC. '7' THiS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ~~!f...&. ) ~~.~--- It I I I I II I I I I I I I I " I .I' '.' :~ ~ '!:;'!/:~~Y!y(I:r~::";(~;~~~'T~:~(':~j/^~,;'~);~:~~"~~~f':: ." ':..',l/}~-C) .. " '. ~.<j '.' :, I~. . ! I I . ....~_~_.~...a~~~:~&!~~_....~~iJla~~~ .'1 /.1 ~ . .," ~ Jo. ."'11. .' ~ . .. -" _ '.,'" to ~. t "<I" . 1! .~:"~,i ~'.. ~f'~ ,~~ . - .~,;" t ." 1 f :( : ~: It! ..?ir '..~. .'. - . .,.,,\.~,-?"'l!'-~, '" -. ." , I: ~ ht' \, _'t . 4 ....r fI..t!J -, ... ~. '"'i:.,'-.' II! ~ . J" .., , , t, ~" . ...... '.. . . P,' .. ~'IIIl I l I l 1 ,- ~' j gf~yF~~mB~~nton Beach 'l ' CAB Form #1 12-5-75 ) , City of Boynton Beach I L . 'j ")_r.::_7r::: __, ... ~_"" 0 . ,~:f~ ~-""" ~ ~._~',:~.i/-" ~__,~1fj~'~;~~ ~~~~~-';;;iji~~~~'ll!'_Ir~f!J. -\jY-;~(~,:,.,.. .~\"~.JIr '~.~_~~f1fJW'.~'.!'i!\~tu,~AJ~ - 10 -~., ,. ~~~~' T,; ,~~~ i~{_~ p=, I' '1~\ ' j J t I lliIIii.. . - .... ~... ---~~~ ... Ii . ;I~~ . ",,JPr; COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD COLOR AND MATERIAL SCHEDULE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA {? -1 - S-f Co~~ercial Building Date Date 1/-1' ~l/ , Job Name Request for Change Sign Approval Preliminary ( ) Final IX} Location SW 1ls.th Place Project Name Commercial Building Applicant Address John & Elain Arnold 2..828 S Federal H:wy Delray Beach Fl Tel. # 276-5010 Legal Description South 110078' of lot 11, Lawson Industrial Park COLOR (Name) MATERIAL SURFACE Address of Site S\'i 14th Place BEAMS Owner John &, Elain Arnall,! Tel. # 276.ft5030 Tel. # 732-6154 Metal. overhead, sectional Metal. galv. drip cap &, gs dark beige dark beig.!L- COLUMNS Architect George C. Davis DOORS All meetings of the Community Appearance Board are open to the Public. ' FASCIA IHPORTANT - Requirements for Review: GABLE ENDS IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE W!~L NEED GLASS Store fronts - tinted: bronze TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. GRILL PANELS Preliminary Review Requirements: INSECT SCREEN A. Site Plan (including the General Landscape Development) B. Building Plan C. All Exterior Elevations with material designations D. Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT Final Review Requirements: WALLS _C,empi1t. Pl,q !'It.PY' ( 8r.ll ~~n ) 1 j ghr. bpi EEL- mediaum beige (r.wn t-.nnp) A. Site plan showing setbacks, landscaping, all outside areas and their uses. Landscaping may be in general terms, but the heights and general types of plants and tree!,> must be note~, inclup,ipg lig~:t..ing, fences, or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum) . B. Building Plans C. Detailed drawings for all signs D. Exterior surface treatments (including roofs) E. Exterior color scheme (including that of signs). All colors must be designated by sample. F. Si- (6) sets of working drawings and specifications. OTHERS (as required) Date of Review Follow-up Date zillt IN W J= J^I.-,~~ sr;l-ure 0 Apphcimt Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting) : Con~unity Appearance Board I Chairman 1,1 ~I J "l I ~ ^~".'-"-"Il' ,>:,';';l!i~,' '. <<,~i. i - 1 ~, ' t . , -..L.r~__~tii'!~~&<ii.i~I'J:Me!~~~l~"'u...:~lIl""''''''~'' . i f_.. ~-,. t ~ ~ ~ ~-r:'.'" . -t.' . : ,,' :,.~~....~ r ~ . "..., ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~. ,f 1~ ~~, . - ..- ltL",. iI 11 " 0 SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board i t This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. please Print Legibly or Type all Information I. GENERAL INFO~1ATION 1. Project Name: cormnercial building 2. t;-1-~~ / Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Address: .Tnnp ~ EIain-A.rnold --282$ ~ Feo era 1 H''lJT DaInty Bea c~ F' a Phone: ?76-5()3() 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): ~ if ~, j Address: Phone: 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: _~e as (1) abnvp Address: , j ! 'I \, l t phone: Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: 6. S;mQ as (3) aboyo * This is the address to which all agenaas, letters, aud other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 . ~iii~:; :lI j[ll~~,:~<." '. ," '. - 4 !! ,~ .. ~ j H . I f '.' ,..'if.,~, q ~, () : ': '-." f .. - '. 1II..r>: i/:: '" rn ! 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. o 4i ,f; C'" 'JJ Page 2 7~ What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? owner (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site: i I i i ~. ! ,I -'''I \ SW 14'tn Pla.,ce 9. Legal Description of Site: So"th 1'10.72' of' lot 11, I'~"'Tson--Indu~'t,...;,qJ P;:!"Y'k i i ij r._ il l ' , I I ,I , I ~ i I , I 1 ! j i I II I,.] 1"1 I i I I II I~ I I I ,I J ;i " I 1 ','j I 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: storage/industrial 11. Developer or Builder: J. J. Associates 2828 S Federal Hwy Delray Beach Fla 12. Architect: George C. Davis Landscape Architect: None Site Planner: None Engineer: John A. Grant Jr Surveyor: tTohn A. Grant Jr Traffic Engineer: -NGne Has a site plan been previously approved by the city Council for this property? [ F" 1,'.".1 si 1"1' j I I I 1,.'( \ , 1'1 , 1 I I 1'10 19. Estimated construction cost of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $175,000.00 Planning Dept. 10/82 i I IL'I' .,!l' ~,"-",~""_"-". '(" c:'/"Cl ~ , " I r, o ,J II. SITE D1\TA Page 3 The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan ::J:" lw '7 tl"l id I 21xt~ acres acres acres acres acres ,acres acres acres acres ')1;779 f't sq 2. Zoning District, M-1 sq. ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. % of site % 0 f site -% of site % of site __~ % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site 100 % of site 3. 4. Area of Site 1/2 'lDfr~fi) acres * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 41+ % of site % of site sq. ft. --...3.~ % of site "(.. -<,J-~' I \ , I j l.j t ,1 L I [,11 II ':;', .1 1 I I II t_ I 01 I Ij I d. Total Impe~vious Area 17,379 e. Landscaped Area Inside ~OO of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape COde) . PIAnnin~ n~rt. 10/B2 79+ % of site Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including surrounding lot area or gr9unds NA sq. ft. sq.ft. ? % 0 f site b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) NA I, f< f"I'~' <- ~--- JL -"'~"""-."._-,~. -=~;_ __~'_".~",,,,- '~"~'_'.'."'.-"~""_'""_"'~"____-'~W"." - .. o h. Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area 4000 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. ~~~"'r.......,.".~<,"",..SJ;...al~:r. c. Water Area NONE NONE 1/2 NONE i. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas none % of site j. Total Pervious Areas I;I{OO ~ ,~ Page 4 \~., ,~~ 'j; ~ ~;,~! ~\i " t;~ I I B I,~ ~ I' ~t\ ~,) ~ tii'; ~~ 1fo'1 ~ ~, ~,-,' ~,~ I Ii i I I ~" 18+ % of site % of site 20+ 100 % of site d. COIlUT!ercial e. Industrial f. Public/In- stitutional k. Total Area of Site 21779 ~ I "" ~~ dwelling units li, Wi dwelling units dwelling dwelling dWRlling dwelling units units units units j~ g. Public,private, and Canal Rights-of-Way NOl'1E 6. Floor Area a. Residential b. Commercial/Office c. Industrial/Warehouse 9~000 Dwelling Units per Acre feet 1 stories I iJ I I I,.,: I ~ I i I," ~ ~ ,) I I I \11 rJ >>,',*1\. ~ \.~lJof .~ ~)~ ,~~ll {~~{~ d. Total Multi-Family ilJA dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units NA 8. Gross Density NA b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on site Plan 18 ". <Ie ~ n ~ I'i l I I I r $ . ~~~...iiI.,"",-"oi"j~II~_~,Z;,.~~'..o.i..-"",; h. Other (specify) NONE d. Recreational e. Publici Institutional f. Other (specify) 18 ) g H i! ~ ii ~ t-. b " ~ . . ,. !;1 i H . . -I '". . I · I, I I R~~~~~-?r~;~ ;~~~l!l!Ir;.~~< "'l~i,1L_ ".~~!~1':;t";;,'i?>,.}'t",~",;::,~tc:t"7;t'/t':?""~'''t7;~'f,:,,,~,,,,,W::;;:'1r'.i""'"",~"'G',;,."j"'~1,;7!,1;:t'"r~ttrL~J,D;:~~~"lr;;'cif'~'~!rr~--:07:'2'"lt::_~2.':"'::1"","7~~.,J:i'1''''~:~'l1rn~t'i,~:'.'''('.,''i0~'-';r:~Bi , r Ir" f >=._~;""""""""~-~" ..""."""""......-. I... ~.. _,.i-,_~_~h;;~:"__~~tliA1!0.~!;:~i~~'>>'.~~~. i. Other (specify) l\TnlITF. j. Total Area of Site 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 9 000 Area ("building footprint") , b. Water Area none c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streetD, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 8~379 g. Other (specify) h. Total Floor Area 9,000 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached NA b. Duplex c. Multi-Family {3 + attached dwelling (1) Efficiency (2) I Bedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom NA units NA ~. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 10. Required Off-Street parking a. Calculation of Required N~~er of Off-Street Parking Spaces --9000 = 18 500 Planning Dept. 10/82 II q~' \. ~, i II I i i I ~I .,.. .r<' '!>'. ~.l .,t','1 :''1 t :1 j l :,J ~~{ m ~"~:".,,: ~ F~ I,',,' ~ .,~~ ~ - I~i.',.,' ~' ~ I I ~, I I I ~ ; ,~ 1M ~~ ~ ~ :A I r I I I "1 f#..f.. ~ ~ ~\ I.,.~, .p, ~ ~ I ~ 'I' ~ ~ ~ ~ ",,-1 ri!!l I '" ~. ~. ~ IV~ MISCELLANEOUS (~~\ V Page 7 o The following materials mu~t be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, for two hundred dollars ($200) 0 10 20 A transparency (overlay) of the site plan sheet, suitable for use in an overhead projector, with dimensions not to exceed 6 ino X 9 ina, or a clear photographic reduction of the same dimensionso 30 For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted 0 40 Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City!s Code of Ordinanceso Vo CERTIFICATION A (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boardo (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the bes't of (my) (our) knowledge and beliefo This application will not be accepted unl s~gned ccor~i g to the instructions belowo ",.L::: .~ [ I!l.._ - 0 '9 If.J''-f 8i ~ure of Owner{s) or Trusteeg ~~ate or uthorized principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity 0 VIo AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent . Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application 0 Signature of Owner{s) or Trusteeg or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity 0 Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Co~nunity Appearance Board City Council Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Planning Depto 10/82 ... .fk~ J!'\ ;. ~ , ~ n ~..1IErT..."..._ "",",'i~..~~~~~&...,':'-.r,',.;",.""""", ~It:~~",d ~ IJ '- I I ....... Jl.....;;.;.~~._.,~~_.... ',' , . I' .. I .--~~._~..""..,_..........____.'-~""""~_~J~~~~_~ (/ ~ " ~ ,A 1~ ,1. '. ;L ~.Ji"$/:' '" ~' ,.,;,' __,~"_,~~i>''''<I:,T''};:'\r:)o''l...iiI~';:;-~~~-'''''''-'-'":''___",,-,_';;' ~'I'i g' ~'.!',.,'..'.'..' 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