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Grant, Jr., Inc. make 1 i"eprese~ or guarantee as to the information reflected hereon peTtai g to ease _ ,___ rights of way, set back lines. reservation. agreemen[s and other similar matters, and further, this Instrument is not intended to reflect or set forth all such matters, Such information should be obta:r.ed and confirmed by others through appropriate title verification. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for right of way and/or easements of record. \, \u 0: ~... .~~~~. st q\l) ~~ . ~\ . \ I . i .' I - J -- II .. -II- ~ '\ ... ,':.1 -1' \..i .-~ . . . 4 .:..r'" , . ~ c:"' \\ ~ ,,'\ _ R \<", 'i Ii ,~_.'t:> '" .^ ~t. ' " '~ ~ _i. '::>I..... \1' ~ - . ,.... " .t-(. >, 'J., " ~ . -' ~f~\ ~ ~/ '/ .J~ -'~ ' I') "';, ;'- t 5 t l". . , /" / ' is .::::.... \ ;'~ " \... . ( _ _..l....... .J t.".. . 't. - \.:;p .. 't", """- 0 \~ \ . -'1- " i: r '. "'" '- JOHN Ao GRANT~ JR.. 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"',-:'b-:~"ijp." If"~r-\):~'~... ':'::,'t>\.t ' '1</" ...- \\\'1" C:~~~~~J~a '\.~~... " ' -tt:i~~I,.J>1 '''I~?,~~,,'VJ V;;:~~ \ \- '\ ' I j ! ~' ~\1; '",:1 ~\' ",',',' ~~t;1 " '::~ , '-~; G::' U"" ' ):l) j~': t:')\ ~, ,r;;,sr v l r r~. ~~, d";, [' m~ &'!- tF;; ',,' ',(~ ';':';:;' ~i ~ ,!,)-:, ";'. . ~H l [!~ e~~" ~C ;"'I'\~ ^~, ~ f " ......!;, '\~ It":: ~t ~r: t~J f~:;~ ~ii"'" ~\\~ ~~i I!.r;~' il~ ~ 'if' l~; (~ ~~ii !",;1f (~ "L, t: ~~r~ f,)l ~ fl.. ~r~"," 6 ~r 'lif"" r \ ~!( t~ ~ ~:, \~1 \.;Y'f It\r, \\ ~i ~ ~ i~'~',~7,', -~' )''': ':~i "".' "!l r,f,.! I' ), ~~ :, " ~0\r,' {~~;',~., \\.. !~ r;" ~,{. I 1 ! ! I , i !'bi I' (I :? ~ \'., , \~-': Ie' P .~........LV.-.........>~..~.......~ ~ '"" , ~)': 7"'~'\I' --J :J' 'io::o ~ J ~1 j :l i I ~ 1 J '.! .".,.!',. " .J \1 ] ~ U\... l j 1 ',~ " ; J J ~ f~ 1''''?'i1''1;/ p~ tr:..,~)I;tl ~ .J a: ia~)VN10U\!l ~!EACCH . . .~.. ~ - 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOVNTO~' BEACH, FLORIOA334JS.0310 (305)734-&111 OFFICE OF THE CITY PLANNER 22 September 1983 j ] j l 1 ~ Mrs. and Mrs. J. Arnold 798 N.W. 15th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arnold: Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 20, 1983 the City Council approved the Site Development Plans submitted for the John Arnold Warehouse Building, subject to staff comments (copy attached) . Prior to submitting plans to the Building Official for permits, all staff :ecommendations adopted by Council in their approval shall be provided. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c~~,..s~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner 1 J j J ~ 1 } , /bks cc: City Manager TRB Nembers Central File r -, !ll~~I:j ro CAR".....ENT ANNUNZIATO City Planner WM D . CAVANAUGH Fire Inspector SUI8JECT: _J~:H,l'\JS~~~~~?-P~~_(Lawson Industr ial Park) DAT1B:._ 9/6/83 Please be advised for the above captioned location. Fire Dept requirements are as follows: 1. Shall comply with Sub Division requirements for Fire Hyd~ants 2. Overhead Doors on rear of rldg. expose adjoining property to Fire. Either Fire rated doors or plans for adjoining property axe required. I7@L@ 4 t? r r ~!.IEAS!E RIEPL V 1'0 =--==> $KGNlED ~ ~~ ~Tll: t:: J-f'.3 SIGNreIl ~!<.S ITEM . F2C~ 0 WHEelER ORour INO THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED r,,~.":.".li I,,' v__\- ["j ft.."'1 ':J '1 I I I [ .." I 1['U~1 ,.\,J f,r [t ,f", l J'.! 1>'''',1 [,'~'l (C t-, '\1 tn" 1 ..I --. 'I ^'- . I I'i .,Ii 1 II r'-~ I i; I ~'; I );1 , I I [ 1 I I 1 I I " ' t ,!' \ !:, I I ! BUILDING DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: ENERGY COORDINATOR: STAFF COMMENTS TO Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner ARNOLD WAREHOUSE See attached memo Conform to subdivision regulation for fire hydrant locations .. no part of any building shall be more than 200 feet from a hydrant ... ,I r;Q~~ I l"] Ot, f'; Dc,.,], [, c~ ~ [J~~,I '1' r~~ , ~l~ l~,f~~ L '] Ii" L( ~.?i . ~ J -;/1 FROM Edward G. Hillery, Jr. Captain See attached memo Lighting details required ,~p ~ Carmen: .JL_." . MEM"ORANDUb\?\ ,:1' ,"!.i !;;,.. I r.-'- I I DATE 7 September 1983 FILE SUOJECT TRB - Arnold Commercial Bldg. Respectfully, ~.\t~~ Edward G. Hillery, Jr. Captain BBPD TRB Member j i ) ,~; J '1 ~-{.t ~ \ M ~ ;~. ~,'- ( t'~ r~ f< ~li C," t{~ In the event that the overhead doors are to remain in the plan for the rear of the building in question, I suggest that a security light be placed at each door so they can be properly inspected by my officers. EGH/jje ("i q tl\?f' ',::, :," I' " [ ~ " ,p \7 "'" !) ~~L--Ji...Jh:,-';r"1f .'J "" .r~~ ,::.!~l.;-:'U---"~~-',.~'.T"..,,,;,,~,~,~.,,. t)" C',- ~.; j, .... G"..,. I Bud Howell. BuJ.1.4L'1g 06Mci.ai. , , -:1 lFD,<ll:::l r TO CcVWlei1 AnnunUa:to CJ..:ty P .ta.nn ell. ".'''ii',Y'::<-c,__....,..~ .-~ '--~/;-::'~.:_,~~i'j -:.,"-_.....":~ '8\."t.!~..G-~.:;;~(;::: .fir If'r ..r \1,. ,..s'''~J:,.--:'',,...-~''~'!~~-,;});':i'~i.:~/-:'; '""O'f~":.P-:":'n' ..~~.~:~~~\C}~cg.'!~-:;::,~7~_.;~~i{1~.:::'~~\_;,)?!.;;,(y.,~~::\:: '''''-.r~,':.,(~.'-il IC,':," . ~... \\"~~;ii'~ ~V~;,i\~' Vlf?, ~A~,c S ',l., ~~;.~.: t'~ .r ~c ;', t ,~ h &i f': I l'r'",.. .,1 $ t ~ r t ~ t f \. ~ [; V D ~ ~ ~i e C' ~ VI. R f ~ ~ ('", r t ~ Lj ~ r~ f~,': ~ ~ ~\I L, f r r ~t L CQMM;ECIAb..],Y..rgt!l!~,_:. ARNOLV ~ DA.m: ,9-6-83____.-.., , f SUIBl.l1lEClf:" Il7cl.,@ ~ Upon lLev-i..ew Q~ ;the above. men:Uoned .6Ue-p.ea.n. c.ol1~nl!.n.t6 . be adv,ued 06 ;the 6oUowbtg Flood zone A-7. 13' rnbUmum 6.i.nMh OMOIL eR.eva.tWn. Pfun .6hold.d .6how e.w..:ti.Y1.g .6,[dewa.e.k6. Pfun;teJL6 p1LO:tILude 4'0". 48'-6" - 4' c 44'-6". PllEASlE Ri:~L V y,o == ~HGWlElJ) d~ / Bud Howe..U. :.to.'"==1c=:::::t I1:l::oo ftE,PIL Y ~ ~;f /J / ~~<..J ~ l..!'A.11E: '7'/6/8.3 ITEM 0 F269 0 WHEElER GP-OUP INO SIGI\llW c~ C/' THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED I TO Rece\Ve~~ CARMEN ANNUNZIA:!'O 1-!:t.f) ....rtiff W]'1. D. CAVANAUGH City Planner - - Fire Inspector. CC: Bert Keehr, Deputy Bldg. Official .,.~ '==.00: . JOHN ARNOLD WAREHOUSE DA.m: 9/2.8/83 SUlmJ~cr.Sw 14th Place-U:,awsoii"fndustr ThrPark-y---.-.-----------. 17@!.!lil 'It Plea~e be advised Fire Dept Dept signed off on ToRE on the above captioned location ...as a result of meeting with Mr. Arnold, Chief Rhoden, and myself this date... After another review of plans Mr. A~nold, has given verbal assurance, he will p~ovide Fire Hydrant on NE corner of p~opel::ty. ... he has aJ.so closed rear doors of'l:Jarehouse. , ~ ~ J :t: ~~7 r ~~c~ k (-i €' " ~ f ~ ~ If,1. ~t ~}~ tiw ~l~AS~ RIEPLV 1'0 ~ ruElPlLY ~r"'~ ~A.TE: i./so,LeeJ SiGNlBD cH ;4,.. THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ITEM 0 F2CJ 0 WHeaER GROUP INO ,--'. ~ <:<' ''if'' \,:" " :v ~, '_:;:r ''" J' g ~ -, .-'0 ~jb~:~:?~i Ili'l;;':; . .'~ /7' " / :-' / _C/ "'/ ~-'!' I j :rl i 1 j I I 1 i? j 1 ] 1 ,J ] ~ I I I I I o~ J 1ft, .~ _ '2.., _tl-Si " t -;"-~-"'r~-'<~(~;-___"i'",,_:_,,~L~ ~~ -.,~(A'\..~ "">"11. _'.- - -qr~-I-~ <:; il:.<', (oJ'> '~~s II ~;; r Q ,,/ 2", , II II ~. '.' ,~ ( \i ,/ ~(" ,.".."0;~~'.."..~lrn) '/ \\ [,\\ C 1";,'_ s/;. ~:i<: -"'.o.:i[.f';r:r:b. \)~(':;:(J.... _t~ \1 ,.Rlc, ~'0.n7"",0 - ~::.,":>, ''-'',..: ..~... '" - >'" '. ,.,...... - f): <::A _ ., ('0.. 'tV Q, SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION , . City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information I. GENERAL INFop~mTION 1. Project Name: Commercial Building for John & Elain Arnold 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : .' 3. Address: John & Elain Arnold 79B NlIl 15th Avenue Boca Ratonp Fl 13~32 Phone: 39?-5116 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Address: Phone: 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: John & Elain Arnold Address: 798 WIT 15th Avenue Boca Raton, Fl 33432 Phone: 392-5116 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to ~hich all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 1.'0 ;,S;~:.1. /f "'-..-, ~ ,:;:; N ,,;, ~ I' ~-, ,;;, [ , tJ '0' ~. ,. l t \ :1 ~ J ~ ,,~~Ii!~, ~ 'tr;.'l,' o_~~i)....ti.;..:.<,.;,:-..,,., 'J.,,' '1 Q\ '~, -".........- ) ;7 0'-'\ U o . . Page 2 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owners (Owner, Buyer. Lessee, Builder, De~~loper, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site: Su Wu 14th P12ce 9. Legal Description of Site: North 102' of Lot 119 Lawson Industrial Park 10. Industrial/Commercial Intended Use(s} of Site: 11. Developer or Builder: J J, A8~n~i~tes, Inc. ?R?R R WAnA~~l Hwy> nelr~y R@ach~ Fl 33444 12. Architect: George c~ Da1riR1 1100 S FAoArAl H\\ry Ro}mtnn Reach Fl 13. Landscape Architect~ None 14. Site Planner: None 15. Engineer: John Ao Grant~ Jrot Boca Haton,-EJ John Ao Grant, Jroo Boca Raton; F] None 16. 3urveyor: 17. Traffic Engineer: 18. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Council for this property? No 19. Estimated construction cost of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $950000000 Pla~!ng Dept. 10/82 .-::-..... -- ',;- ir.~ -,- ~.I" fi~, J' ~~ {(,Ii ~'i) " 'L_ n~, t;-' ,~\ ).f '~'(f ''';) Ii <i ~ r IT I I I I I I " ;, ;;:T J <if{.,~, " ~Ii;j "~""""',",,'~~U '" ~~~~ ''j\\ "\t:~J P~o~..-..~......' 0 !j}b;~~l'r;"'(,,, J\ JJ: "<:4il~ ff' ~'l!}~D~ ~ (i. {i'~'/il3,' ._\\ t~,"-'r -~!\ 1/ ~ 'M ,~,~_,', )~0\I-i~ ,~\ "0' . '" CJl",,~\ ,Q /~'" -V,)(.~ c,c'h ~ ._J 0" ~l " *' ,~ ,~.'~~ .... '1', ~~;ufl}J filil.-._ ".::--~~ ~t -r~~~,< I;)~i~'j) ',-,,'}',", F' _,,~ {( .'~l 'iI' ""I, ^,:,. ,!~)<;.. .,d' Jt ,~ ~'l~' 'l J j [1 l )1 '1 fJ rl V ,. ! 1 I jl .;;d"'lr I j r I Jt ~ IA; I' \\: }'I J: ,( ll' .~ I I ~ 1~)l.. "I~ II iff '~~:) . 'i.;~ ;"'~ ";,(,:;1 ,u."~>t~ ~ .~-< ~; ",~~, . '. o II . S I:'E DA'r,;; "- .~' G ." '~'.~,~ - . The following information ~ust be filled out below 3na ~ust ~~p0ar, where applicable, on ~ll six (6) copies of the site plan. ,c, ~J[f.r;+Y'id / M-1 21.776 1. Land Use Cateaorv shown in the Comcrehensive Plan 2. Zonina District 3. 4. Area of Site acres 0.5 Land Use -- Acreaae Breakdown a. Residential, including NA surrounding lot area or gr~)Unds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) NA c. Water Area Nil d. Commercial NA e. Industrial 0.5 f. Public/In- stitutional NA g. Public,Private, and Canal Rights-of-Way NA ho Other (specify) NA i. Other (specify) NA sa. c.. ... ~. j. Total Area of Site acres " of sit:e acres '% of site acres '% of site acres ~ of site acres -1.OiL- ';; of site . }ic:ces % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of si1:e 100 ;, 21,776 (005acre) -------- * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 8900 Area ("building footprint") b. Water Area NA c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- clUding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 109079 or site and sq. ft. 40 7, of si te sq.ft. % of site sq.ft. 46 % of site d. Total Impe~vious Area ~il tc e. Landscuped Area Inside of parkinq L..)ts (20 sq.ft. ccr interior parking spa~e required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code) . ~.079 3R? Pl~nnin~ np~t. 10/R2 sq.ft. -.&6-- % of sq.ft. % of ~; 1. t c 02 cS \\vtV"',., 'f 'J u I ., L j ,,,..;.1. \~ ~.. ~;~ .. .;.,.- 'j '. 'i'~~~-'A """<''''~r':''' .... ,'~, , '" ,"n~. dl c<" ~_ ,<,""-,,,_,, , ~j1 --,,""~ // ~.'= ~_~: Il~\- ~,~~. ,~~~! (hl] L I~ \\ if D ')i .,\;t -.:: ,~ C .l u .~ J . X:f1F;f~,,!.:-.tY'~ - a~l-. ''fi;~~ . \'\- \.!.: ",.;,. ~.:.'. .,):) .~~;:-;~::;~~=--\~ ~y,~ " t'\ ,l'''~ 'c.;" ':.Ii o'J b 1.>;- !I -,-"f ". . ',' "';J0k ~l , ..~;'''''. '., ~J~---:'('ld-""f" I 1 p ~ I ,~ ~ ~ ~ I :.:;l f'~ .~ i~ 1'- 'll "I '~;~ .fij ,~ ~ ~:I! ~ i \ \ '/ 1\ I ] 1\ \ l I' 'I' ,,", ',", n, ': < .co',f, j;>- I l o h. f;thcr I..IClndsc:l:~ed .\rc:ls, l~:-:C 1 udinq ;';a t'.!r i,rea i. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, ~nd Swales, but excludinq l'ia ter i\reas --2~ o ;-cr.::.. sq. it. :'~ce ~ 12 ~ l):: 3ltC j. Total Pervious Areas k. Total Area of Site 6. Floer Area a. Residential b. CommerciallOffice c. Industrial/Warehouse )9 d. Recreational e. Publici Institutional f. Other (specify) J g. Other (specify) -_117..2._ 21776 NA sq. ft. ~;q.ft. sq. ft. NA sg. ft. fi9 ~(/ r. c. 2177fr sq.ft. NA NA NA NA sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. :. of sit'e 14 ,of :; i te h. Total Floor Area a. Single-Family Detached 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units R9nn b. Duplex ~ c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling (1) Efficiency (2) 1 Bedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom units '" d. Total Multi-Family e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 8. Gross Density NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA sq. ft. 1.00 ~ 0 f site dwelling units 17 b. dwelling units units units units units dwelling ,mi ts NA Dwelling Units per Acre stories 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces 8900 500 - 18 Planning Dept. 10/82 o \/ -!..\ ;i;-':' 'r-~ '" dwelling dwelling dwelling dwelling feet 1 Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on site Plan 18 -II' .. .,-- " Q 1\;--:;;:- "'.. ----:.,::-~r c9,1 [,'..- ,. , .'::;~ .~ -'). ';1 n I} ,,= ",,' ,rrr--- , ,0 fj -=-p \), II II II I l '] .' III. o S ITE Pkl.~ P.EQU I ?.E:-1E:ITS o. Z'age ;) The following mater1als are to be submitted i~ 3i:-: (6) copies. Each set of plans must be stapled together in a single pack~ge. Scale of drawings must be 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. Incomplete site plans will not be processed. (check) / VI. """,3. /4. J ~1 v"5. _-.J/' 6. V 7. N~ 3. ./ 9. r;.;fJ 1 0 . r/ II. v"12. v"13 . A/14 . l rJlct 15. /16. vl7. v" 18. ~9. /20. Boundaries qnd dimensions of the paLcel. v-2. SCule, graphic sCule, north urrow, und date. Adjacent properties or land uses. Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for ~ll streets, alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes, driveways, and unimproved rights-of- way within one-hundred (100) feet of the site. Also, names of adjacent streets and rights-of-way. fJerd 10 ~t!w 51derNcrl}j Location of all proposed structures, and any existing structares that are to remain on the site. Setbacks of all st~uctuLes (over 3 ft. in height) lines. from property Use of each 3tructure, indicated on the site plan. Number of efficiency, I-bedroom, 2-bedroom, etc., dwelling units in each residential structure, to be indicated on site plan. Indication of height and number of stories of each structure. Indication of structures, equipment, etc. above 45 ft.height, including height in excess of 45 ft. Floor plans or typical floor plans for all stn,1ct.ures. Finish floor elevations of all structures. Uses within each structura, indicated on floor plans. Elevations or typical elevations of all structures; including materials, surface treatments, and color schemes of all exterior surfaces, including roofs. Indication of the numbers and types of recreational facilities to be provided for residential developments. Indication on site plan of location, orientation, and ~eight of all premises and advertising signs. Location of walls and fences, and indication of their height, materials, and color. A landscape plan, showing conforman~e with the Landscape Code and.T:e7 Preservation Code, and showing adequate watering fac1l~t~Es. Plants must be keyed out using the ~Landscape Ident1f1cation Format~ specified in copies of the Landscape Code. A sealed survey, by ~ surveyor registered in the State of Florida, ~nd no~ older than S1X (6) months, showing property lines, 1nclud1ng bearings and dimensions' north arrow date scale e~isting structures and paving, e~isting ele~ations ~n site: r1ghts-~way and easem~nts on or adjacent to the site, utilities on or adJacent to the s1te, legal description, acreage to the nearest one-hundredth (11100) of an acre location sketch and . .... ' , surveyor s cert1f1cat10n. Also, sizes & locations of existinq tr~0n and sl:rUbs, including conunon and bot;l1lical names, and indica tion as to wh1ch arc to be retained, removed, relocated, or repluced. Locati~n ?f existing utility lines on or adjacent to the property to be 1nd1cated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey Also 1 t' f " . d. ., oca 10n 0 eX1st1ng f1re hydrants On or a Jacent to the site. Planning Dept. 10/82 i u '<r ~~-~-~~~~t'. G_ocr -~".:U~~~I" -./i,,/lrJ....j{J.2 '~,;i@ ~;(;.{j ", .~ '!j P;r\ -~, :\ It !I Ii ".. ,j iF [I ':\ /1 '!'ro~r ~ ..)~. ..0 ~~\w~ Cld~-o ~. ';~{,.~h~?f7~?;:~ - 1/1" -~~~y ~,- ,-~i ~- "". 'Q(,.!, ')f(\o '. ~,," tt1"',f~C' Jr 7ii:~'_.~ [ ~ ~ II,! (~ ftl [j J ~;,l ] , j f1 ~ j 1 .; .' " ..~ }fl~-o I;"~ , i v2i: A 22. ../ 23. f1i./A-- 2 4 . /25. r/"' 26 "' v b>""" .,.. v v v ~ v ./ "" () :' .l:::e o Location '..J: iddi tional s~t. l-r;.rlr~~~:; , ':"'i..i 0: t:iC s~.J.nd-:lr:js :~r(; ~o :-:ee-c ~or~h i~ ~r~icl~ :(, S~ct~cn Subdi ."":'3 i.:;~ ...:": 'J. Platti:w R~<1ul.J.tions. Fire flow c~lculations justifyina line water l.ines if ne\l water lines or :ire fer h:(dr~n ~s 1;oth ~n- .lnd ,J.rG r.2quircd. size o::-si,: Schema tic (mqineerinq dr.Jwings City specifications. for 9ro~osed ~tilites, ~s ~~r Information reg~rding form of lease, etc.). own.:!rshio ( . ' . CQn~'::::::11nl :;;~ t fee s~~p~e, Location and orient~tion of garb~ge CJns OL d~~~~teL f~cili~i~3; All garbage dumpsterq must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders, and the du:npster area must be provided with adequate width and height clearance. The site must be so designed to eliminute the necessity for the front-end loader to cack into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (lO'xlO') concrete slab shall be provided. All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accqrdance wi~~ ~he City Landscape Code (see Sec. 7.5-35(i)) .UceJ ~o ~/~N ~C~~~I~ A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parkirl'} Lot Reg-ulations, and including the foll(:H..r- ing information. Any 3xceptions to the Parking Lot Regulat~ons that are proposed or that are to continue will require an application for Variance to thl: Parking Lot Regulat:ions. a. Location of all parking and loading facilities. b. A parking lot layout plan, including curbs, car stops, and striping. c. A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot. d. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site, including ~xterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp types and 3izes, and average illumination level(s) in footcandles. e. Information showing conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordinance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. f. Location of existing and proposed public and private streets, including ultimate rights-oE-way. g. On-site traffic plan, including arrows and other p~yement markings, traf::ic signs, and stop signs at exits. :Vs=/ $-kp 71~7..') Location of handicap parking sp~ces, plus signs and access ramps, consistent with the State Handicap Code. h. 1. A drainage plan for the entire site, including parking areas; to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drainage calculations, and details of the dr2inage system. If the total impervious area on site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then druinage plans and calculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the State of Florida. and must be sealed. j. Existing elevations on adjacent properties, and On ad- jacent rights-of-way. 27. Any other engineering and/or technicJl data, be required by the Technical Review Board to compliance with the provisions of the City's ordinances. uS may determine Code of Any of the above requirements mJY be waived by the Technical Review Board, if such infor~ation is deemed to be nonessential by the Board. Planning Dept. 10/82 ,,<:, !~~': !r " { ".~ ,)';J' jt I I ,'I a .. ~ \} b ~.. ,. L~ry""",r:-rh ~I.:;:. '.f~'~ 6 d.f u _jM!~~ ! n ;1 11 N, ,,' , ,,' " . ..(~~{;:'~~l-S::;~$~"~...~2:~r,,,~~~>,'Sj~:~m1~~". .~~~~rr} t;. ~ :1 " ,1' :J[ \n t I t ~ ~'~,( " 'p; r- f ~':.( '2; J-" r (~ ~ ,'"') f.~ If \ r t", ffi J l ~<? ~fl [, f' if }or. \'" ~ C fJi D':' ~. lft ~ ~.'" !) bq ~ r~ (;0) .~ '~( 1, " ~[c.?, i::. ,,'~ " _v.., ~ ~. ~ ."" ~';''' rY,;: IQ ~ ~'( 07E Q'd ., ,19.. r.;+:~ ,r~S D:i'!j ,~ ~ ' f ['" .'=1; " " t! ~) ?~~ " ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L~ l!/ \) ,I::: ~f~~ ,~1; ii! i? ,-1. ~-:; ,it C)"~'1 ~;~ ~'.:.';.~ qV~\ ~! f:'i] {\1:! t, ~r\ r, ' ~ :i). &~ Ill;; :.;.. . .1\,,,; .\~ t~ {: Lt a{t r\~ fF.~ .""t.':l -', ,~'( ii', I~", l'~p: 1 - b 1 lJ, l:~~ r~ &/1 " III ~'- t 1 J i!", "'Ii' ')' f~b '>'1 " t~ j~ -:tr-:-' u I I 1 l ~; ,/,;'iil, \'\' :~\'i" {~~J)p J>::~ )~1t".\-' >;,41:.: jri~ J I 'w--'ri'Q} "';'.) ,;e'r. iry.,l \F, 'lr-:nr~t'~ > . "".. ..... -~ .~---L./7'~ " '^ :",. '" ~ U ''''''''=$e'-~'' C.)~;- .~. '?~/ ~I/ : j h 1 J j '6 r ~ '" J "I \> [' ~ ~,: ? ) ,e ~ J '1 J J J ] 1 ] J ) J ,J ~ ~ l J A j j ~ ~ ~ ,il k citl;t~ 'if' J f1 ~ I ] '3 =t\'\ \, 1',' 1 1" r II )f' ~.. ~ 1\ t~: t i ~~;; _~1, ,f~~~'i'~ Ji , It ?lIt' e' ," I;::=--":':: ,f~~';'.~ (P .", , '. . }:; ,,'lr >:i 'CO'Y<, <4' t~"/( ",,'i" ,,{'C,dk? ,,)~~ 'it!! ~, ,;;:\) d'" ".i( q} u ~;.'-, ;"1 ..T_.c~~"{j'';.;i~;'. ;l~.~1 (i "t~.J~--..... " 1>,.1 J " ':\ p ~\. \:~; ,,'i;Ed rtr " ,,~~;:" (L~(;:'~jiJ.tJ>: ",0<:. '''';'''',~'' ."~' ' :,;L<~I.) o pl. :-1ISCELLA~JEOtJS 0 ?JC;t~ / o (check) The followinq materials mu~t be submitted in one (1) copy: 1. ~' check, pnyable to the Ci ty of Boyn ton Bench, for t.tlO hundred dollars ($200). 2. A transpnrency (overlay) of the site pldn sheet, suitable for . use in an overhend projector, with dimensions not to ?xceed 6 In. 9 in., or a clear photographic reduction rf the same dlmenSlons. Ml 3. For projects that generate at least three thouSdnd (3,900) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) slngle directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a trdffic impact analysis must be submittec. 4. Any other engineering and/or technical dntn, as mny be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to d2termine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION uri (We) understand thnt this applicntion and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a 2tar of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. ) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any state ents Or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best Of)JR1i (our) kno edge and belief. This application wl1l not be accepted un si~~ding to the instructions below. Signa :re of own:r(s) or Trustee, ' ' +tf. ~j or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity- VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity_ Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Da te Rec:ei ved : Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council D.:t':e Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: II 'r; 7<'11 Q ..,;t;~ ~>~,- n, 0 O"~ '~' ',) ", -~l> (.','>:::r 3 rT 0 I I lr' , I I i ld'j J ! , I ,1 I :-: !" t I ~I ! I i I I 4 Li I "I I ! I I /"". ~) o C::;:'::'H!~!I':''.: ,\PP::;"P..i\:JCE ':O;\~D 30Y::'I'O~ BEACH, FLORIDA Date Preliminnr'/ ( ) F ir..al IN ~equest ~or C~arrge Siem ....pprov.:ll Project :1ame Commercial Building for John & Elain Arnold Legal Description North 102' of Lot 11: Lawson Industrial Park .::!"ddress of Site R W. 1l(t'.h Pl::J ~P. Owner ~ohn & ~l::Jin Arnold Tel. ~ 192-5116 712-6154. Architect Gp()re:;p. C _ D::J1rj S Tel. if All meetings of the Community Appearance Board are open to the Public. I~~ORTANT - Requirements for Review: IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL ~EED TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. 1 I I "'I Jl Preliminary Review Requirements: A. Site Plan (including the General Landscape Development) B. Building Plan C. All Exterior Elevations with material designations D. Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements: [I) I .=i.. Site plan 5hm'ling setbacks, landscaping, all outside areas and their uses. Landscaping may be in general terms, but the heiqhts and general types of plants and trees must be noted, including lighting, fences, or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum). B. Building Plans C. Detailed drawings for all siqns D. Exterior surface treatments (il1cludino roofs) E. Exterior color scheme (including thatJof signs). All colors must be designated by sample. F. Six (6) sets of working drawings and specifications. Date of Review Follow-up Date -~.: Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting) : Community Appearance Board [ Chaj.rman Planning Dept. 10/82 ~ ,!),c; ~'~',\ Y U :Ii I \~ '\~ ~; o CAB Form H Ci ty of Boynton Bead. , "_~_'7c; ',- ( /'i'" ff-l1 -'\~, 1.( " .."',,.;./ -- '\ 'L, ',~ p- dli~' i' 1f'1'\ i i I , f~f li P- ,;:~ JJ~ 'II\'" ~!;o:;;. ,1'0::; '';'"'1 I t "(f~ ' ~> -~ '1 I I 1 I I 1 1 " I I I ! L I' r~ 'I i I 01 I ~1 I I I I I I I I .r.1 ;1r;~ I, \, 1 J( I - I I I 1 1"1'.1 \~1 i I I ';1 I r'" "\~ /it;,1 -,-\',1' T ----- Oat.:! n p' ... 'CktV!5" o o :::-:~:.!r;~:I:':." ....?~~....~?,;\::(:= JC;\:::~ {IO,; ;.'ti Q. !!i I)"~ ::.:'~':~ .:-....~:D ".~4""'''-!:''~''''- "-"'~~T"'r"'~-: .....-.......,-.......... '. .-....__-.; 4.J Cow~e~cial Hllilrling for John & Elain Arnold R. W. 14th Place (North 102' of Lot 11, Lawson Industrial Park .John & ~lain Arnold 79R NW 1~th Avenue Boca Raton FI 3343~81. ~ 392-5116 ~lATE~IAL cc:.o:t (~:ar::e I Wood Job ~;ame Location Applicant.. Address SURFACE BEANS COLUNNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS GLASS GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT WALLS H/n ~::lT' aTfn gT'~~rel Cement Plaster OTHERS (as required) Stucco bande or trim Cement Plaster Metal Drip Cap & GIS Galvanized metal Dark Beig~_ t'.tbi t 7i' Light Beige Dark Beig.a Dark Beige 10. -----rE::t:- of Applicant$" CAD Form :i2 City or Boynton Deach 12-5-75 \i 1,'\ ij~'"t .' ...,:-~$'~ G) \';;:~ 'v :j.1} " ""'~';;~ ,::)712,: ~ 'II ~dP :~?~~,~(~~.~~P p:'\\ ~)'^; b -'. t<.." ": ,,~_.:;: ':~' ,'C;'t-';!n:~1 , : /,\,) .J~ ~D 1 ~ ~ ;). '-.1 ~ 1 t\ I Q t" _12 1~ \ ~ f ,: f ~J ~ 1," ~',~ , " ~ r _ W' ~;~ ~~ ~ t~" ~ ~ ~ ~ "t; i ~ ~ 7; ,f, ,J }. "" r r (~ ~ p: l R G: f~ ~ f" ~ '( f~ II 5,1., '" ,r ~ ~ tI -~ r; n w d ;r-':~, fi ,ti ~ ~ 1 'j ~ i~ ~; J ~ l ,1 ~ J ] 1 f] ] ~ J j 1 J ] 1 I d ~ 1 ] '1 J :? r ] ] J 1 1 1 If' ~" (r~ k\ )i t':: ., ,'_ /~- ~ 11""~,:",, ,\~:" wr !~ " "" 1'" ('if ~,'" if 'l\- ~\r' .\l;? ~'- \t ~t . ; ,~,,,;.(; \\ \' ,i" " ~',...I. ~. 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