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E~ft,'.! -.;:,>:<:,~...:.: ~~;,~~ ,r.j"',~ <1'.9 'i',g~; t'l~ ~ :~tB ~~€ l,\t~J ~,1l;r ~'\\"~",M :",/1 ffff~~ '-,.,1Qg 'Y~'f'" ~.~ ri<~ r~~ E:~ wttt:A~ ~~ ~'f,(.p? .s,:. 1:0;, .~':o. ~~ .nl,'~.:E..".' ..\~T' J.~'t* -"::'; ~~~ rW,.ot;., rL~ r'~,~/ ['~,~~;~f,', '@}.r' uT:1" tf~ 8,- ;-~.:-, [~4f ., .-:. "'.., ,,4,1 ;~t'i!"l Wttt ir~,'" ~,'~ ~. . "~-' ~n ,::\jo'- :j,~ ;.,*~ Ji,.,"',,'.',' ~"~,':' ;~ :,>"'11" /;' , VJ~ffi~ ~w '~(:f"] >"'.'.~.' ~- rJ It ~~ Cnty of Boynton Be21ch MLlICROFILlw liNlPU1f SJbffiET PliaJll11ilillg lDer>>21rtnllerllt DevenOplIlIlfIOl11Firre ~"~z:::==::I'Q.-.p-' . ----=' =="" --....-. ! I Project N~ I1LJ r. F is _(jS €; 5 "( /J I.J j2 fl J/r!: DOCUMENT TYPE Date 3-II-fJZ :" Parking I;Qt Variance - PLV D Preapplications - Preapp D I D. D Conditional Use - crJ 1\1aster Plan - IvIP Rezoning - R D Master Plan Modification -lVlPM D [ Rezoning and Land Use D Preliminary Plat - PP D Element Amendment - LUEA ~ D Site Plan - SP Annexatio".Ji - A D D Site Plan Modification - SPM Abandonment - Abdm . . Number of Sheets -I ~ Year Lf$ L Condition~ ~ COMlVffiNTS: Approved t8J -.18 ~ V ~ p..e 6)rV r5 Denied. 0 IJtV F/~ #12 /AJ ;BLLJt;". j)e/~ -;If ~ ~r, ~1~~ o' !/; " ~ f~~ ).'-: [~ ~,.~.j\ ')-~b J h, f) !:Gf ~r' I~.~ f; l.fl."'lillitill_.~.J2~1118Itl-, Wn\Clhl{f; N@o : X. @ff X. ~,.~ JRe~lT'lb! . N@o lFlT'tal m~~ . c ": \ . , -: 'D ,iiillJJ .7 ~~:I1__I._.IIl_I!~" "D .~~ #i rl n:') ;YQ.uJ 11>'"" ~ ~ i} ,--C; II C3 ~.. ~ {( I/'iil --~ -' lFOK1illil 7D 0110731D R2 ,[if 1):, -'j I "~ '{J ~~ (!~f~# "".,;;:-" Q WI) Tr ". ::)\if I.. r "W_ ',> i'QI ..# ,ft: '"-, ,dG'" ,),,2 ~f ~(#~ g,"O ':~ ~~~-i~~==-~ 0., " ..& I B .. --Y" '''7, Ii> !J :'l'i... " \~'..' 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"0P, J~_Jo " '<If ~1Y '!,.\.-., 0 ls ,~'" iJ~ "~' ~'l'.~. r r'c o ")10 :~ '7f~h tf'~ ~ -'. c 'ifF ~~ dl'\)\' 'f :?' ~~2 If" ,:K r ~ ~ ~'o \~ ~''''cr\ l' ~' ~~Io ::;~ " , ,;-~_ _.f'.a:.. (~_ 0 JI ~c ~ D ~Iv:" orp " ['::'J.1 o ~ '" ,,: =U 0 c\" .v-' =<(!; ti~.r (>r ,Ii? ~ '0 &)_ ( , :, J;.\'f, \ ~ 0/ .~,nlc~),f D~ .,'j ~ry,,\!: ip l; ~r ~ ~~~':. ~ '. j4t:f.' 0 tl ,f0',:",__,,,,,,,- I .Jk.-- (/":;- ,_~~~~r-:1?'L ~ ....\1 o \1)" C 'Ii" j I J~.~ ;~ Js ,~(';l"..('-.__ .";;c;., " ~ '~' " , 1r~r--;j,. ""C.. ,,'\ -fL. );- -...............~~-'--f' ^ .,.,...--.. ,~~;q~, .~~ ,- ~~:cr,\t';, ~ uP. -, :_~"ttV~ ;r ~'I~' ;.~\ '\li~tJ1J ;fr,c~ 'U }ltM?jVJilr1-~~ ,. "nllUWb.~~.'~" "e,?r '-',\ '-'''':/_.r;J ,,,.,~ 'I" u, C:tF:, ~f ~ .' o . . p ":. , , E2Y~:TON BEACH PLA~;:-UNG DEPART~1ENT .;FFL:Ct;TIO~~ :::::-:;RMA'rION FOR.'1 NOTE: This fo::m ffil1!":t. be filled out corr:pletely and accurately and must ac{;~;: ~;,any all applications suomi tted to the Planning Dep'L. PROJECT NAJl1E: ZJa~;cis R~~~ :7O'"A'Al/ P4GL/P9~~~ 6~-P g; .e?,t;~ ~E.~/~ /2;4l U;5-?0z77zn? ~ ap:? , /' . :;7 ~ -'5/... ~7 7".0""'9 AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: ! i ! I J PHONE: ' OWNER 1 S NAME: (or trustee's). ADDRESS: H..vm....v/b ~Lr9/:e.LJC) /02 ~~4t".~AJ$ ~r- ~~ '~c;r4~6fl /V.y. , /- ?/~- 9<V/- OZ7~ PHONE PROJECT LOCATION: V.5' - / ~ "e/(:!F /.;fJ~'p~, (not legal 8escription) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendasr letters and other materials will be forwarded. M. (,) o MEMORANDUM July 21, 1981 TO: ~tr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Torn Clark, City Engineer Re: Duff's Restaurant Comments concerning the subject plan are as follows: 1. Elevations to be shown for adjacent streets. 2. Additional pavement elevations are necessary. All catch basins (Type "C"?) to have elevations shown. 3. Plans are required to show alterations planned on US-l and to be approved by the D.O.T. 4. Show existing pavement for Ocean :nlet Drive on site plan. ~'V~ aL-- Torn Clark TAC:rnb (( I,,, " !i ",; It ii, i I(.~ l i I is f II , :~ i;, ~ . 'I L ,.i. ~ j:.,..~n~~~{l~-::\<J~ "~.; '-'='. '.~~ 1~~<ifL~~ ,~~y !, I !)~~~"'7;',,,,_ ~~tr:~~~~r-7r"--:~ S;, It ~t) _ 'f..~ j I.e. I lj I 1 11 i i I c{, I. (I ( ~ 0' [-.1.: , ! '1 t ", ~ -:'( ~,J I " ':.-y .i f; ; ,d ~.~ 1 '1 I ") i ,\ 1 j :! '". ~ t < ~~I n 1 J ~J~ , ~) ,', 'f,'~- i'b (j'V ' ':'.;,;',-":", C:')';, - ;)'.'1 'J) ~., " Ii -, ,<~. '-'~~\:j~;J'J \~ ~ifi..~.~".~,:~.,;....~,.;'_;'_.,~~,~..;.,,;_j.Ii~.~~'~ ...." o r] ~~ ,,' rr---/cm: raOYN1rON lalEACH STAFF COMMENTS DUFF'S RESTAURANT Building Dept.: Subject to Memo. Engineering Dept.: Subject to Memo. Police Dept.~ Place Stop signs at all exits. Planning Dept.: (1) A~lign drive onto NE 15th Place w~th proposed drive to North. (2) Extend sidewalks thru driveways. >;;~ 63 -I: f Q ~- --- -- ~--=- " ;\"~"~~. r---- .~ ~J::."-~E.8-;;;;"'=;;;:~ I ~~';'. .-- ~ ' ,...;.i=. !<Au.. . ~ :r~,Pi'it1'P~~.~;;a.. ~~. .. -J~P.::~, ~ .....~ i ~~ff'afi~.P f~l?Q' =-~~'~-~~, " JUG ' '<1,..., :_:::;;;;=:::;~: . .'''' po ~ ./ V ~.lf'~ -~~ -,.~~"..----...--- ",- -=.ai:::::~~~~ ... ~~--- P. O. BOlt 310 tilO N.E. 2ND AVENUE &OYNTON BEACH, FLOntOA 33435 August 5, 1981 Mr. John Pagliarulo 640 E. Ocean Avenue Suite 12A Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Pagliarulo: On Tuesday, August 4, 1981, the City Council approved' the site Development Plans for DuffUs Restaurant subject to stafI comments as follows: Building Department: Subjec~ to memo (see attached) Engineering Department: Subject to memo (see attached) Police Dept: Place Stop signs at all exits. Planning Dept: (1) Allign drive onto NE 15 pJace with proposed drive to North. (2) Extend sidewalks thru driveways. Community Appearance Board: (see attached minutes) Prior to submitting plans for permits to the Building Official all the staff comments listed above shall be accomodated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c c::v.,..........,~___, J {,' --~~ Carmen S. Annunziato City planner CSA:rca cc:city Manager Bldg. Dept. w/plans & attmts. Eng. Dept. w/plans & attrnts. Utility Dept. w/plans & attrnts. Police Dept. cc:Fire Dept. Parks & Rec. Public Works Central File attrnts. Energy Coordinato~ Dept. Dept. w/plans & 'V~" ~~ -",,"""', !i {I 4~ ,~~,,}~ '~~I -;{ ir'fi /1' G IH ~' ....",.~ ~~1.._ I I j I 10 I I J"" (')\ ~1 FROM r~ --, II I Bvr..t 0KeehJt. Veputy Bldg. OfiMdal CaJunen Annunz-iaJ.:o Cay Pfunne/r.. I I' ft ~ :,..l~ ..................- "'-.. ~~ - ..-- -------.. 1 I VUFF'S SMORGASBOlW DATE: 7-20-81 SUBJECT: i?'QI..C ~ Pte.Me be adv1..6ed C'n the 6oUowi..ng c..omment& lLei..a;ti.ve .to :the above. BoaJ;.d 06 Hea..Uh appltoval will be 1Lec{tWc..ed. Hate.€. c-..nd RU~~ C~IlfInLs-6-ion l/..ev-iw numbeJl. tuiU.. be. lI..equA.JLed. FOWL (4) ha.v~cUcap paJcJuVlg J..pac.e6 w-itf.. be lLeqlLiJr..ed and aU otheJr.. hancUcaYl'Lor.u..iJr..e- men.t6 met wUh. . I" '-'"t 4. Complde -6-idewalla aJLOw1.d c.uJtb on Oc.ean 1m,d Vlt.-tve. 5. Tw~ hUYldJLed and -6eveM!{ (270) -6~ lLe6:ta.uJc.ant -incU.CfLted an pf.an.6 ...c.hzdue..e. howeveJr.., .5qUMe. fioota.ge 015 .oea:ti.ng aJ..ea. w-<.R-t ac.c.ommodrd:e thJc.ee hundJc.ed & M6:ty Mve. (355) peJL60n6 . 6. SubmU pfun ~nr1<;c.aJ.:hzg Mxed a..ltd peJl.manen.t l.Jea.Ung naIL :the :two hW1.CiJc.ed & -6evmty ( 2 70 ) I.l e0.:t.6 .{.ncU.ca.:t ed. BK; 61.' 1. 2. 3. u J ~ll'lIEASE AlE~~ =<:> (REPLY ~ SIGNED ~~ n"""",:.,,,,-! /' .M'- r\C~~l"'~'''''''~ Received, D:::__.,,?/2.r:::.,/8/ Thank you. -'7, 11r:..;; _ Jj: 00 AI'-j ::,., B.KeehJt. ~ ~ ~ 1 :. lTE: ~/~ SIGN~~~-I.I.~._ /" FORM F2S!) "-.a!~c CO,. INC, Brooklyn, NY 1'232 TtflS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ...- " 1\ ," :1 ~-"""""'f" '. -.....r~.. , \;. " .;q- " i I ~ I f ~ ,,~ ~.- "~: -~:"- (:, f . l' J, . c' J ~ II \\ ~#." . ,,~5';f.i)&A~&~~;~~!'~;:-j1~;i~~!,Si;~c~'"-*~?,~:'~~!:~S;~Y\~:B'i ~\~,;;~t\:i"2to~~"'~~;';~~~'~ ~~:;::;YU;,"t.;~, Jj!;r;~' ';'~l'~)~';~~~;\ li~~1,'~};,/t~LrSfft...~,.:,~l'J~1B~g;~P~~~G~~~7~:~":~~7 bl~)~\'.' .15:.. it,9~, \,," 1"" ,H , ~~~ i ,,'Di" djf) {I, "',,, iI /'}'" "" "J} ~l\ \\ II :;" ~. 1\ ,_, ~ {f"((~~~~~ n ~ :~ ,1)0:' ~;~~.~;;;;;;:: n (~\2 -It '. ~~"r,~ O~~I (r~~Ji:~{;~~~i,i)~~~~ ~.-.~;;~f:ct1~~ ' ~rfi;.B tl;:,~i~~ j - ,O~~; II;;',.: ~4J -""", ~--~~ <p. ~o'l) '..... ~(3J' , " I\!.J c' !1 {" '~~ .."t (I o " 'p,~ Yr.," tI:~ n JIA~lc:.. J.~, ., ""~~ '0 t~;~~:;: .,.,.;!::.:{i~ ,y,"J, I ,~, ,-" 1~7;~ .fi.';1_~~ ~;i<; I[%;~~ ~",,'\i .v,' ~,,5 'i':-."/~ ,"- :-'; " ;1\\4 "'9,,~ ':j (I {-.cJ?' 0 ~rl'-b (>l r. ,f;'j~ r'~.,;;-: h~J__;,}2:~ (}7. r ~ [" ~t\\ ~ ~ .L lltl~'fi. I~,:~~.f;~~ 0;1),& ~'? "'~\, q!i ~ o-~ '" ., ""J "" "\~ jr' ~'l " ~,' <" j,J~ ~.t ;271 if;<<" ~~ ~, !J1 "U 4 h' sl I'~,.-, " ,~ ~~l;{~ Qj{J~ #:::;::" tL,'..,f.,~.',~,'~ ,41 ~ 'V1 , \...., "'., ';;,'~. L ", l' t~". ri~ t!~; ~~ ~;:: 1r~''''~ f" 1i~o ItJ<_; ..,.....r. -t:,{ ~(~~~1 ',:--:! i"' .':i? [it; i~t . 'II"": ;j~': :~~ f.:!t, ~ ~; r~:o~ ~I.- ,r:;: i~.':ll' L...\. ,;~~ r-: . f!'(.<fb ~:l.,;l, l.:~;~~ 1- 'M"'c l ; ~':::v;., ~f ,} .~~ ~!/~~"; r/> ({O" , " ,'~ :"..1 , l " ,."" t:l~r:Ln~'~""-1R~~'~,}t' J~I'~;o 0-p ~,~~;"'~~~~lfiH"1::1~: ,}F' ..(!~if~,. c~ ~f,,:1~ f\illl "1 Ii frY!: e: I$~, l_ t' t~ J'>{- \ ,PC; ~i ~), ~~ ~tP r'~ : ,,';; - ./(,0" , I" ;:.") j,~i:;{,; \ ;;,'\'1.:, i 1 1 J I 1.1 J ~.j ~ \~ J \1i :1 '1 ~ u ~ /~ () o ", PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATION BOYNTON EEACHg FLORIDA All ~pplicat.ion~ to be processed by the Planning a.nd Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Planner thirteen (13) days prior to the regular meetingo The applicant will be advised as t.o supplemental meet';ngs necessary for application reviewo ~ All applicants with approved site plansu which at a later date request a revisionu will be processed in the same manner as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective at the time the revision is requestedo Name of Applicant ~~~/b ~CJe4!J 6 j ~ ~~~ ~, j/; J" , ~ ~I ~ 11 ~1 ,~ ~ ,~ 1 9 ,~ -"\ ,1 't'J, ~ ~'~ '.',~ "", , 2i- .''1 :1 '~ " i~ ::1.1 ~ lkJ , 'I 'j )<'j} ~~j ;;''''1'' ~:' , " j '~~ 1~0' i :~ ~l "I. } ~..~~<:' o f" ~~ ~ ~ J <~ \ \1' J J :1 Applicant lJ s Address~/@;:;t p4~A.~~~~S~~ ~ 7' Address of Site ~Y'-L &- p~" /~~ ~.D Intended. Use of Site ~~nf'-&"~ /if?~~JI7~'--=> ,,~ ~t?d*~?~~ f~ ~ tf'..P L&r{}PcYf~~ S~V~ " jY Legal Description of Site~ ~- The following- dat..a must .appear on all copies of the Site Plan ~ 20 Area of Site t.:;-= ~~ ~o;/ 7}'~ <tS f) ~ .' Existina Zone .; 1.. 30 Total Number of Units Proposed ~/ 4~ Density Gross Per Acre ~~~. ~ % of Lot .~, ....~..._- 5.. Building Area~~6~ Sqo Fto 60 Parking Spaces~ ReqUd /@~. Droposed 7 0 Parking - Aisle Area~1q..sq c> FJt 0 /ctJ~ &~ % of Lot % of Lot 80 Street Area Sqo Fto 9., J.landscape Area ~~~q 0 Ft 0 100 Height of Buildings ./ r Feet /&=---2- % of Lot OvV~ - "'-...,( Stories 110 Total Floor Area~~~sq~ Fto What is the applicantOs interest in the premises affected? ~~~ , - (Owner-; Agentu Lessee g Etc,,) =- (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boardo (1) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knO~Wledge and beliefo This application will not be ac~ ce e uVlless"", gned. by the owner of the propert.y <> ~ 0.:/J7 / /7 / -=-~ ~fIf:t,.~~~~,~~. ~;-. ~/ ~V@~~~fe~ER-~ ~ T!1e' Ownei--has ~herebv ~aeilqria~ .. 0'.1> ~ the above signed person to act. as his agen~ in regard to thi~ petitiofio (To be execn~ed when O'ft1!'ner designat.es anot.her to act. on his behalf 0) :Z g \ .ll, '1 J "l \ If C'\ " f< fi.{ \ -!!o<,~\ ( !'} c' r- t~ t,{ - ~i (' 'i) 'v.:.. 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All meetings of t.he Communi"ty Appea.r-a,nee Board are open to -the PUblic 0 If.1POR~IANT - Requirement.s for Revief'1g IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIE~~Dr A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED .~~,BE PRESENT AT THE MEETINGo Preliminary Review Requirements~ Ao Si te Plan (including the General Landscape Development,) Bo Building Plan Co All Exterior Elevations with material designations Do Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments Eo Sketches of all signs and their dimensions Fo General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements~ Ao Site plan showing setbacks; landscaping, all outside areas and their uses 0 La:ldscapin~ may be in general terms f b-c.'c t.he ~eic;:-:t.s a:r;c gE~eral types of Flants and trees must be noted, includipg_lig~~~ng; fences; or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (lO% minimum) $ Building Plans Detailed drawings for all signs Exterior surface trea~lents (including roofs) Exterior color scheme (including that of signs) ~ All colors must b~ designated by sampleo SlX (6) sets of working drawings and specifications 0 ~ B ,. Co D" Eo Fo Date of Review J. follow-up Da.te Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting) ~ s: ~ Community Appearance Board "" C.l1'a-irnian -,--- - .""'l .} J j & t ,,,;~ """~':J:1. B:~J1 ,]t5 ' ,\ "",11\", ' ;"'m~,.i (j ..t.'! ,;:;J: 0o~ '. {--J1.1/ CI\B Fo 1.1Tl # 1 (': I · r ..(: ~.. '," 4" .-,....,~, l,..], ,!!:""t,,^,j- ;','f' '" ~ . I( IJ jJ ,.~~ 'j( ._-, \, '\.. 'C,\ .,1' A' N H '" =7'... ~ , ''7},..j[ "'""._,,~" '<' ill. '."'" "', l\ Q 202 t, ~~ '~~ ,~..,~,_. - ."'~ 'b ..~ ~ ('f:0'-;;,,',,',.,.,,) ~yy , co. t,'_.. .:..un......."':ITY A......- ....An.. 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