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D Master Plan Modification -lVIPM D D Preliminary Plat ~ pp D D D Site Plan - SP D D Site Plan Modification - SPM Rezoning - JR Rezoning and Land Use Element Amendment - LUEA Annexano,.} - A ..\bandonment - Abdm Number of Sheets 7 tf ,L 9'35 Approved D Denied D Conditions D 1fe/~'/I T ExC! E ~Zi() d Year C01\l.llVffiNTS: -JJ (2 11-1,,;1-/1/5 FHdlll~ N<<>>o X <<>>ff X JRetJrRJ! 1\1(0)" . JFrr~me~ &~ 1~ IT@ihIW1J~tJ~~t~~J;jjtJ;;j~n1t1m;t@%@t~jj~~;j~ff~f;:i:K\Drfl7ffitliljrti18~iiK:m5ffmnna~{Nf~;~~~~~~j)ij~~~~~j)~jtj@~~~)ii~~~j~~~ii~~~~i~i~j~~@~@)~iji@jUjlI~jl1ij1~t1i@~j~j!j~~~jj{:::d, ............................................................__.~.......rn~\Y.t!~......................~.~ &\l/.u.,llW~&~..;~~Ut::~...........................................u........................................-. -.. JFOX1!ll.'il 111 0101~1b R2 II '. ~\ .;:1 , l,n,' '\ III " I ;1 I .,'If . fI .j ",_",.._",,",'t>-,('> _.,.::;.;:;..,..,r7\ ,\, r.'\.':' ~. 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"' " ':J :4 , ,~" ::0:, , .,i, :. ~~ :);l> ~ ~j , 1 H I 11 , ~ 'I,~,l > :l (~ ~ i ~ j ~ 1 1 ;1 j i ~ ~ \j ;l 'j C~uY Ql~ raOVNJOU\fl ~[EACM 120 N.E:. 2nd AVENUE P.O. SOX 310 aOYI/TON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 73<Hl111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 7 March 1985 Mr. Howard E. McCall, AlA McCall & Lynch 311 E. Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 Dear Mr. McCall: Pleas7 be a~vised that on Tuesday, March 5, 1985 the City Co~nc~l den~ed your request for a height exception in reference to Executive Plaza. As previously discussed, this proposal may go forward so long as the building extensions beyond 45 feet in height are removed. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH C~.J~ Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director /bks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File ..,.....-.--~..----~--,.-.....-~- .. .~,_________-4~ ;1. 1 1 I 1 ( APPENDIX A-ZONING 5=4 hos been studied and considered in relation to the following atandm-ds, where applicable: IJ. Whether the height exception will have an adverse effect on the ellillting and proposed land uses. b. Whether the height exception is nei:e8Sary. c. Whet.1ter the height exception will severely reduce light and air in adjacent areall. d. Whether the height exception will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent prop- erty in accord with elIiating reguloti(\fw. e. Whetber the height exception will adversely affect property values in adjacent areas. f. Whether the height exception will adversely influ- ence living conditiono in the neighborhood. g. Whether the height exception will constitute 11 grant of a special privilege to an individual owner as con- trasted with t.he public welfal'e. h. Whether Bufficient evidence hOll ooen presented to justify the need foil' a height exception. i. The city council may, in connection with proceoo- .:' mg of application tOll' exception hereunder, rrefell' . oame to the planning and zoning' board for recom- mendation. 4. In rllsidential zones, freeiltanding television and citi. '/.erw' band broadcasting antennae may not em:e<ld twenty. five (25) feet !n height, and no freestanding antenna may be construct.ed within the building IIp.tback lines. R:ccf-mounted or wall-supported antennae may enceed the mwcimum district height :!'~gulation by ten (10) feet; but in no inotance, may an antennae enceed the roof line height by more than flfieen (15) feet. .~~ r,""', l :I ! ~:1-'~~\"';' '.~~"'k~,~~, C' '''''-'"...., 'Wi' ..~....~~~~~~-v,::...I{i*,J,.~~t.t...;..,!!J;;; .....,..;)t+..., oP-."",_, ... 'e~ : '-~"" ,. ~".;"~ 'J' . '. ..."'..';....4 a. With respect to private community antenna sys- tems as defined in this Code, the aforesaid twenty- five (25) feet height regulation !lhall not apply. In the instance of private community antenna sys- wms, the receiving antenna may not eltceed forty. fivi! (45) feet in height unle&l an eltception is granted by the city council, and no part of any receiving antenna may encroach in any setback. \ ~ V l Supp. No. 10 1899 Jt 1 'I II I) r [I ,1 J I I AGENDA MEMORANDUM 26 February 1985 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA OF MARCH 5, 1985 Please place the following item on the City Council Agenda for the above-referenced date: DESCRIPTION: Request for an exception to C-3 District Height Regulations to perl' t the construction of mechanical equipment and screen walls which exceed the District Height Regulation by 8.67t feet. This request was submitted by Howard McCall for Glenhurst Development, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Height exceptions are allowed subject to the City Council making a written finding indicating that the proposed ex- ception has been reviewed and considered in relation to the standards listed in Section 4F of Appendix A-Zoning (copy atlached). Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council consider this request based on the responses submitted by Mr. McCall. . ~ ~Y'C-~ !;ARMEN S. ANNUNZ 0 Ibks Attachments I., ri.-i, I t' I 'J ., , I I See. 4 BOYNTON BEACH CODE .:1 5. In residential zones, freestanding transmitting anten- nae are subject to the following limitations: a. No freestanding base tower and antenna shall ex- ceed forty-five (45) feet in height. b. No freestanding base tower with or without an antenna shall be constructed within the building setback lines. c. No freestanding base tower shall be constructed withou-t having first secured a permit from the city building official. Roof-mounted transmitting antennae shall not emceed the roof line height by more than twenty (20) feet. G. CUL-DE-SAC. The Lilllowed frontage oli' a lot whol1ll Ghaped by 0 cul-de-sac or th!: frontoge of ooy OthOIl irregular shaped lot, sheH be measured at. t.ho rot.bnclI ell building line, Gnd shall be not 'eoo t.han cravell1ty.1!ivo percent (75%) of the Il'equired lot frontage in tho applicabHo zoning ,diotrict. ...,;,.. ,._ . .,:<l ..~l!, '. ""JHr. rnMI?ORARY ':lBtHLDil'lGS:' 'lre~~~~' llnilldlmam ouch an modelo, offices t;\nd teol sheds ucod in cOll1jWilct.ie1lll w.ith. construction worIt Only, may Ihca ~m)ittOOl RIm rumy daatne!; ali'ter approval of the bUilding inopection OSlParinmlOIlll(t, ond tho ll'emoval of which io t.lccomplished within tDl!ny (~) doyo ofwrr conotruction ceaoeo Oil' io complClwd. ll. PUBLIC BUKLDINGS. AU huildin(lO and pll'op:arliro city owned and oporawd ond eng-lOged in tha )JltlrfOIi'mMCO oft a publ!c function may be perrmitwd in ar.,y diatrict 0!5 dlo1lin~ herem. J. OTHER STRUCTURES. To further clarify the definition of structure all applied to ali dist:dcts and boundaried. the following shall appl~ e:'c~pt that corner lots shall be regulated by other pna:s of thIS ordman~e. The foHowing structures shall be permit- ted In front, rfJar or SIde setba:C!ts as provided in this ordinance, in ~ny zone, except where So noted; talting into conBideration eltist. mg easements: . "'-:,-,.,;., , ~~~\'~"~f'O'>......or.._....lt""""""<.''''~'.1 ", " ,,,,,=.,,..c,,,,,,,~~~~.1!i",,,,J' .,H--.,,,........, - ".~...~,... .. .... I I j '.j j 1 I i I I I ~ I I Supp. No. 10 1900 (/ I I q(') ,1 I I ?!] 11 I 1,1 ( rl ! I , 1, ~ ,..,. ,-) '" - ,.'. -.,., Sce. 4 BOYNTON BEACH CODE ... ..' point at least three (3) feet from the side property line and/or at least three (3) feet from the rear property line providing no easement rights are abridged. C. BUILDING FRONTAGE. Every principal building shall be located on a lot or a publicly dedicated, accepted and maintained street or private street which conforms to accepted street standards of thi.s city. D. THROUGH LOTS (DOUBLE FRONTAGE). On through lots, the required front yard shall be provided on each street. E. [VISUAL OBSTRUCTIONS.] No fence, sign, planting, hedge, ::;hrubbery. wall or other visual obstruction shall be created or maintained with a height greater than three (3) feet above the street level, within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of the 'right~of-way lines of two (2) streem, in any zone, except that open chain-link type fences may be a maximum of four (4) feet and b:ept visually clem-. . _',~r,::,,::,'~~~.F..HEIGHT LIMITATION$.~~EXCEPTIONS' . - ....:a.,........._..... ,'.:.._._w......~ ' 1. No portion of any Btrfi~~lntended to be utilized for residential, commercial, or industrial purpooes within the municipa1limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, shall exceed the height of forty-five (45) feet above the final grade level of such structure, except as noted below. 2. Water, cooling and fire towers, radio and television tow- ers of commercial nature, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanical support syst:~rr.s. and similar structures, and their necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected within a structure or on top of the structure, above the district height limim. tions provided herein, after obtaining approval of the city council based on their consideration of the stand- ards for evaluating exceptions to district height regula- tions set forth in paragraph 3 below. 3 In considering an application for eltception to the district height regulation, the city council shall make findings indicating the proposed. elIception 1 - 11--- I ~ Ii\' o C i I II I ,I 'I Cd) ~ ~ :s ~ t(J Cd) ~ C) ~ l=l :t u ~ :r: u ~ c(J ~ <( U u ~ \.1/ ,,,,j,)<'i'i l~d:~:. L ~,. .. '~'I,.;" .... Supp. No.5 1898 p~'r-Jn " "",'t" " $.11 ,..---~;< 25 February 1985 N ..... "" ..... ..... ~ ;: ~ i o ~ .( g ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o E j ~ ~ ... ... ..... Carmen S. Annunziato Building Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Reapplication of Glenhurst Development Executive Plaza Dear Mr. Annunziato, The above referenced project is again being submitted for approval and permits and as before it will require an exception to the height limitation. The exterior appearance, and the height are exactly as previously submitted and approved by City Council. The exceptions to the height limitations are for the cooling tower and its enclosure at an elevation of fifty-three feet eight inches (53'8") above the finished floor of the ground floor level, and for the elevator hoistway roof at an elevation of fifty feet two inches (50'2") above the ground floor level. The ground floor level of this office building is a parking garage which is essentially at grade level. The height exception is necessary because the air-con- ditioning equipment on the roof surface requires a screen wall to surround it to visually screen the equipment from view from the surrounding neighborhood. The elevator shaft exception is required because of the standard reo. quirement of extra height above the top floor. I do not believe that these exceptions will have an adverse effect on the existing or on the proposed land use and it will not reduce light and air to adjacent areas, nor will it be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent ~roperties and will not adversely affect property values 1n adjacent areas. This height exception will not adver- sely influence the living conditions in the neighborhood. I do not believe this exception would constitute a spec- ial privilege to the owner because the placement of this equipment on the roof could be considered as a benefit to the public welfare. M I M II I Il' II 1, T H l' ^ M ~ II 1 l' A N INS I I I l' T f 0 f A l\ l' H 1 I f l' T S ;; 'J '~i ~, .," ()-I :-.,~.i (i;: t) '" .' l'~,:' j1"\\ if ;~ ~ ,,~,\.f~: c;---- -~"",(j' ~~\& \ ~ ~~,J.. . "r? \ f i l r, { ~(: t'%.~ f r r t I:.' ,-;;.. I ~ r ' ~." ~, t l~ %J ,~? "I r, r~ I ~ . ,,~ [ Li l~~ 'J c~, fl" I,,,, "b 'dt ~ I:~ l? C J) .~ ~ '! <;:!; y 1;;' # ~ l~" r' 8'" &'. _U I',," M' V.' "'" ;,,; , _C',.1-'., fl ~ J ,7",: ,c,:~~} ; ~, co: I I ,,' 1('-' t1\ " j .~~": G p ~ ," ./ tP l.) ~l "" '" In. !~!- f;<~~ cl "'~ '" :: Q [;. f) :'1 - ,~j "~:,' ~.','i '.~ 'j ,}V I '., ~1 ~ G ::l ,,, ~~ II '~~ " ~j ~.I:; '~ o Q b ,p~ r/ >0 ..:1: !;Ie; "\ OJ "\'(' ''1 ,>;" ~,) '>J ~7~" j ~":l \~ ~:'j ,po ',~ P~{ ~ ,~~ "'" ,,;,,}l Q~ l ~."\ ,f~ ~ :,01 ..: ~ }6~ If;;1 '" cP " ~ -;;: " ~ >~ ()~ t) " '" ~u {i " 0 " 1/ o fJ '~ co, ~ ? Q :?'1 " " t., 0 a ~ co " C 0]'_ ~ o '" ~ l" ,,,},I) ,~./(t."'t, ; ,.),;, l ,.~ - {.::;' ','.",_,;.','1,1; J." ..:J:._,. .' ~L:~o,{ ~'.,~,.~,,_K,. 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" -,!J ". ii\ IJ ~;\ II '" " ,i. 1-' "'" /f' ~ V "''' "h) <i' ,. .Y ,.i'1 ,. ~- <:1\1" fl' " d~ ~ ,,, ;) '. ",", ,,. I,.':.,~'J ~ 1'- _.J' tj" "b" /} ^'lA~" ~ .~ '0ij t',;~~ '1; I,' 1;~ ~~ o{::::)"-' ~, "" ),:, I" {~ ,\ ~~ "" 'IT) ,Ji : t~r~<\~-lli 'i?", '. \\ !.\\.~~ A -/;\, OJ ,i' dt I'D"... ~ J~ ~ ""l~~""""'\~~'\1""! ",-d;, ~ () I' ~ M'l Fl , Ml CJ\ f?j -. Ml o ('<'j "=" N ('<'j ~ ('<'j ('<'j S 9 ~ ~ ~ < g ~ ~ ~ ~ o i ~ ~ ~ ~ r=l r=l ('<'j I j ~ rJ?J (ff.) ~ CJ ~ SS CJ ~ :g CJ ~ ~ td ~ CJ ~ ~ ~l~!' ~ <::i " ~ lII.'-" Carmen So Page2 Annunziato If any matter additional information please contact meo is required concerning this I remainu Sincerelyv M rG:rdJ Howard E McCa.ll/? AoIoAo MEMBERS THE AMERICAN OF (I II, ~'1' "'~~--.-'"~'ii"-"'---'---"\r"-'\.!""~-"'l5--'~-'-' 0{) p' If i~ "iJ '{) ,,'" /j ~ ~ ~ 6\:\ ;<) .." '" 9 -~~:',---rf-'''~--'''''''''~ 'l,-.----'.w-~~S...~..._~.-. '::.....1 ~ ~f II" ~ .:!,: fj ~ ~ U ':;,~ ~ ~J ~,-) l\ ~ 1/ '" 'J'{I V !' I \',\, [i d ~~ l :/, 1 I ! 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