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~~ u I I ! I u /', (I ,~ 00 " ~ " D (I:: .'~ \ Q\\ " cic'f'~"~A.' 0"'0 ,"~ ~ \~ C I ~\v~. ~ Q 0"" 'rti ,'. j ',~ '-~;::: .. _,';\'::'-'''' v' ",' ,'_ '::.; 0. j;;::;'~ . ~t'?i \~;o ..;~" -: , r "~\"; do' ,~., , . \, ~/,. ";~~~~~'~' ' ~~,<\ ~.\'tf5 G '~~rr G' (! I. \e, \ ~, , }-~ ,. ,~.~ (;l 'I 'J ~,..,._---..~ """\' , . ". -, ~.\ "" "ri".....j' () ).~~ I I) \\ . .. ~;, ,- $> " .i l' . '\. D . (I j' r,,"! , ',- (:, \ I;' ~ Q..;.... . ,. ~ . ,j "~, ." Oc' ". 0 '"" . .... ," ,~Ii' /4'"=-'!:';" '~""~_1I j!!lIiN IIJJI..fljlllll~liIlIItiL_lII~I""~,"/"~;'~~~.' ", o . ...-~-' 'u.. .'.~ 1JIJ~---~ ~m &ii.:ill ~ o J'\ () .J) J' L1 ;'~, ,,) .~ ~. lli.. __~... ~ \1 lilllIllIb..' {/ ~ ((). '-.J CJ ~': ",.,t:,1~:Y. ~,,\? ~. '(~'~? ,- 'j t,..) " '...... ~ \1 iIIiI'~ ---._ - City of Boynton Beach 1\1ICROFILM INPUT SHEET Plall11illg DelJartmellt Developlnent File _'!o' ..----. w Pro C ect N aa"lle 1) -/.R4;/ oA/- t~ate J/o-/J-87 DOCUMENT TYPE Parking Lot Variance - PL V Conditional Use - CD D Preapplications - Preapp D D Master Plan - ?vIP D D Master Plan Modification -1\1PM D D Preliminary Plat - PP D t8J D Site Plan - SP D I D Site Plan Modification - SPM I Rezoning - R Rezoning and Land Use Element Amendment - LUEA Annexatio...l - A Abandonment - Abdm Number of Sheets' L~ Year /9' 7f - COMMEl~TS: Approved ~ IV () f f-1J1tJ-5 , Denied D Conditions D I .:~:~:~:::~:~:~t~~~:~t~~~:~~:~:f~~~t~t~~~t~::i\:~:l:\1tP~:il~~~:~~~~~ri:;i1n\~~ft~rfj:fttrtt~:t~~~~~~~t:~:~n 1~ fiti'~~t:::;:;:;:~{;;:trnNft.::t~::~i~~~~~i~~~:;:::~:~:~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~:::~::;::~:i:i:~:~:~:~~::~~~:~:~:::~:::::.;:: :; ...... ........................:;m;;l\111N${ ....... ....~ UI"lrll\YU~~"""""':MJ Q>'~ ...........NjJ .! ~ mtui........................................... 11:1&_&.4.ialtt&T~t*~.~lItt*#$~tt.gt~tW4#ZiJ.f..II'i-i~; Fichce. No. .J/; 1 X of X Frames f/ I' . ,) ~ .Y t ! tJt'~ ~ {,' t:P ____i\B.J&t- Form " 010787, R2 . ,;' o .,,~. t , ~. It '; .J! ,.t.y; v \) . .I' ,';:., .'. 'l~'.."),. ~, \c' I. ''-''.\0 .,~~. ,/-) "~.\">.\~., I ~ ' 11 ~.. . r I , I ,. .:~; (/ j~''"'" ~.~ ...." 1\ ~~>~,~'-...-'.~--.~~ -,,-~~"_.-,'''-- , .. J1 0, , r; ;:~II /J "" ...,---'.--.----- ,.._-~~.,..'>._.. .,-,~, *_.,..~'.....,. ~;~~~t() c.t" ;'r~t;'~~ , q. -,'" !;.\ .~ ,0:- \~ ., 5., o Q; /~'-~ -!/ a I' t" ; j I I I) 1--' .~ '-.....-..1 '. () ~, '~ () [,) ~.. \;J.' rJ c .) (I " d ~ H,."._ " ::' '::;0., e, t1 I . I :'1 i , {. -it'.;' :.', , ' (I ,r~ . ~ ~,...z" _ ,:; .'" I f) .~,,,,"y' '1i.<~:,,":. " ",,' ,.\ .__~,,,__L..""..,~'e.,.~ , ,~R .~~- . ~ ,. y r; C) \' ,_ \ ,', I,! <:::1 :.\ . 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Police Dept: STOP signs; I .- -- -_--~. . ,U~-r~'~-"'~"-'~~~ ~,_. _ _ ___ __ ___ ,~~,=--_~~_,,~~~~."'''-~~1:~ " SUBJECT: ",~,_,~!~,~,{tJ:;."~,e:!;,Q};,,~g:,~,,,J~!!.;!.J~~~\!,ng - J aTIle s'YAQ,,~J~Q!1nQ/:r"=..~.,..~ r,.=~~",D ATE: ,=" Z::1"L=22'=.~J"======' f"O bD + i With reference to the above, be advised tha.t the compacted shell rock driveway from the south parking area is in conflict with Section 18-4 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Planning Dept: Asphal t temporarilr drive; Dedicate Right-af-way on Congress Avenue; Recreation Dept: Substitute 6-ft. bike path for sidewalk which will tie into proposed bike way network north S.Ws 23rd Avenue and south to Lake Ida Road; to Fire Dept: Show details for fire connections. 1'411 I~:~~~" J..-f 10"1 l E I am in agreement with page I in reference to the sidewalk, as long as the developer installs a six foot (6i) compacted paved bike path which, acc0rdingly, is in conjunction with the land use plan~ ", "i I ! 0 PLEASE REPL V TO fj SIGNED Eo Howell J 01,1 I" .' .&IIlI~ '._ REPLY ~ , \ "1 "0:3 J, ~ATE~'1/~G~EI! 9'1 ;:- 1;1 I TH~~ COiPV ~O~ ffE~So)N A[JJDw~~~~V) c4j ~ ~ GRAVARC co.. INC.. BROOKLYN. N. V. 11232 ~ ~ i 11 ,::'1: I, II I I ~ I ~ .~ I t " ," Ii ..~.. ")[" 't".~ :>j ~: ',~b--" : ,. L: i 0.'~ t ,~ I r I . ','. \. ",-- ) (\. " 'c \~r .. ';, '!.\. 1\' c' A 'I ,;-' 'i '~~"':< ':; ,\~ --::. \~' '-~~, ':.,: I "\" ,'" .',. 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"t <:i ",.,. ..11 . ..... ~'< ," ....."t.~ 'al'" .,. ~. c'" .,~ ' "t.,.,: ~.~ '''', . _.:.c.'" '~'--..,~t___'~ .J:\... _ 4 ''''~:.!t.. 3;'$ c ,tf"!,...?\ "~'ll", Ji'~,}';' .- 0 c ". .." - RETURN TO =- III . .. 9 l~ :j:;~l L~~lt]~~}8 ,,:. ';.. =1i.r ..,. I<"""'\~"", :.:....~' ':. ';"',,.;;t, '1:.....;;.... ~_~ """J..iJ. Q' " ,;r L.,.// DATE' "" .., ~;:".: SIGNED ,. ,v. .~ '. .....~....~ "'\.~ .:'J.. .J..'.,;.... ,:t...'.a". to t::: l;::? $ ~.,,'~~-j , #t/~ r-t'U...J j4~'AIe r,l~~ ~/L-U ~.;:u-J-- ~~~r-~~ d ?~.~ ~4 u<-~-f-~.. ~ /~l~"~-- J'll~~..,,~ ./~ ~ ~ ~~ I~" 7 DATE: il SIGNE;,e.::;:;,r;;::.- a~- -,~~,. ~" -- - GRA'VARC co., INC., BHoo~tl_YI\!, N. 'V. 11232 ," fl ,,~;~j rP'ji"Ii3lK' ".-,.,ro'.n ,,-;,[,U''''' \. rr';'f0r(~(''''~"i7''i, rSlr'''''''P n,,-';)r n .....nnr''0 !7"::c..:',;,~I\~", 'ijli"'i1 ~c;:f.r.\~(rjr~'Ur';; lr.JI.~Dll<;:;';lI>k!lU'\) (i'Yj~!!.-tiU'st{",~~~~ !iil~ti \011~U'.d Uhnij~ 'OJ;7,,,..v . v ~ """l!;,a ;)~"'" u ,,',' ,--t' ..":, ~ 11\ .. ~;;::..~ ;;:;,.C:~"7-:'<~"-""~-"" .. , 6 it ~.).;') . . (t 1\ t ~ .'-":').< './' ~, .~"~. ~~:6', ','"'''.1." " . ....f$... . '~'. ..~,... " .~_i:i,\":' '~~~tt..,.. ," I;'V<~ .~~>.~.~: ~'. ,...~. .. ,~"f...,~:"~!~fi;rt""it'*"~,':"~~.r.~~:::'''' w :'.' ,.~.u;'~:~~' ~~>~C" ~' ~ II " ....,._<-,..,.,.-:._',"'~-:~:~-=;lt:::'""- M'h"~-"""-~ -"'--. -~ ~ . o .~~ oc;.~, ,., c 'fi' ,~ , .' \1 '.',.,';. ::0 i,',~ ',_ .' Q , ..... " . ..' ""'.' r ..... ~cC' .' ~ }) ;1"/ :) ~ " ] , o i" ] o 0 '''''Q . c 11 (F o :1".<;,," ".'. . Q 0 , J , (j cl' a- '" aRc ~ >!ill ,?J' o I " " ' 091 ;' l ,,0 G () ~, I I ,Q ~ -, I '" ~ c '~j"~,_ r\ t ~---..__--..-.'....~~ ~.....,...~,....' !l ,0 ii, o "q :;.:;,C:i ".,.; c~o o " ,;,. ~'.. 'o0':'P'is; ,,,,,, C..:.*/ .... \ > ~_e '-..... l.7.~)).: ~f.-~~'_ ',." ':co~ii';;1~V'o\~""I~: P',' (\, ~ f) if' I~,~.c c 'C>x; v" BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN APPROVAL CHECKLIST Date Recvd. JUL i 11979 Project Narne6rr'lA (Liller or '&:JNiorJ!'4~1 D8velopeY'6uiCW(L 'Dbl\.Wt1> (",UVdJJ~~ Owner SfrMB L. 0 t.bNAJfJfL Archi tect HA1aJL-p PtAAJC~-r-r~ Agent J)ol\..'.A1..i> (tUVJ\l)N4H4M Trustee SCl:r.";,~eyor OId511lEN . 5u/rm ~ Q'rsteJE"tJ . fA-tit 1-1. MAilruJ . p. E . , Engineer GENERAL: (Are the following requirements met?) L/project cost greater than $100,000. --;7(6) copies submitted by applicant. MAFees attached/receivc~. v Scale of 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. PLAN REQUIREr~NTS: V A.l. /VA A. 2. -VA.3. -:TA.4. -YA.5. -;:TA.6. ~A.7. -:r-A. 8. -;:r-A. 9 . ./'A.IO. (Refer to Sec. 11, Zoning Regulations.) Comments: INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION: N~ Palm Beach County (traffic analysis) M~School Board (e~hool plant planning) South Florida Water Management District == (other) (drainage) REVIEW SCHEDULE: ,/ T.R.B. -;:;TP. &Z .B. -TC.A.B. =z::council Action: . ADDITIONAL REMARKS: I. .sr',i ~ "2. . pc..Pnv:> vI ~ (! I.l~ TiS 13LDCi ~ E'NC;. (orig 2-79/ncG) ~v I II il h if II ~\ \ B l! . \) C) \:' 0, T/;l'.'~'.i ,,:.,9 I) 'I' ,q_:~ ,t~".~.>t~;':::'2;:'~-:-~~~,i~T0'11~?;:'-T"""';:' 'o~ 0",. '" ;[ ~I !I I[ II II [ 'j BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN APPROVAL CHECKLIST d JUl 02 Jg79 Date Recv . ( (0. :50 It'e1!ISIIMJ) proj ect Name6112.4 G'i>Sff df gOYlS(fJ~/DfLfZ!r1 Agent 1.:b",At,J> (UI\.lIUI&J~H-hi'''' l t.:rD. I Developer/'6/J.1I.T>fYL - VorJAt-D (ft.NtJlc.,y;/M'M Trustee Owner ;J~E3 l. (/ ~Nole.. Surveyor O'03~/tl\). SWI€Yl- ~ D'BraeJ fL.. fJfJ/1lDL D ) .... H ILl (') - Archi tect .Ei1Z'L U. I1Ml1J 1T1loc. {!5/JhVC1l'E1'1"€ Engineer ~A1U.. . nAr'Z1'itJ \l,t'. . I GENERAL: (Are the following requirements met?) ~project cost greater than $100,000. ~(6) copies submitted by applicant. -;JAFees attached/received. v Scale of 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. PLAN REQUIREr~NTS: (Refer .to See. 11, Zoning Regulations.) Comments: rJD LOCArio;J SJ!e1tH ; MII\JJM(tt... u1iL....nES .5#w,JrJ (tJo LlAJt-S) 1 J v' A. L NA A. 2. -VA.3. -VA.4. ,t' A.5. V'lL6. -VA.7. -;;TA.8. -vr-A. 9. v A.lO. AlD utiftrllv4 stnnJrJ (ecrt:7Z1iJ/J-) 1,. WilY q/)o ~71U/rZ€S 4S' f/(1lC/14eTVi (1.'5' Fin'L Mc~s f'1/~t.G', ti)' ff;;z. (}tJy) Sa.Jen. LI/lJE tJl?oN~ ... 5f./twV fC8)'b. q.' If'l>DWl 1o/bJ ~ Co~uss INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION: Ie ,. I I i I I I I NA Palm Beach County (traffic analysis) #h School Board (school plant planning) -South Florida Water Management District (other) (drainage) REVIEW SCHEDULE: ./ T.R.B. ---v'"P. &Z. B. ~C.A.B. --;:7'"Council Date~Jf; -:rllf:; , 9-/11- I Action: b ADDITIONAL REMARKS: q. (lrilltse l"fe7V\S 5. ~ "-=1-. q ~!I ON P t ':2- A?~t.ICA;rc)rJ 2. 9~ PIN/Nt; SP;FCS (6 "lto(./( I //'1 MP;t;:;J..VJ Oil! Pt.,tV 3. YDtlIZ-$ ..,... 13~'DG. M.14SI DPtlnJ INNIWZ-IJ 4. M>/),'1iOI\Jf.t-L ~~ r;k~7IU7J /Zt.n)'f). (orig 2-79/DCG) .-~~~~~~ . ~~~~~ ~n rlW flrJ: ~M~r;. /!d)5tq ~ v ~ ~ .r 1''' z, I . ... (;t.$ i)/fflUfUE'l'> 70 /J/,.Dtj ~ f'N~. - I%t?VT 1lI1J77~f(H> " nn:tort. DISQU'. {lff;VG/eIt (}WTr1hiVD.lA/tf. ,g;.;:;;O ~ \..J -& o 6 (' " Project Name 5rfCI/ Closer tJT$q'JfTo1/IJa&yIAgent .lk~4t.f) UUJIVIAJCNAh _I.SUHJ)l:-?l.. _. ]) /i t11>. ~ at Iflft./) L4J./IJ{!1JNt;~ Trustee Owner ,"J/11t-le:s L. 0 'OhV,J()/e. Surveyor Archi tect EJfrZL N. /1/fttT1AJ)~ Engineer ~ G; <?,. f? 0 .-; J.5.. ....-(~ " F'-" ,>,;~.....~,\ 'r',> ....\0,. .......... ~~~~j~= \~:l il II · \[ \ BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN APPROVAL CHECKLIST ;.J ~ ". t' . '~ ," ;10.' ~-'6":' c r. ~Qi;~ J:~;1J f~ ''.::~ ..",.,..,_. ~\ In'\: ;; \', ~ 170 g>~~) _\~~-i~ ~.~ .V. ':1'",' \:i:f'~ .~ ~~ ~~'~ q ~;, ~';', k' 9,.:--; ~~~ t? loHC oj '~i~ b~ ~tJi ~~ ."JV ~n Date Recvd. d~f1/~ J " I II II i {) 'vIl2lffJl,1 SUI/ER I ()'/J/fJeN -r- , eJ;;eL f/. /y/hmd. I? €. , GENERAL: (Are the following requirements met?) I' !' :1.\ r I (Refer to Sec. 11, Zoning Regulaticn~-) V' A. l. NA A. 2. v A.3. ~A.4. ----;:7"' A. 5 . ----;JO A. 6 . ~.7. v .8. V A. 9. ~A.lO. Comments: lIt) l.CCvrTi~ 5"a7C1! ~~~(...~? ~~~. (sere t3a.o..J) ~~";;~~~ ~Gta--5~ Se7AJ&Z- ? IfJ.D ~ .s~tJ ; HK' IfY~ lfu;',r;., SM ~ ~ &M: ~,. ~ . M) L/~.rf-naJC, .5'Jk;&JN ..-.-,~.cn>= ..: ; _'_. (drainage) r;~~ .,/ Project cost greater than $100,000. ~(6) copies submitted by applicant. N4Fees attached/received. ~Scale of 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. ,W"'='. PLAN REQUIREr~NTS: I I I I I I [I \1 l' II 11 'I \1 INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION: Palm Beach County (traffic analysis) ~School Board (school plant planning) 1 ~South Florida Water Management District ==(other) REVIEW SCHEDULE: Action: Date: T.R.B. -P.EtZ.B. -C.A.B. -Council ADDITIONAL REMARKS: 3. $Ull'W ('MINC4 Sf'f::J-CS ~ II 'j I' !l {orig ~ -a-IJ,.~ t%.~ aiu. ~ '3 i Ii vO~""G. ".,.'_.~.. "'-o_.',~. ~~"~,~....._......._.,~_._......~~~"._. o l.." A ~i fJf:1 ~'P ," II (,: Q ;.... , ''': "0 '" i'J,p i i 6~ n .. v r~J ,.. / [& " vii' /~...---..,." 0- IJ ..1-/ (' ,," "f i;\'l "',/ " / i I I ,( f ,I :i , ~J,; " , '.1 :~ , (] ;, 1 :1 :'j \4 '~ ~~ '~ I ~ W ~1 ~:~~: ~~, . , ,;j:.: :~~ ~,~',~,':!,~J,,' """ ;J',: ~'I jfu Of} I~ ~i $':4 ",~;1 " ~',,< !~l J ~,''!/l '~ "~ ~l ~ ~~' ,2~.. ~-.':],' ~,~,~ " ~ l., \f.:1 ~.~~~' "'~ l~ '~'.j~ .r::2;.. ~ :{f.ri T~}j' :?,~; 0' ' Q' ~'J, ~ ':~1 ~'~ ~~~ ;~~ >W~ ~t rp;. :-~,j ~,~ M :i~ .;u ... ,,, 00 ~. ~~ ~~~"~b ,\),~ If ~j t,~~ {;" '~ l,/l, ~~ -J ,~{,1 ii{dJ i,:,~,'i~!f.'~,' ~? '::' "I. 'm~] 't~!q , I ~--', ,'J '~~t,] ~,\;! },o:t)'~ ?q "';;'{1" 'j"=<.{ "c '~" f " '1 i;i~,~ j"n/:fJ!Vf; ~',. ~:~;eL 1 /t'M5) :'-, g~; i ""I ~ \~t , Ii ) ,':$'*' "o,~& 'G-~^ i: 'I j :;.; ''-t{ ;!/ 0, l~-~'~'" 'j' '" ~'~,' - ',f\ ;;r,> ~, O~..,;;. 'If ~~,l rl,\ ' I , \, \j' ,t! "~ ,J} ,,=,1 1ll'~ - ~&;i,;':: f(~ ~ , 00 "1:, ~ \'f-) I'b~l !f.J ~;~- "}(;,, ,"0 if'" ',,,\\"'1" ",!:'} JJ ~~ ~, '(..l ;:; <;-~.:: \\. Cl !.l. -fJ ':' i' \\.r~r jr<,"\\ I' ,/ (:t !,:' '-',~\ - : ....~'J ",( ,; !/,;~ o ;) I~" . \1' ".>(.~ \1 :, \. ';):1 f9 ;:~ "'" ''- \~,. ;,\ f)11 ."':',. ,,_ <_.:1-::,'" '~'._.-.- ~.(X"~......':..,..,,_,~,,,.~';:'.':. , I! -::~~, '-~:~:-,-:-'.~-:tt.-<..L---"'~T...-=-.0:4~--:~r~'/ 1~ 7-::" \\ " ,. " -:- .~ ',). " f t}, .1j 41 -,/': !.? -''if'' i: ' ,"'" (J II ;7 -; ,~ ..I' -~~:. "...:/y ,.t.. ,':f , , \, . (~ fl1tj'tr-~r-'Jr\.Otr:\~-~~~7:-\'~' ~,";'A"~?'~n:' ~~t~~' dj~:: ';z;~~''',t7;;.ti':'':;>~_)f i"i~~~-, .,~!B~\ _ rllr9'(.~~ ''1~~~.~f ~~?~q~:,," ' ,\,!,UJJyr. "~,.:;:~~~:~-t,~:;. ! ~ " l> \ "" " ~'~h.~,1I " '..,' .' ~ y\.- . f ~ ~ ..:"t " . E~tra:Closet d@ ~a o ... /3:::770 ~o f!Ao ~Oo t::7i 1 0 ' ~ .. ~""'" 90 degree parking to be 45v pavement 2~way drive with ~f1[E~ parallel parking~to be 3111 Shift. entire site plan 70 to the east toaccpunt for future'right=af-way for COugress Avenue ana dedt~ate'said right=of=way Remove m~~x sign from access aisle Door to building must open=in - Door ~ads to be at parking grade Sidewalk on Congress required , . Must lacate dumpa~er accessible to front, ~nd=lo~dex- Divide every 10 parking spaces with landscape area Turn-around required at east end of south pas:ck..ifiq"''i&~' Must. indicate where applicant intenqs to connect 'with water syst.em and locate and size of line to ,be connec:i;ed _..,- ..~. Must indicate locatio.n of sewer main not sewer E~~JX[ manhole .and indicate where applicant intends to connect-c" M-~tO'@a.(f 'Il~ If@;Ji:''''1 {J to ~ l?vo () p :f; {f/;f.fffa2 MQ/}{J. ~ ,&J(?YJ.1fo ' V1JJ~atAB~. j;c?~(k ~ - ? ~ . .@ Cl ... .... ...._'....II'C(\~...,..Q. ... ..... ~ ." ~ ..' "'....;.' _.,'U~'''''''_'' _..c. .<0_, .,."fJt''f'f.'il'H''''':''''"' h r~ .~ ~~ ~ ~. " ~fi_ 7t . ..,,~_._~~~ ~,'# .~~.~-",~.' .,~O~~,,~.~,..,.~..~fJ~, ,,~, ~ . . I~ro? ~ ' ~- 'f} . (Jil '" I r II" h~ b ~~~ ~ fJl fL!JA.~ l!I~ ~ &JUl &~ =- . ..:'f.~~.~ '.~~ (; .'';.,1 r" ~\~.'~:; \\ . . ,.~._"~.._;......:~, '.: '~'~"~:"':';:'.'V ~:'lf"""~",..c.4..,"i-"~-~ .., t_ . 11"~."'l;' ',~ <-;r "'':1",,<1( (iT! ',f .; i.-' ,.." ~ ~~"",'''","'''''''" . , ..__~I.!t.. ...~.~........~~~..~ ~ ""," ,\. ....... .... '~"'''':I,q , _ ""'" . ....., ...',t ..~-~~:.,....,~. ~ .~' -iII-' ..."', {)J~r ... ~~.~-' . f~' ~', ' . . ~ 'tt'.;..' "__"~",.~., __. ';'zl!.. l''''II~'~. 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'''~'\f ' ) ~.J ~: IA ' \~ i~ '~ ",..... -',:---1.) 1l- ii ~'21 J.; "<", ..;"-~ 1\' I{ ,{ 'N> ~--:.~: \,~ <" \',t1/'."-' - I~""""- /' f/'" ,',,""',', ", ' '.0, &I..' , ",,~i ,/ I rrJ ;/1 ~ 9 i~ ~ ~~ 'Ii J ~J :1, Q\~ ~"{ ,. ~J ~ ~1 I..~~ iJ ~~1 ~\&l ~~ r,'o,.~ r/~ :1~ ~1 ~J ~} ~ }j. ~o ,} ~;~ , !j;! ~~Y:l '\\ 1 17 AI Jj ~~,r ~PJ ~""J"I I).. ((., ~i 'ii"?, 'l i~~' ~\~~? ~t",,"~ :: Ii)" ~+:,~~j ~~j ~ ~,~ \'O\~ J~1 ~\,,~A ;-r1 ~ 6J t~J l}&vit '1'J '~1 ;,(1.1 , I ;~ f :~2 I II 'fjJ ~ ;"b';'P: I " ~,'J.I_ JYt~" 1 \! ~fr- J,,\J \'\.. . ",,-"'~l. B~~c~ If' "1 ~ }V.! ~rO 1):0 2/f'u.. -( tl')'( ~!L..J.,~1t;;6. r::,,~ "~'~ ~ "" ,",~~_~.,-=~~",l_~"~<r"~":;~ ~ o t\..!,~ JUL 1 i l!~?Y II PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATION bOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA All ~pplications to be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Planner twenty- (13) days prior to the regular meeting. The applicant will.be advised as to supplemental meetings necessary for application review. All applicants with approved site plans, which at a later date request a revision, will be processed in the sa~e manner as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective at the time the revision is requested. Name of Applicant Donald Ho Cunningham Applicant's Address PoOo Boy 3004~601 No East Coast Ave~ Lantanap Flao At'ldress of Site 3660 Congress Aveo Intended Use of Site Mini=Warehouse Legal Description of Site See Slll'''~Y The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan: 1. Existing Zone Ml 2. Area of Site 201 Acres 3. Total Number of units Proposed 1 4. Density Gross 5. Building Area 20,000 Per Acre Sq. Ft. 24 ~ ~3 % of Lot 6. Parking Spaces: Req'd Proposed 7. Parking - Aisle Area229000Sq. Ft. 24 % {')f Lot 8. Street Area Sq. Ft. % of Lot 4?a % of Lot 9. Landscape Area 4,045 Sq. Ft. 10. Height of BUildings 15' Feet 11. Total Floor Area ~(I\()D() Sq. Ft. What is the applicant's interest in ~he premises affected? 1 Stories Agent Xow1xer-;-'Agent, Lessee, Etc.) (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or owings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the b~t of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will ot\be ac- cep~ed unlesm~.sig~ed by the owner of he property. 1 l' a.MAf!/? ~ Signature of WNER eS::Lgnate the above signed per on to act 3;;; .: 6 ::Yo 0(1 C / )-' ~i4'( ( as his agent in regard to thaas petition. (To be executed when ft1' :v i: h' j. O1tmer designat.es another to act :;?(~ .- '),) lJY on his behalf.) .. Ii i I '1 ~ ('.1' c. 1>'."" '- I J\\ . ~r---~'-"'~~~. , 'n -"I.. ,~. ()' n ,,""..-. _, _If> i? !.}d~) ~',,;, G "tr~!C:i3'" "L" ,;--,." .. p ~"""~ .~;;..~ .',,~, "'~.-, I II ~ t ! l 1 1 J1 COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD JUL 111979 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID~ Date July 11, 1979 Preliminary ( ) Final IX) Request for Change Sign Approval Pro)ect Name Extr~ Closet of Boynton/Delray LTDo Legal Description South east corner & Ne~tune=See survey Address of Site 3660 Congress Aveu Owner James Lo O'Connor Tel. * 585=7278 Tel. if 965=8424 Architect Earl Ho Martin, PoEo All meetings of the Community ~ppearance Board are open to 'the Public. IMPORTANT - Requirements for Review: IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Preliminary Review Requirements: A. Site Plan (includi~g the General Landscape Development) B. Building Plan C. All Exterior Elevations with material designations Do Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements: A. Site plan showing setbacks, landscaping, all outside areas and their uses. Landscaping may b~ in g$neral terms, but the heig:Qt.s and. . general types of, plants and trees must be note~, includi~g li~~~i?g, fences, or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum). B. Building Plans Co Detailed drawings for all signs D. Exterior surface treatments (including roofs) E. Exterior color scheme (including that of signs). All colors must be designated by sample. F. Six (6) sets of working drawings and specifications. Date of Review Follow-up Date Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting): Community Appearance Board .1 Chairman \.';'. CAB Form jf 1 city of Boynton Beach 1 ?"'9",,'1~ :\" ~ \ 'I' II 1.1 1 J ~ ~ . t ~, Ii If II (I Ii ~l II 11 il 11 ~ # , 1 I, r '" ..-::., ~.:' "" "..--' Inr~-~ "',\ s 0:0 II Ii I< ,m~ "' a t? COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD COLOR AND t4ATERIAL SCHEDULE Date .Tll'! ~r 11 > '1979 Job Name 'F,yt,1"1'! r.'I o!';~t. of P,nynt.on/DI"!11",qy T.rrD. Location South e@lst C01"ner Cone:l"I"!!,;s Pt. N~flt.ni'lA-Sl"!e Sn1"vey Applicant Donald Ho Cnnnine:ham Address~oo Boy '300k.p 601 No East Coast Ave" L~el. iJ SURFACE MATERIAL BEAMS Steel Steel Steel COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS Steel GLASS Aluminum Frames GRILL PANELS None INSECT SCREEN .L\luminum RAILINGS ROOF Steel SHUTTERS SOFFIT Steel Steel WALLS OTHERS (as required) Stone 585=9116 COLOR (Name) Prime Paint Pr~me Paint Finish Black Antique Gold Clear '= Polished Aluminum..Zinc Parchment Antique Gold Yellow \, CAB Form 02 .. City of Boynton Beach 12-5-75 ,Jj -' '1,,' I" !l ~ q v J~~ " II ~If> 'J) oo~\ o ^'- I il I, 'I 1 (~-, !! \'k>. <> H I~ Q o ,'Ill'" o <oi! " ~-""t{,'D"t1".-l "'-..J I i\ \ I , /i,,~. :-- Il. '" " u ,/:, 1/ '"t;\ ,:'~4r'~f:1~~;~j~~Ji,;,,},<:~,_ , /Ie; ~-,~ () 0 '",;'0 cr==-C?,~, ," fi; <j 'f D c: A b lJ ('/ 1/, "u ~'Ul'!'~,,-ITiL, -- ~~~~~"=--'--' [~-.- ..,....-: --~-"',,..,~_..,,---.,----- ~''III?~ ~ ._~v-"--; r<-" , I /" / v :~.Y'" 1/ , / ,. " MEMORAND'UM July 129 1919 TO: TRB }.tiEMBERS . Sgt0 0" Camardellaf police 'Dept. Charles Frederick, Rec~eation Director Bud Howell, Building Offi~ial M~rk Law, Acting Utilitie~ Director Fred Pat~ick, Ass~t Supt~ General Services Allan Nyquist, Fire Marshal FROM~ Planning and E~gineering Departments There will be a TRB meeti~g in the Conference room on TuesdaYe July 17th at 9~OD AoMo for the following p't"ojects: site plan approval prele Plat approval " 11; " Extra Closet . (~lini -wa'rehouses l c:. '., 4.-.G~~-'~ ..- . Seaway Villas . Boynton Lakes Please plan to attend or send a designated representativeQ Grabeel Assit.. Planner CG:mb .::::, (' )i ,II ~. u._,.._.".,..,,~.~ ..._~ -~,.~,...._-'~....~...'--~. "';0' '. ""+"-~"l,...~,.,.,-~,,~.'~. -r-'_'~~_"'" o l.\ ' ", i~:l .'/, \l ~ l\ ~ '" ~f I_I.' ,J.... o .n ~ (1 .. I> ... . ~ \.i .. , <....;,--"'~~,..~..;,~._..,.........~~'''.,..,."...,'''',. . :;,.-<'...LY'- \\ j;'-::.".";;::\_:~:. ',~~~~.l'lol:t;'~i!_~'D'li~';~;~:\m':~~~~""~ .~lIJ:~i:)''''''"'.~~_};~'.~'~ -~ ' . _ ." ;,jI. ~iLo., .. ..";';".&~'.:'_.<.. _ ,1..' ,~':.:t,.:<---. ,;.....'''..:.....!. ..,....' .~'-,...'\'\.{,~:j4,'l". " ...'.,'...'. .,:. "_:":'. ...., ." '. .~..;; ,".:.:""';1 .",,~. .;.",'.c' ',.'.' _.-.,', " .'....c.' ,) ....... '.. .,;L .,". . -...-. ',- ..: ';.": "..... .' -:1"'" ,.L, .. ~~, ~.., .,~,'.., ,'~, ~~.," ,'.,,'~ .. .c~~~:~~~~]~~~ , . '._ ), .......1 . "~s..' ~l .. . ".' " ',-, .' .. .' "t. ~,.' -," ." "FV&~,\ ,-:,-, .,:<;;~;''i:,_ ;,~> )~r~' ..'... . :~~:~/'-"-~;'_~;P'_,,~~~','~~l~~~~~'-€~ ,""""".,,""'.....-"..... .' . ; I , , . , I! I' L I' I I I II I! I' ~ I ,.j '1 II ~ ~ ,!J .t" I! - - J\\ ..\>' ...--.-.....". ill ~-..: ...\ t .~ ~)j .,~ i\" . 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Ci t)!~ Planner "l:."~ft\l;'.~ _ ",_ ,_,~".... _ 'K ___ ""~'''-"''''~----'''J.-''-''''".'''''''''~: k'''_'_ ~ .....,". ,",,",,--- ---........-..,.... -- .--------..~...'--.-.-~.-- ~- - -!!l!> SUBJECT: "~~~1~~~5?J....,1~2.Y,!}~!:,,2,!!lQ~~l:Ee1',,.J~I~.;g.i ~,:,;r~,!:,g!1Q}2:;,f?~,~1,~",DA TE :,"",,~gl~Y_Jd,~I2- Ire LID ~ please evalunL(",~ ~li..t~ plan.s ):or subject develo:Qment prior t:o the TRB r[teeting s\Jhe<lnl,nd for 11:uesday y July 17 at 9 ~ 00 a 0111.., Ho.te especially d.rainagc computations 0 Thanks 0 CSA~mh o If>>lfEASE REPLY TO -~-'" ",,,,,,- ;A J J /' SIG~E!?_\..d~~~~:,,:~-._ > ~~_ ---." /~~/~" " ./ REPLY ~ DATE: SIGNED ~~~_.,'""'""?"..,'''_;......._,...,.....:.....~~~~..~~.~'"~..,.."'."~;._.~"" _.,...."'" .~ZJ:it'~~,.....,..:m~~...,...... ~'_..._,.~.;~.~~.iu' \lo..,_'~,~'::...____,_.",,,,,,..,~~~~ ...- .. """-';~ .,. ~._~" ..,_....-""~.,.--~"'...... n.'","",,"""- G~AVA~C co, INC.. i3ROOKLVN, N. 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