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'4-' ~:..\..., \,.... -/..1 c ";~,' :::'~i~-" _.~\_.:.. .:;:,,"'~ w '~t,~~,:;. , , !r -lj,,-'a[,'::':h ~ ~"_,~- '1~> -. ~T .._~ OJ,':;'';::::; :tr'O 'M",' S::;l' ' iLr. (C., o MrEMORANDUN~ TO TRB Members DATE 6/6/80 FILE FROU SUDJEc;:T Letter from Mr. O'Connor, dated 6/5/80 Craig Grabeel, Asst. Planner 1. The site plan application was received 5/28/80 and was reviewed by the TRB on 6/3/80. The recommendation to the Plann- ing & Zoning Board is approval, subject to comments. 2. Since the applicant desires to delay his appearance before Planning & Zoning until after the new fire code goes into effect, the Planning Department will keep this file active until such time. No resubmittal is deemed necessary unless the applicant chooses to submit significantly altered plans. o CG:pf enc. cc: City Manager Central File MEMORANDUM TO TRB Members DATE 6/27/80 Via: City Planner FILE FROM SUDJIiCT Site Plan for Extra Closet, Inc. Craig Grabeel, Asst. Planner 1. Find attached a statement dated 6/25/80 from Mr. James O'Connor, owner of The Extra Closet, requesting withdrawal of his application for subject site plan approvel, dated 5/28/80. 2. This statement supercedes Mr. O'Connor's letter dated 6/5/80, indicati~g a desire to keep said application file open until a later date. My memo dated 6/6/80 is germane. 3. Accordingly,the prese3t application is considered withdrawn and the file is closed pending the applicant's resubmittal at a later date. cr~J2:1' Asst. Planner CG:pf enc. cc: City Hanager Central File n . " .." ~' ~::~:-,~. -, ,,-.,-~t..,-t.~~;:r""""-, ~,_(~\~r~~'~~7~,...~.,~....,ft~-Q.L' ", Ii t) 1 ';;#tif":~.}SL,~~y ~K~l {",,,;,mC 11,,,),-," ,I'-',,Jl' f) Q 1-f.?"JL"'[:'~ 1-.,01. 'j O',,iF J.\'. .d) ~."- JI . "-rf I i lu", V r (j (/>\ U (305) 734-6203 THE EXTRA CL~S!C I H J\j\,\ G ~},€",'~ t' ",',J '..7""' 3660 S. Congress Avenue Boynton Beoch, FL 33435 June 5,1980 Planning Department City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Fla.33435 Attn: Mr. Craig Grabeel Gentlemen: In connection with the proposal to expand my self-storage warehouse at 3660 S. Congress Ave.I filed with you last week a site plan and other plans. It was my understanding at the time that if the building permit were to be issued after the new revision to the building code becomes effective a variance would be required. Mr. Howell, the Building Official, has checked with regional or national administrators of the Code for an interpretation of the new proposed amendment concerning firewalls between storage bins and has been advised that a variance would not be required under the new Code which is soon to be effective. Accordingly,I request that no further action be taken on the application until I request that it be Ic-activated next year. ~~, ~ .JL /' ~-;: \ i. rA/? A/-f'n l~?' r..-- U(O-VVV - . ~~-""--....------- I I ld.l ,I I I I ... TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner (I .,..,./ FROM Ed90 E. Howell Building Official r "I DATE: 6-3-80 be advised of the fo11owin SUBJECT: ,~;x.'S;-i3.. C1~sl?:t:.StQ.;:age ,~':!.!:l~.li:,nq Addi t!on FOL04 with reference to the above project, please comments. 1. This exceeds the allowable area when sprinkled,by 3,800 square feet. 2. If decreased by the above square footage, sprinklers still would be required. c-lcu1ations . 3. Paving and drainage a.~ :tor storm '-later for the f~rst 3 tl of. run-off. 4. If this building is built under the 1976 coder.one (1) hour f~re . separation is required between tenants. If bu~lt after the adopt1on of the 1979 code, it would be required to have a one (1) hour fire wall every 3,000 square feet of floor PL~1i~ ~%PL Y TO --> SIGNED REPLY f2--~ I~L.A (/ ~ I ) if] II I I ! SIGNED cW t E. Howell IIiIS COpy fOR rEQSON ,~DD'\;:SSE[ CRA'\'ARC CO.,.INC... DAOOKl..VN., N. 'Y., 11:32 't _ II 0j( <..Il' '\~.,.-.' . ",~...,,,,lti,,"-v~""""....,r ..~~.,... ,. ,., '~. ~ ':;"J' p" ~1 B\1.-'ra-W!~1~" ~~ }1"{ 4''''' )~ /I ,,J"" -~J\/1(5-.,,};';:J-Tfj "tq ",,~., ""(t,,,- (] " '. .'~_., ... .'~.,-~ ::d~. ... .J. ~ 1\ ':"_C -:r-.....\01;1! .~," ..-'fr- . "(~~' -:-r?- I~"F"""_ -1""'F"'-' ,~~r:- ,Co'" '-"', .,!:j"q", (? 0 1,"If" ,,0 1/ If' Ii' ~~~~'lC 0_. .--..c..; ~ ~.... ikc" ,,''''"'0~''''{1 .,'A~~ ,;'~'-:I'" c ~' r-'l;?':!j( orf A\. \\.,"",It ,.s:;.cr,'--;' ,[,if, "!,~ - ~\ cC. .;%: (\ &- (;" '>5' -, i-~ ,~ 1&~ r~~., [' . _: \r""~ ~. , @ f~ , ~\ '" "" .} J} I e. , ~ " ~c h~'~ IL ':! F, ~ 1\"' b?'''- r \ 1, " [ "" f',-......,J ~ [" '~,~ r -~ ",:c,'j - \~ ~ ~ In 1 !l} r~ L/ i' (, I ~ '~ ~ LJ e ~ l~ t ~ "~ c;~ tpv b I- ,. 19 [1 tk ~ 01, ~' Ill," )1 fi' "- '~ '''''';; ,-.t. d ,!.l t J r r Pf V~ ,~ L L .j ~,,~, . r~-'!lfr'lFti!.r:- 'F;A." 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"" MEMORANDUM TO via~ I'"ROM F~ , ~ \ " ~ () ..-:,.~ ' ,'~,.~l/" TRB Members DAT!::' 6/27/80 City Planner FILl! 9UDJ[!C"i" ..... ~ Site Plan for Extra Closetu Inco Craig Grabeelp Assto Planner 10 Find attached a statement dated 6/25/80 from ]}1r 0 James 0 9 Connor u owner of The Extra Closetg requesting withdrawal of his application for subject site plan approvalg dated 5/28/800 20 This sta'tement supercedes Mro OOConnoros letter dated 6/S/S0g indicati~g a desire to keep said application file open until a later dateo My memo dated 6/6/80 is germane~ 30 AccordinglYuthe present application is considered withdrawn and the file is closed pending the applicantUs resubmittal at a later dateo CG~pf eneo CCg City Manager Central File o o Gl /i' " il () 11 !..i I I I~ ~ . . J.- __" ,:4 ,...i......", ,........;x-.;,.;;~i-~~..~~ ,--~''"'~'.. '~H~' v ",~,"" .,""'.;;'....; .:::~..,,"~~~~ ,."_':'~."i:....".,,._;,.....,.............,--., .;\..~ ~, """:. t ~ Grabeel(/ Planner ,~ C) " . . 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',i.-.. )~ r ~ ,FROM TO City ManageIC Cit.y Planner ::~91:1.. ~q~~~~:,_J),..J!.ql!!L-~_DATlE:~-;;8."!L..-~ II I SUBJECT: ,';r~ck li"@~~,tQ) ~ This da:t~ 17 I met wi -th Jal.l1if~es L 0- 0 q Conner -todisCf7illSS t.ne plac~er;:t of ~uck ~~n~al ~gen~ie$ as a permitted u~e in the M~l ~onimg clas~ifieationo We ~9~~~d that thi~ would re~~i~e a zoning text amen~~ent ~hich by our defi~i~ion requires ~dvertis~ent of & map or notification by maiio M1c <:> 0 tl Conne!,C' ~~cogni~ed th<; pb<obl~~ i~vol 'fi?~d in chaI.f)1.ging the t.e~Kt. and agreed ~o b~ plac~d on ~ lis~ of prop~~ed ~e~t. am~ndments whi~h we have st.&~t.edo At. some time in t.he fut.ure as d~maThd requi~es we will commence a be~onin9 proc~dure rund includ~ ~his r~ue$to , CSAgpf I?llEASlE ~[Et?'l V uO 'PL 1( > ~ mGNEj[)C~~'-,.g ID> A 1I'1E: SIGNED l~~C~5 ,1'\ p~q .,'.i""I, J ~1,\~~~0J~i:n (\0~;;lIvf? "f'\OfN1- ["f1:,\1?Oo? I',' U I' l~ I \U\JLd ,.;JLIU\l.lr~ "'::';; ~l Ii" 0 ,;, ';-~ ' 1: ;~ IP\ I .. . , . ~ "-~::-':::.7..c:;;:::~;.:.~~_~~ )....' ",...__!,)f.;~';:,~ .~ ,i;r'I,Il....._~~'., l"'~..~ '~~~iL .'i:l--;~ "f~ '-:f..... ,II AI \\ (\ ,-' O.q,.._A ~ .~//----'?~ " GrRlA'\fAL11lll: co., 8Nll:., BL11l00&t8..VIN.~. v. ~ 1232 \ r~7f1'i1':11 \:j)~1T/~J~~~~lr a _._~ ";,~: ~\ " i' :1 ~~~:. i(" AO \l It ._,.,,' '~J.".'---" , ~. ~(:. '~( ~~:.:....... ~ ""~\b5k. "" 1i ~;~L() ,!~, ~I ..~,}~ Ii' (, '\~ ;( \) .1'" ~\ m~k"j=!i .' I 1 ,1 i' ,1\ -:u ""'''~", ~ ,); "r'~;~:JC"~~A~>. 'it ,......._,).:..)r' i'<" ~ ~~ . · 'k}j" "'~.. ,.;},. '~,>>. {! <- ''''' . . '. .., /1. C'.,.., .,~. . c/(;.-...' ('~ ~ ~~. ;~,I\?, '\ \ G 'i- I; ~. G''';~~~ "Hi '.', .r- .,.. ii 11". ......,-......,.... -..r:. ,I": mjj F1 i~ I I J , "0 C:J. ." \:9' .," '~ '" Q t< . 0 "" 5~ ,.// 0 ..,", &"'\\ . ~/,.A1j! ~\ .'~~~ 1:i-o it" ,\,;,r~:p. 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"AJ'.,,..-. ,.. -q;. I ~ ~ ,- ...~.. _. ~ t _"7"1 k,A.tL _ : ~...t:~ ;, .~-7.:.u:-:-, '-:.:,-; """". "".-.._"'.,~ ,\'?"'. -t.' ....-..". (. ''1 ' ) '" ~::::p;t-:--":l"'''~v.,CI-:--.-';:;~:... '';~ ~t...."J ~itl~",...~ '.... . ",.~ 1_ ". ---.......-.........::::._t ~;. '\'1'" ~..- ~.... ".~.......p~_ .._ ... , · 1 .", ~~-~.1".t~.q,.,..".". "-;'... .. ... , . f...."" . .b..:' ;)1 ~ . .e.~.~~ ~PJ:t~.,.~__..::::....~r"A-3:1 .;;,'t::,f/ l~~~;~ l~ "1_ wV...........' .' _-:.....l:>/. !' .....\II:>'"...~.. ~ ''''-'''',,- ~ ; ~1€f:,'"" ~ ... .._,- '-_:~'q;:-- . .' . .. -- . .... -::::w.'~- - b'~r ....~. ~-:;'.',,) ~~. ...,..;E f?~...'- ~. .~ . ..,;.. '...._~...(~".. . ........1. ~ ..-::~....__"'~ ..-::::;:;',. ' ._ .;~::. '~;."..~..:;:s~'- ,--- , ' lP. O. IaOX ~10 D20 N.IE. 2NO AV[:NUE /IJlOYNTON lElllEACH. IF'LORIDI&. 33436 (~O!H j7:i;l2-8ilUll Office of th~ City Manager June 200 1980 , ~.L_,. O.'..connor, General ~ '11iE Extra Clos.e..1-:::::' 'Z......___,fr<"'3"6m--ff:~ co~g'<;~-~s Avenue Bo~uton Beacho Florida 33435 Par.tner Dear Mro OnConnor~ Th=ough a copy of this letter I am asking that Carm~n Annunziatou Ci::y Planner of Boynton BC;1C:h contact you in regard 'CO the pr~cedure that is necessary to apply for a change in the Boynton B~3Ch zoning Ordinanceo If you wish to pursue your desire to haye truck rental facilities included as a permitted use in the M-l zoneu you will have to make application for that zoning change and .these are the procedures I am asking Mro Annunziato to revie'VJ wi-t:h you so you can pursue them if you wish 0 Please let me know if I can assist you in any wayo Sincerelyu CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH /) /1 /I/~ /} C~~ Peter Do Cheney city Manager PI.Z ~ sr cc: ~n Annunziato Occupational Licenses Building Department central File -''''''''''..-0-=>>; ~ 'I, :/'. i!rl l~ r, ",0,. 'A ~I r.: :",:, ,,,A. ~~ Q /1 ~ '1 1 ,( l[ (' , .. lJ .~ fr n ), j ('r II """"....,~. ~i:,,.,.,,..........::.-'~,. ......~~ ~ (1 ~'"_.,;...~'-~ .1t,:~;,_.~ '..........'~' _O-T ;.,;."..- ...'.,"__--.,,=-,~.w._'">'=~?;i;4:__'_:',' ..,.rt-..",.,. "-)j.."~'~"<';~n""",,.t,,,,:~~2,::::;;;:;~:~.. ~ ~~~~~~:S!J,:, LI, . "'~r; c,~.. ,:. liJr ...~'::{~)r~ ~,,~(,' .l~-- ..:~.~-- . .Cl;.d1rn~~:3'~",;:, :;'Y'4fi\W' 0 .~lv--'"~~,li<' r-:. " /I""""" /ij\ ! I ~lr.\ ~ <l . $0-- <<JOS) 1~-620J 7lNE lEX uR)]. CLcfff;SETR June 170 1980 3660 So CangrreS$ AvemJe [8)o.VIrn1rcn BeOldl~/7 IF L 33435 Mro Peter Cheney Cj.ty Nanager City of Boynton Beach City Hall Boynton Beacho Flao 33435 Dear Sirg ~ The Extra Closet of Boynton/Delray~ LtdDo ~f ~ihich I am the general partner~ is the owner of property at the ~bove addres~ which is zoned 1\'1=10 The Extra Closet conducts a mini='t^Jan.cehou$e business at the location and intended to conduct a 'truck reThtal business there as well; inasmuch as some of our CU$~omers tr~poKt their furniture and property to our warehouse in ~ent~d truckso However 0 in the process of applying for an Oc~upational License for the truck rental business I conferred with ~he Building Officialo Mro Edgar Howel1~ and others in the Building Depar~ment and Planning Department and was advised by them ~hatp in their @pini~nv tIDUck rental was not a permit.ted use in an 1\1=1 zone alt1b1(Q)Ugh it is @ per'> mit.ted use in a C-4 zoneo They do not accept ~he ~~sition ~h~t truck rental is included within the M=l permitted ~e of truck ~r~s= fer and storage 0 They believe that my only recourse is to req~~st a changeD Therefore v I request that trJck rental be added ~ ~ peRmitted use in an. M=-l zoneQ Thank you for your consideration and cooperatiofio Yours very tV.11YD THE EXTRA CLOSET (QF BOYNTONjDEJLJRAY oLTD 0 V -- .".,;> .. -- l BY g L-(A.~/l' ;~.~ J ES Lo OQCONNOR-' G neral Partner -Copy~ Building Department. Planning Department , ... r ll:~ ~ ,- '. I I, :. ..~ \~, 0 , (/ (~' ,~;.,..; ~ (/ () a ~ . ~ , . .Ii Il q Ii " _J ,..'~ II. ~,~I.U ,'!t - -,\ I) '. DolL, ~(; g~ 1\ ,1 t1l II I I , ",':;''' o "/I,, .rJ' (I!) J/ ~(J ,.5 ..-? (~ \: Q'" ...,} \J ~ I,...-r--ft" 'f, u o ';0 lJ -<'~f'tr~ I I,~" I [ h~ I,A,~ ' ], ),), \ \ \ ' 1, , (I i'[ i I i \ ! n , . i.J '\1 : -J;/ ,,( Ig~;~ {; ,~\ '; f f '4 ~ 1 1 I ~ I~I '\ CJ PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATION ~Jjj fiLII ;~ >~ ~([!.O\.' ~:l)~... uN U RJ U B-0J ',0'~1 BOYNTON BEACHp FLORIDA All ~pplications to be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Planr;.er twentye,,, (13) days ~rior to the regular mcetingo The applicant will be advised as to supplemental meet.ings necessary for application reviewo All applicants' with approved site plansu which at a later date request a revisionp will he processed in the same manner as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective a:t the time the revision is requestedo . Nrone of Applicant The Extra Closet of ~oynton/Delr~J~tdo Applicant D s Address 3660 _80 Cofrngress Ave 0 Jjoyntf):!}. B~2..Qh.-Jlci 0 3.3..935 Address of Site Same Intended 'Use of Site Mini-Storage Warehouse Legal DeS0ription of SiteSoEo Corner of COD&reSS Ave 0 and Neptune Dro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan~ 1" Existing Zone Industrial 2 0 Area of Site 2-,,-L Ar.rPR .899529 sofo 30 Total Number of Units Proposed - 40 Density Gross Per Acre 50 Building Area 510800 Sqo Fto l\!ot- 60 Parking Spaces~ ReqDdSpecified ~roposed_S? 57 0 ~ (' f Lot 70 80 90 100 Parking = Aisle Area~O 9 1 ~sq 0 Fto Street Area 0 Sqo Fto Landscape Area 4p493 Sqo Fto -- Height of Buildings 13,,6 Feet 2205 % of Lot % of Lo'l 5001% of Lot One Stories 110 Total Floor Area 51p800 Sq 0 Ft 0 What is. the applicantUs interest in ~he premises affected? Owner (Owner, Agentq Lessee, Etco) (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boardo (X) (We) hereby certify that the above statetlents and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and beliefo This application will not be ac- , cepted unless signe~y the owner of the property. --(~~~~~Je? ~J!M, Donald Cunningham 5''lS5-93'' v ~ r Signature of OWNiR The Owner nas h~Tgiliitca the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to this I'et.i tion. (To be executed ,~hen Oll/nor c1es~ gnates anclther to (let: on hi.s behalf,,) I~ I I " I..J", {? d ,'/ ,.-. \~:,.' (I /:- (I '-:'- \h H I :,~ -~ o (.) I). '~\ y II..~ ".'\\ ,7 /( ".. ., ',:~ ~'";) ~,"\ /. c:' o o J:'>::'~ l:'c ~ r~,t~1 p~ (~~1 ~f:'~1r j-\l~ tt..:'f ~~, .,(j'o - (,~ .:.~ ~~ i.~>I:, >>) :-;;1.~ ~1 !.,'1.L,i. 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('..}...". ~ p-+ 'V '" " t,'''f ;"l;v:;~, ('d"~,t(,_\~:rrf.t::;& C"':I ,,-.,/'" o \) (,) \, () () BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN APPROVAL CHECKLIST n~Y 28 ]9BO Date Recvdo Project DDN~P G,tJcJbcJ' N~ Developer Owner Surveyor 6fBeo~ I ~M~ilf~ ~ OfO!llW Architect Engineer GENERAL~ (Are the following requirements met?) ~Project cost greater than $100,0000 . v (6) copies submitted by applicanto ~~_Fees attached/received 0 ~ Scale of 200 fto (or less) to the incho PLAN REQUIREMENTS: (Refer to Seco 11y Zoning Regu1ationso) c1/ Aolo Jd1A A020 v Ao 3 0 r/A04., v Ao 5 <> V'A060 if' Ao 7 0 ..-7Ao 8 0' VAo 9 0 v"Ao 100 Comments: ~~~s =----.~I ? -~~~~~~ . ~~~~ INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION~ ~HPalm Beach County (traffic analysis) A.I A School Board (school plaTlt planning) .MASouth Florida Water Management District (drainage) (other) REVIEW SCHEDULE: ~~~ ) ~Ill~ St/S::T. . '/0 ~M~.f) &/;_lb"30 v ToRoBo if Po&Z..Bo v' CoAoBo t/ Council Date: to -3 -'ffl) , ~ J~' j~ Action:: ADDITIONAL RE~mRKS~ f~CJ~ &)~ ~~ :: ~ Sl. A) ~j) ~~~SffDL\J~ )\!~ . g ~ @ ~ {) $11". V ~{b A'Wt <> ~~~ Ce v . f~ ~o~. (JjJ =- ~1~(b\p (RzC'J~ . ~'ir (WC:k1P~ nMBb<<:~ "=" ~~cJQ.'0,~ {~11;~~{),hFirrt? c me s ie.~"l{? '1;) . _ C-JlU- SW.r5Mf'r 'lC> ?J--?:;. feiJ!>ic.r~ Bl.>>~ e;)De f}rA-fdNo.(r26':!!!...,1'k:: 1'~71::--C7ith'V) SEe" . 't.~ "" ~6%flrr(n 6\.D~ . . -if: 11 'g:B? x.~~ (orig 2-79/DCG) ~~ ~~GMa~ ~ ': -- \}l~ <= (~~ 1_~"-,<>>,__~""."",,",,,_,,,,~'-"""'''''''<~~.''<~''''1'- --, ~' ." .\ " " S' 'I n ,~~ :f (l D (; 1.1 ' = " c. ( ~-, "" "~ ~u 61 ~L. \? () ~ ~ (2 "II ('j '-~Jlc ..., 0 \i')r~:~ \ !J"" . ,~,l ) ~ )',P"?~ r, } ~~ ~~~ ~' ,-:;.\~.,'....e7. ~\#"-, \V" 'i: r\\:>'~1'€~ ~lr:L,J\ l_~o('r-:, jk'/ L"J.'0 ;0';>1 rl' ~., ~.~:/I~>\J .~~ ;l'5!-i,,'.-.,.'" f,,"'f.,'~,'~~ 1)"'''''- (~t"~~~911 { ~![;~,\ ;tj c., ~J; JL--v~ .-'- '"1 r,.l (;:; " " . )7' :\t;., /./ fl~ I . 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Six ( 6} ~ copies of "the site plan shaU be subIT'i tted by 'the applicant for the 'liSe cf "the appropriate CitY depart<=> " ~!lents and boards 0 The plan ~ for 'the pu.YpOse of '"this section ~ shall includes> but not necessarily be 1.irrii:ed tb~ t,e =o11aving plans S) &.signs ~ specifications and inforr.1Otion ~ 10 The exact property J..ines of me property far 't-:hich site plan approvaJ. is requested~ including ey-isting str'eet and right-of-way 1Jnes and survey and legal description of site prepared by a :registeY'?d land surveyor 0 ~ 3 copies ~ 20 Adjacerrt properties on tlle sa"'re fron-tage ~ indicat1J1g the locations of buildings and Su'-'uctures, on suc.'l1 2cjacent properties ~ means of JngrP.-Ss and egres~ to such propert ; es:, off-street parking~ loading . and s€l"Vice areas ~ . if: any ~ fcr or on such properties:ll and any Gcreening o~ buffers on sue, propert:ies: and the nature and. type thereof" Location of. Pr:es~t and pro:?OSed st:rtictl..rr'eS on, "the site 0 30 Location and dimensions of all ;required yardso .... ~o Location and facilities ::for-mg:ress 'and~gress -1:0 t1)e site fuclud------ fug exiSt5.ng and proposed "curb - cUts'~ -if any Sl and proposed directions of traffic flew an -the site and into' and f:rom public rigrrts-of-way 0 50 . Location and dimensions of off-street p2Tking~ loading and service areas 0 .. 50 ~ .~a.ge plan for the Entire si1:e~ 1... 'Location and dimensions of areas for service to the property and for refuse diSDO,521 and collection 0 80 Location of all uri li -ties ane easements 0 90 Landscape planso (See C~3:ty p-~pe.anance Board applicationo) 100 l.or'....atian .ana dimensions af aU sip1S and exterior lighting facilities to be placed on the site 0 _.... - .-... ..- ---...-. -...-. - .-- .- o t ! I . I t I J f . f . 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BOYNTON BEACHq FLORID~ Date H~1- <6 -' L9 ~O Preliminary ( > Final (XJ Request for Change ( ) Sign Approval ( ) !?lCoj ec t Name.1: ~ {f''r If tJ C t. () ? E- T D F f)() '( {III~ AI I DJ3/. fiJl ~ L TO' Legal Description <;;,{. (.~ ~ ~)t.II4o O.-vJ\.. -t-li=:fifANUI h1 · c . f]~J5~ 11::tJ,;; 5!f}S- Telo *..25 lj- ~ 7-63 Telo # Address ~f Site_3 (, '" 0 :;, ~ ~ I O,mer 1-f4..YM- ~~&c~ I'bL LiJ. ~- ~ ([ Archi teet -1,] ) 1- ( . L L r .All meetings of the Community Appearance Boa:t'd are open to 'the Public 0 IMPORTANT = Requirements for Review~ IN ORDER FQR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWEDq A REPRESENTATIVE WILL KEED TO BE PRESBNT AT THE MEETINGo Prelimi2~ary Review Requirements ~ Ao Site Plan (including the General Landscape Development) Bo Building Plan Co All Exterior Elevations with material designations Do Outline spe~ifications of facade and roof treatments Eo Sketches of all signs and their dimensions Fo General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements~ Ao Site plan showing setbacksg landscapingu all outside areas and their useso Landscaping may be in general termsu but the heights and general types of. plants and trees must be notedu including'lightingu fencesq or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or. . parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum) 0 Building Plans Detailed drawings for all signs Exterior surface treatments (including roofs) Exterior color scheme (including that of signs} 0 All colors must be designated by sample 0 Six (6). sets of working drawings and specifications 0 Bo Co Do Eo Fo Dat.e of Review _Follow~up Date Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting> : community Appearance Board Chairman ':>'1 " ~ ..1' CAB Form Ul Ci.t.y of noynt.on Ii" ,"lE'i:. ~ \1 '.,'" = !/ " . 1\ " ~ '\ \ I Date M AY '1.- CO: l q 9",0 Job Name--( ~ ~ tZ~ f;~ Location ><:'-0 S, ~1'(1r- f3(ftB~,rJ) Applicant --C~ ~. m~r; ~ikJ~ LiJ. Address ~~ Tel 0 ~ /3<-; - , "].. u ~ ~", .,,~' , ,,~~ 0 ~--.......- I:'.r, .J o COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOD COLOR AND MATERIAL SCHEDULE If 01 SURFACE MATERIAL BEAMS <:~~ ,~ ~ COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA - 0,1 ,j I I ~ ~v~F~ N6W2- GABLE ENDS GLASS GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ---l ROOF ~ SHUTTERS I " I SOFFIT ~o:J2 s:;{;~ YrJALLS OTHERS (as required) S;t;~ ~! " -- ~Gae-~ ,- ~Sl cJJ~~:]~ ~ , ~^J~:1 ~t:f!GM ....- Lj~ f ~ .LIr ;I;J ><~ I ~ ~ ~ "f) fj~/pJ)w:l!! e. ~ 'rcfJ' ffv\MJ1l G~ . ~ v~ Signature of Applicant . [' "I CAB Form ~~ 2 city of Boynton Beach 12-5-75 .v~'- n('\_nch~~.J L~. ,'.1._ .J ,/ r,: i\ .', ~( ~l~. , '0~" \\'.\(1;;:;-. ~,'j\ Ii " c, '.\ 1/ \1 " ~ ,; f.:' o Q J) ,j of} n II, (\ -, (;' I' Z) ~..,. i' ',.I j ~- I f k :r. ~i '.t't1 ""!'!",, ~ ~ '~ ~ :~.~ j *t~; '\! 1:; -~'~ J!. ~ il; :ll :~ , I , l~ r ~ ~ .~ :~ .1 ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ;.i! .\ ~ t 'I ~ r j\ J j ~~ ~ q 1\1 .. \ ,~, I' ~, \ ,. l'~ ;: ~ ~ ~ j l'1. (l. " J~ n ~; il (\, c~ n ~ ' r;:. 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J[fjj~'i\~~O' ;:':h',;~hi,,,<~1 ,l;'" af:: 'Cl r.., d,~ ,.f,,:_,~ '-,_ '..,~...c:::~:,~...llt~ II 1/ ACII jl ;"1:, 't _ ,_:>-tl g:~;. ~Hr' ~~' ...Jr ;116 !L'/)J.:,w,lr'5 ,. o;.~~J.[j--:"J'd),:;:.'L4:,:" ':i:d?'F..~;.(i:rxiijt',., __1;.~; ~;-~'1;$.91(1;:~~~'L~~"''f;: ".......\~/J(~//,...J~-:.;:'~'li 'fl. ~~,~~~, ,I, :,:'fl';';I'~t::;" '\~.~~..:~': '~i'~>";;:~"J,,;<~~~\'~;'i2 i;'i'" ~'i';~f),_.-.J'Y ",~ "/:.-, \ ~.. ~,1 ',\ -'-,-, - ~ H r, " :1 ~,,\~~ /~'~, lJ o MEMORANDUM TOg TRB MEMBERS Perry Cessna~ Utility Diro Fred patricku Actins Supto of Public Works Al Nyquist~ Fire Marshal Charles Frederick~ Reco & Parks Diro Bud Howellg building Official Tom Clark~ City Engineer Capto Hillery~ Police Depto Kevin Hallahan~ Urban Forester Dateg June 3rd~ 1980 at lO~OO AQMo ~ Conference Room ~' " , 5/28/80 Reg ~~a CIO~_gT~O~~~~~~/Site Plan/Building Expansion C & H Plat #l/Final Plat .' , "',1 ~, There will be a meeting of the Technical Review Board at the above date and timeo Please attend or send a designated representativeo Thank youo Ca".___~_, JC__ Carmen So Annunziatog Ci t.y Pla.l;.ner ~ ,- , ;;;{--;: --. ~ (/1 CSA~pf <:l o ,; p ~-\ " 7~ /1 ft <<1! 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