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D D D D D D D D [2g Parking Lot Variance - PL V Conditional Use - CD Preappl1cations - Preapp Master Plan - MP Rezoning - R Rezoning and Land Use Element Amendment - LUEA Master Plan rviodification - :NlPM Preliminary Plat - PP Site Plan - SP D D D Site Plan Modification - SPM Annexatio"l - A Abandonment - Abdm Number of Sheets_ 5_-=_ _,~_.~~ Year _ / 9 7 ~ I COl\.1MENTS: Approved 0 /J! 0 P L1t!JS :Oenied D Conditions D :~~t:j~~:~~tt~;;f~~~~~~~:~;jttft~;~tl\tiUlmt;~tt~;tt;:1TNrmtr%ttf;rnnU.\lnt~;tt;~;;I~:;;:jn1:~'~~:~;j:j~;;:;:;:;:;:rrrnNnt~:~~~;ttt?::~;;;;:;:;;~~~;:t:~;;:~:~;:;;:};}jt;{::;:;>:;:.; .............u...............~l.\1U~............WUtW.:U~U~w...........~\Y:~LW......... -~.1 '1 W~;~ll~~~....... ............................-.. , . Fiche No. ~ X of X . Retrix No. f_"?'/ lit Frames s fI\l:lllilll."~I't.I'.J:ill'it'tlll.8II~1 Form 7, 010787, R2 Q '<f' Q 0' c 0, lie "~~, " 0 Ii) .? i:. ,: i) c. "",,';C""''k.'..f"\L'-.CC; C7'.'c, ., : --~:;1 " ;',_:C,. f!~",(_l ':.. 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G:lRl)e~ ..IQ\\l~S ROY W. .JORDAN, .JFt. ROelN A. L!...Q'fi.) .J01-lN BLAIR McCRACKE.N G~@RGE 1-1. MOSS fm::NARO .J.OIJ\Cl( ..IAMI':$ e. PAINt;: ANi"HON'i I!. "~lJel!_1..0 C'-lA~i..CS l... ~OWE: .=UR'iiON C.SMl"i'H, .J~. SIONG:Y A.$TUS@S,.JR. Gt1:0RGE C>. SUi"F:AN ~AUI. C.WOLl"C: !..AW OFFICES JONES, PAH\HE <& FOSTER PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 601 FLAGLER DRIVE COUR'r . POST OFFICE DRAWER E WF.:SY PAL.M f3EAC~i, FLORIOA ~S40~ P}lONE (305) 6509-3000 I; \ j' , .~ -. /' ~ '-r- J...________. ..... --.'~ .. _ . __ _ '_"' . ."_~__.__...__ _.~~~..J:..._~~.~~~,_~.. . OFFICE IN VERO B EACH, FLA. I ,. '\ ii I': IJ ;, /Y J~ .~'c ') I I (f I ; ,'f I ' (f J 11 l~il i J . :) D t!j [I I) 1, 1'1 d "'~ i.r I- U " ~"! ic'l 1;1- !1 l' l~ t~1 I L tl [1 r II p ti (~j [l " o ". / I I' .. t.' '~ f. .: j; July 27 E 1915 '. ^ ~ "jl i;';!, ~]. g tll.i~ fv::> J :- 191(5 I , , I'" J Dear Mr tl Tayl(.)r~ ::\ l;1 1'\ I,~' , . I d I I I I I I~ " M~~ 3~m~~ OG Tayl@~ Flc~ida Pneumatic MSDufacturinG Co~p~ p $I 0 (l Do~~ W~tl' Boynt~n D~&ch~ Flo~ido 33435 Mr 0 J@I~ Taylor % FkrJCjI~ ~t.ic M:mma~ ~~3 551 Ind~"'itltial Wa~' .~ Iant.anm, i-'lorlda 3~\162 D @~'U~J Mt:'" T~,"Jl0E ~ '" I h~s.vc Au~~~t '" ~>;l11 i?-" ~ ,,1 "",, ~ 1tJ>t::i-.;t~~~ o~~losed 8 plEot@~ap, ~f tho B~S@~~Mt D~ed ~~e~~dad lv~ 1916, in Offici~l R~c~rQ nook 2513~ p~ge 1349~ R@~ord~ ~f Falm B~a~h Co~uty~ Fl~ri~~~ On "'h" 9 tiUS aat'9w ~ ~D.itu~~ and Si,ts Df.Nelo~LDa1t Plall,~ ;(1;)%' mil additicIU to tr#J! Florida l~ne~ti.c Bui.1.ding ~ ~~ by ~te City ~t:affQ~:trii..~J tJy~ plan, t~~ f~jll~ng d~ficiencies ~ ~ec!i; :J,' ru~ausDt to your request in your l~tter dated AUGust 18. 1976~ ! h~w~o by ~opy of thi~ l~~t@?~ fo~waxcl~d s c~py @f tb~ b~eord~d E~~~m~nt D~ed ~o th~ City of Boyntcn Be~ch9 ~tteMti~~ ~f tb~ City Pl~~n~~G Ie lad, of ~ sealed SL~e Sin@~l'€]~l, Yi1:llu,l'GJ" 2", Ftt~'W:e to eaoo~ 'the ~=dimtiQl1s of the South half of Miner ~itJ the EJ:iSt hF'df of High .R1f'y;e p~, and ,th~ ~xth half of :r.rdust~~l.a..t ~.:..ty 9 JONES~ PAINE & FOSTER~ PoAo J l rJ ~ nn IJ ~1 iJ 30 FafJ~1.n:e 'to ~.Jl:mit l)lans for t'b.e construction of the k.~~ mentJ.cmed px:o~~ rlght-o:f~~ ~ ~Q'\~~II it is 'the :be]jJ&f of b~ Staff 'th7.t any fuhrce ,~aJ.,~~~ in thia ID~\1JS'tl"ial :P-ii't'k fiAoould be p.:1?tC.~~d by the platt~~ of tle ~..ai~f.. , M~8o Shar~y.w~@~~~~~h $~~~et~r~ t@ M~o M~C~aek~n I>~ @@g ~bt.~ auly () ~ Sv1 Eim~l:~BlUl'i'@ ~:[~ p C~:fm~llil AKl1,'@m.~i@.t~ l) ~~tt'Y Pls!l:a~@r.e /' Ci~y @f n~1~t@n !~aeh loOo Ji@4S 31.0 ~~1nt@~ B~a@h~ Fl@~~d~ 3~43S Xf pJ!. hw:e mTJ! qu;~~^t.i~'llS ~m:Wq 1ehis free to ron:~t ~ .in p.,mrsa'1 (Jr by piYJDe. '!"'.rU3li->4j..ta.,." n~ ~aeJl. ./l:....-.1I ~.....~, k'~~~ L~ r ~. :.' " ',..- " ,... .... . ~~./.. .......~ ."'_ _....Zl'! ~ ^ ... ;.a I I' ~ f ~;~ .,~ ~<!,.. ~~ ~"'Il.."'-=r~ ~ 1l'A'II"Il"-'M7.1-!J.-~- ~~.D.WA~ QJ", ,;;...tl1I.~War,.~g",,' ~~ty Pl~~'int;T !' I] " II ~ I t I Ct?d\lmh tOOg Ciw ~~~)l.' Buildh~ig OfficiAAl .. ;:;;J ,'':'1 , 'J ,:,.,;~/{1 .j,/;'{ig.' J ~ . ~~~:~!~ r ~.\ :; ''''''1 t 1,1 . ~ "5,j A;' , 1/- "'=~, ~! ;P~~~. r " I' ~ "I) if) :. "" ,~J,\_ f ,';', ,,( D:elf ," ",.\, co'1I'11 ' .i )/ ~' ~ i.Jt iJ '~ '~ ~ ~! M I ~\ ~ I l ~ i6 t1 f. ,--.,. Co o j PI; u~ , .~ 1 j f ,;,;:..- ~~ .; 'I, J:::._ " , \, \, '.f ;, p, ~ tl , ~ " 'I ~I (" " !'; " " v ", !. It ~ :1 I '\ , l} ~f ~ U ~ ~. 11 ;. \\ ~ t l .' 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[>....,. ,p" ... ~ C"t..I c.""J .. -;S'" I ::r: Q.. ~., ~ .- c..!) :i ~; l, ~O .10, '.... ..., :t ~?_ tn U',I><- U.... - :'b &n "fLU en r Q VM1J 6) 88946 EASENENT DEED THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into on this /3 day of August, 1"76, by and between JANES O. TAYLOR and NILDRED TAYLOR, his wire, and DAVID P. TAYLOR and JACQUELINE TAYLOR, his wife, of the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, Grantors; and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, of the Cou~ty of Palm Beach, State of Florida, Grantee; WHEREAS, the Grantors are seized in fee simple and in possession of the following-described lands: The west 340 feet of the north 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 16. Township 45 south, Range 43 east, of Palm Beach County. Florida. and WHEREAS, Grantors have agreed, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considera- tions,to grant to Grantee and all other persons claiming by, through or under Grantors and Grantee, or any of them, their predecessors in titie, or their heirs, assigns or legal representa- tives, easements -or rights-of-way over the land described below fer the purposes and in the manner expressed below; NOW, THIS INDENTURE, WITNESSETH: That, in pursuance of this agreement and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollar8 ($lO.OO) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is acknowledged, Grantors grant unto Grantee, its successors an~ assigns; Full and free right and liberty for it, its agents, tenants, servants, visitors and licensees, in common with all persons having the like right, at all times hereafter, for all purposes from time to time to pass and repass along the roadway or roadways provided or to be provided, more particularly described as follows: The north 25 feet of the west 340 feet of the north 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, of Palm Beach County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the easement or right-of-way hereby granted unto Grantee, its agents, successors and assigns, and those likely situated as described above, and their successors and assigns It is understood that the easement is given upon the express understanding and condition that it may be used by Grantors, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in conjunction with the use of Grantee, its agents, successors and assigns, and others likely situated and their successors and assigns. THIS INSTRUNENT PREPARED BY: John B. McCracken, Esq. P.O. Drawer E West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 ~ --.-.--.-.---.-------- '---"- t ST I-\TE:: m: FLO t~: U/-\ I DOC.UMCN fAtty ..- "" 5'f1\N:l' U,X I ... ---,-~-_. ..----- ,-.,.", -.-.'..,.----.- ~Pl. o~ HE'IENUr ~fiij~)'~I_ 0 0 3 0 II ~ pp = AUGl9'76 \~0.t1:~'}.'J:'::: . ,.. t =. ;:-!:,~, : "."'~ '~ J ".I /,.' ..,". t:.::, - -'-\----,P DO' ''i''!:~~fl')Y = fl"'; :.,'~ \ '1,]11 ,.\1;\ \ - :' : <~V'~:,~~l~:A \ ~~~~;~1' mUIUE __, I;~~J . = o ~\1\~ \ C;.\,:. /\ ,:",' 1l. i':l 1) .. ,} J .=t..- ,~ "''''t h ~&.':-"'iri-. \\ l II 'I ~ fi' . (>11," '. j ~. .... -' .. It is further understood that Grantors, their heirs and assigns and tenants, in no way will be bound to improve, maintain or construct a roadway or to keep it in repair; nor do Grantors, their heirs and assigns, assume any liability or responsibility to Grantee, its successors and assigns, or others likely situated, their successors and assigns, or any person using the land by invitation, expressed or implied, or by reason of any business I conducted with Grantee, its agents, successors and assigns, or otherwise. co C"-.,J IN WITNESS seals on the ~ay and -=:t' WHEREOF, Grantors have set their hands and year (J'~~V~_ ::1;;;, 1_, /~ (SEAL) ~AYLOR~ ref; "'7:7J~ie~.t!'~' ~..J~~tf4:/L./ (SEAL) MI~RED TAYLOR, his w~e ~ Cl.. co I In the II As presence of: J.'(: c.1Jh\:u James Tay Cl.. L.U V) an c- .. ( SEAL) (SEAL) David Taylors STATE OF FLORIDA ) ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) . The foregoing .;.". J~~,..day of O~tLI)+ /;' .\..Il'A;YLq/~.~;7kis wife. D l? IJ.:~~~,i)t:: . 'f ~ Cf!\ , . } ::.:,:,,;. t~O.'F~'RIAL SEAL] ~.:~..,:.~ ~.~.. ~, " .. :..::'~<() ,~.I, :, i-',:J~:-. ~~: ~ Ii; ....,~...' fL(\l,\,;"h. dt' :,~.:~~:~~r~: :~~~::~.: ,;:~~,::.:,:, ";";' ,~S.trATE OF FLORIDA ) instrument was acknowledged before me th 1976, by JANES O. TAYLOR and MILDRED ~Dtlt~ J..~~t.t<:._ -&ry Public (j Ny Commission Expires: S,&O Notlry Public, Stale of Florida at hr~9 My Commiss:on fxp:res t,;.r. 3. 19i5 ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The fAregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13tn day of ~~~~ , 1976, by DAVID P. TAYLOR and JACQUELINE TAYLOR, h:i.s wife.\) I ~""ttlltlU;;~"'. . .' ..... . .:r:r"r.r ,#,/~~ ...,,'"'...,1:. \ I....}~.~i'~......:'~'.... ;,:(~f~ ~~.. d~~Jf~,~;AL ~:_': . _0(, '- . '!~ ; ~ ~ (J) - .. ':'=_1' . \\';"):~.-:' '-:' ~ ~:;. f U \;j \.- . -'.."'! . '. '=-"... \.~~ : . ," '. .' ''':... -$ , '-:., -11": . ;,\. \~ ,'" , .' ""Ii :!.:.~~~,:' ,,:..-" ~Jc& 1,J!.,'(jU'- Notary Public SEAL] My Commission Expi~es: Nobr)' Public. Slale 01 r1M;~A It I i1tR3 Mv CommIssion hp:res A~r _: 1" .. ~mh2573 mE1350 Record Verified Palm Beach (;dunly, Fila Jobn B. Dunkle " ~ k Circuil Court ! -7.- , ,. ""',-"'- ~ i, .'. . .,' .' ". '."" _ .' . . "!. . "'. ., ." '.. '. .... . ....... . ' \'. ".~~~\\"~e.~..I"iI....~~~~~" " " '" ~ . . ' ,. r'"' Return to: Qjl~~~~ ~~s~~~~~e~~e~:~~ by P.O. Drawer E West Palm Beach, Florid 334 2 r' 4 ,h'~' (/nw~ ~ I" CI,A71:." AI (1 ~' O"$l ~ E A S E HEN T THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into on this 51'l day of S ep -re"" '; u.. , A. D. 1975! by and between RAE G. McLAUGHLIN and JAMES O. TAYLOR, individually and d/b/a/ NORTH BOYNTON INDUSTRIAL PARK, and DAVID P. TAYLOR, individually, joined by their wives, of the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, Grantors; and BOSTIC AND JEFFRIES, I~C., a West Virginia corporation, of ~~~ County of Kanawha and State of West Virginia, and LEHIGH PORTLAND ~EMENT COMPANY, a Pennsylvani.a corporatifJn, of the County of Pa.:m Beach and State of Florida, Grantees; WHEREAS, the Grantors are seized in fee simple and in possession of the fOllowing-described lands: The Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS the following-described parcels: A. The East 871.2 feet of the South 350 feet of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East of Palm Beach County, Florida; and B. The South 156 feet of the West 300.23 feet of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest l/4 of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East of Palm Beach County; Florida. and WHEREAS, Grantees have contracted to be seizedr in fee simple, portions of the aforesaid parcels of land contiguous to the land of Grantors; and WHEREAS, Grantors have agreed in consideration of the s of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and val~able considerations to grant to Grantees and all other persons claiming by, through or under Grantors and Grantees, or any of them, their predecessors in title, or their heirs, assigns or legal representatives by virtue of any deeds of conveyance describing land located in the North- west 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, easements or rights-of-way over the land described below for the purposes and in the manner expressed below; NOW, THIS INDENTURE, WITNESSETH: That, in pursuance of this agreement and in considl!:ratio of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable con siderations, the receipt of which is acknowledged, Gr~~tor~ grant unto Grantees, their successors and assigns, and to ~ll other like) situated as above described, and their successors and assigns; Full and free right anu liberty for them and their tenants, servant~, visitors and licens~es, in common with all persons having the like right, at all times hereafter, for all purposes cO~l1.ected with the use and enjoyment of the land of the Grantees ar.d those liltely situated for whatever purpo~e the land from time to time lawfully may be used and enjoyed, to pass and repass al~ng the roadway or roadways provided or to be provided, more particularly described as follows: See Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof il~~ib2454 PACE1882 ,- .,~' .. ' ,....) ~,.,_l . .. ~ c=/ t, ~~,,,,-,-~~-..........-.----_......,....._,....-;_...,..,~,_...........,~~~, ,_.__.~-- . .,., ::- ""l:;1l1Jl~"~" .. --r---- C~i A -- I ~- '" ,,- \'.~ , I L ~ .1 " I ,I l.b.. II ~ .~~ ~...........~ .~.;ad~u.""'" _ .-, -~ '-'-11I ,- ;i~'" , " .. C? (/ -:::;;::;-..:./ ......--- it ~ I I ,J....,... ~ /' I I ! I,." ' tAllIt~J:'~ - , ~\ '.<J'" ... -' ~--!!lII...."~~"""'."'- ....;...,;",jL~ .' . (5 (J II> ~ l " -- "..,' Provided, however, that the grant to" BOSTIC AND JEFFRIES, INC., for that part of the easement described as R/W DESCRIPTION FOR PART OF INDUSTRIA~ CIRCLE, which lies SOUTH of a line running east to west and located 630.49 feet nor~h of the south boundary line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town- ship 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida, is given only for access to lands lying south of the southernmost boundary of said easement. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the easement or right-of-way hereby granted unto Grantees, their successors and assigns, and those like situated as described above, and their successors and assigns, as appurtenant to the land of the Grantees and those likely situated and every part of it. It is understood that the easement is given upon the ex- press understanding and condition that it may be used by Grantors, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, ~n conjunction with the use of Grantees, their successors and assigns, and others likely situated and th~ir successors and assigns. " It is further understood that Grantors, their heirs and assigns and tenants, in no way will be bound to improve, maintain or construct a roadway or.to keep it in repair; nor do Grantors, 4 their heirs and assigns u assumla any liabili ty or responsibility to Grantees, their su~cesso~s and assigns, or others likely situated, ; their successors and assigns, or any person using the land by . invitation, expressed or implied, or by reason of any business con- ducted with Grantees, their successors and assigns, or otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have set their hands and f~ seals on the day and year first above written. In~he Cpresence of: '\..# ,.' ('\ "w-~, I (SE"" ) ~ GO rL> T"4 L.a..J c.:.J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ......... .0 a....... "'-'oJ 0" ) : ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) :c~ The ~r~going instrument was acknowledged befo~e Il\~",1;,\1,II~~ ..:5 , day of '~~~Y" ! A.D. ~19,75 by Rae G. MCLaugh1}~:~~~P:'~~'.r:.;/~:~'"" LoJ.s C. McLaugh.LJ.n, hJ.s wJ.fe. ~7 $";';-::::'';'~~'~:''~~.:;~~~'!;~;\?/:'.. . / ~ . oJ ..;':'''';'\/)''''''''''()'~''~'\o~' :. '/ _,..... '. . .c.;;V .. ;.....~.....,ht.. . _ )::: . :,:1'''. , 'f!:":....... ..-., . . ! L (.l,""L ( e---, := ..: :".;::..,:'~t.:.":::1i."7';r;~~';,';' ~ My Commission Expires :..2./17 i 7 Notary p'ubi" ,-~ - g ,;:,~:~'~'~I;t~~i~~~:r;: .!~ 1;' .... .~ 1~~~'..V:'It''"'~l'j.~.t.,~:;",: .. = ., ..' ,,_ _. ..~ L(.."\' ...'... .. "'~'1zO.n.:....v.:- ':'I.\"'~i''''''(.' ~ ,~\.i :...~.~P',,"f::,,;J'~.f,..1 ,(;~~I.}o+;~J, .,~ ',0':. "1"_.L ',:,..~~...,..~ ..,......'i .'.t .... .r" . ..,~, ...... .', ...:t..\:t:~.... .J..."" .. ....".,' -g'.V "y~/ " ,,<...rl~ ," '.I...,...:.r, J.J :itu';.'.:l' \," ~II,-..-.,;.."!.'U: ~ ',~ . ',' o 'JI,jot.. ~'oo;.,.,,\..:.. "",,\\ ""'I"H',,\ STATE OF FLORIDA ) . . COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) STATE OF FLORIDA ss: ,,'''''''''1#, ... -. \ .....~':tjJ ~1! :!'~I The f r g' 't t kId d b f th' ...... ~ c~t.,:>..~;J.;~;"." 0 e oJ.ng l.ns rumen was ac now e ge e ore me J.8 :.~'.~ .~;:"".~tt" .;(~ of S t.,.O, . , A.D. 1975, by James O. Taylor and Mildred ~~cJ:l...~~~'''''':~,':'~,':,' "~#~'.}-.~.h, is Wife, and David P. TaYl~an Jacqueline Taylor, his wi eo ~ 0 :. t.. ~ ~~~ ;c; ~t:'';~~ ~~.s "f( 7", ..~ ..~ ~','" '''~.~.:-I''~! 'u, ;,:. ~ r t . ::,:Q ~. '.:i't';'~~~ .~'l!.t..:.J:-,"r-~~r~:r;' . . ~ :"...: ~' ,,-".."'...0 ~.t.'~I~...~c'J' .. to..' . ;~:i :~~K~ssio~ Ekpires: Ncit:aryJP \blic' 0;.; ~., -~.;,..'~;i.~;;~:::~~!t ,,' -'1 t ." I' f "," J;' '...,~.. .I,t."\~,, I ~ '<I, "0 fl. ,t c:. \ \ ~.~. 'I, "f-" \\" """IH"'" · -2- ) ) ) ~ ,.. L__ _ '. ."'" ....::_. .," - - , "--"-,~,",, .__,."",~,..--_.~" ""._..........., ~-.....-~...,. - _," .. ,,- . '. - ~~. ~...-:vit;.~;~~ ..1. ........ ~-r'~.,l,I,.....,,~. '.' ,,',,:. ""'-r"'";'~' '. .t!"., ~'J"''".. ........-....:.\.r...,!'.~\..;t.; " ,,' ~ '. . ~'t ...,....,. 'Y'~..... ~ -.:.-~. '-iTw\~",--.:r-,~':~,':a4h~'~ 0\- : .1'~-"~';' ~~V.t.~~.~:~,t"T'~:;" "-:~I'\."~''''';..~~'~\''~~';;'..c' '. ~.~ ...:\,_.,;,:t~~~">;1"\' ....,-:.~;~,,1 ~\;;;>!'i";~~~'\..~l:'~ .f~~~~.~'>I"'!;~~~~~~.. . .~. . . ;';'~(i.t-rr~~J!j~;~'~~~t~~1<1<'%~"~~,,'9;;;:~~"'~' 11,.~:\,,~~~,~::r4i.-;;'~.~~'. ~~<;:,~:;,;:y;.}~"iJ.~"';~.!l.~:.~i.;.~~:)if.i:J.\~'f:,:,~S$~-:-.-)~' ")'';~.''~~',"~~~.:s';~:g~~~~.~ :.,\~ .~J' "'~," ! . . ,.~,.~~..~..tY4"1 ~"',.",,~; ~..,~ . v"..'. \. ., ......, ", ..... -' t " '.'..v-'t . 'Il-.. "-N"\ ........,. I~' . .. ..::" lIU",,\:t l<6.. v ..,- ".\.''''F"'' .W ,,~-..; . :7" ~W' ,'~ ~~ ~.;*~:L'~:.,. ..,".. I ,~....... ..~tJ.-'.'" ....,"-(f.. . '. . ..r 'I) """'. ~\, '. .....,. .,., ~.\, ".. ..... "'. .' ,.'t'~ ~ .. ..' ... t.' ..... "-',.J"': .".~ "'.-" ,(tlfOO.... "".. "..' .f ~ ..\0',. ,&.' ..11\~... "" \ .... , ~ \' '\ '-...:,Ii\ I' "-f~ - ~ ..-..., _4.... ~"'''''''-'''''-~'''r''~'' ,r ~"'\.I~~~"'""~(-'~ ~~'"4;C-'. ~~";Ie"' o;'f \\\"- ~:i -.~~ ~f'",!~I'r,'):,*JI'I;:~~~~~;~'\"f't~iAn.~~"lJ.~;\':l~t~'Jt~,,;, ~$;'\;.((.";~~'~~''6~~.~~_'Jr\)ic\l','' ,'\", ~ii"l', '(I i) _:~~~l~ . /t {'j" ,H\~ U ~\..\I'" \1 ~" {l~~"'~:~""'lSj'.~~,':~ ,~ '~'l\ ,". ~"', ,.r~ ,}~i;1"0" ~ II "'~l' . U ~f ~~ - ~ ~~Iu : 1 ~ " :"". I - \ ;~ 1, " \ ~ \ .;::' \ >~ "~ ":".1-' /. ;-\\' " . 1, ' :~ ~ J: ,,- " f .". , ' t ; _J,-" " . ',., ,,- ,-,~.__._ i ~w~.~~~....::~~,~._. __ .- ~~~~""~.&--""""......~t:t?~~~!.1' ,. ,..-.. r--, '. ,'" . 'CONRAD W. SCHAEFt: CONSUL.TING ENGINEERS, INC. CRASS OFFICE BUilDING 707 CHILLINGWORTH DRIVE WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401 TELePHONE 305 I 6B6.0663 _>t ,. RE~ W.O. 75-105 (North Boynton Industrial Park) R/W DESCRIPTION - HIGH RIDGE ROAD The West 40.0 feet of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Containing: 1.20 Acres, more or less R/W DESCRIPTION FOR PART OF INDUSTRIAL CIRCLE A strip of land in the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; said strip of land being more particularly described as follows: Com~encina at the Northwest corner of said Section 16; thence, South 870-40'- ;;J 29" East, along the. North line of said Section 16, a distance of 40.03 feet; thence, South along a line 40 feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles to, the West line of said Section 16, a distance of 606.44 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 25 feet; said point being the POINT OF BEGIN- NING; Thence, Southeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 870-421-42",: a distance of 38.31 feet to the point of tangency; thenCA, South 870-42'-4211 . East, a distance of 326.26 feet; thence, South a distance of 231.89 feet to the point of curvatUt~e of a curve to the left, having-a radius of 50 feet; thence, Southeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 870-4~ -56'1, a distance of 76.58 feet to ,the point of tangency; thence, South 870-44'-56" East! a distance of 92.49 feet; thence, South 20_15'_04" West, a distance of 50.00 feet; thf.:nct:~, North 870<-441-56" \A/est, a distance of 92.49 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having a radius of 100 feet; thence, Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 870~44:-56li, a dis- tance of 153.15 feet to the point of tangency; thence, North, a d~stance o! 159.85 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, havlng a radlus of 25 feet; thence, Northwestel~ly, along said curve, through a central angle of 870-42'-4211, a distance of 38.31 feet to the point of tangency; thence, North 870-421-421\ West, a distance of 250.20 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 25 feet; thence, Southwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 920-17'-1811, a distance of 40027 feet to the point of tangency; thence, North, a distance of 100.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing: 0.86 Acres~ more or less. , , ,fa. '\ ,~~ ~~\\\t4 ~ ~; ~q~1' ,~ ~ \\. \l'~~ ~ ~i\\ ~ ~ . itt~i52454 PAGE1884 UJM(.e~~<<~ :1 SCHEDULE flAil .' . ~.~{ ~.. ';-: . ..'. ~~NIr1i_~JI"~ ..." . ....-JC....~...... ..~ . .. 'I! .~~" . l' .- . .\. 'III . '1.N 'If;'" , · '1:1." ~_. ...... ...'~.,If' 7/' ~.. .' .' ~ .. . iI f. !- ~,' ." . ~" . I '1.. I ~ .. .. r ", . c ..' ':.."'!. . 0\" . .", ".\.' t .. I. .... , I~ t.: .. · ~.' ~ ,. '.It':,;. ~ · \' I t' . \... ~ l ' . ~.; t , . , r . 'I' ~ . , \ , I " . ; ... . .\:< . . " ~ l~ ", .. '",' ~ . . I ., , . .' '. q " .. .' . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . " . .: .' .. ~1?'J,:~' jt fr 11\ " '.. .f\ ......~""".........""-""'"'" t J 1 ~ .~ .:.,~~ t.\:1.i~~.. -~~ .....~~r...:;&.---Ll.Xl.... r...... - ~_. --'IIf_PiII':~~~:., '(- (.~ (I t: 1'0 " ~ '~, 01\ ~ I,' (( ~.. i I"