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( 1fffiJ?IL V ' ! - _.DA T1R:~~_~~~.~_~ ~_~, 2 -".' " .- -- The fence location meets in concept the requirements discussed at cur previous mee'ting3 hO\'\7ever 0 should we also address an improvement to k. ") par.JLng" the I i CSA~mpc ~ '] .'" - ~'""-t, I rl .. ~. ... .. . . l.\ \,~ 1D>A'1TIE: ~~.n. ~2 'C.i!J" ''''::'_~ ~"1:"t.....-Oi '~G::A.bi-3"W.a::;=t.~.=...- "'L'L~~ _.;::t':,::s:..:.::'-'~ Jl j l " SllGNiEIDl . ...:. _':~'...:!:'IC~ ~"IlA.--:ra::~~~~;~_'c:-..,;.,,,:> C:i..-::r~::;..-''1I:'~~~~'::::;~~~''=--~- ,.C::::"~':"::':;', _~~-:,':::-~,~.o=.:;.~~",..;o...I:_, -,~ ,,"',':;,l::: .... FORM F269 Available from GRAVARC CO.. INC., New Hartford, (,onn, 05057 ulHl~S <COfV fO!}1 flE!}1S0N A,[D)IQ)lR\lES51E(Q) 'II 'F \ , \\. ,I '~ \ t "', ~-~--:'If''':;'~''" or):--' ":" ":~. ':';1 t"fr .:..""-.: . ~l II, \1 n .~ ~ II L CJ ~ ~. .H :! :~ji '" (: ).1 \")> if: l~ '- rJ I'Y _:{, ~ it. "~'~~-'<,r-:,~:f/~:.i i ~ ''--0- =-- II .....,. 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"1" ,'l\ ~,: Fi','.. f'" l\,(" V8 ~ fIJ 1';" fi'.'~ j:'i(, f~t~ ['.'\..' ~~~.?f.;. .' r~~:' i'--' L 1,1, ~.""" ,;:~ ;i;r' 1;::7 ":1' .~~ ',,;~'~ li;~ (':'.-,.." ~"""".:. ,::':'.:> :6~ I;;-~ f..'....'..."".' ~~ ;/~~ 6': ~~gj {~}: ~!.i\ :~t .t::.. fA f"'I "'"^ l;G,..1"".'~' ;~" .,..~ ~~ ~~.:..: ~~:JI -f(r ~~J i .. MEMORANDUM December lag 1982 Mro Peter La CheneYf City Hanager Tom Clarkg City Engineer Fence Proposed at SoWo 23rd Avenue the subject fence pl~ns and commentso . lS attached hereto -~l~ ~ -:;; /~' Tom TAC;;mb Attach 0 cc~ '" R~ Wheelihanp L~WoDoDo Ao Lazzaro, FoPo& Lo Carmen AnnunzLato r Bud Howell Nancy )?ulte w/print VI VI H " ,51 'il) .~ f:... ~. t~ f1~ JJr: 6~ ['S.If. r~ f(~ tl;)'y " 1( ~f' f('~ ~r I,~ ~~ LI~,5 ~ ~~f' ~r&1.,. 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Property/SW 23rd Avenue at E-4 Canal TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE: October l2~ 1982 FILl!: RE: Surplus Land Mr. Carmen AnnunZiato.~ City Planner October 18, 1982 In response to your memo of October 6th relative to land lying South of F.P.L.ls substation on Golf Ro~d, the following is submitted: TO: Accompanying this memorandum, you will find copies of responses from Charles Frederick and Perry Cessna concerning public use of the surplus FPL property located off of SW 23rd Avenue at the E-4 Canal. This property has been noted for its park potential for m~~y years and was included in the City's Comprehensive Plan as a "special park" use, II [j RE: Florida Power & Light Property - So. of 23rd Avenue Because the property borders the E-4 Canal, it possesses the potential for outdoor recreation use (i.e. picnicing, fishing, boating). Please be advised that the only use that the Utility Depart- ment would have for this property is the possibility of in- stalling additional wells for the existing water plant, if and when any of the wells in the cemetery or along the PECRR went out of service and had to be abandoned. As noted in the responses, the surplus property ex- hibits both short and long term potential for public use; how- ever, funds to purchase the property appear not to be curLently available. Currently, the City has only one fresh water boat ramp area located in Pioneer Canal Park (Laurel Hills Sub-Division). The southern portion of the City has no ramps and Caloosa Park has no plans for boat ramps. The potential for non-public or utility use of the property has been precluded by the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element,which when adopted, set aside the use of this property for utility expansion or public recreational purposes. Subsequently, the property was rezoned REC - Recreation. The F.P.L. site is probably the only realistic area which could house a boat ramp site. (The County's Girl Scout site. while bordering the E-4 Canal. is in a very narrow, winding section and could produce residential conflicts.) The F.P.L. site is currently used reguJarly for bank fishing and would be utilized more if developed for outdoor recreation pursuits. In closing, I concur with Mr. Frederickls position concerning securing the property, owing to the fact that public access to water based recreation is decreasing on a per~capita basis in the City. We have several park areas aLd projects currently in various stages, I would not classify this area as a high priority for development at this time. However. I would classify as a high priority for acquisition if there is potential that F.P.L. is considering selling it to private interests. ~ apt ~~-:+iJ/t~ Perry A. tessna, Director of utilities ---'c CSA:mpc Attach. ~ C~~ (r<~~ Carmen S. AnnunzJ.a City Planner I think our po~irion for the short term should be to make F,P,L. aware thnt we are interested in the property, would like to have some type of option, antI tvould ask that they keep us informed of their position relative to release of the property. CC: Chas. Frederick Perry Cessna L f-" . (' /- (~::'-:::, \ :'_1 " , (' Charles C. Frederick Recreation & Park Director I CCF:as CC: Mr. Peter L. Cheney wiatt Date Time ~.' .~, ...~ ,~, -"------l.~" , , II ----,... C M, '-'" I' ~~ ~ MEMORANDUM, , .. MEMORANDUM 'Q Recreation and Parks Director Utility Director DAT5t Oct. 6, 1982 October 7, 1982 FIl.!t -ROW Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner SUDJR:CT burplus land To: Honorable Mayor and city Council Re: Florida Power & Light Surplus Land For your information, I have attached a copy of a memorandum from Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, to Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director, concerning the possible use of Florida Power & Light surplus land south of S. W. 23rd Avenue and east of the E-4 Canal. There is a possibility that public use of this land could be obtained from Florida Power & Light and wi~h limited expense, become available for citizens to have public access to this canal. General public access to the canals throughout the City, for fishing or other recreation purposes, is limited. Therefore, we are~ii~;' r ~te~}~ ~I'fanager ") Several months ago, the City, in discussions with Florida Power & Light, was made aware of the fact that the land lying to the south of FP&L's Golf Road Eubstation may be available for public or other use. Apparently, FP&L is attempting to divest itself of surplus lands. At the time of these discussions, Bill Hamilton: the di~trict manager, agreed to provide more information for the City in order for us to further define our interest. To that end, you will find accompanying this memo, a plat plan with a location sketch which indicates the extent of the FP&L property in question. The property is currently indicated as recreational on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and the zoning is REC - Recreation. Please advise as to any short or long term use to which this property could be put for public purposes. Also p~ease provide any funding ~echanisms or programJwhich you th~nk may be available to lease, purchase and develop this property. PLC:mh Att. cc: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Cbzrlss Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Perry Cessna, Director of utilities II l' r~___~" 5 L _~. "n-" Carmen s. Annunz ato City Planner ::~ii~~./ le]1 ..1--"" lime ------, ( CSA:mpc Attach. . '--::--:--.., c"-- ,- - ..,,:.-,:,.~ - .", /,} , "'. OGl1982 i-72(;F.l".C). r,:~/'~ ~.\r.L'J ~.-(? .. o~n~ ~ \ ,,; CC: City Manager w/enc. '.' Central File w/enc. " .. ._ "....."'~U"....,'".....".."'"a,........'_"'""""..~_~-.............~'""'~..H'.... Q,,,-,,~=~,_,,,,,_~,~,,,,.,~~___,._,~,,,,_~_,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,-,,,,,__~,,,'~ . _...~."^'"'-";.._~__.~.,..~~