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Cheney, City Manager 25 April 1984 FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director Mr. J. A. Weeks Right-of-Way and Land Department Florida Power & Light Company Dra\'ler D West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Please review the attached material from Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, which includes a letter and location map from Florida Power & Light and provide us with you opinion concerning the extension of FPL use into the R-IA lot identified on the location map. RE: PERMITTED USES IN RIA ZONE ,~ Florida Power and Light Company is a contract purchaser of Lot 9, Gordon Park subdivision (see attached location map), and, as noted in the letter from J. A. Weeks to the Planning Director dated February 27,1984 (copy attached), FP&L wishes to expand its Old Boynton Road substation onto Lot 9. In this regard, there are two land development docu- ments which impact this land use decision; namely, the zoning code and the Comprehensive Plan. However, a problem arises as to the permissiveness of expanding public utilities into an RIA single-family jistrict. Dear Mr. Weeks: It appears that the Local Government Comprehensive Plan for the City allows this, but there is a question about the zoning. ~t This date I received an opinion from the City's legal staff concerning the conflict between the Comprehensive Plan Utility Element and the RIA Single-Family zoning regulations regarding the expansion of "the. Old Boynton Road electrical substation. Our attorneys have ruled that the Comprehensive Plan prevails over the zoning code. Therefore, Florida Power & Light will be permitted to expand the substation facility as requested. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, site plan review will be required as noted in the Comprehensive Plan. In this regard, I have enclosed an application for site plan review which should be completed and submitted along with six ~ets of site plans and a $200.00 fee for processing purposes. If, after you receive the application you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Yours very truly, cc: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Edgar E. Howell, Building Official Ceni:ral Files @:t /~ Peter L. Cheney City Manager In the zoning code, public utilities are permitted in the C-3, C-4, and M-l zoning classifications only, subject to some minor limiting conditions; however, the Comprehensive Plan Utility Element provides for electrical support facilities in any land use category (see attached page 79). This conflict, given the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975 as amended, would seem to be decided in favor of the wishes of FP&L. and in this regard, an opinion from the City Attorney is warranted. Therefore, please send a copy of this memorandum to the City Attorney concerning the nature of permitted uses. PLC:mh Atts. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Co.~ ~..rt':~ ~ Carmen S. Annunz" 0 C~--"- ~ SL--~ /0ks cc: Building Official J. A. Weeks Central File 4 lU\R 1984 R~CEiVC ~:. ~ MMl'I-;;'C' (lffjeJ~ Carmen s. Annunzi~to Planning Director I /bks cc: Building Official Tim P. Cannon J 'j AVE ~ : 10(0 G '0 _ :'1 10'5 ;: ,'''.' ~. 1"9' .. - . . :-i' , ::,-1: ' ,"" MEMO " .~r--7. ---.:l~~>--dj~M-' il~~~ J'Z.~, .~ ~"o=IOlh=-- - N W e.~ -; ; &4 2.C04 ". 'II ~ tt:.tI'"$ _ ~ ! 1\1 - rEnTED ~\U JL 'V 1.\.J.f! '\" ",e;j' v )'J .::j~ "1 I i ~ ~ I I I c.4.S' . CD . APR 24 "~Rt1. PLANNING DEP1. =n I -'" @-~~ It) 1-, Ul W s: ; TO: 'I . 'IIoP' Mr. Peter Cheney, City Manager FROM: William P. Doney, Esquire 1,"0' ,,-0' 95 "$ AVE '3 .~ 144 ; 11)90 's BOYl INDl PAR A legal op~n~on has ~een requested as to whether the Florida Power & Light Company may legally expand its Old Boynton Road Substation onto adjoining land which is zoned R-IA. In this regard, it does not appear that the Zoning Code of the City permits such a use by a public utility. However, the Comprehensive ~lan Utility Element provides for electrical support facilities ~n any land use category and shall be deemed to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 1!. 'g : 94 2.~5 i r '2.45 81h 244'~ i 2.:.5 t... .:1 3: 1 .'9' 'z: ~ DATE: April 23, 1984 ~" 4~ ~s...!Il : I" . . 0 . RE: Florida Power & Light Substation - R-IA Zoning Classification .. ..0 a..:: 5!. -~ .. - 110 . I 3 u." ..~. ! ~~~-!}> ~.,.t ..= . -. . .. II :51 ~ ...' ;"~ . ;: . Z' 'M' '.0' 1:'1- "3 ~ 1:'1 ''''0' II' ..! t;i ~ 12- l> lJl ~ AV'F:. ICo ': Section 163.3161, Florida Statutes, et seq., which is the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, pro'Tides for the resolution of conflicts between the Comprehensi~e Plan and local zoning laws. In particular, Section 163.3194: Florida ptat~tes, provides that in the event of a conflict between a comprehensive plan and local zoning laws shall be resolved in favor of the comprehensive plan and that in the event of a conflict, the comprehensive plan prevails. Accordingly, it is my opinion that since the proposed use of the property by the Florida Power ~ Light Company complies with the City's Comprehensive Plan, it ~s therefore permitted on the parcel which is zoned R-IA. ff l' l r WPD/sjw ./ cc: Carmen Ann~nziatov' 3iJl2 WILLIAM P. DONEY, 'BOYNTON ---- \- ~ I €-o~!lD \\~' 313 ; ~ ...... N\'I ,r / ~ D w"Tr?-.A.c:-r --;-;. ~~ Rc::."-'ASE. Lo, '\ ~bVlc::::.-c~ YA~~ JAM~e W. VANOll~. P.A. \1-' (; . )'j I~ . Cl ", ;. ..~ ^f /.f' ~.' ~ -: . T ': ~ .' .IIltl~...__ ~ . .., I ~ .. .~ ~. ."