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DOCUlViEl\IT TYPE Dare Parking Lot Variance - PL V D D D Master PIan Modification - MPM Preapplications - Preapp Conditional Use - CU Master Plan -lVIP Rezoning - R Rezoning and Land Use Element Amendment - LUEA D D Preliminary Plat - PP Site Plan - SP Annexation - A I Abandonment - Abdm Site Plan Modification - SPM I\Tumber of Sheets I~~ /91l~ Year D ~ D TS: Approved o PLfJ-N~ Denied D Conditions D p'fJ2PO 5-E'_D COMIVlEN A/" ~::.i::~:::'.~:'I::i::,.:.~.'.l:.I::,~:.:..~:.::':i:'~:.:.1::'I:..I::;.;::;.;:i::.::.':~:.::~:::;:.'~:.;.':;:.:'.;:i:::;::'::.::'.;:.'.!:"::~:',:,:,~:,::,~,:,;:::i:::!:.~.~:::~:.~.~::~,::.!:.:,::;.:::~.::.~.1:.:.l:.',~.~:::.~:;,'~:~:::::.":.~.::~:::.~.:~.::.>::::.:.~:'::.:,~m~~}j~~:0~1~tii~~rrlS~:[Bjj~~~j~j:jt~~:~t1;nJ1~r..:"".~~tj:Mtt1~~~nJj~~~j~i~fti~jiD,]E::j:j:i~~~j~~~j:j(~;~;j~it Ille~iriJr N@o ~ . Jg'426~ _J = I Fii<cihlce No/> Sra ~,~~ x. 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'/'.)..-....." ~,~) ',\ I' '~: 'If If l~ t ~\ );> \\ Ii '1 ,'J )1 ~" ~: V ,I lJ ?~ .1 }~ ~ ;, \) ); ~ " Ii lj', ,9F-.l" ' , ~t~Q~( t;~:t: \~t :."'1.~,-, ,,;(',' ,. :, " i I /' ( (..,' -',. ...~-. ,.j) ~i:4 " , I, " 'i~ " If " " ~i' . ii,\ .-:~f_ '::, ';";.} '" (J ,. ;, l~ ..,'.- ~~:--- .(;;~~;. .~."'...: :;sri~}r ?~~Z~~V'~.'f":.. ,~.~>>-;~..".~... ",'-"-',.' 'v-:,,',c;,....-- (,.',"'. . "," 0\1', ' '.;;!d.C1 ! l Page T,,ro. MEMORANDUM use study has been completed and the findings suggest the following: 17 May 1985 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager That a zoning category other than C-3 may be appropriate for the lots facing Old Dixie Highway, south of the residential area, That care must be taken to protect the low to moderate income residential area east of Old Dixie Highway, and, C-3 Community Commercial zoning remains an appropriate zoning category for the lots facing on US-I. In the interim, between final analysis and adoption of a 1985/86 Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Department's position has been that all lands annexed in this area be zoned C-3 so as to ~ver- come any instance of spot zoning. Finally, it is the Planning Depa:tment'~ re:o~~endation tha~ the City reject the mini-warehouse, ~ndust:~al ~a~d u~e proposea by the Garay Development Company and requ~:e tha~ ~h~s p,?ol?erty be annexed and zoned C-3 Community commerc~al= ~h~s pos~t~on may have implicit support from the County Cornm~ss~on based on the interest shown in South County traffic and land use issue~ recently by the Commission. An alternative for the applicant woule be to delay development until the Council has adopted an updated , Comprehensive Plan which may suggest alternate land uses for th~s area. 1. FROM: Carmen S. ~~nunziato, Planning Director 2. RE: Goray Development Company - National Self-Storage t r 3. The purpose of them memo is to provide a~ ~nalysis of t~e plan~ing considerations related to the proposed m~n~-warehouse, 2ndustr~al use of land which is proposed by the Garay Development Company on South Federal Highway, north of the Gulfstream Mall (see attached location map) . In order to clearly understand the issues related to locati~g a mini-warehouse on this parcel of land, it is necessary to v~ew this parcel in the context of current and ~uture land uses ~n ~he area as well as on the site. The geograph~c area of analys2s ~s bounded on the east by Highway US-I, the south by the south City limit, and the west and north by Old Dixie Highway. Historically, the City has annexed lands in this area.and,has z~ned these lands C-3, Community Commercial. The success of th~s zon~ng policy is evidenced by the clusters of successful businesses at the intersections of US-l and Gulfstream Boulevard and US-l and Old Dixie High,.,ay. There is additional evi.dence to suggest that ~he frontage along U8-1 will continue to develop in a manner cons~stent with this policy based on our most recent utility agreements (Mehok Office Project and Greenacres Count~Day School). Many of the issues related to this land use decision are inter- governmental in nature. with this in mi~d! approximately one.year ago, the Planning Department staff met w2tn our coun~erpa:ts ~n County government to discuss the future use of land 1n th~s and other similarly located unincorporated County pocket areas. What resulted was an understanding that the County staff would support the City so far as decisions were made in this area in th~ arena of future land use. The responsibility accepted by the C~ty was. to prepare an analysis of land uses in this area in a comprehens~ve manner and to include in an updated comprehensive plan, proposals for future land use which recognized the existing residential neighborhoods located west of the FEC Railroad right-of-way and on the east side of Old Dixie Highway. To date, an existing land 1 r I c~~ Jl---4A_~ Carmen S. Annunzb1'to /bks cc: utilities Director Central File , _,__.J'> , I I I :1 " ~ [ Ij ~ i ,1 rl [i-j ~ u i rIll ~J ! '~ '"1 , f" I t '\lj j " 1 - :s rl I f JL \'r'~' 1 a,J 1 MEMORANDUM Mr. Perry A. Cessna 14 E-iay 1985 Page T\'l0 May la, 1965 Thank you for your cooperation. TO: Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, Director of Planning --'~"'''''D -..' .r""-' ." , \ m,~~:: ,:'.~ ~ '. \/ ~ :'i ~'J .~ "~1 ~ ,tJ W~~ b;/~ti 'b - ..~l.J~ RE: National Self storage ~. .-.- PL~~'..'~;,~ ;....' :~.." I. -..""""'..."'*"'*."",_.."....._-- As discussed with you, attached is the complete file regarding the above subject. The city Manager requested that you write up a formal review of this so that we can prepare an appropriate reply to Adair and Brady. AJC/ag cc: Peter Cheney Carmen Annunziato Lee Starkey Gerald Goray Ronnie l?ertnoy c?~ f1 ~ Ii Perry A. Cessna, Director of utilities } apt Attachments: als above ~~ .:1 , I I f I I I 1 I I l?j 1'1' I I .""',.....................,i""J},,, <'",..-- J!,,"' ";:'!~ r;~~~ ;J~:::'; ':X'"" "'IL 1/-""". ,,"~"'-' ..l.\" . It, LZ{ ij5 ~'-- l{[ :A f\\ t' !41&," I," l~~"'.: ~~,?,\ !~~ ~",..'" ,lf~ :,": (.;..'; i r~.Il, tJ~~ BOOSE l (~Kl~N MARTENS & lU6~TZ LAW OFFICES 14 t<lay J985 W:lURJ\1 R. BOOSE. lU AlRN J. OKUN. PA. CORY J. OKUN ANNI W. COLLETTE STEPHEN FRY DANa R. HERSHMAN BRUCE G. KALeTA CHARLES A. LUBITZ HOM~ H. MARSHMRl'\l, JR. RlGffiRD L MARTENS. P.R. LYNDA J. HRARlS VlRm'WR R. MARTINEZ Mr. Perry A. Cessna Director of Utilities City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Property Located on North Federal Hightiay, North ot Gulfstream r.1all . .~ l'l~ . j?: ~r ;L;. t.._, 1';1\'fl ~,F:" ~~'." t' ,1 ~)nl~ &~ d:I ~l\;i0..::, .Jr., ) ~" ')4' M>-,::: '" - wL" f:""", ' L'i\)- ' i":';""", .;( ~,i."L ~~ [' ';~ ~~r i>!J '# rtLS~i ","l1' r)",~~ ["""~ l!~;,;;,f r":-\"; l~ LftcJ\ U;~ li!)"" [fC;' ~(lJ" ;:;_J~ ~ft17;) ~~~ ,\G~~ h)~ ~~ k~ lr~' ,~ Rj,~J'i P~1-" ;$)r:' "71:7'", d' l"?(~ I'J.\,":. 4~~l{ '1<1'" l~' r,(9 [i'iW 5, 1, ,'C }~~ t~t '~(8 'I"-i Ji, ~ 1;,.._~. ~4:)jt'~ r " ~1l1l' ~L\~ 1!! ,j]ii !if"" t7i.~ lJ)'i> G.~; i r;:Vi f114\ -!k/~ ~D{~ ~3r,,,, -~~ ',~ ,il1 Dear Perry: Thank you for meeting with Lee Starkey and me on Way 141 1985. As I explained at that time, my client is the contract purchaser of the above-captioneCi site. He 'tiishes to put a high quality, self-storage facility on that location, which we believe is compatible with the surrounding area, and is permitted as a Special Exception use in Palm Beach County U s General Commercial District. The property is located in the unincorporated area. Although my client "Iould not have any objection to anne::dng into Boyntcln, the City U s Zoning Code does not alIo\-1 self-storage in their commercial district. Ther.efore, an agreement to annex at this particular time is not possible. I.ly client only develops self-storage facilities. We realize that ~'later and SE!.'1er facilities are geographically available in the immediate vicinity and under the jurisdiction of Bo)!nton Beach. This is my client's request for service to the subject site. We will either execute an agreement ~hereby ~e t'.Till anne~t ell~ development of the project in the County, or, if that is not acceptable, please issue a denial of our request. liJ'e are certainly me trying to place the City in a difficult position as it rela'::'Yls to this request, hOt'1evezr \-Ie \-lould lilte to Imow either one \-lay or the other ~hether the City \'lill service the project. Since time is of the essence, if \'le do not receive a response within a \'leek, we will consider it the CityUs position not to service the above-captioned site at this time. EIGHTI-I A.OOR " 1H( CONCOURSE 0 2000 PALM &fl<H lflKES BlVD. 0 W5T PALM 8EAQi. A. 33409 " (3OS) 689-9% 1UJX 510-952.7646 .-"- ~WJ Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors, Land Plann;prs 195B &:luth Congress Avenue West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 Telephone: (3051964.1221 Office also located 10 Stuart,Fl, ADAU~ &. IEl~AD'f, ONC. r~n., W'~ f ~~ l_~ rye ,,,X;d I:;..:.-:.;~ ~J;.J r~~,;; 19~ ~ !:~ c~~ . ~~ ff(~ m,\\\" ~. r'~I r ",~ ~','[; /~~ l!';; l ))Ir'~ (7<,-:;': t7"i\ t:K', fV.,','.',.'-o-.,..-,."". '.' -~\ ) ;~ r{,,1P M'~~ k .~< f~.;~ tfi }'# , , , u !;tt If; Ji(, ~. ..<1~~ ~"-~'1':l r~,J~ J~.,'J. I) .,g; tl.,~..~.J.',..',~~.,.' "+t ~ ,,-' ~; ::>~ to.".. c 1/, ,--,'-., r';--';;j lc# Cdj(;,~ t'5'i7 I~('. :,~~.~ , \~ r\~~Ji~{ [,,\j r , 'I' ;,?i:<~ :. ,/~;:fJr ,.1 '\\ a. April 24, 1985 Mr. Perry Cessna Boynton Beach Utility Department 124 S.E. 15th Ave. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 RE: NATIONAL SELF STORAGE. BOYNTON (JUST NORTH OF GULFSTREA11 ~UlLL) ENGINEER'S PROJECT 4123 Dear Perry, An ue discunoed yeoterday. I urn attaching tuo (2) lett:rG from. the Health, Department requiring the standard lette~ from the uti11t~ Gtat1~g the ava1l- ability of uater and neuer. I ~en~ 11ark,L~u.of your off1ce a GLte plan several dayo ago for him to plot the e~1stLng utL11t1ea. Your immediate cooper~tion in greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ADAIR & EaAD~Y' C. Wd.~ Keith n. Ja Bon Engineering Dbrioion KBJ: jf attachment 1< !/( , 1/ ;;I}Y:.53.>':- '''.\' / 'I ?~'~, }/ j' ........---...'i;"~:<>.::."...,,.'\';... ~ ., ,'IV ,....""J -'_~~~.k'-" ""~~~~~ .~,- '1 '. . _....._..... _"..~ ~_.~>__"~____,__.~.J~_~___.. .-.. .': .::0- . ., .. , ,," , I~- ~(J- ') [l STATE OF FLORIDA f)DG t\ . ~~ fi:',~ cp~ DEPARTMENT OF f1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Heai~h 8& Rehabmtat~ve Serv~ces ~ ~.~,~ ~ ~,.~ District Nine Palm Beach County Health Dept. tJ ~ ~ ~d;-lJ P,O. Box 29 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Bob Graham, Governor Please Address Reply to: ESE-WPB April 8, 1985 . J I t I I I I I ! ~ Douglas 0lLaughlin, Po~o Adair & Brady, I~co 1958 South Congress Aveo West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: National Self Storage Septic Dear Mro O!Laughlin~ This office has reviewed the plans and applications for the referenced project(s) 0 For compliance wi.th Palm Beach County Environmental Control Rul~ I (ECR Il and Chapter 1~D=6 FoAoCog,the items marked on the attached checklist MUST be resolved before final approval of your application(s) 0 A response is required within thirty (30) days or it will be necessary for this office to take final action on your application(s)0 Sincerely, For the Division Director Environmental Sciences and Engineering i \ L ]~ ? ~ ~~ R~t Jo Mitchell Plan Review and Permits FJG/RJM/ch Enclosu1:e j I 1 1 1 r 1 ] (" ,~;~ \1"" . )'~ i'fol1~ .\......\ \~l~. '\51 -" >L,," ' if , "j'" . 'i'i:'( ~~,~ :-I "\~' ,~ ~{):tj '\~~,:';0:: ,," -;; ~\ \" . "-':.' .....;u___:.~.rl.,.-" I ~ 'iJ~'';' "'.'-< -;'-~~4l;'I.;;'-'c ;"::,;'l.'-'" "'~' '-.:" '--'~""...------...-~;>-.iJllf'.''1'.', ~'-; 1, I ',1 ,. ,.'d. ,.. .' "ft... .' .:.,t::. '.:..:- ::;:::::.... . ... ... . -, ",' I ... ~.' ~ <( STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF Bob Graham. Governor I I ,~ '"I 'J District Nine P.O. Box 29 Palm Beach County Health Dept. West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 ~n M i,!\! '~f t~- r } ,l\. v~, ,; " 81, 4,; , ~ ;- CJ HeaUh 8& Rehabmtative Serv~ces Please Address Reply to: ESE-WPB '/123 PPo Ptdlb April 8, 1985 Douglas OrLaughlin, PoEo Adair & Brady, lnco 1958 South Cong~ess Aveo West Palm Beachg FL 33406 Re: National Self Storage 1 Dear Mro O'Laughlin~ This office has reviewed the plans and'~pplications fO: the referenced project(s)~ For compliance with Palm Beach County EnV~r~Qment~~ control Rule II (EC~ II) the items marked on the at~ach~d chec~llst MUS! be resolved before final approval of your appllcatlon(s)0 A response is required within,thirty (30).day~ or.it will be necessary for this office to take final act10n on your appllcatlon(s) 0 1< 1 i Sincerely; For the Division Director Environmental Sciences and Engineering r~ ~ A, ~ ___f f,L. ~u-.-- ~V'TVo'0 Bahram FaEilv Plan Review and Permits FJG/BF/ch .' .,' gnclosures . ""'.' t' .' e '\I, ~ l~~t , 'i t , , i , '/ r, i \ t ~ " t I"" . ...., ~ I, . 'I to .. . ".,. ,~ " .: '. t-t 'i." t..... . ~'I ~. I 0, } ~~~,:.7i.'~ '1"~~~.....:;~~""'1- ,"" " ,--~",-'~ "'-'\ \....\ I I \ ------,- . :.:..: .... 0' o' :::f;: :.:~:. :"..:: . '-, , " .. , . , t , . " " b a PROJECTg National Self sto~~~~ septic Tank COMMERCIAL SEPTIC TANK CHECKLIST j{X 1.. .' 1 bo the enclosed uDoeclaratiorrn of Restx:ict.it K1Suu Please comp_ebe . 0 h 1 ~ ~5 ~n. made f d t.urn. it to this office ~J'1. th a C SCAt .1!.OX: <>gJ 0 J ' p~~:b~~ t~ethe Clex:k of the Circuit Courto ($40Im fox: f'ach additional page) t ba stamped bv ENCON~ plans rous.... .I! Plans must be stamped by the eit:r of Delray Beacho The proposed use exceeds the allowable sewage flow for the parce10 The dosiog system does not meet the J:equirements of 10D ~6o 20 30 40 fI H I;:; i r , , ( i , i / l f f ( ~. \ . , \ l I I \1- .\J l' \11 50 ao b.. Co 60 The septic tank system does not meet the requirements cf 1({JD~6 0 010 bo ~ ,~ do eo 10 A well is requiredo 10 0 fo~ ~o~~t,~nction of the water m~.n is Plans and app lcatlons . ~ ~A~ .w t:equ.iredo Plans and applications for dry sewer lines are requi~ei ~ ].@~~@g fE@rf(ill, ~rruQ TillC&~gg$~ ~t~1J1.i~~ $~at!1mi ~g tAJU~0E ~~@ :"f\1Jer t ~~~^Y~!e' ilB QWB~JLQ@].~ ~HUl~l ~he 6Ii$tanc~ t.~ th~ !ili~uE@8~ J1!ffi@\t MUS tQ)@ ~@jgmit;~@01o 110 The site plan must show drainag~u pavement and pa~kingQ OTHER~ & lette~ from the owner stating e~actly what type of opa~ation will be conducted at this establishmento 80 90 ~?~7 61>6", ~~..zl.t~ JUV 0 xx xx "'.. ~... ~'<::.;~ 0' '" 0~ fj,:.r, -' ;:,'0 o .,.--,.'..."......,..t--,~ - .~'> ;~,', \ -- 'c,"" " ,(! '0 ,."'\';;-'() ';~, {~.~ -;[ c._,' ~~ '\V , 0", 0"";, " () t;. (:; CI ._;-~~"t',~--"::::--\.$; "'-"~"? '...~L' 0" '''-'''''-1 -..... 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' " ,0 1 "[' ,) , " -1: -:! l } 0 0" , 0",. \.. .... ; ....':1 .' , 4 ~ ",' ",) I, . " .e.", ," ...', , " ,,;>,,' " \_~ ~!>>__:w~".~~,<,- . ... NON-COMMUNITY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY CHECKLIST A $20.00 check made payable to the "palm Beach County Health Department" is required for the processing fee. A total of four (4) sets of plans are required. submit__ add- itional set(s). plans MUST be ( ) signed and ( ) sealed by the englneer-of- record. I SE I I t :?ilI rHo xx -- --""- pubmit a site location map. . w...~...~ r---..., I., I~ ""';;: Revise plans to include the following: A 100 ft radius circle drawn around the proposed well location ------ certified to be free of sanitary hazards. A 200 ft distance between the location proposed well and any on- site sewage disposal systems. pump must be located at well or suction line grouted; Raw and finished water sample taps - smooth nosed; ~ lIr I -~ -[" 0 ~ I I I I xx Drain valves for water storage or detention tanks; (must be shown) xx _~ Vacum breaker or air gap for waste disposal; (must be indicated) Chlorination is required; Well ccpstruction details; a. 6ft. by 6ft. concrete pdd around well , b. Grouting with dimensions c. MeaLS of disinfecting well (Tee or plug on the well for purpose~ disinfecting) A fence or enclosure around facility. The following items on the application are incomplete or need revising Applicant'S original signature on the application cr authorized agent. ~ Letter of authorization Engineer-of-record must ( ) sign and ( ) seal the application, original sign~ture. ~ - 1 .1... Check the per capita consumption, it is low. - '~ -d ~ rif I OJ SITE C3 P \. w.. .......~... '-." ..- . of the application MUST be complaten. RS. GulfstT'lltCln) ft1d II ~ ~~ 4 Item Water analysis for primary inorganics from the proposed well to be submitted at time of certification & must be from same well. xx 15 minutes minimum chlorine detention time is required at peak flow based on well pump capacity (gpm) or fexture count. ptovide vacum breakers on all hose bibbs. RM:, ~r: , , , , c i~ · , ,I. I . Q ~ ~ , , ....~.. ~-l,' TOWN ___--- A flow measuring device is required. RS xx Sub~it a letter from the nearest utility indicatin~ if public water is available or not and the distance to t~e near- est water main. . .,. -l,- Please provide the Palm Beach county proverty control number. for the property involved in this project. Size of softner and method of disposal of waste should be given. CG . ' . .. , , , I fill !,i\ ' . .: ..88 . .' ~ " ~ ! .'l{'t~f.~'~T ,-:,: xx o 200 .,r r.~ ~ .~ ..1 .,:;:;;;",~-:::~.""'~;"''';'';;;'''''''''''';;''-_'"''~:'. :--. 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